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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The relationship between transformational leadership, employee engagement, job characteristics and intention to quit

Pieterse-Landman, Elzette 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the current recessive times, in which the war for talent is rife, organisations and researchers are increasingly taking interest in how not only to retain their talent, but also to optimise their leadership and engagement practices to maximise organisational outcomes through their talent. However, research on the dynamics of the relationships between specific leadership behaviours, employee engagement, work-related factors and employee intention to quit is limited to investigating single constructs, or only the relationships between two constructs. This study attempted to gain some insights into the relationships between perceived leader behaviour, employee engagement, job characteristics and employee intention to quit by testing a conceptual model of hypothesised relationships derived from research on the body of literature relating to these constructs. A non-experimental quantitative research design was applied using a sample of managers in a local JSE-listed manufacturing organisation (n = 185). Participants completed a questionnaire that measured the perceived presence of the transformational leadership style, experienced work engagement, perceived motivating potential of work and employee intention to quit. Reliability analysis was done to assess the measurement properties of the respective measures, and all scales showed adequate reliability. Univariate relationships between the measured ordinal variables, using Spearman correlations, corroborated all hypothesised relationships between the respective constructs. The results indicate that there are significant positive relationships between transformational leadership and employee engagement, the motivating potential of a job and employee engagement, and transformational leadership and the motivating potential of a job. Also significant negative relationships exist between transformational leadership and intention to quit, and employee engagement and intention to quit. The mediating effects of employee engagement, as measured using Sobel’s test, confirm engagement to be a mediator of the relationship between transformational leadership and intention to quit, as well as of the relationship between the motivating potential of a job and intention to quit. This study adds to existing literature on intention to quit, transformational leadership, employee engagement and job characteristics (motivating potential of a job) by providing insights into the strength and directions of relationships among these constructs. Furthermore, it provides valuable insights into the mediating effects of the engagement construct. The findings of this study provide valuable information to consider in business practice for the development of interventions aimed at mitigating turnover behaviour and maximising organisational outcomes through an engaged workforce. The limitations and recommendations of the study provide insights into possibilities that could be explored in future research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die huidige tyd van resessie is organisasies in gedurige stryd om hul talent te behou. Navorsers en organisasies is dus toenemend besig om te ondersoek hoe om hul leierskap en menslike hulpbronne sodanig aan te wend om optimale resultate vir die organisasie te verseker. Die navorsing verwant aan die dinamika tussen leierskapsgedrag, betrokkenheid, taakeienskappe en intensies tot bedanking is beperk tot ondersoeke ingestel op slegs enkele konstrukte, of op die verhouding tussen twee van hierdie konstrukte. Die doel van hierdie studie was om nuwe insae te bied oor die verhoudings tussen hierdie konstrukte. Dit is bereik deur ondersoek in te stel na die hipotese wat opgestel is in die vorm van ‘n konseptuele model oor hierdie verhoudings op grond van die inligting wat deur die literatuurstudie gelewer is. ‘n Nie-eksperimentele kwantitatiewe navorsingsontwerp is toegepas op ‘n steekproef (n = 185) bestaande uit bestuurdersin ‘n vervaardigingsmaatskappy wat op die JSE gelys is. Deelnemers aan hierdie studie het ‘n vraelys voltooi wat die transformasionele leierskapstyl, betrokkenheid, waargenome motiveringspotensiaal van werk (taakeienskappe) en intensies tot bedanking gemeet het. Die betroubaarheidsanalise gedoen op die verwante meetinstrumente het voldoende betroubaarheid gelewer. Eenvariantverhoudings tussen die ordinale veranderlikes is met Spearman korrelasies gemeet en die resultate het alle hipoteses oor die verwante verhoudings tussen hierdie konstrukte bevestig. Die uitslae het getoon dat daar beduidende positiewe verhoudings bestaan tussen transformasionele leierskapsgedrag en betrokkenheid; die motiversingspotensiaal van werk (taakeienskappe) en betrokkenheid; en transformasionele leierskapsgedrag en die motiversingspotensiaal van werk . Dit het verder ook aangedui dat daar beduidend negatiewe verhoudings bestaan tussen transformasionele leierskapsgedrag en intensies tot bedanking, asook tussen betrokkenheid en intensies tot bedanking. Die modererende gedrag van die betrokkenheidskonstruk is deur die Sobel toets gemeet en het bevestig dat hierdie konstruk ‘n bemiddelaar is in die verhouding tussen transformasionele leierskapsgedrag en intensies tot bedanking, asook in die verhouding tussen die motiveringspotensiaal van werk (taakeienskappe) en intensies tot bedanking. Hierdie studie dra by tot die bestaande literatuur oor intensies tot bedanking, transformasionele leierskapsgedrag, betrokkenheid en die motiveringspotensiaal van werk (taakeienskappe) deurdat dit insae lewer oor die sterkte en rigting van verhoudings tussen hierdie konstrukte. Verder dra dit by tot waardevolle insigte in die invloed van die betrokkenheidskonstruk op die werknemer se bedoeling om te bedank. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie gee waardevolle inligting om in aanmerking te neem in besigheidspraktyke gemik op die versagting van omsetgedrag in organisasies, en om optimale betrokkenheidsgedrag te verseker vir optimale uitkomstes vir die organisasie. Die beperkings en aanbevelings van die studie bied insigte en moontlikhede wat vir toekomstige navorsing aangewend kan word.

An investigation into the internal structure underlying the organisational diagnostic questionnaire (ODQ)

Kotze, F. E. (Francina Elizabeth) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates the internal structure that underlies the ODQ. A structural model that explicates the nature of the causal linkages between the six main constructs comprising the ODQ was developed and tested. Data obtained from 273 employees in a chrome manufacturing plant was used. This research found that the proposed model offers a plausible account of the influences that exist between the six main constructs. The benefit of this structural model will be in the enhanced interpretation of the diagnostic results derived from the ODQ. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie stel ondersoek in na die interne struktuur wat onderliggend is aan die Organisasie Diagnostiese Vraelys (ODV). ‘n Strukturele model wat die onderliggende kousale verhoudings van die ses hoofkonstrukte van die ODV blootlê, is ontwikkel en getoets. Data van 273 werknemers, verbonde aan ‘n chroom vervaardigingsaanleg, is gebruik. Die navorsing toon dat die voorgestelde model ‘n aanneemlike weergawe is van die onderliggende verhoudings wat tussen die ses hoofkonstrukte bestaan. Die voordeel van die voorgestelde model lê daarin dat dit die interpretasie van resultate, wat uit die diagnose verkry is, kan verbeter.

The relationship between servant leadership, emotional intelligence, trust in the immediate supervisor and meaning in life : an exploratory study

Van Staden, Marieta 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Industrial Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / Constructs in this study are explored from a positive organisational scholarship paradigm, which is largely concerned with the investigation of positive outcomes, processes and attributes of organisations and their employees. The aim of the study is to investigate the respective relationships that exist between the positive organisational psychological constructs, namely servant leadership, emotional intelligence and trust in the immediate supervisor, and the influence of these variables on the meaning in life experienced by individuals. Based on literature, a model depicting a sequential process of interrelationships amongst the constructs is proposed in the study. Both survey and statistical modelling methodologies were employed to guide the investigation. Standardised questionnaires were used for the four different constructs, using the responses of 154 employees on a composite questionnaire. To determine the applicability of the factor structures of these instruments on the current sample, exploratory factor analysis was conducted. The suggested factor structures were confirmed through confirmatory factor analysis with acceptable levels of fit. The revalidated instruments provided better levels of fit than the original instruments. The configurations of the measurement instruments were found to be different in a South African cultural organisational setting for the Servant Leadership Questionnaire, the Emotional Intelligence Index and the Life Regard Index. However, the configuration of measurement on trust in the immediate supervisor, when applied to the respondents in this study, appeared to be similar to those found in different cultural settings. The results of a Pearson correlation analysis, stepwise multiple regression and structural equation modelling (SEM) analysis indicated significant relationships between servant leadership, emotional intelligence and trust. The relationship of these constructs with meaning did not show significant relationships. The contribution of this study to the existing theory and literature is the exploration of the portability of the measurement instruments to a South African context. A further contribution is the findings with regard to the interrelationships between servant leadership, emotional intelligence and trust in the immediate supervisor. Some recommendations for further research and some suggestions regarding servant leadership development interventions are also made.

The relationship between occupational stress, emotional intelligence and coping strategies in air traffic controllers

Brink, Estelle 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm (Industrial Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / The aim of this study was to determine whether there is a relationship between Emotional Intelligence, Stress and Coping Strategies in the occupation of air traffic control. The focus was to determine whether the Emotional Intelligence of an Air Traffic Controller might have an effect on the recognition and management of stressful situations, and influence the way they select coping strategies. Due to a lack of research on air traffic control in South Africa, focus are not only on the stress levels of Air Traffic Controllers, but also how their Emotional Intelligence could assist in the recognition and management of the stress they experience, and ultimately then contribute to select appropriate Coping Strategies. A literature study discussed the role of Air Traffic Controllers, and factors that contribute to them experiencing stress. The constructs of Stress, Emotional Intelligence and Coping were elaborated on in detail. The constructs were defined as follows: Stress, as any demand eliciting a negative emotional state, that exceeds an individual’s resources to cope; Emotional Intelligence, as the process of emotional information processing consisting of the dimensions of Self Awareness, Self Regulation, Motivation, Empathy and Social Skills (Rahim & Minors, 2003); and Coping as the efforts to manage environmental and internal demands and conflicts which tax or exceed a person’s resources (Lazarus & Launier, 1978).

Emotional labour and the experience of emotional exhaustion amongst customer service representatives in a call centre

Spies, Marelise 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Industrial Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / In the new service economy organisations have to distinguish themselves from their competitors in terms of the quality of their service delivery. In order to attain this new goal organisations realise the important role that customers play in their success. Organisations also recognize that modern day customers have different wants and higher expectations regarding service delivery compared to only a decade ago. To live up to these new challenges a novel form of conducting business was introduced to the global labour market: Telephone call centres provide quality and efficient service in the most cost-effective way possible by, inter alia, utilising customer service representatives (CSRs) to attend to clients’ each and every need – this job demand is termed emotional labour. Due to the way in which the CSRs’ work is structured and the wide-ranging demands placed on them, these individuals experience countless and varied stressors on the job. The result, in a nutshell, is that CSRs become emotionally exhausted and eventually leave the call centre. The purpose of the present research study is, therefore, to identify to what extent emotional labour influences CSRs’ feelings of emotional exhaustion, and whether the latter results in detrimental outcomes that undermine organisations’ success and competitive advantage in the marketplace. A large organisation’s call centre operators participated in the study (n = 84). Seven focus groups were conducted for the purpose of qualitative data collection: Six groups consisted of CSRs (N = 30) and one group consisted of team leaders (N = 4). Qualitative content analysis was used to analyse the focus group interviews. The participants (n = 84) also completed questionnaires measuring emotional labour, emotional exhaustion, supervisor support, organisational commitment, and intentions to leave. Analysis of the interview data supported the existence of the five theoretical constructs and additional sources of job stress, over and above emotional labour, were identified. Pearson product-moment correlation analysis was used to analyse the questionnaire data, followed by multiple regression analysis with organisational commitment and intentions to leave as dependent variables, and the remaining constructs as the predictors. After determining the fit of the measurement model, consisting of the five constructs, a structural model was tested. Both the measurement and structural models produced acceptable goodness-of-fit statistics. The results of the structural model did not indicate a significant correlation between the total construct emotional labour and emotional exhaustion. Significant correlations were found between emotional labour and supervisor support, emotional exhaustion and organisational commitment and intentions to leave respectively, and organisational commitment and intentions to leave. Multiple regression analysis indicated emotional exhaustion is a significant predictor of both lowered organisational commitment and increased intentions to leave. Structural equation modelling indicated emotional exhaustion is causally related to intentions to leave through organisational commitment. The findings are congruent with previous research on the detrimental effect of emotional exhaustion on organisational outcomes and illuminate the complex relationship between emotional labour and emotional exhaustion. Interventions minimising the impact of both emotional labour and emotional exhaustion, within a call centre environment, are explored.

The relationship between servant leadership, role stress and coping in subordinate service roles

Baker, Mark 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm (Industrial Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / A study of the literature revealed that the concept of servant leadership is still in need of further empirical research. It also became clear that the leadership style employed by the supervisors of certain boundary spanning employees may have a pivotal effect on the role stress they experience and the resulting coping mechanisms they are likely to employ. Evidently, further investigation into the relationship between the constructs of servant leadership, role stress and coping could be valuable. An exploratory study to investigate these relationships was therefore planned and executed. A correlative ex post facto study of nonexperimental kind was followed making use of survey research. For this purpose a composite questionnaire was created and used as the means of data gathering. The questionnaires were directly administered by the researcher to the participants of a large national retail organisation where the survey was conducted. A total of 290 respondents from six different stores of this organisation participated in the study. The respondents occupying a specific type of boundary spanning role, known as the subordinate service role (SSR), completed the composite questionnaire which comprised of the rater version of the Servant Leadership Questionnaire of Barbuto and Wheeler (2006), the role stress scale based on the research work of Hartline and Ferrell (1996), and the Ways of Coping Questionnaire developed by Lazarus and Folkman (1984). The SSR incumbents assessed the level of servant leadership of their immediate supervisors, their own level of role stress and the coping mechanisms which they typically employ. Answers were sought to three research questions dealing with the content and configuration of the constructs as well as their interrelations.

The influence of transactional, transformational leadership on leader-follower value congruence and leadership success

Boonzaier, Anna 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm (Industrial Psychology))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / Effective leadership drives an organisation’s members to achieve a common purpose. Leaders must influence followers to work together to achieve one vision. Successful leaders understand their own values and the values of their followers, in order to guide and direct behaviour. Shared values allow organisations to work together and act as one entity. Successful leaders instil a set of commonly held core values to ensure that followers are working towards the same goals. The purpose of the study was to determine the influence of organisational leadership on leader-follower value congruence and leadership success. The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between transactional and transformational leadership, leader-follower value congruence and leadership success. Engelbrecht’s (2002) model was used as a theoretical framework. A literature study of leadership and leadership success, as well as values and value congruence in organisations was conducted. The relationship between these constructs was also analysed in the literature study. The sample comprised of employees of a large petroleum company in the Western Cape. The sample consisted of 162 leaders and subordinates. The sample comprised of two subordinates for every leader. Each of the respondents completed Bass and Avolio’s Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) and Langley’s Values Scale (VS). Both the MLQ and VS were found reliable for the purpose of the study. The statistical analysis was conducted through correlation analyses. The results revealed that transactional and transformational leadership have a direct and positive influence on leadership success. Some support was found for the influence of transactional leadership and transformational leadership on leader-follower value congruence. The results also indicated some support for the influence of leaderfollower value congruence on leadership success. Some support was found for the proposition that leader-follower value congruence mediates the relationship between transactional leadership and leadership success. Conclusions were drawn from the results obtained and recommendations for future research are made.

The relationship between servant leadership, team commitment, team citizenship behaviour and team effectiveness : an exploratory study

Mahembe, Bright 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm (Industrial Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The work force has evolved immensely over the last decade. In a quest to remain competitive in the provision of consumer goods and services at the lowest possible economic cost, organisations have been compelled to adopt and adapt to the winds of change that have literally taken centre stage in the global market. The increased use of teams as production vehicles in today‟s workplace is one of the notable developments that deserve and justify further investigation. A study of the literature on teams revealed that leadership plays a crucial role in a team‟s dynamics, its survival and ultimate success. Therefore the overarching aim of the present study was to determine the manner in which leadership, specifically servant leadership, affects team effectiveness. In an attempt to answer this question, an explanatory structural model that purports to explicate the manner in which leadership affects team effectiveness was subsequently developed and tested. The study was conducted using primary and secondary school teachers from schools in and around Stellenbosch, in the Western Cape (South Africa). Each school was regarded as a team. Out of the 400 questionnaires distributed to the members of the teams, 201 (n=201) completed questionnaires were received comprising 29 teams. The respondents who participated in the study completed four questionnaires – joined together in one composite questionnaire. The four questionnaires constituting the composite questionnaire were: the rater version of the Servant Leadership Questionnaire (SLQ) of Barbuto and Wheeler (2006) - an SLQ self-report version also exists; the Team Commitment Survey of Bennett (1997); the slightly modified version of the Organisational Citizenship Behaviour Scale (OCBS) developed by Podsakoff and Mackenzie (1994) and the Team Effectiveness Questionnaire (TEQ) developed by Larson and LaFasto (1989). Item analyses were performed on each of the subscales using SPSS version 17. Thereafter, confirmatory factor analysis was performed on the measurement model. However, some of the subscales, specifically for team citizenship behaviour and team commitment appeared to be problematic. The proposed model was tested using structural equation modelling (SEM) via LISREL version 8.54. Overall, it was found that both the measurement and structural model fitted the data reasonably well. From the results obtained in this study it can be concluded that there is a very weak negative relationship between servant leadership and team effectiveness, while there is a significant positive relationships between servant leadership and team commitment, team commitment and team citizenship behaviour, and team commitment and team effectiveness. Team citizenship behaviour has a slightly strong inverse effect on team effectiveness. Furthermore, team commitment has been found to be a strong moderator in the relationship between servant leadership and team effectiveness. With the unique combined variables included in this study, the study can be seen as making a contribution to the existing theory and literature by explicating the findings with regard to the interrelationships between servant leadership, team commitment, team citizenship behaviour, and team effectiveness. However, referring back to the literature, this study was an attempt to help further some of these “emerging” organisational behaviour constructs. It should therefore be seen as investigative in nature and much more follow-up research in this domain is deemed necessary. This study stated its limitations but also made recommendations for possible future research avenues to be explored. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die wêreld-van-werk het heelwat verander oor die afgelope dekade. Om dus in die vraag na verbruikersgoedere en -dienste te voorsien en steeds mededingend te bly voortbestaan, teen die laagste ekonomiese koste, word organisasies genoodsaak om aan te pas en te verander soos wat internasionale markte voortdurend verander en voor uitgaan. Die toenemende aanwending van spanne as produksie-medium in vandag se werksplek is een van die ooglopende ontwikkelinge wat verdere ondersoek verdien en regverdig. Bestudering van die literatuur oor spanne het aan die lig gebring dat leierskap „n sleutelrol speel in spandinamika, „n span se oorlewing en uiteindelike suksesbereiking. Dus was die oorkoepelende doelwit van hierdie studie om die wyse te bepaal waarop leierskap – spesifiek dan, diensbare-leierskap – spaneffektiwiteit beïnvloed. In „n poging om hierdie vraagstuk aan te spreek, is daar gevolglik „n verklarende strukturele (vergelykings) model ontwikkel en getoets met die doel om meer lig te werp op die wyse waarop leierskap spaneffektiwiteit beïnvloed. „n Studie is uitgevoer deur van laerskool- en hoërskool-onderwysers van skole in en om Stellenbosch in die Wes-Kaap (Suid-Afrika) gebruik te maak. Elke skool is as ʼn spanbeskou. Uit die totaal van 400 vraelyste wat uitgestuur is, is 201 (n=201) voltooide vraelyste terug ontvang – wat 29 volledige spanne omvat het. Respondente wat aan hierdie studie deelgeneem het, moes vier vraelyste – wat deel uitgemaak het van een saamgestelde vraelys – voltooi. Die vier vraelyste wat deel uitgemaak het van die saamgestelde vraelys en gedien het om die 201 onderwysers se menings te verkry, het bestaan uit die beoordelaarsvorm van die Servant Leadership Questionnaire (SLQ) van Barbuto en Wheeler (2006) – daar is ook „n SLQ self beoordelingsvorm wat deur Barbuto en Wheeler ontwikkel is; die Team Commitment Survey van Bennett (1997); die effens aangepaste weergawe van die Organisational Citizenship Behaviour Scale (OCBS) wat ontwikkel is deur Podsakoff en Mackenzie (1994); en die Team Effectiveness Questionnaire (TEQ) van Larson en LaFasto (1989). Itemontledings is op elk van die subskale uitgevoer deur gebruik te maak van LISREL weergawe 17. Daarna is bevestigende faktorontleding op die metingsmodel uitgevoer. Sekere van die subskale het egter problematies voorgekom – spesifiek die subskale vir spangemeenskapsgedrag en spanbetrokkenheid. Die voorgestelde model is getoets deur middel van struktuurvergelykingsmodellering (SVM) aan die hand van LISREL weergawe 8.54. Oor die algeheel is bevredigende passings van beide die metingsmodel en die strukturele (vergelykings) model op die data verkry. Die resultate van die verskillende ontledings het getoon dat daar ‟n baie swak negatiewe verwantskap tussen diensbare leierskap en spaneffektiwiteit bestaan, terwyl beduidende positiewe verwantskappe gevind is tussen diensbare leierskap en spanbetrokkenheid, spanbetrokkenheid en spangemeenskapsgedrag, en, spanbetrokkenheid en spaneffektiwiteit. Spangemeenskapsgedrag het ‟n redelike sterk negatiewe verwantskap met spaneffektiwiteit getoon. Verder is daar bevind dat spanbetrokkenheid ʼn sterk modererende rol speel in die verwantskap tussen diensbare leierskap en spaneffektiwiteit. Gegewe die unieke kombinasie van konstrukte wat in hierdie studie ingesluit is, kan daar gesê word dat hierdie studie „n bydrae lewer ten opsigte van die bestaande teorie deur lig te werp op die verwantskappe tussen diensbare leierskap, spanbetrokkenheid, spangemeenskapsgedrag en spaneffektiwiteit. Tog, deur weer na die literatuur te verwys is dit belangrik om te benadruk dat hierdie studie beskou moet word as ʼn poging om hierdie “nuwe” ontluikende organisasiegedrag konstrukte verder te help uitbou. Juis om hierdie rede behoort hierdie studie as ondersoekend van aard geïnterpreteer te word en is opvolgnavorsing oor hierdie gebied nodig. Die studie stel sy beperkinge, maar maak ook aanbevelings vir verdere navorsingsgebiede wat potensieel ondersoek kan word.

A critical evaluation of the dispute resolution functions of the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA)

Kwakwala, Blazius Oscar Kasungula 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm (Industrial Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: One of the transformations that occurred in post-apartheid South Africa was the overhaul of labour legislation. The Labour Relations Act, 1995, the most pivotal product of the exercise, enacted the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) as a statutory labour dispute resolution institution. Given the failures of the previous dispute resolution system, the creators of the CCMA meant it to provide efficient, accessible and quality dispute resolution structured around conciliation and arbitration. The CCMA came into being in November 1996. The question that arises is: is the CCMA delivering efficient, accessible and quality dispute resolution? This research attempts to answer this question. The literature review indicates that, in terms of efficiency, the CCMA underperformed in the early years, from its inception to the year ended 2004. Improvements started trickling in after 2004. The literature review portrays a positive picture of accessibility: that the CCMA is accessible to its users. As for the quality of dispute resolution, the literature review paints a negative picture: that the CCMA does not provide a quality dispute resolution service. The researcher collected secondary data from the CCMA and primary data from parties to dispute resolution at the Cape Town Office of the CCMA, using a self-developed questionnaire. The data was analysed using Statistica version 9. The results show that the CCMA continues to grow and build on its previous efficiency successes: the CCMA concludes conciliations and arbitrations within the statutory time limits of 30 days and 60 days respectively. The results also show that the CCMA is accessible: the respondents found the process of referral and the actual processes of conciliation and arbitration informal. The results also show that the CCMA provides quality dispute resolution. All the respondents ranked the quality of conciliations and arbitrations positively. The results for efficiency and accessibility support the literature review. The results for quality of dispute resolution contradict the literature review. Based on these findings, insightful conclusions are drawn and recommendations are made, to both the CCMA and for future research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die hersiening van arbeidswetgewing was een van die transformasies wat plaasgevind het in post-apartheid Suid-Afrika. Die mees uitstaande produk van hierdie oefening, naamlik die nuwe Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge, 1995, het die Kommissie vir Versoening, Bemiddeling en Arbitrasie (KVBA) daargestel as 'n instelling vir statutêre geskilbeslegting. Gesien teen die agtergrond van die mislukkings van die vorige geskilbeslegtingstelsel het die skeppers van die KVBA probeer om effektiewe, toeganklike en kwaliteit geskilbeslegting met betrekking tot versoenings en arbitrasies te skep. Die KVBA het in November 1996 tot stand gekom en funksioneer vir die afgelope 13 jaar. Die literatuurstudie toon aan dat, in terme van effektiwiteit, die KVBA onderpresteer het vanaf sy ontstaan tot en met 2004. Ná 2004 het verbeteringe drupsgewys ingetree. Die literatuurstudie skets 'n negatiewe beeld met verwysing na die gehalte van geskilbeslegting: die KVBA verskaf nie 'n geskilbeslegting diens van gehalte nie. Die navorsing het sekondêre data vanaf die KVBA en primêre data van die partye betrokke by geskilbeslegting in die Kaapstad-kantoor van die KVBA ingesamel deur van 'n selfontwikkelde vraelys gebruik te maak. Die resultate toon dat die KVBA voortgaan om te groei en te bou op vorige suksesse ten opsigte van effektiwiteit: die KVBA handel versoenings en arbitrasies binne die statutêre tydsbepalings van 30 en 60 dae onderskeidelik af. Die resultate toon ook dat die KVBA toeganklik is: die respondente het die proses van arbitrasie as informeel ervaar. Die resultate toon ook dat die KVBA 'n kwaliteit geskilbeslegtingsfunksie verskaf. Alle respondente het die gehalte van versoenings positief beoordeel. Die resultate ten opsigte van effektiwiteit en toeganklikheid ondersteun die literatuurstudie. Die resultate ten opsigte van die gehalte van die geskilbeslegtingsfunksie is strydig met die literatuurstudie. Voortvloeiend uit hierdie bevindinge, word tot insiggewende gevolgtrekkings gekom en aanbevelings word gemaak vir gebruik deur die KVBA, asook vir toekomstige navorsing.

Academic staff perceptions and the identification of critical success factors in a merger of two academic institutions

Stephen, David Ferguson 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm (Industrial Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this investigation is two-fold: to ascertain the perceptions and reactions of academic staff to a merger, and its impact on them; and secondly, to identify factors which are critical to merger success. Although the two institutions had agreed on some form of closer relationship, the process was accelerated by a decision by the Department of Education to use mergers as a means of initiating change in South Africa’s post-school education system. Despite many superficial similarities, the two institutions were dissimilar. Only operational and financial factors were considered. The human factors were ignored. This was critical as the two institutions were totally different with regards to organisational culture and academic standards. The resulting clash in these areas proved to be a major stumbling block to the success of the merger. Technikon A, regarded as the institution of choice, had been subjected to a variety of rapid environmental changes in the few years immediately prior to the merger. These changes had sapped staff morale. In addition, significant financial mismanagement had almost crippled the institution. While the staff of neither institution was in favour of the merger, and both staff associations approached the Department of Education to stop it, the merger went ahead. However, the staff association of Technikon B publicly and vociferously opposed the merger, based on their fears that Technikon A’s incompetent management and weak financial position would impact negatively on them. Instead of integrating “best practice” systems, the weak Technikon A management allowed Technikon B to “make the running” and introduce only their systems into the merger. In effect, this turned the merger into a hostile take-over and allowed for the total deculturation of Technikon A. The perceptions of a sample of Technikon A academic staff were canvassed, both pre- and post-merger. The pre-merger predictions were accurate and there was almost unanimous consent as to the outcomes of the post-merger environment. Comparisons were made with other academic mergers in South Africa and overseas – notably Australia – and parallels drawn with the merger in question. In all cases, the perceptions of staff were very similar. From the literature, a list of critical merger success factors was compiled, against which the present merger was compared. Given that this merger failed to successfully address almost all of the success criteria, the merger must, therefore, be regarded as a complete failure. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie ondersoek is tweeledig. Dit behels die bepaling van reaksies en persepsies van akademiese personeel wie ten nouste deur ‘n samesmelting geraak is, asook ‘n studie van die kritiese prosessuele aspekte wat ‘n rol speel en in ag geneem behoort te word ten einde so ‘n instelling suksesvol te laat verloop. Die instellings waarna verwys word, word in hierdie studie aangedui as synde Technikon A en Technikon B. Alhoewel die twee instellings waarna verwys word in hierdie studie aanvanklik ‘n samewerking ooreenkoms wou sluit, is hulle gedwing deur die Departement van Hoër Onderwys om ‘n formele samesmelting te onderneem ter bespoediging van die regering se gestelde transformasie beleid in hoër onderwys. Ten spyte van oppervlakkige ooreenkomste het die twee inrigtings oor baie andersoortige unieke eienskappe beskik. Dit wil voorkom asof operasionele en finansiële faktore hoofsaaklik die hoofoorwegings by die samesmelting was en dat menslike faktore buite rekening gelaat is. Dit wil blyk ‘n kritiese fout te gewees het, omdat die twee instellings verskil het ten opsigte van hul organisasie-kultuur en akademiese standaarde. Technikon A is alreeds voor die formele samesmelting aan struktuur veranderinge onderwerp en was ook geraak deur wanbestuur wat ‘n baie nadelige impak op die moraal van die personeel gelaat het. Die personeel verenigings van beide inrigtings was gekant teen die samesmelting en veral die personeel van Technikon B het hewig beswaar daarteen gemaak. Hierdie teenstand is skynbaar geignoreer en daar is voortgegaan met die proses. Technikon A het ‘n totale dekulturasie proses moes ondergaan en moes aanlyn kom met die bestuur en styl van Technikon B wie se standaarde hulle as minderwaardig beskou het. Ten einde die proses te bestudeer is daar in hierdie navorsing gebruik gemaak van die metode van deelnemende-navorsing tegnieke (“participant observation techniques”). Onderhoude is gevoer met studente en personeel voor en na die proses; dokumente en verslae, asook media berigte is bestudeer en word aangehaal as bewyse. Vergelykings word getref met soortgelyke samesmeltings in Australië wat baie ooreenkomste toon met die in Suid Afrika. Die praktiese studie tesame met die literatuuroorsig dui onomwonde aan dat die samesmelting wat in hiedie studie in oënskou geneem is. gemeet aan die hand van krities belangrike prosessuele faktore, as ‘n mislukking beskou moet word.

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