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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Formal retail as a strategy to enhance the quality of life in marginalized communities

Coetzee, Gerrit 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MS en S)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Of all the strategies available to help eradicate poverty and enhance the quality of life of people living in marginalized communities, the provision of a formal retail centre would not stand out as a number one strategy. Nevertheless, the Nomzamo Business Centre was built as part of a local economic development initiative to help local businesses to develop. The primary goal of this study was to establish whether the residents of Nomzamo perceived the development of the centre as a contributing factor towards improving the quality of their lives. Although the retail sector is well represented in these marginalized communities, in the form of spazas and other informal businesses, these businesses desperately lack the bearings of formality. The Nomzamo Business Centre provides a formal business premises at affordable rates, for local business people and gives them the opportunity to develop skills through business training courses and the provision of information. As the study concludes, the residents of Nomzamo perceived the centre as an enhancement towards their quality of live, even though many of them still do not make use of the centre. Established shopping habits are hard to brake especially if the centre does not provide any real magnetism. The centre failed to attract an anchor tenant and although Eskom's presence at the centre does provide some form of attraction, the benefits have not yet spilled over to the other shops. At this stage the Nomzamo Business Centre cannot be deemed a success. The centre fails to compete with local informal businesses. What is needed in most of these communities however is a change in the local economic structure. Local economies in most cases are retail based, with no or little representation in sectors like manufacturing. Although the Nomzamo Business Centre will not contribute much towards a more balanced local economy, it does provide the foundation for future changes to take place. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Van al die strategieë beskikbaar om te help met die uitwissing van armoede en die verbetering in die kwaliteit van lewe van mense wat in marginale gemeenskappe bly, sal die voorsiening van 'n formele kleinhandelsentrum beslis nie as 'n nommer een strategie bekend staan nie. Nogtans is die Nomzamo Besigheidsentrum, geleë tussen die Strand en Gordonsbaai, gebou as deel van 'n plaaslike ekonomiese ontwikkelingsinisiatief om plaaslike besighede te help ontwikkel. Die primêre doel van die studie was om vas te stel of die inwoners van Nomzamo, die ontwikkeling van die sentrum as 'n bydraende faktor in die verbetering van hul lewenskwaliteit waarneem. Alhoewel die kleinhandelsektor goed verteenwoordig is in die marginale gemeenskappe, in die vorm van spaza-winkels en ander informele besighede, ontbreek die besighede aan die nodige formaliteit. Die Nomzamo Besigheidsentrum bied 'n formele besigheidperseel teen bekostigbare tariewe vir plaaslike besighede en gee hulle die geleentheid om vaardighede te ontwikkel, deur kursusse in besigheidsopleiding en die voorsiening van informasie. Die studie kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat die inwoners van Nomzamo wel die sentrum as 'n verbetering in hul lewenskwaliteit waarneem, selfs al maak meeste van hulle steeds nie gebruik van die sentrum nie. Gevestigde inkopie gewoontes is moeilik om te verander, veral as die sentrum geen werklike aantrekking bied nie. Die sentrum het misluk in die poging om 'n anker huurder te lok en alhoewel Eskom se teenwoordigheid by die sentrum, 'n vorm van aantrekking bied, het die voordele van Eskom se teenwoordigheid nog nie na ander winkels oorgespoel nie. Op hierdie stadium kan die Nomzamo Besigheidsentrum nie as 'n sukses verklaar word nie. Die sentrum misluk om met plaaslike informele besighede mee te ding. Wat egter benodig word in die gemeenskappe is 'n verandering in die plaaslike ekonomiese struktuur. Plaaslike ekonomieë is in meeste gevalle op kleinhandel gebaseer, met min of geen verteenwoordiging in sektore soos vervaardiging nie. Alhoewel die Nomzamo Besigheidsentrum nie sal bydra tot 'n meer gebalanseerde plaaslike ekonomie nie, bied die sentrum 'n platform vir toekomstige veranderinge om op plaas te vind.

Perceptions and preferences on high density residential development in low-cost housing : a case study of Langa

Madikane, Thulani 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MS en S)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The provision of low-cost housing constitutes one of South Africa's biggest challenges. As a result, high density residential development, amid an ever increasing urban population in South Africa, is seen as the answer to address the housing problems by the authorities. The concept of densification presupposes, upon its implementation, the advantages of promoting an integrated urban system, more economical use of land, a better quality of life for the recipients, containing urban sprawl and the protection of the agricultural and natural resources. However, the application of the concept of high density development in low-cost housing has been criticised for failing to fulfil its main objectives which are intended to better the lives of the people. The hypothesis is that the concept of densification may impact negatively on the quality of family living. As a result, the main objective of this study is to seek statistical data which is related to quality of family living and to uncover the views and experiences of household members. To achieve this objective, a questionnaire, interviews and literature-based research method was adopted in this study. In addition, built housing models complemented the questionnaire. Since part of the government's high density development strategy is to expand the existing townships, the Langa township in the Western Province was chosen to conduct the study. The findings of this study revealed that the application of the concept of high density development in Langa has resulted in situations of overcrowding and noise, a lack of privacy, smaller housing structures and erven, a lack of space for children to play and adults to socialise and regular clashes between the residents and the authorities regarding these issues. Therefore, the hypothesis that although densification may have resulted in more housing units being built whilst at the same time impacting negatively on the quality of family living has been proven to be true by this study. However, this study has revealed the fact that although there is nothing inherently wrong with the concept of densification, the problem lies with the manner in which the concept is applied in South Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die voorsiening van laekostebehuising vorm deel van Suid-Afrika se grootste uitdagings. Die resultaat is dat die ontwikkeling van woongebiede met hoë digthede deur die owerhede gesien word as een van die oplossings vir behuisingsprobleme van 'n steeds snelgroeiende stedelike bevolking. Met die toepassing van die konsep van verdigting word daar veronderstel dat die voordele van 'n geintegreerde stedelike stelsel, die ekonomiese gebruik van grond, beter lewensgehalte vir burgers, die beperking van stedelike uitgestrektheid en die beskerming van landbou- en natuurlike hulpbronne, verwesenlik sal word. Die toepassing van die konsep van verdigting in laekostebehuising word egter gekritiseer omdat dit tekortskiet in die primere doelwit wat daarop gemik is om die lewensgehalte van burgers te bevorder. Die hipotese is dat die konsep van verdigting gesinslewe en daarby die lewenskwaliteit van persone negatief kan beinvloed. Die doel van die studie is dus om statistiese data wat verband hou met die gehalte van gesinslewe , in te win ten einde sienswyses en ervarings van gesinne in laekoste woonbuurte te verwoord. Om hierdie doelwit te bereik, is 'n vraelys, onderhoude en 'n literatuurgebaseerde navorsingsmetode gevolg. Bykomende behuisingsmodelle het die vraelys gekomplementeer. Aangesien die regering se verdigtingstrategie vir ontwikkeling ten doel het om bestaande townships uit te brei, is Langa in die Wes-Kaap gekies as studiegebied. Die bevindinge van die studie toon aan dat die implementering van die konsep van die ontwikkeling van hoë digte, laekostebehuising oorbevolking en geraas, 'n gebrek aan privaatheid, kleiner huisstrukture en erwe, 'n gebrek aan speelplek vir kinders en onvoldoende plek vir volwassenes om te sosialiseer, teweeg gebring het - die toestande het tot gereelde botsings tussen die inwoners en owerhede gelei. Die studie bewys dus die hipotese dat hoewel verdigting tot die bou van meer behuisingseenhede gelei het, dit ook 'n negatiewe impak op die gehalte van gesinslewe meegebring het. Die studie bewys dat hoewel daar niks inherent met die konsep van verdigting verkeerd is nie, die probleem Iê in die manier waarop die konsep binne Suid-Afrika toegepas word.

Sustainable utilisation of the Jonkershoek Valley

Calitz, Coenraad Werner 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MS en S)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Jonkershoek is a scenic valley situated on the south-eastern periphery of Stellenbosch in the Western Cape. The study area of around 62 square kilometres has a pleasant rural atmosphere that can be ascribed to a unique combination of cultural and natural elements. It is in the national interest that these characteristics be preserved for posterity. This study represents an investigation into the viability of the sustainable utilisation of the valley, for the benefit of current and future residents and visitors alike. Firstly, a study was made of different approaches in environmental ethics in an effort to find a frame of reference against which people make decision that impact on the environment. The regulatory and planning framework was assessed to establish whether it was sufficient to protect the environment and people. A population profile was compiled to form a picture of the socio-economic conditions in the valley. Finally, a survey was conducted by testing the needs and expectation of residents against several development and conservation issues. Practitioners from the planning field were also involved in this survey. Resource conservation and development seems to be the most appropriate ethical approach for sustainable development. However, sustainable utilisation will only be possible if a balance is found between economic efficiency, environmental integrity and human well-being. It has been established that sufficient measures are in place to protect people and the environment and that integrated development planning was instrumental in this regard. The biggest shortcoming was on economic level and this is reflected in the socio-economic gap between landowners and previously disadvantaged communities. The sustainable utilisation of the Jonkershoek valley is attainable, on condition that the identified shortcomings are addressed through the utilisation of existing and potential development and conservation opportunities. In this assignment a number of suggestions are made that could promote this process. The sustainable utilisation of the Jonkershoek valley is an attainable ideal that requires the dedication of the entire community. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Jonkershoek is 'n skilderagtige vallei suidoos van Stellenbosch in die Wes-Kaap. Die studiegebied, wat ongeveer 62 vierkante kilometer beslaan, het 'n aangenarne landelike atmosfeer wat toegeskryf kan word aan 'n buitengewone kombinasie van kulturele en natuurlike elemente. Dit is in nasionale belang dat hierdie kenmerke vir die nageslag bewaar word. In hierdie studie word ondersoek ingestel na die lewensvatbaarheid van die volhoubare benutting van die Jonkershoekvallei, tot voordeel van huidige en toekomstige inwoners en besoekers. Daar is eerstens gekyk na verskillende benaderinge in orngewingsetiek, in 'n soeke na 'n verwysingsraamwerk waarteen die mens besluite neem wat die omgewing raak. 'n Bevolkingsprofiel van die inwoners is saamgestel om 'n beeld te form van sosio-ekonorniese toestande in die vallei. Verder is gekyk of die wetlike en beplanningsraamwerk voldoende is om die omgewing te beskerm. 'n Opname is gemaak deur die verwagtinge en behoeftes van inwoners te toets aan die hand van verskeie ontwikkelings- en bewaringsvraagstukke. Praktisyns uit die beplanningsveld is ook betrek by die opname. Hulpbron bewaring en ontwikkeling blyk die mees toepaslike etiese vertrekpunt te wees vir volhoubare ontwikkeling. Volhoubare benutting is egter slegs moonlik indien 'n balans gevind kan word tussen ekonomiese doeltreffendheid, omgewings-integriteit en menslike welstand. Daar is bevind dat voldoende maatreels in plek is om die mens en die omgewing te beskerm en dat geintegreerde ontwikkelingsbeplanning instrumenteel is in hiedie opsig. Die grootste tekortkoming Ie op ekonomiese vlak en word veral gemanifesteer in 'n sosio-ekonomiese gaping tussen grondeienaars en voorheen benadeelde gemeenskappe. Die volhoubare benutting van die Ionkershoekvallei is wei haalbaar, op voorwaarde dat die ge"identifiseerde tekortkomige aangespreek word deur van bestaande en potensiele ontwikkelings- en bewaringsgeleenhede gebruik te maak. In hierdie werkstuk word 'n aantal voorstelle gemaak wat hierdie proses kan bevorder. Die volhoubare benutting van die Jonkershoekvallei is dus 'n haalbare ideaal maar vereis dat dit aktief nagesteef word deur die hele gerneenskap.

A study of the efficiency and potential of the eco-village as an alternative urban model

Irrgang, Berendine 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (School of Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / It is generally agreed that the concept of sustainability should play an increasing role in future urban development world-wide. In order to ensure ecological sustainability, cities around the world have to decrease their environmental footprint. Two aspects are important in this regard: the decrease of energy consumption and the decrease of waste products and its subsequent management.

Industrial restructuring and changing gender relations : the case of Isithebe in KwaZulu-Natal.

Burton, Patrick. January 1999 (has links)
This research, by focusing on the Isithebe industrial estate in KwaZulu Natal, analyses the process of industrial change within one location and the resulting impact on the gender relations within the surrounding communities. Rather than adopting the rather simplistic approach utilised by Women in Development advocates, is suggested that the identification, location and particular experience of power between men and women provides for a more informed position from which gender relations can be understood. Using Social Relations Analysis as a departure point, it is argued that a range of variables and impact on the construction and experience of gender, and thus the relation between men and women. In South Africa, the particular economic and social discourse initiated by apartheid resulted in the formulation of a particular understanding of gender. Various economic and industrial and social shifts over the past decade have served to challenge this conceptualisation and experience, and have resulted in a range of new dynamics between men and women. It is argued that many of the businesses located in Isithebe have been slow to follow the trends and processes of restructuring identified nationally. However, there has been some change in the gendered division of labour on the estate, as men gradually move into sectors previously reliant on female labour. Women are concurrently trapped in low skilled, low paid employment. While the increasing engagement by women in multiple livelihood strategies, within an environment of high male unemployment, is increasing the dependence of households on (he ability of women to earn an income, there is little change in the location of power at a household level. The increased autonomy and decision-making power anticipated by many theorists is not evidenced in the Isithebe community. However, as men seek for alternative sources of security as their traditional role as breadwinner is eroded, women are increasingly aware of the discrepancies and dichotomies within the household, and are beginning to reassess the relations between men and women, and the location of power. Concomitantly both men and women are in a position to reconceptualise the gender component of identity. These processes provide the basis from which unequal relations between men and women can be challenged in the future. / Thesis (M.Sc.U.R.P.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1999.

The implementation of D'MOSS : case studies of Umgeni system and Umbilo system.

Wheatley, Alison Jane. January 1996 (has links)
No abstract available. / Thesis (M.T.R.P.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1996.

Evaluating the socio-economic effect of multinodal urban development on the poor communities on the periphery : the case study of Hillcrest- Waterfall and Molweni.

Mdlalose, Mfaniseni P. January 1996 (has links)
No abstract available. / Thesis (M.T.R.P.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1996.

Urban planning and roles of planners in a changing context : a comparative assessment of attitudes of community and planners about local planning in disadvantaged communities : a case study of Bottlebrush.

Netshilaphala, Tshilidzi D. January 1996 (has links)
No abstract available. / Thesis (M.T.R.P.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1996.

Assessing the adequacy and appropriateness of recreational spaces and facilities for adolescents in Chatsworth.

Ramoudh, Mohnee. January 2002 (has links)
No abstract available. / Thesis (M.T.R.P)-University of Natal, Durban, 2002.

The political economy of urban and regional planning in South Africa, 1900 to 1988 : towards theory to guide progressive practice.

Smit, Daniel Petrus. January 1989 (has links)
The dissertation has three major objectives. The first is to examine the relation between the nature and trajectory of urban and regional planning in South Africa, and developments within the, South African political economy of which it is an integral part. The second is to contribute to the sparse literature on the history of urban and regional planning in South Africa. The third is to consider the historical record on and the prospects for facilitating progressive social change through planning in South Africa. An empirical analysis of the history of urban and regional planning for the period 1900 to 1988 provides the basis for the achievement of all three objectives. In attempting to fulfil the first objective Sate emphasis is placed on examining the relationship between territorial apartheid and planning. The experiential basis of the distinction often made between planning and apartheid by South African planners is explored. The conclusion reached is that whilst a distinction between the trajectory of professional town planning and territorial apartheid is sustainable, there has also been a very substantial measure of articulation. Special emphasis is also given to examining the relationship between planning and the specific nature and history of the accumulation process in South Africa. In this regard it is concluded that the accumulation process has bone both an indirect and direct relation to planning at different junctures. At times the trajectory of accumulation has simply provided a context which has affected the definition of social priorities and placed limits on what could be pursued through planning. At other times the momentum of accumulation has quite directly affected planning, providing opportunities for or requiring responses from planners. As far as the record on the social role played by planners is concerned, it is concluded that planning has not cut a particularly progressive profile. The emergence of a progressive planning movement in South Africa is however noted. Possibilities for pursuing progressive practices are identified against the background of a detailed analysis of the contemporary period. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1989.

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