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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Perceptions of master of education students on evaluation of teaching : a study of the University of Hong Kong

Lin, Xiaochun, 林晓纯 January 2014 (has links)
The student evaluation of teaching is a crucial method to evaluate the teaching effectiveness and widely used in most universities and colleges all over the world. There are large literatures related to the student evaluation of teaching. However, less research focused on the students and even the taught postgraduate students’ perceptions. As such, the purpose of the current study was to explore and understand the Master of Education students’ perceptions on the teaching evaluation. Specifically, this study set out to identify their expectations and motivations on the teaching evaluation. In total, 15 MEd students at the University of Hong Kong participated in individual interviews in an effort to identify their own opinions on the teaching evaluation including willingness, expectation and motivations, as well as the items of evaluation form. In doing so, the study revealed that most students were willing to do the evaluation, but they couldn’t get any follow up actions next. The motivations for them to rate teaching is that they believed the evaluations were meaningful and as a chance for them to express their personal ideas. Furthermore, the findings demonstrated that students’ evaluations were related to their expectation and personal feelings on the course and teachers. / published_or_final_version / Education / Master / Master of Education

香港通識教育科學生教師其教師身份形塑的敘事研究. / Narrative research on teacher identity construction of liberal studies student-teachers in Hong Kong / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Xianggang tong shi jiao yu ke xue sheng jiao shi qi jiao shi shen fen xing su de xu shi yan jiu.

January 2013 (has links)
本論文運用敘說研究方式探討六位學生教師於修讀通識教師科教師教育課程期間的教師身分形塑過程,理解教師教育課程的學習經驗、學科性質與教師身分形塑之間的關係。本研究重點分為以下三部份: / 首先,從六位學生教師的經驗敘說中發現教師身分的多重性。敘說研究資料呈現出的教師身分並兩種不同性質的教師身分:一般教師身分及學科教師身分。在形塑的歷程上,兩個教師身分在建構初期階段會呈現較易於劃分,逐漸彼此相互影響並連繫在一起。 / 其次,學生教師身分形塑進程是以相似的軌跡進行,從起始時模糊、不穩定的狀態到逐漸變得清晰及穩定的教師身分形成。學生教師面對不同的影響力量的刺激,因此教師身分常處於流動而持續建構中的狀態。整體而言,學科教師身分形塑進程明顯較一般教師身分的緩慢。 / 最後,教師身分的形塑過程是受不同的外內影響力量所刺激,因而引起學生教師內外價值彼此角力,過程中逐漸形塑出具有個人特性的教師身分。影響力量可分為脈絡性、顯性及隱性的影響力量。雖然六位學生教師面對相似的影響力量,但個體的教師身分對相同影響力量的所呈現出的反應卻有很大的差異。有部份的教師身分顯示出能消弭影響力量的能力,有部份的顯示出接受影響力量的刺激後而改變形塑的進度,影響力量更會形塑教師身分,導致教學取向等的轉變。根據此研究結果顯示出教師身分形塑與個體過去經驗,及個體身處的空間有密切關係。由於身分形塑是一個個體內在自我與外在世界的對話,藉著敘說回溯經驗能提高學生教師對身分形塑的察覺,促進專業成長。 / This study explored the teacher identity shaping processes of six student teachers while they were taking Liberal Studies Teacher Education Program during their third year of study. Its purpose is to understand the relationship between the six student teachers’ learning experience of the teacher education program, the nature of the liberal studies subject matter, and the shaping process of their teacher identity. The main findings of the study include the following three points. / First, it is found out student teachers have built multiple teacher identities from the narration of their study experience. The narrative research data indicated that student teachers had two different teacher identities: general teacher identity and subject teacher identity. These two identities could be easily differentiated in the initial phase of the process of teacher identity construction, but as the process went on, the two identities interplayed with each other and became closely connected. / Second, the six student teachers have followed a similar track in the process of their identity shaping. The shaping of their teacher identity was vague and unstable in the beginning and gradually became distinct and stable. Facing stimulation from different influential forces, these student teachers’ teacher identity was usually kept in a dynamic status and was continuously constructed. In general, subject teacher identity was shaped much slower than general teacher identity. / Finally, the shaping process of their teacher identity has been stimulated by different external and internal forces. The influential forces can be categorized into three types: contextual, visible and invisible. Although all six student teachers faced similar influential forces, each individual teacher identity reacted quite differently to the similar forces. Some teacher identities showed the capacity to absorb the influential forces while some teacher identities changed their shaping rate after being stimulated by the influential forces. / Upon on these findings, the study pointed out that teacher identity has shaped by pervious experience in learning and context. Identity Shaping is a dialogue between internal self and external world. Narrative is a suitable method to assist student teacher reflects their pervious life experiences, also promote teacher personal and professional growth. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 許家齡. / "2013年3月". / "2013 nian 3 yue". / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2013. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 356-373). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract in Chinese and English. / Xu Jialing. / Chapter 第一章 --- 緒論 --- p.4 / Chapter 第一節 --- 研究緣起 --- p.4 / Chapter 一、 --- 研究背景的宏觀脈絡 --- p.5 / Chapter 二、 --- 研究關注 --- p.7 / Chapter 第二節 --- 研究問題 --- p.9 / Chapter 一、 --- 研究問題的闡釋 --- p.9 / Chapter 二、 --- 相關概念的界定 --- p.10 / Chapter 第三節 --- 研究意義 --- p.12 / Chapter 第二章 --- 文獻綜述 --- p.14 / Chapter 第一節 --- 教師身分 --- p.14 / Chapter 一、 --- 身分理論綜述 --- p.14 / Chapter 二、 --- 教師身分研究綜述 --- p.33 / Chapter 三、 --- 提出教師身分理論框架 --- p.41 / Chapter 第二節 --- 教師教育 --- p.55 / Chapter 第三節 --- 香港新高中通識教育科課程 --- p.74 / Chapter 一、 --- 課程發展脈絡 --- p.74 / Chapter 二、 --- 通識教育科課程 --- p.81 / Chapter 三、 --- 通識教育科教師教育概況 --- p.90 / Chapter 四、 --- 通識教育科教師的就業前景 --- p.94 / Chapter 第三章 --- 研究設計與方法 --- p.95 / Chapter 第一節 --- 研究基本架構 --- p.95 / Chapter 第二節 --- 研究方法的確定 --- p.99 / Chapter 一、 --- 選用敘說作為研究方法的原因 --- p.99 / Chapter 二、 --- 教師身分形塑的推論過程 --- p.101 / Chapter 第三節 --- 研究設計 --- p.103 / Chapter 一、 --- 研究對象的選擇 --- p.103 / Chapter 二、 --- 研究的效度 --- p.104 / Chapter 三、 --- 資料搜集的方法 --- p.107 / Chapter 四、 --- 資料的整理與分析 --- p.113 / Chapter 第四章 --- 學生教師身分的敘說故事 --- p.119 / Chapter 第一節 --- 學生教師的集體經驗 --- p.119 / Chapter 第二節 --- 教師身分形塑的故事 --- p.124 / Chapter 一、 --- 阿雪的教師身分敘說故事 --- p.124 / Chapter 二、 --- 阿知的教師身分敘說故事 --- p.150 / Chapter 三、 --- 阿四的教師身分敘說故事 --- p.185 / Chapter 四、 --- 阿惠的教師身分敘說故事 --- p.219 / Chapter 五、 --- 阿希的教師身分敘說故事 --- p.243 / Chapter 六、 --- 阿佳的教師身分敘說故事 --- p.268 / Chapter 第五章 --- 討論 --- p.296 / Chapter 第一節 --- 敘說教師身分:學科教師身分與一般教師身分 --- p.296 / Chapter 一、 --- 教師身分的多重性 --- p.296 / Chapter 二、 --- 教師身分的形塑過程 --- p.298 / Chapter 第二節 --- 教師身分形塑過程及其影響力量 --- p.311 / Chapter 一、 --- 影響力量的分類及強度 --- p.311 / Chapter 二、 --- 影響力量對教師身分的形塑 --- p.313 / Chapter 第六章 --- 研究結論與啟示 --- p.342 / Chapter 第一節 --- 結論 --- p.342 / Chapter 一、 --- 理論化學生教師的敘說身分:橫向空間及縱向時間形塑 --- p.342 / Chapter 二、 --- 一般教師身分與學科教師身分的關係 --- p.348 / Chapter 第二節 --- 反思與建議 --- p.352 / Chapter 一、 --- 敘說訪談的真相 --- p.352 / Chapter 二、 --- 敘說.反思.研究 --- p.353 / Chapter 三、 --- 建議 --- p.355 / 參考文獻 --- p.356

人生目標: 香港中學教師的生命故事 = Purpose in life : the life stories of Hong Kong secondary school teachers. / Purpose in life: the life stories of Hong Kong secondary school teachers / 人生目標 / 香港中學教師的生命故事 / Ren sheng mu biao: Xianggang zhong xue jiao shi de sheng ming gu shi = Purpose in life : the life stories of Hong Kong secondary school teachers. / Ren sheng mu biao / Xianggang zhong xue jiao shi de sheng ming gu shi

January 2015 (has links)
本文是一個關於香港中學教師追尋「人生目標」的生命故事的研究,探討香港中學教師如何從日常生活中,與教學生活中追尋「人生目標」的經歷。 / 本研究是以深度訪談的形式,訪談了六位教學年資達十年以上,人生目標測試存有最少達到一般教師人生目標平均數值的香港中學教師。研究員將訪談收集的資料進行編碼,按資料的性質與主題去分類;在分析資料時,亦參考了研究時個人日誌的內容,與有關「人生目標」的文獻內容作比較,發現被訪教師的人生目標,都是包含有:委身承擔 (commitment)、目標導向 (goal directedness)、個人意義性 (personal meaningfulness)及超越自己 (beyond-the-self)的元素;而在追尋人生目標的歷程上,藉着「反思」與「討論」的活動,可協助被訪教師調節與鞏固其人生目標。研究中發現,因着被訪教師存有一個「以學生為中心」的專業態度,能協助他們有效地對抗因教育改革後的轉變與挑戰。 / 在被訪教師成長的歷程中,他們人生目標的建立,是曾經受到師長及照顧者(如:父母、親人)所影響及導引,而這些人生目標,亦能協助他們建立正面的信念、價值觀及生命態度,從而使他們能有效地協助他們的學生正面與健康地成長。研究的結論,能對辦學團體及教育政策的決策人,在訂立教育的方向與策劃時,具啓示的作用;同時,對於設計有關教師與學生人生目標的培訓工作上,有重要的參考價值! / This is a research about the life stories of Hong Kong secondary school teachers to search for their purpose in life. It explored on the experiences of Hong Kong secondary school teachers how to search for their purpose in life in daily lives and teaching work. / This research adopted the in-depth interview approach and has interviewed six Hong Kong secondary school teachers who have more than ten years teaching experiences. And they also got the above average marks of local similar researches in the purpose in life test. Based on the theme and nature of the data, the researcher categorized it and coded accordingly. After making comparison among interview records, personal log book and the relevant academic literatures, these research results proved that the elements included in the purpose in life of Hong Kong secondary school teachers are: commitment, goal-directedness, personal meaningfulness and beyond the self. On the process of searching for purpose in life, Hong Kong secondary school teachers usually make good use of the reflection and discussion activities in helping them to adjust and consolidate their purpose in life as well. This research manifested that teacher with professional attitude of "student-focused" could support teacher to face the challenges by the educational reforms effectively. / In their personal growth experience, Hong Kong secondary school teachers formulate their purpose in life which was inspired by their teachers and care-takers, e.g. parents and relatives. Moreover, their purpose in life facilitated them to establish positive belief and values, as well as their good life attitudes which in turn assist their students to grow up happily and healthily. The results of this research could enlighten the school’s developmental directions to the organizing body as well as the education policy makers. Moreover, this thesis also provided as a good reference for whom wanted to design or conduct "Purpose in Life" program for teachers and students. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 顏林發. / Parallel title from added title page. / Thesis (Ed.D.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2015. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 256-281). / Abstracts also in English. / Yan Linfa.

How does the teamwork culture affect the teachers' ways of working in a local secondary school?

Tong, Chung-fan., 湯仲勳. January 2004 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / toc / Education / Master / Master of Education

A study on student teachers' conceptions of teaching: analysis based on metaphors and reflection

Au, Kit-oi, Eliza., 區潔愛. January 1993 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Education / Master / Master of Education

Implications of school management initiative: a case study of teachers' perspectives

Ma, Kit-ching, Veronica., 馬潔貞. January 1993 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Education / Master / Master of Education

A study of strategies adopted by student-teachers of the Hong Kong Institute of Education in classroom during their teaching practice

Yu, Lai-wah., 余麗華. January 1995 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Education / Master / Master of Education

A study of the instructional behaviour and information processing of student teachers during the interactive phase of teaching: a thesis

Kwo, Ora., 過偉瑜. January 1994 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Curriculum Studies / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy

Verbal feedback as offered by secondary school Chinese language teachers

Chow, Tuen-yi., 周端兒. January 2000 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Education / Master / Master of Education

Second language classroom interaction patterns: an investigation of three case studies of pre-serviceteachers

Yang, Chi-cheung, Ruby., 楊紫嬙. January 2008 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Linguistics / Master / Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics

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