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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pilares negros: educação, fé e política na Diocese de Duque de Caxias (1988-2000) / Black pillars: education, faith and politics in the Archdiocese of Duque de Caxias (1988-2000)

Cláudia Regina de Paula 27 February 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A presente pesquisa tem como enfoque a ação educativa do movimento negro no Brasil constituído na base católica. Os marcos temporais e espaciais se localizam entre 1988 e 2000 na Diocese de Duque de Caxias e sua paróquia em São João de Meriti, ambas situadas na Baixada Fluminense, região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro. A escolha do ano de 1988 se deve ao papel protagonista que os atores coletivos tiveram na Campanha da Fraternidade da CNBB (Confederação Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil) no ano de 1988, centenário da abolição da escravatura no Brasil. A principal fonte pesquisada o periódico diocesano Pilar, publicado em Duque de Caxias desde 1990 apontou que, ao longo da década em estudo, o movimento negro de base católica operou práticas formativas que buscavam alcançar a consciência da negritude no mundo leigo e eclesial. Os movimentos sociais unem a intencionalidade político-formativa ao projeto de transformação de realidades e, neste sentido, a construção do conhecimento atua para a emancipação dos atores. A luta anti-racista, que ainda afeta patrimônios sociais e culturais, empreendeu uma ação contra-hegemônica interior e exterior à Igreja Católica, aqui analisada à luz do jornal Pilar. / This study aims at discussing the educational action in the Catholic-based Black movement in Brazil. The temporal and spatial boundaries are between 1988 and 2000 at the Archbishop of Duque de Caxias and its parish in São João de Meriti, both located at Baixada Fluminense in the metropolitan area of Rio de Janeiro, The choice of the year 1988 is due to the chief role played by the collective actors during the National Confederation of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB) Fraternity Campaign in 1988, year of the centennial anniversary of Slavery Abolition in Brazil. The main source of research the diocesan journal Pilar, published in Duque de Caxias since 1990 showed that, during the decade studied, the Catholic-based Black movement operated on formative practices which sought to achieve Black awareness on both secular and clerical world. The social movements join the political-formative intentionality of the project of transformation of realities and, in this sense, the construction of knowledge operates for the actors emancipation. The anti-racist struggle which still affects social and cultural assets undertook an anti-hegemonic action both inside and outside the Catholic Church, as analyzed here in the light of the journal Pilar.

Pilares negros: educação, fé e política na Diocese de Duque de Caxias (1988-2000) / Black pillars: education, faith and politics in the Archdiocese of Duque de Caxias (1988-2000)

Cláudia Regina de Paula 27 February 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A presente pesquisa tem como enfoque a ação educativa do movimento negro no Brasil constituído na base católica. Os marcos temporais e espaciais se localizam entre 1988 e 2000 na Diocese de Duque de Caxias e sua paróquia em São João de Meriti, ambas situadas na Baixada Fluminense, região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro. A escolha do ano de 1988 se deve ao papel protagonista que os atores coletivos tiveram na Campanha da Fraternidade da CNBB (Confederação Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil) no ano de 1988, centenário da abolição da escravatura no Brasil. A principal fonte pesquisada o periódico diocesano Pilar, publicado em Duque de Caxias desde 1990 apontou que, ao longo da década em estudo, o movimento negro de base católica operou práticas formativas que buscavam alcançar a consciência da negritude no mundo leigo e eclesial. Os movimentos sociais unem a intencionalidade político-formativa ao projeto de transformação de realidades e, neste sentido, a construção do conhecimento atua para a emancipação dos atores. A luta anti-racista, que ainda afeta patrimônios sociais e culturais, empreendeu uma ação contra-hegemônica interior e exterior à Igreja Católica, aqui analisada à luz do jornal Pilar. / This study aims at discussing the educational action in the Catholic-based Black movement in Brazil. The temporal and spatial boundaries are between 1988 and 2000 at the Archbishop of Duque de Caxias and its parish in São João de Meriti, both located at Baixada Fluminense in the metropolitan area of Rio de Janeiro, The choice of the year 1988 is due to the chief role played by the collective actors during the National Confederation of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB) Fraternity Campaign in 1988, year of the centennial anniversary of Slavery Abolition in Brazil. The main source of research the diocesan journal Pilar, published in Duque de Caxias since 1990 showed that, during the decade studied, the Catholic-based Black movement operated on formative practices which sought to achieve Black awareness on both secular and clerical world. The social movements join the political-formative intentionality of the project of transformation of realities and, in this sense, the construction of knowledge operates for the actors emancipation. The anti-racist struggle which still affects social and cultural assets undertook an anti-hegemonic action both inside and outside the Catholic Church, as analyzed here in the light of the journal Pilar.


RONAN LIMA FRANCO DE OLIVEIRA 23 November 2021 (has links)
[pt] Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo conhecer o surgimento das afro-pastorais no Brasil a partir do desenvolvimento das Teologia(s) Negra(s). A partir do Vaticano II, o mundo caminhou em direção a novos caminhos para diversas áreas de conhecimento, dentre elas a Teologia. Devido às viragens epistêmicas ocorridas no século XX, percebe-se o surgimento de novidades teológicas, a contar da ambientação contextual em que o ser humano está inserido. Este impacto antropológico se encontra com a estrutura racial que o mundo ocidental cunhou para dominação de povos ditos primitivos e inferiores, gerando a narrativa racial e, consequentemente, o racismo. Ainda que seja negado, o racismo perpassa as comunidades religiosas e a Igreja não está imune a ele. Urgiu a necessidade de uma teologia, nascida em contexto diaspórico, que afetasse essas marcas seculares de opressão. A Teologia Negra encontra-se nesse lugar e percebe-se teologias negras emergentes em diversos solos continentais, que influenciam umas às outras, como um grande quilombo mundial. Este cuidado coletivo nasce pela gestação de pastorais que, numa perspectiva cristológica, compreendem a Revelação pelo rosto do Cristo negro. Seja nos séculos das colônias, seja no pós-abolição, as afro-pastorais são lugar de acolhida e entendimento das (inter)subjetividades negras, que se dá no encontro da pessoa negra com a sua própria negritude perpassada pela fé cristã. Conclui-se que o nascimento da Teologia Negra sistematizada verbalizou o que já era vivido há épocas anteriores no Brasil no que tange a afro-pastoral, potencializou o que foi criado após a sua organização sistemática e afetará a Igreja de forma futura, trazendo um novo olhar para o objeto da Revelação e produzindo uma pastoral cada vez mais horizontalizada e descentralizada da figura sacerdotal. / [en] This research aims to understand the emergence of Afro-pastoralists in Brazil from the development of Black Theology(ies). Since Vatican II, the world has moved towards new paths for different areas of knowledge, among them theology. Due to the epistemic changes that took place in the 20th century, the emergence of theological novelties can be seen, based on the contextual setting in which the human being is inserted. This anthropological impact meets the racial structure that the Western world coined for the domination of so-called primitive and inferior peoples, generating the racial narrative and, consequently, racism. Although it is denied, racism permeates religious communities and the Church is not immune to it. There was an urgent need for a theology, born in a diasporic context, that would affect these secular marks of oppression. Black Theology is in this place and it is possible to see black theologies emerging in several continental soils, which influence each other, like a great world quilombo. This collective care is born from the gestation of pastorals that, from a Christological perspective, understand the Revelation through the face of the black Christ. Whether in the centuries of the colonies or in the post-abolition period, Afro-pastorals are a place of acceptance and understanding of black (inter) subjectivities, which takes place in the encounter of the black person with his own blackness permeated by the Christian faith. It is concluded that the birth of systematized Black Theology verbalized what was already experienced in previous times in Brazil with regard to Afro-pastoralism, enhanced what was created after its systematic organization and will affect the Church in the future, bringing a new looking at the object of Revelation and producing an increasingly horizontalized and decentralized pastoral care of the priestly figure.

Afro-descendance au Brésil et en Haïti : étude comparative des théologies noires de 1986 à 2004

Michel, Ernst Jean Robert 05 1900 (has links)
Notre recherche analyse des discours théologiques qui épousent les traits caractéristiques de l’afro-descendance dans des ouvrages de l’Atabaque et de la Conférence Haïtienne des Religieux et Religieuses (CHR). Ces publications permettent de nommer la réflexion théologique afro-brésilienne et haïtienne comme l’expression d’un engagement au sein d’un Brésil multiculturel et métissé et d’une Haïti noire. Elles se réfèrent à la lutte des Afro-descendants et à leur résistance contre ce qu’ils considèrent comme les conséquences de la période de l’esclavage commencée au XVIe siècle qui oppriment encore des Noirs au XXIe siècle et empêchent leur pleine émancipation. Elles font partie d’une démarche postcolonialiste de changement qui inclut l’inculturation et la reconnaissance des forces des religions de matrices africaines dans leur quête d’une pleine libération des Noirs. Notre démarche, basée sur l’étude comparative des contenus de ces théologies développées au Brésil et en Haïti, met en relief des éléments essentiels de deux courants distincts de production théologique de 1986 à 2004. Cette délimitation correspond à la période de publication du résultat de trois consultations sur les théologies noires au Brésil en 1986, en 1995 et en 2004. Les ouvrages de la CHR datent de 1991 à 1999. Notre étude permet de suivre la pratique de la foi chrétienne qui s’y dégage, l’élaboration et le parcours d’évolution de cette pensée. Teologia Negra et théologie haïtienne représentent deux manières distinctes de faire de la théologie noire. Une comparaison entre les deux contextes n’a jamais été faite jusqu’à présent. Cette recherche a conduit au constat selon lequel trois paradigmes peuvent englober les principaux aspects des courants théologiques afro-brésiliens et haïtiens. Nous relevons des convergences et des divergences des paradigmes de l’inculturation libératrice, du postcolonialisme et du pluralisme religieux. La réflexion théologique afro-brésilienne est vue comme une démarche sociopolitique, ancrée surtout dans la promotion des actions positives qui consistent à favoriser l’insertion des Noirs en situation relativement minoritaire dans une société multiculturelle. En Haïti, où les Noirs sont en situation majoritaire, cette réflexion théologique va dans la direction de la sauvegarde des racines historiques en vue de motiver des changements dans une société de Noirs. Cette optique de la question des Noirs, interprétée sous un nouvel angle, offre de nouvelles pistes de réflexion théologique en même temps qu’elle renforce les revendications culturelles des Afro-Brésiliens et des Afro-Haïtiens dans le but d’élaborer un nouveau discours théologique. Notre thèse contribue à mettre en évidence deux institutions qui se dévouent à la cause des Afro-Brésiliens et des Afro-Haïtiens. L’œuvre de l’Atabaque et de la CHR témoigne du fait que celles-ci ont été susceptibles d’agir collectivement en contribuant à la diversité de la réflexion théologique des Afro-descendants, en soutenant un processus de solidarité entre les victimes permanentes du racisme explicite et implicite. Notre étude suscite l’ouverture vers le développement d’une théologie de la rencontre au sein des théologies noires tout en érigeant le défi de construire un réseau Brésil-Haïti à partir des Afro-descendants. Finalement, la spécificité de ces théologies contribue à inspirer le christianisme latino-américain et des Caraïbes et cette réflexion ne se limite pas seulement à ces deux pays, mais s’étend à d’autres contextes latino-américains ou africains. / Our analysis of the theological discourse relates the characteristic traits of Afro-descendants in the Atabaque and the Conférence Haïtienne des Religieux et Religieuses (CHR) research work. These publications are used to bring to light the Afro-Brazilian and Haitian theological reflection as an expression of their commitment to multicultural and mestizo Brazil as well as black Haiti. They refer to the struggle of Afro-descendants and their resistance against what they consider to be the consequences of the period of slavery. What begun in the 16th century still oppresses Blacks in the 21st century and prevents their full emancipation. They are engaged in a post-colonialist approach to change which includes enculturation, recognition of African religions are an essential strength in their quest for full freedom of Blacks. Our approach, based on the comparative study of the content of these theologies developed in Brazil and in Haiti, highlights two separate currents from 1986 to 2004 in theological databases. This delimitation corresponds to the phase of publication of results of three consultations about black theologies in Brazil in 1986, in 1995 and 2004. The CHR’s works date from 1991 to 1999. Our study aims to trace their practice of the Christian faith, as well as their development and their evolution. Teologia Negra and Haitian theology represent two distinct black theologies. A comparison of the two contexts has never been made. This research led to the fact that three paradigms can encompass the major aspect of Afro-Brazilian and Haitian theological currents. We note the convergences and divergences of paradigms of the liberating enculturation, the post-colonialism and religious plurality. Afro-Brazilian theological reflection is seen as a socio-political approach above all anchored in the promotion of positive action to promote integration of Blacks, relatively a minority in a multicultural society. In Haiti, where Blacks are in majority, this theological reflection goes in the direction of the safeguarding of the historic roots to motivate change in a black society. This approach the issue of Blacks, interpreted in a new light, offer new avenues for theological reflection while strengthening cultural claims of the Afro-Brazilians and the Afro-Haitians to develop a new theological discourse. Our theory helps highlight two institutions committed to the cause of the Afro-Brazilians and the Afro-Haitians. The work of the Atabaque and the CHR testifies that they were likely to act collectively in contributing to the diversity of theological reflection of afro-descendants by supporting a process of solidarity between permanent victims of racism whether explicit or implicit. Our study raises the possibility of developing a meeting of black theology while taking on the challenge of building a network Brazil-Haiti regarding Afro-descendants. Finally, the specificity of these theologies can help inspire Latin American Christianity. This reflection is not limited only to these two countries, but extends to other Latin American or African contexts.

Afro-descendance au Brésil et en Haïti : étude comparative des théologies noires de 1986 à 2004

Michel, Ernst Jean Robert 05 1900 (has links)
Notre recherche analyse des discours théologiques qui épousent les traits caractéristiques de l’afro-descendance dans des ouvrages de l’Atabaque et de la Conférence Haïtienne des Religieux et Religieuses (CHR). Ces publications permettent de nommer la réflexion théologique afro-brésilienne et haïtienne comme l’expression d’un engagement au sein d’un Brésil multiculturel et métissé et d’une Haïti noire. Elles se réfèrent à la lutte des Afro-descendants et à leur résistance contre ce qu’ils considèrent comme les conséquences de la période de l’esclavage commencée au XVIe siècle qui oppriment encore des Noirs au XXIe siècle et empêchent leur pleine émancipation. Elles font partie d’une démarche postcolonialiste de changement qui inclut l’inculturation et la reconnaissance des forces des religions de matrices africaines dans leur quête d’une pleine libération des Noirs. Notre démarche, basée sur l’étude comparative des contenus de ces théologies développées au Brésil et en Haïti, met en relief des éléments essentiels de deux courants distincts de production théologique de 1986 à 2004. Cette délimitation correspond à la période de publication du résultat de trois consultations sur les théologies noires au Brésil en 1986, en 1995 et en 2004. Les ouvrages de la CHR datent de 1991 à 1999. Notre étude permet de suivre la pratique de la foi chrétienne qui s’y dégage, l’élaboration et le parcours d’évolution de cette pensée. Teologia Negra et théologie haïtienne représentent deux manières distinctes de faire de la théologie noire. Une comparaison entre les deux contextes n’a jamais été faite jusqu’à présent. Cette recherche a conduit au constat selon lequel trois paradigmes peuvent englober les principaux aspects des courants théologiques afro-brésiliens et haïtiens. Nous relevons des convergences et des divergences des paradigmes de l’inculturation libératrice, du postcolonialisme et du pluralisme religieux. La réflexion théologique afro-brésilienne est vue comme une démarche sociopolitique, ancrée surtout dans la promotion des actions positives qui consistent à favoriser l’insertion des Noirs en situation relativement minoritaire dans une société multiculturelle. En Haïti, où les Noirs sont en situation majoritaire, cette réflexion théologique va dans la direction de la sauvegarde des racines historiques en vue de motiver des changements dans une société de Noirs. Cette optique de la question des Noirs, interprétée sous un nouvel angle, offre de nouvelles pistes de réflexion théologique en même temps qu’elle renforce les revendications culturelles des Afro-Brésiliens et des Afro-Haïtiens dans le but d’élaborer un nouveau discours théologique. Notre thèse contribue à mettre en évidence deux institutions qui se dévouent à la cause des Afro-Brésiliens et des Afro-Haïtiens. L’œuvre de l’Atabaque et de la CHR témoigne du fait que celles-ci ont été susceptibles d’agir collectivement en contribuant à la diversité de la réflexion théologique des Afro-descendants, en soutenant un processus de solidarité entre les victimes permanentes du racisme explicite et implicite. Notre étude suscite l’ouverture vers le développement d’une théologie de la rencontre au sein des théologies noires tout en érigeant le défi de construire un réseau Brésil-Haïti à partir des Afro-descendants. Finalement, la spécificité de ces théologies contribue à inspirer le christianisme latino-américain et des Caraïbes et cette réflexion ne se limite pas seulement à ces deux pays, mais s’étend à d’autres contextes latino-américains ou africains. / Our analysis of the theological discourse relates the characteristic traits of Afro-descendants in the Atabaque and the Conférence Haïtienne des Religieux et Religieuses (CHR) research work. These publications are used to bring to light the Afro-Brazilian and Haitian theological reflection as an expression of their commitment to multicultural and mestizo Brazil as well as black Haiti. They refer to the struggle of Afro-descendants and their resistance against what they consider to be the consequences of the period of slavery. What begun in the 16th century still oppresses Blacks in the 21st century and prevents their full emancipation. They are engaged in a post-colonialist approach to change which includes enculturation, recognition of African religions are an essential strength in their quest for full freedom of Blacks. Our approach, based on the comparative study of the content of these theologies developed in Brazil and in Haiti, highlights two separate currents from 1986 to 2004 in theological databases. This delimitation corresponds to the phase of publication of results of three consultations about black theologies in Brazil in 1986, in 1995 and 2004. The CHR’s works date from 1991 to 1999. Our study aims to trace their practice of the Christian faith, as well as their development and their evolution. Teologia Negra and Haitian theology represent two distinct black theologies. A comparison of the two contexts has never been made. This research led to the fact that three paradigms can encompass the major aspect of Afro-Brazilian and Haitian theological currents. We note the convergences and divergences of paradigms of the liberating enculturation, the post-colonialism and religious plurality. Afro-Brazilian theological reflection is seen as a socio-political approach above all anchored in the promotion of positive action to promote integration of Blacks, relatively a minority in a multicultural society. In Haiti, where Blacks are in majority, this theological reflection goes in the direction of the safeguarding of the historic roots to motivate change in a black society. This approach the issue of Blacks, interpreted in a new light, offer new avenues for theological reflection while strengthening cultural claims of the Afro-Brazilians and the Afro-Haitians to develop a new theological discourse. Our theory helps highlight two institutions committed to the cause of the Afro-Brazilians and the Afro-Haitians. The work of the Atabaque and the CHR testifies that they were likely to act collectively in contributing to the diversity of theological reflection of afro-descendants by supporting a process of solidarity between permanent victims of racism whether explicit or implicit. Our study raises the possibility of developing a meeting of black theology while taking on the challenge of building a network Brazil-Haiti regarding Afro-descendants. Finally, the specificity of these theologies can help inspire Latin American Christianity. This reflection is not limited only to these two countries, but extends to other Latin American or African contexts.

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