Spelling suggestions: "subject:"physiogeography."" "subject:"choreography.""
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On ideology change and spatial and structural linkages between formal and informal economic sectors in Zimbabwean cities (1981-2010)Gumbo, Trynos 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Zimbabwean cities have been experiencing wide-ranging economic restructuring since
independence in 1980. The relationships between the declining formal economy and the
growing informal economy concomitant with political and economic ideological shifts over
the years have not been studied extensively and are not well understood. In this study the
impact of political and economic ideological shifts on the growth, spatial and structural
linkages between the two sectors over the three decades, from 1981-2010, in the country’s
two main cities, Harare and Bulawayo, is investigated.
Mixed-method approaches were applied to gather spatial, quantitative and qualitative data.
Geospatial data were created using 1164 and 857 geographical positioning system locational
points of informal economic enterprises in Harare and Bulawayo respectively. Maps of the
two cities were scanned, georeferenced, projected and digitised. Longitudinal and crosssectional
data were gathered from archival sources and through 300 and 600 questionnaire
surveys of formal and informal economic operators respectively. Qualitative data was
generated from 30 interviews that were conducted with professionals that influence the
operations of the two sectors. The data were analysed using GIS, SPSS and Statistica
software to reveal the temporal growth of the two sectors, as well as their spatial and
structural linkages.
It was found that the informal sector grew by 17% under the socialist policies of the 1980s.
This increase was partly attributable to overurbanisation because the urban labour force
increased at an average of 3% per annum compared to the formal economic sector that
generated employment at an average of only 2.2% per annum throughout the 1980s. The
shifts toward neo-liberal economic policies at the beginning of the 1990s resulted in immense
retrenchments, forcing many workers to join the informal sector. As formal firms adjusted
their operations to fight global competition, employment generation declined to an average of
1% per annum throughout the1990s. The informal sector responded by employing 61% of the
labour force by 2001. The adoption of authoritarian policies at the beginning of the 2000s
accelerated the decline of the formal economy which recorded negative growths for most of
the first decade of the millennium. This led to the rapid rise of informal sector employment to
an astronomic level of 87.8% in 2008. The investigation revealed substantial locational transformations of both formal and informal
economic enterprises. During the 30-year period, informal economic businesses spread in
low-income suburbs, city centres and neighbourhood and district shopping centres. 16.3% of
formal economic enterprises left the city centres preferring secure medium density suburbs
close to the CBDs, shopping complexes, industrial, office and business parks on the edges of
the cities. 83.7% remained in the city centres and industrial centres where informalisation of
operations was one of the strategies employed to fight competition, whilst 86.3% and 22.8%
informal economic enterprises licensed and registered their operations respectively over the
30 year period. These spatial and structural changes resulted in linkages being formed
between the two sectors. The nature of the linkages is largely influenced by the position of
the informal businesses on a continuum of informal enterprises ranging from traditional,
through transitional to semi-formal. It was found that traditional and transitional enterprises
had strong backward linkages with formal businesses where they purchase their goods and
raw materials. Forward linkages exist where semi-formal businesses sell furniture, building
materials and clothing to formal businesses. Thus, a symbiosis exists, but linkages are very
exploitative as formal businesses tend to dictate the terms of business.
The reciprocal-supportive model was extended by adding four pillars that influence the
operations of the two sectors to produce a differential complexity model of informalisation
(DCMI). The reasons or causes of informalisation (RE); the subsectors that comprise the two
sectors (SE); the various locations of the two sectors’ businesses (L); and the levels of
formality and informality (Ls) are integrated in the DCMI to aid comprehension of the
linkages between the two sectors. The model can be adjusted and applied to various urban
settings, allowing for the development of the two sectors spatially, structurally and
temporally. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Zimbabwe se stede is sedert die land se onafhanklikheidswording in 1980 aan omvattende
ekonomiese herstrukturering onderworpe. Samelopend met die kwynende formele ekonomie was
daar groei en ruimtelike en strukturele veranderings in die informele sektor. Die reaksies van die
twee ekonomiese sektore op die politieke en ekonomies-ideologiese verskuiwings gedurende die
eerste drie dekades na onafhanklikheid, is nog nie omvattend bestudeer nie en word tot nog toe nie
goed verstaan nie. In hierdie studie word hierdie verwantskappe in Zimbabwe se twee hoofstede,
Harare en Bulawayo, bestudeer.
‘n Gemengde-metode benadering word gevolg om ruimtelike, kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe data
in te samel. Georuimtelike data is met behulp van ‘n geografiese posisioneringsisteem, skandering,
geoverwysing, projektering en versyfering van kaarte van die twee stede geskep. Kwantitatiewe
longitudinale-en dwarsprofieldata is verkry uit argiefbronne en deur middel van vraelysopnames
onder formele en informele handelaars. Onderhoude met professionele persone wat die werking
van die twee sektore beïnvloed, het kwalitatiewe data gelewer. Die data is met GIS- en SPSSsagteware
ontleed om die groei van die twee sektore oor tyd, en hulle ruimtelike en strukturele
skakels bloot te lê.
Daar is gevind dat die informele sektor met 17% gegroei het onder die sosialistiese beleid van die
1980s. Hierdie toename kan gedeeltelik aan oorverstedeliking toegeskryf word omdat die stedelike
arbeidsmag met ‘n gemiddelde van 3% jaarliks toegeneem het in vergelyking met die formele
sektor wat werksgeleenthede slegs teen 2.2% jaarliks gedurende die 1980s gegenereer het.
Verskuiwings na neoliberale ekonomiese beleid teen die begin van die 1990s het grootskaalse
afdankings tot gevolg gehad, wat baie werkers gedwing het om by die informele sektor aan te sluit.
Namate formele ondernemings aanpassings gemaak het om die stryd te voer teen globale
kompetisie, het werkverskaffing gedaal tot ‘n gemiddelde van 1% jaarliks gedurende die 1990s.
Die informele sektor het gereageer deur om in 2001 61% van die arbeidsmag te huisves. Die
aanvaarding van outoritêre beleid teen die begin van die 2000s het die kwyn van die formele
ekonomie verhaas, met die gevolg dat negatiewe groeikoerse gedurende die meeste van die eerste
dekade van die millennium ervaar is. Dít het aanleiding gegee tot ‘n snelle toename in
indiensneming in die informele sector, tot ‘n astronomiese 87.8% in 2008. Die ondersoek bring aansienlike liggingstransformasies van formele en informele besighede te
vore. Gedurende die drie dekades (1981 tot 2010) het die informele ondernemings na lae-inkomste
woonbuurte, middestede, en buurt- en distrikswinkelsentra versprei. Sommige formele
ondernemings het weggetrek uit die middestede na fabrieks-, kantoor- en sakeparke in die
randgebiede van die twee stede. Sommige formele ondernemings wat in die middestede aangebly
het, het hulle sake geïnformaliseer om kompetisie te bestry en informele ondernemings het hulle
sakestrukture deur lisensiëring en registrasie aangepas. Hierdie strukturele wysigings het
wisselwerking tussen die twee sektore laat ontstaan. Die aard van die wisselwerking word
beïnvloed deur die posisie wat die informele ondernemings beklee op ‘n kontinuum van
ondernemings wat strek van tradisioneel deur oorgangstipes tot by semi-informeel.
Daar is gevind dat die meeste informele handelaars en produsente hulle verkoopsware en
grondstowwe by leweransiers in die formele sektor verkry. Verkoopskakels bestaan waar informele
vervaardigers meubels, boustowwe en klerasie aan formele ondernemings voorsien. Dus bestaan
daar ‘n simbiose, maar die skakels neig om uitbuitend te wees want die formele ondernemings
dikteer dikwels besigheidsvoorwaardes.
Die wederkerige-ondersteunende model is uitgebrei deur die byvoeging van vier pilare, wat die
handelinge van die twee sektore beïnvloed, om ‘n differensiële kompleksiteitsmodel van
informalisasie (DKmI) tot stand te bring. Die redes vir, of oorsake van informalisering (RE); die
subsektore waaruit die twee sektore bestaan (SE); die verskeie liggings van die twee sektore se
besighede (L); en die vlakke van formaliteit en informaliteit (Ls) is geïntegreer in die DKmI om
begrip van die skakels tussen die twee sektore te bevorder. Die model is aanpasbaar en toepasbaar
in verskeie stedelike omgewings om ontwikkeling van die twee ekonomiese sektore ruimtelik,
struktureel en temporeel moontlik te maak.
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Policy implications of the spatial and structural relationships of the informal and formal business sectors in urban Nigeria : the case of Enugu (1990-2010)Onyebueke, Victor Udemezue 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The 21st Century is witnessing the concurrence of neoliberal globalisation and widespread informalisation. To this extent, the informal sector or economy is perceived as a permanent ‘feature of modern capitalist development’ (Chen 2007: 2). Its expansion, particularly in developing countries, has far reaching implications for employment generation, occupational or livelihood diversification, urban form dynamics, urban planning, as well as the general economic outcome. The historical evolutionary truth of the informal origin of most businesses coupled with the reality of informal-formal sector continuum gives credence to the critical imperative of multi-path development regime that does not consider the informal sector as a dead end.
Consequently, the research explored the policy implications of the spatial and structural relationships between the informal and formal business sectors in urban Nigeria. The study region is viewed from the prism of Enugu, the major administrative centre in the southeast region of the country. Here, spatial-structural causalities at the city level are conjectured as surrogates of the globalisation-induced transformations occurring in the country from 1990 to 2010 (Andranovich & Riposa 1993). The research sought to: one, examine the extent relationships between the distribution structures of two economic segments in the city; and two, explore the changes in inter-sectoral linkages and the urban business landscape mediated by the global-local economic changes. To guide the study, two research hypotheses were formulated, viz.: (1) to prove whether or not some significant spatial/structural relationships exist between the distribution of informal and formal business units in the study area; and (2) to verify if the observed changes in the spatial and structural relationships between the two segments are accounted for by the same sets of physical, economic, and socio-cultural variables.
The study made use of primary and secondary data, which were collected via mixed research methods. The proportional stratified sampling was used where necessary. The primary data were collected through casual observation/recognisance, photographic and questionnaire surveys, and semi-structured personal interviews; while the secondary data were sourced from literature review, maps and databanks of local governments and Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS). The data analytical procedure involved data reduction and hypotheses testing. The former technique consists of sectoral aggregation (the segmentation by coherent attribute-sectors) and spatial aggregation (translation from quantitative into spatial dimensions) (Wang & Vom Hofe 2007), while the latter required the use of Spatial Statistics Analysis toolsets of the ArGIS software and the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of the SPSS package.
The Spatial Statistics Analysis (the Spatial Autocorrelation or Moran’s I index) and PCA results permitted the rejection of the two null hypotheses respectively. The Moran’s I index is 0.16 with a Z score of 159.78 at a significant level of .01 and critical value of 2.58, revealing a highly clustered spatial association (or dependence) between the informal and formal business distribution in the study area. Based on the eigenvalues of 10 selected variables, the PCA extracted three major determinants of the observed spatial-structural causalities, namely: socio-economic and cultural traits or business ethos, client base and market control, and physical environment/business transaction mode. The findings challenges the received model of Nigeria retail hierarchy, and among the key recommendations for guaranteeing stronger informal-formal sector linkages that are generative of sustainable endogenous development are: (i) the reinstatement of the import substitution programme; (ii) implementation of the innovative Cluster Concept of Industrial Development Strategy (CCIDS) of 2007; and (iii) adoption of urban planning standards that are pro-informal sector. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die 21ste eeubeleefonsgelyktydigneoliberaleglobalisasie en wydverspreideinformalisasie. Samelopendhiermee word die informelesektorvandieekonomiegesien as ’n “permanentekenmerk van die kapitalistieseontwikkeling.” (Chen 2007: 2). Die uitbreidingdaarvan, veral in ontwikkelendelande, het verreikendeimplikasies vir die skepping van werksgeleenthede, die diversifikasie van loopbaan- en broodwinnings-moontlikhede, stedelikevorms, stedelikebeplanning, asookalgemeneekonomieseuitkomstes. Die historieseevolusionêrewaarheidoor die oorsprong van die meestebesighede, tesame met die realiteit van die informelesektorkontinuum, verleengeloofwaardigheidaandie kritiesebelangrikheid van die multi-pad ontwikkelingraamwerkwaarbinne die informelesektorniegesien word as ’n doodloopstraatnie.
Gevolglik het die navorser die beleidsimplikasies van die ruimtelike- en struktureleverhoudingtussen die informele en die formele sake-sektors in stedelikeNigeriëondersoek. Die studiegebied word besigtigvanuit die prisma van Enugu, die hoof administratiewesentrum van die suidelikestreek van Nigerië. Hier word ruimetelik-struktureleoorsaaklikhedegebruik as maatstawwe vir die transformasieswatdeurglobalisasieveroorsaak is, en wattussen 1990 en 2010 in die land plaasgvind het (Andranovich&Riposa 1993). Daar is in die navorsinggepoog om eerstens die omvang van verwantskappetussen die verspreidingstrukture van die twee ekonomiesesegmente van die stad vas te stel, en tweedens, om die veranderings in inter-sektorieseskakels en die stedelike sake landskapwatdeur die globaale-plaaslikeekonomieseveranderingsbemiddel is, te bestudeer. Twee navorsinghipoteses is geformaliseer, naamlik (1) om te bewys of daarbetekenisvolleruimtelike/struktureleverwantskappebestaantussen die verspreiding van informele en formeleeenhede in die studie- gebied, en (2) om te bevestig of die veranderings in die ruimtelike en struktureleverwantskappetussen die twee besigheidsegmentetoegeskryfkan word aandieselfdestelfisiese, ekonomiese en sosio-kultureleveranderlikes. In die studie is daargebruikgemaak van primêre en sekondêre data watdeurmiddel van gemengdenavorsingmetodesversamel is. Die proporsioneelgestratifiseerdesteekproefmetode is, waarnodig, gebruik. Die primêre data is deurterloopseobservasie, fotografiese- en vraelysopnames, en semi-gestruktureerde persoonlike onderhoudeversamel, terwyl die sekondêre data verkry is uit ’n oorsig van die letterkunde, landkaarte, en die databanke van plaaslikeowerhede en die binnelandsebelastingsdiens. (FIRS). Die data ontledingsproses het data reduksie en hipotesetoetsingingesluit. Dievorigetegniekbestaanuitsektorieseaggregasie (segmentasiedeursamehandeattribuutsektore) en ruimtelikeaggregasie (oorgesitvanafkwantitatiewenaruimtelikedimensies) (Wang & VomHofe 2007). Vir die laasgenoemde was dit nodig om Spatial Statistics Analysis gereedskapstel van die ArGISsagteware en die Principal Component Analysis (PCA) van die SPSS paket te gebruik.
The Spatial Statistics Analysis (die Spatial Autocorrelation of Moran se I indeks) en die PCA resultatehet die verwerping van die twee nulhipotesesmoontlikgemaak. Moran se I indeks is 0.16 met ’n Z telling van 159.78 teen ’n betekenisvollevlak van .01 en ’n kritiesewaarde van 2.58, wat ’n hoogsgetrosderuimetlikeassosiasieaantoon, of dat die verspreiding van die informele en formelebesighede in die studiegebiednabymekaargeleë en afhanklik is van mekaar. Gegrond op die eigenwaardes van die 10 gekoseveranderlikes, is daardeur die PCA bepaalwat die drie hoof ruimtelik-strukturelekousaliteite is. Dit is sosio-ekonomiese en kulturelekenmerke, kliente basis en markbeheer, en fisieseomgewing/sake transaksie modus. Die bevindingeverskil van die ontvangdemodel van die Nigeriesehierargie. Om sterkerinformele-formeleskakelswatvolhoubareendogeneontwikkelingwaarborg, te genereer, word die volgendeaanbevelingsgemaak: (i) die invoerplaasvervangings-program moetingestel word, (ii) die Cluster Concept of Industrial Development Strategy (CCIDS) van 2007 moet implementer word; en (iii) stedelikebeplanningstandaardewat pro-informelesektor is, moet aanvaar word.
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Evaluating the potential of Earth observation for supporting sustainable urban land use planningMusakwa, Walter 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In many developing countries, rapid urbanisation continues to substantially transform land from agricultural and rural land uses, as well as natural landscapes into urban areas. This leads to significant changes to the socio-economic fabric and nature of the natural environment. Data to monitor such transformation is often out of date, unreliable, in unstandardised format, cumbersome and expensive to collect or simply unavailable in urban centres of many developing countries. These characteristics inhibit local authorities‘ and other stakeholders‘ capacity to monitor and leverage resources toward sustainable urban development. Sustainable urban land use planning is a major objective of urban planning, but it is difficult to put into practice. This study investigates the efficacy of earth observation (EO) for collecting information required for sustainable urban land use planning and proposes the use of decision consequence analysis (DCA) as a simple and structured way to put sustainable urban development into practice. The study focuses on three central determinants of sustainable urban land use, namely (1) land use change and land use mix, (2) urban sprawl and (3) the urban built-up area. Consequently, urban sustainability indicators of these three components were identified. EO data for Stellenbosch, a town in the Western Cape province of South Africa, was gathered and used to perform spatio-temporal analyses of the indicators in a geographic information system (GIS). This enabled the establishing of the positive or negative trajectory made toward achieving sustainable urban land use planning. The study demonstrates how the use of EO data, DCA, urban sustainability indicators and GIS can enhance local authorities‘ capacities for monitoring urban sustainability. EO data and urban sustainability indicators were used to develop an urban sustainability toolbox which facilitates evidence-based decision making. The results also show that urban sustainability indicators derived from EO are valuable in providing synoptic, up-to-date, standardised and normalised information on urban areas. Such information would be expensive and cumbersome to collect without the use of EO and GIS. As a result, earth observation will continue to play a key role in monitoring urban sustainability, particularly in developing countries. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die volgehoue en versnelde verstedeliking wat in baie ontwikkelende lande voorkom is voortdurend besig om landbougrond, plattelandse gebiede en natuurlike landskappe na stedelike areas om te skakel. Dit bring ʼn noemenswaardige verandering in die sosiaal-ekonomiese struktuur en aard van die natuurlike omgewing te wee. Data om hierdie veranderinge te monitor, is dikwels verouderd, onbetroubaar, nie in ʼn standaard formaat nie, omslagtig, te duur om te in te samel of net eenvoudig nie beskikbaar vir baie stedelike sentra van ontwikkelende lande nie. Hierdie faktore beperk plaaslike owerhede en ander belanghebbendes se moniteringskapasiteit en verhinder die beskikbaarstelling van hulpbronne vir volhoubare stedelike ontwikkeling. Beplanning vir volhoubare stedelike grondgebruik is ʼn belanrike doelwit, maar is moeilik om in die praktyk toe te pas. Hierdie studie ondersoek die doeltreffendheid van aardwaarneming (AW) vir die insamel van inligting wat vir volhoubare grondgebruik beplanning nodig is. Die studie stel die gebruik van analise van besluitnemingsgevolge (ABG) as ʼn eenvoudige en gestruktureerde manier voor om volhoubare stedelike ontwikkeling in die praktyk toe te pas. Die ondersoek fokus op drie hoof bepalende faktore van volhoubare stedelike grondgebruik, naamlik (1) verandering en vermenging van grondgebruik, (2) stedelike kruip, en (3) die beboude stedelike gebied. Gevolglik is aanwysers van die stedelike volhoubaarheid van hierdie drie komponente geïdentifiseer. AW-data vir Stellenbosch, 'n dorp in die Wes-Kaap provinsie van Suid-Afrika, is ingesamel om met behulp van ʼn geografiese inligtingstelsel (GIS) die aanwysers tyd-ruimtelik te analiseer. Dit het dit moontlik gemaak om die positiewe of negatiewe trajekte vir die bereiking van volhoubare stedelike grondgebruiksbeplanning vas te stel. Die studie demonstreer hoe AW-data, ABG, aanwysers van stedelike volhoubaarheid en GIS plaaslike owerhede se kapasiteit vir die monitering van volhoubaarheid in stede kan bevorder. AW-data en stedelike volhoubaarheidsaanwysers is gebruik om 'n stedelike volhoubaarheidsgereedskapkis te ontwikkel wat bewysgebaseerde besluitneming fasiliteer. Die resultate wys ook dat volhoubare stedelike aanwysers afgelei uit AW, nuttig is om sinoptiese, gestandardiseerde en genormaliseerde inligting oor stedelike gebiede te voorsien. Hierdie tipe inligting is duur en omslagtig om in te samel sonder die gebruik van AW en GIS. Gevolglik sal AW voortaan steeds 'n sleutelrol speel in die monitering van stedelike volhoubaarheid, veral in ontwikellende lande.
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Contesting space in urban Malawi : a lefebvrian analysisMwathunga, Evance Evan 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Cities in Malawi continue to be sites and spaces of resistance, struggle and contest over urban
spaces. Since the introduction of colonial modernist planning with its adherence to
segregation through functional zoning, homogenisation, and fragmentation of urban areas,
squatting and land invasions on urban land have remained one of the widespread struggles for
space in urban Malawi. Continued occurrence of squatting, land invasions, and
encroachments on urban land reflect the inability of urban planning and its attendant land
policies to provide land and housing to the majority of urban dwellers mainly the middle
income as well as the marginalised urban poor.
Over the years, government efforts have not decisively addressed the issue of land
contestations in urban areas in spite of numerous reports of increasing cases of conflicts and
competing claims over urban land in Malawi including land dispossessions, conflicts over
land uses in urban and peri-urban areas and most significantly contestations manifested in
squatting and land invasions on state land leading to growth of spontaneous settlements. In
urban areas, efforts to address these competitions have included relocation; titling
programmes, sites-and-services schemes, land reform programmes, and forced evictions, but
struggles such as squatting and land invasions persist. In urban Malawi, the question is: why
is urban planning, as it is conceived and acted upon (i.e. as mode of thought and spatial
practice), a creator and not a mediator of urban land conflicts?
The study aimed to answer this question, by using Lefebvre’s conceptual triad of social
production of space, to gain an in-depth understanding of how the contradictions between
people’s perceptions and daily life practices in relation to space, on one hand, and planner’s
conceptions of space as informed by colonial, post-colonial, and neoliberal perceptions of
space, generate perpetual struggle for urban space in Malawi. The study also investigated
spatial strategies and tactics which urban residents employ to shape, produce and defend
urban spaces from possible repossession by the state. Finally, the study explored lived
experiences and the multiple meanings that urban residents attach to spaces they inhabit and
these are used to contest imposition of space by state authorities while at the same time to
produce their own spaces. Mixed method approaches were used to gather geodata, quantitative and qualitative data in
the two neighbourhoods of Soche West (Blantyre city) and Area 49 (Lilongwe city) where
there are on-going tensions over land between state authorities and urban residents. Primary
sources of data included household surveys, focus group discussions, key informant
interviews, documentary sources, observations, and electronic and print media. In view of the
magnitude of the data, three software were used namely, SPSS, ATLAS.ti, and ArcGIS 9.3TM
GIS for quantitative, qualitative, and spatial data respectively. Content and discourse analysis
were also used to analyse government documents and newspapers.
The research found that although planning thought and practice is dominated by imported
modernist conceptions of space, planning authorities in Malawi are unable to impose this
space on urban residents. Specifically, the research identified a number of constraints faced by
planning authorities ranging from human and technical capacity, corruption, cumbersome and
bureaucratic procedures, archaic, rigid and contradictory in laws and policies, complexity of
land rights, poor enforcement, political influence and emergence of democracy, incomplete
reclassification of rural authority into urban authority and shortage of financing mechanisms.
In view of these state incapacities coupled with peoples’s perception of the illegitimacy of the
state to control urban land, the study found that ‘dobadobas’ (that is middlemen, conmen and
tricksters) have taken over to contest planning practices of the state by employing both violent and non-violent spatial tactics to appropriate, and defend their claim for urban spaces, thereby
generating conflicts between the state and users of space.
Consistent with our argument regarding representations of spaces and representational spaces,
the research found that in both Lilongwe and Blantyre cities, the multiple meanings attached
to spaces represent divergent but true lived experiences that involve different core values that
may or may not be recognised by those residents who do not share them. Finally, planners,
therefore, have to reconcile the contradictions between planners’ visions and the experiences
of those who experience the city in their everyday life. By way of recommendation, planners,
therefore, have to reconcile the contradictions between planners’ visions and the experiences
of those who live in the city.
Planners’ emphasis on abstract spaces and their modernist images of order imply that viable
alternative place-making processes are not well understood, partially because formal
discourse in planning and place-making revolves around largely iterative representations of
space and the persuasive capacities of one or another representation.
Rather, this researcher recommends continued use of the conceptual triad to enable
researchers to become more fully aware of complexity in the human dimensions of space
before planning. In the same way, by focusing on the two neighbourhoods, the researcher
recommends that planning requires considerable time and effort and that it should priotise the
human or the micro scale. Planning ought to bring on board the multiple meanings of space as
discussed in the study as these are the multiple dimensions that planning has to grapple with
in its quest to organise and produce urban space. Since space is never empty as it always
embodies meaning, it is imperative to understand various meanings that people attach to the
spaces they inhabit and their attachment to these spaces. In the study the fact that spaces
carry multiple meanings encompassing exchange value, use value, emotional value, historical
value, and sacred values among others, has been explored. Continued advancement of colonial modernist conceptions of orderliness, segregation,
functional zoning and commodification which are constructed largely, by dominant economic
and political elites, provokes resistance by groups who defend and seek to reconstruct lived
space. Also, in view of the incapacity of the state to impose its conceptions of urban space
through spatial practice of planning, urban residents continue to devise their own spatial
strategies and tactics violent and nonviolent, to shape their own space. In conclusion, the
paper stresses that spaces are not exclusively shaped or moulded by planners and planning
practices of the state only, but also by spatial practices of everyday life albeit clandestine and
unofficial. In this regard, in Malawi, cities including the post-colonial city of Lilongwe should
not be understood as being shaped by planners’ space only but also the changing experiences
of the city and everyday life and ambiguities of the users of urban space. Thus plans and
documents as conceived spaces should not be understood as the only mechanism to shape and
organise urban space but also the changing experiences of the city and everyday life and
ambiguities of the users of urban space. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Stede in Malawi is nog steeds plekke en ruimtes waar daar weerstand, worsteling, en konflik
i.v.m. grond plaasvind. Sedert die invoer van koloniale, modernistiese beplanning wat
assosieer word met segregasie deur middel van funksionele streekindeling, homogenisasie,en
fragmentasie van stadsgebied, is plakkery en beslaglê op grond in stede algemeen in die stede
van Malawi. Die aanhoudendende voorkoms van plakkery, indringing en oortreding op grond
reflekteer die die onvermoë van stedelike beplanning en grond beleid om grond en behuising
aan die meerderheid van die stedelike burgers , meestal die middelinkomste klas en die
gemarginaliseerde stedelike armes te verskaf.
Die regering het nie oor die jare daarin geslaag om die kwessie van konflik oor grond in
stedelike areas suksesvol aan te spreek nie, dit ten spite van die feit dat daar toenemend meer
gevalle van konflik en meededingende grondeise bestaan, asook onteiening in stedelike en
omstedelike gebiede. Hierdie konflikte manifesteer in plakkery en indringery in staatsgrond
wat lei tot die totstandkoming van nie-amptelike nedersettings. In stedelike gebiede het
pogings om hierdie kwessies aan te spreek gelei tot onteiening,eiendomsreg-programme,
grondhervormings-programme, gedwonge uitsettings, asook gebiede waar daar net grond en
dienste verskaf word. Nogtans vind daar plakkery en indringing plaas. Met betrekking tot
stedelike Malawi is die vraag: Hoekom is stedelike beplanning soos dit begryp word (d.w.s.
as ’n denkwyse en ruimte-praktyk) die skepper en nie die bemiddelaar van konflik oor
grond in stede nie?
Daar is gepoog om hierdie vraag te beantwoord deur gebruik te maak van Lefebvre se drieledige
konsep van die produksie van ruimte, om sodoende ’n in-diepte begrip te verkry van
die teenstellings tussen mense se konsepsies en alledaagse praktyke met betrekking tot ruimte,
en die beplanners se konsepte van ruimte wat die gevolg is van koloniale, post-koloniale en
neoliberale sienings, en hoe dit lei tot ’n aanhoudende konflik oor stedelike grondgebied in
Malawi. Strategieë en taktieke wat deur inwoners gebruik word om ruimte te skep en te
verdedig teen moontlike onteiening deur die staat, word ondersoek. Laastens word die
lewende ondervindings van die stadsbewoners ondersoek, asook die veelvoudige betekenisse
wat hulle heg aan die ruimtes wat hulle bewoon. Hoe hulle hierdie betekenisse gebruik om die
oorname van hierdie spasies deur die staat, te beveg en terselfdertyd hulle eie ruimtes te skep. Die gemengde-metode benadering is gebruik om geodata, kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe data
in die twee buurtes van Soche West (Blantyre ) en Area 49 (Lilongwe ) waar daar
aanhoudende spanning oor grond tussen die staat en die stadsbewoners is, aan te spreek.
Primêre bronne van data sluit huishoudelike opnames, fokus groepbesprekings, sleutelinformant
onderhoude, dokumentêre bronne, observasie,en elektroniese en gedrukte media
in. Omdat daar so baie data is, is drie sagtewares, naamlik SPSS, ATLAS.ti, and ArcGIS
9.3TM GIS gebruik vir die ontleding van kwantitiewe, kwalitatiewe en ruimtelike data
onderskeidelik. Inhouds- en diskoers analise is ook gedoen om die regeringsdokumente en
koerantartikels te ontleed.
Daar is gevind dat alhoewel beplanningsdenke en –praktyk oorheers word deur ingevoerde,
modernistiese konsepte van ruimtes, kry die owerhede dit nie reg om die bewoners te oorreed
om hulle siening van stedelike ruimte te aanvaar nie. Daar is tydens die navorsing bevind dat
die owerhede die volgende kwessies moet aanspreek: menslike en tegniese bekwaamdede,
korrupsie, lomp burokratiese prosedures, uitgediende en weersprekende wette en beleide, die
kompleksiteit van grondregte, swak toepassing van wette, politieke invloed, en die opkoms
van die demokrasie, onvoltooide reklassifikasiwe van landelike owerhede, en ’n tekort aan
finanseringsmeganismes. Die staat se onbekwaamheid tesame met die mense se persepsie dat die staat nie volgens wet stedelike grond kan beheer nie, het gelei daartoe dat Doba Dobas
(d.w.s. die middelman, en die skelms) die beplanning van konflik oorgeneem het en
geweldadige en nie-geweldadige taktiek gebruik om grond te bekom en te verdedig, en
sodoende konflik tussen die staat en die mense laat toeneem.
Daar kan gesê word dat in beide Lilongwe en Blantyre die veelvoudige betekenisse wat aan
ruimte geheg word, die werklike ondervindinge van die mense verteenwoordig. Hierdie
ondervindings behels verskillende kernwaardes wat dalk nie deur ander gedeel word nie. Dit
bevestig ook Lefebvre se argumente oor die ruimtes. Laastens moet die beplanners die
beplanners se toekomsplanne en die alledaagse ondervindings van die burgers, versoen. Daar
word dus aanbeveel dat die beplanners die klem op abstrakte ruimtes en die modernistiese
beeld van orde moet versoen met die ondervindings van diegene wat in die stad woon.
Die beplanners se klem op abstakte ruimtes en hulle modernistiese beeld van orde impliseer
dat lewensvatbare alternatiewe plekmaak prosesse nie goed verstaan word nie, gedeeltelik
omdat die formele diskoers in beplanning en plekmaak grootliks draai om herhaaldelike
voorstellings van ruimte en die oorrredingskrag van die een of ander voorstelling.
Hierdie navorser stel voor dat Lefebvre se drie konsepte liewer gebruik moet word om dit
vir navorsers moontlik te maak om voor beplanners bewus te word van die kompleksiteit van
die menslike dimensies van ruimte, Nadat hy gefokus het op die twee stede, besef die navorse
dat beplanning baie tyd en moeite behels en dat die menslike of die mikroskaal voorrang moet
geniet. Die veelvoudige betekenisse van ruimte, soos bespreek, moet in ag geneem word
tydens die organiseer en skep van stedelike ruimte. Aangesien ruimte nooit leeg is nie en
altyd betekenis het, is dit belangrik om die verskillende betekenisse wat mense aan die plekke
waar hulle bly heg, te verstaan, asook hulle gehegtheid aan hierdie plekke. In hierdie studie
word die verskillende betekenisse van ruimte, naamlik ruilwaarde, gebruikwaarde,
emosionele waarde, historiese waarde, en gewyde waarde. Die bevordering van koloniale.modernistiese konsepte van orde, segregasie, funksionele
sonering en kommodifikasie,. grootliks deur die dominante ekonomiese en politiese elite, lei
tot weerstand deur groepe wat die ruimtes waarin hulle lewe wil verdedig en rekonstrueer.
Omdat die staat nie deur middel van die ruimtelike praktyke van beplanning, sy siening van
stedelike ruimte aan die bewoners kan oordra nie, hou die stedelike bewoners aan om hulle
strategieë en taktieke, geweldadig en nie-geweldadig, te gebruik, om hul eie ruimtes te skep.
Ten slotte word daar tot die slotsom gekom dat ruimte nie eksklusief deur beplanners geskep
word nie, maar deur die praktyke van die alledaagse lewe, al is dit ongeoorloofd en nieamptelik.
Die stede in Malawi, insluitende die post-koloniale stad, Lilongwe, moet nie
beskou word as gevorm alleenlik deur die stadsbeplanners nie, maar ook deur die
veranderende ondervindings van die stad en die alledaagse lewe en die dubbelsinnigheid van
die gebruikers van stedelike ruimte. Planne en dokumente moet dus nie gesien word as die
enigste meganisme wat stedelike ruimte vorm en organiseer nie.
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The estimation of Eucalyptus plantation forest structural attributes using medium and high spatial resolution satellite imagery.January 2008 (has links)
Sustaining the socioeconomic and ecological benefits of South African plantation forests is challenging. A more systematic and rapid forest inventory system is required by forest managers. This study investigates the utility of medium (ASTER 15 m) and high (IKONOS 1-4 m) spatial resolution satellite imageries in an effort to improve the remote capture of structural attributes of even-aged Eucalyptus plantations grown in the warm temperate climatic zone of southern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The conversion of image data to surface reflectance is a pre-requisite for the establishment of relationships between satellite remote sensing data and ground collected forest structural data. In this study image-based atmospheric correction methods applied on ASTER and IKONOS imagery were evaluated for the purpose of retrieving surface reflectance of plantation forests. Multiple linear regression and canonical correlation analyses were used to develop models for the prediction of plantation forest structural attributes from ASTER data. Artificial neural networks and multiple linear regression were also used to develop models for the assessment of plantation forests structural attributes from IKONOS data. The plantation forest structural attributes considered in this study included: stems per hectare, diameter at breast height, mean tree height, basal area, and volume. In addition, location based stems per hectare were determined using high spatial resolution panchromatic IKONOS data where variable and fixed window sizes of local maxima were employed. The image-based dark object subtraction (DOS) model was better suited for atmospheric correction of ASTER and IKONOS imagery of the study area. The medium spatial resolution data were not amenable to estimating even-aged Eucalyptus forest structural attributes. It is still encouraging that up to 64 % of variation could be explained by using medium spatial resolution data. The results from high spatial resolution data showed a promising result where the ARMSE% values obtained for stems per hectare, diameter at breast height, tree height, basal area and volume are 7.9, 5.1, 5.8, 8.7 and 8.7, respectively. Results such as these bode well for the application of high spatial resolution imagery to forest structural assessment. The results from the location based estimation of stems per hectare illustrated that a variable window size approach developed in this study is highly accurate. The overall accuracy using a variable window size was 85% (RMSE of 189 trees per hectare). The overall findings presented in this study are encouraging and show that high spatial resolution imagery was successful in predicting even-aged Eucalyptus forest structural attributes in the warm temperate climates of South Africa, with acceptable accuracy. / Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2008.
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An investigation into using textural analysis and change detection techniques on medium and high spatial resolution imagery for monitoring plantation forestry operations.Norris-Rogers, Mark. January 2006 (has links)
Plantation forestry involves the management of man-made industrial forests for the
purpose of producing raw materials for the pulp and paper, saw milling and other
related wood products industries. Management of these forests is based on the cycle
of planting, tending and felling of forest stands such that a sustainable operation is
maintained. The monitoring and reporting of these forestry operations is critical to
the successful management of the forestry industry. The aim of this study was to test
whether the forestry operations of clear-felling, re-establishment and weed control
could be qualitatively and quantitatively monitored through the application of
classification and change detection techniques to multi-temporal medium (15-30 m)
and a combination of textural analysis and change detection techniques on high
resolution (0.6-2.4 m) satellite imagery.
For the medium resolution imagery, four Landsat 7 multi-spectral images covering
the period from March 2002 to April 2003 were obtained over the midlands of
KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, and a supervised classification, based on the
Maximum Likelihood classifier, as well as two unsupervised classification routines
were applied to each of these images. The supervised classification routine used 12
classes identified from ground-truthing data, while the unsupervised classification
was done using 10 and 4 classes. NDVI was also calculated and used to estimate
vegetation status. Three change detection techniques were applied to the
unsupervised classification images, in order to determine where clear-felling,
planting and weed control operations had occurred. An Assisted "Classified" Image
change detection technique was applied to the Ten-Class Unsupervised
Classification images, while an Assisted "Quantified Classified" change detection
technique was applied to the Four-Class Unsupervised Classification images. An
Image differencing technique was applied to the NDVI images. For the high
resolution imagery, a series of QuickBird images of a plantation forestry site were
used and a combination of textural analysis and change detection techniques was
tested to quantify weed development in replanted forest stands less than 24 months
old. This was achieved by doing an unsupervised classification on the multi-spectral
bands, and an edge-enhancement on the panchromatic band. Both the resultant
datasets were then vectorised, unioned and a matrix derived to determine areas of
high weed.
It was found that clear-felling operations could be identified with accuracy in excess
of 95%. However, using medium resolution imagery, newly planted areas and the
weed status of forest stands were not definitively identified as the spatial resolution
was too coarse to separate weed growth from tree stands. Planted stands younger
than one year tended to be classified in the same class as bare ground or ground
covered with dead branches and leaves, even if weeds were present. Stands older
than one year tended to be classified together in the same class as weedy stands,
even where weeds were not present. The NDVI results indicated that further
research into this aspect could provide more useful information regarding the
identification of weed status in forest stands. Using the multi-spectral bands of the
high resolution imagery it was possible to identify areas of strong vegetation, while
crop rows were identifiable on the panchromatic band. By combining these two
attributes, areas of high weed growth could be identified. By applying a post-classification
change detection technique on the high weed growth classes, it was
possible to identify and quantify areas of weed increase or decrease between
consecutive images. A theoretical canopy model was also derived to test whether it
could identify thresholds from which weed infestations could be determined.
The conclusions of this study indicated that medium resolution imagery was
successful in accurately identifying clear-felled stands, but the high resolution
imagery was required to identify replanted stands, and the weed status of those
stands. However, in addition to identifying the status of these stands, it was also
possible to quantify the level of weed infestation. Only wattle (Acacia mearnsii)
stands were tested in this manner but it was recommended that in addition to
applying these procedures to wattle stands, they also are tested in Eucalyptus and
Pinus stands. The combination of textural analysis on the panchromatic band and
classification of multi-spectral bands was found to be a suitable process to achieve
the aims of this study, and as such were recommended as standard procedures that
could be applied in an operational plantation forest monitoring environment. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2006.
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Assessment of structural attributes of even-aged Eucalyptus grandis forest plantations using small-footprint discrete return lidar data.Tesfamichael, Solomon Gebremariam. January 2009 (has links)
Assessment of forest structural attributes has major implications in the management of forestry by providing information of ecological and economic importance. The traditional methods of assessment involve collecting data in the field and are regarded as labour-intensive and expensive. In plantation forestry, field campaigns are generally time consuming and costly, and may compromise profit maximisation. The introduction of lidar (light detection and ranging) remote sensing in forestry has shown promise to add value to the traditional field inventories mainly through large spatial coverages in a timely and cost-effective manner. Lidar remote sensing is an advanced system capable of acquiring information in both the vertical and horizontal dimensions at relatively high resolutions. Numerous studies have established that these qualities of lidar data are suited to estimating forest structural attributes at acceptably high accuracies. The generic approach in most studies is to use lidar data in combination with field data. Such an approach still warrants a high cost of inventory. It is therefore useful to explore alternative methods that rely primarily on lidar data by reducing the necessity for field-derived information. The aim of this study was to derive structural attributes of even-aged Eucalyptus grandis forest plantations using lidar data. The attributes are of significance to timber resource assessments and include plot-level tree height attributes, stems per hectare (SPHA), and volume. The surveyed field data included tree counting and measurement of tree height and diameter at breast height for sample plots. Volume was then calculated using standard allometric models. Small-footprint lidar data of the plantations were also acquired coincident with the field inventories. Mean tree height and dominant height were estimated at a range of simulated lidar point densities between 0.25 points/m2–6 points/m2. Various plot-level distributional metrics were extracted from height values of lidar non-ground points and related with field mean and dominant height values using stepwise regression analysis. The results showed that both attributes could be estimated at high accuracies with no significant differences arising from variations in lidar point density. Estimation of SPHA relied on the exploration of semi-variogram range as a mean window size for applying local maxima filtering to the lidar canopy height surface. A comparative approach of window size determination used pre-determined within-row tree spacing, based on planting information. Two secondary objectives were addressed: comparing spatial resolutions of canopy height surfaces interpolated from non-ground height values and comparison of lidar point densities simulated at three levels. Comparison of spatial resolutions of canopy height surfaces were performed at 0.2 m, 0.5 m, and 1 m using a lidar point density of 5 points/m2. The results indicated that 0.2 m is the most appropriate resolution for locating trees and consequently deriving SPHA. Canopy height surfaces of 0.2 m resolution were created at simulated densities of 1 point/m2, 3 points/m2, and 5 points/m2. While all estimates were negatively biased relative to field-observed SPHA, lidar densities of 3 points/m2 and 5 points/m2 returned similar accuracies, which were both superior to 1 point/m2. It was concluded that 3 points/m2 was sufficient to achieve the accuracy level obtained from higher lidar point densities. Plot-level mean height, dominant height, and volume of trees were estimated for trees located using local maxima filtering approaches at the three lidar point densities. Mean height and dominant height were both estimated at high accuracies for all local maxima filtering techniques and lidar point densities. The results were also comparable to the approach that employed regression analysis that related lidar-derived distributional metrics and field measurements. Estimated dominant height and SPHA, as well as age of trees, were used as independent variables in a function to estimate plot-level basal area. The basal area was then used to compute diameter of the tree with mean basal area, referred to as quadratic mean diameter at breast height (QDBH). Mean tree height and QDBH were used as independent variables in a standard equation to calculate mean tree volume, which was then scaled up to the plot-level. All estimates for the local maxima filtering approaches and lidar point densities returned negatively biased volume, when compared to field observations. This was due to the underestimation of SPHA, which was used as a conversion factor in scaling up from tree-level to plot-level. Volume estimates across lidar point densities exhibited similarities. This suggests that low lidar point densities (e.g., 1 point/m2) have potential for accurate volume estimation. It was concluded that multiple forest structural attributes can be assessed using lidar data only. The accuracy of height derivation meets the standards set by field inventories. The underestimation of SPHA may be comparable to other studies that applied different methods. However, improved estimation accuracy is needed in order to apply the approaches to commercial forestry scenarios. The significance of improving SPHA estimation extends to improved volume estimation. In addition, the potential improvement should also take into consideration the density of lidar points, as this will impact on the cost of acquisition. This research has taken a significant step towards determining if lidar data can be used as a stand-alone remote sensing data source for assessment of structural plantation parameters. Not only does such an approach seem viable, but the lower required point densities will help to reduce acquisition costs significantly. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2009.
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A socio-economic and spatial investigation into the health implications of air pollution in Richards Bay, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.Jaggernath, Jyotikumarie. January 2013 (has links)
There is increasing recognition of the links between air pollution and human health.
Epidemiological studies have shown that there are numerous air pollutants that are associated
with indoor energy use and with the production processes of industries, and most represent
some sort of health implication. However, in-depth and fundamental knowledge of the health
impact relationship of most pollutants is limited. This research evaluates the socio-economic
and spatial aspects of the health implications of air pollution in Richards Bay (located 200 km
north of Durban), KwaZulu-Natal. The research explores community perceptions and
complaints relating to human health impacts emanating from air pollution in Richards Bay.
The research is informed by a multi-conceptual framework (political economy incorporating
political ecology, place perspectives and environmental justice) which influenced the
methods chosen in conducting the research. Standard quantitative and qualitative methods
were employed in the study to generate data relating to the research objectives. The process
of triangulation which is the use of multiple methods that cuts across the qualitativequantitative
divide was used. The various sources of information validate and clarify data by
deepening and widening an understanding of the main issues under examination. The
research was implemented in various communities in Richards Bay that reflect socioeconomic
differences, which contributes significantly to ascertain whether health impacts are
differentially experienced by different socio-economic groups. Furthermore, the research
cross-tabulated experiences, perceptions and coping strategies of different socio-economic
groups in the area, especially in relation to upper, middle and lower income clusters. The
spatial aspect of the research (mapping of key social and health variables) is a major
contribution of this research, which draws from the field of medical geography. Information
on the main residential areas was illicitied from documents providing background details on
Richards Bay. A purposive sampling approach was adopted to identify the seven
communities, namely, Alton, Aquadene/ Brackenham, Arboretum, Meer-en-See, Empangeni
Rail, Nseleni and Umhlathuze. Simple random point sampling was used to identify the
households within the communities. The number of households in each community was
determined using proportionate sampling. Four hundred and seventy nine housholds (479)
were interviewed which was deemed to be a statistically relevant sampling size at a 95%
confidence level.
The study findings indicate that the lower income areas (Nseleni, Empangeni Rail and
Umhlathuze) and the middle income areas (Aquadene/ Brackenham and Arboretum) have a
more youthful population with a significant number being children, while the upper income
areas (Alton and Meer en See) have a more elderly population. A similar trend was also
found in relation to household size. There are clearly major variations in household income
and employment types in Richards Bay, linked in part to the geographical location of
communities based on economic and racial groups. Lower earning respondents were located
mostly in the lower status areas which were classified as predominantly African populated
areas as per the historical race classification and apartheid segregated areas. More than half of
the respondents indicated that industrial smoke was the cause of their present health
conditions. Other stated reasons were wide ranging and therefore there was no discernible
pattern that emerged in relation to the causes for poor health experienced by the affected
household member. However, the data did show that more respondents living in middle/
upper income areas identified causes. Reported health conditions include allergies (30.9%),
coughing (29.8%), wheezing (25.5%), chest pains (18.4%) and asthmatic bronchitis/ asthma
(17.7%). With regards to health care, the findings from the study show that the economically
better off communities (Alton, Aquadene/ Brackenham, Arboretum and Meer en See) used
the private, more expensive health care sector while generally households in lower income
areas tend to rely on public or traditional health care facilities. An interesting finding was that
most respondents rate their general health status as either excellent, good (more respondents
from the middle/ upper income areas than the lower income areas) or satisfactory (more
respondents from Umhlathuze). A large majority of the respondents reported air pollution as
the main problem that is associated with industries in Richards Bay while the health impacts
of pollutants from the industries manufacturing processes was the second main cause. The
areas deemed to be the most polluted were generally in or in close proximity to the industrial
area or the port area. Lower income areas tendered to be most polluted, according to
respondents residing in these areas or who lived in similar low income areas. The majority of
respondents were found to be living in dwellings/ households made from dwellings
constructed with brick and asbestos, brick and zinc, stone and other traditional materials
which is indicative of housing in the poorer communities who live in informal dwellings/
households and may be a causal contributing factor of the poor health status of these
communities. The participatory mapping exercise conducted during the focus group
discussion revealed that participants identified the industrial areas (including the port and
surrounds) as the most polluted areas. Areas outside Richards Bay were considered to be the
least polluted areas.
The research findings indicate that there are a complex mix of socio-economic,
environmental and spatial dynamics that influence air pollution and health impacts. Thus,
health issues in the context of widespread air pollution concerns are linked to social, political
and environmental aspects that require urgent attention. Air pollution and health impacts
remain major concerns in many parts of the world, especially in areas of high levels of
industrial development such as Richards Bay. The results of this research, therefore supports
the findings of other researchers who reveal that communities/ neighborhoods of lower
income status are most likely to bear the brunt of negative impacts and that air pollution from indoor uses of energy, behavioral factors such as cigarette smoking and industrial processes
contribute to an individual’s/ community’s quality of life. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2013.
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Discriminating wetland vegetation species in an African savanna using hyperspectral data.January 2010 (has links)
Wetland vegetation is of fundamental ecological importance and is used as one of the vital bio-indicators for early signs of physical or chemical degradation in wetland systems. Wetland vegetation is being threatened by expansion of extensive lowland areas of agriculture, natural resource exploitation, etc. These threats are increasing the demand for detailed information on vegetation status, up-to-date maps as well as accurate information for mitigation and adaptive management to preserve wetland vegetation. All these requirements are difficult to produce at species or community level, due to the fact that some parts of the wetlands are inaccessible. Remote sensing offers nondestructive and real time information for sustainable and effective management of wetland vegetation. The application of remote sensing in wetland mapping has been done extensively, but unfortunately the uses of narrowband hyperspectral data remain unexplored at an advanced level. The aim of this study is to explore the potential of hyperspectral remote sensing for wetland vegetation discrimination at species level. In particular, the study concentrates on enhancing or improving class separability among wetland vegetation species. Therefore, the study relies on the following two factors; a) the use of narrowband hyperspectral remote sensing, and b) the integration of vegetation properties and vegetation indices to improve accuracy. The potential of vegetation indices and red edge position were evaluated for vegetation species discrimination. Oneway ANOVA and Canonical variate analysis were used to statistically test if the species were significantly different and to discriminate among them. The canonical structure matrix revealed that hyperspectral data transforms can discriminate vegetation species with an overall accuracy around 87%. The addition of biomass and water content variables improved the accuracy to 95.5%. Overall, the study demonstrated that hyperspectral data and vegetation properties improve wetland vegetation separability at species level. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2010.
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An analysis of municipal solid waste management in South Africa using the Msunduzi Municipality as a case study.January 2009 (has links)
Municipal Solid Waste generation has become an inevitable consequence of lifestyles and daily living. However, the nature (quantity and quality) of this waste stream can vary and is largely dependent upon the manner in which waste production is managed, by both government and the public. The increasing practices of littering, dumping and burning of solid waste by households (and industries though not extensively dealt with in this study) in South Africa has led to the finding that municipal solid waste is being irresponsibly managed. In this regard, it becomes necessary to investigate the attitudes and behaviour of individuals and households toward solid waste practices, which further include mitigating measures such as reduction, reuse and recycling for the generation of solid waste. The role of the South African government in providing a refuse removal and safe disposal service to all citizens is suggestive of the responsible role of government to ensure that solid waste is being effectively managed by all sectors of society.
The aims of this study in light of the above were to review the municipal solid waste policies and strategies of local government authorities in South Africa, highlighting the shortcomings and discrepancies that exist between legislative policies and actual management practices; which is also reflective of the attitudes and approaches to solid waste management by households. This was achieved by focusing on the case study of the Msunduzi Municipality and included investigations into socio-economic and cultural influences on solid waste disposal practices.
The objectives of the study were achieved by means of a questionnaire survey that elicited specific responses from 650 sampled households in five suburbs of differing socio-economic status. A further analysis to identify the nature of household municipal solid waste for landfilling from three suburbs of differing socio-economic status was conducted by categorizing 25 tons of garbage at the New England Road Landfill Site, leading to inferences about consumer purchasing power and disposal practices. Further, key personnel in the Msunduzi Municipality’s waste management division were interviewed to ascertain the solid waste challenges faced at local municipal and national levels of government.
The study revealed several significant findings of which the most important is that the implementation of South Africa’s national municipal solid waste legislation policies and strategies are inconsistent with local government practices and procedures; thus compromising equity, efficiency, effectiveness and the sustainability of municipal solid waste disposal. Factors contributing to this are shown to be inadequate management and service delivery. The research has shown that monitoring and control systems which purported to ensure environmental sustainability are lacking and inadequately address issues where the implementation of municipal solid waste regulations are in contravention with national solid waste policies.
The outcomes of the questionnaire survey and the assessment of household municipal solid waste for landfilling reveal that socio-economic status and culture do in fact influence the nature of solid waste and the disposal methods used by residents. The receptiveness of households towards adopting suggested municipal solid waste disposal practices was also investigated. The non-compliance of residents with municipal solid waste legislation and policies points towards a lack of monitoring and control measures, thereby not providing for a sustained and adequate service delivery which is environmentally sound. The research further suggests that all sectors of the South African public and the government are inadequately informed in terms of aspects of municipal solid waste. This has led the researcher to recommend that further education and awareness campaigns and its role in environmental sustainability are needed so that a sharing of responsibility between government and the public can be effected to aid municipal solid waste management in the country.
It is argued that the insight into the roles of socio-economic status and cultural influences over solid waste practices provide a platform from which municipal authorities can work to specifically address the problems associated with municipal solid waste at a community level. It is the task of the national government to ensure that South Africa’s municipal solid waste is being responsibly managed at the local municipal levels so that the health and safety of the environment and its citizens are suitably addressed, hence the focusing on solid waste legislation and national policies (which have been recognized internationally as being environmentally sound and sustainable) must be translated in terms that local municipalities can adopt, assuming that they have been sufficiently empowered in terms of both knowledge and adequate budgeting. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2009.
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