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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Provisorisk takbelysning vid byggarbetsplatser : En studie av belysningens funktion och dess påverkan på yrkesarbetaren / Provisional ceiling lighting at construction sites : A study of the functions of lighting and its effects on the construction worker

Ajamlou, Robin, Nyman, Emma January 2018 (has links)
This report explores the definitions of general- and work lighting in an indoor construction site and how the lighting affects a construction worker. This in order to clarify the controversial topic of: which purpose the ceiling lighting has, thus making the lighting plan optimal. This study was made in cooperation with Skanska Sweden AB. The main ceiling lighting-device in Skanska Sweden is a custom made LED-lamp which is the main tool that this research is based on. The main research methods are project site visits, interviews and surveys in combination with literature studies, and also practical measurements and simulations of the LED-lamps. The results of the interviews and surveys show that comprehension of the functions of the ceiling lighting varies among Skanska Sweden employees. While construction workers generally refer to work lighting when addressing ceiling lighting, the managers tend to refer to general lighting or as a tool to orientate the building. Although, how general lighting is defined, varies among the employees. With that said, the simulations reveal that a reasonable amount of a ceiling lighting will not fulfil the requirements for work lighting for all construction operations. Furthermore, our results from the interviews and surveys confirm those from previous studies; that lighting is essential for the well-being of people. A poorly illuminated workspace dulls one’s work performance and effects one’s health in both the short- and long terms. A well-lit workspace can, on the other hand, reduce the potential health and safety risks on a construction site and also ease multiple work tasks. There are currently no clear assembling routines of ceiling lighting. Therefore, to create consensus on the purpose of lighting and the health and safety prospects that come with it, this report recommends possible solutions and clarifications of the issues and misinterpretations in the matter. / När tidiga byggarbeten utförs inomhus är det vanligt att provisorisk belysning används, dels för att kunna se omgivningen och dels för att kunna arbeta. Skanska Sverige AB uppmanar byggprojekt till att använda taklampor i form av belysningsbojar. Funktionen av den här typen av belysning har på flera projekt varit en kontroversiell fråga där somliga anser att den ska fungera att arbeta i och andra ser det som en orienterande belysning. Det finns inte heller några tydliga riktvärden på vilken ljusstyrka som behövs på en byggarbetsplats.Undersökningen syftar till att dels förtydliga begreppen allmän- och arbetsbelysning inomhus vid byggarbetsplatser och dels utreda belysningens påverkan på yrkesarbetaren. Med hänsyn till detta och lagkrav ska takbelysningens tänkta funktion i byggarbetsplatsens inomhusmiljö utredas. Målsättningen är att skapa en enhetlig syn på belysning inom byggföretaget och underlätta planeringen av den. Utredningen genomförs med en grundläggande litteraturstudie, intervju- och enkätstudier där tjänstemän och yrkesarbetare tillfrågas, platsbesök samt mätningar och simuleringar. Resultaten visar att det finns en varierande uppfattning kring definitionen av allmän- respektive arbetsbelysning. Generellt har yrkesarbetare och tjänstemän olika syn på takbelysningens funktion. Majoriteten av yrkesarbetarna förväntar sig kunna arbeta i takbelysning medan de flesta tjänstemän anser att huvudsyftet är framkomlighet. Vid simuleringar visar sig däremot att den takbelysning som idag används vid Skanskas byggarbetsplatser inte är tillräcklig för att tillgodose kraven på ljusstyrka för alla typer av arbetsmoment som sker på en byggarbetsplats. Resultat från intervjuer och enkäter bekräftar resultat från tidigare utförda studier; att ljusnivån har betydande inverkan på människan både psykiskt och fysiskt. En dåligt belyst arbetsplats påverkar arbetarens förmåga att i stunden utföra arbetsuppgifter men har även långvariga effekter på hälsan. Vidare kan en bra takbelysning kombinerat med riktad arbetsbelysning minska arbetsmiljörisker och underlätta arbetet. Idag finns inga specifika rutiner för planering och utformning av takbelysning även om många tjänstemän utgår från liknande underlag. För att skapa en samsyn kring funktionen och upplysa om arbetsmiljörisker kring belysning ges slutligen rekommendationer som kan tydliggöra funktionen och underlätta utformningen av provisorisk takbelysning.

Energiåtervinning från styrd ventilation med värmeväxlare i liggtimmerbyggnad : En studie av uppmätt och simulerad energibesparing i Piteå Gamla Rådhus.

Joel, Wernberg January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Development of a proof of concept for an online automobile configurator / Utveckling av en prototyp för en bilkonfigurator för webben

Nordlander, Gustav January 2018 (has links)
This thesis represents a development from start to a proof of concept for an automobile configurator with 3D visualization. This proof of concept must be independent from other products and should only need a web browser to use. To be able to develop this type of product certain methods must be researched, these include; methods for developing a web based user interface for interaction with a 3D model, different methods for reducing data size of CAD models as well as visualizing the model. As there were two designers working alongside to develop this proof of concept, there was a good opportunity to try different approaches in terms of interface and test them on probable future users. A more conventional approach was preferred by the users and therefore chosen to be developed into a final design that would be for the website. When developing, certain features had to remain unimplemented due to time and resource restraints but the test users were still enthusiastic about such a product if the different aspects were to be polished.

Visualization of electricity consumption and solar panel production for house owners

Hammarberg, Filip January 2018 (has links)
In only two hours, the earth receives sunlight containing the amount of energy equivalent to one year’s electricity consumption of the entire population. Yet only 0.09 percent of the electricity production in Sweden 2016 came from solar energy. To increase that amount, the energy and communications company Umeå Energi offers solar panels to their customers. While doing that, they have identified a desire for their customers to monitor their electricity consumption and production at the same place – something that the service lacks today. This thesis investigates the actual needs behind why the solar customers want to know the electricity consumption and production information, in what contexts it will be accessed, and how that can be visualized to meet their needs. Starting with a literature study to understand the area, the work continues by meeting and interviewing customers to collect insights. These insights are then used as a foundation when creating and testing prototypes repeatedly together with the customers. It was found that being self-sufficient is one of the most important reasons for their solar panel customers for producing their own electricity. The prototypes that were created aimed to address that self-sufficiency need, together with visual representations of their electricity production and consumption – both historically as well as with live data.

The Crocodile Nose Connection : Design and laboratory tests on a novel connection for structural hollow sections

Öhman, Kristoffer January 2018 (has links)
The great properties and clear form makes the circular hollow section (CHS) appreciated by architects. When connecting these sections today it is common to use gusset plates. The knifeplate connection where the gusset plate is inserted into a slot made at the end of a circular section, is the most used connection today. This type of connections is not seen as aesthetically pleasingby architects because of its abrupt cut of the CHS. An alternative for the knife-plate connection is the Crocodile nose connection (CN-connection). The benefits of the CN-connection is the absence of the abrupt cut and the protruding gusset plate, which makes it appreciated by architects. In this connection the CHS’s ends are tapered, which creates two semi-elliptical cuts at both sides of the member. On these cuts, appropriate plates arefillet welded. These plates are shaped and bended so that when they are welded in place, the orientation of the extending part is parallel to the member axis. A gap is made between the extending parts so that a gusset plate can be inserted and bolted together with the member. Four different specimens of the CN-connection are tested in order to find the best shape. Two specimens have a stiffener between the plates, at a small distance from the end of the CHS. The difference between the presence of a stiffener and the lack of it, is investigated. The results showed that the specimens with the connecting piece obtained a much higher ultimate load, up to 413 %higher. Two different angles of the CHS’s cut is also investigated in order to see the most appropriate bevelling angle. In this case the results showed that the specimens with the smaller bevelling angle obtained a higher ultimate load, up to 40 % higher. A check of the weld connecting the plates and the CHS is also performed. This check was made with an assumed calculation model. The results showed that the calculation model only was valid for the specimens without the connecting piece. The calculation model must therefore be enhanced, in order to work for all dimensioning cases. / De goda egenskaperna och den ideala formen gör det cirkulära tvärsnittet uppskattat av arkitekter. Vid anslutningar av dessa tvärsnitt är det idag vanligt att använda knutplåtar. Kniv-plåtanslutningar där knutplåten förs in i en öppning i änden av det cirkulära tvärsnittet är det mest använda förbandet idag. På grund av rörets abrupta slut i detta förband är det inte estetiskt tilltalande enligt arkitekter. Ett alternativ för kniv-plåt-förbandet är Crocodile Nose-förbandet (CN-förbandet). Fördelarna med CN-förbandet är frånvaron av det abrupta slutet och den utstickande knutplåten, vilket görden uppskattad av arkitekter. I detta förband är det cirkulära tvärsnittets kanter nerfasade, vilket skapar två semielliptiska skärytor på båda sidor av röret. På dessa skärytor svetsas lämpliga plåtar med kälsvetsar. Plåtarna är formade på ett sådant sätt att när de är svetsas på plats är orienteringen av den utstickande delen parallel med rörets axel. Ett mellanrum mellan de utstickande delarna skapas så att knutplåten kan föras in och bultas fast tillsammans med röret. Fyra olika provkroppar av CN-förbandet testas för att hitta den bästa utformningen. Tvåprovkroppar har en avstyvning mellan plåtarna. Skillnaden mellan närvaron av avstyvningen och frånvaron av den är undersökt. Resultaten visade att provkropparna med avstyvningen fick enmarkant högre brottlast, upp till 413 % högre. För att även hitta den optimala vinkeln på skärytan har två olika vinklar undersökts. I detta fall visade resultaten att provkropparna med den mindrevinkeln gav en högre brottlast, upp till 40 % högre. Även en kontroll på svetsen som binder ihopplåtarna med röret är gjord. Denna kontroll gjordes med hjälp av en antagen beräkningsmodell.Resultatet visade att beräkningsmodellen endast är giltig för provkropparna utan avstyvningen.Beräkningsmodellen måste därför utvecklas, så den kan användas för samtliga dimensioneringsfall.

Supply Chain Integration for Small Sawmills in Industrialized House-Building / Integration av försörjningskedjor för små sågverk inom industriellt husbyggande

Erikshammar, Jarkko January 2014 (has links)
The position taken in this thesis is that a small and medium sized supplier makes a strategic choice to integrate their supply chain with industrialized house-building companies in order to deliver customer value and sustain competitive advantage. Customer values for industrialized house-building means delivery reliability, product quality, supply chain and market flexibility. Supply chain integration is the means for understanding customer requirements and to use supply chain resources efficiently through collaboration. The purpose of this thesis is to explore a small sawmill transition from single-minded focus on raw material optimization and increased production efficiency towards supply chain integration and customer focus in the industrialized house-building context. The thesis basis is a systematic literature review and five appended papers, based on a longitudinal case study at a small Swedish sawmill. Data has been collected through interviews, participant observations, and archival data during the period of 2010-2012. The theoretical gap is formed by the lack of consensus on supply chain integration. Viewing the criticism it is not clear how the constructs that constitute supply chain integration affect the possibility of succeeding with integration, how the integration should be measured, or how it affects the performance. Hence this thesis makes a holistic approach and collect empirical data trough method development on a strategic (business models, supply chain management), tactical (supply chain planning, sales and operations planning) and operational (value stream mapping, lean value delivery, simulation) supply chain integration process within industrialized house-building context. However, the findings do not conclusively prove or disprove the position. Findings indicate that small sawmills with limited resources and capabilities can employ methods of sales and operations planning, business model decomposition and value stream mapping enhanced decision making. The main contribution is the empirical data on supply chain integration divided and analyzed from strategic, tactical and operational process levels synthesized that with understanding of the importance of integrating these three levels dual perspective. Thus contribute with theoretical enhancement and reduction of the still-identifiable fragmentation of supply chain integration theory. / Godkänd; 2014; 20140423 (jarkko); Nedanstående person kommer att disputera för avläggande av teknologie doktorsexamen. Namn: Jarkko Erikshammar Ämne: Träbyggnad/Timber Structures Avhandling: Supply Chain Integration for Small Sawmills in Industrialized House-Building Opponent: Professor Christine Pasquire, College of Art & Design and Built Environment, School of Architecture Design and the Built Environment, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, England Ordförande: Professor Lars Stehn, Avd för byggkonstruktion och -produktion, Institutionen för samhällsbyggnad och naturresurser, Luleå tekniska universitet Tid: Tisdag den 17 juni 2014, kl 09.30 Plats: F1031, Luleå tekniska universitet / Lean Wood Engineering, TräIN

Trä- och betongstommar i tvåvåningshus

Naser Jarjis, Luay, Aldin Choobk, Ratha January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

The effects of operating conditions on the hydrodynamic lubricant film thickness at the piston-ring/cylinder liner interface of a firing diesel engine

Sochting, Sven January 2009 (has links)
Conventional investigations into the performance of piston-rings in internal combustion engines are performed at relatively low speeds and consider only steady state operation conditions. Loss of power in internal combustion (IC) engines is becoming an increasing issue when they are operated at high engine speeds. This project is directed at developing technology to establish whether this phenomenon is influenced by a lubricant related effect. In a normal operating environment automotive engines typically operate under transient operating conditions. These rapid changes in operation conditions may influence the thickness of the hydrodynamic film which lubricates the interfaces between the piston-ring and liner. During this project two capacitance methods were employed in a fired compression ignition engine, an amplitude modulated (AM) system originally developed by Grice and a new "high speed" capacitance technique based on a frequency modulated principle. The first part of this thesis is concerned with the development and implementation of a new apparatus suitable for measuring the thickness and extent of the hydrodynamic oil film which lubricates the piston-rings and liner. The nature of the working principle of the high speed capacitance measurement system required the design, manufacture, assembly and commissioning of a novel dynamic calibration apparatus. The new system can also be used for static calibration (AM system) of capacitance based distance measuring systems. It uses a manufacturer calibrated closed loop controlled piezo-actuator to present a target relative to the sensor face. Some previous investigations concluded a stable oil film thickness. However, this work shows that there are cyclic variations of the oil film thickness OFT on a stroke to stroke and cycle to cycle basis. A series of measurements was conducted under various fixed speed load points. The effects of using lubricants of different viscosity on the minimum (OFT) between liner and piston ring have been little studied and this work shows that it was possible to speciate measurements of different lubricants. This thesis also describes a measurement of the oil film thickness during abrupt changes in engine operating conditions.

Story as a function of gameplay in First Person Shooters and an analysis of FPS diegetic content, 1998-2007

Pinchbeck, Daniel Mcguire January 2009 (has links)
The relationship between game content and gameplay remains underexplored. High level debate about the relative narrativity of games remains common, but there is a gap in the understanding about the particularities of how diegetic objects relates to the business of managing player experience and behaviour at the heart of gameplay. The first half of this thesis proposes a new model for understanding gameplay as a network of affordance relationships which define supported actions. The theoretical focus upon supported actions rather than object characteristics enables a better understanding of the framework of gameplay created by a complex system of interrelated objects. In particular, it illustrates how the essential ludic structure of first-person games can be described in very simple terms, thus defining a discontinuity between complexity of experience and simplicity of structure. It is proposed that story is a primary means of managing this discontinuity to provide an immersive and seamless experience. Traditional models of narrative and interactive narrative are discussed to illustrate the problems of attempting to apply them directly to gameplay, and this is summarised in a discussion of the narratology/ludology debate. Instead, a new conceptualisation of narrative, drawn from the use of narrative as a model and metaphor in psychology, and based on schema theory is offered. It is argued that this new, game-specific conceptualisation - of a network of protonarrative units - maps efficiently and effectively onto the affordance model of gameplay and thus resolves the historical problem. In the second half of the thesis, evidence is offered to support the argument that not only can story be understood as a form of affordance, but that by examining commercial FPS titles, it is clear that story is used to manipulate player behaviour - that it serves a distinct gameplay function. This is achieved by analysing core elements of story: worlds and their populations; the avatar as a key device in managing the player/system relationship; and plot as the predetermined changes to object relationships over the course of a game. It is concluded that when gameplay is understood as a network of affordances, and story as a network of proto narrative units, and when the genre is analysed with this model in mind, not only is an understanding of the gameplay function of story evident, but this analysis yields a deeper level of understanding about the nature of FPS games and gameplay than has previously been available.

Virtually walking : factors influencing walking and perception of walking in treadmill-mediated virtual reality to support rehabilitation

Powell, Wendy January 2011 (has links)
Psychomotor slowing, and in particular slow walking, is a common correlate of illness or injury, and often persists long after the precipitating condition has improved. Since slow walking has implications for long term physical and social wellbeing, it is important to find ways to address this issue. However, whilst it is well established that exercise programmes are good approaches to increase movement speed, adherence to therapy remains poor. The main reasons for this appear to be pain and lack of interest and enjoyment in the exercise. Virtual Rehabilitation combines physical therapy with Virtual Reality (VR). This is a rapidly growing area of health care, which seems to offer a potential solution to these issues, by offering the benefits of increased patient engagement and decreased perception of pain. However, the question of how to encourage patients to increase their walking speed whilst interacting with VR has remained unanswered. Moreover, to maximise the benefits of this type of therapy, there needs to be a greater understanding of how different factors in treadmill-mediated VR can facilitate (or hinder) optimal walking. Therefore this thesis investigated the factors influencing walking and perception of walking in treadmill-mediated VR, using a series of empirical investigations to determine the effect of a variety of factors in VR, which can then be applied in a clinical setting. A review of the literature identified that high contrast stereoscopic virtual environments, calibrated to real-world dimensions, with a wide field of view and peripheral visual cues, are likely to facilitate accurate self-motion perception. Empirical studies demonstrated that decreasing the visual gain (ratio of optic flow to walk speed) in VR can lead to a sustained increase in walk speed. However, these lower rates of visual gain are likely to be perceived as unrealistic, and may decrease immersion. Further investigation demonstrated that there is a range of visual gain which is perceived as acceptably normal, although even the lower bound of this acceptable gain is still higher than the optimum gain for facilitating faster movements. Thus there is a trade-off between visual gain for realistic perception, and visual gain for improved walking speeds. Therefore other components that can improve walking speed need to be identified, particularly for those applications where reduction of the visual gain is undesirable. Further empirical studies demonstrated that fast audio cues (125% of baseline cadence), in the form of a footstep sound, can increase the walk speed without disrupting the natural walk ratio. This effect was demonstrated in healthy populations, and also shown to be evident in a group of patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain. It was noted that in all the studies comparing a pain and non-pain group, the pain group walked more slowly across all conditions. Additional empirical studies demonstrated that the use of self-paced treadmills for interfacing with VR was found to be associated with somewhat lower baseline walk speeds than normal overground walking, although the self-paced treadmills preserved the normal walk ratio. This slowing of walking and preservation of walk ratio was seen in both healthy participants and also in participants with chronic musculoskeletal pain. Therefore, whilst self-paced treadmills can support natural walking, additional factors need to be considered if treadmill-mediated VR is to be used to facilitate the increase in walking speeds desirable for rehabilitation. Thus designing VR for rehabilitation is likely to involve consideration of a number of factors, and making individualised design decision based on specific therapeutic goals.

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