Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe 1aster"" "subject:"ehe 1master""
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Voltage Upgrading of Overhead LinesOlsen, Anders Tuhus January 2010 (has links)
Statnett wants to increase the transmission capacity in their 300 kV overhead lines by upgrading the operating voltage to 420 kV. To make this possible some modifications must be done. Insulator strings have to be elongated by two to four insulators and the air clearances must be checked. EN standards provide guidelines for how to calculate the air clearances adequately to provide required safety margins.It turns out that the formulas given by the standards provide greater safety margin than appropriate for upgraded transmission lines. By finding new proper safety margins, several towers which otherwise would have to be rebuilt to fulfill the requirements for clearances, can stay unmodified. When considering the number of towers in an average transmission line, there is obviously a great potential for saving money by putting some effort looking into proper minimum air clearances. By reduce the air clearance by approximately 10 cm, 6.5 mill. NOK were spared in a 65 km transmission line. It is therefore desirable to calculate the air clearances on the basis of smaller safety margins than described in the standard, but which is still within acceptable safety limits. In the formulas for minimum distances, the statistical withstand voltage U50%, gap-factors and altitude factors are examined for the cases of operating voltage, switching impulse and lightning impulse.Discrepancies between test results from a laboratory work conducted by STRI and calculations based on the EN standard of U50%, have been discovered. Tested U50 for switching impulses are 59 % higher than U50 from the standard. The same applies for lightning impulses where the tested value is 12 % higher than the standard. This gives reason to assume the standard to be somewhat conservative.Further, discrepancies are found between the standard EN 50341 that says that the gap factor when an insulator is present is the same as if no insulator is present, and Cigré report 72, which says that the gap factor should be corrected for the presence of insulators. Correction for insulators will lead to a lower gap factor i.e. lower break down strength along the insulator string than in the rest of the air gap. It turns out that the combination of rain and insulator string reduce the gap factor and thus, the withstand strength in the cases of switching impulses in the order of 6-13 % for V-string insulators and 20-34 % for I-string insulators and for continuous power frequency voltage in the order of 25 % for V-string insulators and 33-40 % for I-string insulators.Rain has no influence on the withstand strength of I-strings or V-strings exposed to lightning impulses.Several previous researches [1][2] shows the same tendencies of lack of correlation between U50 and gap factors when air gaps with insulator strings are exposed to lightning impulses. Thus, the gap factor is not sufficient to describe the discharge characteristics of air gaps with insulator strings exposed to lightning impulses.It is found that the air gap between phase and guy wire has approximately 7 % greater withstand strength than over the insulator string in a tower window. This additional safety margin is a desirable property in terms that the guy wires are the weakest point of a tower. This should however be verified by full-scale laboratory tests as this is mainly valid for the case of only the conductor-guy wire gap without the presence of the other air gaps that represent the tower window.
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Beregning av generatorer ved modernisering av kraftverk / Generator design for hydropower station upgradeLundseng, Aleksander, Vikan, Ivar January 2010 (has links)
Bakgrunnen for dette prosjektet er det økte behovet for rehabilitering og oppgradering av vannkraftgeneratorer både i Norge og i resten av Europa. Behovet er basert på den store usikkerheten med å fastslå gjenstående levetid for aldrende generatorer, samtidig som at konsekvensene ved et havari ofte vil være store. Kostnadene ved en rehabilitering vil normalt være betydelige lavere enn ved et eventuelt havari. I tillegg kan endret drift og kjøremønster stille nye krav til generatorene. For å kunne gjennomføre beregninger i forbindelse med en rehabilitering eller oppgradering er det nødvendig med et beregningsprogram. Uten et slikt verktøy blir beregningsprosessene meget tidskrevende og uhåndterlige. Siden slike beregningsprogram ikke var tilgjengelige ble det nødvendig å utvikle et eget beregningsprogram. Programmet GenProg ble derfor utarbeidet med utgangspunkt i formelverket fra høstprosjektet [1]. GenProg er basert på et bredt teoretisk grunnlag og dekker de elektromagnetiske aspektene ved konstruksjon av en synkrongenerator.For å kontrollere påliteligheten til GenProg ble resultatene fra programmet sammenlignet med testresultater fra produserte maskiner. Denne sammenligningen viser at beregningene fra GenProg stemmer godt med de oppgitte verdiene. Det anbefales at før GenProg tas i bruk bør Vedlegg 1 - Oppstartseksempel GenProg og kapittel 3 - Programforklaring leses grundig. Dette for å øke forståelsen for hvordan programmet fungerer, og dermed sikre best mulige resultater fra beregningene.Videre ble det gjennomført oppgraderinger av to maskiner fra 50- og 60-tallet. Maskin 1 er en motor/generator med 14 poler og en merkeeffekt på 14 MVA. Maskin 2 er en elvekraftgenerator med 44 poler og en merkeeffekt på 27 MVA. Det ble undersøkt forbedringspotensialet ved bytte av statorvikling, bytte av statorblikk, endring av spenning og sportall og ved å øke maskinens utnyttelsessiffer. Resultatene viser at den største virkningsgradsøkningen kommer ved bytte av statorvikling og statorblikk. For viklingen kommer forbedringen av mindre isolasjon og følgelig større kobberareal i sporet. For blikket er det hovedsakelig reduksjonen av de relative tapene som utgjør forbedringen, men også muligheten for å endre for eksempel tannbredde, sporhøyde og kjølekanalene øker forbedringsmulighetene. For maskinene som ble undersøkt i dette prosjektet ga en økning i spenning liten eller ingen gevinst. Det samme gjelder for sportall, dersom sportallet ikke økes sammen med spenningen. Dersom statorvikling og statorblikk byttes vil dette føre til en svært lite belastet maskin. Det anbefales at dersom generatorene oppgraderes bør muligheten for økning av ytelse undersøkes, selv om dette i mange tilfeller forutsetter bytte av feltvikling.
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Control of a Variable Speed Drive with a Multilevel Inverter for subsea applicationsGiraldo Vasquez, Luis Carlos January 2010 (has links)
This work deals with analyses of the control for a subsea drive with multilevel inverter. The use of those drives have become the new trend for using of pumps/compressors at minor oil and gas reservoirs located far away from existing platforms.It is developed a general model for analyzing a variable speed drive with a multilevel inverter with the objective to verify the response of two control methods for a specific application.The simulation model is used to identify the performance of both methods in terms of speed response, torque ripple and transient behavior.Simulation models for multilevel inverter, induction machine and both control techniques are developed. A multilevel inverter and an induction machine have been used as prototypes. The design of the controllers has shown that the whole performance of the two control schemes is comparable. Those models are developed using PSIM simulation tool.Most of the results are related to the performance of the speed, torque ripple and transients behavior of both control methods when a 3kW 460V squirrel cage motor is fed from a cascaded H-bridge inverter.The main difference between the two control methods can be noted in the sensitivity of the parameters and the torque ripple. The implementation of them demands accurate information on motor parameters. However, parameters such as rotor and stator resistances may vary during operating conditions due to the temperature. In that sense, modified direct torque control may have a better performance for practical implementations. However for applications where the estimation of the torque is very important, indirect field oriented control may have better results.
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Named entity recognition : Evaluation of Existing SystemsSun, Bowen January 2010 (has links)
Nowadays, one subfield of information extraction, Named Entity Recognition, becomes more and more important. It helps machine to recognize proper nouns (entities) in text and associating them with the appropriate types. Common types in NER systems are location, person name, date, address, etc. There are several NER systems in the world. Whats the main core technology of these systems? Which kind of system is better? How to improve this technology in the future? This master thesis will show the basic and detail knowledge about NER.Three existing NER systems will be choose to evaluate in this paper, GATE, CRFClassifier and LbjNerTagger. These systems are based different NER technology. They can stand for the most of NER existing systems in the world now. This paper will present and evaluate these three systems and try to find the advantage and disadvantage of each system.
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Distributed generation in future distribution systems : Dynamic aspectsEndegnanew, Atsede Gualu January 2010 (has links)
The objective of this thesis work was to study the stability of a distribution network with several distributed generators (DGs) considering different types of regulators in the DGs and loading conditions. The distribution network under study, Øie Kvinesdal, is a 57 km long radial feeder. It contains 8 distributed generators; seven synchronous and one induction generator. The largest generator has 10.3 MW rated power and the lowest has 0.25 MW rated power. The first and last generators are located 7.3 km and 45 km away from the 106/22 kV transformer respectively. Four of the synchronous generators are located on the same side branch.Four cases were studied with three different total active power production levels, two medium and one maximum production levels, and two different network loading conditions, high and low load.In each case, five different types of disturbances were created to analyse the dynamic response of the distribution network. The disturbances are synchronous generator disconnection, change in load, change in system voltage, short circuit fault, and disconnection of the 22 kV feeder from the HV network. Five different scenarios of synchronous generator disconnections were studied; disconnecting the largest four one by one and disconnecting the smallest three at the same time. Two different scenarios of load changes were studied. The first one is a step change in load either from high load to low load or from low load to high load depending on the initial loading condition of the network. The second type of change in load is disconnection of loads in one area which account to 66% of the total loads in the system. Change in system voltage was created by a 2.5 % step up on the swing bus voltage. The pre-disturbance linear analysis result showed that controllers connected to the smallest generators have strong relations with the least damped eigenvalues. The case with maximum generation and low loading had very low damped oscillations; as low as 6% damping ratios. Selecting appropriate regulator gain constants plays vital role in the distribution systems small signal stability. There are some eigenvalues with imaginary part as high as 11 Hz. This is due to the low inertia of the distributed generators.The generators in all cases were able to regain synchronism after disturbances caused by disconnection of synchronous generators, change in load and system voltage. This is because the distribution network is connected to a strong high voltage network. But not all studied scenarios had terminal voltage and power factor within the allowed range in their post-disturbance steady state. Depending on settings of reactive power and over voltage relays, and how quickly a new set point is calculated for the excitation system controllers, a cascade of faults may occur. This could lead to instability. Relays were not included in this study.The critical clearing time for the case with maximum production and low load was the shortest because the distribution network had high voltage and the DGs were operating with their rated capacity in the pre-disturbance steady state. The distribution network was not able to reach new steady state, and be able to operate in island mode after disconnection of the feeder from the HV network with the turbine and governor models used.
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Utvikling av PLS basert kontrollanlegg for småkraftverk hos Skagerak Energi AS / Development of a PLS based control system for small hydro power for Skagerak Energi ASSeltveit, Svein January 2010 (has links)
Denne rapporten gjengir det arbeidet som er gjort i forbindelse med uttredelsen av muligheten for Skagerak Energi AS å bygge sitt egent PLS styrt kontrollanlegg til deres mange småkraftverk.Oppgaven gikk ut på å programmere en PLS, bygge et kontrollanlegg med komponenter ogsimulere et kraftverk for å sjekke om konfigurasjonen virket og om det var en reell mulighet for selskapet å bygge sitt eget kontrollanlegg. En Siemens PLS ble programmert til å være den overordnede styringsenheten i anlegget som tok seg av målinger, start- og stoppsekvensene, pumpestyringer og kommunikasjon med de resterende komponentene i anlegget. I tilegg ble en touch skjerm anskaffet og programmert til å vise diverse skjermbilder med relevant informasjon for kraftverksoperatøren. En aggregatregulator fra Hymatek AS tok seg av synkronisering, turbin- og spenningsregulering og et Siemens Siprotec vern ble benyttet.For å simulere et kraftverk ble det benyttet en aggregatsimulator som var innebygd iaggregatregulatoren til Hymatek AS og en Sverker ble benyttet til å teste vernet.
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Stochastic Modeling and Analysis of Pathway Regulation and DynamicsZhao, Chen 2012 May 1900 (has links)
To effectively understand and treat complex diseases such as cancer, mathematical and statistical modeling is essential if one wants to represent and characterize the interactions among the different regulatory components that govern the underlying decision making process. Like in any other complex decision making networks, the regulatory power is not evenly distributed among its individual members, but rather concentrated in a few high power "commanders". In biology, such commanders are usually called masters or canalizing genes. Characterizing and detecting such genes are thus highly valuable for the treatment of cancer. Chapter II is devoted to this task, where we present a Bayesian framework to model pathway interactions and then study the behavior of master genes and canalizing genes. We also propose a hypothesis testing procedure to detect a "cut" in pathways, which is useful for discerning drugs' therapeutic effect.
In Chapter III, we shift our focus to the understanding of the mechanisms of action (MOA) of cancer drugs. For a new drug, the correct understanding of its MOA is a key step for its application to cancer treatments. Using the Green Fluorescent Protein technology, researchers have been able to track various reporter genes from the same cell population for an extended period of time. Such dynamic gene expression data forms the basis for drug similarity comparisons. In Chapter III, we design an algorithm that can identify mechanistic similarities in drug responses, which leads to the characterization of their respective MOAs.
Finally, in the course of drug MOA study, we observe that cells in a hypothetical homogeneous population do not respond to drug treatments in a uniform and synchronous way. Instead, each cell makes a large shift in its gene expression level independently and asynchronously from the others. Hence, to systematically study such behavior, we propose a mathematical model that describes the gene expression dynamics for a population of cells after drug treatments. The application of this model to dose response data proviodes us new insights of the dosing effects. Furthermore, the model is capable of generating useful hypotheses for future experimental design.
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Investigation of Cogging Torque of a Downhole Drilling Machine and Optimization of Electrical MachineUllah, Aasim January 2012 (has links)
This paper is a report on master thesis project conducted in cooperation with SMARTMOTOR AS and NTNU. The research for electrical downhole drilling machine has developed for decades. Permanent Magnet is a new addition in this arena. SMARTMOTOR AS built a downhole drilling machine which is needed to compare with machines from other competitors of the market. This machine has 10% cogging torque over its rated torque. The reason of this cogging torque and possible solutions has been investigated throughout this project. And a new geometry and design of the rotor (with 10 poles) is suggested for the machine in this report. Measurement shows the newer design is less sensitivity to eccentricity. at nominal load and speed. Lastly, flux weakening and magnet working point of the machine also investigated. In this report it is concluded that out of 3 experimental designs, the design with less epoxy and more magnet offer better performance regarding voltage waveform and vibrations. It is superior in terms of torque per weight. The other designs however allow easier manufacturing, better efficiency and shorter length of machine. It It is therefore concluded that the last design with less epoxy can be a suitable alternative rotor design for the built up machine which can reduce the existing cogging torque upto 83.4%. The end part of the paper describes a template-style of a generic electromagnetic modeling tool for the analysis and optimization of Electrical Machines. Further accurate virtual prototypes can then be produced to help designers provide answers on the performance of specific machine designs rapidly. And further investigations to identify the design characteristics of the perfect machine. A two and three-dimensional FEA model for a generator and motor can be created in minutes, investigations to identify the design characteristics of the perfect machine. Optimization tool assists designers to find the 'best' solution automatically. The tool is structured to allow creation and analysis of customized geometries, including special proprietary features. A new Matlab-based script is developed in order to handle the optimization process of electrical machine which will be used in the finite element analysis. The script saves the designer’s valuable time. It is concluded that ‘fmincon-constrained nonlinear minimization’ method in new optimization tool of MATLAB is more accurate and less time consuming compared to the method for optimization. The report explains a modern design procedure which uses both analytical and numerical analysis. The numerical analysis uses finite element analysis that is performed in Comsol mostly.
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Bruk av DGT og HR-ICP-MS for studier av metallers døgn- og sesongvariasjoner i vassdrag / Use of DGT and HR-ICP-MS for Studies of diel and seasonal Variations in dissolved Metal Concentrations in small RiversBelsaas, Kristin January 2010 (has links)
To vassdrag, Søra i Trondheim kommune og Vorma i Orkdal kommune, er blitt studert med hensyn på konsentrasjoner av oppløste metaller over en periode på fem-seks måneder fra oktober 2009 til april 2010. Det ble funnet tendenser til både døgn- og sesongvariasjoner i metallkonsentrasjoner som varierte mellom ulike metaller. Det ble tatt i bruk DGT, men resultatene fra disse skilte seg i de fleste tilfeller vesentlig fra resultatene fra manuelle vannprøver. Det ble derfor ansett som vanskelig å benytte seg av DGT for å kartlegge døgn- og sesongvariasjoner i metallkonsentrasjoner i vassdrag. Søra og Vorma ble også sammenlignet med hverandre og selv om begge vassdragene er forurenset kan Søra alt i alt likevel sies å være det vassdraget med størst forurensningsbelastning da det i Søra i tillegg til forhøyede metallkonsentrasjoner også er funnet høyt bakterieinnhold og høyt innhold av næringssalter, som er blitt beskrevet i tidligere studier.
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Gruppediskusjoner rundt en kraftplattform : En kvalitativ studie om bruk av språket for å avdekke og korrigere elevers misoppfatninger og alternative forestillinger i mekanikk. / Group Discussions around a Force Platform : A qualitative study of the use of language to reveal and correct pupils' alternative conceptions in mechanicsSjøvik, Vegard Aas January 2010 (has links)
Oppgaven tar for seg elevers gruppediskusjoner med utgangspunkt i en kraftplattform og en heis som arena. Jeg har utviklet og prøvd ut et undervisnings opplegg hvor elever bruker en elektronisk kraftplattform som gir brukeren en grafisk fremstilling av normalkraft i sanntid. Undervisningsopplegget som prøves ut er laget for Fysikk 1 og dekker kompetansemål innen hovedområdet klassisk fysikk. Elevene gjør også bruk av muntlige og digitale ferdigheter, noen av de grunnleggende ferdighetene som også er en del av fagkompetansen i fysikk. Opplegget er prøvd ut i en klasse i videregående skole, hvor elevene arbeider i gruppe á fem elever. De gjorde eksperimenter i en heis og diskuterte målingene de gjorde i sammenheng med det de opplevde på kroppen. Resultatene er diskutert i lys av kjente forestillinger i mekanikk og kjente teorier om språkets betydning for læring. Resultatene fra undersøkelsen viser at kraftplattformen har et godt potensial for undervisning i mekanikk fordi den kobler sammen ulike representasjonsformer i fysikk. Målingene presenteres i sanntid og elevene kan se teori og eksperimentelle resultater i sammenheng med egne opplevelser av fenomener med krefter og bevegelse.
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