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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Improving constraint-based test input generation using Korat

Srinivasan, Raghavendra 29 June 2015 (has links)
Korat is an existing technique for test input generation using imperative constraints that describe properties of desired inputs written as Java predicates, termed RepOk methods, which are executable checks for those properties. Korat efficiently prunes the space of candidate inputs for the RepOk method by executing it on candidate inputs and monitoring the object fields that RepOk accesses in deciding if the properties are satisfied. While Korat generates inputs effectively, its correctness and efficiency rely on two assumptions about the RepOk methods. For correctness, Korat assumes the RepOk methods do not use the Java reflection API for field accesses; the use of reflection renders Korat unable to enumerate all desired inputs. For efficiency, Korat assumes the RepOk methods do not make unnecessary field accesses, which can reduce the effectiveness of Korat’s pruning. Our thesis addresses both these limitations. To support reflection, we build on the core Korat to enhance it such that it can monitor field accesses based on reflection. To assist the users with writing RepOk’s, we introduce a static analysis tool that detects potential places where the input RepOk may be edited to enhance performance of Korat. We also present experimental results using a suite of standard data structure subjects. / text

Improving dynamic analysis with data flow analysis

Chang, Walter Chochen 26 October 2010 (has links)
Many challenges in software quality can be tackled with dynamic analysis. However, these techniques are often limited in their efficiency or scalability as they are often applied uniformly to an entire program. In this thesis, we show that dynamic program analysis can be made significantly more efficient and scalable by first performing a static data flow analysis so that the dynamic analysis can be selectively applied only to important parts of the program. We apply this general principle to the design and implementation of two different systems, one for runtime security policy enforcement and the other for software test input generation. For runtime security policy enforcement, we enforce user-defined policies using a dynamic data flow analysis that is more general and flexible than previous systems. Our system uses the user-defined policy to drive a static data flow analysis that identifies and instruments only the statements that may be involved in a security vulnerability, often eliminating the need to track most objects and greatly reducing the overhead. For taint analysis on a set of five server programs, the slowdown is only 0.65%, two orders of magnitude lower than previous taint tracking systems. Our system also has negligible overhead on file disclosure vulnerabilities, a problem that taint tracking cannot handle. For software test case generation, we introduce the idea of targeted testing, which focuses testing effort on select parts of the program instead of treating all program paths equally. Our “Bullseye” system uses a static analysis performed with respect to user-defined “interesting points” to steer the search down certain paths, thereby finding bugs faster. We also introduce a compiler transformation that allows symbolic execution to automatically perform boundary condition testing, revealing bugs that could be missed even if the correct path is tested. For our set of 9 benchmarks, Bullseye finds bugs an average of 2.5× faster than a conventional depth-first search and finds numerous bugs that DFS could not. In addition, our automated boundary condition testing transformation allows both Bullseye and depth-first search to find numerous bugs that they could not find before, even when all paths were explored. / text

Contract-driven data structure repair : a novel approach for error recovery

Nokhbeh Zaeem, Razieh 02 July 2014 (has links)
Software systems are now pervasive throughout our world. The reliability of these systems is an urgent necessity. A large degree of research effort on increasing software reliability is dedicated to requirements, architecture, design, implementation and testing---activities that are performed before system deployment. While such approaches have become substantially more advanced, software remains buggy and failures remain expensive. We take a radically different approach to reliability from previous approaches, namely contract-driven data structure repair for runtime error recovery, where erroneous executions of deployed software are corrected on-the-fly using rich behavioral contracts. Our key insight is to transform the software contract---which gives a high level description of the expected behavior---to an efficient implementation which repairs the erroneous data structures in the program state upon an error. To improve efficiency, scalability, and effectiveness of repair, in addition to rich behavioral contracts, we leverage the current erroneous state, dynamic behavior of the program, as well as repair history and abstraction. A core technical problem our approach to repair addresses is construction of structurally complex data that satisfy desired properties. We present a novel structure generation technique based on dynamic programming---a classic optimization approach---to utilize the recursive nature of the structures. We use our technique for constraint-based testing. It provides better scalability than previous work. We applied it to test widely-used web browsers and found some known and unknown bugs. Our use of dynamic programming in structure generation opens a new future direction to tackle the scalability problem of data structure repair. This research advances our ability to develop correct programs. For programs that already have contracts, error recovery using our approach can come at a low cost. The same contracts can be used for systematically testing code before deployment using existing as well as our new techniques. Thus, we enable a novel unification of software verification and error recovery. / text

Test Automation for Grid-Based Multiagent Autonomous Systems

Entekhabi, Sina January 2024 (has links)
Traditional software testing usually comes with manual definitions of test cases. This manual process can be time-consuming, tedious, and incomplete in covering important but elusive corner cases that are hardly identifiable. Automatic generation of random test cases emerges as a strategy to mitigate the challenges associated with the manual test case design. However, the effectiveness of random test cases in fault detection may be limited, leading to increased testing costs, particularly in systems where test execution demands substantial resources and time. Leveraging the domain knowledge of test experts can guide the automatic random generation of test cases to more effective zones. In this thesis, we target quality assurance of multiagent autonomous systems and aim to automate test generation for them by applying the domain knowledge of test experts. To formalize the specification of the domain expert's knowledge, we introduce a small Domain Specific Language (DSL) for formal specification of particular locality-based constraints for grid-based multiagent systems. We initially employ this DSL for filtering randomly generated test inputs. Then, we evaluate the effectiveness of the generated test cases through an experiment on a case study of autonomous agents. Applying statistical analysis on the experiment results demonstrates that utilizing the domain knowledge to specify test selection criteria for filtering randomly generated test cases significantly reduces the number of potentially costly test executions to identify the persisting faults.  Domain knowledge of experts can also be utilized to directly generate test inputs with constraint solvers. We conduct a comprehensive study to compare the performance of filtering random cases and constraint-solving approaches in generating selective test cases across various test scenario parameters. The examination of these parameters provides criteria for determining the suitability of random data filtering versus constraint solving, considering the varying size and complexity of the test input generation constraint. To conduct our experiments, we use QuickCheck tool for random test data generation with filtering, and we employ Z3 for constraint solving. The findings, supported by observations and statistical analysis, reveal that test scenario parameters impact the performance of filtering and constraint-solving approaches differently. Specifically, the results indicate complementary strengths between the two approaches: random generation and filtering approach excels for the systems with a large number of agents and long agent paths but shows degradation in larger grid sizes and stricter constraints. Conversely, constraint solving approach demonstrates robust performance for large grid sizes and strict constraints but experiences degradation with increased agent numbers and longer paths. Our initially proposed DSL is limited in its features and is only capable of specifying particular locality-based constraints. To be able to specify more elaborate test scenarios, we extend that DSL based on a more intricate model of autonomous agents and their environment. Using the extended DSL, we can specify test oracles and test scenarios for a dynamic grid environment and agents having several attributes. To assess the extended DSL's utility, we design a questionnaire to gather opinions from several experts and also run an experiment to compare the efficiency of the extended DSL with the initially proposed one. The questionnaire results indicate that the extended DSL was successful in specifying several scenarios that the experts found more useful than the scenarios specified by the initial DSL. Moreover, the experimental results demonstrate that testing with the extended DSL can significantly reduce the number of test executions to detect system faults, leading to a more efficient testing process. / Safety of Connected Intelligent Vehicles in Smart Cities – SafeSmart

Improving systematic constraint-driven analysis using incremental and parallel techniques

Siddiqui, Junaid Haroon 25 February 2013 (has links)
This dissertation introduces Pikse, a novel methodology for more effective and efficient checking of code conformance to specifications using parallel and incremental techniques, describes a prototype implementation that embodies the methodology, and presents experiments that demonstrate its efficacy. Pikse has at its foundation a well-studied approach -- systematic constraint-driven analysis -- that has two common forms: (1) constraint-based testing -- where logical constraints that define desired inputs and expected program behavior are used for test input generation and correctness checking, say to perform black-box testing; and (2) symbolic execution -- where a systematic exploration of (bounded) program paths using symbolic input values is used to check properties of program behavior, say to perform white-box testing. Our insight at the heart of Pikse is that for certain path-based analyses, (1) the state of a run of the analysis can be encoded compactly, which provides a basis for parallel techniques that have low communication overhead; and (2) iterations performed by the analysis have commonalities, which provides the basis for incremental techniques that re-use results of computations common to successive iterations. We embody our insight into a suite of parallel and incremental techniques that enable more effective and efficient constraint-driven analysis. Moreover, our techniques work in tandem, for example, for combined black-box constraint-based input generation with white-box symbolic execution. We present a series of experiments to evaluate our techniques. Experimental results show Pikse enables significant speedups over previous state-of-the-art. / text

Hybrid Differential Software Testing

Noller, Yannic 16 October 2020 (has links)
Differentielles Testen ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Qualitätssicherung von Software, mit dem Ziel Testeingaben zu generieren, die Unterschiede im Verhalten der Software deutlich machen. Solche Unterschiede können zwischen zwei Ausführungspfaden (1) in unterschiedlichen Programmversionen, aber auch (2) im selben Programm auftreten. In dem ersten Fall werden unterschiedliche Programmversionen mit der gleichen Eingabe untersucht, während bei dem zweiten Fall das gleiche Programm mit unterschiedlichen Eingaben analysiert wird. Die Regressionsanalyse, die Side-Channel Analyse, das Maximieren der Ausführungskosten eines Programms und die Robustheitsanalyse von Neuralen Netzwerken sind typische Beispiele für differentielle Softwareanalysen. Eine besondere Herausforderung liegt in der effizienten Analyse von mehreren Programmpfaden (auch über mehrere Programmvarianten hinweg). Die existierenden Ansätze sind dabei meist nicht (spezifisch) dafür konstruiert, unterschiedliches Verhalten präzise hervorzurufen oder sind auf einen Teil des Suchraums limitiert. Diese Arbeit führt das Konzept des hybriden differentiellen Software Testens (HyDiff) ein: eine hybride Analysetechnik für die Generierung von Eingaben zur Erkennung von semantischen Unterschieden in Software. HyDiff besteht aus zwei parallel laufenden Komponenten: (1) einem such-basierten Ansatz, der effizient Eingaben generiert und (2) einer systematischen Analyse, die auch komplexes Programmverhalten erreichen kann. Die such-basierte Komponente verwendet Fuzzing geleitet durch differentielle Heuristiken. Die systematische Analyse basiert auf Dynamic Symbolic Execution, das konkrete Eingaben bei der Analyse integrieren kann. HyDiff wird anhand mehrerer Experimente evaluiert, die in spezifischen Anwendungen im Bereich des differentiellen Testens ausgeführt werden. Die Resultate zeigen eine effektive Generierung von Testeingaben durch HyDiff, wobei es sich signifikant besser als die einzelnen Komponenten verhält. / Differential software testing is important for software quality assurance as it aims to automatically generate test inputs that reveal behavioral differences in software. The concrete analysis procedure depends on the targeted result: differential testing can reveal divergences between two execution paths (1) of different program versions or (2) within the same program. The first analysis type would execute different program versions with the same input, while the second type would execute the same program with different inputs. Therefore, detecting regression bugs in software evolution, analyzing side-channels in programs, maximizing the execution cost of a program over multiple executions, and evaluating the robustness of neural networks are instances of differential software analysis with the goal to generate diverging executions of program paths. The key challenge of differential software testing is to simultaneously reason about multiple program paths, often across program variants, in an efficient way. Existing work in differential testing is often not (specifically) directed to reveal a different behavior or is limited to a subset of the search space. This PhD thesis proposes the concept of Hybrid Differential Software Testing (HyDiff) as a hybrid analysis technique to generate difference revealing inputs. HyDiff consists of two components that operate in a parallel setup: (1) a search-based technique that inexpensively generates inputs and (2) a systematic exploration technique to also exercise deeper program behaviors. HyDiff’s search-based component uses differential fuzzing directed by differential heuristics. HyDiff’s systematic exploration component is based on differential dynamic symbolic execution that allows to incorporate concrete inputs in its analysis. HyDiff is evaluated experimentally with applications specific for differential testing. The results show that HyDiff is effective in all considered categories and outperforms its components in isolation.

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