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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Methodological challenges in the measurement of police cynicism : a critique of the Niederhoffer's police cynicism scale as applied in the South African Police Service (SAPS)

Mokotedi, Prince Nkitsing 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Sociology and Social Anthropology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Niederhoffer developed a scale in the early 1960s to measure the level of cynicism among police officials. Niederhoffer concluded that cynicism is prevalent among police officials and that professionalization of the police occupation is the root cause of cynicism. The Niederhoffer scale was subjected over years to a number of methodological tests. It was found to be multi-dimensional whilst some authors found that the scale is invalid. In this study, we confirmed these findings to some extent in that it was found that the Niederhoffer’s scale is indeed multi-dimensional and that it has a low internal reliability. This study also replicated some of Niederhoffer’s substantive hypotheses which were supported by our empirical data. The various dimensions of scale were also correlated with an Attitude Towards Organizational Change scale. It was found that cynicism is related most strongly to both fear of change and acceptance of change. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die vroeë 1960’s het Niederhoffer ‘n skaal ontwikkel om die vlakke van sinisme onder polisie-amptenare te meet. Niederhoffer vind sinisme onder polisie-amptenare en skryf dit toe aan die professionalisering van dié beroep. Niederhoffer se skaal is geruime tyd al aan ‘n aantal metodologiese toetse onderwerp en die bevinding was dat dit meerdimensioneel is, hoewel sommige outeurs dit ongeldig bevind het. In hierdie studie is ook bevind dat Niederhoffer se skaal meerdimensioneel is met ‘n lae interne betroubaarheidstelling. Die studie herhaal sommige van Niederhoffer se hipoteses en bied steun aan die meeste van sy hipoteses. Die verskeie skaaldimensies is met die Houding Teenoor Organisatoriese Verandering-skaal in verband gebring en die bevinding is dat sinisme aan beide vrees vir verandering en aanvaarding van verandering verwant is.

Foetal alcohol spectrum disorder : mediating interventions through pregnant women's responses and choices

De Waal, Johanna Maria 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Sociology and Social Anthropology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study examines the implementation of an intervention aimed at stopping alcohol consumption during pregnancy in order to decrease Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and how this affected changes in alcohol consumption. FASD is a growing concern in South Africa where the prevalence rate is almost 12/100 at some schools in the Western Cape; the highest reported FASD rate in the world. FASD is caused by alcohol consumption during pregnancy and it is an irreversible mental and physical disability in children. FASD is preventable through abstinence from alcohol consumption during pregnancy. The intervention study (referred to as the Ceres Intervention Study), utilised a cluster-randomised trial design, with a control and intervention group, where the control arm of the study received basic screening and information on FASD, while the intervention arm of the study received a more comprehensive intervention, consisting of a variety of screening and counselling techniques. The study took place during 2007/2008 in the Witzenberg sub-district in Ceres in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. The Study used research techniques combined with therapeutic methods and techniques to mediate behaviour change in pregnant women. From the Ceres Intervention Study it was found that 60% of pregnant women changed their drinking behaviour, which led to questions around how this behaviour change took place. The main aim of this study therefore is to examine how pregnant women changed their drinking behaviour during this intervention and also what facilitated the change that was observed. In order to examine the behaviour change, data from the intervention arm and control arm of the study was analysed and a profile of the women was developed. A focus on the intervention arm of the study resulted in distinguishing further between two sub-groups within the intervention arm, namely, the change and no-change groups. Mainly quantitative data was obtained with the use of various tools, however from the comments and experiences of participants, qualitative data could be used as complementary to quantitative data to provide more clarity as to how behaviour change was facilitated in the study. Results from the study suggest that there is a dialectical interplay between client and counsellor which facilitate generative mechanisms that may lead to behaviour change. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie lig die implementering van 'n intervensie toe met die doel om die gebruik van alkohol gedurende swangerskap te stop teneinde Fetale Alkohol Spektrum Afwyking (FASD) te verminder en die gepaardgaande gedragsverandering by swanger vroue te ondersoek. FASD is 'n groeiende probleem in Suid-Afrika waar die voorkoms van FASD by 12/100 kinders by sommige skole in die Weskaap gerapporteer is. FASD word veroorsaak deur alkohol-gebruik tydens swangerskap en kan permanente verstandelike en fisiese gestremdheid by kinders veroorsaak. FASD kan voorkom word deur geen alkohol tydens swangerskap te gebruik nie. Die intervensie (of die Ceres Intervensie-studie) maak gebruik van 'n kliniese ontwerp met 'n kontrole en 'n intervensie groep, waar die kontrole arm van die studie basiese assessering asook inligting oor FASD ontvang het, terwyl die intervensie arm 'n meer omvattende intervensie bestaande uit 'n verskeidenheid assesserings sessies en beradingstegnieke ontvang het. Die studie is gedurende 2007/2008 in die Witzenberg sub-distrik in Ceres in die Weskaap, Suid-Afrika, geïmplementeer. Die studie maak gebruik van navorsingstegnieke gekombineer met wetenskaplik gebaseerde intervensie metodes en tegnieke om gedragsverandering by swanger vroue te onderhandel. In die Ceres Intervensie-studie is bevind dat 60% van die swanger vroue hul alkohol-gebruik gedrag verander het. Dit het aanleiding gegee tot vrae rondom hoe hierdie gedragsverandering plaasgevind het. Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie is dus om te kyk na hoe swanger vroue hul alkohol-gebruik verander het gedurende die intervensie asook wat hierdie verandering in gedrag moontlik gemaak het. Om hierdie gedragsverandering te ondersoek is data van die intervensie arm en kontrole arm ontleed en is 'n profiel van die vroue saamgestel. Die fokus op die intervensie arm van die studie het aanleiding gegee tot die verdere onderskeiding tussen twee sub-groepe binne die intervensie arm, naamlik, die groep wat verander het en die groep wat nie verander het nie. Kwantitatiewe data is hoofsaaklik ingesamel, alhoewel kwalitatiewe data wat verkry is uit opmerkings en ondervindings van deelnemers as aanvullende inligting tot die kwantitatiewe data gebruik is teneinde die gedragsverandering wat plaasgevind het toe te lig. Bevindinge uit die studie dui op 'n dialektiese verhouding tussen klient en berader wat skeppende meganismes teweeg bring en sodoende moontlike gedragsverandering bevorder.

Methodological issues in the evaluation of small business development policies and programmes

Bukula, Mandulo Septi 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Evaluating small business development policies and programmes is a methodologically difficult task. A wide range of role players in the economy - government departments and agencies, corporations, international donors, and non-governmental organisations - invest resources of sizeable magnitude annually in promoting small business. This investment is often justified on the basis of the importance of small business in contributing to the attainment of a range of socio-economic objectives such as job creation, addressing economic inequity among various population groups, stimulating competition in the economy, and enhancing economic growth. With the increase in the magnitude of public investment in small business development, and increasing competition for the same resources from other worthwhile interventions, the pressure for public accountability and the need to demonstrate effectiveness of policies and programmes has increased. Programme sponsors are increasingly requiring that those receiving public funds for small business development projects should ensure effective monitoring and evaluation of their programmes in order to ensure that there is a sound information base to provide the necessary policy and programme feedback. The question, however, is to what extent small business policies and programmes are successful in ensuring the attainment of their objectives. To what degree can any changes at the level of the enterprise and its immediate environment be realistically attributed to the effectiveness of policies and programmes? Can ongoing investment In small business development be justified in the face of competing demands for the same resources from other worthwhile and perhaps more pressing causes? How efficient is a particular policy or programme in terms of its cost in relation to other policy or programme alternatives? These and more are questions facing evaluators of small business development policies and programmes. This thesis shows that the task facing these evaluators is not an easy one, due to methodological complexities encountered in attempting to answer these questions. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die evaluering van ontwikkelingsbeleidsrigtinge en -programme van kleinsakeondernemings is metodologies geen maklike taak nie. 'n Groot verskeidenheid rolspelers in die ekonomie, ingeslote regeringsdepartemente en -instansies, korporasies, internasionale skenkers en nie-regeringsorganisasies, belê jaarliks aansienlike hulpbronne in die bevordering van kleinsakeondernemings. Sodanige beleggings word dikwels geregverdig aan die hand van die belangrikheid van kleinsakeondernemings se bydrae tot die bereiking van verskeie sosio-ekonomiese doelwitte soos werkskepping, en om die kwessie van ekonomiese ongelykheid tussen onderskeie bevolkingsgroepe aan te roer, om mededinging binne die ekonomie aan te moedig en om ekonomiese groei te versterk. Die toename in die omvang van openbare beleggings in kleinsakeontwikkeling asook toenemende mededinging vir dieselfde hulpbronne deur ander verdienstelike partye gaan gepaard met toenemende druk vir openbare aanspreeklikheid en noodsaak doeltreffende beleidsrigtingr en -programme. Programborge vereis toenemend dat diegene wat openbare fondse vir kleinsakeontwikkelingsprojekte ontvang, die doeltreffende monitering en evaluering van hulle programme moet waarborg sodat daar 'n deeglike inligtingsbasis bestaan om die nodige beleids- en programterugvoer te verskaf. Die vraag is egter tot welke mate kleinsakebeleidsrigtinge en -programme daarin slaag om te verseker dat hul doelwitte bereik word. Tot watter mate kan enige veranderinge op ondernemingsvlak en sy onmiddellike omgewing, realisties gesproke, aan die doeltreffendheid van beleidsrigtinge en -programme toegeskryfword? Kan voortgesette beleggings in kleinsakeontwikkeling geregverdig word in die lig van mededinging vir dieselfde hulpbronne deur ander verdienstelike, en moontlik selfs meer dwingende, sake? Hoe doeltreffend is 'n bepaalde beleid of program in terme van sy koste, gesien in verhouding tot ander beleids- of programkeuses? Diegene, wat verantwoordelik is vir die beoordeling van kleinsakeontwikkelingsbeleidsrigtinge en - programme word deur hierdie en vele ander vrae gekonfronteer. Hierdie tesis toon aan dat sodanige beoordelaars, as gevolg van die metodologiese ingewikkeldhede waarvoor hulle te staan kom in die poging om hierdie vrae te beantwoord, geen maklike taak het me.

Community@cyberspace.com : an ethnography of community and commerce on the Internet

Conradie, Liesl 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Internet and its Cyberspaces were developed in the 1960s to create a means to transfer information without the risk of interception and annihilation. Today, 40 years later, the Internet has grown in both size and application. The most used applications are still conversation and sharing of information. This thesis is an ethnographic account of my experiences in a Cyberspace of the Internet- a virtual community with the name Amazon City.com. Virtual communities are spaces on the Internet where people come together to discuss their daily lives, issues and anything that's appropriate for the particular community. It is seen as a response to the demise of third places in off-line life, globalisation, etc. The communities that form in these areas develop cultural assumptions. These cultural assumptions are revealed to a new member through time and interaction in the conferencing area. The assumptions that I experienced range from knowledge needed to be an excepted and successful member of the community, to language use and identity of the members. The conclusion was reached that members view their participation and membership in these communities as just as fulfilling and real as their activities in off-line communities. Further aspects that make a site a growing and economically feasible business strategy for its owner(s) were my next focus. Internet commerce is growing at an astonishing rate. Internet business does not only imply the selling of products on-line. Computermediated communication devices have been implemented on commercial sites after it was found in the early 1990s that people are looking for something more than just another shopping area. Other ways that this type of dot com site uses to generate revenue and whether the members on the site are perceived as citizens or ultimately as consumers were also studied. It was found that members see themselves as citizens but site loyalty will push them to act as consumers when need be. The commercial aspects of these sites are a part of and necessary for the existence of the dot com site, and the community that fosters there. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Internet en sy Kuberruimtes is ontwikkel in die 1960s as 'n manier om inligting oor te dra sonder die risiko van intersepsie en vernietiging. Vandag, 40 jaar later het die Internet gegroei in beide grootte en toepassing. Die mees algemene gebruike is nogsteeds kommunikasie en die oordrag van inforrnasie. Hierdie tesis is 'n etnografiese studie van my ervaringe in 'n Kuberruimte van die Internet- 'n virtuele gemeenskap byname Amazon City.com. Virtuele gemeenskappe is areas op die Internet waar mense bymekaar kom om hul daaglikse lewens, kwessies en enige iets toepaslik vir die spesifieke gemeenskap, te bespreek. Die tipe gemeenskap word gesien as 'n reaksie van die verval van "derde plekke" in af-lyn lewe en globalisering Die gemeenskap wat vorrn in hierdie areas ontwikkel kulturele veronderstelling. Hierdie veronderstellings word openbaar aan 'n nuwe lid deur tyd en interaksie in die konferensie area. Die veronderstellings wat ek ervaar het strek van kennis benodig am 'n aanvaarde en suksesvolle lid van die gemeenskap te word, tot taal gebruik en identiteit van die lede. Die konklusie is bereik dat lede hul interaksie en lidmaatskap in hierdie gemenskappe as net so bevredigend en "eg" ervaar as hul aktiwiteite in hul af-lyn lewe . Verdere aspekte wat 'n webblad 'n suksesvolle en ekonomiese vatbare besigheids strategie maak vir sy eienaar, was my volgende fokus. Internet besigheid groei teen 'n geweldige spoed, en impliseer nie slegs die verkoop van produkte aanlyn nie. Rekenaar-ondersteunde komrnunikasie toestelle is geimplimenteer op kornmersiele webbladsye nadat dit gevind is in die vroee 1990s dat mense soek vir 'n plek wat meer is as net nog 'n winkel. Ander maniere wat hierde dot com webbladsye gebruik am inkomste te genereer en of die lede gesien word as burgers of as verbruikers word ook bestudeer. Daar is gevind dat die lede hulself sien as burgers maar webbladsy lojaliteit sal die lede aanspoor om as verbruikers op te tree indien nodig. Die kommersiele aspekte van die tipe webbladsy is 'n noodsaaklik deel vir die voortbestaan van die dot com webbladsy, en die gemeenskap wat daar ontwikkel.

The history of programme evaluation in South Africa

Mouton, Charline 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Sociology and Social Anthropology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study seeks to document the emergence of programme evaluation in South Africa. The value of the study lies in the fact that no extensive study on the history of programme evaluation in South Africa has been undertaken before. In order to locate the study within an international context, the study commences with a description of how programme evaluation developed as a sub discipline of the social sciences in other countries. In terms of the South African context, the NGO sector, public sector and professionalisation of programme evaluation is considered. Through this study, it is proposed that the emergence of programme evaluation in South Africa is directly linked to donor activities in the NPO sector. This leads to a discussion of the advancement of monitoring and evaluation in the public sector – specifically the role played by government in institutionalising monitoring and evaluation. Finally, the professionalisation of the evaluation field is also included. The study commenced with a thorough document analysis to gather data on both the international context as well as the South African context. In terms of gathering data on South Africa, data on certain aspects of the emergence of programme evaluation was very limited. To augment the limited data on the local front, face to face and telephonic interviews were conducted. Through these conversations, valuable additional non-published resources and archaic documents were discovered and could be included in the study to produce a comprehensive picture of the emergence of programme evaluation in South Africa. A number of salient points emerge from the thesis. Firstly, there are both similarities and differences between the United States and the UK when considering the emergence of programme evaluation internationally. Secondly, South Africa followed a different trajectory to the USA and UK, where programme evaluation originated within government structures and was consequently a top down occurrence. In South Africa, programme evaluation emerged through donor activity and therefore occurred from the bottom up. Thirdly, in comparison to the US and UK, the South African government did not initially play a significant role in the advancement of monitoring and evaluation (M&E). However, it is within this sector that M&E became institutionalised in South Africa. Finally, the professionalisation and development of programme evaluation in South Africa can be attributed to the first generation evaluators of the 1990s. It is the critical thinking and initiative taken by these individuals that stimulated the field. It is hoped that this study will constitute only the first step into the documentation of programme evaluation’s history in South Africa as there are many areas where further investigation is still required. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die opkoms van program evaluering in Suid-Afrika. Die waarde van die studie is gekoppel aan die feit dat daar nog nie vantevore so ‘n uitgebreide studie rondom die geskiedenis van program evaluering onderneem is nie. Ten einde die studie binne ‘n internasionale konteks te plaas, word ‘n beskrywing gegee van hoe program evaluasie as ‘n subdissipline van die sosiale wetenskappe in ander lande ontwikkel het. In terme van die plaaslike konteks word die NPO sektor, die publieke sektor en die professionalisering van program evaluering ondersoek. ‘n Hipotese word voorgelê dat die opkoms van program evaluering in Suid- Afrika direk verwant hou met internasionale skenkerorganisasies se aktiwiteite in Suid-Afrika. Daarna volg ‘n bespreking van die groei van monitering en evaluering in die publieke sektor. Laastens word die professionalisering van die evaluasie domein ook bespreek. Die beginpunt van die studie was ‘n deeglike dokumentêre analise ten einde inligting in te samel oor die internasionale sowel as plaaslike konteks. In die geval van Suid-Afrika was die data baie beperk in sommige areas, veral rondom die geskiedenis van program evaluering. Ten einde die data aan te vul, is telefoniese en persoonlike onderhoude gevoer met sleutelpersone in die betrokke sektore. Deur die gesprekke is toegang verkry tot waardevolle addisionele ongepubliseerde bronne en historiese dokumente. Die ontdekking en insluiting van die dokumente verseker dat ‘n volledige beeld geskets word rondom die opkoms van program evaluering in Suid- Afrika. ‘n Aantal betekenisvolle bevindings volg vanuit die studie. Eerstens, daar is beide ooreenkomste en verskille in die manier wat program evaluering in Amerika en die Verenigde Koninkryk tot stand gekom het. Tweedens, Suid-Afrika volg ‘n verskillende perogatief in vergelyking met Amerika en die Verenigde Koninkryk waar program evaluering sy ontstaan binne die regering gehad het en ook deur die regering “afgedwing is”. In Suid-Afrika, kan program evaluering se opkoms in teenstelling daarmee direk gekoppel word aan die betrokkenheid van ‘n skenker organisasie. Derdens, in vergelyking met Amerika en die Verenigde Koninkryk het die Suid-Afrikaanse regering aanvanklik nie ‘n betekenisvolle rol gespeel in die vooruitgang van monitering en evaluering nie. Dit is egter noemenswaardig dat die publieke sektor die institusionalisering van monitering en evaluering teweegebring het. Laastens, kan die professionalisering en groei van program evaluering in Suid-Afrika grootliks toegeskryf word aan die bydrae van die eerste generasie evalueerders van die 1990s. Dit is grootliks die persone se bydrae in die vorme van kritiese denke en inisiatief wat die veld gestimuleer en bevorder het. Dit is my hoop dat hierdie studie gevolg sal word deur die voortdurende dokumentasie van die geskiedenis en verloop van program evaluering in Suid-Afrika.

Postgraduate studies at the University of Stellenbosch : an exploration of students' perceptions

Hunter, Maryke 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch,2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Changing circumstances and new initiatives have made it necessary for Higher Education institutions to reflect on all aspects of their teaching portfolios. Recent global and national trends have had numerous implications for different aspects of the university as an entity, which in turn have important implications for teaching, and particularly postgraduate teaching. The need for greater transparency and efficiency is forcing universities into discussions around facing these challenges. The overarching aims of this study were twofold: firstly, to identify historical and current tendencies and patterns in postgraduate studies at the University of Stellenbosch and secondly, to determine the enabling and constraining factors relating to postgraduate studies at the University of Stellenbosch. It was decided to focus on both completed postgraduate students (years 1991 - 1999) as well as current postgraduate students (year 2000). Furthermore, "postgraduate" was defined as relating to all Master's and Doctoral students at the University of Stellenbosch. The empirical research for this study included three components. Firstly, two postal surveys were carried out at the University of Stellenbosch in 2000 in order to explore a representative sample of postgraduate students' attitudes and perceptions. Secondly, a secondary data analysis of existing data on the University database for postgraduate students was carried out in order to do an estimate of success- and follow through rates. Finally, interviews were conducted with coordinators of four postgraduate programmes at different departments in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Stellenbosch. Results show that the nature of postgraduate studies at the University follows the same form of dynamics, diversity and complexity that characterizes postgraduate studies worldwide. Although there has been an exceptional increase in the number of postgraduate students over the past decade, completion rates have stayed the same. This increase in numbers places enormous additional administrative, academic and managerial demands on the University. Although postgraduate students (both completed and current students) seem to have a general positive perception of the University, its academic and administrative services as well as the quality of postgraduate supervision, there are certain aspects that can still be improved upon. For example: the University has to realize that although the completion rates of postgraduate students have reasonably stayed the same over the last decade, the number of students who did not complete increased with almost 50%. The University has to put structures in place in order to cope with the increasing demands these students are placing on administration, departments and supervisors. Also, although it seems as if the University are open to the trends in higher education, they are not totally geared for part-time and non-resldentlal students. All four programmes in the Arts Faculty were initiated by individual academics within the departments. In terms of managing postgraduate students within departments, it seems that greater standardization regarding aspects of admission, administrative support, requirements for research proposals, examination and guidelines for the research components are needed. Supervisors and students both need to know what is expected from them. In terms of the supervisory process, supervisors must have guidelines in terms of what their responsibilities are and they have to realize the importance of their task. Students need to be informed about their rights and the whole process of postgraduate studies. Overall, it is the responsibility of the University, together with its postgraduate students and supervisors to ensure that the process of postgraduate studies is characterized by success, effectiveness and efficiency. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Veranderende omstandighede en nuwe beleldsmaatreels maak dit noodsaaklik dat Hoer Onderwysinrigtings deurentyd besin oor aile aspekte van hul missies en funksies. Resente globale en nasionale tendense het verreikende implikasies vir verskeie aspekte van die universiteitswese, waarvan die gevolge vir die onderrigtaak, en in besonder nagraadse onderrig, van besondere belang is. Oproepe tot deursigtigheid, gekoppel aan die imperatief tot doeltreffendheid, is alles faktore wat universiteite tot besinning dwing. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die historiese en huidige tendense en patrone in nagraadse studie aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch te skets asook om vas te stel wat is die bemiddelende en belemmerende faktore wat nagraadse studie by die Universiteit kenmerk. Daar is besluit om te fokus op beide afgestudeerde studente (vanaf 1991 tot 1999) asook huidige studente (ingeskryf in die jaar 2000). Verder is "nagraads" gedefinieer as verwysende na aile meesters en doktorale studente by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Die empiriese navorsing vir hierdie studie bestaan uit drie komponente. Eerstens is twee posopnames in 2000 uitgevoer om "n verteenwoordigende steekproef van nagraadse studente aan die Universiteit se persepsies rakende hul nagraadse studie te toets. Verder is daar "n sekondere analise uitgevoer van bestaande data op die Universiteit se databasis vir nagraadse studente spesifiek met die doel om sukses- en deurvloeikoerse van nagraadse studente te bepaal. Laastens is onderhoude gevoer met koordineerders van vier nagraadse programme aan verskillende departemente binne die Fakulteit Lettere en Wysbegeerte. Die resultate toon dat die aard van nagraadse studie aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch dieselfde mate van dinamika, toenemende diversiteit en gepaardgaande kompleksiteit weerspleel as wat nagraadse studies wereldwyd kenmerk. Alhoewel daar "n buitengewone toename in nagraadse studentegetalle aan die Universiteit oor die afgelope dekade was, het die voltooiingskoerse van studente dieselfde gebly. Hierdie toename in getalle plaas geweldige ekstra administratiewe, akademiese en bedryfseise aan die Universiteit. Alhoewel nagraadse studente (beide afgestudeerd sowel as huidig) in die algemeen "n positiewe persepsie van die Universiteit, sy akadernlese en administratiewe dienste, sowel as die kwaliteit van nagraadse studieleiding blyk te he, is daar enkele sake waarop verbeter kan word. 50 byvoorbeeld moet die Universiteit besef dat alhoewel voltooiingskoerse konstant gebly het, het die getal van nagraadse studente wat nie voltooi nie, met ongeveer 50% gestyg. Die Universiteit moet strukture in plek stel om te kan voldoen aan die toenemende eise wat sy nagraadse studente aan administrasie, departemente en studieleiers stel. Alhoewel die Universiteit oop blyk te wees vir nuwe tendense in hoer onderwys, blyk dit dat hy nog nie heeltemal gerat is vir deeltydse studente en nle-resldenslele studente nie. AI vier die programme in die Fakulteit Lettere en Wysbegeerte het ontwikkel uit individuele akademici binne departemente. In terme van die bestuur van nagraadse studente binne departemente, is groter standardisasie van aspekte rakende toelating, administratiewe ondersteuning, vereistes rondom navorsingsvoorstelle, eksaminering en riglyne vir die navorsingskomponent van nagraadse studies nodig. Beide studieleiers en studente moet besef wat van hulle verwag word. In terme van die proses van studieleiding, moet studieleiers oor riglyne beskik van hulle verantwoordelikhede en verder moet die belangrikheid van die taak besef word. 5tudente moet ingelig word oor hulle regte en die proses van nagraadse studie. Die Universiteit, tesame met sy nagraadse studente en studieleiers, moet verseker dat die proses van nagraadse studies gekenmerk word deur sukses, effektiwiteit en doeltreffendheid.

Die funksie van die Bahurutse-kaptein

Grobler, P. J January 1932 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 1932. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: No Abstract Available / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Geen Opsomming Beskikbaar / Some digitised pages may appear illegible due to the condition of the original hard copy

n Voorondersoek na drankwetgewing en drankgebruik in Suid-Afrika

Slabbert, M. (Marie Jordaan) January 1967 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 1967. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: no abstract available / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: geen opsomming

Solidarity patterns in a minority group : a study of the Indian community of the Cape Peninsula

Brand, C. M. (Coenraad Marius) January 1966 (has links)
Thesis (MA) -- Stellenbosch University, 1966. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: no abstract available / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: geen opsomming

A review of causes for the relative unequal participation of women in science, engineering and technology and initiatives

Ritter, Monique 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Current literature reveals that men and women do not participate in the science, engineering and technology (SET) sector on equal grounds – not qualitatively (access) or qualitatively (ease of participation). It is important that women have access to and actively participate in science; they make up more than half of the world’s population and gender equality enhances a country’s economic growth and competitiveness. Furthermore, the focus should extend further than advocating for equal access to SET to actively promoting increased participation by women. Women bring a distinctive quality to SET precisely because of their gender. They are able to increase overall SET participation numbers and positively contribute to the quality and agenda of science. This study used the pipeline theory and lifecycle approach as theoretical bases to investigate the causes for unequal participation and reviewed initiatives aimed at increasing and facilitating the participation of women in SET. Identified causes include unequal access, male-dominated nature of science, tensions of reconciling professional and private life, differences in recognition and reward, and lack of female representation in leadership. The primary methodology used was a documentary analysis study design, consisting primarily of desktop literature searches and categorization. An initiative summary framework was used to summarise and code 123 identified initiatives into an initiatives summary database. Findings were both positive and negative. The study found that women in many cases are on equal footage with their male counterparts and can manage a healthy work-life balance if provided with the necessary support but many women still describe a male-dominated work environment that is exclusionary. Findings indicate that, although decreasing, there is still gender bias in recognition and reward and that female scientists underutilise financial rewards. Women in SET do not receive equal pay for equal work and there is a distinct lack of female representation in SET leadership bodies such as academies of sciences, scientific boards and publication boards of academic journals. The most common modes of intervention are policy interventions, gender mainstreaming, advocacy and interest groups, and provision of training and support. The majority of initiatives are aimed at bringing about change at a national/policy level and are driven primarily by government and academia with academia playing an important middleman role - assisting and guiding government in the design and roll-out of policies on the one hand and meeting the human resource needs of industry on the other. Although government and academia have done well in driving initiatives that increase the participation of women in SET at both school and tertiary level, more needs to be done by industry to drive the facilitation of participation. There are very few initiatives addressing the retention of women in SET; this is linked to the lack of attention to returners as a specific target group. The study concludes that the majority of countries are succeeding in closing the participation gap in terms of access or horizontal gender equality, but that vertical segregation (focusing on recognition, reward and advancement), although acknowledged, remains a mostly unaddressed challenge. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Huidige literatuur dui daarop dat vroue en mans nie gelyke deelname geniet in die Wetenskap, Ingenieurswese en Tegnologie nie – nie kwantitatief (toegang) of kwalitatief (gemak van deelname) nie. Die belangrikheid van deelname word gesket teen die kennis dat vroue die helfte van die wêreld se bevolking verteenwoordig en dat lande wat geslagsgelykheid nastreef oor die algemeen hoër ekonomiese groei en mededingenheid toon. Die fokus in die debat gaan dus nie meer net oor die reg tot toegang nie maar ook oor aktiewe en gemaklike deelname wat vroue toelaat om juis hul unieke eienskappe na die wetenskap te bring. Die studie het die pyplynteorie en ‘n lewenssiklusbenadering as die teoretiese grondslag gebruik om die deelname van vroue in die terrein te bestudeer. Die navorsing het gepoog om die hoofoorsake vir die relatiewe ongelyke deelname van vroue in die Wetenskap, Ingenieurswese en Tegnologie te bepaal. Die hoofoorsake is geidentifiseer as ongelyke toegang, die manlik-gedomineerde aard van wetenskap, die spanning om professionele en persoonlike lewe te versoen, verskille in erkenning en beloning; en die gebrek aan vroulike verteenwoordiging in leierskap. Verder wou die studie bepaal watter inisiatiewe in gebruik is vir die uitbreiding en vergemakliking van vroue se deelname in die veld. Die hoof metodologie was ‘n dokumentêre analise studie ontwerp. ‘n Inisiatief opsommingsraamwerk is gebruik om die 123 geïdentifiseerde inisiatiewe op te som en te kodeer en is saamgevat in 'n inisiatiewe opsommingdatabasis. Bevindinge was beide positief en negatief. Die studie het bevind dat vroue in baie gevalle gelyke toegang geniet en 'n gesonde balans tussen hul persoonlike en professionele lewe kan bestuur indien die nodige ondersteuning gebied word. Baie vroue beskryf egter nog steeds 'n manlik-gedomineerde werksomgewing. Hoewel die neiging dalend is, is daar nog steeds geslagsvooroordele in erkenning en beloning en vroulike wetenskaplikes maak nie genoegsaam gebruik van finansiële belonings wat wel tot hul beskikking is nie. Vroue ontvang ook nie gelyke betaling vir gelyke werk nie. Daar is 'n duidelike gebrek aan vroulike verteenwoordiging in leierskap soos aangedui in die samestelling van akademies van die wetenskap en die bestuursrade van wetenskaplike rade en publikasie rade van wetenskaplike vaktydskrifte. Die mees algemene vorme van intervensies is beleidsintervensies, geslagshoofstroming, voorspraak en belangegroepe, en die verskaffing van opleiding en ondersteuning. Die meerherheid van inisiatiewe is daarop gemik om verandering teweeg te bring op nationale en beleidsvlak en word hoofsaaklik gedryf deur die staat en die akademie. Die akademie speel dan ook ‘n belangrike middelman rol deurdat hul aan die een kant die regering bystaan in die implementering van beleid en aan die anderkant ook die menslike hulpbron behoeftes van industrie moet voed. Daar is ‘n leemte by die meerderheid van inisiatiewe in die aanspreek van die behoeftes van vroue wat wil terugkeer na die veld na ‘n periode van afwesigheid en aan die retensie van vroulike wetenskaplikes. Die studie kom dus tot die gevolgtrekking dat die meerderheid van lande en inisiatiewe daarin slaag om meer gelyke deelname in terme van toegang of horisontale geslaggelykheid te bewerk, maar dat vertikale segregasie (met ‘n fokus op erkenning, belong en bevordering), nog heelwat aandag moet geniet.

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