Spelling suggestions: "subject:"denteknik"" "subject:"borrteknik""
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Dimensionering av överbyggnader i Nordiska länder / Design of pavements in the Nordic countriesZahra, Kandiel January 2017 (has links)
Olika länder använder sig av olika metoder vid dimensionering av vägöverbyggnader. Denna rapport fokuserar på vilka metoder som används i Nordiska länder, Sverige, Norge och Danmark. Samt vilka ingångsparametrar som behövs för att använda dessa metoder. Dessutom presenteras PMS Objekt (Pavement Management Systems), Indexmetoden och MMOPP (Mathematical Modelling of Pavement Performance). Det svenska programmet PMS Objekt är dimensioneringsverktyg för vägöverbyggnader vid nya byggnationer och även vid underhållning och förstärkning. Programmet är accepterat av trafikverket och används främst i Sverige. Indexmetoden är programmet som använd i Norge den ger tydliga resultat och är väldigt enkel att använda. Den utgår från materialegenskaper, terrass materialtyp, klimat och andra faktorer. I Danmark används MMOPP, Mathematical Modelling of Pavement Performance som dimensioneringsmetoden som delas in i tre olika nivåer Katalog dimensionering, AnalytiskEmpirisk dimensionering och dimensionering genom Simulering och optimering Rapporten syftar till att undersöka dessa metoder och se vilka för- och nackdelar de har. Samt att ge läsaren en ökad förståelse för hanteringen av dimensioneringsmetoderna av vägöverbyggnader som används i Sverige, Norge och Danmark. PMS Objekt metoden hjälper till att få lagertjocklekar som utdata. Tjocklekar till alla olika lager som finns i en vägöverbyggnad. Medan indexmetoden är en metod för att beräkna bärighet, Emodul hos olika material. MMOPP- metoden används för att bestämma E-modul, livslängden i år och respons värde samt det tillåtna respons värdet. Studien som helhet visar att Sverige, Norge och Danmark använder sig av olika metoder men beaktar nästan samma faktorer som kan påverka vägkonstruktionen. För att studien ska kunna genomföras har utgångspunkten tagits i en litteraturstudie av rapporter, tidigare utfärda examensarbete och datainsamling från olika hemsidor så som Trafikverket, norska vägverket och danska vägverket. / Different countries are using different methods when designing pavements. This report will focus on the methods used in Nordic countries including; Sweden, Norway and Denmark. The required input parameters to use these methods will also be included. Furthermore, PMS Object (Pavement Management Systems), Index method and MMOPP (Mathematical Modelling of Pavement Performance) will also be presented heir in. The Swedish software “PMS Object” is a design tool for pavements to be used at new building sites as well as for maintenance and reinforcement. The software is approved by the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) and is most commonly used in Sweden. Index method is the software, which is being used in Norway, it gives clear results and is very easy to use. It is based on material properties, climate and other factors. In Denmark, MMOPP is being used for pavement design which can be divided into three different levels; design by selection in a standard catalogue, Analytical- Empirical design method and design by simulation. This report is aiming to investigate these methods and compare their pros and cons. The aim is also to give the reader an increased understanding of the usage of pavement design methods that are being used in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. The PMS Objekt method aids in achieving layer thickness as output. Thickness of all the different layers that exist within a pavement. While the Index method is a method to calculate buoyancy and E-modulus for different materials. MMOPP- method is used to determine: E-modulus, lifespan in years and response value and finally the allowed response value. In conclusion, this study indicates that Sweden, Norway and Denmark is using different methods however, they are considering almost the same factors that can affect the road construction. In order to complete this study, a literature review of reports and previous dissertations was performed, data was collected from different websites including the Swedish, Norwegian and Danish transport administration.
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Evaluating Application Scenarioswith React Native : A Comparative Study between Native and ReactNative DevelopmentLelli, Andreas, Bostrand, Viktor January 2016 (has links)
There are multiple ways of creating a modern mobile application and differentcombinations of programming languages and tools can be used to suite specificneeds.Typically, open market products need to support various platforms which, due tomultiple code bases, might lead to difficulties with maintenance and new featuredeployment.React Native is a JavaScript library, announced by Facebook in 2015, that provides auniversal pattern for creating mobile applications for Android and iOS. Theframework handles all data models and business logic using JavaScript whichenables large amounts of code to be shared between different operating systems.The cost of these advantages, however, is not well documented and it is possiblethat React Native may not be suitable in certain application scenarios.In this thesis, React Native is benchmarked in terms of performance and userexperience to evaluate which application scenarios that are suitable for theframework and which are not. Benchmarks show that React Native deliversanimation performance close to its native counterpart while computationallyintensive tasks took at least 27x more time to execute. The measurements alsoshows that React Native applications consumed 124% more battery and required25% more time to launch whilst also requiring significantly more memory.Based on the results, and evaluated differences in the development process, thisthesis has concluded that React Native is a viable option to native development inscenarios which does not rely on heavy background calculations, have strict limitson resource usage or need very specific Android features or components. Ideally,React Native is suitable for developers with web experience or scenarios whererapid deployment changes are desirable.
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An Evaluation of Decoupled Access Execute on ARMv8Petrousis, Georgios January 2017 (has links)
Energy saving techniques on the hardware level are not always capable of adapting to the applications. Thus energy saving techniques at software level are needed to overcome the limitations of the hardware. Dynamic Voltage Frequency Scaling (DVFS)is one of the most widely used techniques to scale down the voltage and frequency atruntime as needed. However, in modern processors the current leakage becomessignificant in low voltage (breakdown of Dennard’s scaling), leaving frequency scalingas the only solution. But frequency changes can take many CPU cycles, making DVFSnon applicable at instruction level granularity. Decoupled Access/Execute (DAE) is asolution to the above problem. DAE is an energy efficiency model with minimalperformance loss and has been evaluated on x86 platforms, showing significantimprovements in energy consumption, on task-based parallel programs and complexsequential applications. In this project we evaluate the DAE model on ARMv8 platforms using the SPEC CPU2006 benchmark suit. The results show energy benefitsand performance improvements up to 40%. Furthermore we discuss the behaviour ofDAE on x86 and ARMv8 architectures.
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FEM-analys av betongvägg vid bortfall av bärande pelare : Prefabricerade betongelements robusthet mot ras och olyckslastMarcus, Kjellgren January 2016 (has links)
Total collapses of buildings are a rare occurrence in modern building construction, and while they are scarcely seen, their consequences are often extensive enough to encourage building projectors to invest in a structural framework capable of sustaining its stability through unforeseen events. This individually completed degree project aims to provide insight into the principles and techniques used to prevent these kinds of collapses and how they can be applied to future structural design. This is achieved by studying the expected reactions of precast concrete structures and by analyzing the building codes currently applied to concrete buildings in Sweden. The study analyses a fictional four-story concrete building and the resulting deflection of its precast walls as a loadbearing column is removed from its bottom floor. Results are generated using the software Strusoft FEM-design 3D structure, and the deflection is calculated for walls spanning 6, 7, 8 or 8.5 m. Different concrete qualities ranging from 20/25 to 45/55 are applied to each span with the objective of examining the properties of a precast concrete buildings ability to remain stable without the use of extensive attachment methods. The biggest impact is presented by increasing the concrete quality from 25/30 to 30/37, which further justifies the usage of 30/37 in most modern construction. Generally the impact of increasing the structures concrete quality increases as its original deflection increases, which suggests an increase of quality is more profitable for high-risk structures. Furthermore walls constructed with high quality concrete will allow for the usage of further spanning components, as the study shows a lesser increase of deflection under these circumstances. While some results presented in the study may appear minor, it is proven crucial to provide proper attachment of precast concrete components in order to reduce the potential of a disastrous collapse. Keywords: Collapse, deflection, attachment, deformation, concrete quality, diaphragm action, membrane action, span, FEM-design.
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Millstream Systems for Use in Pragmatic Robot Command InterpretationSutherland, Alexander January 2016 (has links)
As robots become more prolific in modern society, advances must be made in order to ensure understanding during human robot interactions. In this thesis we implement an aspect of a candidate system, Millstream systems, that could represent natural language commands as well as generate new representations for commands based on previously generated data. This thesis presents the results of using two well known syntactic and semantic parsers to generate data and implements a method of mining the data for “production rules” that dictate how to represent an uttered sentence based on the words used. These rules are then generalized using a naive method, allowing them to be applied to a larger set of inputs. Results indicate that from a corpus of 50 imperative sentences 37could be used to generate productions rules which resulted in 187 rules. These rules could then be generalized, resulting in 147 generalized rules, a compression rate of 21.3%. Finally the entire generation process was evaluated and suggestions for extensions to the system, such as gesture recognition, are presented.
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TID FÖR INNOVATION : En kvalitativ studie om innovationsledning och stöd för att skapa tid för idéer på Volvo Construction Equipment Technology.Gustavsson, Karin, Hagman, Amanda January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Improving the Developer Experience by Implementing Syntax in the Encore LanguageEklund, Lowe, Nikamo, Karolina, Strömberg, Casper January 2017 (has links)
Good concurrent software is a necessity today, as concurrent architectures have become commonplace. Consequently, a good programming experience in languages designed for concurrency becomes essential. This project provides the design and implementation of a set of features in the Encore programming language, which is designed for concurrency. The aim is to provide increased convenience and efficiency in the programming experience. The project resulted in two new language features in Encore: default field values and default parameters. Implementation of the new features was done by modification/extension of the Encore compiler. A majority of surveyed participants preferred the new features over the old syntax. / Bra parallelliserbar mjukvara är en nödvändighet idag när mångkärnade arkitekturer blivit vanligt. Därmed blir även utvecklarupplevelsen i programmeringsspråk designade för samtidighet viktig. Detta projekt utformar och tillhandahåller genomförandet av en uppsättning syntaxfinesser i parallellprogrammeringsspråket Encore. Syftet är att öka effektivitet och bekvämlighet för utvecklaren. Projektet resulterade i två nya syntaxfinesser i Encore: fältinitiering och standardvärden på parameterar. Dessa syntaxfinesser implementerades genom att modifiera Encore-kompilatorn. En majoritet av undersökningsdeltagarna anser att de nya syntaxfinesserna är bättre än dess föregångare.
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Implementing an Augmented Reality application to use on Microsoft Hololens to interact with automotive vehicle objectsKulanthaivetpillai, Nishandan, Gorges, Gorges January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Examensarbete : Kombinerat munstyckeSytniowski, Mikael, Jönsson, Oscar January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Storing and visualizing data using the Raspberry PiRagnarsson, Felix, Saleh, Nurhussen, Sundberg, Erik, Woods, Adam January 2017 (has links)
This project concerns the development of a solution for visualizing and storing different types of data using a single board computer. This replaces a system that currently uses Windows-based laptops. To do this, a suitable single board computer has been selected, with price and performance in mind. The one selected is the Raspberry Pi, due to it having good performance for its cost and the external stakeholder desiring its use. For database functionality a MySQL system is implemented because of its network and concurrency capabilities. In terms of results, the external party's performance requirements are that data from sixty different sensors must be read and saved once per second. These have been met. For visualization, various frameworks and related tools are implemented, and the user interacts with the system through a touch interface. / Detta projekt behandlar utvecklingen av en lösning för att visualisera och lagra olika typer av data med hjälp av en enkortsdator. Detta ersätter ett system som använder Windowsbaserade bärbara datorer för denna funktionalitet. För att möjliggöra detta har en enkortsdator valts, i detta fall Raspberry Pi. Detta för att den har bra prestanda för priset samt att den externa intressenten önskat detta. För databashantering har en MySQL server implementerats på grund av dess nätverks- och paralellprestanda. Vad gäller resultat så har den externa partens krav uppfyllts. De viktigaste är att data från sextio kanaler läses och lagras varje sekund.För visualisering har redan existerande bibliotek implementerats i enlighet med projektspecifikationer i ett touchgränssnitt.
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