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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimising alignment of a multi-element telescope

Kamga, Morgan M. 23 April 2013 (has links)
A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Science in fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy School of Computational and Applied Mathematics University of the Witwatersrand September 20, 2012 / In this thesis, we analyse reasons for poor image quality on the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT) and we analyse control methods of the segmented primary mirror. Errors in the control algorithm of SALT (circa 2007) are discovered. More powerful numerical procedures are developed and in particular, we show that singular value decomposition method is preferred over normal equations method as used on SALT. In addition, this method does not require physical constraints to some mirror parameters. Sufficiently accurate numerical procedures impose constraints on the precision of segment actuator displacements and edge sensors. We analyse the data filtering method on SALT and find that it is inadequate for control. We give a filtering method that achieves improved control. Finally, we give a new method (gradient flow) that gives acceptable control from arbitrary, imprecise initial alignment.

The development of SCADA control and remote access for the Indlebe Radio Telescope

Dhaniram, Ajith Deoduth January 2016 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the academic requirements for the Degree Master of Engineering (Electronic), Department of Electronic Engineering, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2016. / The proposed supervisory control and data acquisition solution is intended to gather data from all sub-systems and provide control commands related to the Indlebe Radio Telescope. Currently the control commands are executed from the command line prompt of the Skypipe software. These control commands are used to change the elevation angle of the antenna. The supervisory control and data acquisition system will be interfaced to sub-systems namely; a programmable logic controller, a weather station, an uninterruptible power supply and a camera. It will be used to manually or automatically control the elevation angle of the antenna, includes a menu structure that allows for easy navigation to the sub-systems and allows for trending, alarming, logging and monitoring of all system parameters. The proposed system will mitigate the lack of information on the existing system. A global system for mobile communication unit has also been installed to monitor the temperature within the Indlebe control room, detect a power failure and communicate this information to supervisors, using its short message service option. Implementing a solution of this nature means that all data from the various sub-systems are brought together, giving a single platform to monitor data and provide manual and automatic control functionality. Problem solving, understanding and maintenance of the system will also become easier. / D

The SKA's the limit : on the nature of faint radio sources

McAlpine, Kim 14 September 2012 (has links)
From abstract: Within the next few years a large number of new and vastly more sensitive radio astronomy facilities are scheduled to come online. These new facilities will map large areas of the sky to unprecedented depths and transform radio astronomy into the leading technique for investigating the complex processes which govern the formation and evolution of galaxies. This thesis combines multi-wavelength techniques, highly relevant to future deep radio surveys, to study the evolution and properties of faint radio sources. / TeX / Adobe Acrobat 9.54 Paper Capture Plug-in

Lightning protection and radio frequency interference mitigation for the Karoo Array Telescope

Wiid, P. Gideon 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa and Australia are now the two remaining countries bidding for the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), the biggest and most sensitive project ever undertaken in radio astronomy. The South African SKA is demonstrating its technology capabilities through the Karoo Array Telescope (KAT or MeerKAT). The development of KAT is taking place in stages to optimise design and minimise risks at each stage. An array of seven 12 m antennas will be complete by the end of 2009, called KAT-7. The following phase will see the construction of MeerKAT, which will lead to eighty arrayed dishes. Lightning and RFI studies for KAT-7 are the focus of this dissertation. Due to the extent and complexity of the South African demonstrator project, these studies have largely been conducted on a single structure. Parameters for the dish antenna and pedestal design changed throughout their development. To be effective, the doctoral research had to track these changes appropriately. A Method of Moments frequency domain computational electromagnetic code, FEKO, is used throughout the study. The consequences of direct and indirect lightning strikes are examined for the KAT-7 structure. Important FEKO model verification is achieved through measurement of physical scale models in an anechoic chamber. The microwave simulation code, CST, gives direct comparison of FEKO results by using a finite volume time domain method of calculation. Using frequency domain analysis on these models, the lightning down conductor design over the dish antenna bearings is optimised with cost-effectiveness as one driving parameter. RFI coupling levels for different designs are compared to each other to identify areas requiring RFI mitigation. Analysis of resonances enables evaluation of the mitigation at frequencies sensitive to radio astronomy. A Sommerfeld integral ground plane is used together with the computational model to investigate the use of the concrete foundation steel reinforcing as part of the lightning earthing electrode system. Different interconnections of the steel reinforcing elements are critically evaluated. The KAT-7 design incorporated clear lightning protection and RFI mitigation policies derived from recommendations contained within this dissertation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika en Australie is nou die oorblywende twee lande wat bie vir die Vierkante Kilometer Reeks (SKA), die grootste en mees sensitiewe projek nog ooit in radio astronomie onderneem. Die Suid Afrikaanse SKA demonstreer sy tegnologiese bekwaamheid met die Karoo Reeks Teleskoop (KAT of MeerKAT). Die ontwikkeling van KAT vind plaas in fases om die ontwerp te optimaliseer en risikos te minimaliseer met elke fase. ’n Reeks van sewe 12 m antennas, genaamd KAT-7, sal teen die einde van 2009 klaar wees. Die volgende fase behels die konstruksie van MeerKAT, wat sal lei tot ’n tagtig-skottel reeks. Die fokus van hierdie proefskrif hanteer weerlig en radiofrekwensie steurings (RFS) vir KAT-7. As gevolg van die omvang en kompleksiteit van die Suid-Afrikaanse demonstreerder projek, is die studies hoofsaaklik op een struktuur gedoen. Parameters vir die antenna-skottel en -voetstuk ontwerp het met hul ontwikkeling deurgaans verander. Om effektief te wees, moes die doktorale navorsing hierdie veranderinge toepaslik volg. ’n Metode-van-Momente frekwensiedomein rekenaar elektromagnetiese kode, FEKO, is deurgaans met die studie gebruik. Die gevolge van direkte en indirekte weerligslae vir die KAT-7 struktuur is ondersoek. Belangrike FEKO model bevestiging is bereik met metings van skaalmodelle in ’n anego¨ıse kamer. Die mikrogolf-simulasie kode, CST, gee ’n direkte vergelyking met die FEKO resultate deur ’n eindige-volume-tyd-domein metode van berekening te gebruik. Met behulp van frekwensiedomein analise van hierdie modelle, is die weerligafleierontwerp oor die antenna-skottel laers ge-optimaliseer, met koste-effektiwiteit as een van die drywingsparameters. RFS koppelingsvlakke vir onderskeie ontwerpe is teen mekaar opgeweeg om areas te identifiseer wat RFS tempering benodig. Analise van resonansies stel die evaluering van die tempering in staat teen frekwensies wat sensitief is vir radio astronomie. ’n Sommerfeld integrale grondvlak word saam met die rekenaarmodel gebruik om die insluiting van die beton se staalversterking as deel van die aardingselektrodestelsel te ondersoek. Verskillende bindmetodes van die onderlinge staalversterkingselemente word krities ge¨evalueer. Die KAT-7 ontwerp inkorporeer duidelike weerligbeveiligings- en RFS temperingstrategie ¨e, komende van aanbevelings in hierdie proefskrif omskryf

The stars in our eyes: representations of the Square Kilometre Array telescope in the South African media

Gastrow, Michael 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Die vierkantkilometer-radioteleskoop SKA (―Square Kilometre Array‖) sal na verwagting die grootste teleskoop op aarde en die grootste wetenskapprojek in Afrika wees. Hierdie verhandeling konsentreer op hoe die SKA vanaf September 2011 tot Augustus 2012 in die Suid-Afrikaanse media uitgebeeld is. Dit handel oor die leemtes in die literatuur oor wetenskapkommunikasie, veral wat betref wetenskapkommunikasie in Afrikaverband. Deur uit massa- en wetenskapkommunikasieteorie te put, modelleer die studie kommunikasieprosesse en -uitsette met behulp van ‘n konseptuele raamwerk wat op die gedagte van die openbare sfeer berus. Die navorsing word in die besonder onderstut deur onderhoude met sleutelinformante en die ontleding van nuus- en sosiale media. Die wetenskapkommunikasie oor die SKA gedurende hierdie tydperk was stelselmatig gekenmerk deur ‘n hoë vlak van koördinasie tussen die aansporings, strategieë en strukture van alle hoofrolspelers oor die kommunikasiestelsel heen. Al die hoofrolspelers buite die media het die SKA op so ‘n manier in die openbare sfeer probeer uitbeeld dat dit openbare steun sou werf. Primêre hekwagterfunksies is aan die voorste SKA-organisasie- en openbaresektor-rolspelers toegewys, maar was verder afgewentel binne universiteite. Hekwagterfunksies in die media is hoofsaaklik deur nuuswaarde sowel as institusionele kultuur en organisatoriese kenmerke bepaal. Verhoudings tussen wetenskaplikes en joernaliste was oënskynlik oor die algemeen positief en gegrond op vertroue. Die beduidendste bron van inligting vir joernaliste was die SKA self, gevolg deur rolspelers in die openbare sektor. Tog is ander rolspelers, bepaald plaaslike belanghebbendes, gemarginaliseer. Die Afrikaanstalige media het veral onder plaaslike gemeenskappe ‘n belangrike rol gespeel en het meer dikwels as ander oor die SKA berig. Die sosiale media het die SKA merendeels op ‘n soortgelyke wyse as die nuusmedia hanteer, maar die struktuur van kommunikasie-uitsette is beïnvloed deur die kenmerkende eienskappe van sosiale media self, waaronder die virale verspreiding van boodskappe en hoër vlakke van vryewilsoptrede (―agency‖) deur individuele rolspelers. Tog was daar aanduidings van beduidende media-integrasie, in die sin dat groot Suid-Afrikaanse mediahuise die bron was van die meeste boodskappe in sowel die nuus- as sosiale media. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT : The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) radio telescope is set to become the largest telescope on Earth, and also the largest science project in Africa. This dissertation focuses on the manner in which the SKA was represented in the South African media from September 2011 to August 2012. This addresses gaps in the literature on science communication, particularly with respect to science communication in an African context. By drawing on mass communication theory and science communication theory, it models communication processes and outputs using a conceptual framework based on the notion of the public sphere. Empirically, the study is underpinned by key informant interviews and the analysis of news media and social media content. Systemically, the science communication of the SKA during this period was characterized by a high level of alignment of incentives, strategies, and structures across the main actors in the communication system. Main actors outside the media all aimed to position the SKA in the public sphere in a manner that would grow public support. Primary gatekeeping functions were positioned at the apex of the SKA organisation and public sector actors, but were more devolved within universities. Gatekeeping in the media was primarily driven by news value, as well as institutional culture and organisational attributes. Relationships between scientists and journalists were found to be generally positive and trust-based. The most significant source of information for journalists was the SKA itself, followed by public sector actors. However, other actors were marginalized, particularly local stakeholders. The Afrikaans language media played an important role, particularly among local communities, and published about the SKA relatively more often. The social media represented the SKA in a broadly similar manner to the news media, but the structure of communication outputs was influenced by the distinct attributes of the social media, including the viral propagation of messages and higher levels of agency by individual actors. However, there were indications of substantial media integration, in that major South African media corporations were the source of the majority of messages in both the news and social media. The tone of media outputs was largely neutral or positive, framing the SKA as a 'good news story‘. The overarching dominant frame for representing the SKA was the site allocation process, in which South Africa and Australia competed in a bid to host the telescope for the international SKA consortium. Science and technology aspects of the project constituted the second most common framing, within which the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence was the most commonly represented research question. Representations of technological aspects of the SKA were generally shallow, with most articles mentioning only one aspect of the project‘s technology. The SKA was also constructed as a symbol, representing an instance of African scientific and technological achievement, African participation in globalized science, and a refutation of Afro-pessimism. The impact of the SKA on the public imagination, and the public sphere, was thus clearly far wider and deeper than only its science and technology accomplishments and contributions.

Measuring the RFI environment of the South African SKA site

Manners, Paul John January 2007 (has links)
The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) Project is an international effort to build the world’s largest radio telescope. It will be 100 times more sensitive than any other radio telescope currently in existence and will consist of thousands of dishes placed at baselines up to 3000 km. In addition to its increased sensitivity it will operate over a very wide frequency range (current specification is 100 MHz - 22 GHz) and will use frequency bands not primarily allocated to radio astronomy. Because of this the telescope needs to be located at a site with low levels of radio frequency interference (RFI). This implies a site that is remote and away from human activity. In bidding to host the SKA, South Africa was required to conduct an RFI survey at its proposed site for a period of 12 months. Apart from this core site, where more than half the SKA dishes may potentially be deployed, the measurement of remote sites in Southern Africa was also required. To conduct measurements at these sites, three mobile measurement systems were designed and built by the South African SKA Project. The design considerations, implementation and RFI measurements recorded during this campaign will be the focus for this dissertation.

Numerical design optimisation for the Karoo Array Telescope

Joubert, N. J. D. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / Although mass minimisation is an important application within structural optimisation, other applications include: (1) concept generation, (2) concept evaluation, (3) design for structural feasibility and (4) data matching. These applications, except data matching, are discussed and illustrated on a prototype design of the Karoo Array Telescope (KAT) antenna. The KAT passed through the design process and a full scale prototype was built, but was found to be too expensive. A detailed finite element model of the finalised design was considered as a test bed for reducing costs. Size-, shape- and topology optimisation are applied to three KAT components, while considering wind, temperature and gravity loads. Structural- and nonstructural constraints are introduced. Coupling of the structural optimisation code with an external analysis program to include non-structural responses and the parallelisation of the sensitivity calculations are presented. It is shown that if a finite element model is available, it is generally possible to apply structural optimisation to improve an existing design. A reduction of 2673 kg steel was accomplished for the existing KAT components. The total cost saving for the project will be significant, when considering that a large amount of antennas will be manufactured.

Development of a real-time transient analyser for the SKA

Botha, Antheun 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The extension of the Karoo Array Telescope (KAT), MeerKAT, will be the most sensitive radio telescope in the southern hemisphere until it is superseded by the completion of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). These instruments are to be constructed in the Karoo which is an area in South-Africa that is protected against Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) by the Astronomy Geographical Advantage (AGA) act. However, the telescope is also vulnerable to self-generated interference and specialised measurement systems are required to monitor RFI levels. The development of a ReAl Time Transient AnalYser (RATTY) is described and two Experimental Development Models (XDM) are compared. The first uses a mixing philosophy, and the second direct-sampling. The selection of these models was based on the evaluation of several analogue Front-End (FE) designs. A stripline-filter design process is presented along with the results obtained for custom filters developed for the FEs. Several analyses were compared to measurements performed with one of the devices and good agreement was shown between the system characteristics. Issues regarding the Spurious Free Dynamic Range (SFDR) of the FE designs were identified in the process and measurement-corrected simulations used to predict the achievable ranges. The outcome of the XDM comparison promotes the continued development of a direct-sampling strategy to fulfil the short-term goals of the project. A static calibration procedure is demonstrated for the mixing system and implemented to account for different FE configurations. An overview of the digital and software components of the RATTY system is given and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) principles are applied during the construction of both systems. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die finale fase van die Karoo Reeks Teleskoop (KAT), MeerKAT, sal die sensitiefste radio teleskoop in die suidelike halfrond wees. Dit sal egter oortref word deur die vierkante kilometer reeks, wat die sensitiefste radio teleskoop ter wêreld sal word. Beide instrumente sal vatbaar wees vir radiofrekwensie steurings en sal opgerig word in ‘n wet-beskermde omgewing. Die teleskope is ook vatbaar vir radiofrekwensie steurings wat deur interne stelsels opgewek kan word. Dus word gespesialiseerde meetapparate benodig om die betrokke area en substelsels van die teleskope te monitor. Die ontwikkeling van ‘n meetinstrument vir die ontleding van kort-durasie tydseine (RATTY) word beskryf en twee eksperimentele ontwikkelings modelle word vergelyk. Hierdie modelle is gebaseer op die verfyning van voorafgaande ontwerpe vir die analoog substelsel van die instrument en hierdie proses word verduidelik. Die eerste model volg ‘n menger strategie waar die tweede model direkte-monstering implementeer. ‘n Dubbel-laag, mikrostrookfilter ontwerpsproses word beskryf en die gemete resultate vir die ontwikkelde filters word bespreek. Verskeie ontledings is aangewend en vergelyk met die gemete resultate van die stelsels. Hieruit word bevredigende ooreenkomste getref. Die beperkings van die modelle, weens interne distorsie, word geïdentifiseer in dié proses en verdere skattings word gemaak d.m.v. simulasies. Die eksperimentele modelle word vergelyk en die voorkeur van ‘n direkte-monsterings stelsel word gemotiveer. Die digitale en sagteware komponente word oorsigtelik behandel. Tydens die konstruksie van die modelle word die toepassing van elektromagnetiese verenigbaarheids beginsels verduidelik. Laastens word ‘n eenvoudige kalibrasie toegepas op die menger stelsel en ‘n toepassing daarvan word behandel.

Variability analysis of a sample of potential southern calibration sources

Hungwe, Faith January 2009 (has links)
A considerable number of Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) surveys have been conducted in the northern hemisphere and very few in the southern hemisphere mostly because of a lack of telescopes and therefore adequate baseline coverage. Thus there is a deficit of calibrator sources in the southern hemisphere. Further, some of the most interesting astronomical objects eg. the galactic centre and the nearest galaxies (the small and large Magellanic Clouds) lie in the southern hemisphere and these require high resolution studies. With a major expansion of radio astronomy observing capability on its way in the southern hemisphere (with the two SKA (Square Kilometre Array) precursors, meerKAT (Karoo Array Telescope) and ASKAP (Australian SKA Pathfinder), leading to the SKA itself) it is clear that interferometry and VLBI in the southern hemisphere need a dense network of calibration sources at different resolutions and a range of frequencies. This work seeks to help redress this problem by presenting an analysis of 31 southern sources to help fill the gaps in the southern hemisphere calibrator distribution. We have developed a multi-parameter method of classifying these sources as calibrators. From our sample of 31 sources, we have 2 class A sources (Excellent calibrators), 16 class B sources (Good calibrators), 9 class C sources (Poor calibrators) and 4 class D sources (Unsuitable calibrators).

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