Spelling suggestions: "subject:"physiogeography."" "subject:"choreography.""
201 |
The impact of training set size and feature dimensionality on supervised object-based classification : a comparison of three classifiersMyburgh, Gerhard 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Supervised classifiers are commonly used in remote sensing to extract land cover information.
They are, however, limited in their ability to cost-effectively produce sufficiently accurate
land cover maps. Various factors affect the accuracy of supervised classifiers. Notably, the
number of available training samples is known to significantly influence classifier
performance and to obtain a sufficient number of samples is not always practical. The support
vector machine (SVM) does perform well with a limited number of training samples. But little
research has been done to evaluate SVM’s performance for geographical object-based image
analysis (GEOBIA). GEOBIA also allows the easy integration of additional features into the
classification process, a factor which may significantly influence classification accuracies. As
such, two experiments were developed and implemented in this research. The first compared
the performances of object-based SVM, maximum likelihood (ML) and nearest neighbour
(NN) classifiers using varying training set sizes. The effect of feature dimensionality on
classifier accuracy was investigated in the second experiment.
A SPOT 5 subscene and a four-class classification scheme were used. For the first
experiment, training set sizes ranging from 4-20 per land cover class were tested. The
performance of all the classifiers improved significantly as the training set size was increased.
The ML classifier performed poorly when few (<10 per class) training samples were used and
the NN classifier performed poorly compared to SVM throughout the experiment. SVM was
the superior classifier for all training set sizes although ML achieved competitive results for
sets of 12 or more training samples per class. Training sets were kept constant (20 and 10
samples per class) for the second experiment while an increasing number of features (1 to 22)
were included. SVM consistently produced superior classification results. SVM and NN were
not significantly (negatively) affected by an increase in feature dimensionality, but ML’s
ability to perform under conditions of large feature dimensionalities and few training areas
was limited.
Further investigations using a variety of imagery types, classification schemes and additional
features; finding optimal combinations of training set size and number of features; and
determining the effect of specific features should prove valuable in developing more costeffective
ways to process large volumes of satellite imagery.
Supervised classification, land cover, support vector machine, nearest neighbour classification
maximum likelihood classification, geographic object-based image analysis / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gerigte klassifiseerders word gereeld aangewend in afstandswaarneming om inligting oor
landdekking te onttrek. Sulke klassifiseerders het egter beperkte vermoëns om akkurate
landdekkingskaarte koste-effektief te produseer. Verskeie faktore het ʼn uitwerking op die
akkuraatheid van gerigte klassifiseerders. Dit is veral bekend dat die getal beskikbare
opleidingseenhede ʼn beduidende invloed op klassifiseerderakkuraatheid het en dit is nie altyd
prakties om voldoende getalle te bekom nie. Die steunvektormasjien (SVM) werk goed met
beperkte getalle opleidingseenhede. Min navorsing is egter gedoen om SVM se verrigting vir
geografiese objek-gebaseerde beeldanalise (GEOBIA) te evalueer. GEOBIA vergemaklik die
integrasie van addisionele kenmerke in die klassifikasie proses, ʼn faktor wat klassifikasie
akkuraathede aansienlik kan beïnvloed. Twee eksperimente is gevolglik ontwikkel en
geïmplementeer in hierdie navorsing. Die eerste eksperiment het objekgebaseerde SVM,
maksimum waarskynlikheids- (ML) en naaste naburige (NN) klassifiseerders se verrigtings
met verskillende groottes van opleidingstelle vergelyk. Die effek van
kenmerkdimensionaliteit is in die tweede eksperiment ondersoek.
ʼn SPOT 5 subbeeld en ʼn vier-klas klassifikasieskema is aangewend. Opleidingstelgroottes
van 4-20 per landdekkingsklas is in die eerste eksperiment getoets. Die verrigting van die
klassifiseerders het beduidend met ʼn toename in die grootte van die opleidingstelle verbeter.
ML het swak presteer wanneer min (<10 per klas) opleidingseenhede gebruik is en NN het, in
vergelyking met SVM, deurgaans swak presteer. SVM het die beste presteer vir alle groottes
van opleidingstelle alhoewel ML kompeterend was vir stelle van 12 of meer
opleidingseenhede per klas. Die grootte van die opleidingstelle is konstant gehou (20 en 10
eenhede per klas) in die tweede eksperiment waarin ʼn toenemende getal kenmerke (1 tot 22)
toegevoeg is. SVM het deurgaans beter klassifikasieresultate gelewer. SVM en NN was nie
beduidend (negatief) beïnvloed deur ʼn toename in kenmerkdimensionaliteit nie, maar ML se
vermoë om te presteer onder toestande van groot kenmerkdimensionaliteite en min
opleidingsareas was beperk.
Verdere ondersoeke met ʼn verskeidenheid beelde, klassifikasie skemas en addisionele
kenmerke; die vind van optimale kombinasies van opleidingstelgrootte en getal kenmerke; en
die bepaling van die effek van spesifieke kenmerke sal waardevol wees in die ontwikkelling
van meer koste effektiewe metodes om groot volumes satellietbeelde te prosesseer.
Gerigte klassifikasie, landdekking, steunvektormasjien, naaste naburige klassifikasie,
maksimum waarskynlikheidsklassifikasie, geografiese objekgebaseerde beeldanalise
202 |
Solid waste management in developing urban areas : case study of Lwandle TownshipPuling, Leloko, Van der Merwe, J. H. 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Geography and Environmental Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / 103 Leaves printed on single pages, preliminary pages i- viii and numbered pages 1-94.I ncludes bibliography, ADDENDUM A: Questionnaire document used in the research; list of tables and figures. / Digitized at 330 dpi black and white PDF format (OCR), using KODAK i 1220 PLUS scanner. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The subject of waste management is one that evokes a variety of debates due to the
overwhelming implications on the environment and on health that are associated with the
management of waste. In developing urban areas associated with informal settlements,
environmental problems emanating from household solid waste management predicaments
such as illegal dumping, littering and overfilling of skips have become a permanent feature.
This is also the case in Lwandle a developing township in Helderberg Municipality, Western
This study looks into the waste management system in Lwandle with the aim to investigate
institutional settings, related socio-economic factors and resultant community perceptions,
and avenues for the use of environmental education and community participation. The results
show waste collection to be the responsibility of the Helderberg Municipality, but the
collection operation is undertaken by a private contractor. The nature of waste collection
under these arrangements is mainly determined by the nature of housing and associated
accessibility. Consequently, three main methods of waste collection are used: kerbside
collection; communal collection where there is use of bins and communal collection where
there is use of skips. These have varying efficiency among the nine housing areas.
Socioeconomic conditions, which were marked by a high level of unemployment and low
incomes, determine societal attitudes. These underpin finer variations and detailed conditions
of waste collection. These, in tum, establish the framework for suitable environmental
education and community participation. The latter was found to be minimal.
Thus, a holistic approach to the improvement of waste management that first acknowledges
inherent broader societal problems such as housing and unemployment is proposed as part of
the recommendations. This approach then concentrates on finer aspects such as contracts for
waste collection, aspects of waste collection dependent on waste stream nature of housing
areas, appropriate environmental education and community participation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Afvalbestuur is 'n onderwerp wat 'n verskeidenheid van debatte uitlok vanwee die geweldige
implikasies vir die omgewing en vir gesondheid wat met afvalbestuur geassosieer word. In
ontwikkelende stedelike gebiede wat met informele behuising geassosieer word, het
omgewingsprobleme soos onwettige storting, die strooi van rommel en oorvol stortbakke
wat verband hou met die hantering van vaste afval uit huise 'n permanente kenmerk geword.
Dit is ook die geval by Lwandle, 'n ontwikkelende dorpsgebied te Helderberg, in die Wes-Kaap.
Hierdie studie beskou die afvalbestuursisteem in Lwandle met die doel om institusionele
omgewings, verwante sosio-ekonomiese faktore en die persepsies van die gemeenskap wat
daaruit ontwikkel, asook moontlikhede vir die gebruik van omgewingsopvoeding en
gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid, te ondersoek. Die resultate van die ondersoek toon dat die
Helderberg Munisipaliteit verantwoordelik is vir die insameling van afval, maar dat die
insameling deur 'n private kontrakteur uitgevoer word. Onder sulke omstandighede word die
aard van afvalinsameling hoofsaaklik deur die aard van die behuising en die verwante
toeganklikheid bepaal. Daarvolgens is daar drie hoofmetodes van insameling, wat deur
verskillende grade van effektiwiteit gekenmerk word, vir die nege behuisingsgebiede:
sypaadjie versameling; kommunale versameling in dromme; en kommunale versameling in
Sosio-ekonomiese omstandighede, wat gekenmerk word deur 'n hoe mate van werkloosheid
en lae inkomstes, bepaal gemeenskapshoudings wat deur die verskillende maniere van
afvalverwydering tot stand kom en ondersteun fyner variasies en gedetailleerde
omstandighede van afvalinsameling. Dit bepaal weer die raamwerk vir gepaste
omgewingsopvoeding en die deelname van die gemeenskap. Die studie het getoon dat
laasgenoemde minimaal is.
'n Holistiese benadering tot die verbetering van afvalbestuur, wat eerstens inherente breer
gemeenskapsprobleme soos behuising en werkloosheid erken, word dus as deel van die
aanbevelings voorgestel. Hierdie benadering konsentreer vervolgens op die fynere aspekte,
soos kontrakte vir afvalinsameling, aspekte van afvalinsameling, gepaste
omgewingsopvoeding en gemeenskapsdeelname.
203 |
Reconstruction of a fire regime using MODIS burned area data : Charara Safari Area, ZimbabweMagadzire, Nyasha 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Current efforts to address Zimbabwe‘s decade long veld fire crisis has partly been hindered by a lack of financial resources and fire data. This study illustrates the potential of using the MODIS burned area product as an alternative cost- and time-effective method for reconstructing historical fire records in Zimbabwe. Two MODIS burned area products were evaluated, namely the MCD45A1 and WAMIS (Meraka Institute‘s MODIS burned area product). Both products yielded similar levels of accuracy despite the difference in algorithms. However, it is assumed that at certain thresholds, either in tree cover or fire intensity, WAMIS ceases to map fires as accurately as the MCD45A1. Ten years of fire data for Charara Safari Area (CSA) was extracted from the MCD45A1, and used as a basis to establish six parameters: fire incidence, extent, seasonality, fire size, frequency and fire return interval (FRI). It was observed that approximately 50% of CSA burned annually, with an average of 132 fires occurring every year. Although there was no overall increase or decrease in the extent of area burned over the 10 year study period, an increasing trend in fire incidence was noted. Through an assessment of effective fire size, it was established that more fires in CSA were gradually becoming smaller in size, while the extent of area burned remained fairly constant. Hence, the increase in fire incidences and lack of a corresponding increase in area burned. This study was also used to identify areas in the fire regime that may be a potential ecological risk to the miombo woodland in CSA. Three points of concern were revealed: firstly, a high prevalence of late season fires was observed in the northern bounds of CSA. Secondly, 64.2% of the total area burned in CSA burned between 6 and 10 times over the 10 year period, and lastly, 85% of the total area burned over the period 2001 and 2010 had a FRI of less than 2 years. The combination of late season fires, high fire frequency and short FRI in CSA is indicative of possible alterations in the state of the miombo woodlands, which may have negative socio-economic implications on CSA and its surrounding communities. This study has demonstrated that the MCD45A1 is a useful source of much needed fire information for Zimbabwe. Therefore, the possibility of integrating methods employed in this study into the current collection of fire data should be given due consideration. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Huidige pogings om Zimbabwe se dekade lank veldbrand krisis aan te spreek is gedeeltelik belemmer deur 'n gebrek aan finansiële hulpbronne en vuurdata. Hierdie studie illustreer die potensiaal van die gebruik van die MODIS verbrande area produk as 'n alternatiewe koste-en tyd-effektiewe metode vir die rekonstruksie van historiese vuurrekords in Zimbabwe. Twee MODIS verbrande area produkte is geëvalueer, naamlik die MCD45A1 en WAMIS (Meraka Instituut se MODIS verbrand area produk). Beide produkte het soortgelyke vlakke van akkuraatheid opgelewer ten spyte van die verskil in die algoritmes. Dit word egter aanvaar dat op sekere drempels, óf in die boom bedekking, of brandintensiteit, WAMIS brande minder akkuraat karteer as die MCD45A1 produk. Tien jaar van vuurdata vir Charara Safari Area (CSA) is uit die MCD45A1 data onttrek, en gebruik as 'n basis om ses parameters vas te stel: vuurvoorkoms, omvang, seisoenaliteit, vuurgrootte, frekwensie en tyd tussen die terugkeer van vuur na ‗n spesifieke plek (nl. FRI). Dit is waargeneem dat ongeveer 50% van die CSA jaarliks gebrand word, met 'n gemiddeld van 132 brande wat elke jaar voorkom. Daar was nie 'n algehele toename of afname in die omvang van die totale verbrande area oor die 10 jaar studietydperk nie. Maar 'n toenemende neiging in die vuurvoorkoms was wel opgemerk. Deur middel van 'n assessering van effektiewe vuurgrootte, is daar vasgestel dat meer kleiner brande in CSA voorkom, terwyl die omvang van die verbrand area redelik konstant gebly het. Dus was daar ‗n toename in die aantal vuurvoorvalle al was daar nie 'n ooreenstemmende toename in die totale verbrande oppervlakte was nie. Hierdie studie is ook gebruik om gebiede in die vuurregime te identifiseer wat 'n potensiële ekologiese risiko vir die miombobosveld in CSA inhou. Drie punte van kommer word geopenbaar: eerstens, 'n hoë voorkoms van laatseisoen brande is waargeneem in die noordelike grense van CSA. Tweedens, 64,2% van die totale verbrande oppervlakte in die CSA brand tussen 6 en 10 keer bine die 10-jaar periode. Laastens, 85% van die totale verbrande oppervlakte oor die tydperk 2001 tot 2010 het 'n FRI van minder as twee jaar. Die kombinasie van laatseisoen brande, hoë vuurfrekwensie en kort FRI in CSA is 'n aanduiding van moontlike veranderinge in die toestand van die miomboveld, wat negatiewe sosio-ekonomiese implikasies op die CSA en die omliggende gemeenskappe kan uitoefen. Hierdie studie het getoon dat die MCD45A1 'n nuttige bron van broodnodige vuur inligting vir Zimbabwe is. Daarom, moet die moontlikheid van die integrasie van die metodes wat gebruik word in hierdie studie in die huidige versameling van vuurdata behoorlike oorweging gegee word.
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The emergence of green building practices : case study of StellenboschSlabbert, Gennae 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of the study was to determine the application of green building practices in
Stellenbosch. In order to achieve this aim certain objectives had to be met. The first objective
was to retrieve national and international literature on green building initiatives. Six main
sections were discussed in the literature namely, climate change and the environment, the built
environment, the concept of sustainability in cities and buildings, green building designs and
practices, green buildings, green building councils and the different green rating systems, with a
specific focus on the Green Star SA rating tool. The second objective was to discuss three case
scenarios in Stellenbosch that practice green initiatives. The case scenarios selected are Distell
Group Limited, Spier wine estate and the new Remgro head office Millenia park. Buildings in
Stellenbosch selected by means of probability sampling. A total of 35% of all commercially
zoned buildings in the Stellenbosch core were selected to participate in the sample. The land
zoning maps from the Stellenbosch municipality was obtained and relevant buildings were
sampled. Nine of the sampled buildings were heritage buildings (older than sixty years) and
seventeen were buildings from the modernist era (younger than sixty years). Nine architect
companies in Stellenbosch were also sampled. The respondents were determined by means of
haphazard sampling. The third objective was to design two questionnaires, one for building
owners and another for architects. The first questionnaire developed for building owners was
divided into two sections. The first section determined what green practices owners are
incorporating into their office buildings. These green practices developed in the questionnaire
focused on the use of natural light in the buildings, LED lights, indoor ventilation, recycling
methods, water saving methods, energy saving methods and whether management plans exist to monitor and evaluate the buildings energy usage. The second section focused on the perception
of the building owners. The respondents had to rate the importance of the above mentioned green
initiatives on a scale of one 1 (being not at all) to 5 (being very important). The fourth objective
was to develop a questionnaire for architects. The questionnaire determined whether green
designs are incorporated by architects and if there is a greater demand for green designs by
clients. The findings of the study revealed that respondents find natural light and air quality to be
the most important aspects in an office. Recycling is applied by 93% of respondents. Less than 10% of respondents have installed solar panels, HAVC systems, rain water harvesting or other
water management systems. Architects find that there has been an increase in the demand for
green designs, but that there is a lack of knowledge of green initiatives by building practitioners.
The main recommendations of the study are that the concept of green development be broadened
into other spheres apart from planners. Education and training of green building must be
available to all building owners and practitioners. Sustainable materials should be more
accessible to building practitioners and these materials should be made available locally. Finally
more buildings should be refurbished or renovated rather than be demolished to prevent waste
and secure open spaces. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie was om die toepassing van groen initiatiewe in Stellenbosch te bepaal.
Ten einde hierdie doel te bereik moes daar aan sekere doelwitte voldoen word. Die eerste doelwit
was om nasionale en internasionale literatuur oor groen inisiatiewe te verkry. Ses hoof afdelings
is bespreek in die literatuur, naamlik verandering van die klimaat en die omgewing, die
Beboude-omgewing, die konsep van volhoubaarheid in stede en geboue, groen gebou ontwerp en
praktyke, die rade vir omgewings vriendelike geboue en groen evalueering stelsels. Die tweede
doelwit was om drie gevalle studies is Stellenbosch te bespreek wat groen inisiatiewe beoefen.
Die gevalle studies wat bespreek word is Distell Eiendoms Beperk, Spier landgoedere en
Remgro se nuwe hoof gebou Millenia Park. Waarskynlikheids steekproewe is gebruik om die
geboue te identifiseer vir die veld werk, ʼn totaal van 35% van al die kommersiëele gesoneerde
geboue in die Stellenbosch-kern is geselekteer om deel te neem in die steekproef. Die
landsoneringskaarte van die Stellenbosch-munisipaliteit is verkry en betrokke geboue was
geselekteer. Nege van die geselekteerde geboue was historiese geboue (ouer as sestig jaar) en
sewentien was geboue van die modernistiese era (jonger as sestig jaar). Nege argiteks
maatskappye in Stellenbosch is ook geselekteer vir die studie. Die respondente is deur middel
van’n lukrake steekproef bepaal. Die derde doelwit was om twee vraelyste te ontwerp, een vir
die eienaars van die geboue en die ander vir argitekte. Die eerste vraelys wat ontwikkel is vir die
gebou-eienaars is verdeel in twee afdelings. Die eerste afdeling bepaal watter groen praktyke
eienaars implimenteer in hul kantoor geboue. Die groen praktyke in die vraelys fokus op die
gebruik van natuurlike lig in die geboue, LED ligte, binnenshuis ventilasie, herwinning, water
besparing metodes, energie besparing metodes en bestuur planne wat opgetrek is om die energie
verbruik van geboue te monitor en te evalueer. Die tweede afdeling van die vraelys fokus op die persepsie van die gebou-eienaars. Die respondente het die belangrikheid van die bogenoemde
groen inisiatiewe gradeer op 'n skaal van een 1 (glad nie) tot 5 (baie belangrik). Die vierde
doelwit was om 'n vraelys te ontwikkel vir argitekte. Die vraelys bepaal of groen ontwerp op
geneem is deur argitekte en indien daar 'n groter aanvraag na groen ontwerpe deur kliënte is. Die
bevindings van die studie het getoon dat die respondente natuurlike lig en die gehalte van
binnenshuis lug as die belangrikste aspekte in di kantoor ag. Herwinning is deur 93% van respondente toegepas. Minder as 10% van die respondente het sonpanele, HAVC stelsels, reën
wateropvangsisteme of ander watersparingssisteme geinstaleer. Argitekte vind dat daar 'n
toename in die vraag na groen ontwerpe is, maar dat daar 'n gebrek aan kennis oor groeninisiatiewe
is deur prakisynes . Die aanbevelings van die studie is dat die konsep van groen
ontwikkeling versprei moet word na ander sfere behalwe beplanners. Inligting en opleiding oor
omgewingsvriendelike geboue moet beskikbaar wees aan alle gebou-eienaars en praktisynes.
Volhoubare materiale moet meer toeganklik wees vir bou praktisynes en hierdie materiale moet
ook plaaslik beskikbaar gestel word. Laastens moet meer geboue opgeknap word eerder as om
gesloop te word, om afval te voorkom en oop ruimtes te behou.
205 |
Carbon sequestration and trading potential in semi-arid South Africa : a Karoo case studyPaviour, Sarah-Jane 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The succulent thicket plant community of South Africa, particularly Portulacaria afra (in this study referred to as spekboom), occurring in the Thicket Biome, sequestrates an exceptional amount of carbon dioxide (due to its photosynthetic properties), particularly for a warm, semi-arid region and in this capacity is more akin to forest ecosystems. Spekboom has additional favourable characteristics over forested systems regarding carbon trading (CT), namely: economic water use; potential for combating desertification and poverty in arid environments; and ability to withstand stand-replacing fire (spekboom doesn’t burn) which improves its attraction as a commodity in CT and the payments for ecosystem services (PES) industry.
Landowners interested in using the capacity of their land for carbon sequestration (CS) are challenged to calculate their plant communities’ sequestration ability and biodiversity potential and therefore to quantify the carbon credits to be sold. The aim of the study was to quantify the CS ability of a selected property unit by vegetation area and to establish the carbon credits value that can be sold in the carbon market. It commenced by highlighting the problem of global warming and its effect on climate change in South Africa. CS is described as a process and a solution to decrease high and rising atmospheric CO2 levels, and its use in the carbon market to attain a monetary value to promote the growing of vegetation or to protect and conserve biodiversity that will enhance carbon stocks.
The study site is Bosch Luys Kloof Private Nature Reserve (BLK PNR) in the semi-arid Karoo. Because CS potential is known to follow a rainfall gradient, one expects the semi-arid Karoo to have a low CS potential. However, this area contains spekboom, an extraordinary thicket type that sequestrates carbon at similar rates to forest ecosystems and should therefore reap the benefits of CT. Yet, accurate mapping of this vegetation is critical for accurate carbon stocks assessment. The CS potential of all vegetation communities in the study area had to be established to estimate the carbon stocks in the whole property unit.
ArcGIS was used to map the vegetation communities (sub biomes) and eCognition to refine mapping of the Gamka Thicket (containing spekboom) through an object-orientated approach to automated vegetation mapping. For accuracy assessment a heads-up digitized map was created for comparison. The true surface area was calculated for the vegetation classification to ensure accurate area accounting on the mountainous terrain and this calculated area of the mapped vegetation was used to convert area to carbon sequestration potential. By examining the different markets and trading mechanisms for trading in the carbon market, using CS, a marketing strategy for the land units was advised.
Results show that due to BLK PNR's history of overstocking, spekboom remains degraded on the study site. This creates an opportunity to restore the vegetation with funding through CT. The sequestration potential of spekboom on BLK PNR was determined through a regional differentiation comparison. The regional differentiation comparison identified that rainfall amount and carbon accumulation are inversely proportional, therefore more arid conditions (<200mm a year, or a dry season longer than seven and a half months) cause spekboom to switch to Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) due to water stress, so increasing the rate of carbon accumulation. In wetter environments, where spekboom is not under water stress, it continues in carbon fixation of 3-phosphoglycerate (C3) having a lower carbon accumulation. This is a remarkable finding as CS is known to follow a rainfall gradient: in this instance spekboom is an exception to the norm.
Mapped results showed that eCognition classified spekboom poorly, yielding between 64% and 69% correspondence to the accurate manually classified map. As expected three-dimensional area comparative results show that the true surface area on complex terrains was 10% higher than the original (and surveyed) land area of the estate.
Results indicate that there are substantial carbon stocks for CT on BLK PNR. This study recommended the most practised form of CT (restoration) for BLK PNR. Over a period of 30 years of restoration on BLK PNR about 46 000 tons of carbon could be sequestrated. At the current price of carbon credits this could accumulate over R3.7 million over the 30-year restoration period. Combining restoration with conservation strategies into one project type has additional favourable characteristics as it takes into account the CS potential of all vegetation communities on the land unit and the ecosystem services it promotes. Conservation of BLK PNR would yield 758 000 tons of carbon. Calculated through emission abandonment, this could be valued at R8-10 million. The economic importance of the vegetation community’s biodiversity on BLK PNR and significant differences between biomes were recorded and implies a total intrinsic value in excess of R830 000 per annum.
To date, pilot projects elsewhere have successfully acquired carbon credits for avoided deforestation through the climate, community and biodiversity alliance (CCBA). However, owing to the pilot stage status there is little literature that substantiates the calculation of the monetary value of conservation. This is a fertile area for further research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die sukkulent-struikplantgemeenskap van Suid-Afrika, in besonder Portulacaria afra (waarna in hierdie studie as Spekboom verwys word), wat in die Struikgewasbioom voorkom, neem ‘n uitsonderlike hoeveelheid koolstofdioksied op (weens die fotosintetiese eienskappe daarvan), veral vir ‘n warm, semi-ariede streek en is in hierdie kapasiteit meer verwant aan woud-ekosisteme. Spekboom het, met betrekking tot koolstofuitruiling (KU) of koolstofhandel, addisionele gunstige eienskappe bo dié van woudsisteme, naamlik lae waterbenutting; potensiaal vir die bestryding van woestynvorming en armoede in ariede omgewings; en die vermoë om brand te weerstaan (Spekboom brand nie), wat sy aantreklikheid as ‘n kommoditeit in KU verhoog, en die betaling vir dienste in die ekosisteem-industrie (BED) verbeter.
Grondeienaars wat geïnteresseerd is in die benutting van hul grond vir koolstofopname (KO), word uitgedaag om hul plantgemeenskappe se opnamevermoë en potensiaal vir biodiversiteit te bereken, en gevolglik die hoeveelheid koolstofkrediete wat verkoop kan word, te kwantifiseer. Die doel van die studie was om die KO-vermoë van ‘n geselekteerde eiendomseenheid volgens die oppervlakte onder plantegroei te kwantifiseer en om die waarde van koolstofkrediete wat in die koolstofmark verkoop kan word, vas te stel. Ten aanvang is die probleem van aardverwarming en die uitwerking daarvan op klimaatsverandering in Suid-Afrika uitgelig. KO word beskryf as ‘n proses en oplossing om die hoë en stygende atmosferiese CO2-vlakke te verminder, en die gebruik daarvan in die koolstofmark, om ‘n monetêre waarde te verkry om plantbedekking te bevorder of om biodiversiteit, wat koolstofvoorraad sal vermeerder, te beskerm en te bewaar. Die studieperseel is Bosch Luys Kloof Privaat Natuurreservaat (BLK PNR) in die semi-ariede Karoo. Omrede KO-potensiaal bekend is daarvoor om ‘n reënvalgradiënt te volg, verwag mens dat die semi-ariede Karoo ‘n lae KO-potensiaal sal hê. Hierdie gebied bevat egter Spekboom, ‘n buitengewone struiksoort wat koolstof teen soortgelyke tempo’s as woud-ekosisteme opneem, en behoort daarom voordeel uit KU te trek. Akkurate kartering van hierdie plantegroei is kritiek vir akkurate assessering van koolstofvoorraad. Die KO-potensiaal van alle plantgemeenskappe in die studiegebied is derhalwe vasgestel om die koolstofvoorrade in die totale eiendomseenheid te skat.
ArcGIS is gebruik om die plantgemeenskappe (sub-biome) te karteer en eCognition is gebruik om die kartering van die Gamkaruigte (wat Spekboom bevat) deur ‘n objek-georiënteerde benadering tot geoutomatiseerde plantegroeikartering te verfyn. Vir akkuraatheidsassessering is ‘n vergelykbare plantegroeikaart per hand versyfer. Die werklike oppervlakte van die gebied is vir die plantegroeiklassifikasie bereken om akkurate oppervlakberekening van die bergagtige terrein te verseker, en hierdie berekende oppervlakte van die gekarteerde plantegroei is gebruik om oppervlakte na koolstofopname-potensiaal te herlei. Advies oor ‘n bemarkingstrategie vir die grondeenhede is gegee, deur die verskillende markte en uitruilings- of handelsmeganismes vir handel in die koolstofmark te ondersoek.
Resultate toon dat weens die BLK PNR se geskiedenis van oorbeweiding, Spekboom op die studieperseel gedegradeer het. Dit skep ‘n geleentheid om die plantegroei met befondsing deur KU te herstel. Die opname-potensiaal van Spekboom op BLK PNR is deur ‘n streeksdifferensiasie-vergelyking bepaal. Die streeksdifferensiasie-vergelyking toon dat hoeveelheid reënval en koolstofakkumulasie omgekeerd eweredig of proporsioneel is, en gevolglik veroorsaak meer ariede omstandighede (<200 mm/jaar, of ‘n droë seisoen van langer as sewe en ‘n half maande) dat Spekboom weens waterstres na Crassulacea-suurmetabolisme (CSM) oorskakel, en sodoende die tempo van koolstofakkumulasie verhoog. In natter omgewings, waar Spekboom nie aan waterstres onderwerp word nie, gaan dit voort met koolstofbinding van 3-fosfogliseraat (C3) en het ‘n laer koolstofakkumulasie. Dit is ‘n merkwaardige bevinding aangesien KO daarvoor bekend is dat dit ‘n reënvalgradiënt volg: in hierdie geval is Spekboom ‘n uitsondering op die reël.
eCognition het Spekboom swak onderskei, en slegs ‘n ooreenstemming van tussen 64% en 69% met die akkurate hand-geklassifiseerde gehad. Soos verwag, toon vergelykende resultate van driedimensionele oppervlakte dat die werklike oppervlakte byna 10% hoër is as die oorspronklike (en gemete) grondoppervlak van die eiendom.
Resultate dui aan dat daar aansienlike koolstofvoorrade vir KU op BLK PNR is. Hierdie studie beveel die mees gebruikte praktyke van KU (herstelproses) vir BLK PNR aan. Oor ‘n hersteltydperk van 30 jaar op BLK PNR kan ongeveer 46 000 ton koolstof opgeneem word. Teen die huidige prys van koolstofkrediete kan dit meer as R3.7 miljoen oor die hersteltydperk van 30 jaar akkumuleer. Die kombinasie van herstelprosesse en bewaringstrategieë in een tipe projek, hou addisionele voordeel in, omdat dit die KO-potensiaal van alle plantgemeenskappe op die grondeenheid en die ekosisteem-dienste in berekening bring. Bewaring van BLK PNR sal 757 913 ton koolstof lewer. As dit in terme van die staking van uitlatings bereken word, kan dit teen R8-10 miljoen gewaardeer word. Die ekonomiese belangrikheid van die ekosisteem en plantgemeenskap-biodiversiteit op BLK PNR impliseer ‘n totale intrinsieke waarde van meer as R800 000 per jaar. Loodsprojekte elders was suksesvol in die verkryging van koolstofkrediete vir die vermyding van ontbossing deur die klimaat-, gemeenskap- en biodiversiteitsalliansie (KGBA). Vanweë die loodsprojekstatus, is daar egter min literatuur beskikbaar wat die berekening van die monetêre waarde van bewaring staaf. Dit laat ruimte vir verdere navorsing.
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Drivers of wildfire behaviour, severity and magnitude in the Limietberg conservation area : understanding the complexity of wildfire riskMoir, Shaun Alexander 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Western Cape Province in South Africa is home to one of the most diverse plant
communities in the world, and has one of the highest concentrations of plants species in any
temperate ecosystem in the world. The dominant vegetation is both fire-prone and fire-dependant
(Van Wilgen & Scott 2001, Forsyth et al. 2010). The Western Cape in particular is emerging as a
province that is increasingly prone to disaster events, particularly the threat of veld fires. The
consequences of large wildfire disaster events are often devastating and far reaching (Van
Wilgen & Scott 2001, Forsyth et al. 2010). This study was conducted in an attempt to investigate
the drivers of wildfire behaviour, severity and magnitude in the Limietberg Conservation Area in
order to gain a greater insight and understanding of the complexity of wildfire risk. Recognising
the disaster prone character of the Western Cape and the increasing probabilities of future
wildfire events in the province, this study aimed to strengthen the understanding of the drivers of
wildland fire behaviour (i.e. wildland fire risk) in the Limietberg Conservation Area by analysing
a number of fires to identify a range of drivers and patterns; examining the factors driving both
fire danger and fire behaviour, including climate, topography, slope and fuel; examining the
factors driving fire frequency and regime; and finally, determining possible ecological damage
caused by the last 10 – 20 years of wildfire events in the Limietberg Conservation Area as
measured by post-fire seedling ratios. This was achieved through the use of statistical techniques
including multiple regression (McDonald 2009), ordination in the form of principal component
analysis and non-metric multi-dimensional scaling (Clarke & Warwick 1994), and fieldwork in
the form of post-fire regeneration (Proteaceae parent:seedling ratio) monitoring techniques
(Bond et al. 1984; Vlok & Yeaton 2000; De Klerk et al. 2007). The results indicated that the
interactions between factors driving fire danger and fire behaviour were indeed complex, being
influenced mainly by meteorological variables (temperature, relative humidity, wind speed) but
also quite strongly influenced by physical environmental factors (slope, topography). The use of
ordination techniques in this sort of complex analysis was seen as extremely effective and its use
in further fire research was strongly recommended. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Wes-Kaap provinsie in Suid-Afrika is die tuiste van een van die mees diverse plant
gemeenskappe in die wêreld, en het een van die hoogste konsentrasies van plantspesies in enige
gematigde ekosisteem in die wêreld. Die dominante plantegroei is beide vuur geneig en vuurafhanklik
(Van Wilgen & Scott 2001, Forsyth et al. 2010). Die Wes-Kaap in die besonder is
opkomende as 'n provinsie wat toenemend geneig is tot ramp gebeure, veral die bedreiging van
veldbrande. Die gevolge van groot veldbrand rampgebeure is dikwels verwoestend en verreikend
(Van Wilgen & Scott 2001, Forsyth et al. 2010). Hierdie studie is uitgevoer in 'n poging om die
oorsake van veldbrande, die gedrag, erns en omvang daarvan in die Limietberg Bewaringsgebied
vir groter insig en begrip van die kompleksiteit van veldbrand risiko te ondersoek. Hierdie studie
erken die rampgeneigdheid van die Wes-Kaap en die toenemende waarskynlikheid van
toekomstige veldbrande in die provinsie. Dit het ten doel gehad om die oorsake van veldvuur
gedrag (bv. brand risiko) in die Limietberg Bewaringsgebied deur die ontleding van 'n aantal
brande se oorsake en patrone te identifiseer; die ondersoek van faktore wat beide brandgevaar en
vuurgedrag, bepaal insluitend klimaat, topografie, helling en brandstof; die ondersoek van
faktore wat vuur frekwensie en regime; en uiteindelik die bepaling van moontlike ekologiese
skade veroorsaak deur die laaste 10 - 20 jaar van veldbrand gebeure in die Limietberg
Bewaringsgebied, soos gemeet deur navuur saailing verhoudings. Die doel is bereik deur die
gebruik van statistiese tegnieke waaronder meervoudige regressie (McDonald 2009), ordening in
die vorm van hoofkomponent analise en multi-dimensionele skaling (Clarke & Warwick 1994),
en veldwerk in die vorm van navuur herlewing (Proteaceae ouer:saailing verhouding)
moniteringstegnieke (Bond et al. 1984; Vlok & Yeaton 2000; De Klerk et al. 2007). Die resultate
dui daarop dat die interaksies tussen faktore wat brandgevaar en vuurgedrag inderdaad kompleks
aandryf is en hoofsaaklik beïnvloed word deur meteorologiese veranderlikes (temperatuur,
relatiewe humiditeit, windspoed), maar ook baie sterk beïnvloed word deur fisiese
omgewingsfaktore (helling, topografie). Die gebruik van ordeningstegnieke vir hierdie
komplekse tipe analise is bevind as uiters effektief en die gebruik daarvan in verdere vuur
navorsing word sterk aanbeveel.
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Airport noise in South Africa – Prediction models and their effect on land-use planningGoldschagg, Paul 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil (Geography and Environmental Studies))—University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / The use of average energy aircraft noise contours as the sole means for guiding aircraft noise-based planning around airports is being questioned increasingly. A growing proportion of residents who live in neighbourhoods adjacent to airports are dissatisfied with the averaging procedure that is employed. In their experience of exposure to aircraft noise, particularly in the evening and at night when they are at home, the average energy aircraft noise descriptors are misleading. In order to effectively analyse the socio-spatial interaction of annoyance at and interference by aircraft noise, an alternative approach has been suggested – a supplemental noise perspective. Conventional approaches to aircraft noise land use planning based on average energy noise descriptors run the risk of being ineffectual, or even counterproductive, because they do not consider the central aspects of disturbance, namely the loudness of an event and the number of times events are heard. Consequently, an alternative measure to ameliorate the limitations of average energy noise contours is needed by which airport neighbours, the aviation industry and town planners can better understand the nature of the problem.
Although supplemental noise analysis is not new, this study applies it to a South African international airport (OR Tambo) for the first time. The airport’s operations are typical of many busy airports close to large urban areas, serving domestic, regional and international routes. Reportedly, there have been few complaints about noise emanating from the airport, but when they are made they are usually about evening and night-time aircraft noise events. In the context of South Africa as a developing society in transition, where growth of urban settlements continues apace, average energy aircraft noise information must be enhanced by providing supplemental noise information.
This study investigated the broad issue of land use planning around airports by employing two aircraft noise prediction models, namely the Integrated Noise Model and the Transparent Noise Information Package, to establish the various potential effects and consequences of night-time aircraft noise in noise zones demarcated according to supplemental aircraft noise information. The effects and consequences examined include annoyance, disturbance of sleep, telephone conversations, watching television and work or study, and the likelihood that people will move away to escape night-time aircraft noise. The perceptions of residents living in neighbourhoods around the airport were surveyed and the responses analysed according to noise zones classified as supplemental noise information.
The results show that the airport’s neighbours are annoyed by aircraft noise and that aircraft noise interferes with normal household activities. This annoyance and interference decreases with increasing distance from the airport. Furthermore, reported annoyance and interference is greater in those areas where higher numbers of noise events are encountered, even at relatively low noise levels of 60 LAmax – something not evident from average energy noise contours.
This finding strengthens the argument that it is insufficient to provide only average energy aircraft noise information when studying the impact of aircraft noise. To understand the situation more fully, supplemental noise information is essential. The study concludes with a framework constructed to apply supplemental aircraft noise information to the abatement and mitigation measures normally used to deal with aircraft noise.
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Non-metropolitan gated developments in the Western Cape : patterns, processes and purposeSpocter, Manfred Aldrin 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Gated developments, also known as gated communities, have become a feature of urban living
throughout the world and have been the subject of intensive research. Gated developments in South
African cities are a ubiquitous feature of the post-apartheid urban landscape with many new housing
developments in the form of secure estates or fortified townhouse complexes. Almost all the
international literature on gated developments has focused on them as a metropolitan phenomenon.
Very few international studies have investigated gated developments in non-metropolitan locales and
this topic is unexplored in the South African context. This dissertation addresses this research gap.
The study area is the entire non-metropolitan area of the Western Cape province. The politicoadministrative
concept of non-metropolitan is used rather than the descriptor rural because the latter
implies an area of primary production with no diversification of productive activities. The study area
excludes the metropolitan area of Cape Town but includes the rest of the province within which there
are settlements of varying sizes having a diverse range of economic activities. It is in these places that
gated developments were investigated to cover and discover particular aspects of the hitherto
unexplored non-metropolitan gated developments of South Africa.
The specific objectives were to place the research in the theoretical and conceptual debates of gated
developments; map the occurrence of the phenomenon; and spatially analyse the location and security
aspects of the developments at a macro scale. Two towns, Swellendam and Ceres, were selected as case
studies as their gated developments present a host of significant features warranting further micro-scale
analysis. The spatial and locational analyses yielded other researchable themes specific to certain types
of developments, namely retirement gated developments in Oudtshoorn and Swellendam and gated
developments outside the urban edge. A comprehensive spatially-linked database of gated
developments in the study area was compiled from numerous sources, culminating in a process of
groundtruthing that resulted in the collection of data on the physical features of each development.
Qualitative data was collected from respondents through interviews, electronic communications and a
questionnaire survey. Distribution patterns of gated developments were determined from spatial data
and data on physical features was used to calculate security level index values for the gated
developments. These data sets enabled spatial and typological comparisons to be made. Qualitative data added a ‘voice’ to the quantitative data and provided insights into social, economic and planning
aspects of gated developments.
The location of gated developments in the province is largely determined by proximity to metropolitan
Cape Town and areas with high occurrences of amenities. The spatio-temporal patterns and typological
distinctions of gated developments are influenced by location-specific factors. In some towns the gated
developments typify a living space and in others a living and lifestyle space. The security features of
gated developments also vary typologically and spatially. Crime data was used to show that the
distribution of non-metropolitan gated developments is not necessarily associated with towns with high
levels of criminal activity. Security in these developments is not a response to rampant crime, rather a
strategy brought into play in case something happens – preparedness in the unlikely event of a breach
of security. The gated developments in the two case-study towns are strongly influenced by locationspecific
needs, the purposes of residents and the processes of municipalities. Niche market gated
developments, as represented in the thematic case studies of retirement gated developments and gated
developments outside the urban edge are promoted by pull factors within towns and by the allure of an
exclusive rural residential lifestyle of living in areas with high amenity offerings. The latter is linked to
the transformation of agricultural land into gated developments, which signals a shift to postproductivist
change in the study area.
The results of this seminal investigation into non-metropolitan gated developments suggest avenues for
further research endeavour. These include the need for greater understanding of the changing nature of
social relations between gated and the non-gated inhabitants of non-metropolitan locales; investigation
of the potential for increased topophobia within towns; and examinations of the functions of the various
stakeholders and role players in establishing non-metropolitan gated developments. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Geslote woonbuurte, ook bekend as geslote gemeenskappe, ’n kenmerk van baie stede regoor die
wêreld, het die onderwerp van intensiewe navorsing geword. Geslote woonbuurte in Suid-Afrikaanse
stede is ‘n alomteenwoordige kenmerk van die post-apartheid stedelike landskap met baie nuwe
behuisingsontwikkelings wat as beveiligde landgoede en meenthuiskomplekse gebou word. Die
meerderheid van die internasionale literatuur oor geslote woonbuurte beskou hulle as ’n
metropolitaanse verskynsel. Baie min internasionale studies het geslote gemeenskappe in niemetropolitaanse
lokaliteite ondersoek en dié onderwerp is onverken in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks.
Hierdie proefskrif vul dié navorsingsleemte.
Die studiegebied is die hele nie-metropolitaanse gebied van die Wes-Kaap provinsie. Die politiesadministriewe
konsep ‘nie-metropolitaans’ word gebruik in plaas van die benaming ‘landelik’ omdat
laasgenoemde ’n gebied van primêre produksie met geen diversifisering van ekonomiese aktiwiteite
impliseer. Dus, sluit die studiegebied die metropolitaanse gebied van Kaapstad uit, maar sluit die res
van die provinsie in waar nedersettings van verskeie grootte en met ’n diverse reeks ekonomiese
aktiwiteite voorkom. Dit is in hierdie gebiedens dat geslote woonbuurte ondersoek word met die doel
om besondere aspekte van hierdie tot nou toe onverkende nie-metropolitaanse geslote woonbuurte in
Suid-Afrika, na vore te bring.
Die spesifieke doelwitte is om die navorsing binne die breër teorietiese en konseptuele debatte rondom
geslote woonbuurte te plaas; die verspreiding van die verskynsel te karteer; die ligging en die
sekuriteitsaspekte van die woonbuurte op makro skaal ruimtelik te ontleed. Ceres en Swellendam word
as gevallestudies behandel. Die twee dorpe se geslote woonbuurte ’n menigte beduidende kenmerke
van hul geslote woonbuurte vertoon, wat verdere mikro skaalanalise regverdig. Die ruimtelike en
liggingsanalises het navorsingwaardige temas oor spesifieke tipes geslote woonbuurte onthul. Die
temas sluit geslote aftreewoonbuurte in Oudtshoorn en Swellendam en geslote woonbuurte buitekant
dorpsgrense in. ’n Omvattende ruimtelike databasis van geslote woonbuurte binne die studiegebeid is
uit verskeie bronne saamgestel en ’n proses van terreinverifiëring het vir die inwin van data oor fisiese
kenmerke van elke woonbuurt gesorg. Kwalitatiewe data is by respondente verkry deur middel van
onderhoude, elektroniese kommunikasie en ’n vraelys opname. Verspreidingspatrone van die geslote
woonbuurte is aan die hand van die ruimtelike data vasgestel en die data oor die fisiese verskynsels is gebruik om ’n sekuriteitsindekswaardes van die geslote woonbuurte te bereken. Die datastelle het
ruimtelike en tipologiese vergelykings moontlik gemaak. Kwalitatiewe data het ’n ‘stem’ aan die
kwantitiewe data verleen en insig in die sosiale, ekonomiese en beplanningsaspekte van geslote
woonbuurte verskaf.
Die ligging van geslote woonbuurte in die provinsie is grootliks deur nabyheid aan die Kaapse
metropool en gebiede met ’n hoë voorkoms van geriewe beïnvloed. Die ruimtelike- en tydspatrone en
tipologiese kenmerke van geslote woonbuurte is deur liggingspesifiekefaktore beïnvloed. In sommige
dorpe is die geslote woonbuurte as ’n ‘leefruimte’ gekenmerk, terwyl ander geslote woonbuurte as
‘leefruimte en leefstylruimte’ getipeer word. Die sekuriteitsverskynsels van geslote woonbuurte het ook
tipologiese en ruimtelike verskeidenheid getoon. Misdaaddata is gebruik om te toon dat die
verspreiding van nie-metropolitaanse geslote woonbuurte nie noodwendig ooreenstem met dorpe met
hoë misdaadsyfers nie. Sekuriteit is nie ’n reaksie op buitensporige misdaadsyfers nie, eerder ’n
strategie wat in werking tree in geval iets gebeur – paraatheid vir die onwaarskynlike gebeurtenis van
’n sekuriteitskending. Die ontwikkeling van geslote woonbuurte in die gevallestudiedorpe is sterk deur
liggingspesifieke behoeftes, die doelstellings van inwoners en prosesse van munisipaliteite beïnvloed.
Geslote woonbuurte wat nismarkte bedien, soos dié wat deur die tematiese gevallestudies
verteenwoordig is, word bevorder deur sekere aantrekkingsfaktore wat dorpe bied en die bekoring van
’n eksklusiewe landelike residensiële lewensstyl in gebiede met ’n hoë voorkoms van geriewe vir
lewensgenieting. Laasgenoemde is gekoppel aan die omskepping van landbougrond vir die bou van
geslote woonbuurte wat ’n aanduiding van post-produktivistiese verandering in die studiegebeid is.
Dié eerste en gedagteprikkelende ondersoek oor nie-metropoolitaanse geslote woonbuurte opper temas
vir verdere navorsing. Dit sluit in ’n verstaan van die moontlike veranderings in sosiale verhoudings
tussen die inwoners van geslote en ongeslote nie-metropolitaanse lokaliteite, die moontlikheid van
verhoogde topofobie in dorpe; en ondersoeke oor die rol van verskillende insethouers en rolspelers in
die ontwikkeling van nie-metropoolitaanse geslote woonbuurte.
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Land use and livelihood changes in the Mount Rungwe ecosystem, TanzaniaTilumanywa, Verdiana T. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Mount Rungwe ecosystem (MRE) has unique mountain resources. Its biological, hydrological, economic and cultural endowments offer many development opportunities for Tanzania. Since the 1970s, the MRE has experienced change in land use and means of acquiring livelihoods, calling for scientific investigation into the extent, nature, and magnitude of land use changes and their implications for communities’ livelihoods.
The aim of the study was to investigate the major changes in land use, to identify the drivers responsible for these changes and to establish the interrelationship between land use change and communities’ livelihoods in order to suggest desirable management options towards improving rural livelihoods and the ecological integrity of MRE. A research design that integrates both qualitative and quantitative approaches was adopted. The fieldwork involved six villages representative of three ecological zones and 384 respondents were interviewed. Information on the past and present land uses, policies, institutions and processes that have influenced and are influencing land use change in the area was obtained through questionnaires, interviews, field observation, and analysis of documents. Satellite imagery of 1973, 1986, 1991 and 2010 were analysed for spatial and temporal statistics on land use and change.
The findings indicate that MRE is experiencing land conversions from one land use category to the other especially in villages of the highland zone. Government policies on the use of and access to forests, agricultural land and energy have contributed to the past and current land use changes. Demographic, cultural, economic and natural factors singly or cumulatively have also induced changes in land use in MRE. Most of the changes in land use were noted between 1991 and 2010. At the district level there was a significant decrease in natural vegetation, particularly bushland and woodland, and an increase in cultivated land. Intensification of agricultural land use was more in the villages of the highland zone than in the middleland and lowland zones. Villages of the lowland zone showed a decline of cultivated land area, particularly in the tree crops category, and a constant or declining trend of the natural vegetation coverage – especially grasslands and woodlands.
To reduce unplanned farm expansions into areas of natural vegetation, it is recommended that the Ministry of Agriculture should re-emphasise intercropping practices and provide extension services targeting crops such as potatoes and bananas which are now commercialised. This would be a step towards improving agricultural land productivity and addressing local food security. The ministry of Energy and Minerals could finance the ongoing tree planting efforts by local communities and enhance the use of more efficient charcoal stoves so as not only to protect the remaining forests but also as a way of diversifying the communities’ livelihoods. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Mount Rungwe ekosisteem (MRE) het 'n unieke berggebaseerde hulpbronbasis. Sy biologiese, hidrologiese, ekonomiese en kulturele erfenis bied vele ontwikkelingsgeleenthede vir Tanzanië. Sedert die 1970s het die MRE verandering in grondgebruik ervaar wat implikasies inhou vir bestaanswyses van sy bewoners. Daarom vereis die veranderingsverskynsel wetenskaplike ondersoek na die omvang en aard van grondgebruikveranderinge en die implikasies daarvan vir gemeenskappe se lewensbestaan.
Die doel van die studie was om ondersoek in te stel na die belangrikste veranderinge in grondgebruik en om die drywers verantwoordelik vir hierdie veranderinge te identifiseer en die onderlinge verband tussen die verandering in grondgebruik en gemeenskappe se lewensbestaan te identifiseer. Daaruit word wenslike bestuursopsies duidelik vir die verbetering van landelike bestaansmoontlikhede en die handhawing van ekologiese integriteit van die MRE. 'n Navorsingsontwerp wat beide kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe benaderings integreer is gekies. Vir veldwerk is ses dorpe in drie ekologiese sones ondersoek en 384 respondente is ondervra. Inligting oor die grondgebruike, -veranderings, beleide, instellings en prosesse wat die gebied beïnvloed het, is verkry deur middel van vraelyste, onderhoude, veldwaarneming, en dokumentontleding. Satellietbeelde van 1973, 1986, 1991 en 2010 is ontleed vir ruimtelike en temporale patrone van grondgebruik en verandering.
Die bevindinge dui daarop dat die MRE grondgebruik-omskakeling van verskillende kategorieë na ander in veral die hooglandsone ervaar. Regeringsbeleid oor die gebruik en toegang tot natuurlike woude, landbougrond en energiebronne het bygedra tot hierdie grondgebruike en hul veranderinge. Demografiese, kulturele, ekonomiese en omgewingsfaktore, enkel of kumulatief, het ook tot die veranderinge bygedra. Die meeste van die veranderinge in grondgebruik is tussen 1991 en 2010 aangeteken. Op distriksvlak het byvoorbeeld natuurlike plantegroei, veral bosveld en woud, beduidend oor die studietydperk afgeneem, terwyl die bewerkte grondoppervlak sterk toegeneem het. Intensivering van landbougrondgebruik was meer intens in die dorpe van die hooglandsone in vergelyking met die middelland en laer sones. Dorpe van die laer sone het weer 'n afname van bewerkte grond, veral boomagtige gewasse, en 'n konstante of dalende tendens van die natuurlike plantegroei ervaar – veral gras- en bosveld. Om ongewenste plaasuitbreidings na gebiede van natuurlike plantegroei te voorkom, beveel die studie aan dat die landbouministerie weer klem plaas op praktyk vir tussenverbouing van gewasse en voorligtingsdienste voorsien vir die verbouing van gekommersialiseerde gewasse soos aartappels en piesangs. Dit sou die verbetering van die landbou-produktiwiteit en die verhoging van plaaslike voedselsekuriteit in die hand werk. Die energieministerie behoort origens deurlopende boomplant-aksies deur plaaslike gemeenskappe te stimuleer deur verskaffing van finansies en moet die gebruik van meer doeltreffende houtskool stowe aanmoedig. Dit sal die oorblywende woude help beskerm en is ook 'n manier om die gemeenskappe se lewensonderhoudstelsels te diversifiseer en te verbeter.
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Informal settlement upgrading and the effect of governmentality on women's social networks : a case study of New Rest and Makhaza, Cape TownMassey, Ruth Thokozile 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: It is estimated that 70% of sub-Saharan Africa’s urban population resides in informal settlements. Cape Town (South Africa), in particular, has a projected 223 informal settlements within its boundaries (which house almost 136 000 households). The national government has attempted to meet housing needs through the upgrading of informal settlements. In situ upgrading has been seen as a particularly popular route to follow. This study aimed to investigate the City of Cape Town’s governmentality in the in situ upgrading of Makhaza and New Rest in Cape Town and explore the implications of this governmentality for women’s social networks in these two settlements. The study focused on the governmentality elements of rationalities, practices and techniques and counter-conduct. A review of the literature shows little attention has been paid to the various governmentalities (practice, techniques and rationalities) that exist within informal settlement upgrading. The literature has also not paid much attention to how the governmentality of those undertaking informal settlement upgrading, relates to women’s social networks (and their governmentality) within upgraded sites.
The research made use of qualitatively-driven methodologies and approaches, employing the techniques of Neighbourhood Social Mapping, Social Network Assessment (SNA), semi-structured interviews, questionnaires, transect walks, observational studies and secondary data gathering. The study found, amongst other things, that the governmentality (rationalities, techniques and practices) used by the City to plan and implement the upgrading of informal settlements differs from that of the women’s social networks. The profound differences in governmentalities have meant that the settlements do not meet the needs of the women and their social networks. In response the women have redesigned their new settlement to meet the needs of their social networks. Integral Theory is used in this thesis to map and better understand the differing governmentalities and their relationship and was used to propose an Integral approach in managing differing governmentalities. The thesis suggests that, in order to understand fully and respond appropriately to the challenges faced in upgrading, those in power need to be aware of and include all perspectives and actors within their upgrading process and practice. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar word beraam dat 70% van sub-Sahara Afrika se stedelike populasie in informele nedersettings woon. Kaapstad (Suid-Afrika), spesifiek, het ‘n beraamde 223 informele nedersettings binne die grense (wat omtrent 136 000 huishoudings huisves). Die nasionale regering het onderneem om behuisings behoefte te voorsien deur die opgradering van informele nedersettings. In situ opgradering is gesien as ‘n besonder gewilde roete om te volg. Hierdie studie het gepoog om die City of Cape Town (die Stad) se governmentality te ondersoek in die opgradering van Makhaza en New Rest in Kaapstad. So ook om die implikasies van hierdie governmentality vir vroue se sosiale netwerke in hierdie nedersettings te verken. Die studie het gefokus op die governmentality (regeringsmentaliteit) beginsels van rationaliteite, praktyke en tegnieke en teen-optrede. ‘n Oorsig van die literatuur toon min aandag is geskenk aan die verskillende governmentalities wat binne opgraderingsprojekte vir informele nedersettings bestaan. Die literatuur het ook nie veel aandag gegee aan hoe die governmentality van die onderneming van die informele nedersettings met betrekking tot vroue se sosiale netwerke (en hul governmentality) binne opgradeerde terreine.
Die navorsing het gebruik gemaak van kwaliteits gedrewe metodologie en benaderings, die gebruik van tegnieke van omgewing sosiale kartering, sosiale netwerk beraming, semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude, vraelyste, deursnee wandeling, waarnemings studies en sekondêre data insameling. Die studie het onder andere bevind dat die governmentality (rationaliteite, tegnieke en praktyke), soos gebruik deur die Stad om opgradering van informele nedersettings te beplan en implimenteer, verskil van die van die vroue se sosiale netwerke. Die diepgaande verskille in governmentalities het gelei daartoe dat die nedersettings nie voldoen aan die behoeftes van die vroue en hul sosiale netwerke nie. In reaksie daarop het die vroue die nuwe nedersetting herontwerp om in hul sosiale netwerk behoeftes te voorsien. Integrale Teorie is in hierdie tesis gebruik om die verskille in governmentalities en hul verwantskappe uiteen te sit en beter te kan verstaan en ook om die Integrale benadering in die hantering van verskillende governmetnalities voor te stel. Die tesis dui daarop dat in orde om ten volle te verstaan en toepaslik te reageer op die uitdagings wat gepaard gaan met opgradering moet die wat in beheer is van alle perspektiewe en akteurs binne die opgraderings proses bewus wees en dit in ag neem.
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