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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Order sequencing and SKU arrangement on a unidirectional picking line

Matthews, Jason 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An order picking operation in a distribution centre (DC) owned by Pep Stores Ltd, located in Durban, South Africa was considered. The order picking operation utilises picking lines and the concept of wave picking. A picking line is a central area with storage locations for pallet loads of stock keeping units (SKUs) around a conveyor belt. The system shows many similarities to unidirectional carousel systems found in literature, however, the unidirectional carousel system is not common. Sets of SKUs must be assigned to pick waves. The SKUs associated with a single wave are then arranged on a picking line after which pickers move in a clockwise direction around the conveyor belt to pick the orders. The entire order picking operation was broken into three tiers of decision making and three corresponding subproblems were identi ed. The rst two subproblems were investigated which focused on a single picking line. The rst subproblem called the order sequencing problem (OSP) considered the sequencing of orders for pickers and the second called the SKU location problem (SLP) the assignment of SKUs to locations in the picking line for a given wave. A tight lower bound was established for the OSP using the concept of a maximal cut. This lower bound was transformed into a feasible solution within 1 pick cycle of the lower bound. The solution was also shown to be robust and dynamic for use in practice. Faster solution times, however, were required for use in solution techniques for the SLP. Four variations of a greedy heuristic as well as two metaheuristic methods were therefore developed to solve the problem in shorter times. An ant colony approach was developed to solve the SLP. Furthermore, four variations of a hierarchical clustering algorithm were developed to cluster SKUs together on a picking line and three metaheuristic methods were developed to sequence these clusters. All the proposed approaches outperformed known methods for assigning locations to SKUs on a carousel. To test the validity of assumptions and assess the practicality of the proposed solutions an agent based simulation model was built. All proposed solutions were shown to be applicable in practice and the proposed solutions to both subporblems outperformed the current approaches by Pep. Furthermore, it was established that the OSP is a more important problem, in comparison to the SLP, for Pep to solve as limited savings can be achieved when solving the SLP. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Stelsel vir die opmaak van bestellings in 'n distribusiesentrum van Pep Stores Bpk. in Durban, Suid-Afrika word beskou. Hierdie stelsel gebruik uitsoeklyne waarop bestellings in golwe opgemaak word. 'n Uitsoeklyn is 'n area met vakkies waarop pallette met voorraadeenhede gestoor kan word. Hierdie vakkies is rondom 'n voerband gerangskik. Die stelsel het ooreenkomste met die eenrigting carrousselstelsels wat in die literatuur voorkom, maar hierdie eenrigtingstelsels is nie algemeen nie. Voorraadeenhede moet aan 'n golf toegewys word wat in 'n uitsoeklyn gerangskik word, waarna werkers dan die bestellings in die betrokke golf opmaak. Die hele operasie van bestellings opmaak kan opgebreek word in drie vlakke van besluite met gepaardgaande subprobleme. Die eerste twee subprobleme wat 'n enkele uitsoeklyn beskou, word aangespreek. Die eerste subprobleem, naamlik die volgorde-van-bestellings-probleem (VBP) beskou die volgorde waarin bestellings opgemaak word. Die tweede probeem is die voorraadeenheidaan- vakkie-toewysingsprobleem (VVTP) en beskou die toewysings van voorraadeenhede aan vakkies in 'n uitsoeklyn vir 'n gegewe golf. 'n Sterk ondergrens vir die VBP is bepaal met behulp van die konsep van 'n maksimum snit. Hierdie ondergrens kan gebruik word om 'n toelaatbare oplossing te bepaal wat hoogstens 1 carrousselsiklus meer as die ondergrens het. Hierdie oplossings kan dinamies gebruik word en kan dus net so in die praktyk aangewend word. Vinniger oplossingstegnieke is egter nodig indien die VVTP opgelos moet word. Twee metaheuristiese metodes word dus voorgestel waarmee oplossings vir die VBP vinniger bepaal kan word. 'n Mierkolonie benadering is ontwikkel om die VVTP op te los. Verder is vier variasies van 'n hi erargiese groeperingsalgoritme ontwikkel om voorraadeenhede saam te groepeer op 'n uitsoeklyn. Drie metaheuristieke is aangewend om hierdie groepe in volgorde te rangskik. Al hierdie benaderings vaar beter as bekende metodes om voorraadeenhede op 'n carroussel te rankskik. Om die geldigheid van die aannames en die praktiese uitvoerbaarheid van die oplossings te toets, is 'n agent gebaseerde simulasie model gebou. Daar is bevind dat al die voorgestelde oplossings prakties implementeerbaar is en dat al die metodes verbeter op die huidige werkswyse in Pep. Verder kon vasgestel word die VBP belangriker as die VVTP vir Pep is omdat veel kleiner potensiele besparings met die VVTP moontlik is as met die VBP.

A Proposed System-Based Subsidy Approach for Integrated Public Transport in South African Metropolitan Areas

Swanepoel, Ilze 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm (Logistics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The current subsidy system, designed to make South Africa’s public transport more affordable, has instead contributed to a worsening of the existent neglected state of affairs. Although subsidy policies are in place, misdirected allocation renders them mostly ineffective. The implementation of the new integrated public transport systems for metropolitan areas affords an opportunity to adopt a broad spectrum approach and initiate a redesigned and improved subsidy system. The purpose of this study is to assess the South African urban public transport industry with the aim of finding by means of a system-based process a subsidy approach that will overcome the remaining inequalities of the past. This study will consequently evaluate different subsidy theories and determine which one(s) will be best suited to the demands of a specific period. The final objective is to design a product which offers government a systembased process that will help it determine, every few years, whether the subsidy regime being applied at that juncture is still relevant to the requirements of the market and/or what (new) approach is necessary to achieve social and economic wellbeing. Commuter transport in South Africa is currently in a transition phase where new public transport infrastructure is being implemented in the metropolitan cities. The current economic recession (making people’s demand more elastic to prices) present a good time to conduct the system-based process necessary for transition of the public transport system and determine an optimal subsidy approach for the new system. The first step in the system-based process was to determine the scope of work and the overall objectives that should be reached. The main public transport shortcomings are the lack of accessibility to affordable transport for the poor and increasing private transport ownership by the rich, which increases congestion and forms the second step of the systembased process. The third step stated the action plan of strategies on how the objectives could be reached. These three steps also form the basic measurement criteria against which the different subsidy approaches needed to be tested. The fourth step in the system-based process to a better subsidy approach was to evaluate different theoretical subsidy approaches. The review of different subsidy approaches has indicated that some approaches work better than others, but an optimal subsidy system is almost never found.

Decision support with respect to facility location and fleet composition for FoodBank Cape Town

Lanz, Ernest John 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: FoodBank South Africa is an non-profit organisation formed to establish a national network of community foodbanks in urban and rural areas of South Africa, with all participants working towards the common goal of eliminating hunger and food insecurity. FoodBank Cape Town was the first of these community foodbanks launched in South Africa on 2 March 2009. The operations of FoodBank Cape Town include sourcing food and redistributing it to agencies (social services organisations running feeding programmes). Currently the majority of the food is sourced from the retail sector and then redistributed to approximately two hundred agencies. The logistics involved in both sourcing and distributing food are vital to the efficient functioning of FoodBank Cape Town. Since the costs associated with these logistics operations are very high, streamlining these operations has been identified as a priority area for efficiency improvement. The focus in this thesis is on the distribution logistics involved, specifically focussing on a facility location problem according to which FoodBank Cape Town can establish local distribution depots to which it delivers food and from which the agencies collect food assigned to them. A mixed-integer programming model is formulated for the above facility location problem and small test instances of the problem are solved using different exact and approximate solution methods in order to identify a suitable solution methodology for the full (large-scale) FoodBank Cape Town facility location problem. The full facility location problem is solved approximately by means of a meta-heuristic solution method in the more highly constrained instances, while an exact method is selected for solving the lesser constrained instances. The problem is first solved based on the distances between the warehouse and the depots as well as the distances between the agencies and the depots, for the twenty four instances where 17 to 40 depots are located. The model is then developed further to incorporate the cost of distribution. This cost-based facility location model is solved with a view to minimise the cost of food distribution from the warehouse to the depots and the cost of food distribution incurred by each agency to collect food from its assigned depot. A basic vehicle routing technique is applied to the cost-based facility location solution and the associated costs of the distribution are updated. This cost-based solution updating process is performed iteratively until the solution converges. Since the cost of food distribution depends on the vehicle fleet composition used, a vehicle fleet composition comparison of possible FoodBank Cape Town vehicles is performed to determine the most desirable vehicle fleet composition to be used for the distribution of food to depots. The results of the FoodBank Cape Town facility location problem and vehicle fleet composition comparison are presented and recommendations are made to FoodBank Cape Town regarding the preferred number of depots, the location of these depots and the preferred vehicle fleet composition. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: FoodBank South Africa is ’n nie-winsgewende organisasie wat ten doel het om ’n nasionale netwerk van gemeenskapsvoedselbanke in stedelike en landelike gebiede van Suid-Afrika op die been te bring, waarin al die deelnemers die gemeenskaplike doel nastreef om honger en voedselonsekerheid te elimineer. Foodbank Cape Town was die eerste van hierdie gemeenskapsvoedselbanke in Suid-Afrika en is op 2 Maart 2009 gestig. Die take van Foodbank Cape Town sluit in die versameling van voedsel en die verspreiding daarvan aan agentskappe (gemeenskapsorganisasies wat voedingsprogramme bestuur). Die oorgrote meerderheid voedsel is tans uit die kleinhandelsektor afkomstig en word aan ongeveer tweehonderd agentskappe versprei. Die logistiek wat met hierdie versamelings- en verspreidingsprosesse gepaard gaan, is sentraal tot die doeltreffende funksionering van FoodBank Cape Town. Aangesien die kostes verbonde aan hierdie logistieke prosesse baie hoog is, is hierdie aktiwiteite as ’n prioriteitsarea vir verbetering geidentifiseer. Die fokus in hierdie tesis val op die logistiek verbonde aan die verspreiding van voedsel deur FoodBank Cape Town, en meer spesifiek op die probleem van die plasing van ’n aantal lokale verspreidingsdepots waar FoodBank Cape Town voedsel kan aflewer en waar die agentskappe dan voedsel wat aan hulle toegeken is, kan gaan afhaal. ’n Gemengde heeltallige-programmeringsmodel word vir die bogenoemde plasingsprobleem geformuleer en klein gevalle van die model word deur middel van beide eksakte en benadere oplossingstegnieke opgelos om sodoende ’n geskikte oplossingsmetode vir die volle (grootskaalse) Food- Bank Cape Town plasingsmodel te identifiseer. Die volle plasingsmodel word aan die hand van ’n metaheuristiese oplossingstegniek benaderd opgelos vir hoogsbeperkte gevalle van die model, terwyl minder beperkte gevalle van die model eksak opgelos word. Die plasingsmodel word eers met die oog op die minimering van afstande tussen die pakhuis en verspreidingsdepots sowel as tussen die verspreidingsdepots en agentskappe vir die vier-en-twintig gevalle van die plasing van 17 tot 40 verspreidingsdepots opgelos. Die model word dan verder ontwikkel om ook die koste van die verspreiding van voedsel in ag te neem. Die koste-gebaseerde plasingsmodel word opgelos met die doel om die voedselbankkoste van voedselverspreiding vanaf die pakhuis na die lokale verspreidingsdepots sowel as die agentskapkoste van die afhaal van voedsel vanaf verspreidingsdepots te minimeer. ’n Basiese voertuigroeteringstegniek word op die koste-gebaseerde plasingsmodel toegepas en die verspreidingskoste word dienooreenkomstig aangepas. Hierdie aanpassingsproses van die koste-gebaseerde oplossing word herhaal totdat die oplossing konvergeer. Aangesien die koste van voedselverspreiding afhang van die voertuigvlootsamestelling, word ’n vergelyking tussen moontlike vlootsamestellings vir FoodBank Cape Town getref om die mees geskikte samestelling van voertuie vir die verspreiding van voedsel te vind. Die resultate van die FoodBank Cape Town verspreidingsdepot-plasingsprobleem en vlootsamestellingsvergelyking word aangebied en ’n aanbeveling word aan FoodBank Cape Town gemaak in terme van ’n geskikte aantal verspreidingsdepots, waar hierdie depots geleë behoort te wees, en ’n geskikte voertuigvlootsamestelling vir die verspreiding van voedsel.

The handling of fruit reefer containers in the Cape Town container terminal

Stander, Christo 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The South African fresh fruit export industry is concerned about fruit and financial losses due to temperature breaks within the fresh fruit export cold chain. The Port of Cape Town plays a crucial role in the export process as the majority of fruit reefer containers that are exported through Cape Town are handled by the Cape Town Container Terminal. This study focuses on the container terminal leg of the fresh fruit export process. Observations made in the Cape Town Container Terminal, at shipping lines and exporting companies show that certain procedures are not always followed in the Cape Town Container Terminal and that congestion and ineffective working methods are causing breaks within the fresh fruit export cold chain. Temperature and time data received from Transnet Port Terminals, shipping lines and exporting companies were analysed for the container terminal segment of the export process. From the data analysis it is clear that there are a large number of breaks originating within the container terminal and that the port is not operating efficiently. The study identifies areas of improvement and makes recommendations on improving some of the issues discussed.

Advanced supply chain planning processes and decision support systems for large-scale petrochemical companies

Louw, Johannes Jacobus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Logistics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / Conventional supply chain integration concepts focus primarily on the internal and external integration of individual supply chains (can be viewed as intra-supply chain integration). Due to the highly integrated nature of petrochemical value chains, related supply chains should also be integrated by taking account of enterprise/industry-wide synergies and interdependencies (can be viewed as inter-supply chain integration). Inter-supply chain integration can typically develop along three dimensions: - Upstream feed clusters (upstream in the chemical value chain) - Downstream product clusters (downstream in the chemical value chain) - Macro logistics network clusters (within and across related logistics networks for liquid bulk, dry bulk, packaged goods and gases) This dissertation presents a generic framework of applicable intra- and inter-supply chain planning processes that supports related long- (strategic), medium- (tactical) and short-term (operational) supply chain decisions for large-scale petrochemical companies. This type of companies has to manage relative complex supply chains. Highly complex supply chains (due to an extensive product portfolio, supplier base, customer base, manufacturing processes, transportation, and management processes and systems) require far more advanced planning processes than simple supply chains. Advanced supply chain planning processes cover an extended supply chain scope, deal with longer time horizons, and utilize more sophisticated analytical techniques and decision support systems. An extensive literature study, supplemented by empirical research in the South African petrochemical industry, provided the foundation for the advanced supply chain planning framework concluded in this dissertation. Semi-structured interviews and a questionnaire presented to an informed audience constitute the empirical research conducted. The related best practices, concepts, approaches followed, and level of advancement in three supply chain planning dimensions were derived. To guide petrochemical companies along the planning advancement journey, the roadmap developed can be utilized for the application and implementation of the advanced supply chain planning framework. This roadmap articulates the advancement stages, dimensions, characteristics, and triggers to advance. Typical characteristics associated with the advancement stages and dimensions provide the means for a company to assess their level of progression. The essential mechanisms that can enable interventions are also articulated.

The development and application of a freight transport flow model for South Africa

Havenga, Jan H. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil (Logistics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / South Africa currently experiences the double jeopardy problem of catching up to global economic competitiveness whilst at the same time feeling the pressures of sustainability management spearheaded by a global agenda. Global sustainability is defined as growth that is shared without depleting natural resources or damaging the environment. Academic disciplines are challenged to make a contribution and economics as such should contribute by providing the lead and lag indicators for the planning and measurement of scarce resources usuage. This integrative view includes economic sub-disciplines, such as logistics. This integrative view is an acknowledged part of the economics discipline, except that the macro-economic context of some sub-disciplines, such as logistics, often receives less attention during the course of academic activities. The distribution of resources and outputs in the economy is a logistics controlled cross-cutting factor, but suffers from a lack of macro-economic perspective, and lead and lag orientated measurement. This state of the affairs is a historic backlog of logistics and its specific position within economics. During the primary economic era the world began to configure networks and markets, which became more pronounced and settled with the dawn and settling of the industrial era. Logistics then was a “given” and did not receive much thought even as industrial, market economies developed. Transport was regarded as an administered cost, i.e. inefficiencies in logistics systems were evenly distributed between competitors, not giving any specific entity an advantage. With the advent of global competition and the diminishing returns on other cost saving measures, companies began to collaborate and integrate logistics functions within value chains, but the administered part of transport costs failed to receive the attention it required. In this way, global competitors did begin to experience disadvantages on a national level as whole economies suffered from inefficiencies in logistics and specifically transport systems.

South Africa's freight transport involvement options in Sub-Saharan Africa : declining infrastructure and regulatory constraints

De Bod, Anneke 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm (Logistics))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / Although global changes like political security, depletion of natural resources, energy supply and global warming are affecting all continents; Africa struggle the most to cope with these changes. This is due to the many historical impediments that Africa still has to overcome. Examples of these impediments are the negative effects caused by civil wars, poverty, poor infrastructure and a lack of skills. Providing reliable, effective and efficient infrastructure underpins all attempts to facilitate trade, grow the economy and reduce poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). SSA transportation related infrastructure is limited and generally in a poor condition. This poor state of transport infrastructure impedes SSA's development. However, it is not only the state of the infrastructure that challenges Africa - complicated customs and administrative procedures and inefficiencies when goods are handled at terminals and transferred from one transport mode to another also impede its potential for economic growth. In spite of these limitations, the SSA economy has been growing. As many as 28 countries (out of 48) in SSA recorded improvements in growth in 2006 and 2007. This growth was underpinned by improvement in macro-economic management in many countries, and a strong global demand for key African export commodities (sustaining high export prices, especially for crude oil, metals and minerals). Greater flows of capital to Africa, debt relief and increasing trade with the developing Asia have also helped increase resources and lift growth across SSA. The strong economic growth in the region also reflects the institutional improvements, structural reforms, and more rigorous economic policies that have started to bear fruit in many countries.

Tshwane logistics hub : an integration of freight transport infrastructure

Botha, Maria 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm (Logistics))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / One of the results of globalisation is that supply chains are getting longer, in both time and distance. For example, the local bookstore around the corner now competes with the bookstore in the USA. Logistics ties together geographically distant sources and markets. The implications of this are that there is a greater need for efficiency in specifically transportation and distribution networks. The integration of transport infrastructure into a logistics hub is seen as an enabler of distribution on a global basis. A solution to overcome the above complications is the development of logistics hubs as a means to simplify supply chain processes. Logistics hubs are generally defined as integrated centres for transhipment, storage, collection and distribution of goods (Jorgenson, 2007). Universally logistics hubs have intermodal or multi-modal solutions to abridge transportation difficulties and creating seamless movement of goods and in doing so optimising general operations. Freight shipments now have the ability to be consolidated at a central point and distributed from that point to its final destination. This creates added value for freight products. Customers now receive products at the right time, at the right place and in the right quantity, but with the benefit of paying less as a result of economies of scale created by the value added at the logistics hub. Logistics hubs are very well established internationally and many examples exist where these have been successfully built and implemented. This does not suggest that there is one specific recipe to success. Each region has its own demands which need to be satisfied. There are however numerous common characteristics which were identified during the course of the study. It is important for South Africa to integrate existing transport infrastructure to optimise logistics in the country and in doing so, ascertaining itself as a regional logistics hub.

Analysis of the efficiency of the transport logistics supply chain with specific reference to liner shipping in South Africa

Qukula, Temba 12 1900 (has links)
Study project (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Liner shipping supplies a frequent scheduled transport service between designated ports to meet the needs of importers and exporters. Those needs are becoming more specific as a result of increasing competition attributable to globalisation of trade while importers and exporters are requiring more exacting services from the liner operators. The elements of service which most concern the importers and exporters are obviously the costs they must bear for the conveyance of the cargo and the time taken for its delivery. In order to meet the requirements of importers and exporters and at the same time enable the operators of the services to remain in business in the face of increasing competition within the industry, liner shipping worldwide is undergoing major changes. These changes are intended to increase the economies of scale and to extend control of the liner operators over the landside transport services. A discussion on liner shipping and current developments is contained in Chapter 3. Liner shipping plays an indispensable role in the economy of South Africa because almost 50% by value of South African imports are containerised. That equates to 8% of South African imports by volume (Moving South Africa: 1998), although it must be borne in mind that some of the cargo moving through South African ports is ultimately destined for countries in SADC (Southern African Development Community). According to Drewry Shipping Consultants, containerised cargo worldwide has been growing at the rate of about 8% per annum since 1980 and the South African trade has experienced a similarly high growth. The actual transport of containers, by sea is only one of the elements in the transport logistics supply chain (TLSC) between exporters in one country and importers in another with which liner operators must concern themselves. A conceptual background explaining the entire TLSC is provided in Chapter 2. In that chapter, the TLSe is defined and two models are used to identify key elements of the TLSC as well as interaction between them. Inefficiencies existing in individual elements of the TLSC as well as suggested solutions to the underlying problems are discussed in Chapter 4. Emphasis is placed on the need to use information technology as a vehicle to integrate the individual elements of the TLSe and as a means of saving costs and time. A discussion of the economic benefits of an efficient TLSe is contained in Chapter 5, while Chapter 6 includes a discussion on local and regional developments that have a bearing on the efficiency of the TLSe. The conclusions of the study together with recommended action are contained in Chapter 7. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Lynvaart bied 'n gereeld geskeduleerde vervoerdiens tussen bepaalde hawens om in die behoeftes van in- en uitvoerders te voorsien. Weens toenemende mededinging voortspruitend uit die globalisering van handel, raak hierdie behoeftes egter al hoe veeleisender, terwyl in- en uitvoerders ook al hoe meer eise begin stel aan die gehalte van die diens wat deur lynvaartoperateurs gelewer word. Die elemente van hierdie diens waarby in- en uitvoerders die grootste belang het, is uiteraard die koste en die tyd verbonde aan vragverskeping. Om aan die vereistes van in- en uitvoerders te voldoen en dit terselfdertyd vir operateurs moontlik te maak om hul besighede te midde van toenemende mededinging in die industrie te bly bedryf, is die lynvaartbedryf wereldwyd besig om groot veranderinge te ondergaan. Hierdie veranderinge is bedoel om skaalvoordele te verbeter en lynvaartoperateurs se beheer oor vervoerdienste aan land uit te brei. Lynvaart en huidige ontwikkelinge in die bedryf word in Hoofstuk 3 bepreek. Lynvaart speel 'n onontbeerlike rol in Suid-Afrika se ekonomie omdat ongeveer 50% van die waarde van Suid-Afrika se invoere in houers vervoer word. Dit is gelyk aan 8% van Suid-Afrika se invoere per volume (Moving South Africa: 1998), alhoewel daar ook in gedagte gehou moet word dat 'n gedeelte van die vrag wat deur Suid-Afrikaanse hawens beweeg, uiteindelik bestem is vir lande in die SAOG (Suider-Afrikaanse Onwikkelingsgemeenskap). Volgense Drewry Skeepskonsultante, groei die vervoer van houerverskeping sedert 1980 teen 'n tempo van ongeveer 8% per jaar, en het die Suid-Afrikaanse handel 'n soortgelyke hoe groeikoers ondervind. Die werklike verskeping van houers is net een van die elemente in die vervoerlogistiekvoorsieningsketting (VL VK) tussen uitvoerders in een land en invoerders in 'n ander land waarmee lynvaartoperateurs rekening moet hou. 'n Konseptuele raamwerk wat die VLVK in die geheel verduidelik, verskyn in Hoofstuk 2. Die VLVK word ook in hierdie hoofstuk gedefinieer en twee modelle word gebruik om elemente daarvan asook die interaksie tussen daardie elemente te identifiseer. Die ontoereikendheid van individuele elemente van die VLVK asook moontlike oplossings vir die onderliggende probleme word in Hoofstuk 4 bespreek. Klem word geplaas op die noodsaaklikheid om informasietegnologie te gebruik om die individuele elemente van die VLVK te integreer ten einde tyd en koste te bespaar. Die ekonomiese voordele van 'n doeltreffende VLVK word in Hoofstuk 5 bespreek, terwyl Hoofstuk 6 handel oor plaaslike en streeksonwikkelinge wat die VLVK se doeltreffendheid beinvloed. Die gevolgtrek

A model to forecast the impact of road accessibility on the economic development potential of industrial land in urban areas

Botes, Francois Jacobus January 2003 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The dissertation firstly outlines the findings of recent studies that have recorded the relationship between transport and economic development. This includes the assessment of a number of economic evaluation techniques that are available to predict the impact of improvements in transport on economic development. An historic overview is provided of the role that transport has played in the development of Cape Town. Due to the fact that the phases of development followed international development trends, it is concluded that development in Cape Town will follow the global trend. A number of economic growth scenarios are developed for Cape Town to assess how the City will be able to cope with the socio-demographic challenges facing it in the next century. The relationship between land price and the economic development potential of land is outlined, as are the factors that determine industrial land price, namely the demand and supply of industrial land. The process of determining the economic value of industrial land is described. This includes the collection and analysis of occupation rent of industrial townships in Cape Town, the calculation of property values and the calculation of the shadow price of land. A procedure of determining accessibility to industrial townships in Cape Town was developed. Firstly, accessibility was defined in broad terms. This was followed by a discussion of each of the elements of accessibility namely proximity, access and mobility in order to understand the factors that may impact on the level of accessibility. Finally, the level of accessibility is quantified in terms of generalised cost. A regression analysis was undertaken to establish a statistical relationship between the economic value of industrial land and accessibility to the industrial townships. The development of a numerical model was based on the regression analyses to forecast changes in industrial land price given a change in accessibility. The model was then tested on a case study. The main conclusions of the study are as follows: (a) The accessibility of industrial land in Cape Town is linked closely to its CSD I Port (it was not possible to separate the CSD and the port), which is typical of a monocentric city structure. (b) There is a positive, significant, quantifiable relationship between accessibility as quantified by means of generalised cost and the economic value of industrial land, which was calculated by means of the shadow price technique. (c) There are a number of conditions that should be met for an increase in local industrial production potential to be translated into an equal amount of economic output. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die proefskrif som eerstens die bevindings van onlangse studies op wat die verwantskap tussen vervoer en ekonomiese ontwikkeling dokumenteer. Dit sluit die taksering van 'n aantal ekonomiese evaluasietegnieke in wat beskikbaar is om die impak van vervoer op ekonomiese ontwikkeling te voorspel. 'n Historiese oorsig word verskaf van die rol wat vervoer gespeel het in die ontwikkeling van Kaapstad. As gevolg van die feit dat die fases van ontwikkeling in die verlede internasionale ontwikkelingstendense gevolg het, word tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat Kaapstad die globalisasie markera, wat tans internasionaal gestalte kry, sal navolg. 'n Aantal ekonomiese groeiscenarios word vir Kaapstad ontwikkel ten einde te bepaal hoe die stad die sosiodemografiese uitdagings van die volgende eeu sal hanteer. Die verwantskap tussen grondprys en die ekonomiese ontwikkelingspotensiaal van grond word omskryf, asook die faktore wat industriële grondprys bepaal. Die proses van die bepaling van die ekonomiese waarde van industriële grond word beskryf. Dit sluit die insamel en analise van besettingshuurdata van industriële dorpsgebiede, die berekening van eiendomswaarde en die berekening van die skaduprys van grond in. 'n Prosedure is ontwikkel vir die berekening van die toeganklikheid van industriële dorpsgebiede in Kaapstad. Eerstens is toeganklikheid in breë trekke gedefinieër. Dit is gevolg deur 'n bespreking van elk van die elemente van toeganklikheid, naamlik nabyheid, aansluiting en mobiliteit ten einde die faktore wat op die vlak van toeganklikheid mag impakteer te verstaan. Laastens is die vlak van toeganklikheid gekwantifiseer in terme van veralgemeende vervoerkoste. 'n Regressie-analise is onderneem ten einde die statistiese verwantskap tussen die ekonomiese waarde van industriële grond en toeganklikheid na industriële dorpsgebiede te bepaal. Die ontwikkeling van 'n numeriese model is op die regressie-analise gebaseer ten einde veranderinge in industriële grondpryse te voorspel, gegewe 'n verandering in toeganklikheid. Die model is op 'n gevallestudie toegepas. Die vernaamste gevolgtrekkings van die studie is : (a) Die toeganklikheid van industriële grond in Kaapstad is nou gekoppel aan die sentrale sakekern I hawe (dit was nie moontlik om die sentrale sakekern en hawe te skei nie), wat tipies is van n monosentriese staduitleg. (b) Daar is n noemenswaardige positiewe kwantifiseerbare verwantskap tussen toeganklikheid, soos gekwantifiseer in terme van veralgemeende koste, en die ekonomiese waarde van industriële grond wat deur middel van die skaduprystegniek bereken is. (c) Daar is 'n aantal voorwaardes waaraan voldoen moet word alvorens 'n toename in plaaslike industriële produksiepotensiaal tot 'n soortgelyke toename in ekonomiese ontwikelingspotensiaal sal lei.

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