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Textile Sound DesignZetterblom, Margareta January 2011 (has links)
The thesis aims at developing conceptual and methodological tools in order to adapt sound in a “designerly” way within the discipline textile design. Occupational groups working with sound are to a large extent problem driven. This implies knowledge regarding sound and sound design mostly focuses on defensive strategies, not creative possibilities. The ambition with this research project is to make suggestions how textile designers can work practically with textile sound design, in a more nuanced way. /br As a starting point the thesis describes commonly used methods and processes used in the design process within an industrial context, followed by a more thorough analyze of the textile design process. These studies constitute a foundation to make it possible to see in what way these methods and processes will be affected when sound is added as new design tool./br By studies of two sound design models, the first attempts to develop a vocabulary concerning how to describe sound affecting qualities or sound expression of a textile are presented. Research focusing on language issues, especially on the development of conceptual tools done at the research institute Cresson, provides descriptive concepts, “sound effects”, embracing the interaction between human and his sound environment. These concepts are followed by a model of how to describe a “sound object” in “itself” (not in relation to anything else), developed by Pierre Schaeffer./br The theoretical models have been applied on the outcome of an phenomenological study named Describe. A number of design examples are finally presented as methodological examples of different ways to work with textiles and sound./br Keywords: sound, design, textile design, sound effect, sound object. / Thesis to be defended in public at 24 May 2011 at 13.00, at the Gallary floor 2, The Swedish School of Textiles, Bryggaregatan 17, Borås, for the degree of Philosophy.
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Textile sound designZetterblom, Margareta January 2008 (has links)
This thesis aims at developing conceptual and methodological tools in order toadapt sound within the textile design area. Occupational groups working with soundare to a large extent problem driven. Accordingly, textile designers working withsound- affecting properties of textiles concentrate on their dampening qualities. Theambition with this research project is to make suggestions how textile designers canwork practically with textile sound design, in a more nuanced way.The overall aim of the thesis is to develop a vocabulary to make textile designersable to express the sound affecting qualities of textiles in a language full of nuances.As a starting-point the thesis briefl y describes commonly used methods andprocesses used to describe the expressiveness of a design, followed by a morethoroughly analyze of the textile design process illustrated by a practical example.These studies constitute a foundation to make it possible to see in what way thesemethods and processes will be affected when sound is added as new design tool.By studies of two sound design models, the fi rst attempts to develop a vocabularyconcerning how to describe sound affecting qualities of a textile are developed.Research focusing on language issues, especially on the development of conceptualtools done at the research institute CRESSON, provides descriptive soundconcepts, “sound effects”, embracing the interaction between human and his soundenvironment. These concepts are followed by a model of how to describe just asound or “sound object” in “itself” (not in relation to anything else), developed byPierre Schaeffer. These theoretical models have been complemented with empiricalstudies in form of a survey, named LISTEN. Interviews were performed from aphenomenological perspective. A number of informants were asked to tell aboutthe sound environment and single sounds occurring at their working places. Theinterviews were interpreted from a phenomenographic perspective. A number ofdesign projects are fi nally presented as practical examples of different ways to workwith textiles and sound.The theoretical models provided by Schaeffer have been used to make the fi rstsystematic attempts to describe sound environments; sounds and textiles soundaffecting properties.Since the model presented by Schaeffer is developed to be used within musicalcomposition the concepts have to be additionally modifi ed to be a useful tool withinthe textile design area. The thesis presents just the fi rst attempts to use this model.The next step to take in the research project is to adjust the theoretical systems ofCRESSON and Schaeffer to suit the special area of textile design. The interactiveideas of a sound-affecting textile will also be a subject of further development.
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SolkattSAMUELSSON, JOHANNA January 2014 (has links)
Solkatt är ett arbete inom textildesign som undersöker hur vävd shibori kan användas i en textil utsmyckning. Arbetet vidareutvecklar en förstudie, i vilken tekniken vävd shibori undersöktes genom handvävning, från materialundersökning till design, genom industriell vävning. De mönstrade strukturerna skapas av extra mönstertrådar som vävs med krympgarn. Textilierna är inspirerade av solkatter; hur det intensiva ljuset dansar, reflekteras och blänker. Strukturernas uttryck förstärks i två steg, först med folietryck och därefter med ljussättning. Resultatet är en textil utsmyckning som leker med ljuset. Den har formen av en halvcirkel där folien är tryckt på insidan av formen. Ljussättningen förstärker den mönstrade strukturen.Engelsk titel: Solkatt / Program: Textile Design
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