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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dispersal in free-living, marine, benthic nematodes : passive or active processes?

Ullberg, Jörgen January 2004 (has links)
<p>Meiofauna, and especially marine nematodes are common in sediments around the world. Despite very wide ranging distributions in many nematode species, little is presently known about their dispersal mechanisms shaping these patterns. Rafting, and perhaps ballast water transport has been suggested as viable means for nematode long-range transport. On a much smaller scale other processes have been suggested for their dispersal. They generally include some form of passive suspension into the water column and later on a passive, haphazard settling back towards the bottom.</p><p>Small-scale phenomena in nematode dispersal were studied by conducting a series of studies at Askö field station, Trosa Archipelago, Baltic proper. Studied aspects were one case of macrofaunal influence on nematode dispersal rate, using an amphipod, <i>Monoporeia affinis</i> as disturbing agent, and three different studies on mechanisms related to settling. The experiments were conducted both in laboratory and field settings.</p><p>The amphipod <i>Monoporeia affinis</i> did not exert any influence on the dispersal rate in the nematodes. The nematode dispersal was only an effect of time, in the aspect that the more time that past, the more nematodes dispersed from their place of origin. The settling experiments revealed that nematodes do have an active component in their settling behaviour, as they were able to exert influence on the spot where they were to settle. They were able to choose settling spot in response to the food quality of the sediment. It also became evident that contrary to common belief, nematodes are able to extend their presence in the water column far beyond the times that would be predicted considering settling velocities and hydrodynamic conditions alone.</p>

Investigations of species richness effects on ecosystem functioning using stream-living macroinvertebrates as model organisms

Jonsson, Micael January 2003 (has links)
<p>The work in this thesis deals with effects of changed species richness on process rates among stream-living macroinvertebrates. Global biodiversity is decreasing rapidly and it is poorly known what the consequences of this loss may be for ecosystems and the services they provide. Hence, it is important to investigate the potential effects of losing species. In streams, deforestation, introduction of non-native species, pollution and channelization are examples of events that may affect species richness negatively. In this thesis emphasis is on changes in species richness within functional feeding groups (FFGs) of stream-living macroinvertebrates. The FFGs used were shredding detritivores, grazers, filter feeders and predators - all of which uphold important ecological processes in streams. Along with an observational field study, species richness was manipulated in laboratory and field experiments to investigate the effects of changed species richness on process rates and thus ecosystem functioning.</p><p>The results show that effects of changed species richness on process rates may be dramatic. Among the shredding detritivores there were negative effects on leaf mass loss, regardless whether fixed, random or predicted sequences of species loss was investigated. These effects could be attributed to either species richness per se or species composition. However, among the other FFGs the relationship between species richness and process rates was less consistent. In filter feeders, there was no or a negative effect of decreasing species richness while both grazers and predators showed positive effects of species loss.</p><p>The results also show that the most important interactions between species in an experiment, thus potentially in a natural community, are likely to determine what the effect of species loss on process rates will be. Facilitation and niche differentiation lead to reduced process rates if species are lost, while mechanisms, such as interspecific resource or interference competition, produce the opposite effect. Furthermore, in systems with a diminishing resource, the first two mechanisms may become more important over time enhancing the effect of species loss in the long term.</p><p>In conclusion, effects of species loss may be dramatically negative or positive even if lost species are classified as redundant. The effect in the short term most likely depends on which species are lost, on the original species composition and on the underlying mechanisms. Questions remaining to be answered are how important the observed effects are in more complex systems and if they are persistent over time? Future studies will tell. </p>

Population dynamics of tundra-living grey-sided voles

Ekerholm, Per January 2003 (has links)
<p>This thesis deals with the dynamics of tundra living voles with emphasis on the most common one, the grey-sided vole (Clethrionomys rufocanus). The tundra area chosen for the study was Finnmarksvidda, a vast flatland in northernmost Norway. All small mammal herbivores in the area showed dramatic fluctuations, and field experiment were conducted in order to elucidate these density fluctuations. The specific subjects addressed included: 1/ Temporal and spatial appearance of density fluctuations of voles and lemmings in the area, 2/ The generality of the density patterns observed, 3/ The impact of predation by vole predators during summertime, 4/ The impact of grey-sided vole grazing on food plants of different preference in a predator free environment, in the presence and absence of extra food, and 5/ The impact of food availability on density and demography of grey-sided voles in a predator free environment.</p><p>The results achieved showed that voles in the slope and lowland had cyclic density fluctuations with 5 years duration. The cycles consisted of four phases: an increase phase, a peak phase, a decline phase and a crash phase. In the unproductive lowland and on the moderately productive slope, small pockets of productive habitats seemed to work as “triggers” for the cycles. The lemming fluctuations in the upper plateau (separated from the slope by a steep zone of boulders) differed markedly from the vole patterns in the lowland.</p><p>Only two lemming peaks were recorded in twenty years. Both peaks had very short increase phases, a knife-sharppeak phase and no decline phase before the crash. A comparison between our results and lemming and vole populations from two other areas in Fennoscandia revealed the same difference in fluctuation pattern between lemmings and voles as seen in our area. This results suggests that lemmings in barren tundra highlands and voles in slightly more productive tundra lowlands are regulated by different mechanisms.</p><p>The exclusion of vole predators from vole populations during summertime led to increase in overall vole density. Densities of the clumsy field vole (Microtus agrestis) and juveniles of all species showed the strongest positive effects of the exclusion.</p><p>An experiment analysing the effects of food availability was conducted in islands in a large lake where grey-sided voles were introduced to predator free islands . Supplemental food was given to the voles in two unproductive, and two productive islands. Two unproductive and two productive islands were used as reference islands. The density of voles and the vole weight were higher in both the islands with supplemental food and those with high natural productivity. Increased vole density did not significantly increase grazing damage to plants. The cyclic density pattern of the voles in the nearby mainland (that harboured resident vole specialist predators as stoat and weasel) showed little resemblance to the seasonal fluctuations found in the islands (devoid of resident vole specialist predators). This result suggested that predation by stoat and weasel on grey-sided vole populations may cause the cyclic vole fluctuations seen in the area.</p>

Urbanization and Water Resources Vulnerability in the Kumasi Metropolitan Area, Ghana / Urbanisering och sårbara vattenresurser i Kumasi storstadsregion, Ghana

Mohammed, Suraj January 2004 (has links)
<p>Most urban areas of developing countries were hitherto experiencing unprecedented growth in their population, the phenomenon commonly referred to as urbanization, which in this study can be said to be the proportion of urban population relative to the total population of a region. </p><p>This phenomenon has opportunities vis-à-vis challenges, whose impact on natural resources in general and water resources in particular, cannot be over- emphasized. It is within the context of these urban challenges that this study attempts to look into and possibly assess the situation in the urban and peri- urban areas of Kumasi Metropolitan Area (KMA) in Ghana, whose urbanization processes is prejudiced by this study to be increasing rapidly. </p><p>The study specifically attempted to assess thechanges in the urbanization patterns and the possible future urbanization trend of the area within a specific time frame. The study also attempts to look at the causes of this urbanization, and its impact on water resources in the Area, both qualitatively and quantitatively, envisaged to be the results of socio-economic activities taking place in the Area. Finally, the study attempts to look into the measures put in place to curb these challenges. </p><p>Amid paucity of data, however, the study reveals that the most single contributor of urbanization processes in the area has been migration from the countryside, and in particular from the northern part of the country. The study also reveals the fact that even though the general quality standard of some water resources is better, the largely uncontrolled socio-economic activities, coupled with the deplorable sanitary conditions in the KMA, has potential to degrade the water resources in the KMA. In addition, the study reveals that little attention is given, in terms of policy formulation to curb this urbanization processes and to protect water resources in the area.</p>

Perceptions and interpretations of "environmental flows" and implications for future water resource management: A survey study / Uppfattningar och tolkningar av "environmental flows" och betydelsen för framtida hantering av vattenresurserna: En enkät studie.

Moore, Michael January 2004 (has links)
<p>An understanding of the impacts on freshwater systems from water management and development practices and the recognition that freshwater ecosystems are dependent on various aspects of the natural hydrological variability has given rise to a relatively new field of science commonly referred to as environmental flows. The assessment and application of environmental flows has advanced considerably in the last ten years. To coincide with the emergence and expansion of the environmental flows concept around the world, this survey study was undertaken aiming to identify people’s perceptions and interpretations of the environmental flows concept and its role in water management. It also aims to add to existing knowledge of the extent to which the concept is being applied, how it is being translated into policy and practice and the major challenges and opportunities that exist for continued understanding and implementation. The survey was distributed to a range of people representing different water-related sectors and regions around the world. A total of 272 responses representing 64 countries in the six major regions of the world was received. The responses were compiled and analysis of aspects of the respondents backgrounds as well as the questions were conducted using the computer statistical program SPSS. Representation of specific groups, particularly water user groups, and specific regions in the survey however was low, demonstrating possible limitations of the survey distribution method as well as the lack of concept awareness and application in many parts of the world. The ways in which people define and interpret the concept varied widely. The degree to which the concept was applied shows the growing recognition around the world of the need to consider the environmental water requirements when making decisions on water allocations. Despite the growing recognition many areas do not yet apply the concept. The survey allowed the opportunity for respondents to highlight what they perceived asthe major obstacles and difficulties for the concept within their respective areas. Lack of understanding among stakeholders of the socio-economic costs and benefits associated with concept implementation and a lack of political will were the two most common obstacles for the continued adoption and application of environmental flows around the world. Overall, the survey delivered promising signs for the continued evolution of environmental flows within water management. There was widespread opinion that the concept of environmental flows was an essential element in the efforts to achieve sustainable management of water resources.</p>

Influence of Mate Quality on Reproductive Decisions in a Fish with Paternal Care

Kolm, Niclas January 2003 (has links)
<p>Female reproductive decisions have been suggested to be highly influenced by mate quality. I have studied whether offspring quality may be adjusted by females to match the attractiveness of males and how strong control females have over their reproductive investment focusing on egg size. This was done in the Banggai cardinalfish (Pterapogon kauderni), a sex-role reversed obligate paternal mouthbrooder where males invest heavily into reproduction. As this species is suitable for both laboratory experiments and field studies it is an ideal candidate for the study of reproductive investment. </p><p>Mating was size-assortative and both males and females benefited from pairing with large partners. However, male size determined the reproductive output of a pair. Females courted large males more intensively and produced larger, but not fewer eggs when mated to large males as compared to small males. Further, this matching of egg size to mate attractiveness may be fast. Female courtship behaviours contained honest information regarding both clutch weight and egg maturity, traits that may be highly important for male mate choice. Surprisingly, males played an important part in territory defence suggesting relatively equal sex-roles in this species. Also, this species showed stable group structures which may be important for the evolution of female plasticity in reproductive investment due to high variance in quality of available mates. </p><p>This thesis suggest that females have a remarkable control over their reproductive investments and that male quality may be highly influential on reproductive decisions regarding offspring quality. Furthermore, it suggest that sexual selection may have strong effects on the evolution of egg size and parental care on a whole.</p>

Chemical Communication and Mate Choice : Investigations into the Meaning of a Fruit Fly Pheromone

Johansson, Björn G. January 2005 (has links)
<p>Chemical signals are the most widely used form of sexual communication throughout the living world. However, there is in general little knowledge about what these signals actually communicate. The role of chemical signals, i.e. pheromones, in sexual behaviour has traditionally been seen as restricted to mate attraction and species recognition. This thesis reviews the evidence for pheromones as indicators of mate quality, and then investigates three important factors for mate quality signals – individual variation, heritability and cost – by using the male pheromone of the lekking fruit fly <i>Drosophila grimshawi</i> as a model.</p><p>The experiments presented indicate that the pheromone of <i>D. grimshawi</i> has multiple functions, and that these functions vary with social context. Thus, with regard to females, the pheromone seems to act mainly as a species/mate recognition signal, since females show little preference for the amount of pheromone deposited by a male. Moreover, males invest less in pheromone production when subjected to females as compared to when subjected to rival males. However, the pheromone seems to be costly in production since males that invest much in pheromone deposition has a shorter lifespan. This suggests a function for the pheromone in male-male interactions. Males can distinguish their own pheromone depositions from those of a strange male, and also discriminate between pheromone depositions from one and two strange males. This might give them the ability to assess the size of a lek and the competitive capacities of rivals, information that should be useful when optimizing sexual behaviour.</p><p>In conclusion, the pheromone seems to act as an honest mate/competitor quality signal in some social contexts, and as a non-costly species/mate recognition signal in other. In addition, I show for the first time that a chemical signal has differential fitness costs, and that an insect is able to distinguish between individual odour signatures.</p>

Investigations of species richness effects on ecosystem functioning using stream-living macroinvertebrates as model organisms

Jonsson, Micael January 2003 (has links)
The work in this thesis deals with effects of changed species richness on process rates among stream-living macroinvertebrates. Global biodiversity is decreasing rapidly and it is poorly known what the consequences of this loss may be for ecosystems and the services they provide. Hence, it is important to investigate the potential effects of losing species. In streams, deforestation, introduction of non-native species, pollution and channelization are examples of events that may affect species richness negatively. In this thesis emphasis is on changes in species richness within functional feeding groups (FFGs) of stream-living macroinvertebrates. The FFGs used were shredding detritivores, grazers, filter feeders and predators - all of which uphold important ecological processes in streams. Along with an observational field study, species richness was manipulated in laboratory and field experiments to investigate the effects of changed species richness on process rates and thus ecosystem functioning. The results show that effects of changed species richness on process rates may be dramatic. Among the shredding detritivores there were negative effects on leaf mass loss, regardless whether fixed, random or predicted sequences of species loss was investigated. These effects could be attributed to either species richness per se or species composition. However, among the other FFGs the relationship between species richness and process rates was less consistent. In filter feeders, there was no or a negative effect of decreasing species richness while both grazers and predators showed positive effects of species loss. The results also show that the most important interactions between species in an experiment, thus potentially in a natural community, are likely to determine what the effect of species loss on process rates will be. Facilitation and niche differentiation lead to reduced process rates if species are lost, while mechanisms, such as interspecific resource or interference competition, produce the opposite effect. Furthermore, in systems with a diminishing resource, the first two mechanisms may become more important over time enhancing the effect of species loss in the long term. In conclusion, effects of species loss may be dramatically negative or positive even if lost species are classified as redundant. The effect in the short term most likely depends on which species are lost, on the original species composition and on the underlying mechanisms. Questions remaining to be answered are how important the observed effects are in more complex systems and if they are persistent over time? Future studies will tell.

Population dynamics of tundra-living grey-sided voles

Ekerholm, Per January 2003 (has links)
This thesis deals with the dynamics of tundra living voles with emphasis on the most common one, the grey-sided vole (Clethrionomys rufocanus). The tundra area chosen for the study was Finnmarksvidda, a vast flatland in northernmost Norway. All small mammal herbivores in the area showed dramatic fluctuations, and field experiment were conducted in order to elucidate these density fluctuations. The specific subjects addressed included: 1/ Temporal and spatial appearance of density fluctuations of voles and lemmings in the area, 2/ The generality of the density patterns observed, 3/ The impact of predation by vole predators during summertime, 4/ The impact of grey-sided vole grazing on food plants of different preference in a predator free environment, in the presence and absence of extra food, and 5/ The impact of food availability on density and demography of grey-sided voles in a predator free environment. The results achieved showed that voles in the slope and lowland had cyclic density fluctuations with 5 years duration. The cycles consisted of four phases: an increase phase, a peak phase, a decline phase and a crash phase. In the unproductive lowland and on the moderately productive slope, small pockets of productive habitats seemed to work as “triggers” for the cycles. The lemming fluctuations in the upper plateau (separated from the slope by a steep zone of boulders) differed markedly from the vole patterns in the lowland. Only two lemming peaks were recorded in twenty years. Both peaks had very short increase phases, a knife-sharppeak phase and no decline phase before the crash. A comparison between our results and lemming and vole populations from two other areas in Fennoscandia revealed the same difference in fluctuation pattern between lemmings and voles as seen in our area. This results suggests that lemmings in barren tundra highlands and voles in slightly more productive tundra lowlands are regulated by different mechanisms. The exclusion of vole predators from vole populations during summertime led to increase in overall vole density. Densities of the clumsy field vole (Microtus agrestis) and juveniles of all species showed the strongest positive effects of the exclusion. An experiment analysing the effects of food availability was conducted in islands in a large lake where grey-sided voles were introduced to predator free islands . Supplemental food was given to the voles in two unproductive, and two productive islands. Two unproductive and two productive islands were used as reference islands. The density of voles and the vole weight were higher in both the islands with supplemental food and those with high natural productivity. Increased vole density did not significantly increase grazing damage to plants. The cyclic density pattern of the voles in the nearby mainland (that harboured resident vole specialist predators as stoat and weasel) showed little resemblance to the seasonal fluctuations found in the islands (devoid of resident vole specialist predators). This result suggested that predation by stoat and weasel on grey-sided vole populations may cause the cyclic vole fluctuations seen in the area.

Dispersal in free-living, marine, benthic nematodes : passive or active processes?

Ullberg, Jörgen January 2004 (has links)
Meiofauna, and especially marine nematodes are common in sediments around the world. Despite very wide ranging distributions in many nematode species, little is presently known about their dispersal mechanisms shaping these patterns. Rafting, and perhaps ballast water transport has been suggested as viable means for nematode long-range transport. On a much smaller scale other processes have been suggested for their dispersal. They generally include some form of passive suspension into the water column and later on a passive, haphazard settling back towards the bottom. Small-scale phenomena in nematode dispersal were studied by conducting a series of studies at Askö field station, Trosa Archipelago, Baltic proper. Studied aspects were one case of macrofaunal influence on nematode dispersal rate, using an amphipod, Monoporeia affinis as disturbing agent, and three different studies on mechanisms related to settling. The experiments were conducted both in laboratory and field settings. The amphipod Monoporeia affinis did not exert any influence on the dispersal rate in the nematodes. The nematode dispersal was only an effect of time, in the aspect that the more time that past, the more nematodes dispersed from their place of origin. The settling experiments revealed that nematodes do have an active component in their settling behaviour, as they were able to exert influence on the spot where they were to settle. They were able to choose settling spot in response to the food quality of the sediment. It also became evident that contrary to common belief, nematodes are able to extend their presence in the water column far beyond the times that would be predicted considering settling velocities and hydrodynamic conditions alone.

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