Spelling suggestions: "subject:"4teachers braining off - south africa"" "subject:"4teachers braining off - south affrica""
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Teaching and learning of teacher education students in South African universities within a context of qualityMutemeri, Judith January 2010 (has links)
Thesis (Dtech( Education))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2010 / The study focused on teacher education in South African universities. The major purpose was to examine how teacher educators in South African universities prepared teacher education students for teaching and learning within a context of quality. It is important to start with quality teachers before being able to speak about quality education because "you cannot give what you do not have" (Parliamentary Monitoring Group of South Africa, 2009:3).Consistent with the postmodern qualitative paradigm I used phenomenology as the strategy of research. The main epistemological assumption was that the way of knowing reality was through exploring the experiences of others regarding a specific phenomenon, in this case teaching and learning of teacher education students. To this end the stories, experiences and voices of the respondents were the medium through which I explored and understood reality embedded in the teaching and learning of teacher education students.The research sites included four Faculties of Education nationally. Purposive sampling was conducted to adequately capture the heterogeneity of institutions especially of those faculties that offer Initial Professional Education for Teachers (IPET) programmes.Purposive sampling was also used to select both students and lecturers because respondents were selected on the basis of some defining characteristic that made them holders of the data needed for the study.
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Psigologiese veranderlikes en die didaktiese sukses van onderwysstudente : 'n vergelykende studieVan Tonder, Aletta Hendrika Dolfina 05 November 2014 (has links)
D.Phil. (Education) / The study-group in this study focus on the education students of the Rand Afrikaans University (RAU) from 1988-1990. All these students completed the diagnostic testing program of RAU as well as the practical course in didactics. The practical mark in didactics were used to distribute the students into three research sub-groups. This mark reflected the students' didactical skills in a simulated classroom situation. The diagnostic data which was utilised to compile a profile of the study-group consisted of tests for intelligence, aptitude, adaptation, personality and study habits, as well as relevant biographical data. The students' academic achievement in matric was determined by the M-score. The three sub-groups were determined by calculating the average of the groups' practical mark and cut-off points of half a standard deviation on either side of the average. This presupposed a less superior didactical group (Group A) versus a superior didactical group (Group B), utilized for statistical purposes. The calculations did not include the middle group. The entire discussion of the career process selection was based on Super's career choice model. This was done to determine the main contributory factors in selecting teaching as a career. A literature study was made of the teacher and teaching as a career, followed by a discussion of the Importance of the attributes of the excellent teacher, which included more than just good academic achievement. Teaching as a career was also discussed, emphasizing a temporary difference between the practical and theoretical aspects of t118 didactics course, in order to identify which specific attributes contributed to the success in the practical component of the course. A discussion based on literature was done to determine the various psychological tests and questionnaires which were utilized in this study, namely NSGT, SAT, 16-PF, PHSF, 19-FII, SSHAas well as supportive biographical data. The aim of this study was to determine certain psychological aspects which contributed to the success in the practical components of a course in didactics. A career choice is usually made during the late adolescence. In discussing a career choice model, Super (1990) explains various determinants which influence career choice including the geographical origin, personality and contributory aspects of an individual's personality...
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A curriculum framework for informal urban agricultureGaum, Wilma Gwendolene 12 September 2012 (has links)
D.Phil. / The purpose of this research is to develop a curriculum framework for a distance education course in sustainable urban agriculture, whereby it is envisaged to train the trainers of urban farmers. The factors which motivated this study are mainly socioeconomic and ecological in nature and include the food crisis of the urban poor, unsustainable agricultural practices, malnutrition, starvation, health risks and high population growth in cities. Sustainability in urban agriculture implicates a need for environmental education and ecological agriculture. An exploratory and descriptive research design was used in the empirical study to determine the feasibility of an urban agriculture course through distance education. The need for Environmental Education in this course as well as the best media to use for the course were determined. Secondly, the policies and assistance by local governments to establish an infrastructure for practising sustainable urban agriculture, aimed at improving socio-economic and environmental sustainability, were determined. In both these cases a quantitative research study was undertaken, using a questionnaire as the data collecting instrument and a research survey as the method of enquiry. The sampling population was purposively selected. The questionnaires were coded and the data from the closed-ended questions was computer-analysed while data from the open-ended questions was content analysed, using Kerlinger's method of content analysis. Thirdly, a literature study was done on the educational philosophies and the philosophical base undergirding this curriculum as well as curriculum design models and sources of change, influencing this curriculum. A curriculum design model was chosen to serve as a theoretical foundation for designing an urban agriculture curriculum. Finally an empirical study with a discriptive and exploratory research design was undertaken in a qualitative research study to set the curriculum framework for a distance education course in urban agriculture.
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An investigation of teachers’ experiences of a Geoboard intervention programme in area and perimeter in selected Grade 9 classes: a case studyMkhwane, Fezeka Felicia January 2018 (has links)
The study was undertaken with three Grade 9 teachers at three selected schools which are part of RUMEP’s Collegial Cluster Schools’ programme that I coordinate. Collegial clusters are communities of teachers who aim at improving their practice by working on their own professional development. The purpose of this study was to investigate the selected Grade 9 teachers’ experiences of a Geoboard intervention programme. It also wanted to investigate the role that a Geoboard can play in the teaching and learning of area and perimeter of two-dimensional shapes. The research was a case-study within the interpretive paradigm. A variety of data collection techniques was used. These included baseline assessment tasks, observations during the intervention programme, post intervention assessment tasks and semistructured interviews with the participating teachers and a few learners from each participating school. The collected data was analysed using both the quantitative and qualitative methods. My research findings reveal that a Geoboard, as a manipulative, developed confidence in the participating teachers. In the interviews with teachers, it transpired that teachers’ skills in teaching area and perimeter of two-dimensional shapes had been sharpened. According to the interviews with learners, the use of a Geoboard led to better conceptual understanding of the area and perimeter, as learners no longer had to rely on formulae. Kilpatrick et al. (2001) refer to conceptual understanding as an integrated functional grasp of mathematical ideas. The post intervention assessment task showed a positive shift in learners’ performance. The average learner performance improved from 29% in the baseline assessment task to 61% in the post intervention assessment task. This shows that the use of a Geoboard led to meaningful learning of area and perimeter of two-dimensional shapes. The overall research findings reveal that the use of manipulatives has a positive impact in the teaching and learning of area and perimeter. Learners’ responses to the interview questions showed that there was better understanding of the two concepts, which enabled them to construct their own knowledge. They further said the Geoboard allowed them to be hands-on, which contributed to their active involvement in the lesson.
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'n Bestuursopleidingsmodel vir indiensopleiding van plaaswerktuigkunde-onderwysers aan landbouskoleBuys, Gert Hendrikus 16 August 2012 (has links)
D.Ed. / The purpose of this research is to create a managerial training model to address the classroom and workshop management skills of teachers responsible for Farm Mechanics at agricultural schools. The research mainly comprises four sections. Firstly, literature exists on the inception and development of agricultural education since Pestalozzi's sense-perception and self-activity was regarded as fundamental to knowledge and education, up to present day implementation of outcomes-based education. Outcomes-based education is a new method whereby the existing gaps in education are inter alia, addressed as a whole. This presents a challenge to the agricultural school, the teachers, the parents and the community. The agricultural school with its colourful history, is a vocationally directed institution that serves the agricultural community in which it is situated in a special way — more specifically by introducing Farm Mechanics with its broad technical impact. On account of the multidisciplinary nature of Farm Mechanics as an educational presentation, stiff demands are made on the teacher, who usually lacks initial training and technical experience. Farm Mechanics covers approximately seven trades extending over the three main engineering fields namely, civil, electrical, and mechanical. Instruction and teaching are widely regarded as the most important tasks the teacher must fulfil in order to ensure that learners realise their full potential during and after their school days. One of the main reasons that students at tertiary institutions are performing badly and that novices in industry and agriculture are untrainable, is, among others, the shortcomings of teachers regarding classroom expertise and management skills. This problem can be overcome through a well-planned management training programme. The role of in-service training is an important instrument in coping with change and can be used to address the particular and distinctive training needs of the Farm Mechanics teacher.Secondly, an empirical study using qualitative- and quantitative research methods was done (phase one). The qualitative research consisted of interviews with Farm Mechanics teachers and educational specialists in agricultural- and technical fields of study. During these interviews certain problem factors were identified. The quantitative research was used to verify the qualitative research. This involved an analysis of the two most recent examinations in which the problem areas in the grade 8 to 12 syllabi occurred. With this information as basis, the pre-test questionnaire (phase two) was compiled. To obtain appropriate representation, a group of 21 Farm Mechanics teachers were chosen from two provinces to form the experimental and control group. The pre-test questionnaire was completed by the Farm Mechanics teachers and was analysed to determine the training needs in order to develop a management training model. Thirdly, different curriculum development models were probed in order to enable the researcher to develop a suitable management training model for the in-service training of Farm Mechanics teachers at agricultural schools. The results of the pre-test were used to perceive trends and to develop a management training programme addressing all the identified training requirements for Farm Mechanics teachers. Furthermore, a general management training model and more specifically the management training programme, were evaluated with a post-test questionnaire (phase three). After the completion of the post-test by the experimental- and control group, the information was processed. According to the results the attendance of the management training programme has shown a statistically significant improvement by the experimental group in their professional management skills. Deficiencies were however experienced in some management areas and recommendations were made in this regard. This research gives a synopsis of education management problems experienced by Farm Mechanics teachers at agricultural schools. The research does not provide for instant solutions for all problems which Farm Mechanics teachers experience in classroom and workshop management, but does give rise to optimism for positive co-operation and the continued search to improve agricultural education. Lastly, this research emphasises the fact that education and learning can only succeed if the teacher, as facilitator, commands effective classroom and workshop skills, as well as management expertise.
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'n Modulêrgestruktureerde indiensopleidingsprogram vir tegniese onderwysersHeath, Jan Hendrik 02 June 2014 (has links)
M.Ed. (Education and Curriculum Studies) / In future, the twentieth century will be remembered as the century in which an unparalleled explosion 'occurred in knowledge, population, expectations and technology. Wherever people and progress are present, needs arise which may escalate out of proportion if there is not a certain measure of restraint or control over the tempo of augmentation and/or progress. As a result of certain critical deficiencies, the Southern African community finds itself battling with the challenges and problematic nature of the twentieth century. An area in which one of these deficiencies has reached alarming proportions is the area of skilled manpower, especially in terms of technology provisioning. To cope with this deficiency, more people had to be trained. This resulted in an acute shortage of appropriately qualified trainers and teachers. In an attempt to address" this further, underqualified and even unqualified teachers were appointed to meet the original need. Now, however, the formal training of prospective teachers is receiving urgent attention. The nature of formal training programmes is such that the growing number of under- or unqualified teachers cannot be accommodated. Even the formal groups who have received a more theoretical training and who have completed training, prove that there is an urgent need for practice directed training in particular. While this group of under- and unqualified teachers cannot be dispensed with, nor replaced on account of shortages and moral considerations, and, in most instances, do not comply with the minimum admission requirements for formal training, they are conveying knowledge in a "hit-ormiss" way and are acquiring experience (Kruger, 1980:4-5).
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Staff development in a secondary school in the Brits district of the North-West Province : a public administration perspectiveMakgalancheche, Wilson Mokete 19 November 2014 (has links)
M.A. (Politics) / Public administration enables public institution officials to do their work, for instance educators to teach. The activity of public administration comprises six generic processes which are functions because they all have a specific purpose aimed at particular outputs. Secondary schools would not function without policy-making, organising, financing, determination of work procedures, control and staffing processes which are imperative to expedite functional activities. This studyis primarily based on the staffing process and staff development in particular. One of the mostserious and disturbing educational problems confronting educationists, policy-makers, learners, parents and the community is the restoration of the culture of teaching and learning. This studywill identify contributing factors towards the low performance morale of educators as a result of which mosteducators feel less motivated and committed to their tasks. Someeducators feel that they are not involved in all matters that affect their field of work, e.g. the budget. Staff development will ensure that educators' confidence is enhanced for the delivery of qualityeducation. The studywill indicate the role of the Department of Education, the principal and the governing bodiesin staff development and training activities. Intensive in-service training and retraining of educators is regarded as being essential for the successful implementation of the new education system of outcome-based education (OBE). The purpose of this studyis to cover such staff development aspects as the motivation of educators who lack commitment, the induction and orientation of newly appointed educators, building of a team spirit as stressed by OBE, delegation of authority for empowerment and the training and development for sustained performance...
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A survey of the curricula for the pre-service education of secondary school geography teachers in South Africa, with special reference to TranskeiMniki, Claribel Pumzile January 1987 (has links)
Programmes designed for the pre-service education of secondary school geography teachers reflect the assumptions held by programme designers regarding the nature of education, teaching in general and geography teaching in particular. The general practice is that in universities, individual method lecturers design their programmes and in colleges within a department of education the programmes are centrally planned. Each programme focuses on a specific context. This, together with the autonomy enjoyed by university method lecturers in designing their courses, has resulted in the variations found in geography teacher education programmes. The evidence of this is found in the structure and duration of courses, the course content, the strategies used to educate teachers and the way in which the course is evaluated. This thesis is an attempt to establish consensus and divergence in pre-service education programmes for secondary school geography teachers regarding their organisation, specific knowledge imparted to student teachers; skills, values and attitudes developed. The pre-service education of secondary school geography teachers in South Africa is revealed in an analysis of views held by method lecturers, practising teachers in secondary schools, and student teachers and an analysis of course outlines , teaching practice assessment forms and geography method examination papers. Conclusions are drawn and recommendations made for improving the initial education of secondary school geography teachers in Transkei
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Educational transformation and curriculum reform: teachers' perceptions of their roles as change agentsNgqondi, Kholisile Phillip January 2012 (has links)
Since 1994, the educational landscape in South Africa has been subjected to on-going policy changes. The national Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) which has been promulgated recently, is the third version of a post-apartheid national school curriculum. Teachers, in particular, fulfil critical roles as change agents during a process of educational transformation, as they need to facilitate the change by implementing the new national school curriculum. This study aimed to ascertain teacher experiences of continuous curriculum change, by focusing in particular on the views of selected FET teachers. Focus group interviews were conducted with teachers employed at secondary schools in an urban township in the Eastern Cape. The data revealed that the teachers‟ responses could be categorised into four broad themes, namely CAPS itself, the learners in relation to CAPS, the teacher in relation to CAPS and the Department of Education in relation to CAPS. Despite several frustrations and uncertainties, it was clear that the teachers wanted to assume agency as they expressed a commitment towards change and a willingness to implement CAPS to the best of their ability. This study however concludes that the FET teachers who participated struggled to assume full agency, due to restrictive and disabling conditions which are mostly beyond their control.
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Integrated quality-management systems in selected schools : King William's Town Education DistrictMgijima, Khayakazi January 2012 (has links)
The Integrated Quality Management System is a national policy that was introduced in 2003 by the Department of Education – with the aim of improving the performance of educators in teaching and learning. The policy integrates three programmes, namely: Developmental Appraisal, Performance Management and Whole-School Evaluation, which ought to complement one another, and run concurrently. The introduction and implementation of the Integrated Quality Management System is based on the premise that the quality of education in South African Schools would improve if the processes of the policy were used to evaluate and reward educators, and to institute corrective measures where necessary. The aim of the study was to evaluate the implementation of the Integrated Quality Management System for improving the quality of teaching and learning in schools. The study focused on schools in the King William’s Town Education District. Qualitative and quantitative research approaches were used to elicit the perceptions of educators, Senior Management Teams and District coordinators, with regard to the implementation process of the policy in the local schools. The findings indicate that the Department of Education needs to improve the processes of educating the educators in the implementation of the Integrated Quality Management system – in order to increase the possibility of achieving the objectives of the policy.
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