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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hodnocení tenisové techniky a herní úrovně u dorostenek / The evaluation of tennis technique and game level of female adolescent tennis players

Skokanová, Aneta January 2019 (has links)
Title: The evaluation of tennis technique and game level of female adolescent tennis players Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to evaluate and compare tennis technique of selected strokes and game level of adolescent female tennis players. Methods: For my diploma thesis, I have chosen methods of testing, participant observation and scaling. The research group consisted of four players aged 16-17. I had tested these players using the ITN test, based on which I determined their game level. I used a method of participant observation in order to collect data for the evaluation of selected strokes' technique. Specifically, I observed the players during their training and sessions and made video records of them. Collected data were evaluated based on Likert scale, which contains of six levels. Results: Based on testing, the players were placed in three ITN categories (ITN 5, ITN 6 and ITN 7). The game level of all players is intermediate. According to the ITN test, the strongest part of their game are groundstrokes. On the other hand, the weakest spot of their game are volleys and serve. The players were able to estimate their strengths and weaknesses in almost all cases. In terms of technique, each player has a different stroke as their best one. It does not apply that the player with the best...

Marketingová podpora prodeje v B2B vztazích

Plhal, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
Plhal, J. Marketing sales support in B2B market. Diploma thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2017 This diploma thesis investigate marketing sales supports, used by businessman in materiál handling market. In theoretical part are identified differences in B2B market against B2C mar-ket. I studied different pricing tools in this enviroment. Some attention is given to price making and payment management. In the practical part are evaluated selling prices of goods. Next indicators are trading margin, operating cost and businessman profit. The next step is evaluating of marketing sales supports, especially discounts and assessment of these dis-counts in link with net sales. The next step in thesis is rating payment ma-nagement with subscribers and suppliers.

Vliv zemědělské techniky na vznik biogenních aminů v silážích

Jandeková, Nela January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis is investigating the influence of an agriculture machinery on the quality of protein silage. In the theoretical part, it deals with the production of silages, factors affecting the resulting quality of silages, the formation of undesirable fermentation and proteolytic products and with their impact on a livestock health. In practical part, two different technologies for collection of a clamp silo and their influence on the secondary degradation of the silage were assessed. The assessment was conducted in field conditions in ZS Kosova Hora a.s. and ZOPOS Přestavlky a.s. companies.

Degradace laku atmosferickým a mechanickým opotřebením

Drda, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
Diploma thesis Automotive paint degradation by atmospheric and mechanical wear discusses the ways of wear and damage of car paints, including assessment of environmental impact. It deals with coating systems of vehicle body with focus on clearcoat layer. In the context of the topic, it explains the renovation method that restores the original clearcoat layer to the original condition. It statistically verifies the increase in gloss of clearcoat layer and its thickness loss.

Analýza útočných herních kombinací ve futsale a jejich nácvik v tréninku / Analysis of offensive futsal combinations and their practice

Mažári, Patrik January 2020 (has links)
Name: Analysis of offensive futsal combinations and their practice Aims: The diploma thesis aims to analyse the offensive game combinations of an elite futsal FIFA team from the point of view of the progression of the match, with focus on its training methods. Methods: The thesis expertly evaluates video recordings of Kazakhstan team from its impersonal and structured observing. To interpret the data, qualitative approach was used, as based on notational analysis and graphical diagrams. Results: The thesis records the game co-operations which are the most important to successfully finish the offensive. It discovers several variations of gradual offensive with the emphasis on the detail of its execution. It also describes and illustrates the scheme of the "power play." The results are followed by the suggested training methods. Key words: tactics, strategy, technique, shooting, power play, World cup

Preference výběru velikosti ráfků kol u rekreačních a aktivních cyklistů / Wheel size selection preferences in recreational and active cyclists

Růžička, Michal January 2021 (has links)
Title: Wheel size selection preferences in recreational and active cyclists Goals: The goal of the thesis is to find relation between anthropometric and training indicators and selection of bicycle wheel size. Methods: The work is a descriptive study of a sample of randomly picked men and women. The research sample consisted of 250 respondents of the age range 13 - 77, with 106 women and 144 men. The research has been carried out in the form of semi structured website survey. The data have been categorized and analysed using basic statistical methods and the results were interpreted in the charts by the frequency of answers. Results: By analysing the survey results we have found the existing relation between the used wheel size and anthropometric and training indicators. With the growing height and weight of the respondents, the tendency to use 29" wheel size increases, as mentioned 81 respondents in height range 160-199 cm. The research has also shown that older riders use their bikes primarily to the cycling tours and that with the smaller wheel size. The size 29" use only eighteen respondents of the age range 40 - 77. The comparison of training indicators with the used wheel size has proven direct relation between effortfulness of the surface and used wheel size, when 2500 km and more will be...

Hodnocení techniky běhu u elitních českých běžců a běžkyň / Evaluation of running techniques in elite Czech runners

Franková, Aneta January 2021 (has links)
Title: Evaluation of running techniques in elite Czech male and female runners Aims: The main goal of the work is to evaluate the running technique of elite Czech male and female runners on middle tracks and intra-individual variability of the running style. Methods of work: Qualitative kinematic analysis of motion and quantitative cinematographic examination method of video recording of running technique were used to create this work. The records were further processed using Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, Kinovea and Microsoft Excel. Results: The individual probands of the research group fulfill a substantial part of the model running technique recommended by the literature such as the active forefoot strike, the duration of individual phases, or the correct position of the head, torso, and extended reflex limb in the propulsion phase. So, we can say that Czech runners are technically capable. However, at the same time we observe a different individual concept of running technique for each proband, such as lumbar hyperlordosis, retroflection of torso, head tilt or the extent of arm work. Key words: biomechanics of motion, kinematic analysis, running technique, economics of motion

Bioceramic Materials for Advanced Medical Applications / Bioceramic Materials for Advanced Medical Applications

Novotná, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
Cílem disertační práce bylo připravit trojrozměrné biokeramické podpůrné systémy („skafoldy“), které by v budoucnu mohly pomoci při rekonstrukci a regeneraci poškozených kostních tkání. Porézní keramické pěny byly připraveny dvěma způsoby – replikační technikou a polymerizací in situ. Co se složení týče, byly studovány keramické materiály zejména na bázi oxidu hlinitého, zirkoničitého a kalcium fosfátů. Byl studován jednak vliv procesních parametrů jako je složení suspenzí a jejich viskozit, dále pak vliv tepelného zpracování na strukturu a výsledné vlastnosti připravených materiálů. U slinutých pěn byla pomocí rastrovací elektronové mikroskopie hodnocena zejména morfologie – velikost pórů, jejich propojenost a celková porozita, charakterizace mikrostruktury nebyla opomenuta. Dále bylo stanoveno fázové složení a pevnost v tlaku. Z biologických vlastností byla testována a diskutována bioaktivita a cytotoxicita materiálů. Disertační práce je členěna do několika částí. V literární rešerši je popsána stavba a vlastnosti kosti, požadavky kladené na kostní náhrady, výhody a nevýhody současně používaných materiálů a způsoby přípravy keramických pěn. Následuje experimentální část, kde byly nejprve studovány pěny připravené replikační technikou. Všechny takto vyrobené pěny měly propojené póry o velikostech 300 až 2000 m, celková porozita se pohybovala v rozmezí 50 – 99 %. Pevnost pěn na bázi kalcium fosfátů – 0,3 MPa (při celkové porozitě 80%) byla nedostatečná pro kostní náhrady, kde je požadována pevnost větší než 2 MPa. Kalcium fosfátové keramiky byly tedy zpevněny buďto inertním jádrem na bázi oxidu hlinitého nebo ATZ (oxidem zirkoničitým zhouževnatělým oxidem hlinitým). Dále byl přípraven částicový kompozit, ve kterým byl hydroxyapatit pojený oxidem křemičitým. Pevnost pěn se podařilo zvýšit až na více než 20 MPa. V poslední kapitole experimentální části byly studovány keramické pěny pěněné in situ, kde byly póry vytvářeny oxidem uhličitým unikajícím během reakce mezi diisokyanátem a polyalkoholem. Po vypálení polymerního pojiva měly pěny propojené póry o průměrné velikosti 80 až 550 m. Celková porozita se pohybovala v rozmezí 76 – 99%. Výhodou oproti replikační technice byly plné trámečky bez velké středové dutiny vznikající vypálením polymerní předlohy. Žádný ze studovaných materiálů nebyl pro buňky toxický, navíc všechny studované pěny vykazovaly bioaktivní chování. Z hlediska kostního tkáňového inženýrství se jako nejslibnější jeví kompozitní materiál zpevněný oxidem křemičitým.

Kinematická analýza patovacího úderu u zdravého a hendikepovaného golfisty / Kinematic analysis of a putt stroke in healthy and disabled golfer

Francová, Amálie January 2022 (has links)
Title: Kinematic analysis of a putt stroke in healthy and disabled golfer Objectives: The aim of this study is to objectify the movements during a putt stroke using 3D kinematic analysis and monitoring the pressure of the lower limbs to the ground for a healthy and disabled golfer of comparable performance and identify differences in stability of technique and performance between players. Methods: On a sample of 1 healthy and 1 handicapped golfer with similar performance was determined process of a putt stroke using 3D kinematic analysis of the CODA Motion system and pressure plate BodiTrak. Specifically, the difference between the putt stroke of the players in selected parametres, stability of performance and access were evaluated. The obtained data were processed in Microsoft Excel. The Wilcox test for independent samples and Cohen's d was to determine statistical and factual significance. Results: We found the statistical and large factual significance of the difference in the performance of the putting stroke between the disabled and healthy players (p < 0,01, d > 0,8) for most parameters. The most fundamental difference was found in the pressure of the lower limbs, when the disabled golfer had a greater pressure on the back limb. High stability of execution was found in 80 % of parametres in...

Videosekvence a jejich využití při výuce fyziky na ZŠ / Videosequention and their usage by physics education at basic school

MATĚJŮ, Petr January 2011 (has links)
The Thesis "Videosequences and their use in teaching physics at the elementary school" provides a basic understanding of the issue of the use of audiovisual technology in an environment at the elementary school, focusing on the integration of video in teaching physics at the second stage. It describes the possibilities of video sources on the Internet and instructions for their preparation and to their own creation. The Thesis is also based on practical experiences that means the inclusion of specific movies in two selected topics in teaching physics.

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