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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Évolution thermo-mécanique des systèmes de subduction-collision / The thermo-mechanical evolution of the subduction-collision systems

Regorda, Alessandro 05 April 2017 (has links)
La finalité de ce travail est de développer un modèle thermomécanique 2D pour analyser en détails les effets de la dissipation visqueuse et de l'hydratation du coin de manteau sur l’état thermique et la dynamique dans les zones de subduction. L’état thermique et la dynamique résultant des modèles prenant en compte la dissipation visqueuse et/ou l'hydratation du manteau sont comparés aux modèles ne les prenant pas en compte (Marotta and Spalla, 2007), afin d’analyser leurs effets sur la viscosité et sur la vitesse de déformation. Notre nouveau modèle démontre l’activation de la convection du manteau à courte longueur d’onde en fonction de l'hydratation et de la serpentinisation du coin de manteau. Il en résulte un recyclage des croûtes continentales et océaniques subduites. En outre, les effets de la vitesse de subduction sur l’ampleur de la région hydratée ont été analysés. Les évolutions des conditions P-T des marqueurs de crustaux et l'état thermique enregistré dans les différentes portions du complexe de subduction sont utilisés pour avoir une meilleure compréhension de la distribution et de l'évolution, dans le temps et dans l'espace, de conditions métamorphiques caractérisées par des rapports P/T contrastés. Une fois ces modèles établis, les évolutions P-T prédites par les modèles sont comparées aux données métamorphiques naturelles observées dans la chaine varisque, plus particulièrement dans les Alpes et le Massif Central français. Afin de prendre en compte l’exhumation de croûte subduite jusqu’aux niveaux les plus superficiels, le modèle prend en compte le rôle de l'atmosphère et donc des mécanisme d’érosion et de sédimentation. / The aim of this work was to develop a 2D thermo-mechanical model to analyse in detail the effects of the shear heating and mantle wedge hydration on the thermal state and dynamics of an ocean/continent subduction system. The thermal setting and dynamics that result from models with shear heating and/or mantle hydration are directly compared to a model that does not account for either (Marotta and Spalla, 2007) to analyse their effects on both the strain rate and the viscosity. The new model show the activation of short-wavelength mantle convection related to the hydration and the serpentinisation of the mantle wedge, with the consequent recycling of oceanic and continental subducted material. The effects of the subduction velocities on the size of the hydrated area are also analysed, andpredictions of the pressure-temperature evolutions of crustal markers and the thermal field, which affect different portions of subduction systems, are used to infer the thermal regimes that affect the models. Similarly, the model can help to understand extensively both the distribution and the evolution, in time and space, of metamorphic conditions characterised by contrasting P/T ratios in subduction systems. In a second phase, P-T predicted by the model has been compared with natural P max -T estimates related to the Variscan metamorphism, from both the present domains of the Alps and from the French Central Massif. However, the model did not allow to compare simulated P-T paths with successive metamorphic stages recorded and preserved by the rocks during their metamorphic evolution, because of the lack of exhumation of subducted material up to the shallowest portion of the crust.

Modélisation thermomécanique de maçonneries : endommagement d’un piédroit de cokerie sous l’effet de la poussée du charbon / Thermo-mechanical modelling : behaviour of a coke oven heating wall under swelling pressure

Gallienne, Nicolas 30 September 2014 (has links)
Afin de répondre aux besoins du marché de l’acier, le procédé de cokéfaction du charbon doit s’adapter. Cependant, changer les paramètres de cokéfaction du charbon, tels que la température du four, le temps de cuisson ou la composition de la pâte à coke enfournée, peut générer un endommagement prématuré de la maçonnerie des fours. En effet, la transformation du charbon en coke s’accompagne d’une poussée sur les parois du four fortement dépendantes d’un grand nombre de paramètres. Afin d’anticiper ce problème, un projet européen nommé « Swelling PRessure In a coke oven, Transmission on oven walls and COnsequences on wall » a été mis en place. Cette thèse s’inscrit dans ce programme et vise à déterminer la poussée maximale pouvant être admise par un piédroit de cokerie lors de la pyrolyse du charbon. Pour modéliser ces structures composées de plusieurs centaines de milliers de briques, le point de vue macroscopique est le plus approprié. La maçonnerie est remplacée par un matériau homogène équivalent dont le comportement varie en fonction de l’état d’endommagement de la maçonnerie, ramené localement à un état d’ouverture des joints de mortier. Afin de détecter ces ouvertures, un critère de type Mohr-Coulomb en contraintes est utilisé. Il repose sur la comparaison des limites à rupture d’un sandwich brique-Mortier déterminé expérimentalement à haute température avec les contraintes mésoscopiques issues de la simulation. Un protocole expérimental novateur a été développé pour caractériser la tenue en traction du sandwich brique / mortier / brique jusqu’à 1000°C. Les limites à rupture issues de cet essai de traction directe ont été comparées à celles obtenues par des essais de fendage réalisés à l’université de Leoben. Les résultats sont concordants et confirment l’importance de l’état de surface avant maçonnage. Selon l’état d’endommagement considéré, les contraintes mésoscopiques sont obtenues grâce à un tenseur de localisation ou grâce à une sous-Structuration. Cette étape de sous-Structuration consiste à simuler localement une cellule à l’échelle mésoscopique en lui appliquant le champ de déplacement macroscopique obtenu grâce à la simulation. L’outil numérique a été validé par confrontation avec un cas test de référence. Pour finir, l’outil numérique développé a été utilisé pour caractériser l’influence de différents paramètres tels que la prise en compte de la thermique, la mise en compression de la structure…. Enfin, la simulation de cuissons sur des piédroits complets (sains ou initialement endommagés) a été réalisée. L’importance de l’endommagement initial est clairement soulignée par les résultats. Enfin, un nouveau modèle, appelé « deux carneaux avec poutres», est proposé pour réduire le coût de calcul. Plus complet que le modèle « deux carneaux » utilisé au CPM, il donne accès à de très bons résultats pour un coût nettement moindre que celui du piédroit complet avec homogénéisation et sous-Structuration. / To face coke and steel market requirements, the coking process has to be more flexible. Changing process parameters such as coking temperature, blend composition and cooking time can damaged coke oven battery heating wall. Indeed, the coking process generates a swelling pressure on wall which depends on a lot of parameters. To study this point, a European project named « Swelling PRessure In a coke oven, Transmission on oven walls and COnsequences on wall » has been set up. This work is a part of it and aims to determine the admissible pushing pressure for the coke oven heating walls to prevent crack formation. To model large masonries composed of numerous bricks, a mesoscopic point of view is more appropriate. Bricks and mortar are replaced by a Homogeneous Equivalent Material (HEM) whose behaviour depends on the joint state. In order to represent joint opening mechanism, a Mohr-Coulomb criterion in stress is used. This criterion compares the level of stress to the ultimate tensile or shear stress at mesoscopic scale. Ultimate stresses are obtained thanks to an experimental campaign using a new protocol developed at PRISME Laboratory. The brick-Mortar behaviour is experimentally characterised at high temperature (20°C to 1000°C). To validate the tensile test developed, a second experimental campaign using “wedge splitting tests” has been done at Leoben University. Results are similar and confirm the importance of the brick surface state. Depending on the initial damage of the structures, mesoscopic stresses are obtained by localization tensor or by sub-Modelling. The sub-Modelling step aims to simulate a local part of the masonry at the mesoscopic scale. This step aims to simulate with a mesoscopic point of view a local part of the global model. This numerical tool has been validated thanks to a literature test. Finally, the numerical tool has been used to characterise the influence of some parameters (thermal, force due to the cross tie rod,..). Next, the simulation of the whole coke oven heating wall has been performed (undamaged or initially damaged masonry). These FE simulations show the influence of initial damage on the final masonry damage. Finally, a two flues model with beams is proposed to take into account compression due to cross tie rod and to limit computational cost. It permits to obtain better results than the existing two flues model used at CPM with a lower cost compared to the whole coke oven heating wall model.

Modélisation couplée tectonique et processus de surface de l'extension et l'inversion dans les Pyrénées / Spatial and temporal coupling between tectonics and surface processes during lithosphere inversion of the Pyrenean-Cantabrian Mountain belt : contraints from exhumation histories and surface process modelling

Erdös, Zoltan 26 September 2014 (has links)
Orogenic belts are fundamental features of plate tectonics. The crustal structure of orogens around the world shows a wide range of deformation styles from narrow, asymmetric wedges like the Pyrenees to wide, plateau-like orogens such as the Zagros or the Himalaya. The primary controlling factor on the size and structure of an orogen is the amount of convergence between the colliding plates. However, there are important additional factors providing major controls on the structural development of orogens. Among the potential parameters that can affect the style of deformation are the crustal strength, inherited weaknesses, and the surface processes. These parameters have been studied extensively in the past but their relative importance remains unclear. The aim of this thesis is to improve our understanding of: (1) How surface processes affect mountain building, with a special focus on the relationship between thin-skinned foreland and thick-skinned internal deformation of orogens. (2) How inherited extensional structures affect mountain building. The study was carried out using the Pyrenees as a special reference case. To answer our research questions we have used a wide range of state-of-the-art numerical modelling tools. In paper 1 we present a new method where we couple a structural-kinematic model and a thermo-kinematic model to evaluate the consistency of existing balanced section reconstructions with independent thermochronology data. In papers 2 and 3 we use 2D lithospheric scale thermo-mechanical models with surface process algorithms. Using the above toolset, we demonstrate that syntectonic sedimentation results in longer basement thrust sheets as well as longer thin-skinned thrust sheets and a generally wider orogen. Conversely erosion tends to narrow the wedge and reduce the orogenic loading of the colliding plates, limiting the space available for deposition in the flexural foreland deeps. We also demonstrate that inherited extensional structures play a crucial role in mountain building as they facilitate the migration of deformation into the undeformed basement of the overriding plate. Moreover, a significant amount of lower-crustal/mantle-lithospheric material is preserved at shallow depths only in the presence of extensional inheritance, but significant erosion is needed in order to bring this material to the surface. Our models also show that thin-skinned thrust sheets are generally rooted in the footwall of basement thrusts as they form outward-propagating sequences. As soon as a new basement thrust forms, the thin-skinned sequence situated on top of the new basement thrust-sheet is abandoned in favour of starting a new sequence in the footwall of the new thrust. Regarding our case study, it was possible to reproduce the section restoration using a structural-kinematic model with high accuracy up to the 36-Ma time slice and with limited accuracy up to the 50-Ma time slice. The thermochronometric ages predicted by the thermo-kinematic modelling are generally in good agreement with both the high- and low-temperature thermochronology data available in the Central Pyrenees; hence we conclude that the restoration is to a first order consistent with these datasets. The predicted thermochronological ages approximate the available low-temperature thermochronology data better by taking into account the late-stage burial and re-excavation scenario affecting the southern flank of the Pyrenean wedge presented by Coney et al. (1996), and quantified by Fillon and van der Beek (2012). In conclusion, our model experiments suggest, that extensional inheritance played a prime role in the structural evolution of the Pyrenees, with the major characteristics of the North Pyrenean Unit, including the presence of steep, inverted normal faults, the relative tectonic quiescence of the area after the early inversion and the presence of a lower-crustal body at shallow depth below the unit, best recaptured by our accordion models. / Orogenic belts are fundamental features of plate tectonics. The crustal structure of orogens around the world shows a wide range of deformation styles from narrow, asymmetric wedges like the Pyrenees to wide, plateau-like orogens such as the Zagros or the Himalaya. The primary controlling factor on the size and structure of an orogen is the amount of convergence between the colliding plates. However, there are important additional factors providing major controls on the structural development of orogens. Among the potential parameters that can affect the style of deformation are the crustal strength, inherited weaknesses, and the surface processes. These parameters have been studied extensively in the past but their relative importance remains unclear. The aim of this thesis is to improve our understanding of: (1) How surface processes affect mountain building, with a special focus on the relationship between thin-skinned foreland and thick-skinned internal deformation of orogens. (2) How inherited extensional structures affect mountain building. The study was carried out using the Pyrenees as a special reference case. To answer our research questions we have used a wide range of state-of-the-art numerical modelling tools. In paper 1 we present a new method where we couple a structural-kinematic model and a thermo-kinematic model to evaluate the consistency of existing balanced section reconstructions with independent thermochronology data. In papers 2 and 3 we use 2D lithospheric scale thermo-mechanical models with surface process algorithms. Using the above toolset, we demonstrate that syntectonic sedimentation results in longer basement thrust sheets as well as longer thin-skinned thrust sheets and a generally wider orogen. Conversely erosion tends to narrow the wedge and reduce the orogenic loading of the colliding plates, limiting the space available for deposition in the flexural foreland deeps. We also demonstrate that inherited extensional structures play a crucial role in mountain building as they facilitate the migration of deformation into the undeformed basement of the overriding plate. Moreover, a significant amount of lower-crustal/mantle-lithospheric material is preserved at shallow depths only in the presence of extensional inheritance, but significant erosion is needed in order to bring this material to the surface. Our models also show that thin-skinned thrust sheets are generally rooted in the footwall of basement thrusts as they form outward-propagating sequences. As soon as a new basement thrust forms, the thin-skinned sequence situated on top of the new basement thrust-sheet is abandoned in favour of starting a new sequence in the footwall of the new thrust. Regarding our case study, it was possible to reproduce the section restoration using a structural-kinematic model with high accuracy up to the 36-Ma time slice and with limited accuracy up to the 50-Ma time slice. The thermochronometric ages predicted by the thermo-kinematic modelling are generally in good agreement with both the high- and low-temperature thermochronology data available in the Central Pyrenees; hence we conclude that the restoration is to a first order consistent with these datasets. The predicted thermochronological ages approximate the available low-temperature thermochronology data better by taking into account the late-stage burial and re-excavation scenario affecting the southern flank of the Pyrenean wedge presented by Coney et al. (1996), and quantified by Fillon and van der Beek (2012). In conclusion, our model experiments suggest, that extensional inheritance played a prime role in the structural evolution of the Pyrenees, with the major characteristics of the North Pyrenean Unit, including the presence of steep, inverted normal faults, the relative tectonic quiescence of the area after the early inversion and the presence of a lower-crustal body at shallow depth below the unit, best recaptured by our accordion models.

Contribution à l'identification de nouveaux indicateurs de défaillance des modules de puissance à IGBT / Contribution to the identification of new failure indicators for power assembly

Belmehdi, Yassine 04 May 2011 (has links)
L’électronique de puissance a un rôle de plus en plus grandissant dans les systèmes de transports : voitures électriques et hybrides, trains et avions. Pour ces applications, la sécurité est un point critique et par conséquent la fiabilité du système de puissance doit être optimisée. La connaissance du temps de fonctionnement avant défaillance est une donnée recherchée par les concepteurs de ces systèmes. Dans cette optique, un indicateur de défaillance précoce permettrait de prédire la défaillance des systèmes avant que celle-ci soit effective. Dans cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés à la caractérisation électromécanique des puces de puissance IGBT et MOSFET. L’exploitation de cette caractérisation devrait permettre, à plus long terme, de mettre en évidence un indicateur de l’état mécanique des assemblages de puissance à des fins de fiabilité prédictive. / Power electronics has a role increasingly growing up in transport:electric and hybrid vehicles, trains and aircraft. For these applications, security is a critical point, thus the reliability of the power assembly must be optimized. The knowledge of time to failure is very important information for the designers of these systems. Inthis context, an early failure indicator would predict system failuresbefore it becomes effective. In this thesis, we focused on the electromechanical characterization of power transistors: MOSFET and IGBT. Based on these results this electromechanical characterization should help us in the longer term, to highlight an early failure indicator of the power assembly.

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