Spelling suggestions: "subject:"etheses -- logistics"" "subject:"etheses -- iogistics""
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An analysis of temperature breaks in the summer fruit export cold chain from pack house to vesselHaasbroek, Laura Marchand 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: There is great concern in the fruit industry that too much fruit and money is lost each year
due to breaks occurring in the export cold chain of fresh fruit. Therefore, the CSIR (Council
for Scientific and Industrial Research) and Stellenbosch University were approached to do
research on this problem. This particular study focuses on the cold chains of table grapes,
summer pears and plums as these fruit are especially sensitive to temperature.
Observations were made on fruit farms, in pack houses, in cold stores as well as in the Port
of Cape Town. From these observations it was clear that protocols are not always followed
and fruit quality is sometimes neglected because of pressure to speed up the exporting
process. In order to analyse the export cold chains of these fruit types, temperature trials
were conducted and temperature data received from exporting companies was analysed.
The data was analysed from the cold store up to the point where the vessel sailed out of the
Port of Cape Town. From the analysis it became clear that too many cold chain breaks occur
during fruit exports from South Africa, especially during the loading of containers at cold
As a final output to the study, a good cold chain practice guide for the export of table grapes
was developed with the aim of assisting the fruit industry in minimizing these cold chain
breaks. The guide was developed with simplicity to ensure easy understanding under all
role-players in the industry.
This study was a small step in the right direction, but it should be highlighted that the
complexity of the problems in the fruit cold chains are substantial and further research will
have to be done in order to eliminate the occurrence of these cold chain breaks.
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Dominant factors which influence wheat production in South AfricaBester, Marius 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The protection of South Africa’s agricultural sector and in context, the wheat industry, is vital to ensure the food security and rural development of the country. The wheat industry contributes about R 4 billion to the gross value of agricultural production in South Africa and currently provides about 28 000 job opportunities. Preceded by maize, wheat is the second most important grain produced in South Africa.
The phasing out of the Wheat Board in 1997, which led to the deregulation of South Africa’s wheat industry, has exposed the market price of wheat to international market forces. Post-harvest agricultural logistical services have also been transformed by the deterioration of agricultural infrastructure, leading to the employment of alternative transport and storage systems.
Wheat production in South Africa has decreased significantly over the past two decades. The wheat industry is currently struggling to generate sufficient revenue for it to remain a financially viable crop. Producers are either shifting their focus to more profitable commodities or are abandoning farming altogether.
It is the objective of this study to describe and define the dominant factors which influence wheat production in South Africa. This includes all the relevant post-harvest logistical activities and market related forces which influence the production volumes of wheat in South Africa. A qualitative research approach was undertaken to gather input data for the research presented. This was inclusive of liaising with producers as well as expert interviews with members in the wheat value chain. This provided unique and valuable insights into the dominant factors influencing wheat production in South Africa.
The research presented in this thesis concluded that wheat production in South Africa is being negatively influenced by a decrease in the market price of wheat and a further increase in the cost of post-harvest logistical services. Furthermore the market price of wheat is being lowered by the implementation of an open market policy which allows the importation of cheap subsidized wheat. The cost of post-harvest logistical services has increased due the inefficiency of transport services resulting from a deteriorated transport infrastructure. In order to sway preference to wheat production in South Africa, government support will be required in the form of import tariffs, used to protect local farmers, and agriculture infrastructure development, which will be required to decrease the cost of post-harvest logistical services. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die beskerming van die Suid-Afrikaanse landbou-sektor en in hierdie konteks, die koringbedryf, is noodsaaklik vir die versekering van voedselsekuriteit en landelike ontwikkeling in Suid-Afrika. Die koringbedryf dra ongeveer R4 miljard tot die brutowaarde van landbouproduksie in Suid-Afrika en bied tans sowat 28 000 werkgeleenthede. Voorafgegaan deur mielies, is koring die tweede belangrikste graan wat in Suid-Afrika geproduseer word.
Die uitfasering van die Koringraad in 1997, wat gelei het tot die deregulasie van Suid-Afrika se koringbedryf, het gelei tot die blootstelling van die markprys aan internasionale markverwante kragte. Na-oes landbou logistieke dienste is ook verander deur die agteruitgang van landbou-infrastruktuur, wat gelei het tot die ontwikkeling van alternatiewe vervoer- en berging stelsels.
Koringproduksie in Suid-Afrika het oor die afgelope twee dekades beduidend afgeneem. Die koringbedryf sukkel tans om voldoende inkomste te genereer vir produsente. Produsente verskuif tans hul fokus na meer winsgewende kommoditeite of laat vaar boerdery heeltemal.
Dit is die doel van hierdie studie om die faktore te beskryf wat koringproduksie beïnvloed in Suid-Afrika. Dit sluit in na-oes logistieke aktiwiteite en markverwante kragte wat die produksie-volumes van koring in Suid-Afrika beïnvloed.
'n Kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering is onderneem om insette in te samel vir die navorsing wat aangebied word. Dit sluit in onderhoude met produsente, sowel as deskundiges in die koring-waardeketting. Dit het ‘n unieke en waardevolle insig gelewer in die dominante faktore wat koringproduksie in Suid-Afrika beïnvloed. Die navorsing wat in hierdie tesis onderneem is het tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat koringproduksie in Suid-Afrika negatief beïnvloed word deur 'n afname in die markprys en 'n toename in die koste van na-oes logistieke dienste. Die markprys van koring word verlaag deur die implementering van 'n opemark beleid wat die invoer van goedkoop gesubsidieerde koring toelaat. Verder het die koste van na-oes logistieke dienste toegeneem weens die ondoeltreffendheid van vervoer, bygedra deur ‘n verswakte vervoerinfrastruktuur. Om voorkeur terug na koringproduksie in Suid-Afrika te swaai, sal dit die ondersteuning vereis van die regering deur die implementering van invoertariewe, wat beskerming sal bied vir plaaslike boere, asook landbou-infrastruktuur ontwikkeling, wat die koste van na-oes logistieke dienste sal verbeter.
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On the existence and enumeration of sets of two or three mutually orthogonal Latin squares with application to sports tournament schedulingKidd, Martin Philip 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PdD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A Latin square of order n is an n×n array containing an arrangement of n distinct symbols with
the property that every row and every column of the array contains each symbol exactly once.
It is well known that Latin squares may be used for the purpose of constructing designs which
require a balanced arrangement of a set of elements subject to a number of strict constraints.
An important application of Latin squares arises in the scheduling of various types of balanced
sports tournaments, the simplest example of which is a so-called round-robin tournament — a
tournament in which each team opposes each other team exactly once.
Among the various applications of Latin squares to sports tournament scheduling, the problem
of scheduling special types of mixed doubles tennis and table tennis tournaments using special
sets of three mutually orthogonal Latin squares is of particular interest in this dissertation. A
so-called mixed doubles table tennis (MDTT) tournament comprises two teams, both consisting
of men and women, competing in a mixed doubles round-robin fashion, and it is known that
any set of three mutually orthogonal Latin squares may be used to obtain a schedule for such
a tournament. A more interesting sports tournament design, however, and one that has been
sought by sports clubs in at least two reported cases, is known as a spouse-avoiding mixed
doubles round-robin (SAMDRR) tournament, and it is known that such a tournament may be
scheduled using a self-orthogonal Latin square with a symmetric orthogonal mate (SOLSSOM).
These applications have given rise to a number of important unsolved problems in the theory
of Latin squares, the most celebrated of which is the question of whether or not a set of three
mutually orthogonal Latin squares of order 10 exists. Another open question is whether or not
SOLSSOMs of orders 10 and 14 exist. A further problem in the theory of Latin squares that
has received considerable attention in the literature is the problem of counting the number of
(essentially) different ways in which a set of elements may be arranged to form a Latin square,
i.e. the problem of enumerating Latin squares and equivalence classes of Latin squares of a given
order. This problem quickly becomes extremely difficult as the order of the Latin square grows,
and considerable computational power is often required for this purpose. In the literature on
Latin squares only a small number of equivalence classes of self-orthogonal Latin squares (SOLS)
have been enumerated, namely the number of distinct SOLS, the number of idempotent SOLS
and the number of isomorphism classes generated by idempotent SOLS of orders 4 n 9.
Furthermore, only a small number of equivalence classes of ordered sets of k mutually orthogonal
Latin squares (k-MOLS) of order n have been enumerated in the literature, namely main classes
of 2-MOLS of order n for 3 n 8 and isotopy classes of 8-MOLS of order 9. No enumeration
work on SOLSSOMs appears in the literature.
In this dissertation a methodology is presented for enumerating equivalence classes of Latin
squares using a recursive, backtracking tree-search approach which attempts to eliminate redundancy
in the search by only considering structures which have the potential to be completed
to well-defined class representatives. This approach ensures that the enumeration algorithm only generates one Latin square from each of the classes to be enumerated, thus also generating
a repository of class representatives of these classes. These class representatives may be used in
conjunction with various well-known enumeration results from the theory of groups and group
actions in order to determine the number of Latin squares in each class as well as the numbers
of various kinds of subclasses of each class.
This methodology is applied in order to enumerate various equivalence classes of SOLS and
SOLSSOMs of orders up to and including order 10 and various equivalence classes of k-MOLS
of orders up to and including order 8. The known numbers of distinct SOLS, idempotent SOLS
and isomorphism classes generated by idempotent SOLS are verified for orders 4 n 9, and in
addition the number of isomorphism classes, transpose-isomorphism classes and RC-paratopism
classes of SOLS of these orders are enumerated. The search is further extended to determine the
numbers of these classes for SOLS of order 10 via a large parallelisation of the backtracking treesearch
algorithm on a number of processors. The RC-paratopism class representatives of SOLS
thus generated are then utilised for the purpose of enumerating SOLSSOMs, while existing
repositories of symmetric Latin squares are also used for this purpose as a means of validating
the enumeration results. In this way distinct SOLSSOMs, standard SOLSSOMs, transposeisomorphism
classes of SOLSSOMs and RC-paratopism classes of SOLSSOMs are enumerated,
and a repository of RC-paratopism class representatives of SOLSSOMs is also produced. The
known number of main classes of 2-MOLS of orders 3 n 8 are verified in this dissertation,
and in addition the number of main classes of k-MOLS of orders 3 n 8 are also determined
for 3 k n−1. Other equivalence classes of k-MOLS of order n that are enumerated include
distinct k-MOLS and reduced k-MOLS of orders 3 n 8 for 2 k n − 1.
Finally, a filtering method is employed to verify whether any SOLS of order 10 satisfies two
basic necessary conditions for admitting a common orthogonal mate with its transpose, and it is
found via a computer search that only four of the 121 642 class representatives of RC-paratopism
classes of SOLS satisfy these conditions. It is further verified that none of these four SOLS
admits a common orthogonal mate with its transpose. By this method the spectrum of resolved
orders in terms of the existence of SOLSSOMs is improved in that the non-existence of such
designs of order 10 is established, thereby resolving a longstanding open existence question in
the theory of Latin squares. Furthermore, this result establishes a new necessary condition for
the existence of a set of three mutually orthogonal Latin squares of order 10, namely that such
a set cannot contain a SOLS and its transpose / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: ’n Latynse vierkant van orde n is ’n n × n skikking van n simbole met die eienskap dat elke ry
en elke kolom van die skikking elke element presies een keer bevat. Dit is welbekend dat
Latynse vierkante gebruik kan word in die konstruksie van ontwerpe wat vra na ’n gebalanseerde
rangskikking van ’n versameling elemente onderhewig aan ’n aantal streng beperkings.
’n Belangrike toepassing van Latynse vierkante kom in die skedulering van verskeie spesiale
tipes gebalanseerde sporttoernooie voor, waarvan die eenvoudigste voorbeeld ’n sogenaamde
rondomtalietoernooi is — ’n toernooi waarin elke span elke ander span presies een keer teenstaan.
Onder die verskeie toepassings van Latynse vierkante in sporttoernooi-skedulering, is die probleem
van die skedulering van spesiale tipes gemengde dubbels tennis- en tafeltennistoernooie
deur gebruikmaking van spesiale versamelings van drie paarsgewys-ortogonale Latynse vierkante
in hierdie proefskrif van besondere belang. In sogenaamde gemengde dubbels tafeltennis (GDTT)
toernooi ding twee spanne, elk bestaande uit mans en vrouens, op ’n gemengde-dubbels rondomtalie
wyse mee, en dit is bekend dat enige versameling van drie paarsgewys-ortogonale Latynse
vierkante gebruik kan word om ’n skedule vir s´o ’n toernooi op te stel. ’n Meer interessante
sporttoernooi-ontwerp, en een wat al vantevore in minstens twee gerapporteerde gevalle deur
sportklubs benodig is, is egter ’n gade-vermydende gemengde-dubbels rondomtalie (GVGDR)
toernooi, en dit is bekend dat s´o ’n toernooi geskeduleer kan word deur gebruik te maak van ’n
self-ortogonale Latynse vierkant met ’n simmetriese ortogonale maat (SOLVSOM).
Hierdie toepassings het tot ’n aantal belangrike onopgeloste probleme in die teorie van Latynse
vierkante gelei, waarvan die mees beroemde die vraag na die bestaan van ’n versameling van
drie paarsgewys ortogonale Latynse vierkante van orde 10 is. Nog ’n onopgeloste probleem
is die vraag na die bestaan van SOLVSOMs van ordes 10 en 14. ’n Verdere probleem in die
teorie van Latynse vierkante wat aansienlik aandag in die literatuur geniet, is die bepaling
van die getal (essensieel) verskillende maniere waarop ’n versameling elemente in ’n Latynse
vierkant gerangskik kan word, m.a.w. die probleem van die enumerasie van Latynse vierkante
en ekwivalensieklasse van Latynse vierkante van ’n gegewe orde. Hierdie probleem raak vinnig
baie moeilik soos die orde van die Latynse vierkant groei, en aansienlike berekeningskrag word
dikwels hiervoor benodig. Sover is slegs ’n klein aantal ekwivalensieklasse van self-ortogonale
Latynse vierkante (SOLVe) in die literatuur getel, naamlik die getal verskillende SOLVe, die getal
idempotente SOLVe en die getal isomorfismeklasse voortgebring deur idempotente SOLVe van
ordes 4 n 9. Verder is slegs ’n klein aantal ekwivalensieklasse van geordende versamelings
van k onderling ortogonale Latynse vierkante (k-OOLVs) in die literatuur getel, naamlik die
getal hoofklasse voortgebring deur 2-OOLVs van orde n vir 3 n 8 en die getal isotoopklasse
voortgebring deur 8-OOLVs van orde 9. Daar is geen enumerasieresultate oor SOLVSOMs in
die literatuur beskikbaar nie.
In hierdie proefskrif word ’n metodologie vir die enumerasie van ekwivalensieklasse van Latynse
vierkante met behulp van ’n soekboomalgoritme met terugkering voorgestel. Hierdie algoritme
poog om oorbodigheid in die soektog te minimeer deur net strukture te oorweeg wat die potensiaal
het om tot goed-gedefinieerde klasleiers opgebou te word. Hierdie eienskap verseker dat
die algoritme slegs een Latynse vierkant binne elk van die klasse wat getel word, genereer, en
dus word ’n databasis van verteenwoordigers van hierdie klasse sodoende opgebou. Hierdie
klasverteenwoordigers kan tesame met verskeie welbekende groepteoretiese telresultate gebruik
word om die getal Latynse vierkante in elke klas te bepaal, asook die getal verskeie deelklasse
van verskillende tipes binne elke klas.
Die bogenoemde metodologie word toegepas om verskeie SOLV- en SOLVSOM-klasse van ordes
kleiner of gelyk aan 10 te tel, asook om k-OOLV-klasse van ordes kleiner of gelyk aan 8
te tel. Die getal verskillende SOLVe, idempotente SOLVe en isomorfismeklasse voortgebring
deur SOLVe word vir ordes 4 n 9 geverifieer, en daarbenewens word die getal isomorfismeklasse,
transponent-isomorfismeklasse en RC-paratoopklasse voortgebring deur SOLVe van
hierdie ordes ook bepaal. Die soektog word deur middel van ’n groot parallelisering van die
soekboomalgoritme op ’n aantal rekenaars ook uitgebrei na die tel van hierdie klasse voortgebring
deur SOLVe van orde 10. Die verteenwoordigers van RC-paratoopklasse voortgebring
deur SOLVe wat deur middel van hierdie algoritme gegenereer word, word dan gebruik om
SOLVSOMs te tel, terwyl bestaande databasisse van simmetriese Latynse vierkante as validasie
van die resultate ook vir hierdie doel ingespan word. Op hierdie manier word die getal
verskillende SOLVSOMs, standaardvorm SOLVSOMs, transponent-isomorfismeklasse voortgebring
deur SOLVSOMs asook RC-paratoopklasse voortgebring deur SOLVSOMs bepaal, en
word ’n databasis van verteenwoordigers van RC-paratoopklasse voortgebring deur SOLVSOMs
ook opgebou. Die bekende getal hoofklasse voortgebring deur 2-OOLVs van ordes 3 n 8
word in hierdie proefskrif geverifieer, en so ook word die getal hoofklasse voortgebring deur k-
OOLVs van ordes 3 n 8 bepaal, waar 3 k n−1. Ander ekwivalensieklasse voortgebring
deur k-OOLVs van orde n wat ook getel word, sluit in verskillende k-OOLVs en gereduseerde
k-OOLVs van ordes 3 n 8, waar 2 k n − 1.
Laastens word daar van ’n filtreer-metode gebruik gemaak om te bepaal of enige SOLV van
orde 10 twee basiese nodige voorwaardes om ’n ortogonale maat met sy transponent te deel
kan bevredig, en daar word gevind dat slegs vier van die 121 642 klasverteenwoordigers van
RC-paratoopklasse voortgebring deur SOLVe van orde 10 aan hierdie voorwaardes voldoen.
Dit word verder vasgestel dat geeneen van hierdie vier SOLVe ortogonale maats in gemeen
met hul transponente het nie. Die spektrum van afgehandelde ordes in terme van die bestaan
van SOLVSOMs word dus vergroot deur aan te toon dat geen sulke ontwerpe van orde 10
bestaan nie, en sodoende word ’n jarelange oop bestaansvraag in die teorie van Latynse vierkante
beantwoord. Verder bevestig hierdie metode ’n nuwe noodsaaklike bestaansvoorwaarde vir ’n
versameling van drie paarsgewys-ortogonale Latynse vierkante van orde 10, naamlik dat s´o ’n
versameling nie ’n SOLV en sy transponent kan bevat nie. / Harry Crossley Foundation / National Research Foundation
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Tactical sugarcane harvest schedulingStray, Bjorn Jonas 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Logistics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Computerised sugarcane harvest scheduling decision support is an active fi eld of research which
ties in closely with the broader problem of automating and streamlining the various activities
in the sugar supply chain. In this dissertation, the problem of providing decision support with
respect to sugarcane harvesting decisions is defined within a number of contexts, each representing
a typical kind of organisation of sugarcane farmers into a cohesive decision making unit with
its speci fic requirements and limitations that exist in practice. A number of variations relevant
to these contexts of an overarching tactical sugarcane harvest scheduling problem (THSP) are
considered and solved in this dissertation. The THSP is the problem of providing objective,
responsible decision support to persons charged with the task of determining optimal harvesting
dates for a set of sugarcane fields across an entire season.
Sugarcane fields typically diff er in terms of the age, variety, life-cycle stage and in many other
properties of the cane grown on them. The growth of sugarcane crops may also be a ffected
by environmental conditions such as accidental fires, frosts or storms which have a detrimental
e ffect on crop-value. Since sugarcane is a living organism, its properties change over time,
an so does the potential pro t associated with it. The practicalities of farming cause further
complication of the problem (for example, seasonal changes alter the conditions under which
the crop is harvested and transported). The rainy season carries with it the added cost of
disallowing long-range vehicles to drive into the fields, forcing the unloading and reloading of
cane at so-called loading zones. Other considerations, such as the early ploughing out of fields to
allow them to fallow before being replanted, compounds the THSP into a multi-faceted difficult
problem requiring efficient data management, mathematical modelling expertise and efficient
computational work.
In the literature the THSP has been viewed from many different standpoints and within many
contexts, and a variety of operations research methodologies have been employed in solving
the problem in part. There is, however, no description in the literature of a solution to the
THSP that takes the negative e ffects of extreme environmental conditions on the quality of
a harvesting schedule into account in a scienti fically justifi able manner; most models in the
literature are based on optimising sucrose yield alone under normal conditions, rendering weak
schedules in practice. The scope of the modelling and solution methodologies employed in this
dissertation towards solving the THSP is restricted to integer programming formulations and
approximate solution methods. The parameters associated with these models were determined
empirically using historical data, as well as previous work on deterioration of sugarcane following
environmental and other events.
The THSP is solved in this dissertation by designing a generic architecture for a conceptual
decision support system (DSS) for the THSP in the various contexts referred to above, which
is capable of accommodating the e ects of extra-ordinary environmental conditions, as well as
the introduction of a computer-implemented version of a real DSS for the THSP conforming to the framework of this generic architecture. The DSS building blocks include prediction
models for sugarcane yield, sugarcane recoverable value under normal circumstances, the costs
associated with a harvesting schedule and the negative e ects on sugarcane recoverable value of
extraordinary environmental conditions. The working of the DSS is based on a combinatorial
optimisation model resembling the well-known asymmetric traveling salesman problem with
time-dependent costs which is solved approximately by means of an attribute-based tabu search
in which both local and global moves have been incorporated. The DSS is also validated by
experienced sugarcane industry experts in terms of the practicality and quality of the schedules
that it produces. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gerekenariseerde besluitsteun vir die skedulering van suikerriet-oeste is 'n aktiewe navorsingsveld
wat nou verwant is aan die bre ër probleem van die outomatisering en vaartbelyning van 'n
verskeidenheid aktiwiteite in die suikervoorsieningsketting. Die probleem van die daarstelling
van steun rakende suikkerriet oestingsbesluite word in hierdie proefskrif in 'n aantal kontekste
oorweeg, elk met betrekking tot 'n tipiese soort organisasie van suikerrietboere in 'n samehorige
besluitnemingseenheid met sy spesi eke vereistes en beperkings in die praktyk. Verskeie variasies
van 'n oorkoepelende taktiese suikerriet-oesskeduleringsprobleem (TSOSP) wat in hierde kontekste
relevant is, naamlik die probleem om objektiewe, verantwoordbare steun aan besluitnemers
te bied wat verantwoordelik is vir die bepaling van optimale oesdatums vir 'n versameling
suikerrietplantasies oor die bestek van 'n hele seisoen, word in hierdie proefskrif bestudeer en
Suikerrietplantasies verskil tipies in terme van ouderdom, gewastipe, posisie in die lewensiklus,
en vele ander eienskappe van die suikerriet wat daar groei. Omgewingstoestande, soos onbeplande
brande, ryp of storms, het verder ook 'n negatiewe impak op die waarde van suikerriet op
sulke plantasies. Omdat suikerriet 'n lewende organisme is, verander die eienskappe daarvan oor
tyd, en so ook die potensi ele wins wat daarmee geassosieer word. Boerderypraktyke bemoeilik
verder die skeduleringsprobleem onder beskouing (seisoenale veranderings beïnvloed byvoorbeeld
die wyse waarop suikerriet ge-oes en vervoer word). Addisionele koste gaan voorts met die
re ënseisoen gepaard, omdat die plantasies dan nie toeganklik is vir langafstand transportvoertuie
nie en suikerriet gevolglik na spesiale laaisones gekarwei moet word voordat dit op hierdie
voertuie gelaai kan word. Ander oorwegings, soos die vroe ë uitploeg van plantasies sodat die
grond kan rus voordat nuwe suikerriet aangeplant word, veroorsaak dat die TSOSP 'n moeilike
multi-faset probleem is, wat goeie databestuur, wiskundige modelleringsvernuf en doeltreff ende
rekenaarwerk vereis.
Die TSOSP word in die literatuur vanuit verskillende standpunte en in verskeie kontekste oorweeg,
en 'n aantal uiteenlopende operasionele navorsingsmetodologie ë is al ingespan om hierdie
probleem ten dele op te los. Daar is egter geen poging in die literatuur om 'n oplossing
vir die TSOSP daar te stel waarin daar op 'n wetenskaplik-verantwoordbare wyse voorsiening
gemaak word vir die negatiewe e ffekte wat uitsonderlike omgewingstoestande op die kwaliteit
van oesskedules het nie; die meeste modelle in die literatuure is op slegs sukrose-opbrengs onder
normale omstandighede gebaseer, wat lei na swak skedules in die praktyk. Die bestek van die
wiskundige modellerings- en gepaardgaande oplossings-metodologie ë word in hierdie proefskrif
vir die TSOSP beperk tot onderskeidelik heeltallige programmeringsformulerings en die bepaling
van benaderde oplossings deur lokale soekprosedures. Die parameters wat met hierdie modelle
en soekmetodes geassosieer word, word empiries bepaal deur gebruikmaking van historiese data
asook bestaande werk oor die degradering van suikerriet as gevolg van omgewings- en ander
eksterne faktore. Die TSOSP word in hierdie proefskrif opgelos deur die ontwerp van 'n generiese argitektuur
vir 'n konseptuele besluitsteunstelsel (BSS) vir die TSOSP in die onderskeie kontekste waarna
hierbo verwys word en wat die e ekte van uitsonderlike omgewingsfaktore in ag neem, asook
die daarstelling van 'n rekenaar-ge ïmplementeerde weergawe van 'n daadwerklike BSS vir die
TSOSP wat in die raamwerk van hierdie generiese argitektuur pas. Die boustene van hierdie
BSS sluit modelle in vir die voorspelling van suikerrietopbrengs, die herwinbare waarde van
suikerriet onder normale omstandighede, die verwagte koste geassosieer met 'n oesskedule en die
negatiewe e ekte van omgewingsfaktore op die herwinbare waarde van suikerriet. Die werking
van die BSS is gebaseer op 'n kombinatoriese optimeringsprobleem wat aan die welbekende
asimmetriese handelreisigersprobleem met tyd-afhanklike kostes herinner, en hierdie model word
benaderd opgelos deur middel van 'n eienskap-gebaseerde tabu-soektog waarin beide lokale en
globale skuiwe ge ïnkorporeer is. Die BSS word ook gevalideer in terme van die haalbaarheid
en kwaliteit van die skedules wat dit oplewer, soos geassesseer deur ervare kundiges in die
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Multi-objective optimisation of water distribution systems design using metaheuristicsRaad, Darian Nicholas 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Logistics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The design of a water distribution system (WDS) involves finding an acceptable trade-off between cost minimisation and the maximisation of numerous system benefits, such as hydraulic
reliability and surplus capacity. The primary design problem involves cost-effective specifica-
tion of a pipe network layout and pipe sizes (which are typically available in a discrete set
of commercial diameters) in order to satisfy expected consumer water demands within required
pressure limits. The problem may be extended to consider the design of additional WDS com-
ponents, such as reservoirs, tanks, pumps and valves. Practical designs must also cater for the
uncertainty of demand, the requirement of surplus capacity for future growth, and the hydraulic
reliability of the system under different demand and potential failure conditions.
A detailed literature review of exact and approximate approaches towards single-objective (minimum cost) WDS design optimisation is provided. Essential topics which have to be included in
any modern WDS design paradigm (such as demand estimation, reliability quantification, tank
design and pipe layout) are discussed. A number of formative concepts in multi-objective evo-
lutionary optimisation are also reviewed (including a generic problem formulation, performance
evaluation measures, comparative testing strategies, and suitable classes of metaheuristics).
The two central themes of this dissertation are conducting multi-objective WDS design optimi-
sation using metaheuristics, and a critical examination of surrogate measures used to quantify
WDS reliability. The aim in the first theme is to compare numerous modern metaheuristics, in-
cluding several multi-objective evolutionary algorithms, an estimation of distribution algorithm
and a recent hyperheuristic named AMALGAM (an evolutionary framework for the simulta-
neous incorporation of multiple metaheuristics applied here for the first time to a real-world
problem), in order to determine which approach is most capable with respect to WDS design
optimisation. Several novel metaheuristics are developed, as well as a number of new variants
of existing algorithms, so that a total of twenty-three algorithms were compared.
Testing with respect to eight small-to-large-sized WDS benchmarks from the literature reveals
that the four top-performing algorithms are mutually non-dominated with respect to the vari-
ous performance metrics. These algorithms are NSGA-II, TAMALGAMJndu, TAMALGAMndu
and AMALGAMSndp (the last three being novel variants of AMALGAM). However, when these
four algorithms are applied to the design of a very large real-world benchmark, the AMALGAM
paradigm outperforms NSGA-II convincingly, with AMALGAMSndp exhibiting the best perfor-
mance overall. As part of this study, a novel multi-objective greedy algorithm is developed by
combining several heuristic design methods from the literature in order to mimic the design
strategy of a human engineer. This algorithm functions as a powerful local search. However,
it is shown that such an algorithm cannot compete with modern metaheuristics, which employ
advanced strategies in order to uncover better solutions with less computational effort.
The second central theme involves the comparison of several popular WDS reliability surro-
gate measures (namely the Resilience Index, Network Resilience, Flow Entropy, and a novel
mixed surrogate measure) in terms of their ability to produce designs that are robust against
pipe failure and water demand variation. This is the first systematic study on a number of
WDS benchmarks in which regression analysis is used to compare reliability surrogate measures
with probabilistic reliability typically derived via simulation, and failure reliability calculated
by considering all single-pipe failure events, with both reliability types quantified by means of
average demand satisfaction. Although no single measure consistently outperforms the others,
it is shown that using the Resilience Index and Network Resilience yields designs that achieve
a better positive correlation with both probabilistic and failure reliability, and while the Mixed
Surrogate measure shows some promise, using Flow Entropy on its own as a quantifier of re-
liability should be avoided. Network Resilience is identified as being a superior predictor of
failure reliability, and also having the desirable property of supplying designs with fewer and
less severe size discontinuities between adjacent pipes. For this reason, it is recommended as
the surrogate measure of choice for practical application towards design in the WDS industry.
AMALGAMSndp is also applied to the design of a real South African WDS design case study
in Gauteng Province, achieving savings of millions of Rands as well as significant reliability
improvements on a preliminary engineered design by a consulting engineering firm. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die ontwerp van waterverspreidingsnetwerke (WVNe) behels die soeke na ’n aanvaarbare afruiling tussen koste-minimering en die maksimering van ’n aantal netwerkvoordele, soos hidroliese
betroubaarheid en surpluskapasiteit. Die primere ontwerpsprobleem behels ’n koste-doeltreffende spesifikasie van ’n netwerkuitleg en pypgroottes (wat tipies in ’n diskrete aantal kommersiele
deursnedes beskikbaar is) wat aan gebruikersaanvraag binne sekere drukspesifikasies voldoen.
Die probleem kan uitgebrei word om die ontwerp van verdere WVN-komponente, soos op-
gaardamme, opgaartenks, pompe en kleppe in ag te neem. Praktiese WVN-ontwerpe moet
ook voorsiening maak vir onsekerheid van aanvraag, genoegsame surpluskapsiteit vir toekom-
stige netwerkuitbreidings en die hidroliese betroubaarheid van die netwerk onder verskillende
aanvraag- en potensiele falingsvoorwaardes.
’n Omvattende literatuurstudie word oor eksakte en benaderde oplossingsbenaderings tot enkel-
doelwit (minimum koste) WVN-ontwerpsoptimering gedoen. Sentrale temas wat by heden-
daagse WVN-ontwerpsparadigmas ingesluit behoort te word (soos aanvraagvooruitskatting, die
kwantifisering van betroubaarheid, tenkontwerp en netwerkuitleg), word uitgelig. ’n Aantal
basiese konsepte in meerdoelige evolusionˆere optimering (soos ’n generiese probleemformulering,
werkverrigtingsmaatstawwe, vergelykende toetsingstrategie¨e, en sinvolle klasse metaheuristieke
vir WVN-ontwerp) word ook aangeraak.
Die twee sentrale temas in hierdie proefskrif is meerdoelige WVN-ontwerpsoptimering deur mid-
del van metaheuristieke, en ’n kritiese evaluering van verskeie surrogaatmaatstawwe vir die
kwantifisering van netwerkbetroubaarheid. Die doel in die eerste tema is om ’n aantal moderne
metaheuristieke, insluitend verskeie meerdoelige evolusionere algoritmes en die onlangse hiper-
heuristiek AMALGAM (’n evolusionere raamwerk vir die gelyktydige insluiting van ’n aantal
metaheuristieke wat hier vir die eerste keer op ’n praktiese probleem toegepas word), met
mekaar te vergelyk om sodoende ’n ideale benadering tot WVN-ontwerpoptimering te identi-
fiseer. Verskeie nuwe metaheuristieke sowel as ’n aantal nuwe variasies op bestaande algoritmes
word ontwikkel, sodat drie en twintig algoritmes in totaal met mekaar vergelyk word.
Toetse aan die hand van agt klein- tot mediumgrootteWVN-toetsprobleme uit die literatuur dui
daarop dat die vier top algoritmes mekaar onderling ten opsigte van verskeie werkverrigtings-
maatstawwe domineer. Hierdie algoritmes is NSGA-II, TAMALGAMJndu, TAMALGAMndu
en AMALGAMSndp, waarvan laasgenoemde drie nuwe variasies op AMALGAM is. Wanneer
hierdie vier algoritmes egter vir die ontwerp van ’n groot WVN-toetsprobleem ingespan word,
oortref die AMALGAM-paradigma die NSGA-II oortui-gend, en lewer AMALGAMSndp die
beste resultate. As deel van hierdie studie is ’n nuwe meerdoelige gulsige algoritme ontwerp
wat verskeie heuristiese ontwerpsmetodologiee uit die literatuur kombineer om sodoende die on-
twerpstrategie van ’n ingenieur na te boots. Hierdie algoritme funksioneer as ’n kragtige lokale
soekprosedure, maar daar word aangetoon dat die algoritme nie met moderne metaheuristieke,
wat gevorderde soekstrategie¨e inspan om beter oplossings met minder berekeningsmoeite daar
te stel, kan meeding nie.
Die tweede sentrale tema behels die vergelyking van ’n aantal gewilde surrogaatmaatstawwe vir
die kwantifisering van WVN-betroubaarheid (naamlik die elastisiteitsindeks, netwerkelastisiteit,
vloei-entropie en ’n gemengde surrogaatmaatstaf ) in terme van die mate waartoe hul gebruik kan
word om WVNe te identifiseer wat robuust is ten opsigte van pypfaling en variasie in aanvraag.
Hierdie proefskrif bevat die eerste sistematiese vergelyking deur middel van regressie-analise van
’n aantal surrogaatmaatstawwe vir die kwantifisering van WVN-betroubaarheid en stogastiese
betroubaarheid (wat tipies via simulasie bepaal word) in terme van ’n aantal toetsprobleme in
die literatuur. Alhoewel geen enkele maatstaf as die beste na vore tree nie, word daar getoon
dat gebruik van die elastisiteitsindeks en netwerkelastisiteit lei na WNV-ontwerpe met ’n groter
positiewe korrelasie ten opsigte van beide stogastiese betroubaarheid en falingsbetroubaarheid.
Verder toon die gebruik van die gemengde surrogaatmaatstaf potensiaal, maar die gebruik
van vloei-entropie op sy eie as kwantifiseerder van betroubaarheid behoort vermy te word.
Netwerkelastisiteit word as ’n hoe-gehalte indikator van falingsbetroubaarheid geidentifiseer en
het ook die eienskap dat dit daartoe instaat is om ontwerpe met ’n kleiner aantal diskontinuiteite
sowel as van ’n minder ekstreme graad van diskontinuiteite tussen deursnedes van aangrensende
pype daar te stel. Om hierdie rede word netwerkelastisiteit as die surogaatmaatstaf van voorkeur
aanbeveel vir toepassings van WVN-ontwerpe in die praktyk.
AMALGAM word ook ten opsigte van ’n werklike Suid-Afrikaanse WVN-ontwerp gevallestudie
in Gauteng toegepas. Hierdie toepassing lei na die besparing van miljoene rande asook noe-
menswaardige verbeterings in terme van netwerkbetroubaarheid in vergeleke met ’n aanvanklike
ingenieursontwerp deur ’n konsultasiefirma.
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On the (r,s)-domination number of a graphRoux, Adriana 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The (classical) domination number of a graph is the cardinality of a smallest subset of its vertex
set with the property that each vertex of the graph is in the subset or adjacent to a vertex in the
subset. Since its introduction to the literature during the early 1960s, this graph parameter has
been researched extensively and nds application in the generic facility location problem where
a smallest number of facilities must be located on the vertices of the graph, at most one facility
per vertex, so that there is at least one facility in the closed neighbourhood of each vertex of the
The placement constraint in the above application may be relaxed in the sense that multiple
facilities may possibly be located at a vertex of the graph and the adjacency criterion may be
strengthened in the sense that a graph vertex may possibly be required to be adjacent to multiple
facilities. More speci cally, the number of facilities that can possibly be located at the i-th vertex
of the graph may be restricted to at most ri 0 and it may be required that there should be at
least si 0 facilities in the closed neighbourhood of this vertex. If the graph has n vertices, then
these restriction and su ciency speci cations give rise to a pair of vectors r = [r1,....., rn] and
s = [s1,....., sn]. The smallest number of facilities that can be located on the vertices of a graph
satisfying these generalised placement conditions is called the hr; si-domination number of the
graph. The classical domination number of a graph is therefore its hr; si-domination number in
the special case where r = [1,....., 1] and s = [1,....., 1].
The exact values of the hr; si-domination number, or at least upper bounds on the hr; si-
domination number, are established analytically in this dissertation for arbitrary graphs and
various special graph classes in the general case, in the case where the vector s is a step function
and in the balanced case where r = [r,....., r] and s = [s,....., s].
A linear algorithm is put forward for computing the hr; si-domination number of a tree, and
two exponential-time (but polynomial-space) algorithms are designed for computing the hr; si-
domination number of an arbitrary graph. The e ciencies of these algorithms are compared
to one another and to that of an integer programming approach toward computing the hr; si-
domination number of a graph. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die (klassieke) dominasiegetal van 'n gra ek is die grootte van 'n kleinste deelversameling van
die gra ek se puntversameling met die eienskap dat elke punt van die gra ek in die deelversameling
is of naasliggend is aan 'n punt in die deelversameling. Sedert die verskyning van hierdie
gra ekparameter in the literatuur gedurende die vroeë 1960s, is dit deeglik nagevors en vind dit
neerslag in die generiese plasingstoepassing waar 'n kleinste getal fasiliteite op die punte van die
gra ek geplaas moet word, hoogstens een fasiliteit per punt, sodat daar minstens een fasiliteit in
die geslote buurpuntversameling van elke punt van die gra ek is.
Die plasingsbeperking in die bogenoemde toepassing mag egter verslap word in die sin dat
meer as een fasiliteit potensieel op 'n punt van die gra ek geplaas kan word en verder mag
die naasliggendheidsvereiste verhoog word in die sin dat 'n punt van die gra ek moontlik aan
veelvuldige fasiliteite naasliggend moet wees. Gestel dat die getal fasiliteite wat op die i-de punt
van die gra ek geplaas mag word, beperk word tot hoogstens ri 0 en dat hierdie punt minstens
si 0 fasiliteite in die geslote buurpuntversameling daarvan moet hê. Indien die gra ek n punte
bevat, gee hierdie plasingsbeperkings en -vereistes aanleiding tot die paar vektore r = [r1, .... , rn]
en s = [s1,...., sn]. Die kleinste getal fasiliteite wat op die punte van 'n gra ek geplaas kan word
om aan hierdie veralgemeende voorwaardes te voldoen, word die hr; si-dominasiegetal van die
gra ek genoem. Die klassieke dominasiegetal van 'n gra ek is dus die hr; si-dominasiegetal
daarvan in die spesiale geval waar r = [1,......, 1] en s = [1,....., 1].
In hierdie verhandeling word die eksakte waardes van, of minstens grense op, die hr; si-dominasiegetal
van arbitrêre gra eke of spesiale klasse gra eke analities bepaal vir die algemene geval,
vir die geval waar s 'n trapfunksie is, en vir die gebalanseerde geval waar r = [r,....., r] en
s = [s,....., s].
'n Lineêre algoritme word ook daargestel vir die berekening van die hr; si-dominasiegetal van
'n boom, en twee eksponensiële-tyd (maar polinoom-ruimte) algoritmes word ontwerp vir die
berekening van die hr; si-dominasiegetal van 'n arbitrêre gra ek. Die doeltre endhede van hierdie
algoritmes word met mekaar vergelyk en ook met dié van 'n heeltallige programmeringsbenadering
tot die bepaling van die hr; si-dominasiegetal van 'n gra ek.
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The development and appliction of a freight transport flow model for South AfricaHavenga, Jan Hendrik, Pienaar, W. J. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Logistics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa currently experiences the double jeopardy problem of catching
up to global economic competitiveness whilst at the same time feeling the
pressures of sustainability management spearheaded by a global agenda.
Global sustainability is defined as growth that is shared without depleting
natural resources or damaging the environment. Academic disciplines are
challenged to make a contribution and economics as such should contribute
by providing the lead and lag indicators for the planning and measurement of
scarce resources usuage. This integrative view includes economic subdisciplines,
such as logistics. This integrative view is an acknowledged part of the economics discipline,
except that the macro-economic context of some sub-disciplines, such as
logistics, often receives less attention during the course of academic activities.
The distribution of resources and outputs in the economy is a logistics
controlled cross-cutting factor, but suffers from a lack of macro-economic
perspective, and lead and lag orientated measurement. This state of the
affairs is a historic backlog of logistics and its specific position within
economics. During the primary economic era the world began to configure networks and
markets, which became more pronounced and settled with the dawn and
settling of the industrial era. Logistics then was a “given” and did not receive
much thought even as industrial, market economies developed. Transport
was regarded as an administered cost, i.e. inefficiencies in logistics systems
were evenly distributed between competitors, not giving any specific entity an
advantage. With the advent of global competition and the diminishing returns
on other cost saving measures, companies began to collaborate and integrate
logistics functions within value chains, but the administered part of transport
costs failed to receive the attention it required. In this way, global competitors
did begin to experience disadvantages on a national level as whole economies suffered from inefficiencies in logistics and specifically transport
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An evaluation of the efficiency of self-organising versus fixed traffic signalling paradigmsEinhorn, Mark David 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: see item for full text / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: sien item vir volteks
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Niche Occupation in Biological Species CompetitionJanse Van Vuuren, Adriaan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Logistics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2008. / The primary question considered in this study is whether a small population of a biological
species introduced into a resource-heterogeneous environment, where it competes for
these resources with an already established native species, will be able to invade successfully.
A two-component autonomous system of reaction-diffusion equations with spatially
inhomogeneous Lotka-Volterra competitive reaction terms and diffusion coefficients is derived
as the governing equations of the competitive scenario. The model parameters for
which the introduced species is able to invade describe the realized niche of that species.
A linear stability analysis is performed for the model in the case where the resource heterogeneity
is represented by, and the diffusion coefficients are, two-toned functions. In the
case where the native species is not directly affected by the resource heterogeneity, necessary
and sufficient conditions for successful invasion are derived. In the case where the
native species is directly affected by the resource heterogeneity only sufficient conditions
for successful invasion are derived.
The reaction-diffusion equations employed in the model are deterministic. However, in
reality biological species are subject to stochastic population perturbations. It is argued
that the ability of the invading species to recover from a population perturbation is
correlated with the persistence of the species in the niche that it occupies. Hence, invasion
time is used as a relative measure to quantify the rate at which a species’ population
distribution recovers from perturbation.
Moreover, finite difference and spectral difference methods are employed to solve the
model scenarios numerically and to corroborate the results of the linear stability analysis.
Finally, a case study is performed. The model is instantiated with parameters that represent
two different cultivars of barley in a hypothetical environment characterized by
spatially varying water availability and the sufficient conditions for successful invasion are
verified for this hypothetical scenario.
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A decision support system for scheduling the harvesting and wine making processes at a wineryVan der Merwe, Adri 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Logistics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Technological advances made over the past century have had a major impact on traditional
wineries. Software solutions for management issues are widely available and give rise to the
prospect of computerized decision support systems assisting in various aspects of managing a
winery. The most popular applications seem to be concerned with supply chain management
or harvest scheduling. Such projects are under way all over the globe and great success has
been achieved to this e ect. However, prior to this study no such project has been considered
in South Africa.
The phrase active cellar scheduling problem refers to the assignment of grape batches to processors
inside the cellar where bottlenecks often occur during the busy harvesting period. The
phrase harvest scheduling problem, on the other hand, refers to selecting the best possible dates
to harvest the respective vineyard blocks in order to preserve grape quality.
A mixed integer programming model for the active cellar scheduling problem is derived in
this thesis, but proves to be too time consuming to solve exactly via the branch-and-bound
method. A meta-heuristic tabu search approach is therefore designed to solve the problem
approximately instead. When applied to a small, ctitious cellar, it is found that the tabu
search method often solves the problem optimally. The computer processing time associated
with the tabu search approach also constitutes a signi cant (often thousand-fold) improvement
over that of the branch-and-bound approach for realistically sized problem instances.
A generic tabu search is also designed to solve the over-arching harvest scheduling problem for
a general winery. This schedule is found by referring to the smaller tabu search of the active
cellar scheduling in order to verify the impact that harvesting moves have on activities in the
cellar. One harvesting schedule is considered a better schedule than another when it has a lower
harvest evaluation score, determined by the placement of the vineyard blocks in the harvesting
schedule. The harvest evaluation score takes into account the combination of vineyard blocks
selected for harvesting on the same day (and their e ect on the active cellar) as well as the
ripeness and quality of the grapes.
Both tabu searches are nally included in a
exible, computerized decision support system,
called VinDSS. This system is found to produce good harvesting schedules when compared
to an actual ve day schedule during the 2009 harvesting period at Wamakersvallei, a winery
serving as case study for this thesis. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Tegnologiese vooruitgang oor die afgelope eeu het 'n groot invloed op tradisionele wynkelders
gehad. Sagteware-oplossings wat besluitsteun tot bestuursaangeleenthede bied, is algemeen
beskikbaar en het gelei tot die rekenaarmatige implementering van besluitsteunstelsels vir
wynkelders. Dit blyk dat die mees popul^ere besluitsteuntoepassings in die wynindustrie te
make het met besluite rakende van voorsieningskettings en oes-skedulering. Sulke besluitsteunprojekte
is w^ereldwyd onderweg en het alreeds groot sukses behaal. Daar is egter tot dusver
geen so 'n projek in Suid-Afrika onderneem nie.
Die frase aktiewe kelderskeduleringsprobleem verwys na die toekenning van druifvragte aan
masjiene binne die kelder waar bottelnekke algemeen tydens die besige parstydperk voorkom.
Die frase oes-skeduleringsprobleem, daarenteen, verwys na die seleksie van bes moontlike oesdatums
vir elk van die wingerdblokke om sodoende druifkwaliteit te verseker.
'n Gemengde heeltallige programmeringsmodel is vir die aktiewe kelderskeduleringsprobleem
ontwikkel, maar die rekenaaroplossingstyd van hierdie benadering blyk te lank te wees om die
probleem eksak deur middel van 'n vertak-en-begrens metode op te los. 'n Meta-heuristiese tabu
soektog is dus ontwikkel om die probleem benaderd op te los. Wanneer hierdie benadering op 'n
klein, ktiewe kelder toegepas word, word optimale oplossings dikwels verkry. Verder toon die
rekenaaroplossingstyd van die tabu soektog 'n groot (in sommige gevalle byna 'n duisendvoudige)
verbetering op di e van die eksakte oplossingsmetode.
'n Generiese tabu soektog is ook ontwikkel om die oorkoepelende oes-skeduleringsprobleem vir
'n algemene wynkelder op te los. So 'n oes-skedule word gevind deur na die kleiner tabu soektog
vir die aktiewe kelderskedulering te verwys om sodoende die e ekte van veranderinge in die oesskedule
op die prosesse binne die aktiewe kelder na te speur. Een oes-skedule word beter as 'n
ander skedule beskou wanneer dit met 'n beter oes-evalueringswaarde gepaard gaan, soos deur
die plasing van die wingerdblokke in die skedule bepaal. Die oes-evalueringswaarde neem die
moontlike kombinasies van wingerblokke wat op dieselfde dag geoes word, in ag (en ook die
e ek wat dit op aktiwiteite in die kelder het), asook die rypheid en kwaliteit van die druiwe.
Beide tabu soektogte word in 'n plooibare, rekenaar-ge mplementeerde besluitsteunstelsel, bekend
as VinDSS, ingesluit. Daar word gevind dat hierdie stelsel goeie oes-skedules lewer
wanneer dit vergelyk word met 'n werklike vyf-dag skedule tydens die 2009 parsseisoen van
Wamakersvallei, die kelder wat as gevallestudie vir hierdie tesis gedien het.
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