Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1heory off constraints"" "subject:"1heory off eonstraints""
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Proposição de um método de nivelamento de recursos a partir de princípios da teoria das restrições para o planejamento operacional. / Propose one method of resource levelling developed using the principles of the theory of constraints to operational planning.Akkari, Abla Maria Proência 17 April 2009 (has links)
O processo de planejamento de empreendimentos residenciais verticais no Brasil tem apresentado deficiências principalmente quanto do confronto das programações que balizam a decisão de investir, da tomada de risco do empreendimento, versus os resultados obtidos a partir do controle de sua implantação. As discrepâncias observadas entre o desempenho esperado na programação e aquelas obtidas nos processos de controle, principalmente quanto a indicadores de prazo e de alocação de recursos mostram a necessidade de se buscar sucessivos aprimoramentos dos processos da programação orientada a prazos. Aspectos como maior consistência no mapeamento de escopo na elaboração do planejamento operacional suportados por redes lógicas, além de uma adequada correlação entre as durações das atividades com as respectivas alocações e nivelamento de recursos merecem ser aprimorados. Uma abordagem para o desenvolvimento de programações operacionais, contemplando recursos para fazer frente aos aspectos acima citado se torna necessária. A ênfase se dá no estreitamento da correlação entre a estimativa das durações das atividades com as respectivas alocações de recursos. O objetivo deste trabalho é propor um método de nivelamento de recursos desenvolvido com o emprego de princípios da Theory of Constraints (TOC). O método de nivelamento consiste de regras heurísticas para programação operacional, complementado por procedimentos para o mapeamento de escopo e de uma biblioteca de redes lógicas elementares para edifícios residenciais verticais. Estes complementos têm por objetivo assegurar um nível mínimo de consistência e adequação do emprego do método de nivelamento ora proposto. Foram desenvolvidos 16 estudos de caso para suportar estes processos complementares, além de 171 testes em 21 redes lógicas para avaliar: os princípios da TOC, calibrar o método, analisar o seu desempenho e demonstrar sua aplicabilidade. Finalmente, concluiu-se que as regras heurísticas que compõem o método proposto nesta Tese são de fácil aplicação, e apresentaram desempenho igual ou superior as melhores regras existentes. / The planning process of construction of vertical housings used in Brazil have shown lacks, mainly when confronting the scheduling guiding the decision-making to invest, concerning the risk of the enterprise, versus the results obtained during the execution control. The discrepancies observed between the expected results regarding scheduling and those observed in the execution control processes, especially those about timeframe and resource allocation indicators, show the necessity to adjust and improve constantly the scheduling processes. Aspects such as greater consistency in defining scope and in the design of operational planning supported by logical networks, along with an appropriate correlation between the duration of activities and the corresponding resource allocation, deserve to be optimized. This study focus on the development of operational scheduling techniques, contemplating resource allocation to deal with those aspects above mentioned. Emphasis is given to the reinforcement of correlation between estimated timeframes for activities and the corresponding resource allocation. The objective of this research work is to propose one method of resource levelling developed using the principles of the Theory of Constraints (TOC). This method consists of a heuristic scheduling process oriented towards operational schedule, complemented by procedures for mapping of scope for the construction of vertical residential buildings and a library of elementary logical networks also oriented towards this type of buildings. The objective of these complements is to guarantee a minimum level of consistency for the simulated implementation model, as well as to insure the adequate use of the levelling resource process proposed here. Sixteen cases studies were developed to support these complementary processes, beyond 171 tests in twenty one logical networks to evaluate the principles of the TOC, to calibrate the method, to analyze its performance and to demonstrate its applicability. Finally, it was concluded that the heuristics rules proposal that compose the method in this Thesis is of easily application, and presented a performance equally or higher than the best existent rules.
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Procesní analýza konceptu ECDL / Process analysis of the ECDL conceptUrbanová, Hana January 2011 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the process analysis of the ECDL concept, the so-called driver's license for a computer. The theoretical section provides the definition of the terms "process" and "process analysis", and describes the standards for process modelling and the methods for evaluating the effectiveness of processes. The theoretical section concludes with a description and comparison of the four options for testing computer skills in the Czech Republic - Microsoft Office Specialist, Atom, Prometric, ECDL. The practical section describes and graphically demonstrates the selected processes (Registration, Testing, Evaluation) and evaluates the effectiveness and financial demands of the ECDL concept processes. In its conclusion the practical section evaluates the feasibility of implementation of the proposed changes.
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Theory of Constraints applied to multi-project management in resource allocation and monitoring mechanismsHuang, Ching-ju 17 February 2012 (has links)
As the world¡¦s high degree of urbanization, greenhouse gas emission by vehicles, home appliances and industrial production is increasing year by year and according to the UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) report urban carbon-dioxide emissions accounted for 80% of total global emissions. In order to encourage the alternative energy development, Taiwan government actively promotes the subsidy for alternative energy implementation, thus making the solar energy industry booming in recent years.
Based on the government procurement competition mechanism, the procurement competition needs to be transparent and fair. Faced with competition in the industry, companies must reduce costs and improve quality while also required to enhance the customer satisfaction. Therefore, a good engineering project control becomes the most important factor to enhance a company's competitive ability. Particularly, when professional management is getting more and more important nowadays, solar energy system¡¦s building construction is not only limited to technology and equipment level, but also the enterprise configuration of internal human resources and outsourcing. Moreover, how to minimize cost and how to use efficient way to make the project work on schedule are the important issues for policy makers.
This study is based on a domestic solar systems engineering project, and focuses on the distribution and configuration of the limited internal and external resources of multiple projects in progress. It uses the Critical Chain Project Management in the Theory of Constraints to break through limitations. VBA programming is used to find the minimum cost of human resource conflict in the project scheduling, furthermore Arena simulation system is utilized to establish the best configuration of human resources deployment to provide decision-making mechanism. The simulation result is verified that it can really help to provide a decision-making reference to project managers to obtain the ideal scheduling and resource allocation.
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A Decision Support System for Planning and Scheduling in the cell phone LCD Panel IndustryWu, Chen-Chieh 20 January 2005 (has links)
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Application Of The Theory Of Constraints To An Elective Course Registration SystemUstun, Pinar 01 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The Theory of Constraints (TOC) is a holistic management philosophy put forward by Eliyahu Goldratt in 1984. The thinking process and improvement tools discussed in this theory are mainly geared to manufacturing environments, however their applicability to service environments has also been shown for private professional service organizations. This study demonstrates that the steps and principles of the TOC can also be applied to non-profit services, such as the elective course registration process described in this thesis. In the case of non-profit organizations, the challenge is to define the performance measures of the TOC, which are Throughput, Inventory, and Operating Expense. This study offers a novel definition for these measurements, and using the principles of the TOC, it identifies the bottleneck and constraints of the elective course registration process. Using this analysis, the study then redesigns the system in order to improve the performance measures of the system.
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Constraint-based supply chain inventory deployment strategiesStremler, David Jay. January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Mississippi State University. Department of Industrial Engineering. / Title from title screen. Includes bibliographical references.
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An Integrated Optimization Tool in Applications of Mining using A Discrete Rate Stochastic ModelKhan, Asim 21 November 2011 (has links)
The simulation as a stand alone optimization tool of a complex system such as a vertical integrated mining operation, significantly over simplifies the actual picture of the system processes involved resulting in an unaccountable effort and resources being spent on optimizing Non Value Added (NA) processes.
This study purposed to develop a discrete stochastic simulation-optimization model to accurately capture the dynamics of the system and to provide a structured way to optimize the Value Added (VA) processes.
The mine operation model to be simulated for this study is designed as a hybrid level throughput model to identify the VA processes in a mining operation. This study also allows a better understanding of the impact of variation on the likelihood of achieving any given overall result.
The proposed discrete stochastic simulation- optimization model provides the ability for a process manager to gain realistic understanding of what a process can do if some factors constraining the process were to be optimized i.e. to conduct what-if analysis. Another benefit of this approached technique is to be able to estimate dependable and reasonable returns on a large optimization related expenditure.
The inputs into the model are the capability of the processes which are entered using various variables depending on how much information is available; simple inputs for least amount of information to detailed inputs for well known process to combinational inputs for somewhere in between. The process bottlenecks are identified and measured using the outputs of the model which include production output, severity of constraints, capacity constraints and cumulative bottleneck plots. Once a base case has been identified and documented then the inputs can be modified to represent the business initiatives and the outputs can be compared to the base case to evaluate the true value of the initiative.
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A study of the property rights constraints in U.S. agricultural cooperatives : theory and evidence /Iliopoulos, Constantine, January 1998 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Missouri-Columbia, 1998. / Typescript. Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 269-285). Also available on the Internet.
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A study of the property rights constraints in U.S. agricultural cooperatives theory and evidence /Iliopoulos, Constantine, January 1998 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Missouri-Columbia, 1998. / Typescript. Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 269-285). Also available on the Internet.
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Theory of perspective : a continuous and sustainable internal process improvement roadmap for small business managersWinterbach, Francois 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Small, medium and micro enterprises are important contributors to the economic and
socioeconomic development of South Africa. However, most enterprises struggle to
become established. The high rate of failure is due to a lack of access to finance,
poor managerial and technical skills, and also the competitive business environment.
The focus of this research report is on the development of a continuous and sustainable
internal process improvement roadmap that provides skill constrained small business
managers with strategic and technical support, in order to make their organisations
more competitive in the current business environment, without expensive consultation.
The first step toward the development of the roadmap is discussed as a ten step basic
process improvement cycle, based on an interpretation of the PDCA cycle. These ten
steps provide most of the methods that are needed for practical implementation of
improvement activities. However, this approach needs strategic support in order to
ensure that improvement activities focus on the critical improvement opportunities.
The second step regards the identification of strategic support, and additional
improvement methods, to align improvement activities toward the critical improvement
opportunities, which represent a common goal. Three methodologies are discussed
as individual roadmaps to determine the crucial aspects that can be integrated into a
holistic management roadmap, which accommodates practical improvement. These
methodologies are lean thinking, theory of constraints, and the six sigma philosophy.
The final roadmap is then developed, based on the principle that perspectives can be
used to develop the perception of people toward improvement. Different perspectives
are identified from the studied improvement methodologies, and the execution of
improvement activities is then supported with the basic process improvement cycle. The perspectives are categorised into three main perspectives. First, the organisational
perspective provides an overview of the philosophy, people, and process. Second,
the primary process perspective provides an overview of the critical process aspects;
value, throughput, and quality. Third, the secondary process perspective connects
these critical process aspects in terms of effectiveness, agility, and efficiency. The
roadmap is then completed when management can transcend above perspective. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Klein, medium en mikro ondernemings is belangrike bydraers tot die ekonomiese en
sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkeling van Suid-Afrika. Meeste ondernemings sukkel egter
om gevestig te raak. Die hoë koers van mislukking is weens ‘n gebrek aan finansiële
toegang, swak bestuurs en tegniese vaardighede, en die mededingende sake-omgewing.
Die fokus van hierdie navorsingsverslag is op die onwikkeling van ‘n deurlopende en
volhoubare interne proses verbeterings padkaart wat klein besigheid bestuurders
verskaf met strategiese en tegniese ondersteuning, sonder duur konsultasie, ten
einde hul organisasies meer mededingend the maak in die huidige sake-omgewing.
Die eerste stap vir die onwikkeling van die padkaart word bespreek as ‘n tien stap
basiese verbetering siklus, gebaseer op ‘n intrepretasie van die PDCA siklus. Hierdie
stappe voorsien meeste van die metodes wat nodig is vir praktiese implementering
van verbetering aktiwiteite. Die benadering moet egter strategies ondersteun word om
te verseker dat verbetering aktiwiteite op die kritieke verbeterings geleenthede fokus.
Die tweede stap word bespreek vir die identifisering van strategiese ondersteuning,
asook addisionele verbetering metodes, om verbetering aktiwiteite in lyn te bring met
kritiese verbeterings geleenthede, wat ‘n gemeenskaplike doel verteenwoordig. Drie
metodieke word bespreek as individuele padkaarte om die deurslaggewende aspekte
te bepaal wat geïntegreer kan word in ‘n bestuurs padkaart, wat praktiese verbetering
akkomodeer. Die metodieke is “lean thinking”, “theory of constraints”, en “six sigma”.
Die finale padkaart word dan ontwikkel, gebasseer op die beginsel dat perspektiewe
gebruik kan word om mense se persepsie van verbetering te ontwikkel. Verskillende
perspektiewe is geïndentifiseer vanuit die verbetering metodieke, en die uitvoering
van verbeterings aktiwiteite word dan ondersteun met die basiese verbeterings siklus. Die perspektiewe is ingedeel in drie hoof perspektiewe. Eerste, die organisatoriese
perspektief verskaf ‘n hoë vlak oorsig van die filosofie, mense, en proses. Tweede,
die primêre proses perspektief verskaf ‘n oorsig van die kritiese proses aspekte;
waarde, deurset, en kwaliteit. Derde, die sekondêre proses perspektief verbind die
proses aspekte in terme van effektiwiteit, aanpasbaarheid, en doeltreffendheid. Die
padkaart word dan eindelik voltooi wanneer die bestuur perspektief te bowe kan kom.
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