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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Teachers' understanding and implementation of the design process as it relates to teaching Technology Education in the intermediate and senior phases (Grades 4-9) in the General Education and Training Band in KwaZulu-Natal

De Jager, Maria Louisa Elizabeth 03 September 2012 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirement of the Degree of Magister of Technology: Language Practice, Durban University of Technology, 2012. / Outcomes-based education compelled South African teachers to make an important paradigm shift in education from a teacher-centred approach to a learner-centred approach. This paradigm shift in teaching and learning emphasised an active participation of learners which necessitated Technology Education (TE) teachers to restructure their teaching strategies in terms of the National Curriculum Statement (NCS). Conducted within a constructivist paradigm, this study was based on Shulman‟s (1986, 2004) theory of pedagogical and content knowledge, and Vygotsky‟s (1978) zone of proximal development within social constructivism. Using a mixed method approach, this study investigated teachers‟ understanding and implementation of the design process as it relates to teaching TE in the intermediate and senior phases (Grades 4–9) of the General Education and Training Band in KwaZulu-Natal. The study also considered the training of TE teachers in a bid to facilitate teaching and learning in the classroom and to enable learners to become creative and critical problem solvers. Analysis of the questionnaire and semi-structured responses revealed that teachers were interpreting and implementing policy differently and that they were not adequately trained to teach TE. As a result, classroom practice in terms of teaching and learners‟ experience of the design process in TE also differed. Valuable lessons were learned in this study for the structuring of training programmes for teachers in Technology Education to enhance teaching and learning in the classroom. Therefore, based on the findings, this study makes recommendations regarding teaching, learning, assessment, and training of teachers in TE.

The effect of teaching methods used as experienced and perceived by student nurses at a nursing college in the Western Cape province

Furst, Laetitia Nicole 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCur)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The 21st century teaching environment is unique in its diversity, and challenges academic staff to create a teaching environment that is conducive to all current learners. Various teaching methods are available and affordable, but technology remains an essential investment for the future of higher education institutions. The goal of the study was to evaluate the perceptions of student nurses regarding the effectiveness of the teaching methods which they experienced at a nursing college in the Western Cape Province. The objectives included an evaluation of the effectiveness of teaching methods as perceived and experienced by students of: - The traditional (green/whiteboard) lecture - Group activity - Self-activity - The use of technology such as PowerPoint presentations and video clips. An explorative descriptive research design was applied with a quantitative approach. The target population (N=1238) consisted of nursing students following the programme leading to registration as a professional nurse. Stratified random sampling was used to select the sample of participants (n=267). Data was collected personally by the researcher with a self-administered questionnaire which consisted of predominantly closed questions. Ethics approval to conduct this study was obtained from Stellenbosch University including permission from all other relevant parties. Reliability and validity of the study were assured through a pilot study, consultation with experts in nursing, education and statistics. The reliability of the questions were tested using the Cronbach alpha coefficient test which varied between .89 and .94. The data was analysed with the support of a statistician and was expressed as frequencies in tables and histograms. Descriptive statistics and post-hoc analyses including tests for statistical associations were performed. Results include a significant difference in generation X participants and the green/whiteboard teaching methods (Spearman p-value = 0.02) and their preference of the traditional lecture as a teaching method (Spearman p-value = <0.01). The perceived effectiveness of the teaching methods on student performance varied between very helpful and not helpful. Only (n = 49/19%) of participants experienced the traditional lecture as being very helpful on their general academic performance, in comparison to the effect of group work (n = 69/26%) and self-activity (n = 102/39%). Furthermore, no significant results were obtained between the participants and the perceived effect of the teaching methods. Open-ended questions showed that participants regarded the teaching strategies as boring and ancient and that much of the unhappiness expressed stems from the difference in the needs of millennials and the lack of change and obstinacy existing amongst academics. Recommendations include an increase in the use of technology, a blended approach to teaching, the re-training of academic staff, measures in counteracting a boring classroom environment, orientation for neophyte academics and students, workload perception of students and class size. In conclusion should recommendations be implemented a complete transformation of the college under study will result. It may force the education institution to move out of complacency, to a more vigorous and dynamic education environment that enables them to emerge as an Higher Education Institution (HEI) of good standing. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die een-en-twintigste-eeuse onderwysomgewing is uniek wat betref diversiteit en daag akademiese personeel uit om teenswoordig ’n onderwysomgewing te skep wat bevorderlik is vir alle leerders. Verskeie onderwysmetodes is beskikbaar en bekostigbaar, maar tegnologie bly ’n noodsaaklike belegging vir die toekoms van hoër onderwysinstansies. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die effektiwiteit van die gebruik van onderwysmetodes wat waargeneem en ondervind word deur studentverpleegkundiges by ’n spesifieke Verpleegkollege in die Wes-Kaap, te evalueer. Die doelwitte sluit in die evaluering aangaande die effektiwiteit soos waargeneem en ondervind deur studente van die volgende onderwysmetodes: - Die tradisionele groen/witbord lesing - Groepaktiwiteit - Selfaktiwiteit - Die gebruik van tegnologie soos PowerPoint-aanbiedings en video-insetsels. ’n Ondersoekende, beskrywende navorsingsontwerp met ’n kwantitatiewe benadering is toegepas. Die teikengroep is (n=1238) wat uit verpleegstudente bestaan wat die program vir die van ’n geregistreerde professionele verpleegster volg. ’n Gestratifieerde ewekansige steekproef is gebruik om die deelnemers (n=267) te selekteer. Data is self deur die navorser ingesamel deur gebruik te maak van ’n selfgeadministreerde vraelys wat hoofsaklik uit geslote vrae bestaan het. Etiese goedkeuring om die studie na te vors, is verkry van die Universtiteit van Stellenbosch, asook die van al die betrokke partye. Betroubaarheid en geldigheid van die studie is verseker deur ’n loodsondersoek, sowel as raadpleging met deskundiges op die gebied van Verpleging, Opvoedkunde en Statistiek. Die betroubaaarheid van die vrae is getoets deur gebruik te maak van die Cronbach-alpha koëffisiënt toets wat tussen .89 en .94 gevarieer het. Die data is geanaliseer met die ondersteuning van ’n statistikus en word voorgestel as frekwensies in tabelle en histogramme. Beskrywende statistieke en post-hoc analises, insluitende toetse vir statistiese assossiasies, is uitgevoer. Resultate sluit in ’n beduidende verskil in generasie x-deelnemers en die groen- of witbord onderwysmetodes (Spearman p-waarde = 0.02) en hul voorkeur vir die tradisionele lesing as ’n onderrigmetode (Spearman p-aarde >0.01). Die effektiwiteit van die onderwysmetodes op studenteprestasies wat waargeneem is, varieer tussen baie waardevol en van geen waarde nie. Slegs (n=49/19%) van die deelnemers het die tradisionele lesing as baie waardevol vir hul algemene akademiese prestasie ervaar, in vergelyking met die effek van groepwerk (n=69/26%) en self-aktiwiteit (n=102/39%). Vervolgens, is geen beduidende resultate verkry tussen die deelnemers en die effek van die onderrigmetodes wat waargeneem is nie. Ope vrae bewys dat deelnemers die onderwysstrategieë as vervelig en verouderd beskou en dat baie van die ongelukkigheid wat deurgevoer is, voortspruit uit die verskil in die behoeftes van die milleniums en die gebrek aan geneentheid, asook halsstarrigheid by akademici om te verander. Aanbevelings sluit in ’n toename in die gebruik van tegnologie, ’n saamgestelde benadering tot onderrig, die heropleiding van akademiese personeel, maatstawwe om ’n vervelige klaskameratmosfeer teen te werk, oriëntering vir neofiet akademici en studente se persepsie van werklading en klasgrootte. Ten slotte, indien aanbevelings geïmplementeer word, sal ’n volslae transformasie van die kollege onder die soeklig, plaasvind. Dit mag die opvoedkundige instansie forseer om te beweeg vanuit ’n toestand van gemaksugtigheid na ’n meer ondernemende en dinamiese onderrigomgewing wat in staat sal wees om as ’n Hoër Onderwysinstansie van formaat te funksioneer.

The role of the clinical preceptor in enhancing nursing education at a nursing college

Padayachee, Poovanesthree 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCurr)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The profession of nursing is a twofold vocation that has a scientific theory as the foundation of all nursing intervention or skill. Despite clinical preceptorship being a useful strategy of teaching, many training hospitals and clinical facilities are without this avenue of learning and where available, it is often not optimally utilised. The aim of this study was to explore the role of the clinical preceptor in enhancing nursing education at Edendale Hospital and Edendale campus of a nursing college. A mixed method approach was applied utilizing both qualitative and quantitative methods to collect information about the experiences and challenges as well as clarify existing problems. Samples were drawn from all stakeholders of nursing education i.e. nursing students, nurse educators and ward managers of Edendale Hospital and Campus using random and purposive sampling respectively. Data were collected using selfadministered questionnaires for students and nursing managers and an interview guide for focus group interviews for nurse educators. Ethical approval was sought from the Health Research Ethics Committee at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at Stellenbosch University, the Department of Health, the Kwazulu-Natal College of Nursing and Edendale Hospital and Campus. The findings of this study support Weidenbach’s Prescriptive Theory in which the author maintains that nursing is a practice discipline designed to produce explicit desired results which here refers to the enhancing of nursing education with the contribution of clinical preceptorship. Patricia Benner’s Dreyfus and novice to expert models were used to express the need for meaningful practical experience in nursing students and to shows nurse educators how to identify the practical learning needs of the students and assist them acquire competence. The results of the study suggest that the clinical preceptor is a mentor and a guide who facilitates the correlation of theory and practice in nursing education. The results also suggest that students are experiencing problems in clinical practice and that clinical preceptorship is needed. A number of recommendations are made based on limitations identified in the present teaching-learning process. One of the recommendations is that partnership building strategies be fostered between the hospital, the campus and the Faculty of Nursing Education. This team approach could clearly define the role of the clinical preceptor to ensure optimum nursing education. Further research is recommended. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Verpleging is ’n tweeledige beroep met ’n wetenskaplike teorie as grondslag vir elke verpleegintervensie of -vaardigheid. Ten spyte daarvan dat kliniese instruksie (“preceptorship”) ’n nuttige onderrigstrategie is, ontbreek dit by baie opleidingshospitale en kliniese fasiliteite, en waar dit beskikbaar is, word dit dikwels suboptimaal aangewend. Die doel van hierdie studie was om ondersoek in te stel na hoe belanghebbendes by verpleegopleiding by Edendale-hospitaal en -verpleegkampus kliniese instruksie ervaar, en om sodoende vas te stel of kliniese instruksie verpleegopleiding by daardie fasiliteite versterk. ’n Gemengde benadering van sowel kwalitatiewe as kwantitatiewe metodes is gevolg om inligting oor die ervarings en uitdagings in te win en bestaande probleme te verklaar. Steekproewe is met behulp van onderskeidelik lukrake en doelbewuste seleksie uit alle belanghebbendes by verpleegopleiding by Edendale-hospitaal en - verpleegkampus geneem, met inbegrip van verpleegstudente, verpleegopvoeders en saalbestuurders. Data is deur middel van selfvoltooiingsvraelyste vir studente en eenheidsbestuurders, en ’n onderhoudsgids vir fokusgroepgesprekke met verpleegopvoeders ingesamel. Etiekgoedkeuring is verkry van die Gesondheidsnavorsingsetiekkomitee van die Fakulteit Geneeskunde en Gesondheidswetenskappe aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch, die Departement van Gesondheid, die KwaZulu-Natalse Verpleegkollege sowel as Edendale-hospitaal en - verpleegkampus. Die bevindinge van die studie ondersteun Wiedenbach se voorskriftelike teorie, waarin sy volhou dat verpleging ’n praktiese dissipline is wat ontwerp is om bepaalde gewenste resultate te behaal. Patricia Benner se Dreyfus- en beginner-tot-kennermodel is ook gebruik om die behoefte aan sinvolle praktiese ervaring by verpleegstudente te staaf, en om verpleegopvoeders te wys hoe om studente se praktiese leerbehoeftes te bepaal en hulle vaardighede te help ontwikkel. Die resultate van die studie dui daarop dat die kliniese instrukteer as mentor en begeleier die korrelasie tussen teorie en die praktyk van verpleegonderwys fasiliteer. Die resultate dui verder daarop dat student probleme in kliniese praktyk ervar en kliniese instruksie benodig. ’n Aantal aanbevelings word gedoen op grond van beperkinge wat in die huidige onderrig-en-leer-proses uitgewys is. Een van die aanbevelings is die ontwikkeling van strategieë om vennootskappe tussen die hospitaal, die verpleegkampus en die fakulteit verpleegkunde te bou. Hierdie spanbenadering kan die rol van die kliniese instrukteur duidelik omlyn ten einde optimale verpleegopleiding te verseker. Verdere navorsing word aanbeveel.

Evaluating the integration of ICTs into teaching and learning activities at a South African higher education institution

Van der Merwe, Antoinette Deirdre 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study is a structured evaluation of the integration of ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) in teaching and learning activities at the University of Stellenbosch. Although anecdotal evidence exists of the success of the e-Learning initiatives at the University of Stellenbosch, this study addresses these questions in a more structured approach within the global and local higher education context in order to: - Improve the e-Learning project (as part of the e-Campus initiative) and other e-Learning initiatives, - Generate knowledge to improve our understanding of how the e-Learning initiatives work and how people change their attitudes and behaviours because of successful interventions, - Evaluate the institutional characteristics of successful integration, - Evaluate the technological environment and, more specifically, the use of WebCT as learning management system, and - Assess the overall progress of the e-Learning initiatives at the University of Stellenbosch. This evaluation is done taking the broader global and changing local higher education landscape and, more specifically, the interplay of three of the main global drivers into account. The three drivers discussed are: knowledge as a driver of growth in a networked society, the information and communication technology revolution and new competitors in the higher education marketplace The first part of the study is therefore a literature review of the changing global higher education landscape, with a specific focus on how these changes are contextualised within the unique South African post-1994 higher education landscape. After considering the global and South African higher education landscape, the study then provides a critical overview of the status of the integration of ICTs into teaching and learning activities world wide, the possible benefits of the integration of ICTs into teaching and learning activities and the implications of these changes for the lecturers, students and the higher education institutional and technological environment. These overviews of both the global changing higher education landscape and the integration of ICTs into teaching and learning activities serve as the backdrop for the case study and retrospective assessment of e-Learning initiatives at the University of Stellenbosch. The study contains a description of the e-Campus initiative, the e-Learning project and other e-Learning initiatives. In the retrospective assessment, the main focus of the study, I make use of quantative and qualitative methods to analyse the results of two Web surveys administered to students andlecturers who use WebCT. These results are integrated with other data sources to assess the progress made at the University of Stellenbosch. This retrospective assessment of the e-Learning activities at the University of Stellenbosch, set against the backdrop of the global changing higher education landscape, enables me to make general recommendations for: - Dealing with changes in the higher education context on an institutional level as a result of the three forces discussed, - Integrating ICTs at the institutional level in all business process at a higher education institution, - Integrating ICTs in teaching and learning activities, paying attention to the enabling institutional and technological environment, as well as to good teaching and learning practice, and - Improving the implementation of the e-Campus initiative and, more specifically, the e- Learning project and other e-Learning initiatives at the University of Stellenbosch. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie is ‘n gestruktureerde evaluering van die integrasie van IKTs (Informasie- en Kommunikasietegnologieë) in leer- en onderrigaktiwiteite by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Alhoewel daar wel anekdotiese bewyse is dat die e-Leer inisiatiewe by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch suksesvol is, spreek hierdie studie die vrae binne ‘n gestruktureerde benadering aan met inagname van die globale en plaaslike hoër onderwys konteks om: - Die e-Leer projek (as deel van die e-Kampusinisiatief) en ander e-Leer inisiatiewe te verbeter, - Kennis te genereer om ons begrip van hoe e-Leer inisiatiewe werk en hoe mense hulle houdings en gedrag as gevolg van suksesvolle intervensies verander, te verbeter, - Die institusionele eienskappe om sukses te behaal met die integrasie, te evalueer, - Die tegnologiese omgewing, en meer spesifiek die gebruik van WebCT as leer bestuurstelsel te evalueer, en - Die totale vordering met e-Leer inisiatiewe by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch te evalueer. Hierdie evaluering word gedoen met inbegrip van die breër globale en plaaslike veranderende konteks, met spesiale inagname van die wisselwerking tussen drie van die hoof globale drywers. Die drie drywers wat bespreek word is: kennis as drywer van groei in ‘n netwerksamelewing, die revolusie in informasie en kommunikasie tegnologieë, en nuwe kompetisie in die hoër onderwys landskap. Die eerste deel van die studie is dus ‘n literatuuroorsig van die veranderende globale hoër onderwys landskap, met ‘n spesifieke fokus op hoe hierdie veranderinge binne die unieke Suid-Afrikaanse hoër onderwys landskap ná 1994 gekontekstualiseer word. Na ʼn oorweging van die globale en Suid-Afrikaanse konteks, voorsien die studie ‘n kritiese oorsig van die status van die integrasie van IKTs in leer- en onderrigaktiwiteite wêreldwyd, die moontlike voordele van die integrasie van IKTs in leer- en onderrigaktiwiteite en die implikasies van hierdie veranderinge vir dosente en studente, sowel as vir die institusionele en tegnologiese omgewings van hoër onderwys. Hierdie oorsigte van beide die veranderende globale hoër onderwys landskap en die integrasie van IKTs in leer- en onderrigaktiwiteite verskaf die agtergrond vir die gevallestudie en retrospektiewe evaluering van die e-Leer aktiwiteite by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Die studie bevat ‘n beskrywing van die e-Kampus inisiatief, die e-Leerprojek en ander e-Leer inisiatiewe. In die retrospektiewe evaluering, wat die hooffokus van die studie uitmaak, maak ek gebruik van kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe metodes om die resultate van twee vraelyste teontleed wat aan studente en dosente wat WebCT gebruik, versprei is. Hierdie resultate is geïntegreer met ander databronne om die vordering wat reeds aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch gemaak is, te evalueer. Hierdie retrospektiewe evaluering van die e-Leer aktiwiteite by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch teen die agtergrond van die veranderende globale hoër onderwys landskap, stel my in staat om algemene aanbevelings te maak om: - Op institusionele vlak veranderinge te hanteer wat ‘n resultaat is van die drie kragte wat bespreek is, - IKTs op institusionele vlak in alle besigheidsprosesse van die instelling te integreer, - IKTs in leer- en onderrigaktiwiteite te integreer, terwyl aandag geskenk word aan die institusionele en tegnologiese omgewing wat dít moontlik maak, asook aan goeie leer- en onderrigpraktyk, en - Die implementering van die e-Kampus inisiatief, en meer spesifiek die e-Leer projek en ander e-Leer inisiatiewe by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch, te verbeter.

A genre-based approach to teaching writing across the curriculum in Siswati in South African schools

Khanyile, Busie Minah 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MLitt)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Linguistic scholars have been exploring an effective, contextual and multidisciplinary approach to language education, following the global increase in multilingual societies. This study aims to explore properties of writing related to genre-based literacy in Siswati as a first language for learners in South Africa in a multilingual context. The research is concerned with the properties of writing in Siswati at the high school level and the instruction associated with it. In reality, the educational context of the learners entails that English is the language of instruction or an educational lingua franca in all subjects in schools with learners who have an African language as home language, although English is a second language (L2) for most learners. Therefore, the learners’ first language (L1) is only taught as a subject. In this situation, learners and teachers are faced with problems of language (L2) proficiency. According to the South African language policy, all national languages spoken in South Africa should be prioritized in education. This study advances a proposal for a multilingual approach in education through genre-based teaching. Hence, this study presents an investigation of the implementation of genre in the home language classroom context in respect to the textlinguistic features of agricultural sciences genres. The genre-based theoretical framework and related methodology is explored and elaborated in this study with regards to how Siswati first language learners can be taught linguistic skills acquired in their mother tongue Siswati to writing in content subjects, e.g. biology. The methodology of this study involves the translation of six agricultural science texts for Grade 12 which are then analysed according to systemic functional linguistic (SFL) grammar. The study also investigates issues and challenges in multilingualism and Education policy. The findings of this study present support of the view of the transfer of genre-based skills in texts across the curriculum. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Taalkundiges het oor die afgelope jare ‘n doeltreffende, kontekstuele, multidissiplinêre benadering ondersoek tot taalonderwys, gegee die wêreldwye toename in meertalige gemeenskappe. Die studie het die doelwit om die eienskappe van skryf te ondersoek soos wat dit verband hou met genre-gebaseerde geletterdheid in Siswati, as ‘n eerste (huis) taal vir leerders in Suid-Afrika in ‘n meertalige konteks. Die navorsing hou verband met die eienskappe van skryf in Siswati op hoërskoolvlak en die onderrig daarmee geassosieer. In die werklikheid van die onderrig is Engels oorwegend die medium van onderrig in vakke in skole waar die leerlinge hoofsaaklik ‘n Afrikataal soos siSwati as eerste (of huis) taal het, alhoewel Engels ‘n tweede (of addisionele) taal is van die leerders. Gevolglik word leerders slegs in hulle eerste taal onderrig in die taalvak (van die spesifieke Afrikataal) self. In hierdie medium van onderrig situasie (waar leerders se tweede/ addisionele taal gebruik word vir die onderrig van inhoudsvakke) word sowel leerders as onderwysers gekonfronteer met die probleem van onvoldoende tweede taal (Engels) vaardigheid. Volgens die nasionale taalbeleid in Suid-Afrika, behoort alle nasionale tale in Suid-Afrika voorrang te geniet in onderwys. Hierdie studie betoog vir ‘n meertalige benadering in onderwys deur gebruik van die genre-gebaseerde benadering. Aldus, bied hierdie studie ‘n ondersoek van die implementering van teksgenres in die huistaal-klas konteks ten opsigte van die teks-linguistiese kenmerke van verskillende genres in landbouwetenskappe. Die genre-gebaseerde teoretiese raamwerk en verbandhoudende navorsingsmetodologie word ingespan in hierdie studie met betrekking tot hoe die tekslinguistiese vaardighede, onderrig aan siSwati eerstetaalleerders soos opgedoen in die onderrig van hulle huis (of eerste) taal, uitgebrei kan word na inhoudsvakke soos landbouwetenskappe. Die metodologie gebruik in hierdie studie behels die vertaling in Siswati (vanuit Engels) van ses landbouwetenskaptekste vir Graad 12, wat dan ontleed word volgens die sistemiese funksionele linguistiek (SFL) model wat onderliggend is aan die genre-gebaseerde benadering. Die studie ondersoek voorts vraagstukke en uitdagings rakende taalbeleid en –beplanning in onderwys. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie bied ondersteuning van die standpunt van die oordrag van genre-gebaseerde vaardighede in tekste oor die kurrikulum heen. / SiSWATI ABSTRACT: Bongcongcoshe betilimi bebasolo baphenya indlela yefufundzisa lulwimi lesebenta kahle, lohambelana nesimo, nalosebenta etifundvweni tonkhe letiniketwa esikolweni, kulandzela kutsi emhlabeni wonkhe jikelele sibalo semimmango lecuketse tive letehlukene netilimi letehlukene siya ngekukhula. Lombhalo uhlose kucwaninga timphawu letihambelana nelwati kutemfundvo eluhlangotsini lwekubhala ngekusebentisa tinhlobo temibhalo elulwimini lweSiswati, lolululwimi lwemdzabu/lwekucala kulabanye bafundzi eNingizimu neAfrika esimeni lesinetilimi letinyenti. Lombhalo lona ukhatsatwe yindzaba yekubhala kubafundzi belibanga lelisetulu, libanga lelishumi nakubili nendlela lebafundziswa ngayo. Ecinisweni, bafundzi basesimeni lapho khona Singisi sisetjentiswa njengelulwimi lwekufundzisa tonkhe tifundvo letinemtsamo noma ke lulwimi lolusetjentiswa esikolweni etifundvweni tonkhe kantsi phela Singisi akusilo lulwimi lebalumunya ebeleni labafundzi. Ngaleso sizatfu, lulwimi lwemdzabu lwalabafundzi lufundziswa kwangatsi lusifundvo phaca njenge lwati lwendalo yonkhana, isayensi. Esimeni lesinjengalesi bafundzi nabothishela bahlangabetana nebulukhuni ekucudzelaneni nalabanye babe basebentisa Singisi. Ngekubeka kwemitsetfo yetemfundvo eNingizimu neAfrika, tonkhe tilimi letisemtsetfweni letifaka ekhatsi tembuso wase Ningizimu neAfrika, tebachamuki, temdzabu, naletihlanganisa emave ngemave tinelilungelo leliphelele lekusetjentiswa esikolweni. Loku kusetfulo sendlela yekufundzisa leshwambakanya tilimi letinyenti, lesolo ingakacali kusetjentiswa. Kungako lombhalo uhlolisisa kutsi ingasetjentiswa njani indlela yekufundzisa ngetinhlobo temibhalo endlini yekufundzisa. Luhlaka lwemdvwebo wekufundzisa ngetinhlobo temibhalo kanye nendlela lekufundziswa ngayo kunconywe ngu (Christie na Derewianka (2008), (Knapp na Watkins (2005), (Martin na Rose (2008), (Rose na Martin (2012), na (Feez na Joyce (1998). Loluhlaka lubuke kutsi simo sivuma kanganani kutsi bafundzi labaceceshwe eSiswatini basebentise emakhono elulwimi lwemdzabu ekubhaleni etifundvweni letinemtsamo, njenge bhayoloji. . Indlela lelandzelwe ekusebenteni lombhalo ifaka ekhatsi kuhunyushwa kwetinhlobo temibhalo letisitfupha letitsetfwe encwadzini yelwati lwendalo kutekulima yelibanga lelishumi nakubili.Lemibhalo iyahlatiywe ngenhloso yekutfola emasu latfolakala elulwimini lweSiswati labhekene nekusebenta kwelulwimi nakukhulunywa ngekwakhiwa kwemisho, tinhlobo temisho, nekuhlanganiswa kwemisho; emasu lasetjentiswa ekwendluliseni tinkhulumo kubalaleli betigaba letehlukene, kanye nemasu ekuhlanganisa emagama kuze akhe umbhalo lonemcondvo lophelele nalovakalako. Ngetulu kwaloko, lombhalo lona uhlolisisa indzaba yekufundzisa leyengamela tilimi letehlukene kanye nemtsetfo wetemfundvo. Lombhalo wetfula indlela yekucecesha bafundzi ekubekeni imibono nemicabango yabo ephepheni, lekuyindlela lesebenta etifundvweni tonkhe letinemtsamo, letifundziswa etikolweni.Lombhalo futsi uphenculula luphikiswano netinsayeya letihambelana nekusetjentiswa kwendlela yekufundzisa lefaka ekhatsi tilimi letehlukene nemtsetfo wetemfundvo. Imiphumela yaloluphenyo kulesifundvo iniketa siciniseko sebukhona nekusebenta kwemasu lahambelana nendlela yekufundzisa ngekusebentisa tinhlobo temibhalo kulo lonkhe luhlelo lwetifundvo. Loku kugcwalisa inhloso yalombhalo lona.

Entrepreneurial attitudes of grade 12 learners : an exploratory study

Burger, Lydia Lynnette 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Entrepreneurship potentially offers to make a contribution to some of South Africa's most crucial problems for instance poverty and an extremely high youth unemployment rate. Furthermore it empowers people not to wait for others or external factors to change their destiny, but to become pro-active. Literature indicates that there is internationally a renewed interest in entrepreneurship (as demonstrated in research and the number of tertiary institutions offering entrepreneurship education), with a resulting sophisticated body of knowledge becoming available. In South Africa limited success was reported on the renewed emphasis on entrepreneurship. Although the proportion of entrepreneurs in the country compares favourably to international figures, the proportion of necessity entrepreneurs (people who start businesses as a result of the absence of other options) is considerably lower than that of other developing countries and the success rate of businesses is below the international average. Entrepreneurs often do not have the business skills needed to identify business opportunities and manage a business. In the development of business attitudes, knowledge and skills formal education received extensive attention, but informal education may play a more important role to build positive attitudes, while practical experience is also essential to skills development. The economic future of South Africa will be closely linked to the emerging generation of entrepreneurs. The research indicated that they are willing to take on the challenges, but need help with developing the necessary knowledge and skills. Special measures should be taken to include people from previously disadvantaged population groups, women and rural areas in skills development programmes. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Entrepreneurskap kan 'n beduidende bydrae lewer om ernstige probleme in die Suid- Afrikaanse samelewing soos armoede en die hoë werkloosheidsyfer onder die jeug te help verbeter. Dit kan ook help om mense te motiveer om self iets aan hulle situasie te probeer doen. Die literatuurstudie het getoon dat daar 'n internasionale golf van belangstelling in entrepreneurskap is. Meer en meer bestuurskole sluit dit in by die vakke wat hulle aanbied en daar is 'n sterk toename in navorsing oor entrepeneurskap. Suid-Afrika is deel van hierdie nuwe golf, maar het nog heelwat uitdagings op hierdie gebied. Die persentasie plaaslike entrepreneurs vergelyk goed met internasionale syfers, maar die aantal mense wat deur nood gedwing word om hulle tot entrepeneurskap te wend, is laer as die gemiddelde persentasie van ontwikkelende lande waarvan die statistiek bekend is. Dit wil ook voorkom asof die persentasie van besighede wat nie in die langtermyn suksesvol is nie, hoër is as die internasionale syfer. 'n Groot persentasie van die sakelui beskik nie oor die vaardighede om sake-geleenthede raak te sien en besighede te bestuur nie. Opleidingsgeleenthede moet nie net fokus op formele opleiding nie, maar moet informele opleiding en geleenthede vir praktiese ervaring insluit. Op ekonomiese gebied gaan die nuwe geslag entrepreneurs 'n beduidende rol speel in Suid-Afrika se toekoms. Die onderhewige navorsing het getoon dat hierdie groep mense gretig is om hierdie uitdagings te aanvaar, maar hulp nodig het om hulle daarvoor toe te rus. Dit is van wesenlike belang dat alle groepe ingesluit moet word in hierdie toerusting, veral groepe wat op die oomblik nog gemarginaliseerd is soos bruin en swart bevolkingsgroepe, vroue en mense van plattelandse gebiede.

Evaluation of a pilot entrepreneurial development programme for small business owners from Khayelitsha, South Africa

Wehmeyer, Martha Maria Wilhelmina 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Small, Medium and Micro enterprise (SMME) development was identified by the South African government as a priority for creating jobs to solve the problem of the high unemployment rate in South Africa. The government focused primarily on SMMEs in previously disadvantaged communities. SMME training can be approached from different angles. The main areas of concern are: • Business skills training o Covers all the conventional management training areas in a business • Technical skills training o Addresses the ability to use knowledge or techniques of a particular discipline to attain certain ends • Entrepreneurial skills training o Involves the birth and growth of a business enterprise and includes, among other entrepreneurial traits, creativity and innovation, risk propensity and need for achievement. If small business owners are not in a large team environment, with colleagues to offer advice and tasks being covered by people with different strengths, then it is hardly surprising that they make wrong moves in business. This supports the idea that learning from the real experience of a mentor who has been in business proves to be an effective training model for the SMME environment. A number of initiatives are aimed at building the capacity of small business owners in the Western Cape, South Africa. This study will focus on a new initiative presented by the Small Business Academy (SBA) at the University of Stellenbosch Business School (USB). This initiative is an entrepreneurial development programme for small business owners from Khayelitsha, combining an academic training programme with a mentoring programme in one single development programme. The programme was a pilot programme and needed to be evaluated throughout the process. The aim of the study was to evaluate the pilot programme in terms of the selection of participants and mentors, the academic training programme and the mentoring journey. The study proves to highlight the successes of the programme as well as adjustments needed to improve its effectiveness. The evaluation of the programme was crucial for the following critical reasons: • To ensure success and growth of the programme and its expansion to other parts of South Africa and Africa in the future.• To ensure future funding for the programme, as it is at present subsidised by the USB and corporate sponsorships. • To ensure the necessary adjustments to the programme in order to improve its effectiveness. Key findings of the programme were that the pilot programme was extremely successful in all three aspects evaluated. The best of the best were selected, the participants excelled academically and the programme achieved a graduation rate of sixty seven per cent. The mentoring journey had an immense impact on the participants’ view of approaching their way of doing business.

Exploring critical thinking and critical citizenship education in a visual art course at a secondary school, KwaZulu-Natal

Van der Berg, Cecile 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Critical thinking and critical citizenship are generally considered to be desirable outcomes of the educational process as they enable students to make thoughtful choices. Citizenship Education does not currently form a separate part of the National Curriculum Statement (NCS), but is rather one of the main objectives and principles that shape the whole curriculum. In this research study, students took part in a project where the aim was to promote critical thinking and critical citizenship through the investigation of contemporary South African artworks. The purpose of the research was to firstly establish how students’ participation in the project affected their ability to think critically about Post-1994 South African art and the issues it conveys. Secondly the aim was to establish how effective the teaching strategies employed were in facilitating critical thinking and critical citizenship. An interpretative approach was followed in this case study. The nature of this research is predominantly qualitative, but is used in conjunction with quantitative methods to measure the increase of critical thinking applied. During the base-line assessment, students’ initial critical thinking skills were measured through the analysis of previously unseen images. Their ability to critically analyse artworks was assessed by utilising the Artful Citizenship Visual/Critical Literacy Scoring Rubric compiled by Rawlinson et al (2007). In the post-project assessment, the same visual examples and rubric were used, to detect possible changes in the students’ ability to apply critical thinking. Main themes and sub-themes were identified during the project. The main themes were knowledge, power and identity. The subthemes were meaningful knowledge, citing of evidence, experience, multiple opinions, exclusion of voices, power versus rights, binary oppositions and self in relation to other. With these themes, I aimed to unpack and explain the differences that occurred in the results from the pre- and post-project assessment. The findings of the post-project assessment showed a 39% improvement of critical thinking applied subsequent to the project. The teaching strategies followed during this project proved to be effective as the ability of the students to think critically was positively affected. The research indicated that activities which exposed students to multiple perspectives were conducive to the development of critical thinking. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kritiese denke en kritiese burgerskap word beskou as gunstige uitkomste van die opvoedingsproses omrede dit studente toerus om deurdagte besluite te neem. Burgerskapopvoeding vorm nie deel van die Nasionale Kurrikulum Verklaring (NKV) nie, maar is eerder een van die hoofdoelwitte en beginsels wat die hele kurrikulum uitmaak. In hierdie navorsingstudie het studente deelgeneem aan ‘n projek wat kontemporêre Suid-Afrikaanse kunswerke ondersoek. Die projek het beoog om daardeur kritiese denke en kritiese burgerskap aan te moedig. Die doel van hierdie navorsing was eerstens om te wys hoe studente se deelname in hierdie projek hulle vaardigheid beïnvloed om krities te dink oor Post-1994 Suid-Afrikaanse kunswerke, asook die kwessies wat dit kommunikeer. Dit was verder die doelwit om te wys hoe effektief die geïmplimenteerde onderrigstrategiӫe was in die fasilitering van kritiese denke en kritiese burgerskap. ‘n Interpreterende benadering is gevolg in hierdie gevallestudie. Die navorsing is oorwegend kwalitatief, maar word in kombinasie met kwantitatiewe metodes gebruik om die verbetering in aanwending van kritiese denke te bepaal. Gedurende die grondlynassessering is die studente se aanvanklike kritiese denkvaardighede bevestig deur die analise van onbekende kunswerke. Hulle vaardigheid om kunswerke krities te analiseer is gemeet deur middel van die Vaardige Burgerskap Visuele / Kritiese Geletterdheid-Telling-Rubriek saamgestel deur Rawlinson et al (2007). Dieselfde visuele voorbeelde en rubriek was gebruik in ‘n na-projekassessering om moontlike veranderinge in die studente se kritiese denke te bespeur. Hooftemas en subtemas was geïdentifiseer gedurende die projek. Die hooftemas is kennis, mag, en identiteit. Die subtemas is betekenisvolle kennis, ervaring, verwysing na bewyse, meervuldige opinies, uitsluiting van stemme, mag teenoor regte, binêre opposisies en die self in verhouding tot ander. Met hierdie temas het ek gepoog om die verskil in die resultate tussen die grondlyn- en na-projekassessering te verstaan en te verduidelik. Die bevindinge toon ‘n 39% verbetering in die aanwending van kritiese denke na afloop van die projek. Die onderrigstrategiӫe wat aangewend is in hierdie projek was effektief omrede die vaardigheid van die studente om krities te dink positief beïnvloed was. Die navorsing het aangedui dat aktiwiteite wat die studente blootstel aan meervuldige perspektiewe, bydra tot die ontwikkeling van kritiese denke.

Kritiese elemente in die opleiding van onderwysers ten opsigte van opvoeding vir vrede

Johannes, Delphine 12 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South African society is currently undergoing a process of reconstruction and development, in social, economic and various other areas. South Africa struggles with problems such as unemployment and crime, which is also the case in many other countries. Socio-political and cultural factors, for example, poverty, unemployment, hunger and a shortage of housing, lends itself favourably towards criminal activities. These individual problems are regarded as reasons for the escalating crime in the country. The statistics pertaining to violence reflect that the level of acceptance of crime is embedded in the South African culture. As a result of the high crime figures, only the minority of the South African population have peace of mind. This situation influences the learners of the country because the school is directly connected to their society. Without peace, South Africa will be unable to prosper on any level and therefore it is essential that the present generation of learners be taught to resolve conflict in a peaceful manner. The statistics in respect of crime indicates that learners are influenced negatively and because of the democratic values of the country the various aspects of the rights of children do not carry any weight. The process of democracy has led to a total transformation at the educational level. A teaching system has evolved whereby teaching is more developmental, thereby stimulating people physically, emotionally, critically, aestheticaely and mentally. Outcomes Based Education is therefore regarded as a valuable shift in the direction for a better educational system. This education system strives to breach the social and historical inequalities. Aspects such as freedom, equality and peace which connect strongly to the process of Continuous Learning is emphasised in the White Paper of Education and Training (1995). The new education system requires that crime in schools be resisted and that education be utilised as an instrument for the promotion of peace in the country. The teaching of values and skills to handle conflict, conflict resolution, mediation, tolerance and co-operation can promote stability and peace within schools. These critical elements form part of Education for Peace. According to the literature, Education for Peace is seen both nationally and internationally as a possible solution to crime. Outcomes Based Education has made a tremendous impact on schools and educators. The National Qualification Framework requires of the educator to be a facilitator, which changes the task and nature of the teacher. The teacher must realise that change is an ongoing process and that the process of empowerment is necessary. Empowerment in Outcomes Based Education system and also in respect of Education for Peace demands a prominent role from the teacher as curriculum agent and developer. The development of an effective curriculum is rather difficult and demands dynamic teachers that can positively handle these changes. The teacher is regarded as the stimulant of behavioural changes within the learner. Teachers are therefore responsible to empower learners within the school context to think critically about social problems, conflict and crime. In this study acknowledgement is given to the importance of participation of the teachers in decision making. The opinions of teachers with regard to Education for Peace are obtained by an empirical investigation through interviews and questionnaires. Responding teachers have indicated that there is a vacuum in respect of Education for Peace. In this study teachers have: taken cognisance of Education for Peace and highlighted its critical elements; declared that Education for Peace (and the critical elements within) be applied as a mechanism to combat crime; determined that Education for Peace is essential within Outcomes Based Education and that specific skills be carried over to learners and that certain critical outcomes be reached. In response teachers have indicated that South Africa is not a peaceful country and that each teacher and learner make a personal contribution to the attainment of peace in schools, as well as in the community. Through Education for Peace learners can realise that they have an important role to playas peace makers in South Africa. This research has led to the compilation of a theoretical curriculum framework which has specific critical elements of Education for Peace as its foundation. The curriculum framework can be changed or adapted according to the needs of the learner and the community. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika is tans op ekonomiese, sosiale en ander terreine in 'n proses van heropbou en ontwikkeling. Soos baie ander lande worstel Suid-Afrika ook met probleme soos werkloosheid en misdaad. Sosio-politieke en kulturele faktore, byvoorbeeld armoede, hongersnood werkloosheid en 'n tekort aan huise, verskaf 'n ideale omgewing vir kriminele aktiwiteite. In hierdie studie word enkele van die probleme as agtergrond vir die toenemende geweld in die land aangedui. Die statistiek ten opsigte van geweld toon aan dat die aanvaarding van geweld diep gewortel is in die Suid-Afrikaanse kultuur. As gevolg van die hoë misdaadsyfer het slegs 'n klein persentasie van die Suid-Afrikaanse bevolking algehele gemoedsrus. Hierdie situasie beïnvloed die leerders van die land omdat die skool inherent deel ls van die samelewing. Sonder vrede kan Suid-Afrika nie op enige terrein vooruitgaan nie en daarom is dit so essensieel dat die huidige generasie leerders geleer moet word om konflik vreedsaam op te los. Die statistiek ten opsigte van geweld dui egter daarop dat die leerders van die land nadelig beïnvloed word omdat die demokratiese waardes en die regte van kinders nie gewig dra nie. Die proses van demokrasie het gelei tot 'n totale verandering op opvoedkundige gebied. 'n Onderwysstelsel is gevestig waar onderwys tans in 'n ontwikkelingsproses is en sodoende mense verstandelik, fisies, emosioneel, krities en esteties ontwikkel. Uitkomsgebaseerde onderwys word daarom beskou as 'n waardevolle skuif in die rigting van 'n beter onderwysstelsel. Met hierdie onderwysstelsel word daarna gestreef om die sosiale en historiese ongelykhede in gemeenskappe te oorbrug. Aspekte soos vryheid, gelykheid en vrede wat aansluit by die proses van lewenslange leer, word in die Witskrif oor Onderwys en Opleiding (1995) beklemtoon. Die nuwe onderwysstelsel vereis dat geweld in skole teengestaan moet word, en dat opvoeding benut kan word as 'n instrument vir die bevordering van vrede in die land. Die onderrig van waardes en vaardighede in konflikhantering, konflikresolusie, mediasie, verdraagsaamheid en samewerking kan vrede en stabiliteit in skole bevorder. Hierdie kritiese elemente vorm deel van Opvoeding vir Vrede. Volgens die literatuur word Opvoeding vir Vrede, internasionaal sowel as nasionaal, as 'n moontlike oplossing vir geweld gesien. Uitkomsgebaseerde onderwys het 'n geweldige impak op skole en die onderwyser. Omdat die Nasionale Kwalifikasieraamwerk van die onderwyser verwag om 'n fasiliteerder te wees, verander die aard van die onderwyser se taak. Die onderwyser moet besef dat verandering 'n voortdurende proses is en dat die proses van bemagtiging noodsaaklik is. Bemagtiging in 'n uitkomsgebaseerde onderwysstelsel, en ook ten opsigte van Opvoeding vir Vrede, vereis dat die onderwyser as kurrikulumagent en ontwikkelaar In groter rol moet speel. Die ontwikkeling van 'n effektiewe kurrikulum is uiters moeilik en vereis dinamiese onderwysers wat hierdie veranderinge positief kan hanteer. Die onderwyser word beskou as die stimuleerder van gedragsverandering in die leerder, en is daarom verantwoordelik om leerders binne die skoolkonteks te bemagtig om krities oor sosiale probleme, konflik en geweld te dink. In hierdie studie word gefokus op die belangrikheid van die onderwyser se deelname aan besluitneming. Die menings van onderwysers ten opsigte van Opvoeding vir Vrede word in "n empiriese ondersoek uit onderhoude en vraelyste verkry. Responderende onderwysers het aangedui dat daar "n leemte is ten opsigte van Opvoeding vir Vrede. In die ondersoek het responderende onderwysers: bepaalde gebreke ten opsigte van kennis en vaardighede met betrekking tot Opvoeding vir Vrede getoon en is bepaalde kritiese elemente daarin geïdentifiseer; verklaar dat Opvoeding vir Vrede (en die kritiese elemente daarin) aangewend kan word as "n meganisme om geweld te bekamp; bepaal dat Opvoeding vir Vrede essensieel is binne uitkomsgebaseerde onderwys. Bepaalde vaardighede word op hierdie wyse aan leerders oorgedra en sekere kritiese uitkomste kan bereik word. Responderende onderwysers het aangedui dat Suid-Afrika nie "n vreedsame land is nie en dat elke onderwyser en leerder "n persoonlike bydrae kan lewer tot die verkryging van vrede in die skole, asook in die gemeenskap. Deur Opvoeding vir Vrede kan leerders besef dat hulle "n belangrike rol as vredemakers in Suid-Afrika het. Hierdie navorsingsondersoek het gelei tot die opstel van "n teoretiese kurrikulumraamwerk wat die geïdentifiseerde kritiese elemente van Opvoeding vir Vrede as onderbou neem. Die kurrikulumraamwerk kan verander en aangepas word na gelang van die behoeftes van die leerder en die betrokke gemeenskap.

Uitkomsgebaseerde onderwys : 'n raamwerk vir die optimalisering van diverse leerders se kognitiewe potensiaal

De Bruyn, Trevor Neil 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South-Africa is presently in a process of transformation towards the provision of quality education for all. There prevails an aim of equal education to all learners. A vision of lifelong learning was formulated on a national level so that all parties concerned can contribute towards an equal education. All parties concerned, including educators, have the learner as the central figure. The meaning of the word "learner" should be thought over by all educators, especially seen against the background of the national vision that sets inclusive and cognitive education as a priority. The educator's task now includes learners with special educational needs. The insights generated in this study reveals that educaters, at this moment, are not empowered to maximised and develop the cognitive potential of the diverse learner. The working method of schools (especially educators) should be of such a nature that all learner's cognitive, emotional, psycho-motorical and intellectual abilities should be maximised and developed. Outcomes-Based Education (OBE) as an educational approach have theoretical and philosophical assumptions which makes it appropriate for implementing cognitive and inclusive education. This qualitative study review literature and explores the world of the educator to generate insights to construct a framework to help educators to understand the relationship between OBE, Curriculum 2005 and cognitive education within an Inclusive Framework. Life-long learning and applied learning do not focus primarily on the reproduction of facts and knowledge, it aims to construct knowledge through a variety of study, learning and thinking strategies. Each learner has inherent potential and the ability to be successful in spite of his/her needs. The focus shifts to the learners strengths in order to guide and develop their potential and abilities. To establish a culture of teaching and learning in our schools reaches further than concerns about large classes and undisciplined learners. Except experience, educators need a frame of reference to work with a variety of learners stemming from different sosio-economic backgrounds, each with his/her own learningstyle and information processing abilities. In the workplace educators should use a meta-theoretical approach, consisting of a variety of learning, thinking and teaching strategies to benefit the diverse learner. A collective energy is needed in the establishment of an educational culture that is tolerant towards diverse thoughts, values, attitudes and practises. To build that culture, it is very important for each educator to have a conceptual and theoretical framework of OBE, C200S and cognitive education. This study aims to provide a framework for educators to work in schools to the benefit of diverse learners. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika is tans in 'n transformasiestadium, ook wat onderwysvoorsiening aan almal betref. Daar heers veral 'n strewe na die voorsiening van 'n gelyke onderwysvoorsiening vir alle leerders. 'n Visie van lewenslange leer is onlangs op nasionale vlak geformuleer sodat alle belanghebbendes op 'n gesonde wyse kan bydra tot 'n gelyke onderwysvoorsiening. Al hierdie belanghebbendes (insluitend opvoeders) deel een gemeenskaplikheid, naamlik die leerder. Dit is juis waar die probleem lê. Die begrip" leerder" behoort deur elke opvoeder herbesin te word, veral gesien teen die agtergrond van die nasionale visie wat inklusiewe onderwys en kognitiewe onderwys as prioriteit daar stel. Die opvoeder se taak sluit nou leerders met spesiale onderwysbehoeftes in. Die insigte gegenereer in hierdie studie dui daarop dat opvoeders nie op hierdie stadium ten volle bemagtig is om die kognitiewe potensiaal van die diverse leerder te optimaliseer nie. Skole (maar veralopvoeders) se werkswyse moet van so 'n aard wees dat alle leerders se kognitiewe, emosionele, psigo-motoriese en intellektuele vermoëns optimaal gestimuleer en verder ontwikkel word. Uitkomsgebaseerde onderwys (UGO) as onderwysbenadering se teoretiese en filosofiese onderbou is van so 'n aard dat dit uiters geskik is vir die implementering van kognitiewe en inklusiewe onderwys. Die kwalitatiewe aard van hierdie studie behels die verkenning van verskillende literatuur en ondersoek die leefwêreld van opvoeders waarna gepoog word om 'n konseptuele raamwerk te struktureer om die verband tussen UGO, K2005 en kognitiewe opvoeding toe te lig binne 'n inklusiewe raamwerk. Lewenslange leer en toegepaste leer fokus nie primêr op die reproduksie van feite en kennis nie, maar het dit ten doelom kennis te konstrueer aan die hand van studie, leer en denke. Elke leerder beskik oor die inherente potensiaal en die vermoëns om suksesvol te wees ongeag sy/haar behoeftes. Die fokus verskuif na elke leerder se sterkpunte ten einde hulle te bestuur en te ontwikkel. Om dus 'n kultuur van onderrig en leer in ons skole te skep, strek verder as die bekommernisse oor groot klasse en ongedissiplineerde leerders. Buiten ervaring, benodig opvoeders 'n verwysingsraamwerk om met verskillende leerders te werk afkomstig uit verskillende sosio-ekonomiese agtergronde, elkeen met sy eie voorkeurmodaliteit en informasie prosesseringsvermoë. Die praktyk vereis dat opvoeders aan die hand van metateoretiese werkswyses gebruik maak van verskillende leer, denk en onderrigstrategieë tot voordeel van die diverse leerder. Hiervoor word 'n kollektiewe energie benodig wat in die skep van 'n opvoedkundige kultuur wat verdraagsaam is teenoor diverse denke, dieselfde denke, waardes, houdings en praktyke. Om gestalte aan so 'n kultuur te gee, is dit uiters belangrik dat elke opvoeder oor 'n eietydse konseptueie en teoretiese raamwerk ten opsigte van UGO, K200S en kognitiewe opvoeding beskik. Hierdie studie poog om 'n raamwerk aan opvoeders te voorsien om in skole te werk tot voordeel van die diverse leerder.

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