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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Teatro experimental (1967-1978) - pioneirismo e loucura à margem da agonia da esquerda / Experimental Theatre (1967-1978): Pioneering and madness on the fringes of Left\'s agony

Cavalcanti, Johana de Albuquerque 18 June 2012 (has links)
A partir da compressão mais ferrenha da ditadura de 1964 no Brasil, e de um diálogo mais direto com as vanguardas que ocorrem no mundo, após 1968 abrem-se novas perspectivas de criação nas artes e, especificamente, no teatro, resultando numa revolução de comportamento e cultural que, apesar de nascer em pleno \"sufoco\", paradoxalmente apresenta uma riqueza de novas propostas. Tais propostas formarão o triângulo da contracultura (tropicalismo - movimento marginal - cultura alternativa) que marcará espaço na década de 1970 pela diferença. Na conquista do direito de confrontar-se com o estabelecido, em contraponto ao establishment, ao milagre brasileiro e a uma recepção crítica perplexa que, apesar de reconhecer certo mérito nestas manifestações, prioriza diagnosticar irracionalismo e alienação, o novo teatro inaugura muitos dos princípios, técnicas e procedimentos cênicos que abrirão espaço, a duras penas, para a liberdade definitiva da possibilidade de experimentar. A pesquisa que proponho tem como finalidade identificar: o que se entende por teatro experimental em seu nascedouro, no Brasil; como surgiu e operou dentro da arte e da cultura e se podem ser identificados momentos diversos com características próprias. Para uma melhor visualização dessas questões e como amostras de vertentes distintas dentro do teatro experimental no recorte estabelecido aqui, analiso, - de forma mais aprofundada -, os espetáculos Rito do Amor Selvagem, de José Agrippino de Paula e Maria Esther Stockler com o Grupo Sonda, 1969; Gracias, Señor, primeira criação coletiva do Teatro Oficina, 1972; e Trate-me Leão , do Asdrúbal Trouxe o Trombone, 1978. Por meio destes resgates podemos avaliar qual os legados imediatos e os menos visíveis que esses trabalhos e tendências deixaram para as próximas gerações, inclusive a nós que aqui estamos em pleno segundo milênio. / From the more inclement pressing of 1964-Brazilian dictatorship, and the more direct dialogue with the vanguards that emerged in the world, after 1968, new perspectives of creation opened in the arts and specifically in the theater fields, resulting in a behavioral and cultural revolution that, although born under \"asphyxia\", paradoxically presented a wealth of new proposals, which constituted the triangle of the Counterculture (Tropicalism - Marginal Movement -Alternative Culture) that would impress the 1970s with the difference mark. To conquer the right to fight what was already established, as a counterpoint to the establishment, to the Brazilian Miracle and to a mesmerized critical reception - that although recognizing some merit in these demonstrations, prioritizes diagnosing alienation and slavery - the New Theater inaugurates many of the scenic principles, techniques, and procedures that would arduously open space to the utmost freedom in the experimenting possibilities. The aim of this study is to identify what is meant by experimental theatre in its emerging state in Brazil; how did it come forth and operate within art and culture; and if diverse moments with specific characteristics can be identified. To better view these issues and view them as different strands samples within the experimental theatre scope defined hereby, I will analyze in greater detail and depth the plays Rito do Amor Selvagem, by José Agrippino de Paula and Maria Esther Stockler, with the Group Sonda, 1969; Gracias, Señor, the first collective creation by Teatro Oficina, 1972; and Trate-me Leão, by Asdrúbal Trouxe o Trombone Group, 1978. By means of these recovering procedure, we are able to assess what is both the immediate and the less visible legacy these plays and trends left to following generations, including us, here, in the second millennium.

Teatro experimental (1967-1978) - pioneirismo e loucura à margem da agonia da esquerda / Experimental Theatre (1967-1978): Pioneering and madness on the fringes of Left\'s agony

Johana de Albuquerque Cavalcanti 18 June 2012 (has links)
A partir da compressão mais ferrenha da ditadura de 1964 no Brasil, e de um diálogo mais direto com as vanguardas que ocorrem no mundo, após 1968 abrem-se novas perspectivas de criação nas artes e, especificamente, no teatro, resultando numa revolução de comportamento e cultural que, apesar de nascer em pleno \"sufoco\", paradoxalmente apresenta uma riqueza de novas propostas. Tais propostas formarão o triângulo da contracultura (tropicalismo - movimento marginal - cultura alternativa) que marcará espaço na década de 1970 pela diferença. Na conquista do direito de confrontar-se com o estabelecido, em contraponto ao establishment, ao milagre brasileiro e a uma recepção crítica perplexa que, apesar de reconhecer certo mérito nestas manifestações, prioriza diagnosticar irracionalismo e alienação, o novo teatro inaugura muitos dos princípios, técnicas e procedimentos cênicos que abrirão espaço, a duras penas, para a liberdade definitiva da possibilidade de experimentar. A pesquisa que proponho tem como finalidade identificar: o que se entende por teatro experimental em seu nascedouro, no Brasil; como surgiu e operou dentro da arte e da cultura e se podem ser identificados momentos diversos com características próprias. Para uma melhor visualização dessas questões e como amostras de vertentes distintas dentro do teatro experimental no recorte estabelecido aqui, analiso, - de forma mais aprofundada -, os espetáculos Rito do Amor Selvagem, de José Agrippino de Paula e Maria Esther Stockler com o Grupo Sonda, 1969; Gracias, Señor, primeira criação coletiva do Teatro Oficina, 1972; e Trate-me Leão , do Asdrúbal Trouxe o Trombone, 1978. Por meio destes resgates podemos avaliar qual os legados imediatos e os menos visíveis que esses trabalhos e tendências deixaram para as próximas gerações, inclusive a nós que aqui estamos em pleno segundo milênio. / From the more inclement pressing of 1964-Brazilian dictatorship, and the more direct dialogue with the vanguards that emerged in the world, after 1968, new perspectives of creation opened in the arts and specifically in the theater fields, resulting in a behavioral and cultural revolution that, although born under \"asphyxia\", paradoxically presented a wealth of new proposals, which constituted the triangle of the Counterculture (Tropicalism - Marginal Movement -Alternative Culture) that would impress the 1970s with the difference mark. To conquer the right to fight what was already established, as a counterpoint to the establishment, to the Brazilian Miracle and to a mesmerized critical reception - that although recognizing some merit in these demonstrations, prioritizes diagnosing alienation and slavery - the New Theater inaugurates many of the scenic principles, techniques, and procedures that would arduously open space to the utmost freedom in the experimenting possibilities. The aim of this study is to identify what is meant by experimental theatre in its emerging state in Brazil; how did it come forth and operate within art and culture; and if diverse moments with specific characteristics can be identified. To better view these issues and view them as different strands samples within the experimental theatre scope defined hereby, I will analyze in greater detail and depth the plays Rito do Amor Selvagem, by José Agrippino de Paula and Maria Esther Stockler, with the Group Sonda, 1969; Gracias, Señor, the first collective creation by Teatro Oficina, 1972; and Trate-me Leão, by Asdrúbal Trouxe o Trombone Group, 1978. By means of these recovering procedure, we are able to assess what is both the immediate and the less visible legacy these plays and trends left to following generations, including us, here, in the second millennium.

Uncanny modalities in post-1970s Scottish fiction : realism, disruption, tradition

Syme, Neil January 2014 (has links)
This thesis addresses critical conceptions of Scottish literary development in the twentieth-century which inscribe realism as both the authenticating tradition and necessary telos of modern Scottish writing. To this end I identify and explore a Scottish ‘counter-tradition’ of modern uncanny fiction. Drawing critical attention to techniques of modal disruption in the works of a number of post-1970s Scottish writers gives cause to reconsider that realist teleology while positing a range of other continuities and tensions across modern Scottish literary history. The thesis initially defines the critical context for the project, considering how realism has come to be regarded as a medium of national literary representation. I go on to explore techniques of modal disruption and uncanny in texts by five Scottish writers, contesting ways in which habitual recourse to the realist tradition has obscured important aspects of their work. Chapter One investigates Ali Smith’s reimagining of ‘the uncanny guest’. While this trope has been employed by earlier Scottish writers, Smith redesigns it as part of a wider interrogation of the hyperreal twenty-first-century. Chapter Two considers two texts by James Robertson, each of which, I argue, invokes uncanny techniques familiar to readers of James Hogg and Robert Louis Stevenson in a way intended specifically to suggest concepts of national continuity and literary inheritance. Chapter Three argues that James Kelman’s political stance necessitates modal disruption as a means of relating intimate individual experience. Re-envisaging Kelman as a writer of the uncanny makes his central assimilation into the teleology of Scottish realism untenable, complicating the way his work has been positioned in the Scottish canon. Chapter Four analyses A.L. Kennedy’s So I Am Glad, delineating a similarity in the processes of repetition which result in both uncanny effects and the phenomenon of tradition, leading to Kennedy’s identification of an uncanny dimension in the concept of national tradition itself. Chapter Five considers the work of Alan Warner, in which the uncanny appears as an unsettling sense of significance embedded within the banal everyday, reflecting an existentialism which reaches beyond the national. In this way, I argue that habitual recourse to an inscribed realist tradition tends to obscure the range, complexity and instability of the realist techniques employed by the writers at issue, demonstrating how national continuities can be productively accommodated within wider, pluralistic analytical approaches.

Graphic revolt! : Scandinavian artists' workshops, 1968-1975 : Røde Mor, Folkets Ateljé and GRAS

Glomm, Anna Sandaker January 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines the relationship between the three artists' workshops Røde Mor (Red Mother), Folkets Ateljé (The People's Studio) and GRAS, who worked between 1968 and 1975 in Denmark, Sweden and Norway. Røde Mor was from the outset an articulated Communist graphic workshop loosely organised around collective exhibitions. It developed into a highly productive and professionalised group of artists that made posters by commission for political and social movements. Its artists developed a familiar and popular artistic language characterised by imaginative realism and socialist imagery. Folkets Ateljé, which has never been studied before, was a close knit underground group which created quick and immediate responses to concurrent political issues. This group was founded on the example of Atelier Populaire in France and is strongly related to its practices. Within this comparative study it is the group that comes closest to collective practises around 1968 outside Scandinavia, namely the democratic assembly. The silkscreen workshop GRAS stemmed from the idea of economic and artistic freedom, although socially motivated and politically involved, the group never implemented any doctrine for participation. The aim of this transnational study is to reveal common denominators to the three groups' poster art as it was produced in connection with a Scandinavian experience of 1968. By ‘1968' it is meant the period from the late 1960s till the end of the 1970s. It examines the socio-political conditions under which the groups flourished and shows how these groups operated in conjunction with the political environment of 1968. The thesis explores the relationship between political movements and the collective art making process as it appeared in Scandinavia. To present a comprehensible picture of the impact of 1968 on these groups, their artworks, manifestos, and activities outside of the collective space have been discussed. The argument has presented itself that even though these groups had very similar ideological stances, their posters and techniques differ. This has impacted the artists involved to different degrees, yet made it possible to express the same political goals. It is suggested to be linked with the Scandinavian social democracies and common experience of the radicalisation that took place mostly in the aftermath of 1968 proper. By comparing these three groups' it has been uncovered that even with the same socio-political circumstances and ideological stance divergent styles did develop to embrace these issue.

Boiardo lettore di Dante. Comunicazione letteraria e intertestualità a Ferrara nella loro dimensione storica

Cazzato, Matteo 29 May 2024 (has links)
La tesi si propone di indagare l’intertestualità dantesca nell’opera volgare di Matteo Maria Boiardo. Il fenomeno è già stato oggetto di studi – indirizzati soprattutto al poema cavalleresco, e in misura minore (specie negli ultimi anni) al canzoniere lirico – che si sono mossi però nell’alveo dell’impostazione strutturalista, con una considerazione della memoria poetica da un punto di vista formalista e tipologico. Questa corrente ha consentito sviluppi importanti negli studi filologici, ma porta a vedere il fatto letterario staccato dal suo contesto di riferimento. Se questo esito in Italia è stato arginato da una forte base storicista, va detto che gli studi sulle riprese poetiche hanno però vissuto una situazione particolare. Da una parte, infatti, lo strutturalismo fra anni ’60 e ’70 ha imposto anche in Italia, attraverso una serie di importanti lavori, il suo modo di trattare la questione, senza poi che il successivo approdo semiotico incidesse in maniera significativa. Dall’altra, la reazione di chi voleva agganciare il fenomeno al dato storico ha riportato il problema all’impostazione erudita della critica delle fonti, privilegiando la raccolta dati da mettere in relazione con le informazioni sulla storia della tradizione e della circolazione. L’obbiettivo di questa tesi è fare un passo avanti, nella convinzione che per lo studio di questi fenomeni di riuso sia la circolazione manoscritta che i dati testuali e formali vadano letti in una piena prospettiva semiotica: guardare ai fenomeni di tradizione e trasmissione testuale nell’ottica dei processi ricettivi, e considerare le scelte di memoria poetica come atti comunicativi, con un valore pragmatico. La ricerca ha l’intento di giungere ad una maggior comprensione del rapporto del dotto poeta umanistico con il modello dantesco, un’interpretazione più chiara delle strategie di riuso, determinate dal particolare modo di leggere la Commedia nel contesto specifico, e perciò attraverso un preciso filtro fra quelli disponibili al tempo. Accanto all’insieme di informazioni filologiche sulle attestazioni manoscritte nelle biblioteche del tempo, l’indagine qui condotta consente – anche da un punto di vista che potremmo definire attributivo – di indicare in Benvenuto da Imola l’esegeta di riferimento per Boiardo e il suo pubblico, proprio perché l’osservazione ravvicinata dei testi e dei loro legami fa emergere questa tradizione interpretativa come la più attiva nell’elaborazione boiardesca rivolta ai lettori. Il lavoro non ha preso le mosse da un afflato teorico, teso a riconcettualizzare l’intertestualità, ma da un intento di chiarificazione sui testi e alcuni loro aspetti che non sembravano però trovare una spiegazione soddisfacente all’interno del quadro metodologico diffuso. Il lavoro, allora, ha assunto poco alla volta anche una vena metodologica sorta dall’osservazione dei fenomeni in modo nuovo. E così, accanto all’indagine storico-letteraria, e in stretta relazione con essa, è stato possibile avanzare alcune proposte ermeneutiche sui meccanismi intertestuali in base alle dinamiche della comunicazione letteraria. E nelle pagine che seguono il percorso si articola attorno a nuclei diversi ma interconnessi: da una parte la riflessione generale a carattere semiotico sui fenomeni di memoria poetica, che vengono concettualizzati grazie agli apporti di discipline come la pragmatica; segue una ricognizione storica sulle modalità di lettura e ricezione del modello dantesco – e non solo – in base alla circolazione dei testi e dei loro apparati esegetici; si arriva poi al nucleo del lavoro con l’affondo diretto su opere e paratesti esegetici con le loro relazioni, che si instaurano all’interno del laboratorio d’autore e poi da lì arrivano al pubblico.

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