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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Phenomenology of the Higgs at the hadron colliders : from the Standard Model to Supersymmetry / Phénoménologie du Higgs auprès des collisionneurs hadroniques : du Modèle Standard à la Supersymétrie

Baglio, Julien 10 October 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse, conduite dans le contexte de la recherche du boson de Higgs, dernière pièce manquante du mécanisme de brisure de la symétrie électrofaible et qui est une des plus importantes recherches auprès des collisionneurs hadroniques actuels, traite de la phénoménologie de ce boson à la fois dans le Modèle Standard (SM) et dans son extension supersymétrique minimale (MSSM). Après un résumé de ce qui constitue le Modèle Standard dans une première partie, nous présenterons nos prédictions pour la section efficace inclusive de production du boson de Higgs dans ses principaux canaux de production auprès des deux collisionneurs hadroniques actuels que sont le Tevatron au Fermilab et le grand collisionneur de hadrons (LHC) au CERN, en commençant par le cas du Modèle Standard. Le principal résultat présenté est l'étude la plus exhaustive possible des différentes sources d'incertitudes théoriques qui pèsent sur le calcul : les incertitudes d'échelles vues comme une mesure de notre ignorance des termes d'ordre supérieur dans un calcul perturbatif à un ordre donné, les incertitudes reliées aux fonctions de distribution de partons dans le proton/l'anti--proton (PDF) ainsi que les incertitudes reliées à la valeur de la constante de couplage fort, et enfin les incertitudes provenant de l'utilisation d'une théorie effective qui simplifie le calcul des ordres supérieurs dans la section efficace de production. Dans un second temps nous étudierons les rapports de branchement de la désintégration du boson de Higgs en donnant ici aussi les incertitudes théoriques qui pèsent sur le calcul. Nous poursuivrons par la combinaison des sections efficaces de production avec le calcul portant sur la désintégration du boson de Higgs, pour un canal spécifique, montrant quelles en sont les conséquences intéressantes sur l'incertitude théorique totale. Ceci nous amènera à un résultat significatif de la thèse qui est la comparaison avec l'expérience et notamment les résultats des recherches du boson de Higgs au Tevatron. Nous irons ensuite au-delà du Modèle Standard dans une troisième partie où nous donnerons quelques ingrédients sur la supersymétrie et sa mise en application dans le MSSM où nous avons cinq bosons de Higgs, puis nous aborderons leur production et désintégration en se focalisant sur les deux canaux de production principaux par fusion de gluon et fusion de quarks $b$. Nous présenterons les résultats significatifs quant à la comparaison avec aussi bien le Tevatron que les résultats très récents d'ATLAS et CMS au LHC qui nous permettront d'analyser l'impact de ces incertitudes sur l'espace des paramètres du MSSM, sans oublier de mentionner quelques bruits de fond du signal des bosons de Higgs. Tout ceci va nous permettre de mettre en avant le deuxième résultat très important de la thèse, ouvrant une nouvelle voie de recherche pour le boson de Higgs standard au LHC. La dernière partie sera consacrée aux perspectives de ce travail et notamment donnera quelques résultats préliminaires dans le cadre d'une étude exclusive, d'un intérêt primordial pour les expérimentateurs. / This thesis has been conducted in the context of one of the utmost important searches at current hadron colliders, that is the search for the Higgs boson, the remnant of the electroweak symmetry breaking. We wish to study the phenomenology of the Higgs boson in both the Standard Model (SM) framework and its minimal Supersymmetric extension (MSSM). After a review of the Standard Model in a first part and of the key reasons and ingredients for the supersymmetry in general and the MSSM in particular in a third part, we will present the calculation of the inclusive production cross sections of the Higgs boson in the main channels at the two current hadron colliders that are the Fermilab Tevatron collider and the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC), starting by the SM case in the second part and presenting the MSSM results, where we have five Higgs bosons and focusing on the two main production channels that are the gluon gluon fusion and the bottom quarks fusion, in the fourth part. The main output of this calculation is the extensive study of the various theoretical uncertainties that affect the predictions: the scale uncertainties which probe our ignorance of the higher–order terms in a fixed order perturbative calculation, the parton distribution functions (PDF) uncertainties and its related uncertainties from the value of the strong coupling constant, and the uncertainties coming from the use of an effective field theory to simplify the hard calculation. We then move on to the study of the Higgs decay branching ratios which are also affected by diverse uncertainties. We will present the combination of the production cross sections and decay branching fractions in some specific cases which will show interesting consequences on the total theoretical uncertainties. We move on to present the results confronted to experiments and show that the theoretical uncertainties have a significant impact on the inferred limits either in the SM search for the Higgs boson or on the MSSM parameter space, including some assessments about SM backgrounds to the Higgs production and how they are affected by theoretical uncertainties. One significant result will also come out of the MSSM analysis and open a novel strategy search for the Standard Higgs boson at the LHC. We finally present in the last part some preliminary results of this study in the case of exclusive production which is of utmost interest for the experimentalists.

Higgs Physics Beyond the Standard Model / Physique du Higgs au-delà du Modèle Standard

Quevillon, Jérémie 19 June 2014 (has links)
Le 4 Juillet 2012, la découverte d'une nouvelle particule scalaire d'une masse de l’ordre de 125 GeV a été annoncée par les collaborations ATLAS et CMS.Une nouvelle ère s'annonce : celle au cours de laquelle il faudra déterminer précisément les propriétés de cette nouvelle particule.Cela est crucial afin d'établir si cette particule est bien la trace du mécanisme responsable de la brisure de la symétrie du secteur électro-faible. Cela permettrait aussi de repérer tout élément susceptible d'être associé à une « nouvelle physique » dans le cas où le mécanisme de brisure ferait intervenir des ingrédients autres que ceux prédits par le Modèle Standard.Dans cette thèse, nous avons essayé de comprendre et de caractériser jusqu’à quel point ce nouveau champ scalaire est le boson de Higgs prédit par le Modèle Standard. Nous avons établi les applications d'une telle découverte dans le contexte de théories supersymétriques et de modèles décrivant la matière noire.Dans une première partie consacrée au Modèle Standard de la physique des particules, nous étudions après une courte introduction au domaine, le processus de production d'une paire de bosons de Higgs au LHC. Un résultat majeur est que ce mode de production permettra de mesurer le couplage trilinéaire du Higgs qui est un paramètre essentiel à mesurer afin de reconstruire le potentiel du Higgs et donc représente la dernière vérification à effectuer pour confirmer l'origine de la brisure spontanée de la symétrie électro-faible.La deuxième partie traite des théories supersymétriques. Après une introduction au sujet, un de nos importants résultats est d'avoir fortement contraint un certain nombre de modèles supersymétriques après la découverte du boson de Higgs. Nous avons aussi introduit une nouvelle approche qui permet aux physiciens expérimentateurs de rechercher de manière efficace les bosons de Higgs supersymétriques dans les expériences actuelles et futures du LHC.La troisième partie concerne la matière noire. Nous présentons des résultats qui établis-sent d'importantes limitations sur des modèles où la matière noire interagirait avec le boson de Higgs. Nous discutons aussi de scénarios alternatifs qui font intervenir de la matière noire hors équilibre avec le bain thermique. Dans un premier temps nous dé-montrons qu'il existe un lien étroit entre la température de réchauffement de l'univers et le schéma de brisure du groupe de jauge du Modèle Standard et dans un deuxième temps nous étudions la genèse de matière noire par l'intermédiaire de nouveaux bosons Z’. / On the 4th of July 2012, the discovery of a new scalar particle with a mass of order 125 GeV was announced by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations. An important era is now opening: the precise determination of the properties of the produced particle. This is of extreme importance in order to establish that this particle is indeed the relic of the mechanism responsible for the electroweak symmetry breaking and to pin down effects of new physics if additional ingredients beyond those of the Standard Model are involved in the symmetry breaking mechanism. In this thesis we have tried to understand and characterize to which extent this new scalar field is the Standard Model Higgs Boson and set the implications of this discovery in the context of Supersymmetric theories and dark matter models.In a first part devoted to the Standard Model of particle physics, we discuss the Higgs pair production processes at the LHC and the main output of our results is that they al-low for the determination of the trilinear Higgs self-coupling which represents a first important step towards the reconstruction of the Higgs potential and thus the final verifica-tion of the Higgs mechanism as the origin of electroweak symmetry breaking.The second part is about Supersymmetric theories. After a review of the topics one of our result is to set strong restrictions on Supersymmetric models after the Higgs discov-ery. We also introduce a new approach which would allow experimentalists to efficiently look for supersymmetric heavy Higgs bosons at current and next LHC runs.The third part concerns dark matter. We present results which give strong constraints on Higgs-portal models. We finally discuss alternative non-thermal dark matter scenario. Firstly, we demonstrate that there exists a tight link between the reheating temperature and the scheme of the Standard Model gauge group breaking and secondly we study the genesis of dark matter by a Z’ portal.

Phenomenology of new physics beyond the Standard Model : signals of supersymmetry with displaced vertices and an extended Higgs sector at colliders

Cottin Buracchio, Giovanna Francesca January 2017 (has links)
Our current understanding of matter and its interactions is summarised in the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics. Many experiments have tested the predictions of the SM with great success, but others have brought our ignorance into focus by showing us there are new phenomena that we can not describe within the framework of the SM. These include the experimental observations of neutrino masses and dark matter, which confirms there must be new physics. What this new physics may look like at colliders motivates the original work in this thesis, which comprises three studies: the prospects of future electron-positron colliders in testing a model with an extended Higgs sector with a scalar triplet, doublet and singlet; the discovery potential at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) of a non-minimal Supersymmetric model via conventional sparticle searches and via searches for displaced vertices; and the experimental search for long-lived massive particles via a displaced vertex signature using data of proton-proton collisions collected at a collider center of mass energy of 8 TeV in 2012 by the ATLAS detector operating at the LHC.

Limites de unitariedade para vértices quárticos anômalos / Unitarity Limits on Anomalous Quartic Vertex

Almeida, Eduardo da Silva 23 March 2018 (has links)
Neste trabalho consideramos extensões do Modelo Padrão contendo vértices quárticos anômalos parametrizados por operadores efetivos de dimensão oito. Estes alteram o comportamento das amplitudes do tipo VV VV , onde V pode ser o fóton, o bóson Z, o bóson W ou o Higgs. Para essa extensão ser consistente, ela tem que obedecer o teorema ótico. Entretanto, as amplitudes geradas por estes operadores efetivos tendem a aumentar conforme a energia do centro de massa aumenta. Estudaremos o comportamento dessas amplitudes e determinaremos se há violação de unitariedade. Para isso utilizamos também o formalismo da base de helicidade. / In this work we consider Standard Model extensions containing anomalous quartic vertex parametrized by effective dimension-eight operators. These modify the behaviour of the scat- tering amplitudes VV VV , where V can be photon, Z boson, W boson and Higgs. To this extension be consistent, it has to obey the optical theorem. However, the amplitudes generated by these effective operators tends to grow as the center of mass energy increase. We will study the behaviour of these amplitudes and we will determine if there is unitarity violation. For this it was also used the helicity base formalism.

Search for rare B decays into two muons with the ATLAS detector

Alpigiani, Cristiano January 2015 (has links)
The impressive progress that elementary particle physics made in the second half of the last century led to the formulation of a comprehensive theory, known as the Standard Model (SM), which correctly describes all fundamental interactions in nature, except for the gravitational one. Indirect discoveries have always played an important role in high energy physics scenario and indirect research can be considered to all intents and purposes complementary to the direct one, since allows to test much higher energy scales than those the current colliders are able to reach. This is very important now that electroweak precision tests and measurements on Flavour Changing Neutral Currents (FCNC) processes put very stringent constraints on physics beyond the SM, requiring it to appear at scales O(10 TeV). On the other hand, New Physics (NP) is expected already at scales O(1 TeV) in order to offer a natural explanation to the smallness of the Higgs mass. This scale is also confirmed by recent constraints on thermal dark matter [1] which show how new physics should manifest not far above the electroweak scale. Rare B decays have always played a crucial role in shaping the flavour structure of the SM and particle physics in general. Since the first measurement of rare radiative B æ Kú“ decays by the CLEO Collaboration [2] this area of particle physics has received much experimental and theoretical attention. In particular, FCNC B decays, involving the b-quark transition b æ (s, d) + “ and b æ (s, d) + ¸+¸≠(¸ = e, μ, ·, ‹), provided crucial tests for the SM at the quantum level since they proceed through loop or box diagrams, and they are highly suppressed in the SM (also by helicity). Hence, these rare B decays are characterised by their high sensitivity to NP. The B0 s æ μ+μ≠ channel is the most direct example of the b æ s ¸¸ transitions. The SM predicted branching ratio [3] can be enhanced by coupling to non-SM heavy particles, such as those predicted by the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) and other extensions. Updated measurements on the B0 s æ μ+μ≠ branching ratio have been presented by ATLAS [4], LHCb [5] and CMS [6] collaborations. In this thesis I will report all the studies I performed within the rare B decays ATLAS group, measuring the branching ratio of the B0 s æ μ+μ≠ channel on data collected during LHC Run 1. The first chapter provides a general introduction to the SM, focusing in particular on the flavour sector and the possible new physics scenarios. Chapter 2 briefly introduces the LHC collider and the ATLAS detector, detailing the muon and trigger systems, fundamental for the rare B decays measurements. In chapters 3 and 4, I will summarise the work done, during my presence at CERN, on the ATLAS semiconductor strip detector, monitoring the Lorentz angle during Run 1 and measuring the backplane resistance of the silicon modules installed in the ATLAS cavern. In chapter 5, I will review the strategy adopted to measure the B0 s æ μ+μ≠ branching ratio, reporting all the studies I performed on the combinatorial background, and the results obtained on 4.9 fb≠1 of data collected in 2011. Chapters 6 and 7 detail respectively the additional studies I performed on the 2011 datasets and all the tests I made in preparation for the analysis on 20 fb≠1 of data collected in 2012. I will show the studies on the discriminating variables for the rejection of the background, the tests on the multivariate analysis and on the possible strategies for the invariant mass fit for the extraction of the signal yield. All these studies proved to be fundamental for the 2012 measurement detailed in chapter 8.

Search for R-parity violating supersymmetry in multilepton final states using the ATLAS detector

Klein, Matthew Henry January 2017 (has links)
This thesis presents a search for R-parity violating supersymmetry at sqrt(s)=13 TeV, using approximately 13.3 fb-1 of data collected by ATLAS in 2015 and the first half of 2016. Events are required to contain at least four leptons (electrons or muons only) that are not the product of a Z boson decay, and this requirement results in a low Standard Model background and a high sensitivity to various physics models beyond the Standard Model. No significant deviations from the Standard Model are observed in data, and results are used to set upper limits on the event yields from processes beyond the Standard Model. In a simplified model of chargino production with indirect R-parity violating decays, limits are extended by approximately 400 GeV relative to the Run 1 search, excluding chargino masses below 1.1 TeV.

\"Física além do modelo padrão em teorias com dimensões extras\" / Physics Beyond Standard Model in Theories with Extra Dimensons

Aquino, Priscila Massetto de 27 April 2007 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação é estudar teorias que utilizam dimensões extras para explicar os problemas que surgem no Modelo Padrão quando a energia atinge valores muito altos chegando à ordem TeV. Trabalhamos especificamente com modelos com mais de 4 dimensões, onde as dimensões extras são espaciais e compactificadas com o procedimento S1/Z2. Sabemos que o Modelo Padrão é consistente com todos os dados experimentais que medimos até hoje, mas existem muitas razões para esperarmos nova física na escala TeV. Iniciamos o trabalho apresentando os aspectos mais importantes do Modelo Padrão. Seguimos especificando alguns problemas que surgem no Modelo Padrão no limite para altas energias que resultaram na motivação para a criação de Teorias Além do Modelo Padrão. Explicitamos alguns de seus problemas, mas entramos em detalhes no estudo de dois principais: o Problema da Hierarquia e o Problema de Massa dos Férmions. Em seguida, definimos os três tipos de teorias que utilizam dimensões extras para solucionar o Problema da Hierarquia e as apresentamos na ordem em que foram idealizadas. As duas primeiras, denominadas \"Large Extra Dimensions\" (LED) e \"Universal Extra Dimensions\" (UED) utilizam uma métrica plana do espaço-tempo total e são diferentes na definição da propagação dos campos em determinadas dimensões. A \"Warped Extra Dimensions\" (WED) utiliza uma uma métrica curva do espaço-tempo 5-dimensional e soluciona o Problema da Hierarquia de maneira diferenciada. Para finalizar definimos especificamente uma teoria WED e calculamos sua correspondência em uma teoria 4-dimensional. Através desta teoria efetiva, estudamos sua fenomenologia no Large Hadron Collider (LHC) e mostramos como ela se relaciona com a origem dos sabores fermiônicos. Como consequência, mostramos que o Problema de Massa dos Férmions é naturalmente solucionado, e propomos um sinal experimental para testar este aspecto da teoria no LHC. / The goal of this dissertation is to study theories that use extra dimensions to solve the problems that appear in the Standard Model at energies of the order 1 TeV. Specifically, we worked with models with more than 4 dimensions, where the spatial dimensions are compactified in an S1/Z2 orbifold. The Standard Model agrees to a great degree with the experimental data we have today but there are several reasons to expect new physics at the TeV scale. We start presenting the most important aspects of the Standard Model. We then specify some of the problems that appear at high energies (higher than the weak scale) and that are the motivation to consider theories beyond the Standard Model. We focus on two such problems: the hierarchy problem and the origin of the fermion masses. We present three types of theories using extra dimensions to address the hierarchy problem. The first two, Large Extra Dimensions (LED) and Universal Extra Dimensions (UED) use a flat metric and only differ on the fields that are allowed to propagate in the extra dimensions. Warped Extra Dimensions (WED) use a curved metric to solve the hierarchy problem in a unique way. Within a WED setup, we study the resulting four-dimensional effective theory. This theories naturally explain the hierarchy of fermion masses. Within this effective theory, we study the phenomenology at the LHC as it relates to the origin of flavor. In particular, we propose a signal that can test this important aspect of the theory.

Modelos seesaw a baixas energias e modelo de violação mínima de sabor no modelo seesaw tipo III / Low energy of seesaw models and minimal flavour violation in type III seesaw

Escobar, Lindber Ivan Salas 10 October 2012 (has links)
Enquanto todos os modelos com neutrinos massivos de Majorana levam ao mesmo operador efetivo de dimensão d = 5, que não conserva número leptônico, os operadores de dimensão d = 6, obtidos a baixas energias, conservam número leptônico e são diferentes dependendo do modelo de alta energia da nova física. Derivamos os operadores de dimensão d = 6 que são característicos de modelos Seesaw genéricos, no qual a massa do neutrino resulta do intercâmbio de campos pesados que podem ser tanto singletos fermiônicos, tripletos fermiônicos ou tripletos escalares. Os operadores resultantes podem conduzir a efeitos observáveis no futuro próximo, se os coeficientes dos operadores de dimensão d = 5 e d = 6 são desacoplados. Neste trabalho apresentamos o modelo violação mínima de sabor no contexto do modelo seesaw tipo III, no qual é possível obter tal desacoplamento. Isto permite reconstruir a estrutura de sabor a partir dos valores das massas dos neutrino leves e dos parâmetros de mistura, mesmo na presença de fases de violação CP. / While all models of Majorana neutrino masses lead to the same dimension five effective operator, which does not conserve lepton number, the dimension six operators induced at low energies conserve lepton number and differ depending on the high energy model of new physics. We derive the low-energy dimension six operators which are characteristic of generic Seesaw models, in which neutrino masses result from the exchange of heavy fields which may be either fermionic singlets, fermionic triplets or scalar triplets. The resulting operators may lead to effects observable in the near future, if the coefficients of the dimension five and six operators are decoupled. In this work we present the model of minimal avor violation in the context of the type III seesaw model, in which it is possible to obtain the decoupling mentioned before. This allows to reconstruct the avour structure of the model from the values of the light neutrino masses and mixing parameters, even in the presence of CP-violating phases.

Sinais de produção de novos bósons vetoriais no LHC / Signals of production of new vector bosons at the LHC

Gonçalves Netto, Dorival 25 September 2009 (has links)
Neste trabalho realizamos uma abordagem fenomenológica da observação de novos bósons de spin-1 associados ao setor de Quebra de Simetria Eletrofraca. Como motivação a essa análise estudamos primeiramente o caso especial de modelos baseados no mecanismo de Quebra espontânea de Simetria por Condições de Contorno, os quais também apresentam uma torre de bósons vetoriais de Kaluza-Klein assegurando a unitariedade no espalhamento entre bósons gauge. Na análise fenomenológica efetuamos uma abordagem independente de modelo analisando o potencial do Large Hadron Collider (LHC) na detecção de novos bósons vetoriais associados ao setor de quebra de simetria. / In this work we performed a phenomenological observation of new spin-1 bosons associated with the Electroweak Symmetry Breaking sector. As motivation for this analysis we previously studied the special case of models based on the mechanism of Eletroweak Symmetry Breaking via Boundary Conditions, which also have a tower vector of Kaluza-Klein bosons ensuring unitarity in scattering between gauge bosons. In the phenomenological analysis we performed a model independent approach to analyzing the potential of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in the detection of new vector bosons associated with the symmetry breaking sector.

Première mesure de la production de WZ avec le détecteur CMS au LHC

Martelli, Arabella 30 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse présente la première mesure de production du W Z avec le détecteur CMS au LHC en utilisant les modes leptoniques. La réponse du calorimètre électromagnétique (ECAL) est étudiée par la mesure du pouvoir d'arrêt de muons dans le tungstate de plomb d'ECAL. Les électrons sont validés avec les premières données pour être utilisable dans toutes les analyses. Avec les données de rayons cosmiques, le pouvoir d'arrêt de muons traversants le tungstate de plomb du calorimètre électromagnétique a été mesuré pour une gamme d'impulsion 5-1000 GeV/c. Le résultat compatible avec l'attendu a permis de valider l'échelle d'énergie d'ECAL, déterminée auparavant avec un faisceau d'électrons de 120 GeV/c, dans la région du sub-GeV en accord avec 1.004+0.002-0.003(stat.) ±0.019(syst.). Les données des premières collisions de LHC ont permis la vérification des algorithmes de reconstruction des électrons, en particulier pour la détermination des pré-traces dans la partie la plus interne du trajectographe. Les algorithmes ont été optimisés, sur des électrons issus de désintégrations de bosons W et entièrement validés avec 14/pb de données environ. La mesure physique est la section efficace de production des bosons associés WZ dans les collisions proton-proton à √s =7TeV. La signature claire de la désintégration en leptons permet l'extraction efficace du signal et la réjection du bruit de fond, pour chaque canal considéré. Le premier évènement a été observé avec 36/pb de données. Avec 1.09/fb, la section de production de WZ a été mesurée pour la première fois à √s =7TeV σ(WZ) = 19.11+3.30-2.53(stat.)±1.10(syst.)±1.15(lumi.)pb et trouvée en accord avec la prédiction du Model Standard (18.57+0.75-0.58 pb NLO).

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