Spelling suggestions: "subject:"physiogeography."" "subject:"choreography.""
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Conceptualisations and experiences of the presence of informal settlements into formal residential areas : a study of the residents in formal housing of the Clare Estate area, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal.Nadasen, Naadira. January 2010 (has links)
Cities across the globe are characterised by inequality. Within South African cities the marginalised population has unequal access to certain resources and opportunities, one such resource that the research is centred upon is the access and occupation of land. Many South African formal residential neighbourhoods are characterised by their proximity to informal settlements. This is largely due to the fact that local government has not adequately addressed the issue of occupation and land; this is clearly evident in Clare Estate in which the study was undertaken. The thesis refers to literature that is critical of the notion of the ‘divided city’ concept and draws on other concepts such as justice, social inequalities, politics of space, sense of place and NIMBY to name but a few. The research adopted a quantitative and qualitative approach, where questionnaires and indepth interviews with relevant stakeholders structured the basis of the research,
respectively. This thesis investigated the experiences and understandings of formal residents of Clare Estate, in regard to the informal settlement which is encroaching on their neighbourhood boundary. The majority of the formal residents were not satisfied with the presence of the informal settlers and requested the relocation of the informal settlements to another location. The thesis shows how the informal settlers have been stereotyped with
negative images and therefore the formal community has socially excluded them. Furthermore, most formal residents interviewed emphasised that the presence of the informal settlements only attracted negative consequences, such as the increase in criminal activity, the hampering of social activities and the reduction of property values. In addition, this thesis reveals that there existed a strained relationship between the formal and informal communities in Clare Estate. It was also evident that the formal residents have attached a personal meaning to their residential area. This sense of place was seen to be threatened by the informal settlement in their neighbourhood. However, it should be stated that the local government authorities were re-addressing the issue of the encroachment of the informal settlement and there have been some attempts to relocate these settlements. Where the relocation initiative has not been successful, the government
provided better building materials to the informal community to improve their housing situation in Clare Estate. However, this latter initiative was not accepted by the residents in formal housing who want the informal community ‘out’ of their residential area. / Thesis (M.Soc.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2010.
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The role of traditional leaders in rural local government : a case of Vulindlela and Impendle traditional areas.Dlungwana, Mthandeni Eric. January 2004 (has links)
Approximately three-quarters of the population in South Africa live in rural areas and are under the governance of traditional leadership, whose practice has been the source of controversy in the post-apartheid era. The institution of traditional leadership has been historically regarded as the main ruling system closest to and accepted by the people at grassroots level. The aim of this research is to investigate the role of traditional leaders in local government in the Vulindlela and Impendle areas, Pietermaritzburg. The objective is to present a historical overview of the role of traditional leaders and to analyse the role traditional leaders have to play in development. The research examines whether the tension between traditional leaders and municipal councillors hinder development to the masses in Vulindlela and Impendle areas. The methodology adopted for this study was a qualitative research approach, which was used to analyse the roles played by traditional leaders in rural local government development. The main findings of the study reveal that traditional leaders and authorities are essential political, social and economic structures for maintaining the socio-political order that is a prerequisite for rural development. Any endeavor to create a full democratic society in South Africa must utilize the intrinsic strengths of traditional leaders. The institution of traditional leaders should be transformed to move with the times. Many traditional leaders accept the role they have to play as part of the new order as well as the resulting challenge associated with the process of transformation. In principle, traditional authorities should not be drawn into party politics and their role should remain one of neutral leadership. Traditional authorities are seen in their communities as the institutional form of government closest to the people and therefore need to be preserved. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietemaritzburg, 2004.
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Designing and implementing a GIS-based cadastral database for land administration in the city of Asmara, Eritrea.Gebreslasie, Michael T. January 2004 (has links)
The knowledge and application of land information and GIS in Eritrea are very
limited and as a result there is a shortage of sufficient, reliable, up-to-date and
modem land information for decision-making. This study aimed to develop and
design a GIS-based cadastral database for land administration in the city of
Asmara, Eritrea.
The two components of the cadastral data, the spatial and non-spatial were
collected and processed in a GIS environment. GIS-based cadastral data was
created to store the data. A recently acquired IKONOS image and existing Auto
CAD data were the main sources of data for the study. Geo-rectification,
conversion, ,building of topology, spatial adjustment, and digitizing were used'
for creating the parcels and roads of Asmara city. A key of relation was created
to link both the spatial and non-spatial components of the cadastre.
The study used illustrated practical examples to show how GIS-based cadastral
data could support land administration as practiced by the different divisions of
the Municipal Office of Asmara city. The importance and usage of the cadastral
database for urban planners and property valuators were detailed.
Spatial and network analysis were used to develop bands for creating a banded
property appraisal system for assessing the service catchment area~ of hospitals
and the only fire station. Further, a location allocation model was <,I:lso developed
to recommend suitable sites for new fire stations in the city of Asmara.
It is recommended that the Municipal Office of Asmara adopts the designed
GIS-based database. It is also recommended there the major cities in Eritrea
follow similar methodology to design and implement cadastre database for their
administration. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2004.
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Achieving local economic development through natural resource-based tourism in KwaZulu-Natal.Trotter, Dayle Carey. January 2003 (has links)
A number of development strategies and programmes are currently being explored in South Africa as a part of a renewed ihitiative to overcome the imbalances persisting from the apartheid era with respect to development, wealth, income and opportunity, and in order to address problems increasing unemployment brought on by the decline of traditional employment sectors. Local Economic Development (LED) is one such strategy that seeks to utilize local resources and skills in order to promote economic growth and create employment opportunities. Similarly, tourism, which has become one of the most critical forces shaping the world's economy, has been recognised as a potential growth alternative in South Africa, and is being increasingly implemented into LED strategies across the country. Although the studies that have identified the link between tourism and LED are increasing, it is clear that research on the topic remains limited. This research therefore contributes to the existing literature, and investigates how three localities in Kwazulu-Natal have identified the tourism potential of the locally available natural resources, and how different actors have embarked on tourism-based projects that have sought to achieve LED. A series of semi-structured interviews formed the principle research method and information was obtained over a period of a year from a number of key stakeholders and role-players in each case study. It was found that all three case studies have created employment opportunities and have empowered local communities through skills development and training. This research attempts to highlight the potential opportunities and limitations of the pursuit of natural resource-based tourism as a catalyst for local economic development, such that other localities that are seeking to adopt a similar approach may learn from these experiences. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, 2003.
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The local global nexus : a case study of Richards Bay.Goodenough, Claire Kathleen. January 2003 (has links)
South Africa's past industrial decentralisation policies have come under intense criticism for being economically inefficient and an inappropriate means of providing employment. The result of state intervention from the 1970s in the locality of Richards Bay/Empangeni, has led to the establishment of many unlinked, globally competing industries in the area, which the local economy has come to rely heavily upon. Public as well as private organisations of the area have in place many social upliftment initiatives developed in response to the high poverty and unemployment in the area. By employing survey research techniques to collect the necessary data, this research study undertakes a social scientific approach to analysing the socio·economic impact that these industries and large firms have had on the area and documents the current social investment initiatives they have in place. Local Economic Development (LED) initiatives, as a pro-poor response to community upliftment, are firmly placed in the local municipality's LED strategy, and from which, the area now receives considerable benefit. Results show that there is a positive public·private partnership approach to local development in the area with all sectors being actively involved in community benefit and poverty alleviation initiatives. / Thesis (M.A)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2003.
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Nature and characteristics of tropospheric ozone over Johannesburg.Raghunandan, Atham. January 2002 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine the nature and characteristics of tropospheric ozone
over Johannesburg, South Africa. Ozone, water vapour and meteorological profile data,
which form part of the MOZAIC (Measurement of Ozone and Water Vapor by Airbus In-Service
Aircraft) database for the period 1995 to 2000 were utilized in this study.
The thesis is divided into two main parts. The first part deals with the computation of total
tropospheric ozone. A clear seasonal cycle, with ozone peaking in September and October
is found. It is suggested that the main reason for the spring maximum is biomass burning,
combined with prevailing anticyclonic circulation patterns, which facilitate the build-up of
ozone over the region. Variability in TTO is greatest in January, September and November
and least during autumn and winter (April to July). The lower day-to-day variability in
autumn and winter is a reflection of the more settled weather at this time. Interannual
variability is least in January and April to June. The autumn and winter ozone values are
more consistent and appear to represent background tropospheric ozone loadings on which
the dynamic and photochemical influences of other months are superimposed.
High TTO events (>30 DU) occurred predominantly during September and October.
Enhancements in the lower troposphere occurred mostly in September and seldom lasted
for more than 1-2 consecutive days. It is suggested that these events are most likely due to
effects of local surface pollution sources, either localised biomass burning or urban-industrial
effects. An extended period of enhancement in the 7-12 km layer occurred from
14-17 September 1998 and again on 20 September 1998. The extended duration of this
event suggests that it is due to an STE event. Confirmation of this was given in a case
study of a particular MOZAIC flight on 16 September 1998 from Johannesburg to Cape
The second part of the thesis deals with the classification of ozone profiles and is used to
find pattern and order within the profiles. TWINSPAN (Two-Way INdicator SPecies
ANalysis), a cluster analysis technique, was used to classify the profiles according to the
magnitude and altitude of ozone concentration. Six distinct groups of profiles have been
identified and their characteristics described.
The HYSPLIT (Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory) trajectory model
was used to relate the profiles to the origin of air masses, revealing clearly defined source
regions. The mid-tropospheric peak in summer and the low to mid-tropospheric
enhancement in spring is attributed to continental areas over central Africa and long-range
transport while local sources are responsible for the winter low tropospheric enhancement.
Reduced ozone values are due to westerlies bringing in clean maritime air.
The classification has highlighted three important findings. Firstly, it has emphasized the
pronounced seasonality of ozone profiles. It is evident that seasons are dominated by
particular patterns and by inference, the processes and transport patterns that shape
individual profiles are seasonally dependent. Secondly, the widely recognized spring
maximum in tropospheric ozone has been confirmed in this classification, but a new and
equally high summer mid-tropospheric enhancement due to the penetration of tropical air
masses from continental regions in central Africa has been identified. Thirdly, it is
suggested that the computation of a mean profile and furthermore, extrapolation of trends
based on a mean profile is meaningless, particularly for a location on the boundaries of
zonally defined meteorological regimes. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2002.
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A waste management and sanitation audit of the South African National Defence Force in rural deployments in Maputoland : a case study.Varaden, Roshni. January 2004 (has links)
ant national legislation on the disposal of waste and waste disposal sites has been promulgated to regulate the dumping of unwanted materials. This development poses major legal compliance problems for the South African National Defence Force (S.A.N.D.F.) deployments in rural areas. The absence of municipal services to these areas and the unavailability of municipal dumpsites do not facilitate adherence to legislation. The development of an integrated waste management system for Defence represents an attempt to ensure compliance with national legislation. An overview and assessment of current waste management practices in the S.A.N.D.F. is provided in this document. The literature review focussed on the theory of waste management, the current situation with regard to sanitation in rural areas and a review of pertinent legislation, and provided the foundation for the development of questionnaires. The study then explored aspects of waste management and sanitation that were taken into consideration in preparing for operations . Data collection entailed interviews with senior members of the S.A.N.D.F. who are responsible for the planning of such projects. Thereafter an investigation was conducted into the waste management practices employed during deployments to rural areas. Data collection in this respect involved the administration of questionnaires to soldiers at temporary bases and during patrols, as well as an audit of the waste generated at the temporary bases, noting how refuse was managed under these conditions. These methods of primary data collection included interviews with various government and non-government officials. Interviews with senior members of the S.A.N.D.F. revealed that the planning and preparation for operations are core-function focused and that the integration of waste management and sanitation in the planning process is minimal and inadequate . The data obtained from questionnaires administered to the soldiers revealed that current waste management practices at the temporary bases and during patrols are considered to be satisfactory to the soldiers, as they are of the opinion that "we are doing the best we can under such circumstances". The waste audit revealed that ninety-eight percent of the waste generated in the study area is recyclable. Consequently, this study recommends that waste management methods be integrated into the planning process. Furthermore it is recommended that environmental education be included as a compulsory module during basic training and re-training for all members of the S.A.N.D.F., i.e. from senior management down to the most junior level. A long-term solution to improve on the current waste management practices is recycling. With regard to sanitation, the Director of Sanitation of the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (D.W.A.F.) suggested that relevant members of the S.A.N.D.F. meet with members of D.W.A.F. and the Umkhanyakude Regional District Council, to discuss the inclusion of the S.A.N.D.F. in the current sanitation-provision projects in the study area. Short-term solutions were that the S.A.N.D.F. liaise with the G.I.S. section at D.W.A.F. This section will be able to provide the S.A.N.D.F. with information on the location of boreholes and hand-pumps (the only source of drinking water for the local population). The S.A.N.D.F. must ensure that waste disposal sites and field toilets, commonly referred to as go-karts, are located away from these water sources and, whenever possible, on higher ground. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal,Durban, 2004.
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Land suitability evaluation for rainfed agriculture using GIS : the case study of Weenen Nature Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.Ghebremeskel, Legesse Abraham. January 2003 (has links)
Weenen Nature Reserve (WNR) has a long history of unwise land use that resulted in severe overgrazing and soil degradation. Since 1948 several soil conservation and reclamation programs have been undertaken to halt the degradation process and regain the agricultural potential of the area. This study evaluates the current agricultural potential of the reserve under rainfed cultivation primarily based on climatic, soil, topographic and crop requirement data collected from different sources. Spatial information on each of the land resources parameters was digitally encoded in a GIS database to create thematic layers of the land resources. Crop requirement information on seven different crops that were selected as representative crops under rainfed agriculture in the area namely, maize, Sorg):mm, cotton, dry bean, soya bean, potato and cabbage was compared with the land resources parameters. The thematic layers of the land resources were then overlyed using a GIS to select areas that satisfy the crop requirements. The results showed that WNR has two major limitations in relation to its use for rainfed agriculture, namely its shallow and rocky soils and its arid climate. Consequently, the resulting land suitability maps indicate that WNR has very low suitability for all of the crops considered. Dry beans are relatively well adapted to the area followed by sorghum. Maize and soya beans are preferred over cotton. Potatoes'and cabbages are least adapted to the area because of the high temperatures during thCl/growing season. It was concluded that generally the reserve is not suitable for rainfed agriculture. However, there is a small area of land in the northern part of the reserve that can be cultivated. The rugged area in the central part of the reserve can be used for grazing with careful managemeIit. The eastern and southern parts can only be used as habitats for wildlife owing to their steep topography and inaccessibility, whereas the highly degraded areas in the western parts of the reserve should be kept under soil conservation and reclamation. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2003.
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Estimating leaf area index (LAI) of black wattle (Acacia mearnsii) using Landsat ETM+ satellite imagery.Ghebremicael, Selamawit T. January 2003 (has links)
Leaf area index (LAI) is an important variable in models that attempt to simulate carbon,
nutrient, water and energy fluxes for forest ecosystems. LAI can be measured either
directly (destructive sampling) or by using indirect techniques that involve estimation of
LAI from light penetration through canopies. Destructive sampling techniques are
laborious, expensive and can only be carried out for small plots. Although indirect
techniques are non-destructive and less time consuming, they assume a random foliage
distribution that rarely occurs in nature. Thus a technique is required that would allow for
rapid estimation of LAI at the stand level. A means of getting this information is via
remotely sensed measurements of reflected energy with an airborne or satellite-based
sensor. Such information on an important plant species such as Acacia mearnsii (Black
Wattle) is vital as it provides an insight into its water use.
Landsat ETM+ images covering four study sites In KwaZulu-Natal midlands
encompassing pure stands of Acacia mearnsii were processed to obtain four types of
vegetation indices (VIs). The indices included: normalized difference vegetation index
(NDVI), ratio vegetation index (RVI), transformed vegetation index (TVI) and vegetation
index 3 (VB). Ground based measurements of LAI were made using destructive
sampling (actual LAI) and LAI-2000 optical instrument, (plant area index, PAl). Specific
leafarea (SLA) and leaf area (LA) were measured in the field for the entire sample stands
to estimate their LAI values. The relationships between the various VIs and SLA, actual
LAI and PAl values measured by LAI-2000 were evaluated using correlation and
regression statistical analyses.
Results showed that the overall mean SLA value of Acacia mearnsii was 8.28 m2kg-1
SLA showed strong correlations with NDVI (r=0.71, p<O.Ol) and RVI (r=0.76, p<O.Ol)
and a moderate correlation with TVI (r=0.66, p<0.05). Regression analysis revealed that
SLA had significant relationship with RVI (R2=0.59) and NDVI (R2=0.51). Actual LAI
values showed strong correlation with PAl values (r=0.86) and the analysis revealed that
74 % of the variation in the relationship between actual LAI and PAl values could be
explained by regression. PAl values were strongly correlated with NDVI (r=0.75,p<O.Ol) and moderately correlated with RVI (r=O.63, p<O.05) and TVI (r=O.58, p<O.05).
Actual LAI was strongly correlated with NDVI (r=O.79, p<O.Ol) and moderately
correlated with RVI (r=O.61, p<O.05). Out of the various VIs examined in this study,
NDVI was found to have a better relationship with actual LAI values (R2=O.62) and with
PAI values (R2=O.56); while VB didn't show any significant relationship with SLA, PAl
or actual LAl.
In conclusion, preliminary estimate of SLA of Acacia mearnsii could be obtained from
RVI or NDVl. The relationship obtained between PAl and actual LAI values was
satisfactory, thus the regression equation can be used to calibrate the LAI-2000 plant
canopy analyzer. Because NDVI was observed to have a good relationship with actual
LAI and PAl, LAI of Acacia mearnsii can be estimated from Landsat ETM+ satellite
imagery with a reasonable degree of accuracy. These results can satisfactorily be used as
inputs into models that attempt to estimate water use by Acacia mearnsii. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2003.
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Post-dam sediment dynamics below the Inanda Dam at the Mgeni estuary, KwaZulu Natal (South Africa)Ngetar, Njoya Silas. January 2002 (has links)
The Inanda Dam, situated some 32 to 35km upstream of the Mgeni River estuary on the Indian Ocean
5 km north of Durban, was constructed between 1984 and 1989. This impoundment deprived the
downstream section of a great volume of water and sediment supply, initiating significant downstream
changes. This situation is compounded by sand winning which directly extracts about 210,000 tonnes
of sediment from the Lower Mgeni further depriving the estuary of sediment. A 1997 study predicted
that assuming a continuous competent discharge and low contribution of sediments from the
tributaries, the channel would gradually scour. Other predictions included a reduction in the total
sediments reaching the estuary, continued flushing of existing channel sediments downstream towards
the estuary, site-specific channel bed erosion at times of peak water release, gradual build up of
sediments near the estuary mouth, gradual fining of bed-load channel and estuarine sediments, and
ongoing re-establishment of the central island.
The main aim of this study was thus to investigate downstream changes in the Mgeni river estuary
below the Inanda dam with regards to sediments, water discharge and channel morphology from 1997
to test these assertions.
Results show a decrease in competent discharge below the Inanda dam since 1997, resulting in a
corresponding decrease in sand and an increase in mud fractions, with the mud content being
associated predominantly with heavy minerals. This is reflected in the poorly sorted sediment. The
plotting of cross-sectional survey revealed site-specific erosion, as well as estuarine bank failure to be
an on-going process, and indicate points of bed scouring and accretion.
A number of reasons have been identified as geomorphological explanations for the changes since
1997. These include among others, a lower hydraulic gradient at the estuary, occasional minor flood
events, a weak bank material composition along some portions of the estuarine bank, the Tnanda dam ,
which impounds coarse sediments and large volume of water and increased tidal activity at the Mgeni
It is concluded that although some of the probable responses predicted in 1997 have happened,
sufficient relaxation time may not yet have elapsed for others to become evident. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2002.
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