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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O regime jurídico do gasto tributário no direito brasileiro / The legal regimen of tax expenditures in Brazilian law

Elcio Fiori Henriques 10 August 2009 (has links)
Os benefícios fiscais produzem efeitos financeiros similares aos das despesas públicas, mais especificamente as subvenções, na medida em que ambos são instrumentos utilizados para transferir ao particular beneficiado recursos financeiros que a priori pertenceriam ao Estado. Nesse sentido, foi criado nos Estados Unidos nas décadas de 1960 e 1970 o conceito de tax expenditure, traduzido para o português para renúncia de receita ou gasto tributário, o qual representa a quantificação dos efeitos financeiros dos benefícios fiscais. Tal enunciado quantitativo, uma vez integrado ao processo orçamentário, torna possível a comparação do custo financeiro dos benefícios fiscais com as despesas diretas de mesma finalidade, tornando a instituição de tais normas tributárias mais controlada e transparente. No Brasil, somente com a Constituição Federal de 1988 foram instituídos controles sobre os gastos tributários, determinando o texto constitucional a necessidade de inclusão de um relatório de gastos tributários anexo à proposta orçamentária, bem como a competência fiscalizatória dos órgãos de controle interno e externo para a fiscalização da aplicação das renúncias de receita. Tal controle foi intensificado com a promulgação da Lei Complementar n. 101/2000, a qual determina em seu artigo 14 diversos requisitos para os instrumentos introdutores de benefícios fiscais, inclusive a necessidade de compensação da receita perdida com outras fontes de recursos. A aplicação das normas relativas aos gastos tributários, entretanto, necessita de um conceito consistente de benefício fiscal, o qual permite identificar as normas tributárias que devem ter seus efeitos financeiros submetidos a controle orçamentário. Tal conceito ainda não pode ser encontrado no Brasil, uma vez que o próprio Governo federal ainda não apresenta uma definição rigorosa e consistente para o instituto. Assim, partindo de um conceito de benefício fiscal encontrado na lei complementar, este trabalho apresenta diretrizes para a identificação de gastos tributários nos institutos tradicionalmente utilizados para a concessão de exonerações tributárias. / The tax benefits produce financial effects similar to those of the public expenditures, more specifically subsidies, since both institutes are instruments used to transfer to the citizen resources that would have belonged to the State. Because of this conclusion was created in the United States of America in the 60ths and 70ths the concept of tax expenditure, which represents the estimated value of the financial effects of the tax benefits. This estimated figure, once integrated to the budget process, allows the comparison between the financial cost of the tax benefits and the public expenses of similar goals, providing controls and accountability to the creation of such tax norms. In Brazil, only the Federal Constitution of 1988 created controls to the tax expenditures, establishing the obligatory inclusion of a tax expenditures report attached to the budget proposal, as well as the power to the Authorities of the intern and extern financial controls to investigate the application of tax expenditures. The control of tax expenditures was increased with the Complementary Law 101/2000, whose article 14 establishes several conditions to the legal act that creates tax benefits, including the necessity of compensate the tax losses with additional sources of revenue. The application of these controls requirers a consistent definition of fiscal benefits, which allows the identification of the norms that produce tax expenditures. Such concept still cannot be found in Brazil, since the Federal Government still do not presents a satisfactory definition of what would be a tax benefit. Therefore, once found a definition of tax benefits in the Complementary Law, this study presents conclusions that contribute to the identification of tax expenditures in the traditional institutes of Brazilian tax law.

Osvobození od osobního důchodové daně jako faktor formulující míru zdanění ve vybraných evropských zemích / Personal pension tax exemption as a factor which influences taxation rate in selected European countries

Křížová, Lucie January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the effects of personal pension tax exemption on the tax rate in selected European countries, namely in the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. The main goal is to quantify the effect of exempt incomes on tax rate. To fulfil the stated goal, firstly important terms related to this issue, such as tax expenditures, are defined. Then methods of their measurement are described. The following chapter addresses the structure of personal pension taxation. The third chapter analyses exempt incomes in the selected states, and with regards to the Czech Republic quantifies tax expenditures related to incomes of a social nature. The last chapter contains a comparative analysis of tax-exempt social incomes in the selected countries, and analyses their effect on tax rate as related to various household types with various levels of income.

Tax expenditure and tax prices

Bohanon, Cecil E. January 1981 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to examine an unexplored aspect of tax expenditures: the tax-price implications of tax exemptions, deductions and credits. Although this implication of tax expenditures has not been adequately examined, two separate lines of analysis have been suggested by the existing literature. Some authors have emphasized the welfare costs of tax expenditures. To the extent that tax expenditures narrow the tax base the introduction or extension of a tax expenditure undoubtedly makes the cost of raising revenue more than it would be otherwise. This kind of cost, denoted as a welfare cost, can be incorporated into a model of individual tax-price determination. On the other hand, other authors have emphasized another tax-price implication of tax expenditures: that the introduction or extension of a tax expenditure changes the cost-shares faced by each taxpayer, exclusive of any welfare cost. Since an individual's cost-share is nothing more than his personal tax base divided by the aggregate tax base, this result emerges because a tax expenditure usually changes the individual's tax base in a manner disproportionate to the change in the aggregate tax base. This dissertation will explore and combine each line of analysis, both theoretically and empirically. In the first portion of the dissertation a model of tax-price determination is developed that explicitly incorporates the welfare cost of taxation. Various tax expenditures are then introduced into the model and their effects on individual tax-price schedules discerned. In this way the influence a tax expenditure has on an individual's choice over public sector size can be surmised. The next portion develops within the confines of a simple median voter model some potential allocative implications of various tax expenditures. This portion traces out the expected change in the median voter's desired quantity of the collective good, given various tax expenditures, via an analysis of the cost-share impact of the various tax expenditures. Although in this section welfare costs are not explicitly considered or all possible political cases outlined, the analysis does look at a set of cases that are of general interest. The final portion of the dissertation considers the influence tax expenditures taken in toto have on both the cost-sharing arrangement among individual taxpayers and the welfare cost to individual taxpayers. The results are used to gauge both the distributive and allocative implications of tax expenditures. / Ph. D.

Odpočet na podporu odborného vzdělávání / Tax deduction of vocational education

Gluzová, Karolína January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on tax deduction of vocational education. The thesis analyses reasons for the introduction of tax deduction. These were for example trends in education in the Czech republic after year 1993, as well as employers´ demand on skilled employees. Beside the description of legislation of tax deduction of vocational education, diploma thesis describes how the vocational education is supported abroad. The last part of diploma thesis analyses employers´ opinions on tax deduction of vocational education, that were obtained from questionnaire.

Osvobození od osobního důchodové daně jako faktor formulující míru zdanění v zemích EU / Exemption from Personal Income Tax as a Factor in Formulating the Rate of Taxation in the EU Countries

Červená, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
In my diploma thesis on Exemption from personal income tax as a factor in formulating the rate of taxation in the EU countries are defined terms of tax expenditures and tax exemptions. The main objective of this work is the analysis of income exempted from personal income tax in the Czech Republic and the EU member states, with a focus on revenue social nature. In an analysis of exempted income in the Czech Republic are quantified tax expenditures associated with the exemption of social income of taxpayers. It is a comparative analysis of the exempted social income in EU member states, and I analyze the impact of exemption of social income tax rate of selected types of households with different levels of income.

The deductibility of future expenditure on contract in terms of section 24C

Calitz, Johanna Eliza 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MAcc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Section 24C of the Income Tax Act No. 58 of 1962 (‘the Act’) provides for a deduction of future expenditure that will be incurred by the taxpayer in the performance of his obligations under a contract from which the taxpayer derived income. Due to uncertainties regarding the meaning of certain words and phrases used in section 24C, the first aim of this assignment was to determine the meaning of the word ‘expenditure’ and the phrase ‘will be incurred’ as used in section 24C. The second aim was to establish how a taxpayer will prove with certainty that he will incur future expenditure in the performance of his obligations under a contract. This was done by discussing the effect of contractual terms and other circumstances and by taking into account certain additional guidelines regarding the interpretation of section 24C provided for in Interpretation Note: No. 78 (‘IN 78’). It was established that the word ‘expenditure’ means the amount of money spent, including the disbursement of other assets with a monetary value. The word ‘expenditure’ also specifically includes the voluntary payments and disbursements of assets. The word ‘expenditure’ can also include a loss if the word ‘loss’ can be equated to the word ‘expenditure’. The phrase ‘will be incurred’ implies that the taxpayer will, in a subsequent year of assessment, have an unconditional obligation to pay for expenditure, which must arise from the taxpayer’s obligations to perform under the contract. Contractual terms and other circumstances can indicate whether there is certainty that future expenditure will be incurred as aforementioned. Conditions and warranties are contractual terms that indicate that there is uncertainty regarding the taxpayer’s obligations to perform under the contract. A time clause in a contract can indicate that there is certainty regarding the taxpayer’s obligations to perform under the contract. Similar contracts with similar conditional obligations to perform cannot be grouped together in order to determine the probability, and thus the certainty, that future expenditure will be incurred in the performance of the taxpayer’s obligations under a contract. The probability that a taxpayer will perform his unconditional obligation under the contract must, however, be proved in order to demonstrate that there is certainty regarding the incurral of the future expenditure. IN 78 does not specify whether a loss which can, in certain circumstances, be equated to the word ‘expenditure’, is deductible under section 24C. This should be clarified. The new undefined phrases (a high degree of probability, inevitability, certainty and potentially contractually obligatory), as used in IN 78, might cause confusion when interpreting section 24C. These phrases should be defined and it should be explained how the high degree will be measured. Lastly, is was shown that an anomaly occurs regarding trading stock at hand at the end of a year of assessment, which will be utilised in a subsequent year of assessment in the performance of the taxpayer’s obligations under a contract. Such trading stock does not represent ‘future expenditure’ and must be excluded from the section 24C allowance. However, due to the interplay between section 24C and section 22(1), the taxpayer does not receive any tax relief for the expenditure actually incurred to acquire the closing trading stock in the year in which such trading stock is acquired. It is, therefore, questioned whether the established interpretation of section 24C is in agreement with the Legislator’s original intention with section 24C namely, to match income received under a contract with the related deductible expenditure. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Artikel 24C van die Inkomstebelastingwet No. 58 van 1962 (‘die Wet’) voorsien ʼn aftrekking vir toekomstige onkoste wat deur die belastingpligtige aangegaan sal word in die nakoming van sy verpligtinge ingevolge ʼn kontrak waaruit hy inkomste verkry het. As gevolg van onsekerhede ten opsigte van die betekenis van sekere woorde en frases wat in artikel 24C gebruik word, was die eerste doelstelling van hierdie navorsingswerkstuk om die betekenis van die woord ‘onkoste’ en die frase ‘aangegaan sal word’, soos wat dit in artikel 24C gebruik word, te bepaal. Die tweede doelstelling was om vas te stel hoe 'n belastingpligtige met sekerheid sal bewys dat hy toekomstige onkoste sal aangaan in die nakoming van sy verpligtinge ingevolge ʼn kontrak. Dit is gedoen deur die effek van kontraksbedinge en ander omstandighede te bespreek en deur sekere bykomende riglyne ten opsigte van die interpretasie van artikel 24C, soos vervat in Interpretasienota No. 78 (‘IN 78’), in ag te neem. Daar is vasgestel dat die woord ‘onkoste’ die bedrag van geld wat bestee word, insluitend die uitbetaling van ander bates met 'n geldwaarde, beteken. Die woord ‘onkoste’ sluit ook spesifiek vrywillige betalings en uitbetalings van bates in. Die woord ‘onkoste’ kan ook 'n verlies insluit, indien die woord ‘verlies’ gelyk gestel kan word aan die woord ‘onkoste’. Die frase ‘aangegaan sal word’ impliseer dat die belastingpligtige, in 'n daaropvolgende jaar van aanslag, 'n onvoorwaardelike verpligting sal hê om vir onkostes te betaal. Hierdie onkostes moet ontstaan weens die belastingpligtige se verpligtinge ingevolge die kontrak. Kontraksbedinge en ander omstandighede kan aandui of daar sekerheid is dat die toekomstige onkoste, soos hierbo genoem, aangegaan sal word. Voorwaardes en waarborge is kontraksbedinge wat daarop dui dat daar onsekerheid is rakende die belastingpligtige se verpligtinge om ingevolge die kontrak op te tree. ʼn Tydsklousule in 'n kontrak kan aandui dat daar sekerheid is rakende die belastingpligtige se nakoming van sy verpligtinge ingevolge die kontrak. Soortgelyke kontrakte, met soortgelyke voorwaardelike verpligtinge kan nie saam gegroepeer word ten einde te bepaal of dit waarskynlik, en gevolglik seker is dat toekomstige onkoste in die nakoming van ʼn belastingpligtige se verpligtinge ingevolge die kontrak aangaan sal word nie. Die waarskynlikheid dat 'n belastingpligtige sy onvoorwaardelike verpligting ingevolge die kontrak sal nakom moet egter bewys word ten einde aan te dui dat daar sekerheid is dat toekomstige onkoste aangegaan sal word. IN 78 spesifiseer nie of 'n verlies wat, in sekere omstandighede, gelyk gestel kan word aan die woord ‘onkoste’, ingevolge artikel 24C aftrekbaar is nie. Duidelikheid hieromtrent moet verskaf word. Die nuwe, ongedefinieerde frases ('n hoë graad van waarskynlikheid, onafwendbaarheid, sekerheid en potensieel kontraktueel verpligtend (vry vertaal)), soos in IN 78 gebruik, kan moontlik verwarring veroorsaak wanneer artikel 24C geïnterpreteer word. Hierdie frases moet gedefinieer word en daar moet verduidelik word hoe ʼn hoë graad gemeet gaan word. Laastens blyk dit dat 'n teenstrydigheid ontstaan ten opsigte van handelsvoorraad op hande aan die einde van 'n jaar van aanslag, wat in 'n daaropvolgende jaar van aanslag deur die belastingpligtige in die nakoming van sy verpligtinge ingevolge 'n kontrak gebruik sal word. Sodanige handelsvoorraad verteenwoordig nie ‘toekomstige onkoste’ nie en moet by die artikel 24C toelaag uitgesluit word. Die belastingpligte ontvang egter, weens die wisselwerking tussen artikel 24C en artikel 22(1), nie ʼn belastingverligting vir die onkoste werklik aangegaan in die jaar waarin sodanige handelsvoorraad verkry is nie. Dit word dus bevraagteken of die bewese interpretasie van artikel 24C in ooreenstemming is met die Wetgewer se oorspronklike bedoeling met artikel 24C, naamlik, om inkomste ontvang ingevolge ʼn kontrak met die verwante aftrekbare uitgawes te paar.

Essai d’une théorie générale des dépenses socio-fiscales / Towards a general theory of social and tax expenditures

Pichet, Eric 09 December 2015 (has links)
Résumé non disponible / No summary

The Role of Taxation in Nigeria's Oil and Gas Sector Reforms - Learning from the Canadian Experience

2015 November 1900 (has links)
Several stakeholders in Nigeria’s oil and gas industry have emphasized the need for petroleum sector reforms in Nigeria. Canada is reputed to have one of the best oil and gas tax regimes in the world. This thesis argues that certain tax measures in Canada’s oil and gas industry have considerable potential for addressing certain industry inefficiencies in Nigeria’s petroleum sector. In developing this argument, this thesis gives an overview of oil and gas taxation in both jurisdictions and examines the possibility of transferring laws between Nigeria and Canada by exploring legal and tax comparative law theories. The thesis also examines the major challenges in Nigeria’s oil and gas industry and identifies viable areas in Canada’s oil and gas tax system which have the potential to address these challenges. Given the peculiarities of oil and gas taxation in each jurisdiction, this thesis suggests that the selected Canadian fiscal and administrative measures may require certain modifications in order to make these measures more suitable for Nigeria’s legal and tax system.

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