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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

FASADSPILL - PUTS VÄCK : En kartläggning av putsprocessen och dess avfallsmängder

Eriksson, Madelene, Verheij, Line January 2017 (has links)
The Construction sector is the industry that generates the second most waste afterthe mining industry in Sweden. Therefore, reducing waste is a primary issue for thesector. JM AB have a new environmental goal to reduce waste. The companyseparated their waste into fractions in order to study them individually. This reportis the result of a survey of the waste fraction facade plaster. The investigation ismade for thick plaster that is "scrubbed" with a board with nails in order to get theproper appearance (Swedish: "rivputs"). The purpose of the study is to see how much waste the plaster process representsand what it will take to reduce this fraction of the waste. Interviews, study visits anda literature study was made collect information about the process. Calculations shows that about 20% of all plaster materials are thrown away. Animportant aspect is that approximately 18% of the plaster materials is "scrubbedaway" to get the right structure of the facade. Therefore, a new material or a newmethod to apply the plaster would be required to eliminate this 18% of the waste. About 2% of all plaster material turns into waste when cleaning the pipe that is usedto apply the plaster on the wall. Shortening of the pipe would reduce waste andaffect the method for the labors who work with plaster at the construction site. Toimplement such a change at JM AB, an investment is required.

MoneyManager : En mobilapplikation för att öka medvetenhet om privatekonomi

Berglind, Tor, Gjöthlén, Karolin, Larsson, Fredrik, Sandbom, Simon January 2017 (has links)
According to a number of reports conducted by various authorities and corporations we have concluded that a great number of swedes have difficulties saving money, especially students. One aspect is that the difficulty to save is due to the fact that these persons do not have an overview of their finances. We have therefore created an application with the purpose to help students keep track of their expenses. Through visualisation of data representing the users history of expenses, we hope to provide a better overall picture of how their money is used. This in order to increase the users awareness of these expenses. This infers a categorization of which ones that are unnecessary and can be ruled out and which are necessary and can not be ruled out, a categorization the user may do hirself. The application has been tested and evaluated by a test group of 8 people where everyone believes, to a certain extent, that MoneyManager has helped them gain a better insight into their own finances and what expenses they have. There are features that the majority of users are missing, especially an automatic entry of transactions. This is something we see as potential for an exciting future development of the application. / Enligt flera rapporter utförda av olika myndigheter och företag har ett stort antal svenskar svårt att spara pengar, inte minst studenter. En aspekt är att uteblivandet av sparande beror på att dessa personer inte har en övergripande koll på sina utgifter. Vi har därför skapat en applikation med syfte att hjälpa användaren hålla koll på sin ekonomi. Genom visualisering av data som representerar användarens historik av utgifter ger det en helhetsbild av hur pengarna används. Detta för att hos användaren öka medvetenheten om sina utgifter. Det innebär en kategorisering av utgifter beroende på om de upplevs som onödiga, en kategorisering användaren själv får göra. Applikationen har testats och utvärderats av en testgrupp på 8 personer där alla till en viss mån anser att MoneyManager har hjälpt dem få en bättre insikt i sin egen ekonomi och vilka utgifter de har. Det finns funktioner som majoriteten av användarna saknar, framför allt automatiskt införande av transaktioner. Detta är något vi ser som en spännande utvecklingspotential för applikationen.

Systemintegration mellan tidsredovisnings- och bokföringssystem

Althin, Tom, Larsson, Patrik, Leander, Andreas January 2017 (has links)
Society stores information in IT-systems in order to streamline day to to day tasks. In order to make sure that the information is legitimate and up to date, synchronisation between several locations is needed. We have chosen to synchronise and automate time reports between the time report system Timesheet and invoice system Fortnox for the company Consoden. This has been done with the purpose of streamlining the work for the administrators in charge of invoices. The project has also focused on the integration process between some arbitrary system and Fortnox. Before this project two administrators worked a minimum of five days a month with manually synchronising time reports from projects and creating invoices for them. The process of synchronizing information regarding clients, projects and suppliers have been fully automated in order to ease the creation of invoices. / I dagens samhälle sparas information i IT-system för att effektivisera dagliga arbetsuppgifter. Därför ökar pressen på att nödvändig information finns tillgänglig och i synkroniserat tillstånd på flera platser. Vi har valt att synkronisera information nödvändig för fakturahantering mellan tidsredovisningssystemet Timesheet och bokföringssystemet Fortnox. Syftet har varit att underlätta fakturahantering för företaget Consoden som haft två personer som arbetat minst fem dagar varje månad med att manuellt hantera information nödvändig för fakturering. Projektet har även fokuserat på själva integrationsprocessen mellan något godtyckligt system och Fortnox. Processen att synkronisera information gällande klient-, projekt- och leverantörsuppgifter har blivit fullständigt automatiserad.

Konceptframtagning av bas-högtalare för utbyggnadsbart ljudsystem : Produktutveckling med ett styrt formspråk och användaren i fokus

Lidström, Wilhelm January 2017 (has links)
Sound Dimension ämnar att starta upp utvecklingen av nästa produkt till deras varumärke aiFi. Idag är aiFi en smart högtalare som när flera placeras tillsammans skapar ett utbyggnadsbart ljudsystem. Sound Dimension söker nu nästa produkt till aiFi familjen och vill ha hjälp att ta fram ett koncept för denna. I kombination med utveckling av det nya konceptet vill de även ha hjälp med att identifiera problem kring användandet av dagens produkt och få förslag på hur dessa kan förbättras.   I rapporten behandlas produktutvecklingsprocessen av ett nytt koncept i kombination med användarstudier och implementering av förändringar i ett redan styrt formspråk. Projektet är ett examensarbete vid Karlstads universitet för högskoleingenjörsprogrammet i innovationsteknik och design, MSGC12. Projektet motsvarar 22.5hp och utförs vid fakulteten hälsa, natur- och teknikvetenskap. Rapporten är skriven av Wilhelm Lidström, handledare industridesigner Kristina Gullander och examinator professor Leo De Vin.   Under processen har skiss och modellarbete använts flitigt för att dokumentera processen och för att testa och visualisera olika idéer. Modeller har byggts både för att verifiera former och proportioner samt testa funktioner. Det slutliga konceptet presenteras i skiss, 3D-format med renderade bilder samt i form av en enkel fysisk prototyp.   Det slutliga konceptet utgår från att uppfylla den kravspecifikation som framkommit under projektet. Kravspecifikationen har skapats utifrån de krav och önskemål uppdragsgivaren hade på projektet, samt en gedigen förstudie innehållande en litteraturstudie kring intressanta områden projektet berör. Ett stort antal intervjuer genomförs med fokus på hur dagens produkt uppfattas och användarvänligheten, både utifrån befintliga användare och personer som aldrig tidigare varit i kontakt med produkten för att få en så bred bild som möjligt av uppfattningen om dagens produkt.   Resultatet är ett koncept med en form och storlek som gör den kompatibel med dagens produkt. Manöverpanelen har fått en ny position och ett förenklat gränssnitt vilket gör produkten tydligare både ur ett semantisktpersketiv och användarsynpunkt.

Rätt björk på rätt mark : Visuell identifiering av naturligt föryngrad björk

Vestergaard, Kristofer, Askevik, Dennis January 2017 (has links)
The silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) and the downy birch (Betula pubescens Ehrh) are the most common broadleaved species in Swedish forests. Both species have a lot in common in appearance and are often misleadingly referred to simply as ”birch”. They have however different requirements and possibilities to grow on different sites. Downy birch grows well on moist and wet sites thanks to the fact that its roots are adapted to these type of environments. Silver birch has on the other hand the ability to grow on dry sites. Both species prefer soil moisture class somewhere in between wet and dry.   To be able to promote the correct birch species on each site, it is important to identify the two species during the clearing process. Both buds and shoots are characteristic for each species why those parts can be used to separate them. Buds from silver birch are pointy shaped and those from downy birch are round shaped. When it comes to shoots the silver birch has nubby shoots and the downy birch has hairy shoots.  The aim of this study was to a) investigate the occurrence of each of the two birch species on sites with different soil moisture class, b) investigate if it was possible to visually identify each species during clearing with a clearing saw and c) to find out if and how the height of the stand influenced the possibility of species identification. This study shows that it is possible to identify the two species. It is however important to start the clearing process at an early age, since the parts of the tree used for identification otherwise will grow beyond sight.  This is particularly important on moist sites, where both birch species regenerate willingly. In the long run, downy birch will have higher ability to develop high quality timber on these sites. In order to do that, the right stems must be chosen at each clearing occasion. It is important to start the clearing process at an early age, since the characteristic parts of the tree otherwise will grow beyond sight.  Keywords

LCC av eventuell utbyggnad av fjärrvärmenätet i Falun. / LCC of a possible expansion of the district heating network in Falun.

Åhlund, Jessica January 2017 (has links)
This work has been carried out on behalf of and together with Falu Energi och Vatten. The purpose of the work was to study under what circumstances it´s economically profitable to expand the district heating network to residential area with electrical heating compared to keep it as it is today. The expansion of the district heating network will also be simulated to investigate if the existing dimensions of the network are big enough to provide enough heat after the expansion. In this work three different areas in Falun city area has been studied. Two areas (Ritar-, and Skrivarvägen and Digertäktsvägen) where there is no district heating today, and one area (residential district Haraldsbo) where a part of the area is connected to the district heating network and some are not. The study has been performed under the assumption that the production in the facilities are sufficient for providing also the new areas with heat without any need of new facilities. Another limitation that has been set is that only fuel costs will be taken into account in the production costs for district heating. From the calculations of the net present value for the three different areas with expansions of the district heating system, compared to the calculations of the net present value of keeping it as it is today showed that Ritar-, and Skrivarvägen will need to have at least 30-35% households connected to have the same or higher net present value. The corresponding values for Digertäktsvägen is 35-45% connected households and för Haraldsbo around 15% connected households. It was also examined how the connection rates influenced the prize for the households, if the net present value was going to be equal or bigger than for the present situation without any connection cost.  It was found that for Harladsbo where there already are some households with district heating only 15% of the today not connected needed to sign up for district heating and in the areas that does not have any district heating today (Ritar-, and Skrivarvägen and Digertäktsvägen) 50-70% needed to sign up for district heating. “Falu Energi och Vatten” calculations today demand a payback time of 12 years of the investment in the district heating infrastructure. To get that 30 -40% needed to connect in Ritar-, and Skrivarvägen and Digertäktsvägen, on Haraldsbo the connection rate had to be over 15%. The results from the simulations made on the district heating infrastructure showed that on Ritar-, and Skrivarvägen the network is sufficient to supply the whole area with heat at the dimensional outdoor temperature of -23°C, also with 100% connections on Haraldsbo the pressure difference, flow speed and pressure gradient are within the permitted span. Simulations of Haraldsbo showed that with a connection rate of 100% the pressure difference got to low in one corner of the area. If the connection rate instead is 50% at Haraldsbo the area manage to keep the pressure difference at an approved level of 160 kPa, if we then also connect 100% at Ritar-, and Skrivarvägen, the pressure difference sinks down to 100 kPa which is the absolute lowest that is permitted.

Energikartläggning för Norconsults 18 kontor i Sverige / Energy mapping for Norconsults 18 offices in Sweden

Lindgren, Åsa January 2017 (has links)
In Sweden, June 1, 2014, law 2014: 266 on energy mapping in large companies came into force. An energy mapping is a map of the company's energy use. It describes what type of energy carrier is used, electricity, district heating, fuel, and how big the consumption is. It also describes the part in which this energy is used within the company, for example in business or transport. The purpose of making an energy mapping is to get an overview of the consumption of energy in the company and to find possible actions to reduce the consumption and the cost for energy. This energy mapping deals with Norconsult's 18 offices operations in Sweden. The project also includes Norconsult Fältgeoteknik AB, a subsidiary of Norconsult. The result from the energy mapping was that the total energy consumption for the company 2016 was 3 588 MWh. The total cost of all consumed energy is estimated to approximately 3 100 000 SEK in 2016. The energy consumption of the company is divided into three different uses, district heating, electricity and transport. From the result the total use for the transport accounts for 56 percent of total consumption, 26 percent of transportation is Norconsult's consumption of gasoline and 20 percent is Norconsult Fältgeoteknik's consumption of diesel. 21 percent of the total consumption is electricity, and 20 percent is district heating.  Based on the overall energy use, examples for energy reductions have been made for the various areas, which has given an opportunity to improve energy use at the company Norconsult. The suggestions are presented below.  The Gothenburg office uses district heating and district cooling. For several months in 2016, these systems were running simultaneously. The conclusion is that there is a significant savings possibility, as there is no need for costing to fix the problem, just an adjustment of the control of heat and cooling. Monitors and computers are often in sleep mode during evenings and weekends, which causes unnecessary energy. By establishing routines for shutting down screens, computers and printers, it can make energy saving of 2.4 percent of total electricity consumption.   In 2016 Norconsult personnel flew 159 times from Stockholm to Gothenburg. This resulted in an increased energy consumption of 13.18 MWh compared to if the travels were made by train. This amount stands for 0.37 percent of the total energy consumption, which is not very much. However, air transport consumes energy through combustion of aviation fuel, while energy consumption for trains is by electricity. Electricity is a much purer source of energy emissions, which results in a reduced environmental impact. The conclusion it that it is possible to save both money, time and reducing the negative effect on the environment by switching from flights to rail transport.

Säkerhetsrisker vid användning av molntjänster

Sundström, Oscar January 2014 (has links)
Validerat; 20140115 (global_studentproject_submitter)

Varierad eggradie för skärande bearbetning

Mohseni, Mojgan January 2010 (has links)
Validerat; 20101217 (root)

Kemisk klassning och klassning av särskilda förorenande ämnen i Tökilsbäcken : problematik kring antropogena metallers inverkan på naturmiljöer

Ehrling, Lena January 2019 (has links)
För att övervaka utvecklingen i Sveriges sjöar och vattendrag används bland annat klassning av ekologisk- och kemisk status. Dessa faktorer ger information över vattendragets status och innefattar ett flertal parametrar som sammanställs till en slutlig klassning. Tökilsbäcken är en sju kilometer lång naturlig bäck som har sitt utlopp i Gavleån. Bäcken rinner till största del genom ett skogslandskap, ungefär tre kilometer uppströms utloppet finns en mindre tillrinningsbäck där en deponiverksamhet släpper ut sitt renade lak- och dagvatten. För att klassa särskilda förorenande ämnen i Tökilsbäcken hämtades årsmedelvärde för god status för metallerna koppar, krom och zink. Vid klassning av kemisk status har gränsvärden för metallerna bly, kadmium och nickel inhämtats. Samtliga begränsande värden är inhämtade från Havs och vattenmyndighetens föreskrifter om klassificering och miljökvalitetsnormer (HVMFS, 2013). En sammanställning av befintliga provtagningsrapporter under åren 2011-2018 från tre provtagningspunkter, analyser av metallhalter i vattenmossor och bottenfauna (Internt material, SUEZ) utfördes och sammanställdes i text och grafer. Resultatet av denna studie är att särskilda förorenande ämnen, som ingår i klassning av ekologisk status erhåller klassningen god status med avseende på koppar, krom och zink i de två provtagningspunkter belägna i Tökilsbäcken. Vid den tredje provpunkten belägen uppströms i tillrinningsbäcken blir klassningen uppnår ej god status på grund av det förhöjda årsmedelvärdet av krom år 2011. Vid klassning av kemisk status uppnås god kemisk ytvattenstatus vid samtliga provpunkter under tidsperioden 2011-2018 med avseende på bly, kadmium och nickel. Sammanställning visar att metallerna koppar, zink och bly har högst halterna uppströms, därefter nedströms och lägst vid provpunkt utlopp. För metallerna krom och nickel är halterna störst vid provpunkt utlopp, därefter nedströms och lägst halter uppmätts vid provpunkt uppströms. För kadmiumhalterna ses en ökning över tid men endast marginella skillnader mellan de tre provpunkterna. Om endast påverkan från dessa sex metaller undersöks, dras slutsatsen att utsläppen av krom och nickel, den ökande halten av kadmium eller inverkan av cocktaileffekten är vad som med största sannolikhet ger upphov till försämringen i bottenfauna vid provpunkt nedströms i jämförelse med uppströms. Trots dessa lovande resultat finns osäkerhet kring klassning av verktyget för uträknande av biotillgänglighet då ingen eller väldigt små kopplingar kunde göras mellan undersökningar utförda av metallhalter i vattenmossor och halten biotillgängliga metaller. Även problematik kring gränsvärden och att utsläppen av metaller sker i koncentrationer och inte faktisk utsläppt mängd diskuteras. / In order to monitor environmental changes in Swedish lakes and watercourses, a classification of ecological and chemical status was evaluated. These factors provide information on the status of the watercourse and include a number of parameters that are put together into a final classification. Tökilsbäcken is a seven-kilometre natural watercourse that has its effluent in Gavleån. The watercourse flows mostly through a forest landscape. Approximately three kilometres upstream of the effluent, there is an outlet to Tökilsbäcken from a small stream where a landfill lets out it´s purified leachate. To classify what is called specific pollutants in Swedish environmental legislation the annual average values were obtained for good status for the metals copper, chromium and zinc. These three metals are a part of the classification of ecological status. When investigating the classification for chemical status, limit values for the metals was obtained for lead, cadmium and nickel. All limiting values have been obtained from Havs- och vattenmyndighetens regulations on classification and environmental quality standards (HVMFS, 2013). A compilation of existing sampling reports during the years 2011-2018 from three sampling points, analyses of metal contents in water mosses and bottom fauna (Unpublished material, SUEZ) was performed and compiled in text and graphs. The result of this study shows that the three metals included in the classification of ecological status receive classification good status concerning copper, chromium and zinc in the two sampling points located in Tökilsbäcken. At the third test point located upstream of the small stream, the classification will not achieve good status due to the increased annual average value of chromium in 2011. When chemical status was classified, good chemical surface water status was achieved at all test points over the period 2011-2018 concerning lead, cadmium and nickel. When analysing annual average values the levels of copper, zinc and lead where highest at sample point upstream, then downstream and the lowest levels where found in the outlet. For the metals chromium and nickel the highest levels where found in sample point outlet, then downstream and the lowest values where found in upstream. The levels of cadmium has increased over time but only marginal differences where seen for the three sample points. Only regarding the six investigated metals it is concluded that the emissions of chromium, nickel the increased levels of cadmium or the cocktaileffect are most likely to the degradation of bottom fauna downstream compared to upstream. Despite these promising results, there is some uncertainties about the tool for calculating bioavailability. This because no or very small correlation could be found between samplings of metal contents in water mosses and the levels of bioavailable metals in the watercourse. Also, issues concerning limit values and that the limits for metals occur in concentrations and not in actual amounts of metals, are discussed.

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