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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spatially and Temporally Resolving Concentration and Temperature Profiles within a Fresh and a Thermally-Aged Monolith Catalyst

Shakir, Osama January 2008 (has links)
The ability to resolve reactions within a monolith spatially and temporally is key in developing reliable kinetic models, as well as in validating proposed reaction mechanisms. In this work, two techniques, IR-thermography and spatially-resolved capillary inlet mass spectrometry (SpaciMS), were used to measure temperature and gas-phase concentrations. Specifically, they were applied to monitor the axial distribution of temperature and concentration profiles during propylene oxidation over a Pt/Al2O3 monolith-supported catalyst. Also, the effect of thermally aging the catalyst on the temperature and concentration patterns observed was investigated. During temperature programmed oxidation experiments, the data show that conversion of propylene began at the outlet, and a reaction front generated at the rear of the monolith traveled upstream, as a moving reaction zone, thereby creating a temperature wave pattern since the reaction is exothermic. The conversion was always complete downstream of this reaction zone at any point along the catalyst. When the reactor was cooled, the conversion of propylene started to drop, accompanied by a similar temperature wave pattern that traveled in the opposite direction (from upstream to downstream) and was attributed to a phenomenon known as wrong-way behavior. Finally, thermally aging the catalyst led to a slower and more localized moving hot zone.

Spatially and Temporally Resolving Concentration and Temperature Profiles within a Fresh and a Thermally-Aged Monolith Catalyst

Shakir, Osama January 2008 (has links)
The ability to resolve reactions within a monolith spatially and temporally is key in developing reliable kinetic models, as well as in validating proposed reaction mechanisms. In this work, two techniques, IR-thermography and spatially-resolved capillary inlet mass spectrometry (SpaciMS), were used to measure temperature and gas-phase concentrations. Specifically, they were applied to monitor the axial distribution of temperature and concentration profiles during propylene oxidation over a Pt/Al2O3 monolith-supported catalyst. Also, the effect of thermally aging the catalyst on the temperature and concentration patterns observed was investigated. During temperature programmed oxidation experiments, the data show that conversion of propylene began at the outlet, and a reaction front generated at the rear of the monolith traveled upstream, as a moving reaction zone, thereby creating a temperature wave pattern since the reaction is exothermic. The conversion was always complete downstream of this reaction zone at any point along the catalyst. When the reactor was cooled, the conversion of propylene started to drop, accompanied by a similar temperature wave pattern that traveled in the opposite direction (from upstream to downstream) and was attributed to a phenomenon known as wrong-way behavior. Finally, thermally aging the catalyst led to a slower and more localized moving hot zone.

Etograma e orçamento temporal de um grupo de machos não pareados de Phyllostomus hastatus (Pallas 1767) (Phyllostomidae: Phyllostominae) / Ethogram and time budget of a group of male bachelor phyllostomus hastatus (Pallas 1767) (phyllostomidae: Phyllostominae)

Aline Zimmermann Maya Simões 21 February 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Embora exista uma enorme variação de histórias de vida e ecologia, a maioria das espécies de morcegos mostra-se, em algum nível, social. Os aspectos de ecologia comportamental de quirópteros tem sido estudados, embora a maior parte refira-se a colônias de maternidades em regiões de clima temperado. Repertórios comportamentais completos e orçamentos temporais são raros, especialmente para a região Neotropical. Para compreender melhor a sociabilidade neste grupo, mostra-se importante focar também em grupos neutros com relação a fatores associados à atividade reprodutiva. Neste sentido, o estudo de grupos de machos neotropicais pode apresentar respostas importantes. O comportamento de um grupo machos não pareados de Phyllostomus hastatus foi estudado dentro do seu abrigo por aproximadamente 100 horas entre os meses de janeiro e agosto de 2012. O grupo estava abrigado no forro de um telhado de uma casa em desuso da Vila Dois Rios, na Ilha Grande. Os comportamentos foram registrados com uma câmera sensível a infra-infravermelho Sony DCR-HC28 em modo night-vision. Quando necessário, utilizei uma luz de auxílio infravermelha. A partir dos vídeos eu elaborei primeiramente um etograma. Os comportamentos classificados como estados foram usados para fazer um orçamento temporal, usando metodologia de amostragem por varredura e amostragem instantânea. Adicionalmente, fiz algumas observações a respeito de horário de entrada e saída dos morcegos e do tamanho do grupo. Organizei os comportamentos em seis categorias, com um total de 24 comportamentos distintos. Os comportamentos descritos são consistentes com os publicados em outros etogramas de morcegos, inclusive de alguns megaquirópteros. Um comportamento mais notável foi ventilando, que parece raro entre os microquirópteros, mas provavelmente importante na termorregulação. Nos meses analisados os morcegos alocaram aproximadamente 50% do tempo ao estado dormindo; 14,6% ao estado parado; 15,3% ao estado ativo; 0,9% ao estado andando; 0,1% ao estado voando; 14,1% ao estado higiene; e 3,5% ao estado ventilando. O orçamento temporal foi semelhante aos descritos para outros microquirópteros no interior de abrigos, com uma maior prevalência do estado dormindo, e com picos de atividade (principalmente do estado higiene) antes e depois das saídas noturnas. A higiene parece ter um papel importante no controle de ectoparasitas, e talvez algum papel social, mas como a higiene de outros indivíduos só foi observada uma única vez, não pude concluir nada a respeito. O presente trabalho é o primeiro etograma para Phyllostomus hastatus e o primeiro etograma e orçamento temporal para um grupo de machos em Chiroptera. Observei algumas diferenças importantes do grupo estudado com trabalhos já publicados sobre essa espécie, e sugiro que essas diferenças sejam estudadas mais a fundo. Apesar desta dissertação trazer contribuições importantes, fica claro que ainda falta muito a ser examinado nesse campo. / Even though bats have an enormous variation in ecology and life history traits, most of them are, to some level, social. Aspects of bat behavioral ecology are being studied, but most of the studies are focused on maternity colonies of temperate climate. Behavioral repertoires and time budgets are especially rare, and even more so in the Neotropics. To completely understand sociality in this group, it is not enough to study only maternity colonies, it is important to focus on groups that are neutral to factors related to reproduction. In this sense, the study of Neotropical male groups can bring us important answers. The behavior of a group of bachelor males of Phyllostomus hastatus was studied in their roost for approximately 100 hours between January and August 2012. They were roosting in the attic of an unused house in the villa of Dois Rios, in Ilha Grande, Brazil. The behaviors were recorded using and an infrared Sony DCR-HC28 in night-vision mode. When necessary, I used an infrared light source. From the videos I was able to construct an ethogram. The behaviors listed as states where afterwards used to make the time budget using scan sampling and instantaneous sampling. Additionally, I made some observations on the emergence time and group size. I organized the behaviors in six categories, with a total of 24 different behaviors. The behaviors described are consistent with other bat ethograms published, including a few Megachiroptera. One behavior that was most notable was wing fanning, that seems rare among microbats, and is probably important in temperature regulation. In the months analyzed, the bats spent around 50% of their time sleeping; 14,6% in the state still; 15,3% active; 0,9% crawling; 0,1% flying; 14,1% grooming; and 3,5% in the state wing fanning. The time budget was similar to those described for other Microchiroptera in their roosts, with a prevalence of sleeping and activity spikes before and after night emergence (especially in grooming). Grooming apparently has in important role in ectoparasite control, and maybe also a social role. But since social grooming was only seen once, I cannot conclude anything in that matter. The present work is the first ethogram for Phyllostomus hastatus and the first ethogram and time budget for a group of male bats. I observed some important differences between the groups studied here and the published works on bats from the same species, and suggest these be looked at more carefully. Even though this dissertation brings some important contributions, it highlights the need for more to been done in this field.

Análise da influência de variáveis meteorológicas e da hidrodinâmica sobre os padrões espaciais e temporais da qualidade da água e de florescimentos de cianobactérias e macrófitas em um reservatório urbano / Analysis of the influence of meteorological variables and the hydrodynamic on spatial and temporal patterns in the water quality and cyanobacterial and macrophyte blooms in urban reservoirs

Thiago Luis Rodrigues da Silva 03 March 2016 (has links)
Os reservatórios urbanos estão suscetíveis a uma variedade de interferências antropogênicas que acarretam grande variabilidade espacial e temporal. Contudo, possuem uma dinâmica própria na qual o hidroclima e micro e macro-eventos meteorológicos atuam sobre os processos físicos, químicos e biológicos resultando em respostas particulares de cada corpo de água. No presente estudo a existência de padrões espaciais e temporais na formação de florescimentos de algas, cianobactérias e macrófitas no reservatório Guarapiranga, São Paulo, SP, foi avaliada por meio de experimento de curta escala de tempo durante o evento da entrada de uma frente fria. Foram amostrados 64 pontos em todo o reservatório, e o estudo intensivo de florescimento algal e de cianobactérias em dois ciclos nictemerais, em um ponto selecionado no reservatório. Um modelo tridimensional de hidrodinâmica foi aplicado ao estudo compartimentalizado dos tempos de residência e imagens de satélite foram analisadas para determinação de padrões temporais e espaciais durante períodos de tempo mais amplos. Os resultados revelaram que os períodos mais favoráveis ao surgimento de florescimentos de cianobactérias são geralmente os meses mais quentes, de dezembro e janeiro, ou aqueles em que ocorrem estratificações mais fortes como no fim do inverno, em julho, e após as primeiras chuvas nos meses de setembro e outubro. Existem padrões espaciais recorrentes na formação dos florescimentos, controlados em grande parte pela ação do vento, que no reservatório Guarapiranga é predominantemente nas direções leste e sudeste empurrando os florescimentos na direção da foz dos tributários Embu Mirim e Embu Guaçu e ocasionalmente na direção da foz do rio Parelheiros. As simulações hidrodinâmicas evidenciam as forçantes que determinam os padrões observados e reforçam a importância de se discretizarem os tempos de residência de diferentes compartimentos do reservatório. As séries temporais amplas permitiram a determinação da qualidade da água em cada região e fornecem subsídios para o futuro manejo do reservatório. Como esse comportamento não se restringe ao reservatório Guarapiranga, o tipo de modelagem aqui utilizada pode ser útil para obter informações importantes no processo de planejamento e seleção de medidas para o gerenciamento de reservatórios urbanos tropicais polimíticos, em geral. / Urban reservoirs are susceptible to a variety of anthropogenic interferences, that leads to large spatial and temporal variability, however they have themselves a proper dynamics in which the hydroclimate and micro and macro meteorological events act upon physical, chemical and biological processes, resulting in a singular signature for each water body. In the present study the existence of spatial and temporal patterns for the formation of algal, cyanobacterial and macrophyte blooms in Guarapiranga Reservoir, São Paulo, SP, was evaluated by means of a short-time scale experiment during the event of a cold front passage. Sampling was carried out in 64 points in the whole reservoir and the intensive study of an algal and cyanobacterial during two nictemeral cycles, at a selected point in the reservoir. A tri-dimensional hydrodynamics model was applied to the study of discrete residence time of the main reservoir tributaries. Satellite images and long term data sets were analyzed aiming to determine spatial and temporal patterns at long time scale. The results obtained have shown that the most favorable periods for algal and cyanobacterial blooms are usually the hottest months, December and January, or those with stronger thermal stratification at the end of the winter in July and after the first rains in September and October months. There are recurrent spatial patterns in the formation of blooms, largely controlled by wind action, that in Guarapiranga Reservoir are predominantly from East and Southeast directions frequently pushing the blooms towards Embu Mirim and Embu Guaçu tributaries and occasionally towards Parelheiros River mouth. Hydrodynamic simulations evidenced the forcing functions that control the observed patterns and reinforced the importance of residence time discretization according to each main reservoir compartment. The temporal data series allowed to assess each compartment water quality and provided information for future reservoir management. Considering that the patterns found are not restricted to Guarapiranga Reservoir, the type of model here used could be useful to get relevant information to be used in the planning or selection of management actions for tropical polymictic urban reservoirs in general.

Etograma e orçamento temporal de um grupo de machos não pareados de Phyllostomus hastatus (Pallas 1767) (Phyllostomidae: Phyllostominae) / Ethogram and time budget of a group of male bachelor phyllostomus hastatus (Pallas 1767) (phyllostomidae: Phyllostominae)

Aline Zimmermann Maya Simões 21 February 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Embora exista uma enorme variação de histórias de vida e ecologia, a maioria das espécies de morcegos mostra-se, em algum nível, social. Os aspectos de ecologia comportamental de quirópteros tem sido estudados, embora a maior parte refira-se a colônias de maternidades em regiões de clima temperado. Repertórios comportamentais completos e orçamentos temporais são raros, especialmente para a região Neotropical. Para compreender melhor a sociabilidade neste grupo, mostra-se importante focar também em grupos neutros com relação a fatores associados à atividade reprodutiva. Neste sentido, o estudo de grupos de machos neotropicais pode apresentar respostas importantes. O comportamento de um grupo machos não pareados de Phyllostomus hastatus foi estudado dentro do seu abrigo por aproximadamente 100 horas entre os meses de janeiro e agosto de 2012. O grupo estava abrigado no forro de um telhado de uma casa em desuso da Vila Dois Rios, na Ilha Grande. Os comportamentos foram registrados com uma câmera sensível a infra-infravermelho Sony DCR-HC28 em modo night-vision. Quando necessário, utilizei uma luz de auxílio infravermelha. A partir dos vídeos eu elaborei primeiramente um etograma. Os comportamentos classificados como estados foram usados para fazer um orçamento temporal, usando metodologia de amostragem por varredura e amostragem instantânea. Adicionalmente, fiz algumas observações a respeito de horário de entrada e saída dos morcegos e do tamanho do grupo. Organizei os comportamentos em seis categorias, com um total de 24 comportamentos distintos. Os comportamentos descritos são consistentes com os publicados em outros etogramas de morcegos, inclusive de alguns megaquirópteros. Um comportamento mais notável foi ventilando, que parece raro entre os microquirópteros, mas provavelmente importante na termorregulação. Nos meses analisados os morcegos alocaram aproximadamente 50% do tempo ao estado dormindo; 14,6% ao estado parado; 15,3% ao estado ativo; 0,9% ao estado andando; 0,1% ao estado voando; 14,1% ao estado higiene; e 3,5% ao estado ventilando. O orçamento temporal foi semelhante aos descritos para outros microquirópteros no interior de abrigos, com uma maior prevalência do estado dormindo, e com picos de atividade (principalmente do estado higiene) antes e depois das saídas noturnas. A higiene parece ter um papel importante no controle de ectoparasitas, e talvez algum papel social, mas como a higiene de outros indivíduos só foi observada uma única vez, não pude concluir nada a respeito. O presente trabalho é o primeiro etograma para Phyllostomus hastatus e o primeiro etograma e orçamento temporal para um grupo de machos em Chiroptera. Observei algumas diferenças importantes do grupo estudado com trabalhos já publicados sobre essa espécie, e sugiro que essas diferenças sejam estudadas mais a fundo. Apesar desta dissertação trazer contribuições importantes, fica claro que ainda falta muito a ser examinado nesse campo. / Even though bats have an enormous variation in ecology and life history traits, most of them are, to some level, social. Aspects of bat behavioral ecology are being studied, but most of the studies are focused on maternity colonies of temperate climate. Behavioral repertoires and time budgets are especially rare, and even more so in the Neotropics. To completely understand sociality in this group, it is not enough to study only maternity colonies, it is important to focus on groups that are neutral to factors related to reproduction. In this sense, the study of Neotropical male groups can bring us important answers. The behavior of a group of bachelor males of Phyllostomus hastatus was studied in their roost for approximately 100 hours between January and August 2012. They were roosting in the attic of an unused house in the villa of Dois Rios, in Ilha Grande, Brazil. The behaviors were recorded using and an infrared Sony DCR-HC28 in night-vision mode. When necessary, I used an infrared light source. From the videos I was able to construct an ethogram. The behaviors listed as states where afterwards used to make the time budget using scan sampling and instantaneous sampling. Additionally, I made some observations on the emergence time and group size. I organized the behaviors in six categories, with a total of 24 different behaviors. The behaviors described are consistent with other bat ethograms published, including a few Megachiroptera. One behavior that was most notable was wing fanning, that seems rare among microbats, and is probably important in temperature regulation. In the months analyzed, the bats spent around 50% of their time sleeping; 14,6% in the state still; 15,3% active; 0,9% crawling; 0,1% flying; 14,1% grooming; and 3,5% in the state wing fanning. The time budget was similar to those described for other Microchiroptera in their roosts, with a prevalence of sleeping and activity spikes before and after night emergence (especially in grooming). Grooming apparently has in important role in ectoparasite control, and maybe also a social role. But since social grooming was only seen once, I cannot conclude anything in that matter. The present work is the first ethogram for Phyllostomus hastatus and the first ethogram and time budget for a group of male bats. I observed some important differences between the groups studied here and the published works on bats from the same species, and suggest these be looked at more carefully. Even though this dissertation brings some important contributions, it highlights the need for more to been done in this field.

Système d'information décisionnel sur les interactions environnement-santé : cas de la Fièvre de la Vallée du Rift au Ferlo (Sénégal) / Decision-making system on environment and health interactions : case of the Rift Valley Fever in Ferlo (Senegal)

Bouba, Fanta 25 September 2015 (has links)
Notre recherche se situe dans le cadre du projet QWECI (Quantifying Weather and Climate Impacts on Health in Developing Countries, UE FP7) en partenariat avec l’UCAD, le CSE et l’IPD, autour de la thématique environnement-santé avec comme cas pratique les maladies à vecteurs au Sénégal et plus particulièrement la Fièvre de la Vallée du Rift (FVR). La santé des populations humaines et animales est souvent fortement influencée par l’environnement. D’ailleurs, la recherche sur les facteurs de propagation des maladies à transmission vectorielle, telle que la FVR, prend en compte cette problématique dans sa dimension aussi bien physique que socio-économique. Apparue en 1912-1913 au Kenya, la FVR est une anthropo-zoonose virale répandue dans les régions tropicales qui concerne principalement les animaux mais dont les hommes peuvent aussi être touchés. Au Sénégal, la zone à risque concerne en majorité la vallée du fleuve Sénégal et la zone sylvo-pastorale du Ferlo. Bien que de climat sahélien, le Ferlo regorge de nombreuses mares qui sont des sources d’approvisionnement en eau pour les hommes et le bétail mais également les gîtes larvaires pour les vecteurs potentiels de la FVR. La maîtrise de la FVR, carrefour de trois (03) grands systèmes (agro-écologique, pathogène, économique/sanitaire/social), implique nécessairement la prise en compte de plusieurs paramètres si l’on veut d’abord comprendre les mécanismes d’émergence mais aussi envisager le travail de modélisation du risque. Notre travail porte sur le processus décisionnel pour quantifier l’utilisation de données sanitaires et environnementales dans l’évaluation de leur impact pour le suivi de la FVR. Les équipes de recherche impliquées produisent des données lors de leurs enquêtes de terrains et des analyses de laboratoire. Ce flot de données croissant devrait être stocké et préparé à des études corrélées grâce aux nouvelles techniques de stockage que sont les entrepôts de données. A propos de l’analyse des données, il ne suffit pas de s’appuyer seulement sur les techniques classiques telles que les statistiques. En effet, la valeur ajoutée de contribution sur la question s’oriente vers une analyse prédictive combinant à la fois les techniques agrégées de stockage et des outils de traitement. Ainsi, pour la découverte d’informations, nouvelles et pertinentes à priori non évidentes, il est nécessaire de s’orienter vers la fouille de données. Par ailleurs, l’évolution de la maladie étant fortement liée à la dynamique spatio-temporelle environnementale des différents acteurs (vecteurs, virus et hôtes), cause pour laquelle nous nous appuyons sur les motifs spatio-temporels pour identifier et mesurer certaines interactions entre les paramètres environnementaux et les acteurs impliqués. Grâce au processus décisionnel, les résultats qui en découlent sont multiples :i. suivant la formalisation de la modélisation multidimensionnelle, nous avons construit un entrepôt de données intégré qui regroupe l’ensemble des objets qui participent à la gestion du risque sanitaire – ce modèle peut être généralisé aux maladies à vecteurs ;ii. malgré une très grande variété de moustiques, les Culex de type neavei et les Aedes de type ochraceus et vexans sont les vecteurs potentiels de la FVR les plus présents dans la zone d’étude et ce, durant la saison des pluies, période la plus sujette à des cas suspects ; la période à risque reste quand même le mois d’octobre ;iii. les mares analysées ont quasiment le même comportement, mais des variations significatives subsistent par endroits.Ce travail de recherche démontre une fois de plus l’intérêt pour la mise en évidence des relations entre les données environnementales et la FVR à partir de méthodes de fouille de données, pour la surveillance spatio-temporelle du risque d’émergence. / Our research is in part of the QWeCI european project (Quantifying Weather and Climate Impacts on Health in Developing Countries, EU FP7) in partnership with UCAD, the CSE and the IPD, around the theme of environmental health with the practical case on vector-borne diseases in Senegal and particularly the Valley Fever (RVF). The health of human and animal populations is often strongly influenced by the environment. Moreover, research on spread factors of vector-borne diseases such as RVF, considers this issue in its dimension both physical and socio-economic. Appeared in 1912-1913 in Kenya, RVF is a widespread viral anthropo-zoonosis in tropical regions which concerns animals but men can also be affected. In Senegal, the risk area concerns mainly the Senegal River Valley and the forestry-pastoral areas Ferlo. With a Sahelian climate, the Ferlo has several ponds that are sources of water supply for humans and livestock but also breeding sites for potential vectors of RVF. The controlling of the RVF, which is crossroads of three (03) large systems (agro-ecological, pathogen, economic/health/social), necessarily entails consideration of several parameters if one wants to first understand the mechanisms emergence but also consider the work on risk modeling. Our work focuses on the decision making process for quantify the use of health data and environmental data in the impact assessment for the monitoring of RVF. Research teams involved produce data during their investigations periods and laboratory analyzes. The growing flood of data should be stored and prepared for correlated studies with new storage techniques such as datawarehouses. About the data analysis, it is not enough to rely only on conventional techniques such as statistics. Indeed, the contribution on the issue is moving towards a predictive analysis combining both aggregate storage techniques and processing tools. Thus, to discover information, it is necessary to move towards datamining. Furthermore, the evolution of the disease is strongly linked to environmental spatio-temporal dynamics of different actors (vectors, viruses, and hosts), cause for which we rely on spatio-temporal patterns to identify and measure interactions between environmental parameters and the actors involved. With the decision-making process, we have obtained many results :i. following the formalization of multidimensional modeling, we have built an integrated datawarehouse that includes all the objects that are involved in managing the health risk - this model can be generalized to others vector-borne diseases;ii. despite a very wide variety of mosquitoes, Culex neavei, Aedes ochraceus and Aedes vexans are potential vectors of FVR. They are most present in the study area and, during the rainy season period which is most prone to suspected cases; the risk period still remains the month of October;iii. the analyzed ponds have almost the same behavior, but significant variations exist in some points.This research shows once again the interest in the discovery of relationships between environmental data and the FVR with datamining methods for the spatio-temporal monitoring of the risk of emergence.

Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Areal and Volumetric Phytoplankton Productivity of Lake Texoma

Baugher, Tessy 08 1900 (has links)
Phytoplankton productivity of Lake Texoma was measured for one year from August 1999 to August 2000 for four stations, using the oxygen change method and laboratory incubation. Mean values of the photosynthetic parameters, PBmax and alphaB ranged from 4.86 to 46.39 mg O2.mg Chl-1.hr-1 for PBmax and 20.06 to 98.96 mg O2.mg Chl-1.E-1.m2 for alphaB. These values were in the range to be expected for a highly turbid, temperate reservoir. Estimated gross annual areal productivity ranged from 594 g C.m2.yr-1 (P.Q. = 1.2), at a station in the Washita River Zone to 753 g C.m2.yr-1 at a station in the Red River Zone, of the reservoir. Gross annual areal productivity at Station 17, in the Main Lake Zone, was 708 g C.m2.yr-1. Gross areal and volumetric productivity showed distinct seasonal variation with Photosynthetically Available Radiation (PAR) and temperature. Trophic status estimated on a station-by-station basis, using net productivity values derived from gross productivity and respiration estimates, was mesotrophic for all the stations, though one station approached eutrophy. Net productivity values ranged from 0.74 to 0.91 g C. m-2.d-1. An algal bioassay conducted at two stations in August 2000, revealed that phosphorus was most likely the nutrient limiting photosynthesis at both these stations, although the more turbid riverine station was primarily light-limited.

Le contenu en azote de Vallisneria americana : un élément intégrateur de l'hétérogénéité spatiale et temporelle du lac St-Pierre, un lac fluvial du fleuve St-Laurent

Blanchet, Catherine January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Spatio-temporal grid mining applied to image classification and cellular automata analysis / Fouille de grille spatio-temporelle appliqué à la classification d'image et à l'analyse d'automate cellulaire

Deville, Romain 30 May 2018 (has links)
Durant cette thèse, nous abordons le problème de la fouille exhaustive de motifs pour un cas particulier de graphes : les grilles. Ces grilles peuvent être utilisées pour modéliser des objets ayant une structure régulière. Ces structures sont naturellement présentes dans de nombreux jeux de plateaux (les dames, les échecs ou le go par exemple) ou encore dans les modélisations d’écosystèmes utilisant des automates cellulaires. On les retrouve également à un plus bas niveau dans les images, qui sont des grilles 2D de pixels ou encore les vidéos, qui sont des grilles spatio-temporelles 2D+t de pixels. Au cours de cette thèse, nous avons proposé un nouvel algorithme de fouille de motifs fréquents dédié aux grilles spatio-temporelles, GriMA. L’usage des grilles régulières permet à notre algorithme de réduire la complexité des tests d’isomorphismes. Ces tests sont souvent utilisés par les algorithmes génériques de fouilles de graphes mais ayant une complexité importante, cela limite leur usage sur des données réelles. Deux applications ont été proposées pour évaluer notre algorithme : la classification d’images pour la fouille de grilles 2D et la prédiction d’automates cellulaires pour la fouille de grilles 2D+t. / During this thesis, we consider the exhaustive graph mining problem for a special kind of graphs : the grids. Theses grids can be used to model objects that present a regular structure. These structures are naturally present in multiple board games (checkers, chess or go for instance) or in ecosystems models using cellular automata. It is also possible to find this structure in a lower level in images, which are 2D grids of pixels, or even in videos, which are 2D+t spatio-temporal grids of pixels. In this thesis, we proposed a new algorithm to find frequent patterns dedicated to spatio-temporal grids, GriMA. Use of regular grids allow our algorithm to reduce the complexity of the isomorphisms test. These tests are often use by generic graph mining algorithm but because of their complexity, they are rarely used on real data. Two applications were proposed to evaluate our algorithm: image classification for 2D grids mining and prediction of cellular automata for 2D+t grids mining.

Babillage et diversification alimentaire : pratiques et influence de l'exposition aux textures sur le contrôle oro-moteur

Lemarchand, Leslie 12 1900 (has links)
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