Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1heory off constraints"" "subject:"1heory off eonstraints""
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Aplicação da teoria das restrições no gerenciamento da cadeia de suprimentos /Moellmann, Artur Henrique. January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Fernando Augusto Silva Marins / Banca: Fernando Bernardi de Souza / Banca: Renato da Silva Lima / Resumo: Este trabalho apresenta uma aplicação real da teoria das restrições (theory of constraints - TOC) no gerenciamento de uma cadeia de suprimentos, demonstrando como esta metodologia pode trazer importantes melhorias no desempenho global do sistema de abastecimento. Tais melhorias são obtidas por intermédio da redução dos níveis gerais de estoques e, ao mesmo tempo, pela minimização das oportunidades de vendas perdidas, ocasionadas devido à indisponibilidade de produtos nos pontos de consumo (clientes finais). Os principais conceitos da TOC, tais como, os processos de raciocínio, a programação tambor-pulmão-corda (TPC) e o TPC-simplificado, foram adaptados do ambiente de manufatura para a utilização prática numa cadeia de suprimentos, permitindo a emersão dos principais dilemas que afetam o desempenho do processo de distribuição. A compreensão deste contexto propicia um melhor balanceamento entre os ganhos globais da cadeia e os ganhos pontuais de cada parceiro. Salienta-se, ainda, que o processo de estoque gerenciado pelo fornecedor (vendor-managed inventory - VMI) e os recursos do business-to-business (B2B) são fortalecidos quando utilizados junto aos preceitos da TOC, robustecendo o desempenho do sistema e diminuindo, ainda mais, os níveis de estoques, através da minimização do efeito chicote (bullwhip effect). Uma aplicação prática é apresentada para evidenciar a viabilidade e os benefícios da proposta, em que o ERP CIS (Customer Integrated System) utiliza, em seu módulo logístico, o VMI integrado à TOC e a um B2B na internet. O modelo opera como um sistema de planejamento e programação avançados (advanced planning and scheduling - APS), realizando todo o compartilhamento de informações entre os ERPs, desde os fornecedores até os clientes. / Abstract: This research presents a real application of the theory of constraints (TOC) to the management of a supply chain, in order to demonstrate how this methodology can introduce important improvements in the entire supply system performance. These improvements are gained by decreasing the general inventory levels and, at the same time, reducing losses of sales opportunities due to the lack of goods at sales points (end-customers). The main concepts of TOC, as the thinking process, the drum-bufferrope schedule (DBR) and the simplified-DBR, were adapted from the manufacturing environment to a practical use in a supply chain, providing a better perception of the abstruse dilemmas that constrains the performance of the distribution system. The comprehension of this context enables a better balance between the global gains of the supply chain and each local earnings of each partner. Moreover, the vendor-managed inventory (VMI) and the business-to-business (B2B) are strengthened when related with the TOC conception, making a robust system performance and decreasing, even more, the inventory levels, by minimizing the bullwhip effect. A practical application is presented to evidence the feasibility and the benefits of this proposal, where the CIS ERP (Customer Integrated System) relates its logistic module the integrated VMI to TOC and B2B to the internet. This model operates as an advanced planning and scheduling system (APS), accomplishing all data sharing between the ERPs from the suppliers to the customers. / Mestre
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Aplicação da teoria das restrições no gerenciamento da cadeia de suprimentosMoellmann, Artur Henrique [UNESP] 20 June 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:30:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
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moellmann_ah_me_guara.pdf: 1334718 bytes, checksum: 80aef36b01ff86d6f7bb3dd213198d53 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Este trabalho apresenta uma aplicação real da teoria das restrições (theory of constraints - TOC) no gerenciamento de uma cadeia de suprimentos, demonstrando como esta metodologia pode trazer importantes melhorias no desempenho global do sistema de abastecimento. Tais melhorias são obtidas por intermédio da redução dos níveis gerais de estoques e, ao mesmo tempo, pela minimização das oportunidades de vendas perdidas, ocasionadas devido à indisponibilidade de produtos nos pontos de consumo (clientes finais). Os principais conceitos da TOC, tais como, os processos de raciocínio, a programação tambor-pulmão-corda (TPC) e o TPC-simplificado, foram adaptados do ambiente de manufatura para a utilização prática numa cadeia de suprimentos, permitindo a emersão dos principais dilemas que afetam o desempenho do processo de distribuição. A compreensão deste contexto propicia um melhor balanceamento entre os ganhos globais da cadeia e os ganhos pontuais de cada parceiro. Salienta-se, ainda, que o processo de estoque gerenciado pelo fornecedor (vendor-managed inventory - VMI) e os recursos do business-to-business (B2B) são fortalecidos quando utilizados junto aos preceitos da TOC, robustecendo o desempenho do sistema e diminuindo, ainda mais, os níveis de estoques, através da minimização do efeito chicote (bullwhip effect). Uma aplicação prática é apresentada para evidenciar a viabilidade e os benefícios da proposta, em que o ERP CIS (Customer Integrated System) utiliza, em seu módulo logístico, o VMI integrado à TOC e a um B2B na internet. O modelo opera como um sistema de planejamento e programação avançados (advanced planning and scheduling – APS), realizando todo o compartilhamento de informações entre os ERPs, desde os fornecedores até os clientes. / This research presents a real application of the theory of constraints (TOC) to the management of a supply chain, in order to demonstrate how this methodology can introduce important improvements in the entire supply system performance. These improvements are gained by decreasing the general inventory levels and, at the same time, reducing losses of sales opportunities due to the lack of goods at sales points (end-customers). The main concepts of TOC, as the thinking process, the drum-bufferrope schedule (DBR) and the simplified-DBR, were adapted from the manufacturing environment to a practical use in a supply chain, providing a better perception of the abstruse dilemmas that constrains the performance of the distribution system. The comprehension of this context enables a better balance between the global gains of the supply chain and each local earnings of each partner. Moreover, the vendor-managed inventory (VMI) and the business-to-business (B2B) are strengthened when related with the TOC conception, making a robust system performance and decreasing, even more, the inventory levels, by minimizing the bullwhip effect. A practical application is presented to evidence the feasibility and the benefits of this proposal, where the CIS ERP (Customer Integrated System) relates its logistic module the integrated VMI to TOC and B2B to the internet. This model operates as an advanced planning and scheduling system (APS), accomplishing all data sharing between the ERPs from the suppliers to the customers.
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Proposição de um método de nivelamento de recursos a partir de princípios da teoria das restrições para o planejamento operacional. / Propose one method of resource levelling developed using the principles of the theory of constraints to operational planning.Abla Maria Proência Akkari 17 April 2009 (has links)
O processo de planejamento de empreendimentos residenciais verticais no Brasil tem apresentado deficiências principalmente quanto do confronto das programações que balizam a decisão de investir, da tomada de risco do empreendimento, versus os resultados obtidos a partir do controle de sua implantação. As discrepâncias observadas entre o desempenho esperado na programação e aquelas obtidas nos processos de controle, principalmente quanto a indicadores de prazo e de alocação de recursos mostram a necessidade de se buscar sucessivos aprimoramentos dos processos da programação orientada a prazos. Aspectos como maior consistência no mapeamento de escopo na elaboração do planejamento operacional suportados por redes lógicas, além de uma adequada correlação entre as durações das atividades com as respectivas alocações e nivelamento de recursos merecem ser aprimorados. Uma abordagem para o desenvolvimento de programações operacionais, contemplando recursos para fazer frente aos aspectos acima citado se torna necessária. A ênfase se dá no estreitamento da correlação entre a estimativa das durações das atividades com as respectivas alocações de recursos. O objetivo deste trabalho é propor um método de nivelamento de recursos desenvolvido com o emprego de princípios da Theory of Constraints (TOC). O método de nivelamento consiste de regras heurísticas para programação operacional, complementado por procedimentos para o mapeamento de escopo e de uma biblioteca de redes lógicas elementares para edifícios residenciais verticais. Estes complementos têm por objetivo assegurar um nível mínimo de consistência e adequação do emprego do método de nivelamento ora proposto. Foram desenvolvidos 16 estudos de caso para suportar estes processos complementares, além de 171 testes em 21 redes lógicas para avaliar: os princípios da TOC, calibrar o método, analisar o seu desempenho e demonstrar sua aplicabilidade. Finalmente, concluiu-se que as regras heurísticas que compõem o método proposto nesta Tese são de fácil aplicação, e apresentaram desempenho igual ou superior as melhores regras existentes. / The planning process of construction of vertical housings used in Brazil have shown lacks, mainly when confronting the scheduling guiding the decision-making to invest, concerning the risk of the enterprise, versus the results obtained during the execution control. The discrepancies observed between the expected results regarding scheduling and those observed in the execution control processes, especially those about timeframe and resource allocation indicators, show the necessity to adjust and improve constantly the scheduling processes. Aspects such as greater consistency in defining scope and in the design of operational planning supported by logical networks, along with an appropriate correlation between the duration of activities and the corresponding resource allocation, deserve to be optimized. This study focus on the development of operational scheduling techniques, contemplating resource allocation to deal with those aspects above mentioned. Emphasis is given to the reinforcement of correlation between estimated timeframes for activities and the corresponding resource allocation. The objective of this research work is to propose one method of resource levelling developed using the principles of the Theory of Constraints (TOC). This method consists of a heuristic scheduling process oriented towards operational schedule, complemented by procedures for mapping of scope for the construction of vertical residential buildings and a library of elementary logical networks also oriented towards this type of buildings. The objective of these complements is to guarantee a minimum level of consistency for the simulated implementation model, as well as to insure the adequate use of the levelling resource process proposed here. Sixteen cases studies were developed to support these complementary processes, beyond 171 tests in twenty one logical networks to evaluate the principles of the TOC, to calibrate the method, to analyze its performance and to demonstrate its applicability. Finally, it was concluded that the heuristics rules proposal that compose the method in this Thesis is of easily application, and presented a performance equally or higher than the best existent rules.
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A Theory of Constraints Service Systems Improvement Method: Case of the Airline Turnaround ProblemEllis, Steven C 22 April 2011 (has links)
This dissertation develops a process improvement method for service operations based on the Theory of Constraints (TOC), a management philosophy that has been shown to be effective in manufacturing for decreasing WIP and improving throughput. While TOC has enjoyed much attention and success in the manufacturing arena, its application to services in general has been limited. The contribution to industry and knowledge is a method for improving global performance measures based on TOC principles. The method proposed in this dissertation will be tested using discrete event simulation based on the scenario of the service factory of airline turnaround operations. To evaluate the method, a simulation model of aircraft turn operations of a U.S. based carrier was made and validated using actual data from airline operations. The model was then adjusted to reflect an application of the Theory of Constraints for determining how to deploy the scarce resource of ramp workers. The results indicate that, given slight modifications to TOC terminology and the development of a method for constraint identification, the Theory of Constraints can be applied with success to services. Bottlenecks in services must be defined as those processes for which the process rates and amount of work remaining are such that completing the process will not be possible without an increase in the process rate. The bottleneck ratio is used to determine to what degree a process is a constraint. Simulation results also suggest that redefining performance measures to reflect a global business perspective of reducing costs related to specific flights versus the operational local optimum approach of turning all aircraft quickly results in significant savings to the company. Savings to the annual operating costs of the airline were simulated to equal 30% of possible current expenses for misconnecting passengers with a modest increase in utilization of the workers through a more efficient heuristic of deploying them to the highest priority tasks. This dissertation contributes to the literature on service operations by describing a dynamic, adaptive dispatch approach to manage service factory operations similar to airline turnaround operations using the management philosophy of the Theory of Constraints.
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The implementation of theory of constraints in a multiproject environment : an action research approachHoniball, Helgard Rademeyer 23 February 2013 (has links)
This study used action research to study the implementation of Critical Chain methodology in a multi-project environment. It used a medium sized company, which is an original equipment manufacturer, but due to the complexity of the equipment each is executed as a project. This creates a multi-project environment.The object of the research was to find the contributing and inhibiting factors to CC implementation. It further sought to discover improvements in business performance due to CC methodology.The study found resistance to change prevented CC implementation. The resistance to change was supported by incorrect application of CC principles and a false sense that CC is contributing to the business. On business performance improvements it was found that order intake improvements of thirty seven per cent year on year and reduction in lead time of projects due to implementation of CC principles. The latter also opened new markets which strategically benefitted the company. / Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / unrestricted
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An Activity- Based Costing and Theory of Constraints Model for Product- Mix DecisionsGurses, Ayse Pinar 14 July 1999 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to demonstrate the use of the Activity-Based Costing (ABC) approach together with the Theory of Constraints (TOC) philosophy in determining the optimal product-mix and restrictive bottlenecks of a company. The contribution of this thesis is a new product-mix decision model that uses activity-based cost information. This new model is proposed to be used with the TOC philosophy in order to improve the financial performance of a company.</p>
Four case studies, all of which are based on hypothetical data, are prepared in this research to show the applicability of the proposed model in different manufacturing environments. Specifically, the first case study shows that the conventional product-mix decision model and the model developed in this thesis can give significantly different results regarding the best product-mix and associated bottlenecks of a company. The second case study demonstrates the use of the proposed product-mix decision model in a complex manufacturing environment. Specifically, this case study shows how companies should consider alternatives such as activity flexibility and outsourcing to improve their profitability figures. The third case study is an extension of the second case study, and it is prepared to illustrate that the proposed model can be extended to include more than one time period. The final case study demonstrates the applicability of the proposed model in a lean manufacturing environment.</p>
Using the proposed model developed in this research will give managers more accurate information regarding the optimum product-mix and critical bottlenecks of their companies. By applying the TOC philosophy based on this information, managers will be able to take the right actions that will improve the profitability of their companies. Specifically, they will be able to observe the effects of several alternatives, such as activity flexibility and outsourcing, on the throughput of the whole system. In addition, the proposed model should help managers to prevent making decisions that sub-optimize the system. This may occur, for example, when using only the most efficient methods to produce each product even though the capacities of these methods are limited and some other less efficient methods are currently available in the company. By extending the model to include more than one time period, managers will be able to estimate the potential bottlenecks and the amount of idle capacities of each non-bottleneck activity performed in the company ahead of time. This information is powerful and can give companies a substantial advantage over their competitors because the users of the new model will have enough time to improve the performance of their potential bottlenecks and to search for more profitable usage of excess capacities before the actual production takes place. / Master of Science
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Quality constraint approach : a six sigma / throughput approach in manufacturing to achieve company success and continuous improvementSierra, Jose E. 01 April 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Theory of Constraints och Lean Production i High-mix Low-volume företagKasljevic, Ivan, Mustafic, Emir January 2015 (has links)
Konkurrensen i tillverkningsföretag ökar ständigt och detta medför att det ställs hårda krav på produktkvalitet och förmågan att leverera produkter i tid. För att företag ska kunna nå upp till dessa mål krävs utveckling och ständiga förbättringar i takt med den växande marknaden. Detta uppnås på olika sätt men ett vanligt sätt är att arbeta med förbättringsmetodiker. Val av förbättringsmetodik beror på företagets tillverkning, kunskap inom företaget och resurser inom företaget. Att välja förbättringsmetodik anpassat till den egna organisationen är väldigt svårt för många organisationer och många organisationer ställer sig frågan: ”Vilken metod passar bäst för den egna organisationen?”. Målet med examensarbetet är att undersöka om och hur Lean Production och Theory of Constraints kan användas i företag med high-mix low-volume produktion. Med hjälp av en litteraturstudie och en fallstudie har följande frågor besvarats: 1) hur Lean Prodution och Theory of Constraints används i en HMLV produktion och hur dessa kombineras, 2) hur produktionsflödet styrs enligt Lean Production och Theory of Constraints för att effektivisera en produktionsprocess i ett HMLV företag, 3) vilka personliga paradigm och policys det uppstår enligt Lean Production och Theory of Constraints i HMLV företag och vad sambandet mellan dessa och kvalitet är. Resultat från litteraturstudien och fallstudien visar att Lean Production och dess verktyg går bra att använda kombinerat med Theory of Constraints i HMLV företag med vissa undantag. Dessa undantag är dock inga undantag som säger att Lean Production och dess verktyg inte går att använda i HMLV företag i kombination med Theory of Constraints. Dessa undantag behöver endast anpassas för HMLV produktion. Resultaten visade också att standardiserat arbete i en produktion har en avgörande roll när Lean Production och Theory of Constraints används. Standardiserat arbete bidrar till att fortsatt utveckling och implementering underlättas. Resultaten visar även på att produktionsflödet kan anpassas med hjälp av metoder inom Lean Production och Theory of Constraints och att detta göras bäst när dessa två metodiker kombineras. Vidare visade resultaten att nya investeringar i form av ny utrustning inte är nödvändiga i många fall. Detta förutsätter att flaskhalsar, så som personliga paradigm och policys, identifieras. Resultaten visade även att kvaliteten är direkt kopplad till dessa två flaskhalsar och att en investering i ledarskap är att föredra. / Competition between manufacturing companies is constantly increasing and this causes high demands on product quality and ability to deliver products in time. For companies to be able to reach these goals it is necessary to work with development and continuous improvements and respond to the current pace of the market. This can be achieved in different ways, but a common method is to work with improvement methodologies. Selecting which improvement methodologies to use depends on a company’s manufacturing, knowledge, and resources. Many organisations find it difficult to choose improvement methodologies for their particular organisation and ask the question: “Which method is best suited for our organisation?”. The goal of this study is to examine whether and how Lean Production and Theory of Constraints can be utilized in companies with high-mix low-volume production. By performing a literature review and a case study the following questions have been answered: 1) how Lean production and Theory of constraints are utilized in a HMLV production system and how they can be combined, 2) how the production flow is controlled according to Lean Production and Theory of Constraints to improve the efficiency of a production process in a HMLV company, 3) what personal paradigms and policys arise according to Lean Production and Theory of Constraints in HMLV company and what the relationship between these and quality is. Results from the literature review and case study show that Lean Production and its tools are possible to use in a combination with Theory of Constraints in HMLV companies with some exceptions. However there is no exceptions saying that Lean Production and its tools combined with Theory of Constraints can not be utilized in HMLV companies. These exceptions only need to be adjusted for HMLV production. The results also showed that standardized work in a production process plays a crucial role when combining Lean production with Theory of Constraints. Standardized work contributes to facilitation of further development and implementation. The results show that the production flow can be adjusted using methods from Lean Production and Theory of Constraints, and that this is done best by combining these two methodologies. Furthermore, the results showed that in many cases new investments in the form of new equipment are not necessary. This assumes that bottlenecks, such as personal paradigms and policies are identified. The results showed that quality is directly linked to these two bottlenecks and that an investment in management is preferable.
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Critical evaluation of the theory of constraints lean six sigma continuous improvement management approach / Rojanette van Tonder.Van Tonder, Rojanette January 2011 (has links)
Three methodologies are associated with production optimisation, namely, Theory of Constraints
(TOC), Lean and Six Sigma – and each boasts with a number of success stories. This dissertation
addresses the possibility of implementing all three these methodologies in a specific sequence at
an organisation and also sets out to determine the impact of this implementation.
A literature survey was conducted on all three stand-alone methodologies as well as on the
combined methodology, which is called the Theory of Constrains Lean Six Sigma (TLS). TLS
literature suggests that TOC should be implemented first with a view to identify the constraint in
an organisation. Lean implementation should follow in order to eliminate any waste in the
organisation. Lastly, Six Sigma should be implemented to optimise the process variability.
TOC literature explains that The Goal of any organisation is to make money. All other objectives
are only the means of achieving The Goal. The literature further indicates that the constraint in
any organisation determines the drumbeat, and that this constraint should be managed by means
of the Drum-Buffer-Rope methodology.
Lean literature points towards 14 Management Principles by means of which an organisation
should be managed in order to become a Lean organisation, while Six Sigma literature is
concerned with the DMAIC (Define-Measure-Analyse-Improve-Control) methodology used for
improvement projects and the belt system that is used to manage these improvement projects.
Jonker Sailplanes, a sailplanes manufacturer in Potchefstroom, South Africa, was used as a case
study for the implementation of TLS. A description is given of the processes and procedures that
were followed before and after the implementation of TLS. The TLS methodology had to be adapted in order to meet the specific needs of Jonker Sailplanes
into an adapted 14-step TLS implementation plan. After implementing TOC and Lean at Jonker
Sailplanes, it was found that the organisation was not ready for the transition from Lean projects
to Six Sigma projects. The implementation of Six Sigma was therefore referred for future
One of the most significant findings of the current study was the very positive impact that the
implementation of TLS had on the organisation: the production tempo (throughput) of the
organisation has increased while the operating expenses per aircraft have decreased. This
confirms that the profit per aircraft has increased. A critical evaluation of the implementation of
the TLS methodology can therefore maintain that the implementation of TLS at Jonker Sailplanes
was a success since the production tempo (throughput) and the organisational profit were
increased and the implementation of the methodology was done with relative ease.
In terms of interpreting results it was also necessary to set out how Jonker Sailplanes proceeded
from a prototyping environment to a production setup, and how specifically identifying the
constraint helped to achieve this transition. Furthermore, is it argued that when Lean is
implemented before TOC, this could move the organisation away from The Goal, which is to make
money. The interpretation of findings suggests that the procedure followed at Jonker Sailplanes
was the most appropriate one.
Finally, recommendations are made for future studies in terms of how to further improve the
impact of the TLS implementation at Jonker Sailplanes. / Thesis (M.Ing. (Development and Management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Critical evaluation of the theory of constraints lean six sigma continuous improvement management approach / Rojanette van Tonder.Van Tonder, Rojanette January 2011 (has links)
Three methodologies are associated with production optimisation, namely, Theory of Constraints
(TOC), Lean and Six Sigma – and each boasts with a number of success stories. This dissertation
addresses the possibility of implementing all three these methodologies in a specific sequence at
an organisation and also sets out to determine the impact of this implementation.
A literature survey was conducted on all three stand-alone methodologies as well as on the
combined methodology, which is called the Theory of Constrains Lean Six Sigma (TLS). TLS
literature suggests that TOC should be implemented first with a view to identify the constraint in
an organisation. Lean implementation should follow in order to eliminate any waste in the
organisation. Lastly, Six Sigma should be implemented to optimise the process variability.
TOC literature explains that The Goal of any organisation is to make money. All other objectives
are only the means of achieving The Goal. The literature further indicates that the constraint in
any organisation determines the drumbeat, and that this constraint should be managed by means
of the Drum-Buffer-Rope methodology.
Lean literature points towards 14 Management Principles by means of which an organisation
should be managed in order to become a Lean organisation, while Six Sigma literature is
concerned with the DMAIC (Define-Measure-Analyse-Improve-Control) methodology used for
improvement projects and the belt system that is used to manage these improvement projects.
Jonker Sailplanes, a sailplanes manufacturer in Potchefstroom, South Africa, was used as a case
study for the implementation of TLS. A description is given of the processes and procedures that
were followed before and after the implementation of TLS. The TLS methodology had to be adapted in order to meet the specific needs of Jonker Sailplanes
into an adapted 14-step TLS implementation plan. After implementing TOC and Lean at Jonker
Sailplanes, it was found that the organisation was not ready for the transition from Lean projects
to Six Sigma projects. The implementation of Six Sigma was therefore referred for future
One of the most significant findings of the current study was the very positive impact that the
implementation of TLS had on the organisation: the production tempo (throughput) of the
organisation has increased while the operating expenses per aircraft have decreased. This
confirms that the profit per aircraft has increased. A critical evaluation of the implementation of
the TLS methodology can therefore maintain that the implementation of TLS at Jonker Sailplanes
was a success since the production tempo (throughput) and the organisational profit were
increased and the implementation of the methodology was done with relative ease.
In terms of interpreting results it was also necessary to set out how Jonker Sailplanes proceeded
from a prototyping environment to a production setup, and how specifically identifying the
constraint helped to achieve this transition. Furthermore, is it argued that when Lean is
implemented before TOC, this could move the organisation away from The Goal, which is to make
money. The interpretation of findings suggests that the procedure followed at Jonker Sailplanes
was the most appropriate one.
Finally, recommendations are made for future studies in terms of how to further improve the
impact of the TLS implementation at Jonker Sailplanes. / Thesis (M.Ing. (Development and Management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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