Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe aneutral."" "subject:"ehe kneutral.""
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Hen! Är inte det en sådan där feministisk grej...? : En studie om hur förskolepersonal uppfattar ett användande av det könsneutrala pronomenet hen inom förskolan / Hen! Isn’t that one of those feminist things…? : A study of how preschool employees perceive a usage of the gender neutral pronoun hen within Swedish preschoolsAll, Sara, Gustafsson, Frida January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka hur förskolepersonal uppfattar en användning av det könsneutrala pronomenet hen inom förskolan. Våra frågeställningar är: ”Hur uppfattar förskolepersonalen möjligheten att använda hen som könsneutralt pronomen inom förskolan?” samt ”Anser förskolepersonalen att det finns några användningsområden där det könsneutrala pronomenet hen kan ingå?”. I denna undersökning användes en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod där vi utförde 11 kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer med förskolepersonal från fem förskolor. Den inspelade empirin dokumenterades med hjälp av diktafon som sedan transkriberades och analyserades. I studien framkom hur informanterna uppfattade genus och kön på förskolan. Vi tolkade att den uppfattningen speglade informanternas inställning till ordet hen. Undersökningen visade på i hur stor utsträckning förskolepersonalen använde sig av pronomen som hon/han. Vi tolkade att informanterna har utgått ifrån ett biologiskt och heteronormativt perspektiv när de talat om kön och könsidentitet. De uttryckte att de inte gjorde skillnad på "flickor" och "pojkar" och ansåg att de arbetade utifrån ett individperspektiv men istället påvisades motsatsen. Vår slutsats är att informanterna hade svårt att se användningsområden med ett könsneutralt pronomen. / The purpose of this study is to investigate how preschool employees perceive a usage of the gender-neutral pronoun hen within Swedish preschools. Our questions are: ”How do the preschool employees in this study perceive the possibility of using hen as a gender-neutral pronoun within the preschool environment?” and ”Do they think that there are any fields of usage of hen that can be applied in this environment?” This study was carried out with a qualitative method of investigation and 11 qualitative research interviews with preschool employees from five different preschools. The recorded empirical information was documented with a dictaphone whereupon the data was transcribed and analyzed. The study revealed how the informants perceived gender and sex in the preschool environment. We interpreted this perception as a reflection of the attitudes to the word hen among the informants. The results showed to what extent the preschool employees used pronouns like hon/han. We interpreted that the perspective among the informants when discussing gender and gender identity was biological and heteronormative. The informants claimed that they did not make any difference between girls and boys and they felt that they were working from an individual perspective. However, on the contrary, we proved the opposite. Our conclusion is that the informants found it difficult to see the range of application of the gender-neutral pronoun.
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Studies on the lignin fraction of Aspenwood pulps produced by sulfite-bisulfite cooking liquor systemsMarth, Don E. 01 January 1958 (has links)
No description available.
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Margin Transaction,Wealth Effect and Misadjustment:An Analysis of Neutral Intervention PolicyTsai, Pual 11 July 2003 (has links)
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Stock Selection Performance Analysis using Multi-Factor Model in TaiwanHSU, min-hsiang 22 July 2008 (has links)
The objective of this study is to discover the sources of securities return in forecasting stock return from different sides of potential factors including fundamental and market information. We test currency sensitivity, earnings variability, earnings yield, growth, leverage, trading activity, momentum, size, value, volatility, capital spending discipline, free cash flow, efficiency, solvency, earnings quality, corporate finance policy and technical 17 factors basing on different factor dimensions in this study. We construct a Taiwan multi-factor model by using the most significant factors for universal stocks according to 0HMSCI Barra¡¦s Multiple-Factor Modeling process, and then apply market neutral investment to build portfolios for performance back-testing.
As a result, the most significant top five factors in forecasting are respectively ¡§Volatility2,¡¨ ¡§Earnings Quality1,¡¨ ¡§Trading1,¡¨ ¡§Volatility1¡¨ and ¡§Growth1¡¨ factors. In addition, we find the most useless bottom four factors in forecasting are respectively ¡§Size1,¡¨ ¡§Earning Yield1,¡¨ ¡§Value1,¡¨ and ¡§Capital Spending1.¡¨ No matter which strategies we adopt to build the portfolio, the Sharpe ratios of back-testing performance are all higher than the Benchmark, and all bring stable and consistent performance. It actually proves that this model is robust.
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Derivation of Black-Scholes formulaTseng, Cho-Ming 07 December 2009 (has links)
The Black-Scholes European option pricing formula can be derived in several ways. In this dissertation we present several methods that can be used to derive
this formula, including partial differential equation method, the risk-neutral pricing method, the martingale measure method, and the change of numeraire technique
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3D PDFHåkansson, Filip January 2008 (has links)
<p>This report is about Adobe Acrobat 3D and their new PDF format witch can contain 3 dimensional models that are interactive. The purpose is to find out if the program and the format work in a level that is suitable for the market. To create this PDF you need Acrobat 3D installed on your computer but it only needs Acrobat Reader 7 or 8 to open it, and the Reader is free to download on the internet.</p><p>The examination is focusing on four formats: U3D, 3DS, DWG and DXF because they are the most common in the building industry seen from the architects’ way. From a 3D model exported to these four formats they where converted to PDF in different settings to be compared in different points as information and size of the files. The result where put together in tables for an easy overview.</p><p>During the work there were no big differences between the results from the different settings noticed. The differences depended more from which format the PDF where converted from. Then the program is not that old on the market there are still some things that can be improved.</p>
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Chairman or chairperson? Or perhaps chair? : Swedish upper secondary school students’ knowledge of, and attitudes towards unbiased and ‘politically correct’ English usageMellborg, Magnus January 2006 (has links)
<p>The aim of this essay was to investigate the knowledge of, and attitudes towards unbiased English usage amongst Swedish upper secondary school students. For the purpose of this study, a survey was carried out at an upper secondary school in southern Sweden. In the theoretical background section, terms such as political correctness and gender-neutral language use are defined. In addition, references are made to studies in the United States and Europe on students’ awareness of these aspects of language.</p><p>For the present study, a survey was carried out in which 41 students answered 13 questions in written form. The students attend their third year at four different programmes at upper secondary school.</p><p>The results show that a majority of the students are very aware of the sensitivity of referring to persons of colour, and they are even afraid of being perceived as racists if they use terms such as black American. As regards non-sexist language use, the Swedish students were aware of the fact that terms such as firefighter and police officer can be used to designate both men and women. However, the students have little knowledge of the title Ms and of the neutral alternative to chairman, chair.</p>
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Impurity transport studies on Alcator C-Mod tokamak using charge exchange recombination spectroscopyBespamyatnov, Igor Olegovich, 1978- 04 September 2012 (has links)
A Charge-Exchange Recombination Spectroscopy (CXRS) diagnostic has been installed on Alcator C-Mod to study the transport of light impurities in plasma. The system provides spatially (1 cm) and temporally (12.5 msec) resolved measurements of the impurity density, temperature and flow velocities of the particular impurity. Two optical arrays: poloidal (19 channels) and toroidal (10 channels), collect the light emitted from excited impurity ion populated by charge exchange process from the Diagnostic Neutral Beam (DNB) particle. The attention of this dissertation is focused on the B⁴⁺ (n = 7 [-->] 6) spectral line emitted by B⁴⁺ ion formed in the following charge exchange reaction (H⁰ + B⁵⁺ [-->] H+ + B⁴⁺*). A complex spectral model was developed to simulate emission. The high magnetic fields of C-Mod result in broad Zeeman patterns which must be taken into account for the interpretation of the line shift and broadening in terms of impurity ion velocity and temperature. After the spectral line fitting and careful identification of the charge exchange component, the calculated Doppler broadening and shifts of the spectral line profile yield information on the ion temperature and rotation. Together with the calculation of the beam density, the absolute calibration of the CXRS optical system provides us with B⁵⁺ density measurement capabilities. One of the main objectives of this work was to use the acquired impurity density, temperature and flow velocity profiles to investigate plasma transport behavior and infer the radial electric field E[subscript R] from plasma force balance equation. The focus here was placed on the region of the Internal Transport Barrier (ITB) formation 0.35 < p < 0.8. Radial electric field E[subscript R] is readily calculated in the region of the ITB foot using measured B⁵⁺ profiles. ExB velocity shearing turbulence stabilization are believed to play an important role in the physics of the ITB formation. The computed E[subscript R] profiles demonstrated the large difference between the H-mode and ITB discharges. Linear gyrokinetic stability analysis (GS2) demonstrated that shearing rate w[subscript ExB] prevails over the linear Ion Temperature Gradient (ITG) growth rates [gamma subscript max] in the region where ITB forms. / text
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Spectroscopic measurement of n[subscript e] and T[subscript e] profiles using atomic and kinetic models for Argon in the Texas Helimak / Spectroscopic measurement of ne and Te profiles using atomic and kinetic models for Argon in the Texas HelimakDodd, Kenneth Carter 27 November 2013 (has links)
Profiles for electron density and temperature were determined in a self-consistent way using line emission spectroscopy and collisional radiative models for neutral and singly ionized Argon (Ar I and Ar II) in the Texas Helimak. Neutral Argon density profiles were calculated using a kinetic gas model. Electron-impact excitation and Ionization rates were corrected to account for the electron velocity distribution deviating slightly from a true Maxwellian distribution due to inelastic electron-neutral collisions. Results show an electron temperature which roughly agrees with probe diagnostics. This method gives an electron density that is about twice as high, which may be possible from a power balance perspective. / text
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Cognitive demands of gender-neutral language : the new genderless pronoun in the Swedish language and its effect on reading speed and memoryVergoossen, Hellen January 2015 (has links)
The gender-neutral pronoun hen has been added to the Swedish language with the aim to reduce sexism in the language and make language more inclusive. An objection against the implementation of the word is that the word would be cumbersome to read and would take more cognitive capacity to process. The present study examined if that concern is warranted. 209 participants self-paced read five texts with three pronouns each. Participants were randomly distributed to conditions containing only hen, he/she, she, or he as pronouns. No difference was found between reading speed in the condition containing hen as a pronoun in comparison with the conditions using han, hon or han/hon. No overall difference in memory recall was found either. However, sexism was found to be a moderator for memory recall when reading a text including hen, leading to lower memory recall for individuals scoring high on modern sexism.
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