Spelling suggestions: "subject:"breaching -- china"" "subject:"breaching -- shina""
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夥伴合作對教師學習的影響: 一個有關教師實施專題研習教學的探究. / Impact of teacher-change agency partnerships on teacher learning: learning through project learning / 一個有關教師實施專題研習教學的探究 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Huo ban he zuo dui jiao shi xue xi de ying xiang: yi ge you guan jiao shi shi shi zhuan ti yan xi jiao xue de tan jiu. / Yi ge you guan jiao shi shi shi zhuan ti yan xi jiao xue de tan jiuJanuary 2005 (has links)
Five experienced primary school teachers were involved in the study. In-depth interviews and non-participatory observation were used to collect data. Based on thick description of five cases individually and a comprehensive comparison among them, the research revealed: (1) Teacher trainers need to take a multi-dimensional view to study the difficulties teachers encountered in implementing reform initiatives; (2) Teacher learning should take account of both "teacher" and "learning". The research highlighted that teacher professional development and personal growth are closely interrelated; (3) In different sectors (such as, the starting point of learning, the learning task, learning methods, the learning approach, learning progress and learning support), as well as at different levels, (such as, supportive vs. accelerative), teacher-change agency partnerships may have a positive influence on teacher learning. However, the professional capacity of the change agency, and the unique needs of the school played a crucial role in shaping the efficacy of the relationship between both partners and also the level of teacher learning. / Over the last decade, educational reformers in Hong Kong have targeted teacher development and learning as a key area of need. As part of this movement, different external change agencies began developing partnerships with school as attempts to enhance the quality of teacher professional development. Such partnerships have operated for a number of years, but, to date, their efficacy has been largely unexplored. This research, taking teachers' implementation of project learning as an example, aims to explore the impact of teacher-change agency partnerships on teacher learning. The study is important in helping educators to better understand the difficulties teachers face when engaging in changes and also teachers' learning need. This research also reveals the effects of teacher-change agency partnership and its impact on teacher learning. This study can shed lights on ways of curriculum change and teacher development. / The research posed four questions: (1) What difficulties do teachers face while carrying out project learning in school? (2) What kind of learning did teachers experience while involved in the teacher-change agency partnership? (3) Within the context of educational change, did teacher-change agency partnerships have an impact on teacher learning? (4) What do teacher-change agencies need to consider if partnership is to achieve positive results? / To conclude, based on the five personal narratives and with reference to relevant literature review, the research suggested that a broader discussion is needed in the area, and recommended a conceptual framework which may guide further development. / 朱嘉穎. / 論文(哲學博士)--香港中文大學, 2005. / 參考文獻(p. 283-298). / Adviser: Hin-wah Wong. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 67-07, Section: A, page: 2444. / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. [Ann Arbor, MI] : ProQuest Information and Learning, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts also in English. / School code: 1307. / Lun wen (Zhe xue bo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2005. / Can kao wen xian (p. 283-298). / Zhu Jiaying.
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中國大陸新課程改革背景下教師實踐反思的個案研究. / Case study on teacher practical reflection in the context of new curriculum reform in Mainland China / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Zhongguo da lu xin ke cheng gai ge bei jing xia jiao shi shi jian fan si de ge an yan jiu.January 2006 (has links)
Furthermore, whether they have the conscious and courage to break through the restraint which is given by the educational bureau and the school or not, they could be divided into two categories: the dependent inner-control empowerment and the transcendent inner-control empowerment. For example, if teachers confine their reflection within the existing value norm, we describe it as dependent inner-control empowerment. As for the LATQ teachers, they possess outer-control empowerment which makes teachers analyze and judge their own teaching practice from others' standards. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) / Lastly, in terms of how practical reflections influence teachers' professional development, the reflections of HTQ and LATQ teachers share a common characteristic. That is, they are both an active learning process of the teachers, even though the reflections are the results of outside forces. And the differences among the two groups of teachers are as follows: (a) the HTQ teachers look at their own professional experiences as the important basis reflection. (b) In terms of the process of reflection, the outcomes of the point by point summarizing process lead to the incremental change in teaching style while the outcome of systematic inquiry is the fundamental change in the renovation of espoused theories and theory-in-use. (c) As for the HTQ teachers, the ability of understanding, controlling and creating practice from reflections has given them inner-control empowerment. / Secondly, practical reflection results from the interaction between teachers' habitus and school field. The main factors in teachers' habitus that influence teachers' practical reflection are the attitudes and motivations of teachers' professional development, educational beliefs, the time of reflection and the competence of inquiry. The main factors in school field that influence teachers' practical reflection include principals' assumption of teachers' learning motivation (compelling), the need of school image management (performance), freedom for teachers' professional development (freedom), the concept of teaching and learning (focus on student learning) and teachers' culture (learning & communication). / The great demands of creative talents in knowledge economy and the pursuit of better humanistic teaching and learning challenge teachers' professional competency. Teachers are expected to be more adaptive and creative in curriculum implementation. Theoretically, teachers' practical reflection is the process of curriculum deliberation and creation. In this context, the inquiry into practical reflection has important theoretical contributions on how to advance curriculum implementation and teacher professional development. / The main research findings are as follows: Firstly, there are intrinsic differences in contents, levels and process of practical reflection between HTQ and LATQ teachers. / The present study addresses the following three questions. (1) What practical reflection has been done in curriculum implementation? (2) Which factors influence teachers' practical reflection? (3) How practical reflection affects teachers' professional development? / 趙明仁. / 論文(哲學博士)--香港中文大學, 2006. / 參考文獻(p. 261-272). / Adviser: Hin Wah Wong. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 68-03, Section: A, page: 0869. / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. [Ann Arbor, MI] : ProQuest Information and Learning, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / School code: 1307. / Lun wen (zhe xue bo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2006. / Can kao wen xian (p. 261-272). / Zhao Mingren.
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學科教學知識在課堂實踐中的轉化過程研究. / Investigation the transformation of pedagogical content knowledge into classroom practice / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Xue ke jiao xue zhi shi zai ke tang shi jian zhong de zhuan hua guo cheng yan jiu.January 2012 (has links)
學科教學知識(PCK)是上世紀80年代提出的一種與教師課堂實踐緊密聯繫的知識。回顧學科教學知識的研究文獻發現,較少有研究專門針對學科教學知識轉化為課堂教學行為的過程。本研究選取三位中學化學教師作為案例,詳細描述和分析了PCK如何向課堂教學進行轉化。根據PCK的兩大維度一是關於“教",二是關於“內容",研究選擇了某一特定教學主題(化學反應速率)以及探究式教學來具體化這兩大維度。這樣研究就是從具有特定教學主題和教學取向的角度去闡釋PCK的轉化過程。轉化研究從四個方面進行展開:一是教師對於探究的知識和信念,二是以探究為教學取向的PCK,三是教師的課堂實踐行為,四是PCK與教學行為之間的聯繫和差異,以及影響PCK向課堂實踐轉化的因素。 / 研究發現PCK向課堂實踐的轉化,可以從三個方面進行闡釋。首先從教師所理解的探究知識而言,教師對探究的理解程度會影響教學目標的制定、教學內容的選擇、教學策略和教學評價的實施以及學生知識這些PCK的主要成分,繼而影響探究教學的實施。教師對探究的理解最主要的困難體現在三個方面:一是缺乏使用證據進行解釋的意識;二是將探究等同於“預測"、“實驗室活動";三是重視“做"科學多於“說"科學,學生較少獲得交流與解釋的機會。 / 其次PCK本身的程度影響課堂教學實踐的轉化。研究發現三位教師當中,有經驗教師的PCK各個知識成分比較均衡,知識成分之間能夠產生聯繫,PCK與教學行為之間的差異較小。新手教師的PCK發展處於不均衡狀態,其中教學目標和評價知識較為豐富,但是缺乏充分的教學策略知識來實現教學目標的轉變。PCK不僅僅是知識成分的綜合,它體現了教師將不同知識整合的能力,有經驗教師的整合能力明顯高於新手教師。此外,學生知識是變化最為劇烈的PCK知識成分,教師需要特別的提示或是刺激才能促進其在教學計劃中更多地考慮學生。 / 最後,教師面對探究教學的實施總體呈現一種複雜而矛盾的信念。這背後的影響因素主要來自五個方面:一是教學觀念,例如教師對學習“過程"和“結果"的價值判斷,通常“結果"定律影響探究教學的實施;二是自我效能感,自我效能感高的教師更能實現教學轉化;三是學生觀念,教師對學生的評價越是負面,越會阻礙教學轉化;四是同伴學習,擁有同儕支持的教師能夠獲得更多的教學資源以及自我效能感,如果有優秀教師的引領,這種自我效能感將更加得到強化;五是教科書、課程標準、考試等外在因素,通常“課程"和“考試"是教師認為最容易阻礙探究教學實施的兩大外部壓力。 / 基於以上發現,研究建議值得繼續關注的問題是:進一步確定PCK的評級方法和工具,幫助教師形成均衡發展的PCK;促進教師深入理解和反思探究的本質;為教師提供支持性的環境,包括穩定的培訓環境、增加教師之間學習的機會、支持教師對自我教學進行不斷的改進和跟新、鼓勵教師形成積極、正面、陽關的教學心態。研究對於教師專業發展和提高科學本質觀的認識這兩方面具有一定的理論和實踐貢獻。 / The notion of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) was proposed in the 1980s. PCK is closely related to teachers’ classroom practices, but a review of research on PCK revealed that few previous studies had focused on how PCK is transformed into classroom practice. Using three high school chemistry teachers in Beijing as cases, this study investigated the transformation process of PCK. They taught chemical reaction rate by using inquiry teaching and learning in their schools. Interviews and direct observations were used to collect data on the actual teaching and learning process in their classrooms. The research focused on four areas: teacher knowledge and beliefs about inquiry; the PCK for inquiry teaching; teacher behaviors in the classroom; and the transformation of PCK into classroom teaching as well as the factors affecting the transformation process. / It was found that the process of PCK transformation can be analyzed from three perspectives. First, teachers’ levels of understanding of inquiry affected their selection of learning objectives, content, teaching strategies, and assessment. Three major difficulties encountered by the three teachers were identified. Secondly, teachers’ levels of PCK influenced the transformation of PCK into classroom teaching. Experienced teachers were able to transform their PCK more easily than novice teachers. However, both experienced and novice teachers had to pay more attention to students’ needs when designing and implementing inquiry teaching. Thirdly, the three teachers held complex and conflicting beliefs about teaching and learning. The key factors affecting the transformation of PCK into classroom teaching included teacher self-efficacy, beliefs about student ability, peer support, textbooks, curriculum guides, and examinations. / These findings have important implications for teacher professional development and science teaching and learning in school. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 廖梁. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 331-350). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Liao Liang. / 摘要 --- p.iii / Abstract --- p.v / 致謝 --- p.v / 目錄 --- p.ix / 圖表目錄 --- p.xii / Chapter 第一章 --- 引言 --- p.1 / Chapter 第一節 --- 研究背景 --- p.1 / Chapter 一、 --- 學科教學知識研究概述 --- p.1 / Chapter 二、 --- 課程改革與探究教學 --- p.3 / Chapter 第二節 --- 研究目的 --- p.6 / Chapter 一、 --- 內容主題+探究取向的PCK研究 --- p.6 / Chapter 二、 --- 教師的探究知識和信念 --- p.7 / Chapter 三、 --- PCK在課堂實踐中的轉化過程 --- p.8 / Chapter 第三節、 --- 研究問題 --- p.9 / Chapter 第二章 --- 文獻回顧 --- p.11 / Chapter 第一節 --- PCK的概念与成分 --- p.11 / Chapter 一、 --- 概念與內涵 --- p.11 / Chapter 二、 --- 知識成分 --- p.17 / Chapter 第二節、 --- 主題式PCK --- p.31 / Chapter 一、 --- 概述 --- p.31 / Chapter 二、 --- Van Driel的主題PCK研究----教師的化學平衡PCK及其發展 --- p.33 / Chapter 三、 --- De Jong等人的主題PCK研究---教師有關粒子模型的PCK --- p.34 / Chapter 四、 --- Drechsler&Van Driel的主題PCK研究 --- p.36 / Chapter 五、 --- 小結 --- p.37 / Chapter 第三節、 --- PCK的發展與課堂教學實踐 --- p.39 / Chapter 一、 --- Cochran的PCK發展觀---“動態建構與“均衡發展 --- p.39 / Chapter 二、 --- Nilsson的PCK發展觀---在反思中促進PCK的發展 --- p.41 / Chapter 三、 --- Park&Oliver的PCK發展觀---PCK產生於行動,指導於行動 --- p.42 / Chapter 四、 --- 小结 --- p.44 / Chapter 第四節、 --- 獲得、描述和評價教師PCK的方法 --- p.45 / Chapter 一、 --- 早期PCK研究方法(1986-1999) --- p.45 / Chapter 二、 --- 2000---至今的PCK研究 --- p.47 / Chapter 三、 --- 如何描述和呈現PCK --- p.49 / Chapter 四、 --- 小結 --- p.53 / Chapter 第五節、 --- 探究、探究教学与信念 --- p.54 / Chapter 一、 --- 什麼是探究 --- p.54 / Chapter 二、 --- 探究教學策略 --- p.60 / Chapter 三、 --- 探究信念 --- p.67 / Chapter 第六節、 --- 化學反應速率教學背景 --- p.70 / Chapter 一、 --- 化學反應速率的概念要點 --- p.70 / Chapter 二、 --- 學習化學反應速率常見的困難和錯誤概念 --- p.71 / Chapter 三、 --- 化學反應速率的教學策略 --- p.72 / Chapter 第三章 --- 研究方法 --- p.75 / Chapter 第一節、 --- 案例研究方法概述 --- p.75 / Chapter 第二節、 --- 資料收集 --- p.76 / Chapter 一、 --- 第一次田野調查設計與初步結果 --- p.76 / Chapter 二、 --- 第二次田野調查數據收集 --- p.81 / Chapter 第三節、 --- 資料分析 --- p.88 / Chapter 第四節、 --- 研究效度與研究倫理 --- p.91 / Chapter 第四章 --- 教師的探究知識與信念 --- p.93 / Chapter 第一節、 --- 教师的探究知識 --- p.94 / Chapter 一、 --- 內涵 --- p.94 / Chapter 二、 --- 過程 --- p.99 / Chapter 三、 --- 角色 --- p.103 / Chapter 四、 --- 價值 --- p.107 / Chapter 五、 --- 困難 --- p.113 / Chapter 第二節、 --- 教師對探究教學所持有的信念 --- p.117 / Chapter 一、 --- 認同亦或疏離 --- p.120 / Chapter 二、 --- 行动亦或观望 --- p.123 / Chapter 三、 --- 堅持亦或嘗試 --- p.126 / Chapter 四、 --- 融洽亦或矛盾 --- p.128 / Chapter 第三節、 --- 小結 --- p.132 / Chapter 第五章 --- 以探究為取向的學科教學知識分析 --- p.139 / Chapter 第一節、 --- 學科教學知識分析框架 --- p.139 / Chapter 第二節、 --- 理論先行,實驗輔助----喬老師的探究教學PCK --- p.146 / Chapter 第三節、 --- 在教中學,吐故納新----郎老師學科教學知識分析 --- p.169 / Chapter 第四節、 --- 適應困境,力圖改變----胡老師學科教學知識分析 --- p.182 / Chapter 第五節、 --- 小结 --- p.197 / Chapter 第六章 --- 課堂教學行為分析 --- p.203 / Chapter 第一節、 --- 探究課堂教學中的師生對話分析框架 --- p.204 / Chapter 第二節、 --- 喬老師的課堂教學行為分析 --- p.206 / Chapter 第三節、 --- 郎老師師生課堂對話分析 --- p.241 / Chapter 第四節、 --- 胡老師師生課堂對話分析 --- p.251 / Chapter 第五節、 --- 小結 --- p.262 / Chapter 第七章 --- 學科教學知識向課堂實踐轉化过程的討論 --- p.268 / Chapter 第一節、 --- 學科教學知識與課堂教學行為差異討論 --- p.268 / Chapter 一、 --- 教學目標與教學行為 --- p.268 / Chapter 二、 --- 教學內容與教學行為 --- p.274 / Chapter 三、 --- 教學策略與教學行為 --- p.276 / Chapter 四、 --- 教學評價與教學行為 --- p.282 / Chapter 五、 --- 小結 --- p.286 / Chapter 第二節、 --- 學科教學知識向教學行為轉化過程的特徵 --- p.287 / Chapter 一、 --- 喬老師的轉化特徵----深刻的認識,深刻的矛盾 --- p.288 / Chapter 二、 --- 郎老師教學知識的轉化特徵----知識與行動的高度一致 --- p.294 / Chapter 三、 --- 胡老師教學知識的轉化特徵----艱難融入教學環境,信念頑強 --- p.298 / Chapter 第三節、 --- 轉化的影響因素討論 --- p.302 / Chapter 一、 --- 探究知識對轉化的影響 --- p.302 / Chapter 二、 --- 信念對轉化的影響 --- p.307 / Chapter 三、 --- PCK對轉化的影響 --- p.312 / Chapter 第八章 --- 結論與總結 --- p.316 / Chapter 第一節、 --- 結論 --- p.316 / Chapter 第二節、 --- 研究貢獻 --- p.321 / Chapter 第三節、 --- 研究局限 --- p.325 / Chapter 第四節、 --- 有待深入關注的問題 --- p.327 / 參考文獻 --- p.331 / 中文部分 --- p.331 / 英文部分 --- p.333 / 附錄 --- p.351
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探究高中中國語文科教師的教學內容知識: 以教師處理教材為例. / Research on the pedagogical content knowledge of senior secondary Chinese language teachers: a case study of how teachers manage teaching materials / 以教師處理教材為例 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Digital dissertation consortium / Tan jiu gao zhong Zhongguo yu wen ke jiao shi de jiao xue nei rong zhi shi: yi jiao shi chu li jiao cai wei li. / Yi jiao shi chu li jiao cai wei liJanuary 2010 (has links)
Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), uniquely possessed by teachers, is the expert knowledge of teaching particular subjects. While researchers have probed into the connotation of PCK from the aspects of various subjects, this study explores an area of subject teaching not yet developed in the investigation of teachers' PCK: the PCK of experienced teachers of Senior Secondary Chinese Language, particularly its connotation, foundation, and changes after the curriculum reform. / The reform of the Chinese Language Curriculum in Hong Kong has released learning materials to schools without specifying prescribed texts. Schools are required to accommodate a school-based curriculum in view of the school and its students. To design such a curriculum demands a higher level of teachers' PCK. This study, by citing how teachers managed teaching materials, adopted a qualitative approach to investigate teachers' PCK. Using case study method and via purposeful sampling, this study identified six Senior Secondary Chinese Language teachers as research subjects. Two of them came from two schools which developed their own teaching materials, while the other four belonged to two other schools which employed textbooks. / The result revealed that the PCK possessed by these Senior Secondary Chinese Language teachers comprised five dimensions of knowledge: the knowledge of the purpose of subject teaching, the knowledge of student learning, the knowledge of curriculum content, organization and teaching materials, the knowledge of instructional strategies and representations, as well as subject knowledge. After the curriculum reform, the changes in the teachers' PCK were reflected mainly from their knowledge of student learning, knowledge of curriculum content, structure and teaching materials, and knowledge of instructional strategies and representations. Some teachers put more emphasis on developing students' language ability, demonstrating a change in their knowledge of the goal of subject teaching. Subject knowledge of the teachers, which was important to them when handling teaching materials, remained the same before and after the reform. The PCK of the teachers in this case study came from: teacher education and training programmes, practice and reflection, collaboration and study, the experience of curriculum development, collaborative lesson preparation, peer observation, internal and external professional exchanges, resource sharing, etc. / This study has three significant findings. First, among all the knowledge of teachers, PCK is independent. It is the expert knowledge of teaching particular subjects, as well as an integrated expression of various knowledge dimensions during subject teaching. Secondly, subject knowledge is one of the dimensions of teachers' PCK during subject teaching. It integrates with other knowledge dimensions to realize effects. Thirdly, the knowledge dimension of instructional strategies and representations of PCK has different scopes of application. "Strategies" refers to all kinds of pre-lesson instructional design, as well as the general instruction method during actual teaching. "Representations" refers to that during subject teaching, according to specific subject content and by adopting targeting approach, teachers modify the pedagogical content so as to make it more comprehensible to students. / 周健. / Advisers: Hin-Wah Wong; Ping-Kwan Fok. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 72-04, Section: A, page: . / Thesis (doctoral)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2010. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 394-411). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest Information and Learning Company, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest Information and Learning Company, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Zhou Jian.
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Perceptions of students, parents and professionals towards supportive remedial services and integrationTsang, Lai-yuen, Lance., 曾麗婉. January 1997 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Education / Master / Master of Education
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A study of the quality of the questioning strategies of experienced and novice teachers during english lessons in a secondary schoolLin, Mau-tong, Kitty., 練茂棠. January 1996 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Education / Master / Master of Education
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中學中國語文科教師的閱讀學科教學知識與課堂教學的關係. / Secondary school Chinese language teachers' pedagogical content knowledge on reading and the relationship to classroom instruction / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Zhong xue Zhongguo yu wen ke jiao shi de yue du xue ke jiao xue zhi shi yu ke tang jiao xue de guan xi.January 2013 (has links)
周富鴻. / "2013年8月". / "2013 nian 8 yue". / Thesis (Ed.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2013. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 316-338). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract in Chinese and English. / Zhou Fuhong.
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從師生視角看有效數學教學的課堂活動 : 以中國長春市某小學為個案 / Classroom activities for effective mathematics teaching and learning from both teachers and students’ perspectives : a case study in a primary school in Changchun, China韓沙沙 January 2012 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education
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