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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Exploring teachers’ experiences in managing learner discipline in secondary schools in the Hardap region of Namibia

Makendano, Aggrey Kayabu 12 1900 (has links)
Managing discipline in the developing world where corporal punishment has been abolished in schools in line with the human rights agendas, has led to teachers battling with implementing alternative peaceful discipline measures. Namibia is no exception. Data gathered from six purposively selected secondary schools served as the case of this research were textually analysed using open coding. Data used in this inquiry were gathered through qualitative open-ended questionnaire and semi-structured individual interviews from 24 participant teachers at the six secondary schools. In order to view learner discipline in a holistic way, the intention of this inquiry was to explore how teachers experience the management of learner discipline; the factors contributing to learner discipline; the challenges faced by teachers in managing learner discipline; the Namibian government policy in managing learner discipline; and strategies adopted by the teachers in managing learner-learner behaviour in Namibian secondary schools in the region of the Hardap of Namibia. Most of the existing body of knowledge on the phenomenon of learner discipline was confirmed by this study. The inquiry further analysed, presented and discussed the findings in light of the literature review and theories and models that guided the study. The results of this inquiry highlighted that the problem of the Namibian education system is compounded by lack of learner discipline among both learners and teachers. During this inquiry, it was revealed that there is a rampant breakdown of discipline among secondary school learners in the Auob Circuit of the Region of Hardap of Namibia. It was also revealed that participant teachers are trying their best to maintain learner discipline by involving other educational stakeholders. The conclusions were consistent with the main results from the semi-structured individual interviews as well as those from the qualitative open-ended questionnaire resulting in different recommendations being directed at the Education, Arts and Culture Ministry, secondary schools, teachers, parents and learners. It was found that school rules and classroom rules serve as a guideline for teachers and learners when maintaining learner behaviour in schools. Most schools have introduced a demerit system where learners are allocated different points for different offences that they commit, like if they come late for school, come to school without a doctor’s certificate after being absent, if they are disrupting the classes or walking around the school aimlessly. Teamwork among teachers is really lacking when it comes to learner behaviour management in schools. Undisciplined learners take chances as they know that even if they misbehave, nothing will happen to them. The management of learner discipline at some schools has become a very difficult task since most of the learners are troublesome. Learners are affected by the circumstances at home to schools which lead to many problems at schools. Lack of parental involvement is a challenge that teachers face in maintaining learner discipline in schools. Some learners misbehave because of peer pressure. Teachers are also sometimes to blame for disciplinary problems experienced in the Hardap secondary schools of Namibia, taking out their frustrations on the learners or themselves indulging in acceptable behaviour such as drunkenness or sexual molestation. Alcohol and drug abuse are a challenge which is predominant in the Hardap secondary schools, particularly in the Auob Circuit. The results of this inquiry revealed that the challenge that teachers are facing in schools is that learners are defiant, break the law and often become violent. The study recommends that workshops or in-service trainings on learner behaviour management should be conducted by the Education, Arts and Culture Ministry at least twice a year. Teachers should involve learners in drafting a set of school rules. / Die bestuur van dissipline - in die meeste ontwikkelende wêreld waar lyfstraf in skole afgeskaf is in ooreenstemming met die menseregte-agendas, waar die onderwysers sukkel met die implementering van alternatiewe maatreëls vir vreedsame dissipline, insluitend Namibië is 'n baie slegte ervaring vir die meeste onderwysers in die hoërskool. Data wat versamel is uit ses kriteria wat geselekteerde sekondêre skole was, het gedien as die geval van hierdie ondersoek, is met behulp van 'n oop kodering tekstueel ontleed. Data wat in hierdie ondersoek gebruik is, is versamel deur middel van die kwalitatiewe ope vraelys en semi-gestruktureerde individuele onderhoude van vier en twintig deelnemende onderwysers van die ses sekondêre skole. Om die leerderdissipline op 'n holistiese wyse te beskou, was die bedoeling van hierdie ondersoek om te ondersoek hoe onderwysers die korrekte bestuur van leerderdissipline ervaar, die faktor wat bydra tot leerderdissipline, die uitdagings wat onderwysers in die bestuur van leerderdissipline in die gesig staar, die Namibiese regeringsbeleid in bestuur van leerderdissipline en strategieë wat deur die onderwysers aangeneem is vir die bestuur van gedrag van leerder-leerder in Namibiese sekondêre skole in die streek Hardap van Namibië. Die grootste deel van die bestaande kennis oor die verskynsel van leerderdissipline is deur hierdie studie bevestig. Die ondersoek het die bevindings verder ontleed, aangebied en bespreek in die lig van die oorsig van literatuur en teorieë en modelle wat die studie gelei het. Die resultate van hierdie ondersoek het aan die lig gebring dat die probleem van die Namibiese onderwysstelsel vererger word deur 'n gebrek aan leerderdissipline onder leerders en onderwysers. Tydens hierdie ondersoek is aan die lig gebring dat die dissipline onder sekondêre skoolleerders in die Auob-kring in die Hardap-streek in Namibië wydverspreid is. Dit is ook aan die lig gebring dat deelnemende onderwysers hul bes probeer om leerderdissipline te handhaaf deur ander opvoedkundige belanghebbendes te betrek. Die gevolgtrekkings stem ooreen met die belangrikste resultate van die semi-struktuur individuele onderhoude, sowel as dié uit die kwalitatiewe ope vraelys wat gemaak is met betrekking tot elk van die ses ondersoekvrae, verskillende aanbevelings gerig aan die Ministerie van Onderwys, Kuns en Kultuur., sekondêre skole, onderwysers, ouers en leerders, wat noodsaaklike bestanddele is vir verdere ondersoek en studiebeperkings, word duidelik uiteengesit.. Daar is gevind dat skoolreëls sowel as die klaskamerreëls 'n riglyn is vir beide onderwysers en leerders wanneer die leerdergedrag in skole gehandhaaf word. meerderheid skole het 'n stelsel van aflewering ingestel waar leerders verskillende punte kry vir verskillende misdrywe wat hulle begaan, soos as hulle laat kom vir die skool, sonder 'n doktersertifikaat skool toe kom, as hulle die klasse ontwrig of doelloos in die skool rondloop. spanwerk onder onderwysers ontbreek regtig as dit kom by die bestuur van leerdergedrag in skole. dat leerders wat nie gedissiplineerd is nie, kanse waag in skole omdat hulle weet dat al sou hulle hulself gedra, niks met hulle sal gebeur nie. die bestuur van leerderdissipline by sommige skole het 'n baie moeilike taak geword omdat die meeste van die leerders lastig is. leerders bring hul omstandighede tuis na skole wat baie probleme by skole veroorsaak deur mekaar en selfs onderwysers te beledig en te bestry. sommige leerders gedra hulself verkeerd in skole as gevolg van die invloed wat hulle van hul maats kry, en gevolglik vind sommige leerders hulself besig om iets te doen wat daar nie van hulle verwag is om te doen nie. sommige onderwysers is die skuld vir sommige dissiplinêre probleme van sommige leerders wat ondervind word in die Hardap-hoërskole in Namibië. Die uitkomste het ook aan die lig gebring dat baie onderwysers gefrustreerd is weens die werklas en ander sosiale probleme, omdat hulle uiteindelik hul frustrasies op hul leerders loslaat. Weereens dui die resultate daarop dat sommige onderwysers hulself toespits op drank- en dwelmmisbruik, hulle dronk skool toe kom en hul leerders misbruik gebruik. 'n gebrek aan ouerbetrokkenheid is 'n uitdaging wat onderwysers ondervind om leerderdissipline in skole te handhaaf. swak gedissiplineerde leerders is 'n bedreiging vir die vrede en veiligheid van die leerinstellings. drank- en dwelmmisbruik is 'n uitdaging wat veral in die Hardap-hoërskole, veral in die Auob-kring, oorheersend is. Die resultate van hierdie ondersoek het aan die lig gebring dat die uitdaging waarvoor onderwysers in skole te staan kom, is dat leerders alkohol en dwelmmiddels misbruik en dagga op die skoolterrein rook nadat hulle so arrogant geword het dat hulle gewelddadig geraak het. Die studie beveel aan dat minstens twee keer per jaar werkswinkels of indiensopleidings oor die bestuur van leerdergedrag deur die Ministerie van Onderwys, Kuns en Kultuur aangebied word. Onderwysers moet leerders betrek by die opstel van 'n stel skoolreëls. / Educational Management and Leadership / Ph. D. (Education Management)

The perception of faculty members of Namibian open distance learning institutions on the use of open educational resources

Karipi, Edwig 24 July 2020 (has links)
Abstract in English, Xhosa and Venda / Open educational resources (OER) is a new innovation coined to bridge the educational divide by way of providing free quality learning resources. Consequently, this study explored the perception of the faculty members of the Namibian open and distance learning institutions on the use of OER as a pedagogical approach. This study was prompted by the presumption that if ODL institutions adopt open educational resources to replace costly textbooks, an increased number of the Namibian population could access education in the equitable manner. The study focused on faculty members from the three public ODL institutions in Namibia, namely, the Namibian College of Open Learning (NAMCOL), University of Namibia (UNAM)-Centre for Open, Distance and eLearning (CODeL) and Namibian University of Science and Technology (NUST)-Centre of Open and Lifelong Learning (COLL). The following integrated theories were adopted to underpin this study: Transformative Learning Theory, Heutagogy Learning Theory, Cognitive Learning Theory and Social Learning Theory, Constructivism Learning Theory, Connectivism Theory and the Diffusion of Innovations Theory. The theories were compared to the findings to assess their applicability. This is a qualitative case underpinned by an interpretivist paradigm. Data were collected through interviews, non-participant observations and document analysis, and analysed through the inductive approach. The results of this study showed inconsistency between the perception of the faculty members and the use of OER within the ODL institutions in Namibia. Although the faculty members displayed positive attitudes towards the use of OER, very little has been achieved in the use of OER within the institutions for the benefit of the Namibian ODL students. The study identified challenges that impede the adoption of OER at institutional level, such as lack of institutional policies, lack of awareness, technological factors, as well as management support. The study further crafted strategies to address challenges, including the OER design based on the Diffusion of Innovation Model. The study advanced recommendations for consideration by the institutions and the faculty members as well as suggestions for future research. The knowledge contribution made by this PhD is the proposed OER design for adoption by the ODL institutions to facilitate the use of OER by faculty members. / Ubuchule bokufunda ekuthiwa yiOpen Educational Resources (OER) licebo elitsha lokunikezela simahla ngemithombo yokufunda esemgangathweni, nelenzelwe ukukhawulelana nobunzima bokushiyashiyana emfundweni. Esi sifundo siphonononge indlela abacinga ngayo abahlohli bamaziko emfundo aseNamibia avulekileyo nafundisa abafundi bekude (iiODL), ngokusetyenziswa kweOER njengendlela yokufundisa. Esi sifundo sisuswe kukucingela ukuba xa amaziko emfundo avulekileyo nafundisa abafundi bekude enokusebenzisa izixhobo zokufunda ezivulekileyo endaweni yokusebenzisa iincwadi ezibiza imali eninzi, linganda inani labantu abanokuxhamla imfundo ngokulinganayo. Esi sifundo sigxininise kubahlohli bamaziko amathathu kawonkewonke, angawemfundo evulekileyo nafundisa abafundi bekude eNamibia, angala - iNamibian College of Open Learning (NAMCOL), iUniversity of Namibia (UNAM) - Centre for Open, Distance and eLearning (CODeL) kunye neNamibian University of Science and Technology (NUST) - Centre of Open and Lifelong Learning (COLL). Kusetyenziswe ezi ngcingane zihlangeneyo zilandelayo njengezisekelo zokukhokela esi sifundo: Ingcingane Yokufunda Okuhambelana Nenguqu (Transformative Learning Theory), Ingcingane Yokufunda Ngokuziqhuba Komfundi (Heutagogy Learning Theory), Ingcingane Yokufunda Ngokuqiqa Neyemfundo Esekelwe Kwezentlalo (Cognitive Learning Theory and Social Learning Theory), Ingcingane Yokufunda Ngokuzakhela Ukuqonda (Constructivism Learning Theory), Ingcingane Yokufunda Ngoncedo Lobuchwepheshe (Connectivism Theory) kwakunye nengcingane Yokufunda Ngokunwenwa Kobuchule (Diffusion of Innovations Theory). Ezi ngcingane ziye zathelekiswa nokufunyanisisweyo ngenjongo yokukhangela ukuba zingasebenziseka kusini na. Kusetyenziswe indlela yophando ngokuzathuza nokutolika izimvo ezahlukeneyo. Iinkcukacha zolwazi okanye idatha yaqokelelwa ngokuqhuba udliwano ndlebe nabathatha inxaxheba, ukuqwalasela abangathathi nxaxheba nokuphengulula imibhalo ukuze kudalwe ingcingane entsha. Iziphumo zesi sifundo zivelise ukungahambelani phakathi kwengcinga yabahlohli nokusetyenziswa kweOER kumaziko emfundo avulekileyo nafundisa abafundi bekude eNamibia. Nangona abahlohli bebonakalisa uthakazelelo ngokusebenzisa iOER, kuncinci kakhulu okwenziweyo malunga nokusebenzisa iOER kumaziko emfundo ekuncedeni abafundi baseNamibia kumaziko avulekileyo nafundisa abafundi bekude. Esi sifundo sichonge imingeni ethibaza ukusetyenziswa kweOER kumaziko emfundo, mingeni leyo ifana nokungabikho kwemigaqo nkqubo, ukungabikho lwazi, imiba yobuchwepheshe kwakunye nentswela nkxaso yabalawuli. Kuqwetywe amacebo obuchule okulwa nemingeni, macebo lawo aquka ukuqulunqwa kweOER esekelwe kwingcingane Yokunwenwa Kobuchule. Kunikwe iingcebiso nezimvo ezinokuqwalaselwa ngamaziko emfundo nabahlohli ngophando olusenokulandela olu. Igalelo lolu phando luyilo olucetywayo lweOER olunokwamkelwa ngamaziko emfundo avulekileyo nafundisa abafundi bekude ukuze kukhuthazwe ukusetyenziswa kweOER ngabahlohli. / Zwiko zwa nnyi na nnyi zwa pfunzo (OER) ndi vhubveledzi vhuswa ha u ḓisa khethekanyo ya pfunzo nga u ṋetshedza wo vhofholowa zwiko zwa u guda zwa ndeme. Ngudo heyi yo wanulusa mbonalo ya miraḓo ine ya funza yunivesithi kana magudedzini a Namibia ya zwiimiswa zwa pfunzo yo vulelwaho nnyi na nnyi ya u guda u kule (ODL) nga ha u shumisa OER sa nḓila ya pfunzo. Ngudo heyi yo ṱuṱuwedzwa nga u humbulela ha uri arali zwiimiswa zwa ODL zwo ṱanganedza OER u thivha bugu dza u gudisa dzine dza ḓura, tshivhalo tshi re nṱha tsha vhathu vha Namibia vha nga swikelela pfunzo nga nḓila i linganaho. Ngudo yo sedza kha u bva kha zwiimiswa zwa nnyi na nnyi zwa ODL zwa Namibia, zwine madzina azwo avha Gudedzi ḽa Namibia ḽa u Guda ha Nnyi na nnyi (NAMCOL), Yunivesithi ya Namibia (UNAM) – Senthara ya Nnyi na nnyi, u Guda u kule na nga Lubuvhisia (CODeL) na Yunivesithi ya Saintsi na Thekhinoḽodzhi ya Namibia (NUST) Senthara ya nnyi na nnyi ya u Guda ha Tshoṱhe (COLL). Thyeori dzo ṱanganelaho dzi tevhelaho dzo shumiswa u tikedza ngudo iyi: thyeori ya u guda ine vhagudiswa vha ṱalutshedza na u tshenzhela zwipfi zwavho, thyeori ya u ta u guda ha iwe muṋe, thyeori ya u guda ya kuhumbulele na thyeori ya u guda ya matshilisano, thyeori ine ya dzhiela nṱha nḓivho na kupfesesele kwa vhagudiswa kha tshenzhemo yavho phanḓa ha musi vha sa athu u ya tshikoloni, thyeori ya u pfesesa u guda nga didzhithala na thyeori ine ya ṱalutshedza phimo ya mihumbulo miswa na kuphaḓalele kwa thekhinoḽodzhi. Thyeori dzo vhambedzwa na mawanwa u gaganya u tea hadzo. Heyi ndi ngudo ya khwaḽithethivi yo khwaṱhisedzwaho nga tshiedziso tsha saintsi ya matshilisano. Data yo kuvhanganyiwa nga kha inthaviwu, u sedza hu si na u dzhenelela na u saukanya maṅwalo, na u saukanya nga kuitele kwa u humbula. Mvelelo dza ngudo heyi dzo sumbedza u sa vha na thevhekano ya zwithu vhukati ha kuvhonele kwa miraḓo ine ya funza yunivesithi kana magudedzini na u shumiswa ha OER kha zwiimiswa zwa ODL ngei Namibia. Naho miraḓo ine ya funza yunivesithi kana magudedzini yo sumbedza vhuvha ha vhuḓi kha u shumiswa ha OER, ho swikelelwa zwiṱuku kha u shumiswa ha OER kha zwiimiswa hu tshi itelwa u vhuelwa ha matshudeni a ODL a Namibia. Ngudo yo topola khaedu dze dza thithisa u ṱanganedzwa ha OER kha ḽeveḽe ya tshiimiswa, u fana na ṱhahelelo ya mbekanyamaitele dza tshiimiswa, ṱhahelelo ya tsivhudzo, zwiṱuṱuwedzi zwa thekhinoḽodzhi, na thikhedzo ya ndangulo. Zwiṱirathedzhi zwo bveledzwa u amba nga ha khaedu, hu tshi katelwa na nyolo ya OER zwo ḓi sendeka nga muanḓadzo wa nḓisedzo ya tshiedziso tsha vhubveledzi. Themendelo dza u dzhiela nṱha nga zwiimiswa na nga miraḓo ine ya funza yunivesithi kana magudedzini na khumbudzo kha ṱhoḓisiso dza tshifhingani tshiḓaho zwo itwa. U shela mulenzhe ha nḓivho ho itwaho nga ngudo iyi ndi u kumedza nyolo ya OER uri i ṱanganedzwe nga zwiimiswa zwa ODL u thusa u shumiswa ha OER nga miraḓo ine ya funza yunivesithi kana magudedzini. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum and Instructional studies)

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