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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Validation of a selection battery used by the South African Military Academy

Pretorius, Marlize, Redelinghuys, Marlize 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm (Industrial Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The objective of this study is to determine whether the psychometric evaluation procedure, used by the South African Military Academy to make selection decisions, can validly predict academic performance of first year learners, whether this procedure is fair and whether the procedure is efficient. The sample used for this study consisted of three year groups (First Year Students of 2001, 2002 and 2003) enrolled at the Military Academy. In theory specific learning behaviours (learning competencies) are instrumental in attaining academic performance. These learning behaviours, in turn, depend on and are expressions of a complex nomological network of person-centered characteristics (learning competency potential). Differences in learning performance can be explained in terms of learning behaviours. Learning competencies are instrumental in achieving the learning outcomes for which the academic programme exists. Learning competencies, in turn, can be explained in terms of learner characteristics. In order to differentiate between candidates who have better or poorer training prospects in terms of a construct orientated approach to selection, a performance hypothesis on the person-centered drivers of the learning competencies is used. It is argued that the degree of competence in: (1) the core cognitive processes/competencies that constitute learning (transfer and automatization) and are necessary to create meaningful structure in novel learning material, (2) the intellectual drivers of these learning competencies (fluid intelligence and information processing capacity), (3) proficiency in English and (4) past academic performance, should discriminate between better or poorer academic performance of learners attending the academic programmes at the SA Military Academy. The grade point average of the first year first semester academic results is used as a measure of the criterion construct. Almost all of the results obtained in this study support the theory and propositions made by the performance hypothesis. Only one variable, accuracy of information processing, did not perform as predicted by the performance hypothesis. Prior learning explained the most variance in the criterion (r=0,4312). The inter-correlation amongst the predictors is used to infer the proportion of unique variance each predictor accounts for in the composite criterion. A regression of the composite criterion on the array of predictors (X2 – X12) revealed that only memory and understanding (X9) and prior learning (X12) uncovered relevant and unique information about determinants of performance on the criterion not conveyed by the remaining predictors in the model. The remaining predictors in the selection battery can consequently be considered redundant since they provide no new information not already conveyed by X9 and X12. When YGPA is regressed on the weighted combination of X9 and X12, only X12 significantly explains unique variance in YGPA when included in a regression model already containing X9. In the light of the reported findings there is no need to create a combined weighted linear predictor composite (Xcomp) which would form the basis of the actuarial mechanical decision rule that would guide selection decisions. Prior learning proved to be the only predictor that warrants inclusion in the actuarial mechanical prediction rule that will form the basis of selection decisions. In terms of the derived actuarial prediction rule the expected criterion performance of all applicants (E[Y|X12]) could consequently be estimated by inserting the measures obtained during selection of prior learning into the derived regression equation. The use of this equation could be regarded as permissible to the extent to which E[Y|X12] correlates significantly with YGPA. Since E[Y|X12] correlates 0,431 and statistically significantly (p<0,05) with YGPA, the predictions derived from this equation are valid. The findings of this research suggest that black and white students were sampled from the same population and therefore the use of the single, undifferentiated prediction rule would lead to fair selection decisions. To answer the question whether the selection procedure under investigation is adding any value to the organization, utility analysis is done based on the Taylor-Russell utility model as well as the Naylor-Shine interpretation of selection utility. A criterion-referenced norm table that expresses the risk of failure conditional on expected academic performance is derived from the use of only X12. Recommendations for further research are put forward. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is om te bepaal of die psigometriese evaluasie-prosedure wat deur die Suid Afrikaanse Militêre Akademie gebruik word vir keuringsbesluite, akademiese prestasie van eerstejaar leerders geldig voorspel, en of hierdie prosedure regverdig en effektief is. Die steekproef vir hierdie studie bestaan uit drie jaargroepe (eerstejaar studente van 2001, 2002 en 2003) wat ingeskryf was by die Militêre Akademie. Teoreties is daar spesifieke leergedrag (leerbevoegdhede) wat instrumenteel is in die bereiking van akademiese prestasie. Hierdie leergedrag hang af van en is weer „n uitdrukking van „n komplekse nomologiese netwerk van persoongesentreerde eienskappe (leerbevoegdheidspotensiaal). Verskille in leerprestasie kan verklaar word in terme van leergedrag. Leerbevoegdhede is instrumenteel in die bereiking van die leeruikomste waarvoor die akademiese program bestaan. Leerbevoegdhede, op sy beurt, kan weer verklaar word in terme van leerdereienskappe. Ten einde „n onderskeid te kan tref tussen kandidate met beter of slegter opleidingsvooruitsigte, in terme van „n konstrukgeorienteerde benadering tot keuring, word „n prestasiehipotese gebruik wat gebaseer is op die persoongesentreerde drywers van die leerbevoegdhede. Dit word aangevoer dat die graad van bevoegdheid in: (1) die kern kognitiewe prosesse/bevoegdhede waaruit leer bestaan (oordrag en outomatisasie) en wat nodig is om sinvolle struktuur in nuwe leermateriaal te skep, (2) die intellektuele drywers van hierdie leerbevoegdhede (vloeibare intelligensie en informasieverwerkingskapasiteit), (3) bevoegdheid in Engels, en (4) vorige akademiese prestasie sal onderskei tussen beter of slegter akademiese prestasie van leerders wat akademiese programme by die SA Militêre Akademie bywoon. Die gemiddelde van eerstejaar eerste semester akademiese uitslae is gebruik as meting van die kriteriumkonstruk. Byna al die resultate wat in hierdie studie verkry is ondersteun die teorie en proposisies soos aangevoer deur die prestasiehipotese. Slegs een veranderlike, akkuraatheid van informasie-prosessering, het nie gereageer soos voorspel deur die prestasiehipotese nie. Vorige leer het die meeste variansie in die kriterium verklaar (r=0,4312). Die inter-korrelasie tussen die voorspellers is gebruik om die proporsie unieke variansie wat elke voorspeller in die saamgestelde kriterium verklaar te skat. „n Regressie van die saamgestelde kriterium op die reeks voorspellers (X2 – X12) toon aan dat slegs geheue en begip (X9) sowel as vorige leer (X12) relevante en unieke informasie in verband met die determinante van prestasie in die kriterium weergee wat nie reeds weergegee word deur die oorblywende voorspellers in die model nie. Die oorblywende voorspellers in die keuringsbattery kan gevolglik as oorbodig beskou word aangesien hulle geen nuwe informasie verskaf wat nie reeds deur X9 en X12 oorgedra word nie. Wanneer YGPA geregresseer word op die geweegde kombinasie van X9 en X12, verklaar slegs X12 unieke variasie in YGPA wanneer dit ingesluit word in „n regressiemodel wat alreeds X9 bevat. In die lig van die gerapporteerde bevindinge is dit onnodig om ‟n gekombineerde geweegde liniêre voorspellerkombinasie (Xcomp) te skep om as basis van „n aktuariële meganiese besluitnemingsreël te dien aan hand waarvan keuringsbesluite geneem sal word. Vorige leer blyk die enigste voorspeller te wees wat insluiting regverdig in die aktuariële meganiese besluitnemingsreël wat die basis van keuringsbesluite sal vorm. In terme van die afgeleide aktuariële besluitnemingsreël sal die verwagte kriteriumprestasie van alle toekomstige aansoekers (E[Y│X12]) geskat word deur die meting van vorige leer verkry tydens keuring in die afgeleide regressievergelyking in te stel. Die gebruik van hierdie vergelyking kan as toelaatbaar beskou word in die mate waartoe E[Y│X12] betekenisvol met YGPA korreleer. Aangesien E[Y│X12] statisties betekenisvol 0,431 (p<0,05) met YGPA korreleer, kan die voorspellings afgelei vanuit hierdie vergelyking as geldig beskou word. Die bevindinge van hierdie navorsing dui daarop dat swart en wit studente van hierdie steekproef uit dieselfde populasie geneem is en daarom sal die gebruik van „n enkele, ongedifferensieerde voorspellingsreël lei tot regverdige keuringsbesluite. Om „n antwoord te verkry op die vraag of hierdie keuringsprosedure enige waarde tot die organisasie toevoeg is „n nutanaliese gedoen wat gebaseer is op Taylor-Russell se nutmodel so wel as die Naylor-Shine interpretasie van keuringsnut. „n Kriteriumgerigde normtabel, wat die voorwaardelike risiko op mislukking gebaseer op akademiese prestasie uitdruk, is afgelei deur die gebruik van slegs X12. Aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing word voorgestel.

'n Ondersoek na die rol van strukturele groepfaktore en groepprosesse met betrekking tot bestuurspaninnoverendheid

Botha, S. (Sonja) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Innovation and creativity are established research areas but both are relatively new research areas within the field of organisational psychology. Early research on innovation and creativity were primarily the focus area of academics in related social sciences disciplines. Research on innovation and creativity was integrated with the orientations and perspectives of organisational psychologists over a period of time. In other words the development and identification of innovation as a success factor of the work environment is something that took place over decades. Changes in the competitive environment over the last few decades contributed to the increasing interest in the concept of innovation. Today managers recognise innovation as a necessity that needs to be managed and developed. Three levels of analyses (the individual, group and organisation) can be identified in the innovation literature. Until recently researchers focused primarily on the individual and the organisation as units of analysis. As a results of this, research that focuses on the individual and the organisation are quite comprehensive compared to studies that focus on the group as a unit of analysis. The utilisation of teams have increased in organisations, but our knowledge of the factors and dimensions that determine group innovation are still restricted. The complex nature of group innovation could perhaps be a contributing factor in terms of the amount of research studies that have been done on group innovation. It is especially in this regard that this study sets out to thoroughly investigate existing group innovation literature and to combine this with an investigation into the possible contributions of related social psychological research (for example group decision making, intragroup conflict and creative problem solving) to the innovation literature. Each one of the three units of analysis (individual, group and organisation) has a unique impact on group innovation, but not one of them explains exclusively the innovativeness of a team. An interdependent relationship exists between these factors. This stresses the complexity of the concept and as a result of this, researchers are encouraged to investigate the possible contributions of related social psychological themes to the innovation research and literature. In this regard this study focused extensively on a input, process and output model of group innovation by West and Anderson (1996) to determine to what extend some of the aspects of the model explained the innovativeness of a group. This is a comprehensive model and for the purposes of this study only certain aspects of the model were included in the research process. The size of the team and team tenure were the two input elements that were included in the study. The process elements of the model includes clarity and commitment to team objectives, participation, task orientation and support for innovation. In terms of the output aspects of the model the focus was on the following: how radical, effective, new and extensive the innovation is, as well as the number of innovations per team. The results of the study indicate that there are a relationship between the variables of West and Anderson's input, process and output model (1996) and the innovativeness of the team. The results of this study indicate that the model by West and Anderson is a valuable contribution to the research literature on group innovation behaviour. Although group innovation has not been researched extensively, it seems that group innovation is starting to make an impact on the organisational psychology domain and that it will be a central aspect of the research agenda of organisational psychologists in future. If we are able to establish a sound theoretical basis organisations will be able to understand and predict group innovation behaviour. It can be concluded that this study made a contribution to the research literature on group innovation behaviour in terms of an awareness of the impact and necessity of innovation in today's work environment, and also in extending the existing knowledge base of group innovation behaviour / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Alhoewel innovasie al VIr 'n geruime tyd as navorsingsdomein gevestig IS, het organisasiesielkundiges eers redelik onlangs aan innovasie en kreatiwiteit begin aandag skenk. Een van die redes waarom dit so lank geneem het voordat innovasie as 'n waardige wetenskaplike navorsingsonderwerp besef was, was die feit dat vroeëre navorsing oor hierdie onderwerp deur akademici in ander sosiaal wetenskaplike dissiplines uitgevoer was. Die integrering van sodanige navorsing met organisasiesielkundiges se perspektiewe en oriëntasies het skynbaar slegs met verloop van tyd plaasgevind. Die ontwikkeling van innovasie as 'n verskynsel van die werksomgewing het dus stelselmatig oor dekades heen plaasgevind. Die impak van omgewingsveranderinge op organisasies het ook oor die afgelope paar dekades beduidende belangstelling ten opsigte van innovasie ontsluit. Innovasie, as 'n komponent van organisatoriese-kompeterendheid en -effektiwiteit, is vandag 'n noodsaaklikheid wat toenemend deur hedendaagse bedryfsleiers ondersteun en bestuur word. Binne die werksomgewing kom innovasie op drie verskillende vlakke (die individu, die groep en die organisasie) voor. Tot dusver het innovasienavorsers egter in hoofsaak op die individu en organisasie as ontledingseenheid gefokus. Navorsing wat die individu of organisasie as ontledingseenheid gebruik, is volop in vergelyking met studies wat die groep as ontledingseenheid gebruik. Met ander woorde, alhoewel die gebruikmaking van spanne in organisasies toeneem, is ons kennis van die faktore en dimensies wat spaninnoverendheid bepaal, steeds beperk. Die beperkte teoretiese basis van bestaande groepinnovasienavorsing kan deels aan die omvangryke en komplekse aard van die verskynsel toegeskryf word. Dit is juis in hierdie opsig dat hierdie studie dit ten doel gestel het om bestaande groepinnovasieliteratuur deeglik te ondersoek en om vas te stel tot watter mate verwante sosiaal-sielkundige navorsing (onder andere groepbesluitneming, intragroepkonflik en kreatiewe probleemoplossing) 'n bydrae tot die innovasieliteratuur kan lewer. Elk van die drie ontledingsvlakke (individu, groep, organisasie) het 'n unieke effek op die innoverendheid van 'n span, maar nie een van hierdie kategorieë verklaar uitsluitlik die innoverendheid van 'n span nie. Die interafhanklike verhouding van hierdie faktore beklemtoon die kompleksiteit van die verskynsel en dit moedig toekomstige navorsers aan om die nuttige bydraes van verwante sosiaal-sielkundige temas te ondersoek. In hierdie verband is daar ook breedvoerig gebruik gemaak van 'n inset, proses en uitset model van groepinnoverendheid deur West en Anderson (1996), ten einde vas te stel tot watter mate sekere aspekte van die model die innoverendheid van 'n span voorspel. Vanweë die omvangrykheid van die model is slegs sekere veranderlikes in die navorsing ingesluit. In terme van die insette is daar op grootte en spandienstydperk gefokus. Die proses faset van die model verwys na die duidelikheid en verbondenheid tot doelwitte, deelname, taakoriëntasie en ondersteuning vir innovasie. Ten opsigte van die uitset faset van die model is daar op die volgende aspekte gefokus: die radikaalheid, omvangrykheid, nuutheid en effektiwiteit van die innovasie asook die getal innovasie items binne die groep. Die resultate van die studie dui daarop dat daar wel 'n verband tussen hierdie veranderlikes van West en Anderson (1996) se model en die innoverendheid van groepe bestaan. Hierdie model van groepinnoverendheid blyk vanuit die resultate van hierdie studie, en vorige studies, nuttig te wees vir die bestudering van groepinnovasiegedrag. Alhoewel daar tot dusver min lig gewerp is op die faktore wat groepinnoverendheid bepaal, wil dit voorkom asof groepinnovasienavorsing 'n sentrale faset van die organisasiesielkunde se navorsingsagenda in die toekoms sal wees. Die vestiging en uitbreiding van 'n teoretiese basis salorganisasies in staat stelom die innovasiegedrag van spanne beter te verstaan en te voorspel. Ten slotte kan dit vermeld word dat hierdie studie In bydrae gelewer het tot groepinnovasiegedrag, nie net in terme van 'n bewusmaking van die impak en noodsaaklikheid van innovasie in die hedendaagse werksomgewing nie, maar ook in terme van die uitbreiding van die bestaande kennisbasis oor groepinnovasiegedrag.

A psychometric investigation into the use of an adaptation of the Ghiselli predictability index in personnel selection

Twigge, Liesle 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Mcom)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The field of human resources involves continuous decision-making regarding the matching of the workforce with the workplace, since this match determines individuals' motivation to perform the actions associated with the workplace. If, at the time of the decision, the decision maker could obtain information on end performance, the chances of achieving the desired results would be increased. However, personnel selection is complicated by the obvious fact that information on end performance is not available at the time of the selection decision. All such decisions thus involve predictions about people's performance. The classic validity model forms the foundation of all prediction in as far as the strength of the relationship between the predictor of performance and the actual performance determines the accuracy of the predictor. Over time, numerous possibilities have been considered on how to increase the magnitude of this relationship as experienced through the validity coefficient, mostly involving modifications and/or extensions to the standard regression model. An interesting and challenging alternative to the usual multiple-regression based attempts may be found in the work of Ghise11i (1956, 1960a, 1960b). He has chosen to improve prediction directly through the development of a composite predictability index that explains variance in the prediction errors resulting from an existing prediction model. It would, however, appear as if the procedure has found very little, if any, practical acceptance, partly attributed to the fact that the predictability index failed to significantly explain unique variance in the criterion when added to a model already containing one or more predictors. Resultantly, based on the Ghiselli idea, this research investigates the possibility of modifying such a predictability index so that it does significantly explain unique variance in the criterion when added to a model already containing one or more predictors. In addition, the study investigates whether the expansion of the prediction model is warranted by examining the effect the increase in subject predictability has on the predictive validity of the selection procedure, as well as the monetary effect it has on the utility of the procedure. Hypotheses are tested to determine the possibility of developing an index from a personality measurement that shows a strong and significant correlation with the residuals computed from the regression of the criterion on an ability predictor; to determine if the addition of the index to an ability predictor significantly explains variance in the criterion measurement that is not yet explained by the ability predictor relationships, and to determine whether this ability is affected by the direction in which the index has been developed. Furthermore, hypotheses are tested to determine the increment on validity and selection utility. The data for the analysis was obtained from Psytech (SA), where a validation study was performed at the Gordon Institute of Business Science using the Apil-B ability test, the Critical Reasoning Test Battery and the Organisational Personality Profile measurements to predict the performance of 100 MBA students. The results of the analysis confirmed Ghiselli' s earlier findings that the traditional predictability index does not significantly explain variance in the criterion residual when added to the selection battery. However, by modifying the Ghiselli procedure, the study found that the index was able to significantly explain variance when added to a battery already containing the predictor. When the index is based on the real values of the residuals, the addition of the predictability index to the model significantly explains unique variance in the criterion, but not so when based on the absolute values of the residuals. It also indicated that the inclusion of the predictability index to the prediction model created a substantial increase in the validity of the selection procedure and that the increase in validity translated into a noteworthy improvement in utility. Conclusions are drawn from the obtained results and recommendations are made for future research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Psigometriese Ondersoek na die Gebruik van 'n Aanpassing van die Ghiselli Voorspellingsindeks in Personeelkeuring: Die veld van menslike hulpbronne sluit 'n aaneenlopende besluitnemingsproses aangaande die passing van die arbeidsmag met die werkplek in, aangesien hierdie passing die individu se motivering met betrekking tot optredes wat met die werkplek geassossieer word, bepaal. lndien die besluitnemer ten tye van die besluitneming alreeds oor inligting rakende die eindprestasie van die individu beskik, sal die moontlikheid verhoog word om die gewenste resultate uit die besluitneming te verkry. Personeelkeuring word egter gekompliseer deur die voor die hand liggende feit dat inligting rakende die eindprestasie nie beskikbaar is ten tye van die keuringsbesluit nie. Alle besluite van hierdie aard sluit dus voorspellings oor individue se prestasie in. Die klassieke geldigheidsmodel vorm die basis van alle voorspellings gebaseer op die sterkte van die verwantskap tussen die voorspeller van prestasie en die werklike prestasie van die individu. Oor die jare is verskeie moontlikhede oorweeg om die sterkte van die hierdie verwantskap soos uitgedruk deur die geldigheidskoëffisiënt te verhoog, hoofsaaklik deur middel van aanpassings en/of verlengings van die standaardregressiemodel. 'n Interessante en uitdagende alternatief vir die pogings gebaseer op meervoudige regessie kan gevind word in die werk van Ghiselli (1956, 1960a, 1960b). Hy poog om voorspelling direk te verbeter deur die ontwikkeling van 'n saamgestelde voorspellingsindeks wat variansie verklaar in die voorspellingsfoute verkry uit 'n bestaande voorspellingsmodel. Dit wil egter voorkom asof die voorspellingsindeks gefaal het om unieke variansie in die kriterium te verklaar wanneer dit toegevoeg word tot 'n model wat alreeds een of meer voorspellers bevat. Gebaseer op die Ghiselli-idee, ondersoek hierdie navorsing dus die moontlikheid om die voorspellingsindeks aan te pas sodat dit beduidend unieke variansie in die kriterium verklaar wanneer dit toegevoeg word tot 'n model wat alreeds een of meer voorspellers bevat. Die studie ondersoek enersyds ook die regverdiging van die uitbreiding van die voorspellingsmodel deur die impak van die verbetering in voorspelling op die voorspellingsgeldigheid van die keuringsprosedure, en andersyds bestudeer dit ook die monetêre effek op die nutwaarde van die prosedure. Hipoteses word getoets om die moontlikheid van 'n indeks, wat uit 'n persoonlikheidsmeting ontwikkel, is en wat sterk en beduidend met die residue wat uit die regressie van die kriterium op die vermoënsvoorspeller bereken is, te bepaal. Daar word ook getoets of die toevoeging van die indeks tot 'n vermoënsvoorspeller beduidende variansie in die kriteriummeting verklaar wat nie alreeds deur die vermoënsvoorspeller verklaar word nie. Daar word verder bepaal of hierdie vermoë geaffekteer word deur die rigting waarin die indeks ontwikkel is. Verder word hipoteses getoets aangaande die impak op beide die geldigheid en die nutwaarde van die keuringsprosedure. Die data vir die analises is verkry by Psytech SA, waar 'n valideringstudie uitgevoer is by die Gordon Institute of Business Science deur die gebruik van die Apil-B vermoënstoets, die Critical Reasoning Test Battery en die Organisational Personality Profile metings om die prestasie van 100 MBA studente te voorspel. Die resultate van die analise bevestig Ghiselli se vroeëre bevindings dat die tradisioneel ontwikkelde indeks nie beduidend variansie in die kriteriumresidue verklaar wanneer dit toegevoeg word tot die keuringsbattery nie. Deur egter die oorspronklike Ghiselli prosedure aan te pas word gevind dat die toevoeging van die indeks tot die regressiemodel wel beduidend unieke variansie verklaar. Die vermoë van die indeks om variansie te verklaar wanneer dit tot die battery toegevoeg word, is beduidend wanneer die indeks gebaseer word op die werklike waardes van die residue, maar toon geen beduidendheid wanneer dit gebaseer word op die absolute waardes van die residue nie. Die resultate dui ook daarop dat die insluiting van die voorspellingsindeks in die model 'n betekenisvolle toename in die voorspellingsgeldigheid van die keuringsprosedure teweegbring, en dat die toename in voorspellingsgeldigheid vertaal na 'n substantiewe styging in nut. Gevolgtrekkings word uit die verkreë resultate afgelei, en aanbevelings vir toekomstige navorsing word gemaak.

'n Ondersoek na die verband tussen die Groot Vyf-persoonlikheidsfaktore en opleidingsprestasie by volwasse basiese opvoeding en opleiding leerders

Dercksen, Sarita 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to investigate the nature of the relationship between the Big Five personality factors and practical and theoretical training performance in adult Basic education and training (ABET). The existing literature on the subject was surveyed; this is followed by a report on the results of the empirical investigation. The experimental group consisted of 82 learners who followed an ABET level-4 course. Personality was determined by means of the Five-Factor Non-Verbal Personality Questionnaire (FF-NPQ), while cognitive skills were measured with Raven's Standard Progressive Matrix. By using the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient, multiple regression analysis and factor analysis, it was established that, apart from IQ, there was a significant positive correlation between agreeableness and practical training performance. Although there was also a significant, but small, positive correlation between neuroticism and practical training performance, the influence of the former factor on practical training performance could not be confirmed by a regression analysis. Only IQ and to a lesser extent neuroticism, conscientiousness and extroversion showed a relation with theoretical training performance. Once again, the influence of the latter three factors on theoretical training performance could not be confirmed by a regression analysis. The conclusion is thus drawn in this study that only IQ has a significant influence on theoretical training performance. Results also indicate that characteristics such as trust, helpful behaviour and co-operative behaviour, which indicate agreeableness, help to promote receptiveness in training in practical work, especially with respect to skills training. It appears that the role of personality factors with respect to training performance depends on: a) the nature of the training programme being followed, b) the degree of difficulty of the training programme, and c) the work or task objectives for which the training is being undertaken. The conclusion was drawn that the findings of studies on the relationship between training performance and personality should be interpreted with circumspection and that a great deal of research is required in this area. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie was om ondersoek in te stel na die aard van die verband tussen die Groot Vyf-persoonlikheidsfaktore en praktiese en teoretiese opleidingsprestasie by volwasse basiese opvoeding en opleiding-leerders. 'n Oorsig van die bestaande literatuur oor die onderwerp is gelewer, gevolg deur die rapportering van die resultate van die empiriese ondersoek. Die eksperimentele groep het bestaan uit 82 leerders wat 'n VBOO-vlak 4 kursus gevolg het. Persoonlikheid is deur middel van die Vyf Faktor - Nieverbale-Persoonlikheidsvraelys (FF-NPQ) bepaal en kognitiewe vaardighede is met behulp van Raven se Standaard-Progressiewe Matriks gemeet. Met behulp van die Pearson-produkmoment-korrelasiekoëffisiënt, meervoudige regressieontleding asook faktor-ontleding, is vasgestel dat, benewens IK, daar ook 'n beduidend positiewe verband tussen welgevalligheid en praktiese opleidingsprestasie voorgekom het. Hoewel 'n beduidende, maar klein, positiewe korrelasie ook tussen neorotisisme en praktiese opleidingsprestasie voorgekom het, kon die invloed van die laasgenoemde faktor op praktiese opleidingsprestasie nie deur die regressieontleding ondersteun word nie. Slegs IK en tot 'n mindere mate neorotisisme, konsensieusheid en ekstroversie het 'n verband met teoretiese opleidingsprestasie getoon. Weereens kon die invloed van laasgenoemde drie faktore op teoretiese opleidingsprestasie nie bevestig word deur die regressieontleding nie. Ten opsigte van die huidige ondersoek, word die gevolgrekking dus gemaak dat slegs IK 'n beduidende invloed op teoretiese opleidingsprestasie het. Resultate dui daarop dat eienskappe soos vertroue, hulpverlende gedrag en samewerkende gedrag, wat dui op welgevalligheid, bevorderlik is vir opleiding in praktiese verband veral ten opsigte van vaardigheidsopleiding. Dit blyk ook asof die rol van persoonlikheidsfaktore ten opsigte van opleidingsprestasie, afhang van die a) aard van die opleidingsprogram wat gevolg word, b) die moeilikheidsgraad van die opleidingsprogram, asook c) vir watter werks- oftaakdoeleindes die opleiding plaasgevind het. Daar word tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die bevindinge van studies rakende die verband tussen opleidingsprestasie en persoonlikheid met omsigtigheid geïnterpreteer moet word en dat heelwat navorsing op hierdie gebied nodig is.

The relationship between transformational leadership behaviours, team leader emotional intelligence and team commitment : an exploratory study

Strauss, J. J., Schlechter, A. F., Boshoff, A. B. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Industrial Psychology)) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / 58 leaves printed on single pages, preliminary pages i- v and numbered pages 1-52. Includes bibliography, list of tables and figures. Digitized at 330 dpi black and white PDF format (OCR), using KODAK i 1220 PLUS scanner. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An exploratory study conducted in six 24-hour manufacturing plants, using the responses of 178 employees on a composite questionnaire, investigated the relationships between transformational leadership behaviours, team leader emotional intelligence and team commitment. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) were conducted on The Swinburne University Emotional Intelligence Test (SUEIT), the Multi-Factor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ), and the Team Commitment Questionnaire of Bennett and Boshoff. The results of a Pearson correlation analysis, Stepwise Multiple Regression and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) analysis indicated that there are small but significant relationships between team commitment and transformational leadership behaviours, as well as between team leader emotional intelligence and team commitment. A significant relationship was found between transformational leadership behaviours and team leader emotional intelligence. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In 'n eksploratiewe studie wat in ses 24-uur vervaardigingsaanlegte onderneem is en wat die antwoorde van 178 werknemers op 'n saamgestelde vraelys ontleed het, is ondersoek ingestel na die verwantskap tussen transformasionele leierskapgedragspatrone, emosionele intelligensie van spanleiers en spanverbondenheid. 'n Eksploratiewe Faktor-Analise (EFA) en Bevestigende Faktor-Analise (BFA) is uitgevoer op die Swinburne Universiteit Emosionele Intelligensie Toets (SUEIT), die Multi-Faktor Leierskap Vraelys (MLV) en die Spanverbondenheid Vraelys van Bennett en Boshoff. Die resultate van die Pearson korrelasie analise, Stapsgewyse Meervoudige Regressie- en Struktuur Vergelykings Modelering (SVM) -analises het aangedui dat daar klein maar beduidende verwantskappe tussen spanverbondenheid en transformasionele leierskapgedragspatrone sowel as tussen spanleier emosionele intelligensie en spanverbondenheid bestaan. 'n Beduidende verwantskap is gevind tussen transformasionele leierskapgedragspatrone en spanleier emosionele intelligensie.

The development of an experimental integrity instrument for various cultural groups as conceptualised form the South African personality inventory (SAPI) project

Lotter, Megon 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm (Industrial Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An urgent need exists for the development of a locally, multicultural personality instrument for South Africa. The South African Personality Inventory (SAPI) project was launched with the specific aim of developing a comprehensive personality questionnaire for all eleven South African language groups that covers all major aspects of personality deemed relevant in the South African context. The current study focused on developing an experimental instrument for the integrity cluster, one of the 9 SAPI clusters. This study forms part of the second phase of the SAPI project (quantitative phase). In this phase the experimental integrity instrument was administered to a sample of police reservists of the South African Police Service (SAPS; N = 1023). Findings revealed that certain items should be removed (30 of 132 items were removed). The first-order factor analysis confirmed one factor per facet that should be retained (specifically: Honest, Loyal, Pretending, Responsible, Trustworthy, Truthful, and Fair) for most of the facets. The exceptions were the Morally Conscious facet where two factors emerged and the Discriminative facet where no significant factor emerged. With the exception of the Discriminative facet (low reliability coefficient) and the Fair facet (average reliability coefficient) all the facets demonstrated acceptable levels of reliability. The study concluded that the underlying dimensionality of the data confirmed the structure of the integrity cluster and the experimental integrity instrument. This first draft instrument can thus be applied to multi-cultural groups. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika het ʼn dringende behoefte aan die ontwikkeling van plaaslike, multikulturele persoonlikheidstoetse. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Persoonlikheidsinstrument projek is geloods met die spesifieke doel om ʼn volledige persoonlikheidsvraelys vir al elf Suid-Afrikaanse taalgroepe te ontwikkel, wat betrekking het op alle belangrike aspekte van persoonlikheid wat relevant is tot die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks. Die fokus van die huidige studie was om ʼn eksperimentele instrument op een van die SAPI se 9-kluster modelle te ontwikkel, naamlik die integriteitskluster. Dit vorm deel van die tweede fase van die SAPI projek (kwantitatiewe fase) waar die eksperimentele integriteitsinstrument op ʼn steekproef van intreevlak polisie-kandidate van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (SAPD), afgelê is (N = 1023). Die bevindinge het getoon dat sekere items verwyder moes word (30 van 132 items is verwyder). Die eerste-orde faktor analise het bevestig dat een faktor per faset behou moet word (meer spesifiek, Eerlik, Lojaal, Skynheilig, Verantwoordelik, Betroubaar, Waarheid, en Regverdig). Twee faktore het na vore gekom in die Moreel Bewuste faset en geen betekenisvolle faktor was verkry vir die Diskriminerende faset nie. Alle fasette het aanvaarbare vlakke van betroubaarheid geopenbaar, behalwe vir ʼn lae betroubaarheidskoëffisiënt vir die Diskriminerende faset, en ʼn gemiddelde betroubaarheidskoëffisiënt vir die Regverdigheidsfaset. Die gevolgtrekking was dat die onderliggende dimensionaliteit van die data die struktuur van die integriteitskluster en die eksperimentele integriteitsinstrument, bevestig het, asook dat die eerste proef-instrument toegepas kan word op multikulturele groepe.

The development of an experimental conscientiousness measurement instrument within the SAPI project

Janse van Rensburg, Charnelle 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm (Industrial Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In psychology literature Conscientiousness forms part of a model that describes personality. Conscientiousness is defined by characteristics such as hard-working, determined, dutiful and perseverance. Conscientiousness is also a strong indicator of work performance and is often used for psychometric assessments during selection. However, in South Africa psychometric assessment, and especially personality testing, has been scrutinized to ensure that it is fair and unbiased in a multicultural society. This study focused on the development of a Conscientiousness questionnaire based on a South African model of conscientiousness, which forms one factor of the South African Personality Inventory (SAPI) nine cluster model. The study aimed to investigate whether this conscientiousness questionnaire measures conscientiousness in South Africa. The study formed part of the second phase of the SAPI project (quantitative phase). An experimental conscientiousness instrument consisting of 255 items was administered to a sample of South African Police Service (SAPS) police reservists (N = 1051). Following various analysis 88 of the 255 items were removed. The facets also increased to 26. Cronbach alpha coefficient scores showed acceptable levels of reliability for 21 of the 26 facets. Factor analysis indicated that one factor should be retained. 19 facets loaded on this factor. The findings thus confirm the underlying dimensionality of the conscientiousness cluster. However, the findings also indicate that some facets may have to be re-defined. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die sielkunde literatuur is konsensieusheid deel van 'n model wat persoonlikheid beskryf. Dit word gedefinieer deur eienskappe soos hardwerkendheid, determinasie, pligsgetrouheid en uithouvermoë. Konsensieusheid is ook 'n sterk aanwyser van werkprestasie en word dikwels gebruik vir psigometriese assessering gedurende seleksie. Maar die gebruik van psigometriesetoetse en veral die gebruik van persoonlikheids toetse in Suid Afrika is egter onder die vergrootglas geplaas om te verseker dat hierdie toetse billik en onsydig toegepas kan word in Suid Afrika. Hierdie studie fokus op die ontwikkeling van 'n konsensieheusheids-persoonlikheidsvraelys wat gebaseer is op die Suid Afrikaanse model van konsensieusheid en wat deel uitmaak van die Suid Afrikaanse Persoonlikheids-Inventaris (SAPI) se nege faktor model. Hierdie studie is deel van die tweede fase van die SAPI projek (kwantitatiewe fase) en stel ondersoek in of hierdie persoonlikheidsvraelys wel die konstruk van konsensieusheid meet in Suid Afrika. Die eksperimentele konsensieusheidsinstrument, wat bestaan uit 255 items, was aan 'n steekproef van intreevlak polisieaansoekers van die Suid Afrikaanse Polisie Dienste (N=1051) toegedien. Na verskeie analises, is 88 van die 255 items verwyder. Die fasette het ook vermeerder na 26. Verder het die Cronbach Alpha koëffissiënttellings gunstige vlakke van betroubaarheid aangedui vir 21 van die 26 fasette. Faktoranalise het aangedui dat een faktor onttrek moet word en 19 fasette het hierop gelaai. Dus is die onderliggende dimensie van die konsensieusheid faktor bevestig. Daar sal egter van die fasette herdefineer moet word. / jfl2011

The influence of diversity complexity and emotional intelligence on the attitude towards diversity in organisations

Kamps, Jenna May 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm) -- Stellenbosch University, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The plethora of differences that characterise the South Africa population has become a definite concern for organisational management and is of significant importance to the industrial world itself. The need to critically assess people’s perception and attitude towards diversity within the organisation, and ultimately serving to inform management seeking to build an ethically diverse, healthy and productive workforce, served as a prime motivation for this study. The objective was to demonstrate that humans are complex beings and that attempts to minimise the complexity by simply containing that complexity within the bounds of a unidimensional solution are guaranteed to fail. It is for this reason that diversity management within an organisation requires the need to manage an infinite and changing variety of social variables which to varying degrees, impacts on social interaction and people’s attitude towards diversity. Having completed a literature study concerning the possible antecedents of attitude towards diversity, and taking into account various suggested future directions for diversity research, it was decided that the present study would focus on three specific variables: attitude towards diversity, emotional intelligence and diversity complexity. The primary goal was to design and conduct a scientific investigation into the relationships between the latent variables; in hope of ultimately informing management seeking to build an ethically diverse, healthy and productive workforce who value the individuality of others. Available literature was studied in order to understand and comprehend whether any relationships could be theoretically drawn between the constructs. Several hypotheses were proposed and a conceptual model, explaining the relationships between these constructs, was developed. Thereafter, both the postulated relationships and the conceptual model were empirically tested using various statistical methods. Existing measuring instruments were utilised in this study, and included the Cultural Diversity Belief Scale (Rentsch, Turban, Hissong, Jenkins & Marrs, 1995), the Genos Emotional Intelligence Inventory (Palmer, Stough & Gignac, 2008), and the Reaction- To-Diversity-Inventory (De Meuse & Hostager, 2001). The sample consisted of 237 selected individuals from various South African organisations. The content and structure of the constructs that were measured by the instruments were investigated by means of confirmatory and exploratory factor analyses. The results indicated that in all cases, the refined measurement models achieved good fit. Subsequently, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to determine the extent to which the conceptual model fitted the data obtained from the sample and to test the relationships between the constructs when taking the complete conceptual model into account. Overall, it was found that good model fit was indicated for the structural model. Regression analyses also found some support for the stated hypotheses. Eight of the ten stated hypotheses in this study were corroborated. Although several significant links were established between the latent variables, a notable unique result of this research presented itself in the significant positive relationships uncovered between the exogenous latent variable, emotional intelligence, and the endogenous latent variables of valuing individual differences and positive perceptual depth. These significant positive relationships provide empirical evidence of the significant relationships between emotions, attitudes and perceptions. Moreover, the analysis of the modification indices for the structural model, suggested that the addition of one path to the existing structural model would probably improve the fit of the model. Recommendations are made in terms of possible avenues for future research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die uiteenlopende verskille, wat 'n kenmerk van die Suid-Afrika bevolking geword het, is 'n definitiewe uitdaging vir organisatoriese bestuur en is ook van groot belang vir die sakewêreld. Die behoefte om mense se persepsies en houdings teenoor die diversiteit binne die organisasie krities te evalueer, wat uiteindelik ook dien om bestuur, wat op soek is na die bou van 'n etiese, gesonde en produktiewe arbeidsmag, te help, het as die primêre motivering vir hierdie studie gedien. Die doel was om aan te toon dat die mens ‘n komplekse wese is en dat pogings om dit gering te skat deur kompleksiteit net binne die grense van 'n een-dimensionele oplossing te ontleed, gewaarborg is om te misluk. Dit is om hierdie rede dat diversiteitsbestuur binne 'n organisasie die bestuur van ‘n oneindige en veranderende verskeidenheid van sosiale veranderlikes noodsaak, wat, sosiale interaksie en mense se houdings teenoor diversiteit verskillend kan beinvloed. Na die voltooiing van 'n literatuurstudie oor die moontlike determinante antecedenten van die houding teenoor diversiteit, en met inagneming van die toekomstige rigtings vir diversiteitsnavorsing, is daar besluit dat die huidige studie op drie spesifieke veranderlikes sal fokus: houding teenoor diversiteit, emosionele intelligensie en diversiteitskompleksiteit. Die primêre doel was om ‘n wetenskaplike ondersoek te ontwerp en uit te voer rakende die verwantskappe tussen die latente veranderlikes; in die hoop om bestuur te help om ‘n gesonde en produktiewe arbeidsmag te bou wat ook die individualiteit van ander waardeer. Beskikbare literatuur is bestudeer ten einde te verstaan of enige verbande tussen die teoretiese konstrukte gevind kan word. Verskeie hipoteses is geformuleer en 'n konseptuele model, waarin die verband tussen hierdie konstrukte verduidelik word, is ontwikkel. Daarna, is die gepostuleerde verwantskappe en die konseptuele model empiries met behulp van verskeie statistiese metodes getoets. Bestaande meetinstrumente is in hierdie studie gebruik en sluit in die ‘Cultural Diversity Belief Scale,’ (Rentsch, Tulband, Hissong, Jenkins & Marrs, 1995), die ‘Genos Emotional Intelligence Inventory,’ (Palmer, Stough & Gignac, 2008), en die ‘Reaction-To-Diversity-Inventory,’ (De Meuse & Hostager, 2001). Die steekproef het bestaan uit 237 gekose individue uit verskillende Suid-Afrikaanse organisasies. Die inhoud en die struktuur van die konstrukte wat deur die instrumente gemeet is, is deur middel van bevestigende en verkennende faktorontledings ondersoek. Die resultate dui daarop dat in al die gevalle, die verfynde metingsmodelle goeie passings getoon het. Daarna is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) gebruik om te bepaal tot watter mate die konseptuele model die data pas, en om die verwantskappe tussen die konstrukte te toets wanneer die volledige konseptuele model in ag geneem is. Algeheel is daar goeie passing vir die strukturele model gevind. Regressie-analises het ook ‘n mate van bevestiging vir die gestelde hipoteses gevind. Agt van die tien hipoteses is was in hierdie studie bevestig. Alhoewel verskeie belangrike verwantskappe tussen die latente veranderlikes gevind is, is daar 'n unieke resultaat gevind met betrekking tot die positiewe verband tussen die eksogene latente veranderlike, emosionele intelligensie, en die endogene latente veranderlikes van waardering van individuele verskille en positiewe perseptuele diepte. Hierdie positiewe verwantskappe verskaf empiriese bewyse vir die beduidende verband tussen emosies, houdings en persepsies. Verder, het die analise van die modifikasie indekse vir die strukturele model aangedui dat die byvoeging van ‘n addisionele roete waarskynlik die bestaande strukturele model se passing kan verbeter. Aanbevelings word ten slotte gemaak in terme van moontlike rigtings vir toekomstige navorsing.

The effect of rater-ratee personality similarity on ratings of task-oriented work behaviours

Botes, Antonette, Crouse, Antonette 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / As a means to measure job performance, performance appraisal plays a central role in effective individual and organisational management (Behn, 2003). Sound performance management and performance measurement are fundamental to a productive workplace and critical for a high-performing organisation (Jordan, 2002). Performance appraisal research has shifted its emphasis from psychometric issues to the examination of rater cognitive processes and the social and contextual variables which affect performance evaluation. Since raters are important factors in successful performance measurement, one line of research has investigated the effect of similarity, between rater and ratee, on subsequent performance ratings. These studies have mostly relied on similarity measures based on physical similarity characteristics, such as demographic variables. The inconclusive nature of these studies’ findings suggests that the complexity of interpersonal similarity and its effect on ratings has most likely been oversimplified. In the social-cognition literature, substantial evidence exists that rater-ratee acquaintance shifts the focus of similarity judgment to “deeper”, sometimes unobservable, characteristics, like values, motives and attitudes. This research study investigates whether rater-ratee similarity in Big Five personality traits unduly influences task-orientated performance ratings. Self-report personality data (IPIP; Goldberg, 2006) were collected from university lecturers and their students (N = 152). Actual lecturer task performance assessment data (end-of-semester student feedback ratings) were gathered concurrently. Data were analysed through polynomial regression analysis and response surface methodology. Results indicated that ratee (i.e., lecturer) extraversion (r = .357), conscientiousness (r = .413) and openness (r = .178) had significant main effects on average performance ratings. Also, rater-ratee personality similarity in extraversion (p < .001), neuroticism (p < .01) and openness (p < .001) had a significant effect on performance ratings, with the effects of agreeableness and conscientiousness also approaching significance. The present study further extends earlier research by using task performance ratings as criterion measures — as opposed to earlier studies that used contextual performance ratings — and also used “upward” ratings of seniors, instead of peer- or ‘downward’ ratings of performance, as was done in earlier studies of personality similarity effects. The results suggest that (a) earlier conclusions that personality similarity does not affect performance ratings seem to be premature, (b) more research is needed to investigate why personality similarity affects ratings and last, (c) we do not yet understand the boundary conditions that affect this phenomenon.

The development and validation of a generic non-managerial performance measure

Myburgh, Hester Magdalena 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / To access data please use IBM SPS Statistics software. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The human resource function attempts to proactively and reactively affect the work performance of employees through advice, diagnosis and interventions in a manner that will benefit the quality of the product and service an organisation provides to the market. In this study a generic performance construct (that can be applied to non-managerial, individual positions), was defined based on previous studies in the area of generic performance. A South African performance measure was designed accordingly that can be used to obtain multi-rater assessments of the generic, non-managerial, individual performance construct. This questionnaire was validated by evaluating the fit of the measurement model, using confirmatory factor analysis. Most of the data for this study was obtained from OK Furniture. A few questionnaires were completed by a non-probability sample of non-managerial personnel from a variety of organisations. The total sample size comprised of 205 respondents. Item and dimensionality analysis was performed on the 12 subscales to assess the success with which they represented the underlying performance constructs. In the item analysis two items were identified as somewhat problematic but both were judged not to be sufficiently problematic to delete them from the GPQ. Results from the dimensionality analysis showed satisfactory evidence that the items of each subscale reflect a common underlying factor. A spectrum of goodness-of-fit statistics was used to assess the measurement model fit. The hypothesis of exact fit was rejected but the hypothesis of close fit could not be rejected (p>.05). The position that the measurement model fits the data closely in the population was found to be a tenable position. The fit indices reflected good model fit in the sample. The measurement model parameter estimates indicated that the indicator variables represented the latent performance dimensions satisfactorily. Discriminant validity was investigated. Mixed evidence on discriminant validity was obtained. The sample size of this study was satisfactory when viewed from the perspective of statistical power given the method of item parcelling that was used, but a larger and more representative sample would have been preferable in that it would have allowed the GPQ measurement model to be fitted with individual items as indicator variables. Another limitation seemed to have been the language of the questionnaire. Informal feedback suggested that some respondents, especially those that are not fluent in English, struggled to fully understand all the questions. Recommendations for future research are made. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die menslike hulpbronfunksie in organisasies poog om die kwaliteit van die produk of diens wat die organisasie aan die mark lewer te verbeter deur werknemers se werksprestasie proaktief en reaktief te beïnvloed deur middel van menslike hulpbronbestuursadvies, -diagnose en -intervensies. In hierdie studie is 'n generiese prestasiekonstruk gedefinieer (gerig op individuele nie-bestuursposte) gebaseer op vorige studies van generiese prestasie. Dit is hoofsaaklik gemik op individuele nie-bestuursvlak poste. ‘n Suid Afrikaanse prestasiemeetinstrument is ontwikkel wat gebruik kan word om multi-beoordelaar assesserings van die generiese nie-bestuursprestasiekonstruk te verkry. Die vraelys is gevalideer deur, met behulp van bevestigende faktorontleding, die pasgehalte van die metingsmodel te ondersoek. Die meerderheid data vir hierdie studie is verkry vanaf die OK Furniture-kettingwinkelgroep. Enkele vraelyste is ook voltooi deur 'n nie-waarskynlikheid steekproef van nie-bestuurspersoneel van ander organisasies. Die totale steekproefgrootte het bestaan uit 205 respondente. Item- en dimensionaliteit-analise is uitgevoer op die 12 subskale om die sukses waarmee hulle die onderliggende prestasiekonstrukte verteenwoordig te evalueer. In die item-analise is twee items geïdentifiseer wat moontlik problematies kan wees maar nie sodanig problematies dat dit hul verwydering uit die GPQ regverdig het nie. Die resultate van die dimensionaliteit-analise het aangetoon dat die items van elke subskaal inderdaad redelik bevredigend ’n gemeenskaplike onderliggende faktor reflekteer. 'n Spektrum van pasgehaltestatistiek is gebruik om die pasgehalte van die metingsmodel te beoordeel. Die hipotese dat die model die data perfek pas is verwerp, maar die hipotese van benaderde passing kon nie verwerp word nie (p>.05). Die pasgehalte maatstawwe dui op goeie modelpassing in die steekproef. Die skattings van die metingsmodelparameters dui daarop dat die aanwyserveranderlikes die prestasie-dimensies bevredigend verteenwoordig. Diskriminantgeldigheid is ondersoek. Gemengde bewyse van diskriminantgeldigheid is verkry. Beskou vanuit die perspektief van statistiese krag was die steekproefgrootte van hierdie studie bevredigende (gegewe die gebruik van item pakkies) ‘n Groter en meer verteenwoordigende steekproef sou egter wenslik gewees het insoverre dit die passing van die GPQ metingsmodel met individuele items sou toelaat. ‘n Verdere oënskynlike beperking was die vraelys se taalgebruik. Informele terugvoer dui daarop dat sommige respondente, veral dié wat nie vlot Engels praat nie, gesukkel het om sommige vrae te verstaan. Aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing word gemaak.

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