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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An evaluation of a performance management system within a division of a large organisation in the public sector

Herholdt, Memorie 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Today’s competitive and dynamic business world, solicits ever higher levels of performance and productivity. At the core of this drive to higher performance is the enhancement and managing of employees’ performance through a Performance Management system. Performance Management however, is a very complex, multi-dimensional and integrated system with a number of interacting critical prerequisites. Even in ideal circumstances, these fundamental elements would, in all likelihood, not all be satisfied during the initial phases of implementing a Performance Management system. The concern existed, on the basis of the abovementioned probabilities, that the Performance Management system of the Children and Families Division (CAF) of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) of Tasmania, Australia, was not enjoying optimal operational effectiveness. The aim of this study was to identify those factors in the system that are underdeveloped, possibly unsuccessfully implemented or in need of attention as they impact negatively on the effective running of the CAF’s Performance Management system. A suitable tool for this diagnostic purpose already exists in the form of the Performance Management Audit Questionnaire (PMAQ), developed by Spangenberg and Theron (1997). Through administering and analysing the PMAQ results, the CAF could obtain a clear indication of the system’s current effectiveness and would be able to identify where the problem areas are in order to refine the system for greater operational effectiveness. The results successfully identified the underdeveloped or absent areas of the organisation’s current Performance Management system. The results further found a clear difference between managerial and non-managerial perceptions of the effectiveness of the Performance Management system. The implications of these findings are discussed in terms of proposed remedial actions that could be implemented to address the problem areas. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: ‘n Konstante strewe na steeds hoër vlakke van prestasie en produktiwiteit is aan die orde van die dag in die huidige hoogs kompeterende en dinamiese besigheidswêreld. Die verbetering en bestuur van werknemers se prestasie deur middel van ‘n Prestasiebestuurstelsel, blyk ‘n sleutel te bied tot hierdie strewe na hoër prestasie. Prestasiebestuur is egter ‘n hoogs komplekse, multidimensionele en geintegreerde stelsel met ‘n aantal interverwante kritieke vereistes. Selfs onder ideale omstandighede, sou dit onwaarskynlik wees dat al hierdie fundamentele elemente aangespreek sou kon word gedurende die anvanklike fases van die implementering van ‘n Prestasiebestuurstelsel. In die lig van die bogenoemde waarskynlikhede, het daar spesifiek twyfel geheers oor die mate waartoe die Prestasiebestuurselsel van die ‘Children and Families’ (CAF) afdeling van die ‘Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) in Tasmanië, Australie, optimale operasionele effektiwiteit weerspieël. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die faktore binne die stelsel te identifiseer wat onderskeidelik onderontwikkeld, onsuksesvol geimplementeer, of aandag benodig het ten einde hulle negatiewe impak op die effektiewe bedryf van die CAF se Prestasiebestuurstelsel aan te spreek. ‘n Geskikte hulpmiddel vir so ‘n diagnostiese doelwit het reeds bestaan in die vorm van die Performance Management Audit Questionnaire (PMAQ) wat deur Spangenberg en Theron (1997) ontwikkel is. Deur middel van die administrasie van die PMAQ en die analise van die resultate, sou die CAF ‘n duidelike aanduiding kon verkry van die stelsel se effektiwiteit en sou hulle die probleemareas kon identifiseer ten einde die stelsel tot groter operasionele effektiwiteit te verfyn. Die resultate het die leemtes en onder-ontwikkelde areas binne die organisasie se huidige Presasiebestuurselsel suksesvol geidentifiseer. Die resultate het verder gedui op ‘n duidelike verskil tussen die persepsies van bestuurders en nie-bestuurders oor die effektiwiteit van die Prestasiebestuurstelsel. Die implikasies van hierdie bevindings word ten slotte bespreek in terme van die voorgestelde remediëringsaksies wat geimplementeer sou kon word om die probleemareas aan te spreek.

Die lewenstyltipering van 'n impulsiewe studente-aankoper

Roux, L. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Lifestyles offer a comprehensive view of behaviour and the motives that underlie many of the purchases made by consumers. Impulsive buying behaviour is a complex phenomenon, and it has not yet been actively researched within a South African context. The aim of this study was to investigate the lifestyle of an impulsive student buyer, and to compile a lifestyle profile of such a buyer. A total of 499 respondents from the particular tertiary institution participated in the study. The sample population reflected young consumers in the age group 17 to 33 years. The students were mostly undergraduates studying in a full-time capacity. This study was exploratory and descriptive in nature. An electronic web-based survey was used as the method of data gathering. The survey was programmed and posted for a period of three weeks on the student portal of the tertiary institution where the survey was conducted. The validation of participation in the electronic survey was done in accordance with the requirements of the sample selection criteria. The questionnaire was tested during a pilot study. Factor analysis and Cronbach’s coefficient alpha was used to assess the validity of the questionnaire and to determine its internal consistency. Mean scores and standard deviations were computed to divide the data into three groups. To determine the current lifestyle dimensions of the students, the Activities, Interests and Opinion statements (AIOstatements) were factor analyzed. The factor matrix was rotated by means of an oblique rotation of axes, making use of the Direct Oblimin rotation technique. This resulted in a solution of five activity and interest factors, and two opinion factors. Mean scores and standard deviations were computed for all the valid life style characteristics. The frequency of impulsive shopping was measured through frequency distribution. Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient analysis was performed between the differentiating variables, namely lifestyle and impulsive shopping behaviour to establish the relationship between these variables. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and univariate (one way) analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used to determine differences between the groups. The five activity and interest factors that were identified, included clothes shopping/clothing specific lifestyle, social interaction, media usage, fashion oriented clothes shopping/fasion oriented clothing lifestyle, and cultural activities and interests. The two opinion factors identified, were positive vision for the future and importance of training/education. However, the opinion factors did not differ in terms of statistic significance between the groups, and was therefore not used in the consequent typology of the groups. Three groups of student consumers were identified based on the respondents’ perceptions of their activities and interests, and impulsive shopping behaviour. The students were categorized into the following three groups: Group 1: Non-impulsive shoppers – Non-impulsive Conservatives/ Traditionalists Group 2: Low impulsive shoppers – Moderates Group 3: High impulsive shoppers – Impulsive Trendsetters The three groups differed in terms of their activities and interests, and impulsive shopping behaviour. The following activities and interests characteristics were considered important: clothes shopping/clothing specific lifestyle, social interaction and media usage. The activities and interests factors that are responsible for differences between the groups could provide retailers with valuable means to identify market segments, and to satisfy their specific needs. Young South African consumers should not be considered as a homogeneous group of consumers. The South African market is a highly competitive environment providing a wide variety of shops and products to consumers which can be targeted at a specific segment to exert an impact on shopping and specifically impulsive shopping. Therefore the retailer and marketer ought not to underestimate this type of shopping behaviour. Implications for retailers and marketers are stated and recommendations for future research are suggested in order to encourage further investigation in a scientific manner in the field of impulsive shopping behaviour, and lifestyle. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Lewenstyl bied ‘n uitgebreide en omvattende beeld van verbruikers se gedrag en die motiewe onderliggend aan die aankope van verbruikers. Impulsiewe aankoopgedrag is ‘n komplekse fenomeen en ‘n studierigting waarin beperkte navorsing in Suid- Afrika gedoen is. Hierdie studie poog om ondersoek in te stel na die lewenstyl van ‘n impulsiewe studente-aankoper en om dan gevolglik ‘n lewenstyltipering van hierdie student te doen. ‘n Totaal van 499 respondente het aan hierdie studie deelgeneem. Die steekproef is uit jong verbruikers in die ouderdomsgroep 17 tot 33 jaar geneem. Die studente was meerendeels voorgraads voltyds ingeskrewe studente. Hierdie studie was verkennend en beskrywend van aard. Data is deur middel van ‘n elektroniese webgebaseerde-opname versamel. Die vraelys is tydens ‘n loodsstudie getoets. Die vraelys is geprogrammeer en vir ‘n tydperk van drie weke op die portaal van die studente aan die betrokke tersiêre instansie geplaas. Die vraelys het uit vier afdelings bestaan. Die kontrole van die deelnemers aan die elektroniese opname is in ooreenstemming met die steekproefseleksiekriteria opgestel. Faktorontleding en Cronbach se koëffisiënt alfa is gebruik om die geldigheid en interne konsekwentheid van die vraelys te ondersoek. Deur gebruik te maak van gemiddelde tellings en standaardafwykings is die data in drie groepe verdeel. Om die bestaande lewenstyldimensies van die studente te bepaal, is die Aktiwiteite, Belangstellings en Opinie-stellings (AIO-stellings) aan faktorontleding onderwerp. Die faktormatriks is volgens die skuinsas-rotasietegniek met behulp van die Direct Oblimin-metode geroteer. Vyf aktiwiteite-en-belangstellingsfaktore en twee opiniefaktore is uit die data verkry. Gemiddelde tellings en standaardafwykings is vir al die geldige lewenstyleienskappe bereken. Die frekwensie van impulsiewe aankoopgedrag is deur middel van frekwensieverspreiding gemeet. Pearson se produk-moment korrelasiekoëffisiënt-ontleding is op die data toegepas om die korrelasies tussen die onderskeie veranderlikes, naamlik lewenstyl en impulsiewe aankoopgedrag, te bepaal. Meervoudige ontleding van variansie (MANOVA) en enkelvoudige ontleding van variansie (ANOVA) is gebruik om verskille tussen die groepe te bepaal. Die belangrikste aktiwiteite-en-belangstellingsfaktore wat geïdentifiseer is, sluit klereaankope/klere-spesifieke lewenstyl, sosiale interaksie, mediaverbruik, modieuse klereaankope/modieuse klere-lewenstyl en kuns en kulturele aktiwiteite en belangstellings in. Die belangrikste opiniefaktore sluit positiewe toekomsvisie en belangrikheid van opleiding in. Die opiniefaktore het egter nie statisties beduidend tussen die groepe onderskei nie en is gevolglik nie in die tipering van die groepe gebruik nie. Drie groepe studenteverbruikers is geïdentifiseer, gebaseer op die respondente se persepsie van hul lewenstyl en impulsiewe aankoopgedrag. Die drie groepe is soos volg gekategoriseer: Groep 1: Nie-impulsiewe kopers – Nie-impulsiewe Konserwatiewes/ Tradisioneles Groep 2: Lae impulsiewe kopers – Gematigdes Groep 3: Hoë impulsiewe kopers – Impulsiewe Tendensaanwysers Die drie groepe het volgens hul impulsiewe aankoopgedrag en aktiwiteite en belangstellings verskil. Die volgende aktiwiteite en belangstellingseienskappe is oor die algemeen die hoogste aangeslaan: klereaankope/klere-spesifieke lewenstyl, sosiale interaksie en mediaverbruik. Die aktiwiteite en belangstellings wat beduidend tussen die groepe onderskei, kan moontlik aan kleinhandelaars waardevolle inligting bied om marksegmente te identifiseer en om aan die behoeftes van die onderskeie verbruikersgroepe te voldoen. Jong Suid-Afrikaanse verbruikers behoort nie as ‘n homogene groep verbruikers beskou te word nie. Die Suid-Afrikaanse mark is hoogs kompeterend met ‘n wye reeks winkels en produkte wat op ‘n spesifieke segment gerig kan word om sodoende ‘n impak op aankope en spesifiek impulsiewe aankope uit te oefen. Die kleinhandelaar en bemarker behoort derhalwe nie hierdie tipe aankoopgedrag gering te skat nie. Implikasies vir die kleinhandelsektor en bemarker is gestel en aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing word gemaak ten einde toekomstige navorsing op ‘n wetenskaplik gefundeerde wyse op die gebied van impulsiewe aankoopgedrag en lewenstyl aan te moedig.

The impact of positive organisational factors on the career success of black employees in the South African work environment: An exploratory study

Roux, Shayne 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study is rooted in career psychology with implications for career management. In addition, the study draws from various fields including the positive organisational behaviour paradigm. The underlying assumption of this study is that certain organisational and individual factors influence the experience of subjective career success amongst black employees in the South African work environment. In order to evaluate this assumption an attempt was made to gain an understanding of the antecedents of subjective career success. An overview of the literature led the researcher to the conclusion that transformational leadership, job resources, supportive organisational climate, psychological empowerment, and psychological capital (PsyCap), could be regarded as antecedents of subjective career success. Based on the literature, a theoretical model was developed that portrays a sequential process within which the identified variables play roles that vary in salience, depending on the stage in the sequential process. A mixed-methods research design was employed to guide the investigation. More specifically, the study consisted of a qualitative strand, followed by two quantitative strands. In the qualitative strand (Phase 1), a semi-structured interview was used to obtain information about the factors influencing career success from 30 black employees in white-collar jobs from three different South African organisations. The purpose of the qualitative strand was two-fold, firstly to seek confirmation that the instruments utilised covered the most salient issues. Secondly, to obtain guidance on how to supplement constructs that were not adequately covered, before continuing with the subsequent quantitative strands. The outcome of Phase 1 provided evidence of sufficient coverage of the variables as based on the literature review. However, it was decided to add three questions to the job resources measuring instrument, as well as two items to the supportive organisational climate instrument. During both the quantitative strands, survey research was used. To facilitate the collection of data during the survey research, an electronic web-based questionnaire was compiled. Standardised questionnaires were utilised to measure each of the ten constructs. The purpose of Phase 2 was to pilot test the composite questionnaire. A total of 220 usable questionnaires were analysed during Phase 2 with regard to the psychometric properties associated with each of the constructs. Evidence of the psychometric properties was obtained by means of internal consistency, confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis. All the instruments used in Phase 2 had acceptable reliabilities and goodness-of-fit, with the exception of the psychological capital instrument (PCQ). More specifically, less than satisfactory reliability coefficients were observed for resilience (α= .60) and optimism (α= .48). On the basis of this, no changes were made to the content of the instruments for use in Phase 3. However assumptions about the factorial structure of the job resources scale had to be revisited. The outcome of Phase 2 was a set of reliable and valid measuring instruments that could be used with confidence. The purpose of Phase 3 was to evaluate thirteen propositions guiding the current study. A total of 418 usable questionnaires were analysed during Phase 3. During Phase 3, further confirmation was found that all the instruments used had acceptable reliabilities, as well as goodness-of-fit. In addition, correlation analysis, step-wise multiple regression and structural equation modelling (variance and covariance-based) were employed. All the independent variables were significantly related to the dependent variable, subjective career success, except for objective career success (past). Job resources, psychological capital and supportive organisational climate, however, were the only significant predictors of career success. In order to evaluate the appropriateness of the proposed sequential model, both variance and covariance-based structural equation modelling were used. Model exploration was facilitated by the use of variance-based structural equation modelling. Both non-significant paths, as well as significant, but weak paths, were removed during the exploration process. The covariance-based approach allowed the utilisation of modification indices to arrive at an optimal model. A model consisting of only the significant paths were subjected to covariance-based structural equation modelling. The modification indices suggested adding three direct paths between subjective career success and transformational leadership, job resources, as well as supportive organisational climate. However, in the optimal model, the direct path between transformational leadership and subjective career success was excluded due to not being statistically significant. In the optimal model all the proposed paths were significant. Acceptable goodness-of-fit was obtained for this optimal model. The results of Phase 3 provided evidence supporting the majority of the thirteen propositions that guided the current study. With the unique combination of variables, this study can be seen as making a contribution to the existing theory and literature by explicating the interrelationships between transformational leadership, job resources, supportive organisational climate, psychological empowerment, psychological capital (PsyCap), and subjective career success. The researcher made recommendations for future research, as well as for scientific and practical interventions regarding the development of subjective career success. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie is gegrond in loopbaansielkunde met implikasies vir loopbaanbestuur. Hierbenewens het die studie op verskeie velde gesteun, insluitend, en veral, die positiewe organisatoriese gedragsparadigma. Die onderliggende aanname in die studie was dat die ervaring van subjektiewe loopbaansukses onder swart werknemers in die Suid-Afrikaanse werkomgewing deur sekere organisatoriese en individuele faktore beïnvloed word. Ten einde hierdie aanname te evalueer, is gepoog om ’n begrip te vorm van die aanleidende oorsake van subjektiewe loopbaansukses. ’n Literatuuroorsig het die navorser tot die slotsom gebring dat transformasionele leierskap, werkhulpbronne, ondersteunende organisatoriese klimaat, sielkundige bemagtiging en sielkundige kapitaal (PsyCap) as oorsaaklike faktore van subjektiewe loopbaansukses beskou kan word. ’n Teoretiese model wat op die literatuur gebaseer was, is ontwikkel om ’n opeenvolgende proses waarin die geïdentifiseerde veranderlikes wissellende rolle ten opsigte van prominensie speel, weer te gee. ’n Gemengde-metodes-ontwerp is in die navorsing gebruik om die ondersoek te rig. Meer besonderlik het die studie ’n kwalitatiewe fase behels, wat deur twee kwantitatiewe fases gevolg is. In die kwalitatiewe fase (Fase 1) is semigestruktureerde onderhoude met 30 swart gesalarieerde werknemers in drie verskillende Suid-Afrikaanse organisasies gevoer om inligting oor die faktore wat loopbaansukses beïnvloed, in te win. Die doel van die kwalitatiewe fase was tweeledig: eerstens om bevestiging te verkry dat die instrumente wat gebruik is, die mees belangike kwessies gedek het. Tweedens was die doel om uit te vind hoe om die konstrukte wat nie behoorlik gedek is nie, aan te vul voordat daar met die daaropvolgende kwantitatiewe fases voortgegaan word. Die uitkoms van Fase 1 het getuienis gelewer dat daar, soos op die literatuuroorsig gebaseer, voldoende dekking van die veranderlikes was. Daar is egter besluit om drie vrae by die meetinstrument vir die meet van werkhulpbronne by te voeg, sowel as om twee items by die meetinstrument vir die meet van ondersteunende organisatoriese klimaat by te voeg. Opname-navorsing is gedurende beide kwantitatiewe fases gebruik. ’n Elektroniese web-gebaseerde vraelys is opgestel om die opname-navorsing te vergemaklik. Gestandaardiseerde vraelyste is gebruik om elk van die tien konstrukte te meet. Die doel van Fase 2 was om ’n voortoetsing met die saamgestelde vraelys uit te voer. Twee honderd en twintig bruikbare vraelyste is gedurende Fase 2 ontleed met betrekking tot die psigometiese eienskappe wat met elk van die konstrukte geassosieer was. Getuienis omtrent die psigometriese eienskappe van die meetinstrumente is deur middel van interne konsekwentheid, en bevestigende en ondersoekende faktorontleding verkry. Al die instrumente wat in Fase 2 gebruik is, het aanvaarbare betroubaarheid en goeie passing getoon, met die uitsondering van die sielkundige kapitaal (PsyCap) instrument, meer spesifiek, minder aanvaarbare vlakke van betroubaarheid is gevind in die geval van veerkragtigheid (α= .60) en optimisme (α= .48). Daar is egter geen veranderinge vir gebruik in Fase 3 aan die inhoud van die instrumente aangebring nie. Aannames ten opsigte van die faktoriale struktuur van die werkhulpbronneskaal moes egter hersien word. Die uitkoms van Fase 2 was ’n betroubare en geldige stel meetinstrumente wat met vertroue gebruik kon word. Die doel van Fase 3 was om die dertien hipoteses wat die huidige studie gerig het, te evalueer. Hiervoor is 418 bruikbare vraelyste tydens Fase 3 ontleed. Verdere bevestiging dat al die instrumente aanvaarbare betroubaarheid, asook goeie passing getoon het, is tydens Fase 3 verkry. Daarbenewens is korrelasie-ontleding, stapsgewyse meervoudige regressie en strukturele vergelykingsmodellering (variansieen kovariansie-gebaseerd) gebruik. Behalwe vir objektiewe loopbaansukses (vorige), was al die onafhanklike veranderlikes beduidend verwant aan die afhanklike veranderlike, naamlik subjektiewe loopbaansukses. Werkhulpbronne, sielkundige kapitaal en ondersteunende organisatoriese klimaat was egter die enigste beduidende voorspellers van loopbaansukses. Beide variansie- en kovariansie-gebaseerde strukturele vergelykingsmodellering is gebruik om die toepaslikheid van die voorgestelde konseptuele model te evalueer. Verkenning van die model is met gebruik van variansie-gebaseerde strukturele vergelykingsmodellering bewerkstellig. Beide nie-beduidende bane, sowel as beduidende, maar swak bane, is tydens die verkenningsproses verwyder. Met die benutting van modifikasie-indekse het die kovariansie-gebaseerde benadering dit moontlik gemaak om ’n optimale model daar te stel. Die model, wat slegs uit die beduidende bane bestaan het, is aan kovariansie-gebaseerde strukturele vergelykingsmodellering onderwerp. Die modifikasie-indekse het die toevoeging van drie direkte bane tussen subjektiewe loopbaansukses en transformasionele leierskap, werkhulpbronne, en ondersteunende organisatoriese klimaat voorgestel. In die optimale model is die direkte baan tussen transformasionele leierskap en subjektiewe loopbaansukses egter uitgeskakel omdat dit nie statisties beduidend was nie. Al die voorgestelde bane was in die optimale model beduidend en goeie passing is vir hierdie optimale model verkry. Die resultate van Fase 3 het bewys gelewer vir die aanvaarding van die meerderheid van die dertien hipoteses wat die huidige studie gerig het. Vanweë die ontwikkeling van die onderlinge verband tussen transformasionele leierskap, werkhulpbronne, ondersteunende organisatoriese klimaat, sielkundige bemagtiging, sielkundige kapitaal (PsyCap), en subjektiewe loopbaansukses, kan hierdie studie, met hierdie unieke samestelling van veranderlikes, as bydraend tot die bestaande teorie en literatuur beskou word. Die navorser doen aanbevelings vir toekomstige navorsing, sowel as vir wetenskaplike en praktiese intervensies ten opsigte van die ontwikkeling van subjektiewe loopbaansukses.

Perceptions of affirmative action and the potential unintended consequences thereof in the work environment : a study of the designated and non-designated groups in South Africa

12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Industrial Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Affirmative action is arguably one of the more controversial topics in the South African society today. Implemented in response to many years of apartheid which marginalised the Black population of South Africa specifically, this form of redress is aimed at reversing the wrongs of the past and at levelling the playing field in terms of access to scarce resources. Unfortunately, massive social structural changes such as these are hardly ever implemented without encountering resistance and unintended consequences. This is why the aim of this study was to explore the relationship between knowledge of affirmative action and attitudes towards affirmative action, as well as the relationship between attitudes towards affirmative action and the different forms of (dysfunctional) consequences this could have in the South African work environment for both the Designated-(Blacks, Indians, Coloured and White female employees) and Non-designated groups (White male employees) respectively. A non-experimental (ex-post facto) research design were utilised for these purposes. The constructs were defined as follows: knowledge of affirmative action as the respondents’ actual knowledge of South Africa’s Employment Equity Act, (1998) and attitudes towards affirmative action as the respondents’ stance (in terms of negativity or sensitivity) towards 5 affirmative action-related debates. These include attitude towards merit, - quotas, -reverse discrimination, - drop in standards, and – tokenism (Charlton & Van Niekerk, 1994; Human, Bluen, & Davies, 1999; Lynch, 1989; Qunta, 1995). For the Non-designated group (White males), Adams’ equity theory (1965) was used to explain how perceived inequity in the work environment could lead to certain forms of dysfunctional work behaviour, namely exit, voice, loyalty, stealing and silence (Hirschman, 1970; Pinder, 1998). For the Designated groups, relational demography theory (Riordian, 2000; Williams & O’Reilly, 1998) was used to argue how possible “out-group” status of affirmative action candidates could lead to lower levels of job satisfaction, group cohesion and organisational commitment, as well as to higher levels of conflict and role ambiguity. An availability sample of one-hundred-and-eighty respondents was drawn from the databases of several leading recruitment agencies in the Western Cape. Several scales were utilised, of which all were added into one composite questionnaire. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar kan argumenteer word dat regstellende aksie waarskynlik vandag een van die mees kontroversie le temas is in die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing. Regstellende aksie is g implimenteer in reaksie op baie jare van apartheid waarin veral die Swart Suid-Afrikaanse populasie ontsien is van baie geleenthede, en stel dus ten doel ‘n ommeswaai in die verkeerde praktyke van die verlede sowel as die gelykmaking van die speelveld in terme van toegang tot skaars hulpbronne te bring. Ongelukkig is dit so dat massiewe sosiale strukturele veranderinge soos hierdie byna nooit g implimenteer word sonder weerstand en nie-vooraf verwagte gevolge nie. Die doel van hierdie studie was daarom om die verhouding tussen kennis van regstellende aksie en houdings teenoor regstellende aksie, sowel as die verhoudings tussen houdings teenoor regstellende aksie en verskillende disfunksionele gevolge in die Suid-Afrikaanse werksplek as gevolg hiervan, vir beide die Aangewese (Swart, Indi r, Gekleurde en Wit vroulike werknemers) en Nie-aangewese (Blanke manlike werknemers) groepe onderskeidelik, te ondersoek. A nie- eksperimentele (ex-post facto) navorsingsontwerp was gebruik om hierdie doel te bereik. Die belangrike konstrukte was gedefinie r as volg: kennis van regstellende aksie as die respondente se werklike kennis van Suid-Afrika se Wet op Gelyke Indiensneming (1998) en houdings teenoor regstellende aksie as die respondente se standpunt (in terme van negatiwiteit of sensitiwiteit) teenoor vyf regstellende aksie-verwante debatte. Hierdie debatte sluit in houding teenoor meriete, - kwotas, - omgekeerde diskriminasie, - verlaging van standaarde en -“tokenism” (Charlton & Van Niekerk, 1994; Human, Bluen, & Davies, 1999; Lynch, 1989; Qunta, 1995). Vir die Nie- aangewese groep (Wit mans), is Adams se billikheidsteorie (1965) gebruik om te verduidelik hoe die persepsie van onbillikheid in die werksplek kan lei tot sekere vorms van disfunksionele werksgedrag, naamlik “exit, voice, loyalty, stealing” en “silence” (Hirschman, 1970; Pinder, 1998). Vir die Aangewese groepe was “relational demography” teorie (Riordian, 2000; Williams & O’Reilly, 1998) gebruik om te beskryf hoe moontlike “uit-groep” status van regstellende aksie kandidate kan lei tot laer vlakke van werksatisfaksie, groep kohesie en organisatoriese betrokkenheid, en tot ho r vlakke van konflik en rol dubbelsinnigheid.

An analysis of the business response to HIV/AIDS in the catering industry in Zimbabwe : a case study for organisations affiliated to the National Employment Council for the catering industry

Zhira, Pardon 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The catering industry by its constituent membership of hotels, restaurants, lodges, bars, night clubs, takeaways and every tourist activity is susceptible and vulnerable to HIV/AIDS. This study analysed the business response to HIV/AIDS by establishments in the catering industry in Zimbabwe. The case study focused on establishments in Harare using a questionnaire with both open-ended and closed questions for data collection. The results of the study acknowledged the impact of HIV/AIDS on human resources capital and the business. The study also highlighted the need to conduct an assessment of the status of HIV/AIDS in the industry and its impact on both people and business. The epidemic was also acknowledged as a threat to the industry (both workforce and the business)hence the need for business response. However, the study revealed that the current business response was very minimal, erratic and uncoordinated. The study also highlighted the discriminatory practices in the catering industry especially in the treatment of persons infected with HIV. The study revealed the urgent need to put in place effective response to mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS in the catering industry. Recommendations have been made to address HIV/AIDS in the workplace. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om te bepaal tot watter mate die voedselverskaffingsindustrie in Zimbabwe as besigheid gereageer het teenoor MIV/Vigs en wat hulle besigheidsrespons was. Resultate van die studie dui aan dat hierdie besigheidsektor wel erkenning gee aan die negatiewe impak wat MIV/Vigs op menslike hulpbronne . MIV/Vigs word as ‘n bedreiging erken en die negatiewe impak daarvan op besighede word deeglik besef. Die studie dui egter ook aan dat die huidige respons van die voedselverskaffingsektor minimaal, ongereeld en ongekoordineerd is. Die studie wys ook daarop dat daar nog steeds baie hoogs-diskriminerende praktyke binne die industrie bestaan, veral ten opsigte van pasiënte wat tans op behandeling is vir MIV-verwante siektetoestande. Die studie wys op die noodsaaklikheid van ‘n doeltreffende besigheidsrepons binne die voedselverskaffingsindustrie en voorstelle word gemaak vir die beter bestuur van MIV/Vigs binne hierdie bedryfsektor.

HIV management in a mining company in South Africa

Mofomme, Steven 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhill)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The mining industry having been identified as a particularly vulnerable sector to the potentially devastating effects of HIV and AIDS, it became clear that proper management thereof is essential if we are to mitigate these. Two-hundred-and-seventy-nine of the 720 patient files from the mine‟s wellness clinic were reviewed for clinical appropriateness. These files were scrutinised to evaluate adherence to treatment guidelines. The review was conducted using the wellness clinic‟s treatment guidelines, adapted from the South African HIV Clinicians Society (SAHIVCS) 2008 guidelines asking the four questions: “when to start therapy”, “what therapy to start”, “co-existence of other illnesses”, “when to change therapy”. The guidelines were largely adhered to as far as starting the right type of therapy at the right time. “When to start therapy” was adhered to in 97.1 percent of the cases, “when to start” in 99.6 percent. However evaluation of “co-existence of other illnesses” came in at a rather low figure of 45.5 percent. Although the need for change of therapy was very low (2.5 percent), 57.5 percent of those who needed a change in therapy were prolonged on failing regimens for periods of more than three months. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die mynindustrie in Suid-Afrika is as 'n uiters kwesbare sektor geïdentifiseer en behoorlike bestuur van hierdie sektor is van kritieke belang in die suksesvolle bestuur van MIV/Vigs in Suid-Afrika. Die mediese inligting van 279 pasiënte is vir die doel van die studie ontleed en die mate waartoe pasiënte getrou hou by behandelingsriglyne is in die studie ge-evalueer. Die ontleding was gebasseer op die 2008 welwees kliniese riglyne van die South African HIV Clinicians Society (SAHIVCS). Die studie bevind dat pasiënte in 'n groot mate by die kliniese riglyne gehou het en dat die datum waarop met behandeling begin is in bykans 97% van die gevalle ooreenkomstig die riglyne was. Die grootste bron van kommer was die groot relatief groot aantal gevalle waar die invloed van ander siektetoestande nie behoorlik in ag geneem is nie en die MIV/Vigs medikasie nie dienooreenkomstig aangepas is nie. Voorstelle word in die studie gemaak vir aksies wat geneem behoort te word om 'n groter mate van voldoening aan die riglyne te bewerkstellig.

An investigation into the attitudes, opinions, and feelings of psychometric test administrators toward the Apil B as a culture fair assessment with special reference to the Employment Equity Act.

Doosi, Michelle. January 2000 (has links)
This research is an investigation into the Apil B as a culture fair assessment tool for the purpose of recruitment and selection. The Employment Equity Act stipulates that "psychological testing and other similar assessments are prohibited unless the test or assessment being used :-a) has been shown to be valid and reliable b) can be fairly applied to all employees and c) is not biased against any employee" (Employment Equity Act, 1998). The primary objective of this research is to evaluate the Apil B with regard to validity. reliability, cultural fairness, and bias via a consideration of the attitudes, opinions, and feelings of psychometric test administrators in the Kwa-Zulu Natal region. The secondary objective is to ascertain whether the Employment Equity legislation has influenced the attitudes of test administrators toward psychometric testing, and the implications for psychometric testing in South Africa following the Act. The sample in this research consists of 20 qualified test administrators of the Apil B. The administrators are affiliated with the following companies : Beacon, Durban Electricity, Profiled Appointments, Mondi, McCann and Associates, Saunders and Associates, Tetrapak, lthaJa, and Mangosuthu Technikon. Qualitative and quantitative methods are used. A self-administered questionnaire is used to investigate the attitudes, opinions, and feelings of the respondents toward the Apil B as a culture fair assessment, specifically in relation to validity, reliability, cultural fairness, and bias. Although most of the questions are qualitative, quantitative questions are also included. Therefore, this research requires numerical data as well . The quantitative questions include yes and no responses, as well as rating scales. The quantitative data supplements the qualitative data and therefore facilitates a more concrete data base. The results indicate that all respondents feel that the Apil B is valid, reliable, culture fair and fairly applied . Respondents feel more positively toward the new updated psychometric tests. They expressed greater confidence in terms of knowing which tests are inappropriate and which tests are relevant to specific jobs. It is also evident that the Employment Equity Act has strongly influenced the attitudes of respondents, in a very positive light, toward the use of psychometric testing. The respondents do however mention some concerns with regard to language based tests, and the ethical use of tests. According to the research conducted, the Apil B is regarded as a valid, reliable, and culture fair assessment tool in the opinion of the respondents utilised in this study. It is therefore recommended that the Apil B is used in organisations as a test that does not discriminate against any culture or subculture. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2000.

Female employees' perceptions of work-life balance at a banking institution in the Durban region.

Singh, Ashlesha. January 2013 (has links)
This study was interested in female bank employees’ perceptions of work life balance at a banking institution in the Durban region. The Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) Model was used as a theoretical framework to consider the demands that these women encounter as well as the support systems that they utilise to help facilitate work-life balance (WLB). Importantly, as a theoretical framework, the JD-R was used to bring to light employee experiences of their WLB in relation to their work demands and the resources that are available to them. A qualitative research design was used. Semi-structured interviews on a purposive sample of eight research participants were conducted within the sales and credit division at a large banking institution in the Durban region. Theory-led thematic analysis was used to analyse the interview transcripts. The findings of the study indicated that these women relied heavily upon domestic helpers in terms of household duties, extended family and their spouses in terms of childcare duties and needs. These employees felt that work dominates their lives more due to the core demands of meeting targets within the sales and credit divisions. These employees perceived that the bank as a whole was not supportive of WLB as they claimed to be and wanted to be involved with the HR Department in the formation of work-life balance policies. This research study offers insight into the needs of female bank employees and suggests the way forward for organisations to appropriately prioritise WLB as a quality strategy in an attempt to retain talented women in their sales and credit divisions. / Thesis (M.Soc.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2013.

Immigrant workers' experiences and perceptions of tensions, identity and social resources within the Port of Durban, South Africa.

Padayachee, Sarisha. January 2012 (has links)
It is argued that the tensions facing foreign workers in the South African labour market should be seen against the background of the recent history of migration in which it has been primarily workers with low educational and vocational qualifications that have arrived from neighbouring countries and who have been employed within the informal sector doing fairly dangerous and poorly paid work. Aim: In light of this, the purpose of this study was to explore immigrant worker’s experiences and perceptions of tension, identity and social resources within the Port of Durban, with an overall focus on the construction of a positive work identity. Methodology: The broad paradigm of this research study is located in the qualitative research field. The researcher specifically used an interpretative phenomenological approach (IPA) following the guidelines of Smith, Jarman and Osborne (1999). The IPA was used because the researcher was interested in identifying, describing and understanding the subjective experiences and cognitive interpretations of immigrant workers in respect of their subjective experiences and perceptions of tension; identity and social resources; and because the researcher intended to make sense of the participants’ worlds through a process of interpretative activity. Semi-structured interviews using a non-probability sampling technique were employed to purposively select 10 participants from within the container terminal division of the Port. The IPA as suggested by Smith et al. (1999) was then used to identify the connections and themes in respect of shared meanings and references and /or in respect of hierarchical relationships in each transcript. Themes that were found to be common were grouped together i.e. clustered by the researcher. The researcher then derived a master list of superordinate themes and sub-themes from the clusters of themes. Findings: The thematic analysis unearthed eight themes : (1) interpretation of what it means to be an immigrant; (2) causes of tension at work; (3) causes of tension outside of work; (4) mechanisms for managing tensions; (5) individuality versus belonging; (6) factors leading to a positive work life; (7) identifying social resources; and (8) overcoming tensions using social resources. The participants’ lived experiences of tension indicated that a number of barriers had impacted and were continuing to impact on their everyday work experience. Overall, tensions, such as disrespect, violence and inequality, made it difficult for immigrants to identify positively with their work and fellow South Africans. Notwithstanding the fact, participants additionally managed to identify key aspects and positive experiences, such as training and learning opportunities that served as potential social resources that workers could rely on in order to help them overcome some of the above mentioned tensions and attain a more positive immigrant work-related identity. / Thesis (M.Soc.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2012.

Work engagement among bus drivers in Zimbabwe : the role of employee well-being, job demands and resources.

Muzvidziwa, Rutendo Faith. January 2012 (has links)
This study was carried out in order to gain an understanding of work engagement among bus drivers in Zimbabwe. The study seeks to assess work engagement, job satisfaction, happiness and burnout in terms of relationships, significant differences and lived experiences among bus drivers in Harare (Zimbabwe). Further investigation is done to determine whether job demands and job resources are strong predictors for the relationship between work engagement, happiness, job satisfaction and burnout. Thus findings in this study are significant in that they provide insight into the well-being of bus drivers and its impact on employee work engagement. The study entails a mixed method to research. For the qualitative part of this study semi structured interviews were be used in data collection. Questionnaires are used for the quantitative part of the study. The research instruments were based on the stated objectives as a guide of what to include and leave in the research instrument. For the Questionnaires, the shortened version of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ), the Work-related Flow inventory (WOLF), the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI) and the Job Demands Resources Scale and is adopted. Results showed practically and statistically significant positive relationships between variables of work engagement, work happiness, job satisfaction and job resources. However, burnout had practically and statistically significant negative relationships, of medium effect, with variables of work engagement, work happiness and job satisfaction. A possible explanation for this is that when employees withdraw mentally as a result of burnout, their work engagement levels will decrease. Job demands and job resources are strong predictors of work engagement, work happiness, job satisfaction and burnout. A possible explanation for the results is the organisational citizenship and commitment among the employees. Results indicated that all the demographic variables (such as different age groups, education level attained, tenure, bus ranks and marital status) had a significant difference with regards to total work engagement, job satisfaction, overall happiness, overall job resources and overall burnout. The bus drivers were engaged, happy and satisfied with their jobs in spite of the stressors. A possible explanation of the results could be the buffering effect job resources had on job demands. The tickets from the police’, peak hours’ and bad weather were sum of the stressors leading to burnout. However, positive attitudes and stress coping strategies led the bus drivers to be happy in spite of the stressors. Themes such as good working environment, socialising at work and supportive co- workers emerged on job resources. A limitation of the present study is its cross-sectional character. However, despite these limitations, the present findings have important implications for both future research and practice. For instance future research should be longitudinal. Furthermore future research efforts should focus on the different aspects of job demands and resources inclusive of rewards, work overload, growth opportunities, social support, organisational support, job security and job advancement. This information is useful because it will allow managers and organisations to adjust jobs, training, and the work environment based on the factors that contribute the most to workplace happiness, job satisfaction and work engagement. Results in this study suggest that recovery from burnout help individuals to cope with job demands and to create new resources. These findings suggest that organisations should provide employees with facilities to recover and promote the development of leisure activities to help them overcome the daily strains of work. / Thesis (M.Soc.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2012.

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