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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise da eficiência técnica das operadoras de planos de saúde com a utilização da análise envoltória de dados / Analysis of technical efficiency of the health plan carriers with the use of data envelopment analysis

Paula de Almeida Hashimoto 29 September 2010 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo a análise da eficiência técnica das operadoras de planos de saúde vis-à-vis a criação da Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar - ANS, no período de 2003 a 2008. Para tanto, foi utilizada a Análise Envoltória de Dados nos dados da saúde suplementar para geração das medidas de eficiência das operadoras, agrupadas em cinco modalidades: autogestão, cooperativa médica, filantropia, medicina de grupo e seguradora. Foram propostas quatro diferentes abordagens que pretenderam visualizar as performances das operadoras nas questões econômico-financeiras e assistenciais, bem como a relação do setor de saúde suplementar com o Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS. Além disso, os dados foram desagregados em grandes regiões brasileiras proporcionando a observação das diferenças regionais. Observou-se que existem grandes diferenças entre modalidades e também entre regiões. A comparação entre as medidas de eficiência nas quatro diferentes abordagens e a evolução, ano a ano, dos normativos da ANS, ainda necessita de uma análise mais detalhada, mas indica, ainda que primariamente, que as modalidades tiveram diferentes reações à regulação. / This dissertation has as its objective the analysis of the technical efficiency of health care companies in view of the creation of the National Health Agency ANS, from 2003 to 2008. For this purpose, Data Envelopment Analysis Model was used for the generation of efficiency measures of companies grouped into five modalities: self-management, medical cooperative, philanthropy, group medicine and insurance company. Four different approaches were proposed wich were intended to help visualise the companies performance in the economic, finanacial and social areas, as well as the relationship between the health care insurance market and the Health Unified System SUS. Moreover, data were separated into large brazilian regions so that regional differences could be considered. As a result, we can see that there are considerable differences among modalities as well as regions. The comparasion of the efficiency measures of four different approaches and the evolution of ANS regulatory norms, year after year, still requires a detailed analysis, although it indicates, even if superficially, that modalities have reacted differently to the regulation.

Eficiência dos sistemas municipais de educação no Estado de São Paulo / Efficiency of the municipal systems of education in the state of São Paulo

Cleverlânio Silva Gomes 09 April 2010 (has links)
O objetivo desse estudo é avaliar a eficiência técnica dos sistemas municipais de educação no Estado de São Paulo, especificamente no nível de ensino fundamental. Para calcular a eficiência técnica na provisão de serviços educacionais, vamos empregar o método não-paramétrico denominado Análise Envoltória de Dados Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) em dois estágios. O primeiro estágio consiste em calcular os índices de eficiência pelo modelo DEA e, o segundo em estimar, por meio de uma regressão censurada Tobit, os parâmetros das variáveis que podem influenciar nos índices obtidos no primeiro estágio. Os resultados identificaram, sob a hipótese de retornos variáveis à escala, 93 municípios eficientes tecnicamente e, que os municípios operam em média com 14% de ineficiência de escala. Foi possível, ainda, constatar o grau de influência das variáveis socioeconômicas sobre a eficiência técnica e, identificar os fatores que afetam positivamente a eficiência técnica dos sistemas municipais de educação, como a escolaridade das mães, não reprovar de ano, entre outros. / The objective of this study is to evaluate the technical efficiency of the municipal system of education in the state of São Paulo, specifically in the level of fundamental school. To calculate the technical efficiency in the provision of educational services we will adopt the non parametric method denominated Data envelopment analysis (DEA) in two stages. The first stage consists in calculate the efficiency indexes with the DEA model and the second consists in estimate through a censored regression Tobit, the parameters of the variables that can influence the indexes obtained in the first stage. The results identified, under the hypothesis of variables returns to scale, 93 municipals technically efficient and that the municipals operate with 14% of inefficiency of scale. It was possible yet to identify the degree of influence of the socioeconomic variables over the technical efficiency and the factors that affect positively the technical efficiency of the municipal systems of education as the mothers educational level, non repetition, amongst others.

Avaliação da eficiência técnica do ensino básico brasileiro / Assessment of technical efficiency in Brazilian education

Priscila Pacheco Trigo 09 April 2010 (has links)
O estudo apresenta uma análise dos principais determinantes da eficiência técnica das escolas do ensino básico brasileiras. Por se tratar de uma amostra de escolas do Saeb (Sistema de Avaliação do Ensino Brasileiro) para os anos de 1999, 2001 e 2003, optou-se por utilizar um método conhecido como fronteira estocástica. Todos os exercícios foram realizados com as instituições da quarta e oitava séries do ensino fundamental e terceira série do ensino médio, dando ênfase para a quarta série do ensino fundamental em duas disciplinas, Matemática e Português. Dois modelos foram aplicados, sendo que um deles inclui variáveis ambientais como regressores da fronteira estocástica (Modelo A), enquanto o outro especifica a ineficiência técnica como dependente dessas variáveis ambientais (Modelo B). Ambos os modelos mostraram que a eficiência técnica depende positivamente da escolaridade da mãe e do fato do aluno ser branco e negativamente com a proporção de alunos reprovados. Contudo, os dois modelos produziram estimativas de ineficiência técnica distintas, diferenciando-se em termos de média e de densidade. De forma geral, foi possível identificar ineficiência técnica média menor do que 5%. Ademais, foi possível verificar uma correlação positiva entre desempenho escolar e ineficiência técnica das escolas brasileiras. Dada a disponibilidade de um painel de escolas para os anos de análise, num segundo momento, foram realizados alguns exercícios comparativos com os resultados gerados pela amostra total do SAEB e com os resultados do painel de escolas. Um deles, se fez com a estimação da fronteira de produção propriamente dita, comparando-se os coeficientes e a significância das variáveis. O outro levou em conta o ranking de ineficiência gerado pela regressão. Os resultados comparativos sugerem que o painel de escolas não é por si só suficiente para explicar toda amostra de escolas pesquisadas pelo Saeb, mesmo que apresentem similaridades. / This study presents an analysis of the main determinants of technical efficiency of primary and secondary schools in Brazil. Since we used a sample of schools from the database Saeb (Assessment System for Brazilian Education) for the years 1999, 2001 and 2003, we chose to use a method known as stochastic frontier. All exercises were performed in the institutions of the fourth and eighth grades of elementary school and third grade of secondary education, with emphasis on the fourth grade of primary education in two disciplines, Mathematics and Portuguese. Two models were applied, one of which includes environmental variables as regressors of the stochastic frontier (Model A), while the other specifies the technical inefficiency as dependent on these environmental variables (Model B). Both models showed that the technical efficiency positively depends on the mothers education and the fact that the student is white and depends negatively of the proportion of students who failed. However, both models produced distinct estimates of technical inefficiency, differing in terms of average and density. In general it was possible to identify technical inneficiency average less than 5%. Furthermore, it was also observed a positive correlation between schools performance and technical inefficiency of the Brazilian schools. Given the availability of a panel of schools for the years of analysis, in a second moment, we performed some comparative exercises with the results generated by the total sample of SAEB and the panel results of schools. One of them, was done with the estimation of the production frontier itself, comparing the coefficients and significance of the variables. The other took into account the ranking of inefficiency generated sufficient by the regression. The comparative results suggest that the panel of schools is not by itself sufficient to explain the entire sample of schools surveyed by Saeb although they present similarities.

Determinantes da eficiência técnica no setor de supermercados brasileiro: uma análise utilizando métodos de fronteira de produção / Technical efficiency determinants in the Brazilian supermarket sector: an analysis using methods of production frontier.

Tricia Thaíse e Silva Pontes 06 February 2017 (has links)
Este estudo investiga os fatores determinantes da eficiência técnica no setor de supermercados brasileiro com base na aplicação de diferentes métodos de fronteira de produção que permitem uma comparação de desempenho entre companhias. Para isso, utilizou-se uma amostra de 85 redes de supermercados em operação no Brasil entre os anos de 2006 e 2015. A metodologia de pesquisa baseou-se em três abordagens de estimação da fronteira de produção: paramétrica, não paramétrica e semiparamétrica. Na primeira, a eficiência é estimada por meio da análise da fronteira estocástica com dados em painel, e diferentes especificações para função de produção. Nessa etapa também são estimados modelos com heterogeneidade a fim de encontrar os determinantes da eficiência dos supermercados. Em seguida os métodos não paramétricos de fronteira são classificados quanto à organização dos dados, primeiramente calculou-se o DEA-Malmquist para dados em painel, e, em seguida a técnica de DEA tradicional para cada ano separadamente. Por fim, os escores de eficiência obtidos pelo DEA são organizados em painel e utilizados como variável dependente na abordagem semiparamétrica, que estima um modelo Tobit para encontrar os determinantes da eficiência. Os resultados de todas as abordagens apontam para a ineficiência do setor de supermercados brasileiro, um alerta às companhias para melhorarem seus processos produtivos. Foi identificada uma queda na eficiência técnica do setor nos últimos anos, enquanto a produtividade apresentou variação positiva, em grande parte causada pela mudança tecnológica. A análise comparativa dos resultados dos modelos mostrou que a escolha da abordagem não influencia no ranking de eficiência, por outro lado a magnitude dos escores de eficiência varia de forma significativa de um método para outro. Os modelos de SFA com heterogeneidade e DEA em dois estágios forneceram resultados diferentes quanto aos determinantes da eficiência, no entanto, na comparação da eficiência média foi possível encontrar evidências do impacto do tamanho, do poder de mercado e da realização de fusões e aquisições sobre a ineficiência dos supermercados, confirmando três das hipóteses propostas na pesquisa. Tais achados representam uma significativa contribuição para literatura sobre eficiência no varejo, ainda pouco explorada no Brasil / This study investigates the determinant technical efficiency factors in the Brazilian supermarket sector based on the application of different production frontier methods that allow a comparison of performance between companies. A sample of 85 supermarket chains operating in Brazil between 2006 and 2015 was used. The research methodology was based on three approaches of estimation of the frontier of production: parametric, non-parametric and semiparametric approach. In the first one, the efficiency is estimated through the analysis of the stochastic frontier with panel data, and different specifications for production function. In this step, models with heterogeneity are also estimated in order to find the determinants of supermarket efficiency. Then the non-parametric frontier methods are classified as to the organization of the data, first the DEA-Malmquist was used for panel data, and then the traditional DEA technique for each year separately. Finally, the efficiency scores obtained by the DEA are organized as a panel and used as the dependent variable in the semiparametric approach, which estimates a Tobit model to find the determinants of efficiency. The results of all approaches point to the inefficiency of the Brazilian supermarket sector, which represents an alert for companies to improve their production processes. In addition, a drop in the sector\'s technical efficiency was identified in recent years, while the productivity showed a positive variation, largely due to technological change. The comparative analysis of the model results showed that the choice of the approach did not influence the construction of the efficiency ranking, on the other hand, the magnitude of the efficiency scores varies significantly between the approaches. SFA models with heterogeneity and two-stage DEA provided different results regarding efficiency determinants; however, in the comparison of the average efficiency it was possible to find evidence of the impact of size, market power and mergers and acquisitions on the supermarket inefficiency, confirming three of the hypotheses proposed in the research. These findings represent a significant contribution to literature on retail efficiency, which is still little explored in Brazil.

Technical efficiency in noisy multi-output settings

Gstach, Dieter January 1998 (has links) (PDF)
This paper surveys four distinct approaches to frontier estimation of multi-output (and simultaneously multi-input) technologies, when nothing but noisy quantity data are available. Parametrized distributions for inefficiency and noise are necessary for identification of inefficiency, when only cross-sectional data are available. In other respects suitable techniques may differ widely, as is shown. A final technique presented rigorously exploits the possibilities from panel-data by dropping parametrization of distributions as well as functional forms. It is illustrated how this last technique can be coupled with the others to provide a state-of-the-art estimation procedure for this setting. (author's abstract) / Series: Department of Economics Working Paper Series

Efektivita fotbalových klubů v Premier League / Efficiency of football clubs in Premier League

Topinka, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
Title: Efficiency of football clubs in Premier League Objectives: The aim of this diploma thesis is to investigate the technical efficiency of Premier League clubs in the 2015/2016 season using a Data Envelopment Analysis approach. Determine which clubs worked efficiently and identify weaknesses of individual teams. Methods: The efficiency of each Premier League club is analysed by Data envelopment analysis (DEA). The efficiency is computed for input oriented CCR model (constant returns to scale) and BCC model (variable returns to scale). Results: The technical efficiency of each club in the 2015/2016 Premier League season is evaluated in the practical part of this thesis, with eight clubs achieving maximum efficiency for both CCR and BCC models. That indicates that the competition as a whole is highly effective. Keywords: Premier League, technical efficiency data envelopment analysis, CCR, BCC

Economic efficiency of table grape production in Waterberg and Sekhukhune Districts, Limpopo Province, South Africa

Maponya, Naume Mapaseka January 2020 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc. (Agricultural Economics)) -- University of Limpopo, 2020 / Table grape production plays an important role in the economy of many countries in Africa. It serves as a source of income for people who are engaged in its production and being one of the fields that is labour-intensive, thereby providing employment for many people. The aim of this study was to analyse economic efficiency of table grape production in Waterberg and Sekhukhune districts of Limpopo Province, South Africa. The study used primary data collected from semi-structured questionnaires. A sampling technique called snowball, was used in the study as this method assisted in getting those farmers that were not easily accessible. The analytical tools employed to analyse data included descriptive statistics and Stochastic Frontier Model. Findings from the study revealed that the average age of table grape farmers was 47 years. On average, household size for table grape farmers was found to be 5 members. Also, findings revealed that table grape farmers on average had a farming experience of 16 years. Average household income was found to be R47 600, 00. Furthermore, the study revealed that the average years of schooling for the table grape farmers was 15 years and only 67% of these farmers have acquired a tertiary educational level, while 33% have acquired secondary educational level. In terms of efficiency, farming experience (P<0,00), educational level (P<0,05) household size (P<0,10) and age of farmer (P<0,10) were associated with increased efficiency as they were found to be significant at 1%, 5% and 10% confidence level. The findings also revealed that quantity of grapes produced was positively influenced by Farm size (P<0,00), labour (P<0,00), pesticides used (P<0,05) , extension services (P<0,05) and fertilisers (P<0,05). Technical efficiency among farmers was found to range from 0.8 to 1, with a mean of 0.89, thus this indicated possibility of improvement in production. However, the allocative efficiency was found to range from 0.47 to 1, with a mean of 0.68, this clearly indicated that some farmers were finding it difficult to allocate their resources efficiently. On the other hand, it was found that economic efficiency ranged from 0.56 to 1, with a mean of 0.73, this indicated that most of the farmers were economically efficient. Meanwhile, some of the constraints faced by the table grape farmers included high electricity bills and labour costs, as such the introduction of prepaid electricity in the farms could reduce the strain they go through. Based on the findings from the study, it was recommended that, since the production of grapes is a male-dominated enterprise, women and youth should also participate. Participation could be encouraged through provision of learnership skills on the farms.

Efficiency measurement. A methodological comparison of parametric and non-parametric approaches.

Zheng, Wanyu January 2013 (has links)
The thesis examines technical efficiency using frontier efficiency estimation techniques from parametric and non-parametric approaches. Five different frontier efficiency estimation techniques are considered which are SFA, DFA, DEA-CCR, DEA-BCC and DEA-RAM. These techniques are then used on an artificially generated panel dataset using a two-input two-output production function framework based on characteristics of German life-insurers. The key contribution of the thesis is firstly, a study that uses simulated panel dataset to estimate frontier efficiency techniques and secondly, a research framework that compares multiple frontier efficiency techniques across parametric and non-parametric approaches in the context of simulated panel data. The findings suggest that, as opposed to previous studies, parametric and non-parametric approaches can both generate comparable technical efficiency scores with simulated data. Moreover, techniques from parametric approaches, i.e. SFA and DFA are consistent with each other whereas the same applies to non-parametric approaches, i.e. DEA models. The research study also discusses some important theoretical and methodological implication of the findings and suggests some ways whereby future research can enable to overcome some of the restrictions associated with current approaches.

Agricultural Development in China through the Promotion of Land Rental Markets and Agricultural Cooperatives / 農地貸借市場と農民専業合作社を核とする中国の農業発展

Li, Xinyi 23 March 2023 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(農学) / 甲第24684号 / 農博第2567号 / 新制||農||1101(附属図書館) / 学位論文||R5||N5465(農学部図書室) / 京都大学大学院農学研究科生物資源経済学専攻 / (主査)教授 伊藤 順一, 教授 浅見 淳之, 教授 松下 秀介 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Agricultural Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

Risk coping strategies and rural household production efficiency: quasi-experimental evidence from El Salvador

Alpizar, Carlos Andres 06 June 2007 (has links)
No description available.

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