Spelling suggestions: "subject:"physiogeography."" "subject:"choreography.""
191 |
Die invloed van plattelandse toerisme op die ontwikkeling en struktuur van SutherlandDu Plessis, Jacobus Johannes 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Geography and Environmental Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / This study combines qualitative and quantitative techniques in an inquiry into the
influence of rural tourism on the development and structure of Sutherland from 2001
till 2005. Sutherland, like most small rural towns in the Central and Western Karoo,
is/was in the process of decline. Rural tourism is seen as a solution to curb the process
of decline. The study investigates this assumption by analyzing the positive and
negative impacts of tourism on the economic, social and environmental spheres of
Sutherland and looks at concomitant structural changes. Special emphasis is placed on
the changing nature of Sutherland’s reason for existence and the dualistic processes of
degradation on the one side and tourism development on the other. These complex
time-spatial and site-specific trends are analyzed and recommendations are made for
the management of the tourism industry of Sutherland.
192 |
Determinants of house prices in Hout BayVan der Walt, Stephan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Geography and Environmental Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The research problem addressed in this study is how to ascertain the primary determinants of
house prices in Hout Bay. This overarching aim encompasses three interwoven aspects. The
research attempts first to determine which factors generally affect property prices in Hout
Bay; second, to assess the extent to which individual factors affect house prices; and third, to
discover the role variables collectively play in determining house prices in Hout Bay. Four
objectives emerge from this subdivision of the aim, namely identify potential house priceinfluencing
factors in Hout Bay; quantify the selected locational variables; statistically
analyse the variables to distinguish the significant and insignificant ones; and use regression
analysis to deduce the collective and individual influences of the significant factors on house
Structured interviews were conducted with representatives of 12 estate agencies in Hout Bay
to uncover factors affecting the local property market. Through insights gleaned from the
literature, manipulation of municipal valuation and cadastral data and the structured
interviews, 39 structural and site-related variables, 18 distance variables and 11 socioeconomic
variables were constructed.
Several preliminary and descriptive analyses performed on the variables gave a general
impression of the distribution of data and assisted in identifying statistically significant
variables for determining house prices. These analyses included measures of central tendency
(mean, median and mode); measures of dispersion (minimum and maximum values, range,
standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis); the compilation of histograms for each variable;
analysis of variance (ANOVA) on nominal data variables; and the creation of 2D scatterplots
for ordinal data variables. Spearman rank order correlation was performed on the nominal and
ordinal data variables. Statistically weak variables and those exhibiting signs of
multicollinearity were eliminated. A best-subsets regression analysis was executed on the
remaining variables.
The regression model performed adequately, explaining close to 54% of the variation in house
prices in Hout Bay. Among the individual factors, the size of the erf was the strongest
predictor of the house price dependent variable, house size was the second most important
factor, while distance to busy roads and quality of the house shared similar importance.
Regression residuals were also mapped to expose spatial patterns. It is recommended that
comparable research be conducted on a citywide scale, that variables be quantified differently
and that new GIS techniques be incorporated in future studies. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die navorsingsprobleem wat hierdie studie aanspreek, is hoe om vas te stel wat die primêre
faktore is wat huispryse in Houtbaai bepaal. Hierdie oorkoepelende doelwit vervat drie
onderling verwante aspekte. Eerstens, poog die navorsing om te bepaal watter faktore in die
algemeen huispryse in Houtbaai beïnvloed; tweedens, om te assesseer tot watter mate
individuele faktore huispryse affekteer; en derdens, om te ontdek watter kollektiewe rol
veranderlikes in die bepaling van huispryse in Houtbaai speel. Vanuit hierdie onderverdeling
van die navorsingsdoelwit het vier doelstellings ontstaan, naamlik identifiseer die potensiële
faktore wat huispryse in Houtbaai beïnvloed; kwantifiseer die geselekteerde
liggingsveranderlikes; voer verskeie analises uit op die veranderlikes om die beduidende en
onbeduidende veranderlikes te identifiseer; en benut regressie-analise om die kollektiewe en
individuele invloed van beduidende faktore op huispryse in die studiegebied vas te stel.
Gestruktureerde onderhoude is met verkoopslui van 12 eiendomsagentskappe in Houtbaai
gevoer om die faktore te bepaal wat die plaaslike eiendomsmark beïnvloed. Deur middel van
insigte verkry uit die akademiese literatuur, manipulasie van munisipale waardasie- en
kadastrale data en die gestruktureerde onderhoude is 39 strukturele en liggingsverwante
veranderlikes, 18 afstandsveranderlikes en 11 sosio-ekonomiese veranderlikes geskep.
Verskeie analises wat op die veranderlikes uitgevoer is, het ‘n algemene indruk van die
verspreiding van die data verskaf en het die identifisering van statistiesbeduidende
veranderlikes bevorder. Hierdie analises het maatstawwe vir sentrale neiging (rekenkundige
gemiddelde, mediaan en modus); maatstawwe vir dispersie (minimum en maksimum,
variasiewydte, standaardafwyking, skeefheid en kurtose); die samestelling van histogramme
vir elke veranderlike; die analise van variansie (ANOVA) op veranderlikes met nominale
data; en die skep van 2D-spreidingstippe vir veranderlikes met ordinale data behels. Spearman
se rangorde korrelasie is op beide die nominale en ordinale data uitgevoer.
Statistiesonbeduidende veranderlikes, of dié wat tekens van multikollineariteit met ander
veranderlikes getoon het, is geëlimineer. ‘n Beste deelversameling regressie-analise is
uitgevoer op die oorblywende veranderlikes.
Die regressiemodel het gepaste resultate behaal deurdat dit byna 54% van die variasie in
Houtbaai se huispryse verklaar het. Van die individuele veranderlikes was die grootte van die erf die sterkste voorspeller van die huisprys afhanklike veranderlike, huisgrootte was die
tweede belangrikste faktor, terwyl afstand van besige paaie en die kwaliteit van die huis
soortgelyke invloed gedeel het. Die regressiemodel se residu’s is gekarteer om ruimtelike
patrone vas te stel. Dit word aanbeveel dat soortgelyke navorsing op ‘n stadswye skaal
uitgevoer word, dat die veranderlikes op ander wyses gekwantifiseer word en dat nuwe GIStegnieke
in toekomstige studies aangewend word.
193 |
Multi-criteria decision making and geographical information systems : an extension for ArcViewBester, Frederick Johannes 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) is a set of techniques designed specifically for the analysis
of complex problems. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) focus on spatial problem-solving
and spatial analysis. The integration of these methodologies offers a powerful approach to decision
making. Despite the fact that most spatial decision problems are multi-criteria problems by nature,
the process of MCDM is not well established or effectively integrated into the field of spatial
analysis and GIS.
This research focuses on bridging the gap between MCDM and GIS. To this end, a generic MCDM
extension was designed and implemented in ArcView. As a result, a first version MCDM extension
is offered. The extension expands ArcView's functionality with a limited set of MCDM methods.
This functionality is illustrated on two problems involved with developing the tourism potential at
Coutada 16 Wildlife Reserve in Mozambique.
The MCDM extension facilitates procedures that allow the evaluation of spatial problems and
includes the ability to deal with both raster and vector data. This system offers a generic problemsolving
environment, which can be used to evaluate geographical problems of any nature. This
research identifies a number of improvements to the developed functionality and successfully
illustrates the potential problem-solving capabilities associated with MCDM integrated with
ArcView. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Multi Kriteria Besluitneming (MKBN) is n versameling metodes vir die analise van komplekse
probleme. Geografiese Inligtingstelsels (GIS) fokus op geografiese probleemoplossing en analise.
Die integrasie van hierdie twee metodologieë bied 'n kragtige benadering tot besluitneming. Ten
spyte daarvan dat die meeste geografiese probleme in wese meerveranderlik van aard is, is MKBN
nie effektiefbinne die raamwerk van GIS geïntegreer nie.
Hierdie studie fokus op die oorbrugging van die gaping tussen MKBN en GIS. Met hierdie doel
voor oë is 'n generiese MKBN-uitbreiding vir ArcView ontwerp en geïmplementeer. Die resultaat
is 'n eerste- weergawe MKBN-uitbreiding. Die uitbreiding brei ArcView se funksionaliteit uit om
'n beperkte versameling MKBN-metodes in te sluit. Die nuut ontwikkelde funksies word
geïllustreer aan die hand van twee probleme wat die ontwikkeling van die toerismepotensiaal vir die
Coutada 16 Wildreservaat in Mosambiek aanspreek.
Die uitbreiding maak voorsiening vir 'n MKBN-evaluasie van geografiese probleme en besit die
vermoë om beide vektor- en roosterdata te analiseer. Hierdie stelsel verskaf 'n generiese omgewing
vir probleemoplossing wat gebruik kan word om byna enige geografiese probleem te analiseer. Die
studie identifiseer verbeteringe op en uitbreidings van die ontwikkelde funksies en slaag daarin om
die potensiaal van probleemoplossing wat deur die integrasie van MKBN-tegnieke met ArcView
moontlik gemaak word, te illustreer.
194 |
Weidingsbestuur in 'n semi-ariede omgewing met GIS : Paulshoek gevallestudieCombrink, A. P. (Adrian Peter) January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Grazing management in the semi-arid communal areas of Namaqualand is investigated in this study.
Paulshoek, situated in the Leliefontein Communal Reserve area, is delineated as the study area and
consists of 20 OOOha.Cattle farming is practised by most households primarily on a subsistence
basis. It is also used as a source of income when financial problems arise. The management of
grazing-land in terms of formal rules and regulations is non-existent with only mutual relationships
between farmers.
The aim of this study is to develop a spatial framework for the management of a sustainable grazing
regime with the aid of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology. This aim is reached
through three overlapping goals which are researched individually. The goals are to create a spatial
image of the physical resource base as well as resource usage and from this the development of a
computerised (Excel spreadsheet) spatial management framework for sustainable grazing
management. Through the use of existing data available from the National Botanical Institute (NB!)
as well as other sources and with the aid of GIS technology, coupled with Indigenous Knowledge,
these goals were reached. The stockpost as individual entity is studied to give a broader
understanding of how the herdsmen see their immediate environment. The grazing management
system, as presented in this thesis, consists of a simple Excel Spreadsheet, with inputs from GIS
technology and Indigenous Knowledge. The area is overgrazed, as is seen in the widespread
occurrence of kraalbos cross the Paulshoek landscape.
The recommendations are that this management system should be implemented, which could
minimize the futher overgrazing of the area. The management system relies heavily on the
cooperation of the community and the integration of existing management systems and policies. It
will give a more detailed account of who may own how many stock and where they may graze in
the communal rangelands which will also help in the establishment of new permanent waterpoints
in the area. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Weidingsbestuur in die semi-ariede gemeenskaplike gebiede van Namakwaland is in hierdie studie
ondersoek. Paulshoek, geleë in die Leliefontein Gemeenskapsreservaat gebied, word as
studiegebied afgebaken en beslaan ongeveer 20 OOOha.Veeboerdery word deur meeste van die
huishoudings primêr as bestaansboerdery beoefen. Dit word ook gebruik as 'n bron van inkomste
wanneer finansiële probleme ondervind word. Die bestuur van weivelde in terme van formele reëls
en regulasies is glad nie ter sprake nie, slegs onderlinge verhoudinge tussen veeboere bestaan.
Die doel van hierdie studie is om 'n ruimtelike raamwerk te ontwikkel vir die bestuur van 'n
volhoubare weidingsregime deur die aanwending van Geografiese Inligting Stelsels (GIS). Hierdie
doel word behaal deur drie oorkoepelende doelwitte wat elk afsondelik behandel word. Die
doelwitte is om 'n ruimtelike beeld van die fisiese hulpbronbasis asook die benuttingsregime van
die hulpbron te skep, en hieruit 'n rekenaar-gesteunde (Excel sigblad) ruimtelike bestuursraamwerk
vir volhoubare weidingsbestuur te ontwerp. Deur gebruik te maak van bestaande inligting afkomstig
vanaf Nasional Botaniese Instituut (NBI) asook ander bronne en met die koppeling van GIStegnologie
en Inheemse Kennis (IK) is die doelwitte bereik. Die veepos word as entiteit behandel
om 'n beter verstandhouding op te bou van hoe die veewagter sy onmiddelike omgewing bestuur.
Die weidingsbestuurstelsel, soos voorgestel in hierdie tesis, bestaan uit 'n eenvoudige Excel
sigblad, gekoppel aan GIS-tegnologie en Inheemse Kennis. Die gebied is oorbeweid, soos gesien
kan word aan die verspreiding van kraalbos regoor die landskap van Paulshoek.
Die aanbevelings is dat die bestuurstelsel geïmplementeer moet word om te verhoed dat die gebied
verder onderhewig sal wees aan intensiewe beweiding. Die bestuurstelsel berus op die samewerking
van die gemeenskap en die integrasie van bestaande bestuurstelsels. Dit sal tot gevolg hê 'n meer
volledige opname van wie hoeveel vee mag besit en wie waar mag vestig in die weiveld gebied, wat
gevolglik ook die skepping van nuwe permanente waterbronne sal vergemaklik.
195 |
Ruimtelike verwantskappe tussen kultuurtoerisme en kleinhandel in Leuven, België : 'n GIS-toepassingDe Witt, Emile Emile Adriaan) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: European cities offer a variety of attractions, activities and facilities to tourists.
One component of tourism in this urban context is cultural tourism which is a high
potential growth sector within the tourism industry. Cultural tourists travel to cities
mainly to see the most important and well known cultural attractions, to take part
in cultural festivities, to view the cultural treasures of the cities and to attend
performances and exhibitions. Other functions and activities such as retail
functions and types also occur in the vicinity of the important cultural attractions
of a city. Amongst these activities and functions are shops, cafés and
restaurants. In an area of a city where cultural attractions and retail types coexist,
the possibility exits that a spatial relationship between cultural tourism and
retailing may occur in the sense that the tourists who visit these attractions may
support the retail establishments in the vicinity of cultural attractions.
The city of Leuven in Belgium is a typical West European city with a variety of
cultural tourist attractions as well as functions which can be supportive of cultural
tourism. These functions include shops, cafés and restaurants. An investigation
was conducted to establish whether a spatial relationship exists between cultural
tourism and retail activities in the part of Leuven known as the Ring. The
geographical information systems TransCad, Arc/Info en ArcView were used for
the processing and analysis of retail and cultural tourism data gathered in the
Ring of Leuven. Three analytical procedures were performed separately for
shops, cafés and restaurants. These procedures comprised (a) the
determination of the numbers and types of supportive functions around the most
important cultural-historical tourist attractions, (b) the determination of the
numbers and types of supportive functions along the routes to cultural-historical
sites from tourist points of origin, and (c) the determination of the numbers and
types of supportive functions along guided-walk routes in the city. The analysis
results show that a (spatial) relationship does exist between retail and cultural tourism in the Ring of Leuven. On average 44% of the retail functions (shops,
cafés and restaurants) are located within a distance of up to saam from the six
most important cultural building attractions in Leuven (procedure 1). Retail
functions on guided-walk routes totalled 48% with cafés and restaurants being
the most abundant (procedure 3). Only 19% of retail functions are located
between points of origin and cultural building attractions (procedure 2). A more
detailed study should be conducted to establish the exact nature of the spatial
relationship which exists between retail and cultural tourism in the Ring of
Leuven. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Europese stede bied 'n reeks attraksies, aktiwiteite en fasiliteite vir toeriste. Een
komponent van die breër term toerisme in hierdie stedelike konteks is kulturele
toerisme wat 'n baie sterk groeisektor binne die toerismemark is. Kulturele
toeriste besoek stede hoofsaaklik met die doelom die belangrikste en bekendste
kulturele attraksies te besigtig, om aan kulturele feeste deel te neem, die
kunsskatte van stede te betrag en om teateropvoerings en tentoonstellings by te
woon. In die nabyheid van die belangrikste kulturele attraksies van 'n stad kom
ook ander funksies en aktiwiteite soos kleinhandelsfunksies en -tipes voor.
Hieronder ressorteer onder andere winkels, cafés en restaurante. In die
gedeelte van 'n stad waar kulturele attraksies en kleinhandelstipes naby mekaar
voorkom, kan die moontlikheid bestaan van 'n ruimtelike verwantskap tussen
kulturele toerisme en kleinhandel, in dié sin dat toeriste wat die attraksies
besoek, moontlik ook die kleinhandelstipes wat in die nabyheid van die kulturele
attraksies voorkom, salondersteun.
Die stad Leuven in België is 'n tipiese voorbeeld van 'n Wes-Europese stad met
'n verskeidenheid kulturele toeriste-attraksies asook funksies wat kulturele
toerisme ondersteun. Hierdie ondersteunende funksies sluit winkels, cafés en
restaurante in. In die deel van Leuven wat as die Ring bekend staan, is
ondersoek ingestel na die voorkoms, al dan nie, van 'n ruimtelike verwantskap
tussen kulturele toerisme en kleinhandel. Die geografiese inligtingstelsels
TransCad, Arc/Info en ArcView is ingespan vir die verwerking en analise van
data oor kleinhandel en kulturele toerisme in die Ring van Leuven. Drie
ontledingsprosedures is afsonderlk uitgevoer vir winkels, cafés en restaurante.
Hierdie prosedures behels (a) die bepaling van die aantal en tipes
ondersteunende funksies rondom die belangrikste kultuurhistoriese toeristeattraksies;
(b) die bepaling van die aantal en tipe ondersteunende funksies langs
die roetes tussen die toeriste-oorsprongpunte en die belangrikste kultuurhistoriese toeriste-attraksies; en (c) die bepaling van die aantal en tipe
ondersteunende funksies langs begeleide stadswandelroetes. Die
analiseresultate wys dat 'n verwantskap tussen kleinhandel en kulturele
toerisme, ruimtelik-gesproke, wel in die Ring van Leuven bestaan. Só is
gemiddeld 44% van die kleinhandelsfunksies (winkels, cafés en restaurante) tot
op In afstand van SOOmvanaf die ses belangrikste kulturele gebou-attraksies in
Leuven geleë (prosedure 1). Ook kom 48% van die kleinhandelsfunksies langs
die roetes van begeleide stadswandelinge voor. Hier is dit egter die cafés en
restaurante wat die grootste proporsies uitmaak (prosedure 3). 'n Gemiddelde
proporsie van slegs 19% van die kleinhandelsfunksies kom tussen
oorsprongpunte en die belangrikste kulturele gebou-attraksies voor. 'n Meer
omvattende studie moet onderneem word om vas te stel watter tipe ruimtelike
verwantskap tussen kleinhandel en kulturele toerisme binne Leuven se Ring
196 |
A comparison of selected satellite remote sensing techniques for mapping fire scars in limestone fynbosSmit, Walter J. (Walter Johan) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA.)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: There are many reasons to conserve fynbos. Not only does fynbos form part of the
Cape floral kingdom, one of the richest floral kingdoms in the world, but the
contribution that it makes to the regional economy through utilisation, education,
recreation and tourist opportunities is immeasurable.
Fire plays an integral role in fynbos ecosystems. According to Van Wilgen,
Richardson & Seydack (1994: 322) " ... managing fynbos equates to managing fire".
Therefore managers need accurate fire information about a fynbos area to manage it
properly. This is where satellite remote sensing can provide the manager with useful
information about the fire regime. In other words, satellite remote sensing can help a
manager establish where and when an area has burnt.
Using readily available satellite data, this study attempts to establish (through
comparison) what techniques would be most suitable and affordable to compile a fire
information database. Landsat Thematic Mapper data from 1990 - 1996 of the southwestern
Cape was used and compared with existing fire records of the area.
The results show that techniques such as supervised and unsupervised classification
are reliable in identifying burnt areas, but a major drawback of these techniques is that
they require a large amount of user input and knowledge. They are thus not regarded
as simple or easily repeatable. -
The' more simple techniques like image differencing and image ratioing were also
found to be reliable in identifying burnt areas. These techniques require less user input
and in some instances less data (image bands) to produce similar (or better) results
than supervised and unsupervised classification techniques.
The results show that differencing temporally different Images, obtained from
applying principle components analysis, produces reliable results with very little
confusion and little user input. Using such a technique could enable users to procure
only two bands of Landsat data and still produce reliable fire information for
managing a fynbos ecosystem. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar is verskeie redes waarom fynbos bewaar moet word. Nie net vorm dit deel van
een van die rykste blommeryke in die wereld nie, maar die bydrae wat dit tot die
streeksekonomie maak, deur die benutting van veldblomme en die geleenthede wat dit
bied vir toerisme en ontspanning, is enorm.
Vuur speel 'n belangrike rol in die bestuur van fynbos ekosisteme. Soos beklemtoon
deur Van Wilgen, Richardson & Seydack (1994: 322) se stelling: " ... managing
fynbos equates to managing fire". Om hierdie rede is dit belangrik dat 'n bestuurder
akkurate inligting oor die verspreiding van veldbrande moet he. Satellietafstandwaarneming
kan hier 'n belangrike rol speel deur sulke inligting te verskaf
Deur gebruik te maak van maklik bekombare satellietdata, poog hierdie studie om te
bepaal (d.m.v. vergelyking) watter tegnieke die mees geskikte is in terme van
bekostigbaarheid en gebruikersvriendelikheid. Landsat Thematic Mapper data van
1990 tot 1996 van die suidwes-Kaap is gebruik en vergelyk met bestaande branddata
van die studiegebied.
Daar is gevind dat tegnieke soos gerigte en nie-gerigte klassifikasie in staat is om
gebrande dele betroubaar uit te ken. Hierdie tegnieke verg egter baie insette en kennis
van die gebruiker en is ook nie maklik om jaar na jaar te herhaal nie. Daarom word
hierdie tegnieke nie aanbeveel nie.
Daar is gevind dat die eenvoudiger tegnieke soos veranderingsanalise ook gebrande
dele betroubaar kon uitken. Hierdie tegnieke het die voordeel dat die gebruiker nie
baie' kennis van die gebied hoef te he nie en ook nie so baie insette hoef te lewer nie.
Hierdie tegnieke word bo gerigte en nie-gerigte klassifikasie aanbeveel. -
Die resultate dui daarop dat betroubare resultate verkry kan word deur tempo reel
verskillende beeIde, verkry deur hoofkomponentanalise, van mekaar af te trek.
Hierdie tegniek vereis relatief min gebruikersinsette en daar kan selfs met slegs twee
Landsat bande gewerk word. So 'n tegniek kan beslis 'n bekostigbare en effektiewe
manier wees om nodige inligting vir die bestuur van 'n fynbos ekosisteem te bekom.
197 |
Optimising the renewal of natural gas reticulation pipes using GISHobson, Alan George Cawood 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A major concern for Energex, Australia's largest energy utility in South East Queensland, is the
escape of natural gas out of their reticulation systems. Within many of the older areas in Brisbane,
these networks operate primarily at low and medium pressure with a significant percentage of mains
being cast iron or steel. Over many years pipes in these networks have been replaced, yet reports
show that unaccounted for gas from the same networks remain high. Furthermore, operation and
maintenance budgets for these networks are high with many of these pipes close to the end of their
economic life.
When operation and maintenance costs exceed the costs of replacement, the Energex gas utility
initiates projects to renew reticulation networks with polyethylene pipes. Making decisions about
pipe renewal requires an evaluation of historical records from a number of sources, namely:
• gas consumption figures,
• history of leaks,
• maintenance and other related cost, and
• the loss of revenue contributed by unaccounted for gas.
Financial justification of capital expenditure has always been a requirement for renewal projects at
the Energex gas utility, however the impact of a deregulation in the energy utility market has
necessitated a review of their financial assessment for capital projects. The Energex gas utility has
developed an application that evaluates the financial viability of renewal projects. This research
will demonstrate the role of GIS integration with the Energex financial application.
The results of this study showed that a GIS integrated renewal planning approach incorporates
significant benefits including:
• Efficient selection of a sub-network based on pipe connectivity,
• Discovery of hidden relationships between spatially enabled alphanumeric data and
environmental information that improves decision making, and
• Enhanced testing of proposed renewal design options by scrutinizing the attributes of spatial
data. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Groot bron van kommer vir Energex, Australië se grootste energieverskaffer in Suidoos-
Queensland, is die verlies van natuurlike gas uit hul gasdistribusie netwerke. In 'n groot deel van
ouer Brisbane opereer hierdie netwerke hoofsaaklik teen lae en medium druk, met 'n aansienlike
persentasie van hoofpyplyne wat uit gietyster of staal bestaan. Al is sommige pyplyne in hierdie
netwerke met verloop van tyd vervang, maak verslae dit duidelik dat 'n groot deel van die gas in
hierdie netwerke steeds langs die pad verlore gaan. Die operasionele - en onderhoudsbegrotings vir
hierdie netwerke is boonop hoog, met 'n groot persentasie van die pyplyne wat binnekort aan die
einde van hulle ekonomiese leeftyd kom.
Wanneer operasionele- en onderhoudsonkostes die koste van vervanging oorskry, beplan Energex se
gasvoorsienings-afdeling projekte om verspreidingsnetwerke te hernu met poli-etileen pype. Om
sinvolle besluite te neem tydens pyplynhernuwings, word verskeie historiese verslae geraadpleeg,
insluitend: gasverbruikvlakke, lekplek geskiedenis rekords, onderhoud- en ander verwante onkostes,
asook die verlies van inkomste weens verlore gas.
Alhoewel finansiële stawing van kapitale uitgawes nog altyd 'n voorvereiste was tydens
hernuwingsprojekte by Energex, het die impak van privatisering op die energieverskaffingsmark dit
noodsaaklik gemaak om hulle finansiële goedkeuringsproses vir kapitaalprojekte te hersien.
Energex het dus 'n sagteware toepassing ontwikkel wat die finansiële gangbaarheid van
hernuwingsprojekte evalueer. Hierdie navorsing sal die moontlike integrasie van geografiese
inligtingstelsels (GIS) met dié van Energex se finansiële evalueringspakket demonstreer.
Die resultate van hierdie studie toon dat die integrasie van GIS in die hernuwingsproses aansienlike
voordele inhou, insluitende:
• die effektiewe seleksie van sub-netwerke, gebaseer op pyp konnektiwiteit,
• die ontdekking van verskuilde verwantskappe tussen geografies-ruimtelike alfanumeriese data
en omgewingsinligting, wat besluitneming vergemaklik, en
• verbeterde toetsing van voorgestelde hernuwingsopsies deur die indiepte-nagaan van geografiesruimtelike
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Agritourism : market segmentation profile of potential and practising agritouristsSpeirs, Lindsay Justine 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Rural tourism and agritourism are in their infant stages in South Africa. It benefits the farmer,
the local community, the rural area, the tourist and the country. It is therefore a viable option
but requires more research, management, planning and control for it to be successful.
Many agritourism ventures are not as successful as they should be. The problem is that
farmers/landowners do not research the demand for tourist products before they deliver them
and do not know whom they are catering for. To stay competitive, the tourists' characteristics
ought to be understood. This would provide insight into what facilities and services to supply,
what resources to utilise and how to promote the agritourism destination.
The aim of this study was to segment the potential and practising agritourists into different
clusters, according to their preferences, and to investigate the clusters' characteristics and
The objectives were to:
1. Investigate the potential and practising agritourists' socio-economic, demographic and
travel characteristics.
2. Rate all the attractions, activities and services according to their popularity.
3. Clarify the preferences of these tourists, concerning attractions and activities, by
combining similar ones.
4. Divide the tourists into clusters of similar preferences.
5. Compare the socio-economic, demographic and travel characteristics of the different
clusters of tourists.
6. Produce a set of guidelines for entrepreneurs/farmers/landowners, as to what tourist
products they should supply or develop, and for whom, and how they should market
This study entailed distributing questionnaires to potential and practising agritourists at
shopping centres and farms involved in agritouri'swimming', 'picnicking', 'scenic drives', 'dams/lakes/pans' and 'small game' were the most
popular agritourism attractions and activities. Factor analysis was used to reduce the number of
variables by combining like variables (attractions) and cluster analysis was utilised to segment
the respondents into five clusters of tourists with similar preferences for agritourism attractions
and activities. Cross tabulation, frequencies and descriptive statistics were used to describe
these different clusters. These groups of tourists were described according to their
demographic, socio-economic and travel characteristics.
Segmenting tourism markets and compiling profiles of the tourists within each sub-market has
proved to be advantageous. Once the demands of the tourists are known, the appropriate
facilities and number of facilities can be developed. Knowing who the tourists are and where to
target them, will lead to better marketing, planning and promotion of the destination. Customer
satisfaction will be increased, as it is known exactly who must be catered for, thereby resulting
in repeat visits.
The five clusters of tourists were: 'general nature tourists'; 'urban tourists'; 'hard outdoor
adventure tourists'; 'visual or soft outdoor adventure tourists'; and 'agritourists'. All these
tourists, except 'urban tourists', are excellent potential agritourists. The results of this study
were used to compile guidelines for entrepreneurs. These guidelines could help them in
deciding who to target (which clusters), what agritourism products to develop (attractions,
activities and services) and how to market them (means of advertising). Appropriate
accommodation types and the availability of equipment and facilities for activities also act as
This study demonstrates an inexpensive method of gathering information about tourists, thereby
improving marketing and planning approaches. It illustrates how the potential and practising
agritourists can be divided into sub-markets. The agritourism market is a heterogeneous market
and must therefore be segmented. Any entrepreneur can use the results of this market
segmentation. Any future studies, similar to this one, could consist of a sample much larger.
As this study was primarily based in the Western Cape, similar research should be executed in
other distinct regions. It would be illuminating to see how the groups of agritourists vary
according to geographical areas. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Landelike en agritoerisme is in hulontluikende fase in Suid-Afrika. Dit bevoordeel die boer,
die plaaslike gemeenskap, die landelike streek, die toeris en die land. Dit is 'n lewensvatbare
opsie maar benodig meer navorsing, bestuur, beplanning en beheer om suksesvol te wees.
Baie agritoerisme ondernemings is nie so geslaagd as wat dit kan wees nie. Die probleem is dat
die boere/grondeienaars nie die nodige navorsing doen omtrent die aanvraag na 'n produk
voordat hul dit aanbied nie, en weet ook nie watter toerismesegment hul wil bevredig nie. Om
mededingend te bly moet die toeris se eienskappe verstaan word. Dit sal insae gee in watter
fasiliteite en dienste om te voorsien, asook watter bronne om te benut om die agritoerismedestinasie
te promoveer.
Die doel van hierdie studie was om potensiële en praktiserende agritoeriste te groepeer in
verskillende segmente volgens hulle voorkeure en groeps gedrag.
Die doelwitte was om:
1. Potensiële en praktiserende agritoeriste se sosio-ekonomiese, demografiese en
reiseienskappe te ondersoek.
2. Die rangorde van attraksies, aktiwiteite en dienste volgens gewildheid te bepaal.
3. Voorkeure van toeriste aangaande attraksies en aktiwiteite te bepaal deur gelyksoortige
groeperings te kombineer.
4. Toeriste in trosgroepe met gelyksoortige voorkeure te verdeel.
5. Die sosio-ekonomiese, demografiese en reiseienskappe van verskillende
toeristetrosgroepe te vergelyk.
6. Riglyne vir ondernemers/boere/grondeienaars te formuleer vir watter toeristeprodukte
hul behoort te verskaf of ontwikkel en aan wie en hoe hul dit behoort te bemark.
Hierdie studie het die verspreiding van vraelyste aan potensiële en praktiserende agritoeriste in
winkelsentrums en plase, betrokke by agritoerisme, behels. Die vraelyste het informasie oor
potensiële en praktiserende agritoeriste verskaf Een-honderd en agt vraelyste was voltooi. Die
respondente het aangedui dat 'berge', 'watervalle', 'riviere', 'grootwild', 'swem', 'pieknieks',
'natuurskoonplesierritte' , 'damme/mere/panne' en 'kleinwild' die gewildste agritoerisme attraksies en aktiwiteite is. Faktoranalise is gebruik om die getal verandelikes te verminder deur
soortgelyke verandelikes (attraksies) te kombineer en trosanalise te gebruik om die respondente
te segmenteer in vyf trosgroepe toeriste met gelyksoortige voorkeure vir agritoerisme attraksies
en aktiwiteite. Kruistabulering, frekwensies en beskrywende statistiek was gebruik om hierdie
verskillende trosse te beskryf volgens hul demografiese, sosio-ekonomiese en reiseienskappe.
Segmentering van die toerismemark en die saamstel van profiele van die toeriste binne elke
sub-mark is voordelig bevind. As die vereistes van die toeriste bekend is, kan die gepaste
fasiliteite en aantal fasiliteite ontwikkel word. Om te weet wie die toeriste is en waar om hulle
te teiken sal tot beter bemarking, beplanning en promosie van die destinasie lei.
Kliëntbevrediging sal toeneem, omdat ondernemers presies weet wie om te bevredig en dit sal
herhaalde besoeke tot gevolg hê.
Die vyf trosgroepe toeriste was: 'algemene natuurtoeriste'; 'stedelike toeriste'; 'ekstreme
buitelug avontuurtoeriste' ; 'visuele of nie-ekstreme buitelug avontuurtoeriste' ; en 'agritoeriste'.
Al die toeriste behalwe stedelike toeriste is uitstekende potensiële agritoeriste. Die resultate van
hierdie studie is gebruik om riglyne vir ondernemers te kompileer. Hierdie riglyne kan hul help
om te besluit wie om te teiken (watter trosse), watter agritoerisme produkte om te ontwikkel
(attraksies, aktiwiteite en dienste) en hoe om dit te bemark (wyse van advertensie). Toepaslike
akkommodasie en die beskikbaarheid van toerusting en fasiliteite vir aktiwiteite dien ook as
Hierdie studie demonstreer 'n ekonomiese manier om informasie omtrent toeriste in te win, om
bemarking en beplanning te verbeter. Dit illustreer hoe die potensiële en praktiserende
agritoeris ook in sub-markte ingedeel kan word. Die agritoerisme mark is 'n heterogenemark en
moet dus gesegmenteer word. Enige ontwikkelaar kan die resultate van hierdie
marksegmentasie gebruik. Soortgelyke navorsing behoort in die toekoms op 'n groter
steekproef gedoen word. Omdat hierdie studie hoofsaaklik in die Wes-Kaap gebaseer was,
behoort soortgelyke navorsing in ander bepaalde streke uitgevoer te word. Dit sal insiggewend
wees om te sien hoe die groepe agritoeriste volgens geografiese streke varieer.
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Sea surface temperatures around the souhtern [i.e. southern] African coast : climatological aspects and applicationsGreenwood, Karin C. 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The oceanic and meteorological systems that characterize the southern African coastline are
well-documented. In this thesis, these characteristics have been considered in conjunction with
the analysis of a unique set of sea surface temperature (SST) data, obtained from measuring
sites around the southern African coast, to determine the variability of SSTs in the immediate
coastal region of southern Africa, and to demonstrate how this variability impacts on marinerelated
economic activities. As part of the analysis process, various statistical techniques have
been applied to the data over different time periods to establish the extent of the spatial
variability of SSTs along the southern African coastline.
From the results it has been possible to identify three distinctly different 'climatological' regions
around the southern African coast; viz a cooler west coast region with a low annual and
seasonal SST variability and a higher variability from day-ta-day, a warmer east coast region
with a higher annual and seasonal SST variability and a lower variability from day-ta-day; and a
temperate south coast region with a highly erratic annual, seasonal and day-ta-day SST
variability. Furthermore, it has been possible to identify, albeit small, the existence of a high and
a low frequency signal of 12-15 days and 40-60 days, respectively, in the three different regions.
There is also evidence of the periodic occurrence of anomalously warm and cold SST events in
all three regions, and a probability of <1.1% of a day-ta-day SST anomaly of >3°C (+3°C or-
3°C) occurring anywhere along the southern African coastline.
The general causes of SST change have been discussed within the context of the heat budget
equation. Furthermore, the effects of the variability of SST on the climate and marine life around
southern Africa and the resulting impact on the various marine-related economic activities (such
as aquaculture, air-sea rescue and power stations) have been identified, and shown to be both
positive and negative.Finally, it should be noted, that economic infonnation relating to marine activities is closely
guarded due to inter-industry competition. It has therefore been difficult to quantify the exact
impact of the effects of SST variability on these activities. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die oseaniese en weerkundige stelsels wat die kuslyn van suidelike Afrika kenmerk is goed
gedokumenteer. Die stelselkenmerke is in hierdie verhandeling ondersoek aan die hand van 'n
unieke datastel van seeoppervlaktemperature (SST) afkomstig van meetplekke aan die kus van
suidelike Afrika, ten einde die veranderlikheid van SST in die onmiddelike kusomgewing van
suidelike Afrika vas te stel, asook om te demonstreer hoe hierdie veranderlikheid inwerk op seeverwante
ekonomiese aktiwiteite. As deel van die proses van analise is verskeie statistiese
metodes gebruik om die data oor verskeie tydperke te ontleed ten einde die omvang van
ruimtelike veranderlikheid van SSTs langs die kus van suidelike Afrika te bepaal.
Uit die resultate was dit moontlik om drie duidelike onderskeibare 'klimatologiese' streke aan die
kus van suidelike Afrika te identifiseer; te wete 'n koeler weskusstreek met 'n lae jaarlikse en
seisoenale SST-veranderlikheid en hoër dag-tot-dag veranderlikheid, 'n warmer ooskusstreek
met 'n hoër jaarlikse en seisoenale SST-veranderlikheid en laer dag-tot-dag verandelikheid;
asook 'n gematigde suidkusstreek met 'n hoogs wisselvallige jaarlikse, seisoenale en dag-totdag
SST-veranderlikheid. Dit was verder moontlik om, alhoewel klein, die bestaan van lae en
hoë frekwensie seine van 12-15 dae en 40-60 dae onderskeidelik in die drie streke te
identifiseer. Daar is ook tekens van die periodieke voorkoms van anomale warm en koue SSTgebeurtenisse
in al drie streke en 'n waarskynlikheid van <1.1% van die voorkoms van 'n dagtot-
dag SST-anomaliteit van >3°C (+3°C of -3°G) op enige plek langs die suider Afrikaanse
Die algemene oorsake van veranderings in SST is bespreek binne die konteks van die formule
vir die behoud van hitte-energie. Die invloed van SST-veranderlikheid op die klimaat en die
seelewe om suidelike Afrika en die gevolglike effek op mariene-verwante ekonomiese aktiwiteite (soos akwakultuur, lug-see-redding en kragstasies) is ook geïdentifiseer en is aangetoon om
beide positief en negatief te wees
Ten laaste dien dit gemeld te word dat ekonomiese inligting met betrekking tot mariene
aktiwitweite goed bewaar word as gevolg van kompetisie in die bedryf. Dit was derhalwe
moeilik om die presiese impak van die gevolge van SST-veranderlikheid op sodanige aktiwiteite
te kwantifiseer.
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Transformation of agricultural and undeveloped land in the Boland region of the Western CapeNiemand, Bernard (Barend Jakobus Petrus) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Geography and Environmental Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Land for agricultural development gets scarcer as more and more agricultural land is being
transformed by non-agricultural uses. The increased agricultural land use change in the Western
Cape Province results in transformation, fragmentation and loss of productive agricultural land.
With the A2 planning area of the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning
(DEADP), in the Boland region of the Western Cape, as its study area, this study investigates the role
of legislative control measures on changes of land use from agriculture to a different form of
development, by analysing the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) applications for the change
of agricultural land use and agriculture applications for the conversion of undeveloped land for the
period 1 January 1998 to 3 July 2006. The study examines the role that the relevant legislation plays
in agricultural land use control; considers the nature, extent and reasons for agricultural land use
change in the study area (under the Environment Conservation Act (Act 73 of 1989) (ECA));
determines the impacts associated with the transformation of agricultural land use in the study area
by assessing transformation of undeveloped land applications (captured under the Conservation of
Agricultural Resources Act (Act 43 of 1983) (CARA)); and measures the amount of agricultural land
potentially lost to development through EIA change of land use applications (according to the
DEADP database) opposed to the amount of agricultural land potentially gained through conversion
of undeveloped land (according to the DoA database).
Two databases were created, based on variables obtained from EIA change of agricultural land use
applications authorised by DEADP [DEADP’s database] and conversion of undeveloped land for
agricultural use, authorised by the Department of Agriculture (DoA)[DoA’s database]. The variables
used to create DEADP’s database are the applicant, property owner, type of property, development
function, year of authorisation, municipality, town, size of property, permanent and temporary jobs
created, percentage of property developed, footprint of development, existing land use and unique
source. The variables used to create DoA’s database are the year of authorisation, new and existing
land use, year of authorisation, municipal area, property owner, percentage of property converted and
footprint of development. The variables in the two databases are analysed using cross tabulations,
with the variables measured against each other using pivot tables. The final tables are investigated through interpretation of the results and making recommendations for better management and
planning in the future, based on relevant literature.
The main findings are that DEADP gave authorisation for 416 agricultural land use change
developments between 1 January 1998 and 3 July 2006, resulting in 2855 hectares of agricultural
land potentially being developed. It was also found that DoA gave approval for 118 undeveloped
land conversion applications, converting a total of 2589 hectares for agricultural purposes. The
findings also revealed that 1707ha of this undeveloped land were covered with indigenous vegetation,
while only 299ha were covered with alien vegetation.
The challenge is to use valuable agricultural land optimally and sustainably for agricultural purposes.
Non-agricultural developments should be kept within the urban edge and away from valuable
agricultural land. If such development must take place on agricultural land, it must be done on the
poorest soils and should not jeopardise agricultural activities.
Keywords: land use change, undeveloped land, applicant, property owner, type of property,
development function, year of authorisation, municipality, town, size of property, permanent jobs,
temporary jobs, percentage of property developed, footprint of development, existing land use, new
land use and unique source. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Grond vir landbou ontwikkeling word al hoe skaarser namate meer en meer landbougrond omskep
word vir ander grondgebruike. Die gevolg is dat meer landbougrond in die Wes-Kaap omskep word
vir ander ontwikkelingsdoeleindes, wat lei tot transformasie, fragmentering en verlies van
produktiewe landbougrond.
Met die A2 beplanningsgebied van die Departement van Omgewingsake en
Ontwikkelingsbeplanning (DOeOB), wat geleë is in die Boland streek van die Wes-Kaap, as
studiegebied, ondersoek hierdie studie die rol van wetgewende beheermatreëls op
grondgebruiksverandering vir die periode 1 Januarie 1998 tot 3 Julie 2006, deur
Omgewingsimpakbepalings (OIB) aansoeke wat ‘n verandering van landbougrondgebruik insluit,
asook landbou aansoeke wat die omskepping van onontwikkelde grond insluit, te ontleed. Die studie
ondersoek die rol wat relevante wetgewing in landbougrondgebruikskontrole speel; analiseer die
aard, omvang en redes vir landbougrondgebruiksverandering in die studiegebied soos voor aansoek
gedoen in terme van die Wet op Omgewingsbewaring (Wet 73 van 1989); die impakte wat
geassosieer word met transformasie van landbougrond deur verandering van landbougrondgebruik
soos voor aansoek gedoen in terme van die Wet op Bewaring van Landbouhulpbronne (Wet 43 van
1983); en vergelyk die hoeveelheid landbougrond wat potensieel omskep is vir ontwikkeling deur
middel van OIB verandering van grondgebruik aansoeke (volgens DOeOB databasis) teenoor die
hoeveelheid nuwe landbou grond wat potensieel geskep is deur onontwikkelde grond te omskep vir
landbou (volgens DvL databasis).
Twee databasisse is geskep, gebaseer op veranderlikes wat verkry is uit OIB-aansoeke wat ‘n
verandering van landbougrondgebruik ingesluit het en deur DOeOB goedgekeur is [DOeOB
databasis] en aansoeke wat ‘n verandering van onontwikkelde grond vir landboudoeleindes insluit,
goedgekeur deur die Departement van Landbou (DvL) [DvL databasis]. Die veranderlikes in die
DOeOB databasis te skep sluit die volgende in: aansoeker, eienaar, tipe eiendom, tipe ontwikkeling,
jaar van goedkeuring, munisipale area, dorp, groote van eiendom, permanente en tydelike
werksgeleenthede geskep, proporsie van grond ontwikkel, voetspoor van ontwikkeling, bestaande
grondgebruik, nuwe grondgebruik en unieke bron. Die veranderlikes in die DvL databas is: jaar van
goedkeuring, nuwe en bestaande grondgebruik, munisipale area, dorp, grondeienaar, proporsie van grond ontwikkel en voetspoor van ontwikkeling. Die veranderlikes in die twee databasisse is ontleed
deur kruistabelle. Die finale tabelle word geanaliseer deur die resultate te interpreteer en voorstelle te
maak vir beter bestuur en beplanning in die toekoms, gebaseerd op relevante literatuur.
Die hoof resultate van die studie toon dat DOeOB goedkeuring gegee het vir 416
landbougrondgebruiksveranderingontwikkelings tussen 1 Januarie 1998 en 3 Julie 2006, wat
moontlik veroorsaak het dat 2855 hektaar landbougrond ontwikkel is. Die resultate dui ook dat
DvL goedkeuring uitgereik het vir 118 ontwikkeling van onontwikkelde grond aansoeke, wat ’n
totaal van 2589 hektaar grond potensieel omskep het vir landbou doeleindes. Die bevindinge
bevestig ook dat 1707 hektaar van die onontwikkelde grond bedek was met inheemse plantegroei,
terwyl slegs 299 hekaar bedek was met uitheemse plantegroei.
Die uitdaging vir die toekoms is om vrugbare landbougrond optimaal en volhoubaar te gebruik vir
landbou. Nie-landbou ontwikkelings moet binne die stedelike grens geskied, weg van vrugbare
landbougrond. Indien ontwikkeling op landbougrond plaasvind, moet dit op lae-potensiaal landbou
grond geskied en geensins landbou aktiwiteite benadeel nie.
Kernwoorde: grondgebruiksverandering, onontwikkelde grond, aansoeker, eiendoms eienaar, tipe
eiendom, tipe ontwikkeling, jaar van goedkeuring, munisipale area, dorp, groote van eiendom,
permanente werksgeleenthede, tydeike werksgeleenthede geskep, persentasie van grond ontwikkel,
voetspoor van ontwikkeling, bestaande grondgebruik, nuwe grond gebruik en unieke bron.
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