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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The use of multidimensional GC techniques for the analysis of complex petrochemical products

Van der Westhuizen, Rina 12 1900 (has links)
90 leaves on CD format, preliminary i-ix pages and numbered pages 1-81. Includes bibliography, list of figures in color to pdf format (OCR). / Thesis (MSc (Chemistry and Polymer Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The composition of petrochemical products obtained from Fischer Tropsch (FT) technologies is of the highest complexity possible and may contain thousands of components. Chemicals produced from FT feedstocks often contain trace level contaminants that can poison catalysts or that affect product performance in down-line processes. Single dimension GC analysis of these mixtures provides incomplete information because of lack of separation power. This study evaluates the separation power of heart-cut GC-GC, comprehensive GCxGC and sequential GC-GC for three selected challenging petrochemical applications. The fundamental theoretical aspects of the techniques are discussed. Oxygenates are removed as far as possible in C10 – C13 alkylation feedstocks, used in the production of linear alkyl benzenes, because the oxygenates may have deactivating effects on some expensive alkylation catalysts. Residual oxygenates may still be present and can consist of hundreds of components. Detection of individual components at ng/g levels is required. Heart-cut GC-GC is used to illustrate the separation and enrichment power for oxygenates in an alkylation feedstock. The stationary phase in the first dimension column was selected to provide separation of the oxygenates from the hydrocarbons in a relatively narrow window. The oxygenate fraction is then enriched by repeated injections and collection on the cryotrap. After sufficient enrichment, the trap is heated and the oxygenates are analysed on the second dimension column. Comprehensive GCxGC and Sequential GC-GC are compared for the separation and analysis of the oxygenated chemical component classes in the alkylation feedstock, before removal of oxygenates. Cyclic alcohols can occur in detergent alcohols produced from FT feedstocks. These cyclics are regarded as impurities because they affect the physical properties of the detergents. The cyclic and noncyclic alcohols in a narrow C12 – C13 detergent alcohol distillation cut have similar boiling points and polarities, and separation of individual components is thus difficult to achieve. Comprehensive GCxGC and sequential GC-GC are evaluated for the separation of the alcohol component classes. The study shows that both approaches provide component class separation but the high resolving power of the second column and the optimal chromatographic operating conditions of sequential GC-GC provide better separation of the individual components. The study illustrates the immense power of the three multidimensional GC techniques namely heart-cut GC-GC, comprehensive GCxGC and sequential GC-GC. The three multidimensional GC techniques each have their own advantages, disadvantages and unique applications and should be used as complementary rather than as competitive analytical tools. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Fischer Tropsch (FT) petrochemiese produkte is van baie hoë kompleksiteit en kan uit duisende komponente bestaan. Chemikalië afkomstig van dié voerstrome bevat soms spoorhoeveelhede onsuiwerhede wat deaktiverend op kataliste kan inwerk of wat die werkverrrigting van finale produkte kan beïnvloed. Enkeldimensie GC analises van die komplekse mengsels is meesal onakkuraat as gevolg van geweldige piekoorvleueling. Die studie evalueer die skeidingsvermoë van drie multidimensionele tegnieke, Heart-cut GC-GC, Comprehensive GCxGC en Sequential GC-GC vir geselekteerde petrochemiese toepassings. Die fundamentele teoretiese aspekte van die tegnieke word bespreek en drie analitiese toepassings word beskryf. Oksigenate word so ver moontlik verwyder uit C10 – C13 paraffien-voerstrome, wat gebruik word in die vervaardiging van liniêre alkielbenzene, aangesien dit deaktiverend kan inwerk op alkileringskataliste. Die oorblywende oksigenate kan uit honderde komponente bestaan sodat analise van individuele komponente tot op lae ng/g vlakke nodig is. Heart-cut GC-GC word gebruik om die skeiding en verryking van die oksigenate in die alkileringsvoerstroom te illustreer. Die stationêre fase in die eerste-dimensie kolom is so gekies dat skeiding tussen oksigenate en koolwaterstowwe verkry word. Met herhaalde inspuitings verhoog die oksigenaat-konsentrasie op die cryo val en - na voldoende verryking - word die val verhit en die oksigenate geanaliseer op die tweede dimensie kolom. Die skeiding en analises verkry met Comprehensive GCxGC en Sequential GC-GC word vergelyk vir die chemiese klasse-skeiding van die alkileringsvoer (voor verwydering van oksigenate). Sikliese alkohole kan voorkom in detergent-alkohole vervaardig vanaf FT voerstrome. Dit word as onsuiwerhede beskou aangesien dit die fisiese eienskappe van die finale produkte beïnvloed. Die sikliese en nie-sikliese alkohole se kookpunte en polariteite is baie naby aanmekaar sodat skeiding van individuele komponente moeilik verkry word. Comprehensive GCxGC en Sequential GC-GC word evalueer vir die skeiding van die alkohol. Die studie toon aan dat albei die tegnieke skeiding gee van die chemiese komponent-klasse maar dat die hoë-resolusie tweede-dimensie kolom en die optimisering van die experimentele kondisies van die Sequential GC-GC sisteem beter skeiding van individuele komponente gee. Die uitsonderlike skeidingsvermoë van die drie multidimensionele tegnieke, Heart-cut GC-GC, Comprehensive GCxGC en Sequential GC-GC word geïllustreer in die studie. Elke tegniek het sy eie voordele, nadele en unieke toepassings en die drie tegnieke behoort as komplementêre eerder as kompeterende tegnieke gebruik te word.

Nuwe groep 6 metaalkarbonielkomplekse met tiofeenligande en Au(I)komplekse met tiasole

Van der Merwe, Madelein 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Please see fulltext for abstract / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sien asb volteks vir opsomming

Synthesis and electrochemistry of biodegradable ligands - iminodiglutaric acid and iminoglutaricsuccinic acid - and their complexes with selected metal ions (Zn²⁺, Cd²⁺, Cu²⁺)

Yohannes Desta, Yonas 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Two new potentially biodegradable aminopolycarboxylic acid ligands, iminodiglutaric acid tetra sodium salt (IDG-4Na) and iminoglutaricsuccinic acid tetra sodium salt (IGS- 4Na), were synthesized in reasonably good yield and purity. The commercially unavailable precursor for the two ligands, ethyl p-aminoglutarate, was synthesised in high yield and purity, and together with the two ligands were fully characterized by means of melting point measurements and various spectrometric techniques CH-NMR, 13C-NMR, MS and IR). For the first time, an electrochemical study has been conducted on the complexes of these ligands with selected transition metal ions (Zn2+, Cu2+ and Cd2+). An electrochemical technique, cyclic voltammetry (CV), was utilized on the study of the complexing ability of the ligands to the selected metal ions. An electrochemical cell comprising three electrodes was employed: thin film mercury coated carbon microelectrode was used as the working electrode, a Platinum wire as the auxiliary electrode, and a Ag/AgCI as the reference electrode. CV has been used and proven to offer a convenient route towards the determination of metal-ligand complex stability constants in aqueous media". The values of the logarithms of the metal-ligand formation constants obtained by this technique, when compared with other widely used aminopolycarboxylic acids (APCAs), show better complexing ability of the ligands with the transition metal ions. When the two ligands are compared, IGS showed greater affinity towards the selected transition metal ions. This is due to the fact that, in aqueous media, as the side chain ligators decrease, the stabilization energy of the complex increases. The formation stability constants were determined by plotting the change in the reduction potential (ΔE) against solution pH. A process making use of a modification of lingane equation was used. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Twee nuwe potensieel bio-afbreekbare amienpolikarboksielsuurligande, iminobiglutaarsuur -tetranatriumsout (IBG-4Na) en iminoglutaarsuksiensuurtetranatriumsout (IGS-4Na), was vervaardig met redelike goeie opbrengs en suiwerheid. Die kommersïeel onverkrygbare voorloper van die twee ligande, etiel-B-aminoglutaraat, was berei met hoë obrengs en suiwerheid, en was saam met die twee ligande ten volle geïdentifiseer deur middel van smeltpunt bepalings en verskeie spektrometriese tegnieke CH-KMR, 13C-KMR, MS en IR.). Vir die eerste keer is 'n elektrochemiese studie uitgevoer op die komplekse van hierdie ligande met selektiewe oorgangsmetaalione (Zn2+, Cu2+, en Cd2+). 'n Elektrochemiese tegniek, sikliese voltametrie (SV), is gebruik om die komplekseringsvermoë van die ligande ten opsigte van die geselekteeerdr metaalione te bestudeer. 'n Elektrochemiese sel wat bestaan uit drie elektrodes is gebruik: 'n Dunlaag kwikelektrode bedek met koolstof is gebruik as die werkselektrode, 'n platinumdraad as die bykomende elektrode en 'n Ag/AgCI elektrode as die verwysingselektrode. SV is voorheen gebruik en bewys as 'n gerieflike metode vir die bepaling van metaalligandkompleksstabiliteitskonstantes in waterige media'. Die waardes van die logaritmes van die metaalligandvormingskonstantes wat verkry word deur hierdie tegniek, soos vergelyk met ander algemeen gebruikte amienpolikarboksielsure (APKSe), vertoon beter komplekseringsvermoë met die ligande deur middel van die oorgangsmetaalione. Wanneer die twee ligande met mekaar vergelyk word, het IGS-4Na groter affiniteit gehad vir die oorgangsmetaalione. Dit is as gevolg van die feit dat die stabiliteitsenergie van die kompleks in waterige media verminder word soos wat die sykettings van die ligande toeneem. Die vormingstabilitietskonstantes was bepaal deur 'n varandering in reduksie potensiaal (ΔE) teenoor die pH van die oplossings te plot. Die grafieke is verkry deur 'n aanpassing van die Lingnane-vergelyking te gebruik.

Monofunctional and dendritic schiff base (N, N′) ruthenium carbene

Tancu, Yolanda 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Chemistry and Polymer Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: See full text for abstract / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sien volteks vir opsomming

Synthesis and characterisation of macrocyclic ligands with hydroxyalkyl and thiol pendant arms tethered on 1,5,9-triazacyclododecane and their complex formation chemistry

Sumani, Jimmy Ephet Yafeti 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Chemistry and Polymer Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This investigation comprises the synthesis and characterisation of new macrocyclic ligands with pendant arms appended to the nitrogen donor atoms of 1,5,9-triazacyclododecane (12aneN3) and their coordination to various transition metal ions. The five macrocyclic ligands, 1,5,9-tris[(2S)-2-hydroxypropyl]-1,5,9-triazacyclododecane (THPTACD), 1,5,9- tris(2-hydroxy-2-methylpropyl)-1,5,9-triazacyclododecane (THMPTACD), 1,5,9-tris[(2S)-2- hydroxy-2-phenylethyl]-1,5,9-triazacyclododecane (THPETACD), 1,5,9-tris[(2S)-2- hydroxybutyl]-1,5,9-triazacyclododecane (THBTACD) and 1,5,9-tris(2-mercaptopropyl)- 1,5,9-triazacyclododecane (TMPTACD) were prepared by addition of pendant arms that contain alcohol or thiol end groups to a preformed 12aneN3 macrocycle. The 12aneN3 was synthesised from simple starting materials using 1,3-propanediol and bis(3-aminopropyl)- amine. The macrocycles with oxygen donor atoms on the pendant arms were prepared from the corresponding epoxides whereas for the one that contained sulphur donor atoms, propylene sulphide was used. The reaction progress was followed by 13C and 1H NMR spectroscopy and the final macrocyclic ligands were further analysed by mass spectrometry and in some instances, elemental analysis was also performed. Protonation constants of the free ligands were determined using potentiometric titrations at 25 oC and the ionic strength was kept constant at 0.1000 mol dm-3 using NaNO3. The log K1 values were 11.47, 10.96 and 10.47 for THPTACD, THBTACD and THMPTACD, respectively, whereas the corresponding values of 5.81, 6.02 and 5.94 were obtained for log K2. THPTACD is the most basic mainly due to less steric hindrance whereas THMPTACD is the least basic owing to high steric hindrance to both solvation and formation of strong hydrogen bonds of the protonated species to solvent molecules during the solvation step in a Born Haber-type cycle of the complete process. Protonated THBTACD is the most basic of the three mono-protonated ligands, a result that may be explained in terms of better correlation between inductive and steric effects. The second protonation constant is mostly influenced by inductive effects unlike the first protonation constant which is mostly determined by steric effects. The third protonation constant could not be established because of lack of sensitivity of the glass electrode in very high acidic medium. The complex stability constants of Co(II), Zn(II), Cd(II) and Pb(II) cations were similarly determined using potentiometric titrations at 25 ¡ÆC in 0.1000 mol dm-3 NaNO3. Log K values with THPTACD are 15.45, 21.22, 14.03 and 16.11 for Co(II), Zn(II), Cd(II) and Pb(II), respectively. THBPTACD has corresponding values of 13.93, 20.02, 13.55 and 15.01, whereas for THMPTACD the values of 14.63, 18.08, 12.91 and 14.36 log units were obtained. The Zn(II) 1:1 complexes are the most stable and those of Cd(II) the least stable. A crystal structure determination of [Zn(THPTACD)]2+ shows that optimal interaction between the Zn(II) metal ion and the donor atoms with their short Zn(II)-N bond lengths occurs. The short Zn(II)-N distances indicate that the metal ion is situated very close to the macrocyclic hole. On the other hand, each half of the hydrogen-bonded dimeric molecular structure of [Cd2(THPTACD)2]4+ has long Cd(II)-N bond lengths. Although metal nitrates, perchlorates and acetates were used in attempted crystal structure determinations, only metal nitrates formed suitable crystals. THPTACD complexes with Co(II), Mn(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Zn(II) and Cd(II) were subjected to such determinations. Each central metal ion in these complexes is six coordinate to the three N atoms of the parent macrocyclic ring on one plane and the three O atoms of the pendant hydroxypropyl arms forming another plane on the other face of the metal ion. The geometry of all six molecular structures is pseudo octahedral with the Cu(II) complexes being the most twisted towards a trigonal prismatic arrangement. The change towards trigonal prismatic can be attributed to packing forces overriding octahedral crystal field stabilisation effects. The overall chirality of the isomorphic complexes of Zn(II), Co(II), Mn(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) with THPTACD is [¥Ë((2¥ë.)¥ä.¥ä)] whereas the overall chirality of each half of the dimeric [Cd2(THPTACD)2]4+ complex is [¥Ë(¥ë.(2¥ä.)¥ä)]. The Cu(II) complex with THPETACD has the same overall chirality as the Cu(II) complex with THPTACD but is less twisted towards trigonal prismatic geometry. Both Cu(II) complexes exhibited strong evidence of Jahn-Teller tetragonal distortion in the solid state with tetragonality parameter values of 0.87 and 0.81, respectively. The structure of a new di-¥ì-chloro bridged binuclear complex of Cd(II)-12aneN3 was also determined. The molecule contains an inversion centre coinciding with the crystallographic centre of symmetry. Finally, the molecular structure of the protonated 1,5-bis[(2S)-2- hydroxybutyl]-1,5,9-triazacyclododecane shows that the oxygen donor atoms of the two pendant arms are pre-organised for meridional coordination. The hydrogen bond network in this structure emphasises the important role that such weak interactions play in stabilising the proton even in solution during determination of protonation constants in triazamacrocycles with pendant arms carrying oxygen donor atoms.

Acolein in wine : bacterial origin and analytical detection

Bauer, Rolene 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Chemistry and Polymer Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Wine quality is compromised by the presence of 3-hydroxypropionaldehyde (3-HPA) due to spontaneous conversion into acrolein under wine making conditions. Acrolein is highly toxic and is presence has been correlated with the development of bitterness in wine. Lactic acid bacterial strains isolated from South African red wine, Lactobacillus pentosus and Lactobacillus brevis, are implicated in accumulating 3- HPA during anaerobic glycerol fermentation. The environmental conditions leading to its accumulation are elucidated. In aqueous solution 3-HPA undergoes reversible dimerization and hydration, resulting in an equilibrium state between different derivatives. Interconversion between 3-HPA derivatives and acrolein is a complex and highly dynamic process driven by hydration and dehydration reactions. Acrolein is furthermore highly reactive and its steady-state concentration in complex systems very low. As a result analytical detection and quantification in solution is problematic. This study highlights the roles played by natural chemical derivatives and shows that the acrolein dimer can be used as a marker for indicating the presence of acrolein in wines. Solid-phase microextraction (SPME) coupled to gas chromatograph mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was validated as a technique for direct detection of the acrolein dimer in wine. The potential of a recently introduced sorptive extractive technique with a sample enrichment probe (SEP) was also investigated. The SPME technique simplifies the detection process and allows for rapid sampling of the acrolein marker, while SEP is more sensitive. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die teenwoodigheid van 3-hidroksiepropioonaldehied (3-HPA) in wyn het ‘n negatiewe invloed op kwaliteit as gevolg van die moontlike omskakeling na akroleien tydens die wynmaak prosses. Akroleien is hoog toksies en is moontlik betrokke by die ontwikkeling van ‘n bitter komponent in wyn. Hierdie studie wys dat stamme van die melksuurbakteriëe Lactobacillus pentosus en Lactobacillus brevis, geisoleer uit Suid-Afrikaanse wyn, 3-HPA tydens anaerobiese alkoholiese fermentasie kan opbou. Kondisies wat ontwikkeling beinvloed is bestudeer. 3-HPA ondergaan omkeerbare dimerisasie en hidrasie in oplossing en het ‘n ewewig tussen veskillende derivate tot gevolg. Omkakeling tussen 3-HPA derivate en akroleien is ‘n komplekse en hoogs dinamiese prosses wat gedryf word deur hidrasie en dehidrasie reaksies. Akroleien is verder hoogs reaktief en die ewewigskonsentrasie van hierdie aldehied in komplekse omgewings is laag. Analitiese waarneming en kwantifisering is gevolglik problematies. Hierdie studie lig die rol wat natuurlike chemise derivate speel duidelik uit en wys dat die akroleien dimeer as ‘n merker gebruik kan word om die teenwoodigeid van akoleien in wyn te staaf. Soliede-fase mikro-ekstraksie (SPME) gekoppel aan gas chromatografie massa spektroskopie (GC-MS) is gevalideer as ‘n tegniek vir die direkte waarneming van die akroleien dimeer in wyn. Die potensiaal van ‘n nuwe ekstraksie tegniek, gebasseer op ‘n peiler wat vir die monster verreik (SEP), was ook ondersoek. Die SPME tegniek is vinnig en vergemaklik analiese, terwyl SEP meer sensitief is.

Mononuclear and multinuclear palladacycles as catalysts

Swarts, Andrew John 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / Please refer to full text for abstract.

Immobilized diimine complexes of palladium and copper as catalyst precursors for oxidation reactions

Kotze, Hendrik de Vries 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this thesis the synthesis of a wide range of model and siloxane functionalized N-(n-propyl)-1-(2-pyridyl and quinolyl)-imine ligands (L1-L6) are described. Functionalized ligands (L4-L6) were obtained by the reaction of the pyridyl and quinolyl aldehydes with 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane. Model ligands were characterized by FT-IR and 1H NMR spectroscopy while 13C{1H} NMR spectroscopy was additionally used for functional ligand characterization. Functionalized complexes of both Pd(II) and Cu(I) were found to be more thermally stable than their model counterparts. Overall the model Pd(II) complexes showed a higher thermal stability than the model Cu(I) complexes. Ligands (L1-L6) were reacted with either Pd(II) or Cu(I) metal precursors to produce both the model and functionalized Pd(II) (C1-C6) and Cu(I) (C7-C12) metal complexes. These metal complexes were all characterized by FT-IR spectroscopy, 1H NMR and UV/Vis spectroscopy for the model Cu(I) complexes. Functionalized complexes were additionally characterized with 13C{1H} NMR spectroscopy. Siloxane functionalized complexes of Pd(II) and Cu(I) were immobilized on MCM-41 and SBA-15 silica materials to produce heterogenized immobilized catalysts. These immobilized catalysts were characterized by a wide range of solid state techniques including: BET nitrogen adsorption/desorption, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA), ICP-AES, FT-IR spectroscopy, powder XRD and solid state 13C{1H} NMR spectroscopy. ICP-AES and BET surface analysis showed that better complex immobilization occurred for SBA-15 supported materials despite SBA-15 having a significantly lower surface area than MCM-41. This higher immobilization was ascribed to the larger pore sizes of SBA-15 (50 Å) vs. that of MCM-41 (26 Å). Immobilized catalysts were tested for the oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde. Immobilization had a positive effect on the catalytic activity of the Pd(II) complexes with higher conversions being observed for immobilized Pd(II) catalysts when compared to their model analogues. Overall the MCM-41 immobilized Pd(II) catalysts showed a higher increase in activity than SBA-15 immobilized catalysts. For Ti-doped supports a generally higher activity was seen for the Ti-SBA-15 system. The Cu(I) systems however were not as effective in the oxidation reactions. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis word die sintese van `n wye reeks model sowel as gefunksioneerde N-(n-propiel)-1-(2-piridiel en kinoliel)-imien ligande (L1-L6) beskryf. Gefunksioneerde ligande (L4-L6) is gevorm deur die reaksie van piridiel en kinoliel aldehied met 3-amniopropieltriëtoksiesilaan. Model ligande is gekaraktariseer deur FT-IR en 1H KMR spektroskopie terwyl 13C{1H} KMR spektroskopie addisioneel gebruik is vir die karaktarisering van die gefunksioneerde ligande. Ligande (L1-L6) is gereageer met Pd(II) of Cu(I) metaal voorgangers om beide model sowel as gefunksioneerde Pd(II) (C1-C6) en Cu(I) (C7-C12) metaal komplekse op te lewer. Hierdie metaal komplekse is almal gekaraktariseer deur FT-IR, 1H KMR en UV/Vis spektroskopie vir die model Cu(I) komplekse. Gefunksionalseerde komplekse is addisioneel gekaraktariseer deur gebruik te maak van 13C{1H} KMR spektroskopie. Dit is gevind dat gefunksionaliseerde komplekse van beide Pd(II) sowel as Cu(I) termies meer stabiel was as hulle ooreenstemmende model komplekse. Oor die algemeen het die Pd(II) komplekse hoër termiese stabiliteit as die Cu(I) komplekse getoon. Siloksaan gefunksioneerde komplekse van Pd(II) en Cu(I) is geimmobiliseer op MCM-41 en SBA-15 silika materiale om heterogene geimmobiliseerde katalisatore op te lewer. Hierdie geimmobiliseerde katalisatore is gekaraktariseer deur van `n wye reeks vaste toestand tegnieke gebruik te maak. Hierdie suit in: SEM, TGA, ICP-AES, FT-IR, poeier XRD en vaste toestand 13C{1H} KMR spektroskopie. ICP-AES en BET oppervlak analieses het getoon dat beter kompleks immobilisering vir die SBA-15 silika material plaas gevind het, ondanks die feit dat SBA-15 `n laer oppervlak area beskik. Hierdie hoër graad van immobilisering is toegeskryf aan die groter poriegrootte van SBA-15 (50 Å) teenoor die van MCM-41 (26 Å). Geimmobiliseerde katalisatore is getoets in die oksidasie van bensielalkohol na bensaldehied. Dit is gevind dat die immobilisering van die Pd(II) komplekse op die silika materiaal `n positiewe uitwerking op die aktiwiteit van die katalitiese van die komplekse gehad het. Die hoogste toename in aktiwiteit is gesien vir geimmobiliseerde Pd(II) katalisatore wanneer hulle met hul ooreenstemmende model komplekse vergelyk is. Oor die algemeen is gevind dat MCM-41 geimmobiliseerde Pd(II) katalisatore n hoër toename in aktiwiteit getoon het as die van SBA-15. Vir die Ti-gedokterde silika materiale het die Ti-SBA-15 sisteem oor die algemeen `n hoër aktiviteit getoon as die Ti-MCM-41 sisteem. Die Cu(I) sisteme was egter nie so effektief in oksidasie reaksies nie.

Negative thermal expansion of organic compounds

Greyling, Guillaume Hermanus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The primary objective of the work was to investigate the negative thermal expansion of organic materials and to determine the mechanisms governing this phenomenon by using the principles of crystal engineering. To this end, the following three compounds were studied in detail: • 4,4'-Diiodobiphenyl • 4-Iodobenzoic acid • Methyl Paraben The rationale behind this work was to determine the mechanisms responsible for the observed negative thermal expansion and to uncover the structural factors that induce negative thermal expansion. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction was employed as the primary analytical tool, owing to the unique information it can provide regarding intermolecular interactions in the solid state. A total of twenty organic compounds were analysed, of which three exhibited negative thermal expansion. Each compound employs a specific mechanism for negative thermal expansion, two of which are closely related and the third distinct. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die hoof doel van hierdie studie was om ondersoek in te stel in die verskynsel van ‘negative thermal expansion’ in organiese materiale en gevolglik die meganisme vas te stel deur die beginsels van kristalmanipulsie (‘crystal engineering’) te gebruik. Gevolglik was drie organise stowwe ondersoek: • 4,4'-Diiodobiphenyl /4,4'-Diiodobifeniel • 4-Iodobenzoic acid /4-Iodobensoësuur • Methyl Paraben Die redenasie hieragter is om die meganisme verantwoordelik vir die ‘negative thermal expansion’ vas te stel en die verskillende faktore wat bydra tot dit te bevestig. Enkel-kristal diffraksie word benut as die primêre analitiese tegniek as gevolg van die unieke inligting wat verkry kan word met betrekking tot die intermolekulêre interaksies. 'n Totaal van twintig stowwe is geanaliseer waarvan drie die spesifieke termisie eienskap besit. Elk van die drie stowwe het ‘n ander meganisme te vore laat kom waarvan twee baie ooreenstem en die derde verskil.

Gaschromatografiese analise van geurstowwe in wyn

Wagener, W. W. D. (Wolfram Wilhelm Dirk) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 1965. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: no abstract available / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: geen opsomming

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