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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reciprocal impacts of black rhino and community-based ecotourism in North-West Namibia

Beytell, Petrus Cecil 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Geography and Environmental Studies)--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research focuses on the black rhinoceros and ecotourism in three conservation areas in the Kunene region of Namibia. The reciprocal impact between black rhino and community-based ecotourism is analysed. The research is located in two communal conservancies, #Khoadi-//Hôas and Torra, and in a photographic tourism concession, the Palmwag Concession Area. The research aims to explore and describe the reciprocal impact of community-based ecotourism efforts and black rhino spatial movement patterns in three conservation areas in north-west Namibia. An in-depth literature review was undertaken on the reciprocal impact between rhino-tracking tourism and conservation. A comparison was also made between the effects of human-induced disturbance on spatial movement patterns of black rhinos and the perception of tourists about tracking black rhinos. The value of black rhinos to community-based ecotourism was also determined. Quantitative research methodology was used for this study. Explorations of objectives were conducted through direct field observation with the aid of radio-telemetry tracking and aerial surveying for data gathering. The researcher employed SRT (Save the Rhino Trust) trackers in the study areas to assist with the tracking. The sample consisted of 24 transmitter-fitted black rhino in the three conservation areas. Rhino not fitted with transmitters have been included in the sample for more accurate results. Four hundred questionnaires were distributed at four tourist lodges in the study area. The hypothesis that sustainable ecotourism does not influence black rhino spatial behaviour was rejected. Rhinos in the study were easily disturbed and did not readily return to undisturbed behaviour. Their major response to disturbance was to run away. The disturbance was influenced by their initial activity when found. The highest disturbance occurred early in observations. Rhinos illustrated similar causes of disturbance throughout the study sites. The Springbok River emerged as the area with the most severe reactions to disturbance. This was supported by home range data and ecological constraints. Analysis of tourist responses regarding rhino tracking indicated a high demand for and level of satisfaction. This was the single determining factor for tourists to return to the Kunene region to do rhino tracking again. Tourists were willing to pay close to market price to track black rhino. It is recommended that tracking of black rhino should be avoided in the Springbok River and Aub/Barab areas. Tracking protocols should stipulate that tracking should only be conducted early in the morning; that rhinos may only be approached from downwind; that observation time may not exceed 15 minutes; that groups must be kept small; and that the approach distance may not be less than 100 metres. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die fokus van die navorsing is op swart renosters en ekotoerisme in drie bewaringsgebiede in die Kunene streek van Namibia. Die wedersydse wisselwerking tussen swart renosters en gemeenskaps-gebaseerde ekotoerisme is nagevors. Die navorsing het plaasgevind in twee kommunale bewaringsgebiede, #Khoadi-//Hôas en Torra asook ‘n konsessie vir fotografie in die Palmwag Konsessie Gebied. Die doel van die navorsing was om die wedersydse wisselwerking van gemeenskapsgebaseerde ekotoerisme en swart renosters se geografiese bewegingspatrone in drie bewaringsareas in noordwes Namibië te ondersoek en te omskryf. ‘n Deeglike literatuurstudie is gedoen ten opsigte van die wedersydse wisselwerking tussen toerisme met die doel om renosters waar te neem deur spoorsny en bewaring van die spesies. Die uitwerking van versteuring deur mense op die geografiese bewegingspatrone van swart renosters is vergelyk met die persepsie van toeriste ten opsigte van spoorsny van swart renosters. Die waarde van swart renosters ten opsigte van ekotoerisme is ook bepaal. Kwantitatiewe navorsingsmetodologie is gebruik in die studie. Die doelstelling van die navorsing is uitgevoer deur direkte veld waarnemings met behulp van radio-telemetriese opsporing en data insameling met behulp van lugsensusse. Die navorser het spoorsnyers van SRT (Save the Rhino Trust), wat in die studiegebied werk, in diens geneem om van hulp te wees met die spoorsny van renosters. Die steekproef het bestaan uit 24 swart renosters toegerus met seintoestelle in drie bewaringsgebiede. Renosters wat nie seintoestelle gehad het nie, is ook in die steekproef ingesluit ten einde beter dekking te verkry. Vierhonderd vraelyste is by vier toeristeoorde in die studiegebied versprei. Die hipotese dat volhoubare ekotoerisme nie ‘n invloed uitoefen op die geografiese gedrag van swart renosters nie, is verwerp. Renosters in die studie-gebied is maklik versteur en het nie geredelik teruggekeer tot onversteurde gedrag nie. Hulle reaksie op versteuring was gekenmerk deur weg te hardloop. Die mate van versteuring is bepaal deur die renosters se aanvanklike aktiwiteit by opsporing. Die meeste versteuring het gedurende vroeë waarneming plaasgevind. Dieselfde oorsake van versteuring is in al drie gebiede gevind. Die Springbokrivier was die gebied waar die sterkste reaksies ten opsigte van versteuring bespeur is. Dit word ondersteun deur die grootte van die loopgebiede van die renosters en ekologiese beperkings van die gebied. Data-analise van toeriste-vraelyste het aangetoon dat daar ‘n groot aanvraag en belangstelling is in die spoorsny van renosters. Die grootste bepalende faktor vir toeriste om na die Kunene streek terug te keer, is om renosters te sien deur middel van spoorsny. Toeriste is gewillig om die heersende markprys vir spoorsny van renosters te betaal. Navorsingsaanbevelings sluit in dat spoorsny van swart renosters in die Springbokrivier en Aub/Barab gebiede vermy word. Spoorsny-protokol moet stipuleer dat dit net in die vroeë oggend gedoen word, dat renosters slegs van onderkant die wind genader word, waarnemingstyd mag nie 15 minute oorskry nie, groepe moet klein wees en die afstand vanaf die diere mag nie nader as 100 meter wees nie.

Community/neighbourhood park use in Cape Town : a class-differentiated analysis

Willemse, Lodene 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Geography and Environmental Studies)--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to determine how class differentiation influences local residents‟ perceptions, preferences, needs and use of community/neighbourhood parks in the City of Cape Town. The research objectives included mapping the social geography and park provision; determining profile information, general park-usage information, outdoor recreation options, service-delivery perceptions and levels of park satisfaction; and making suggestions to the City Parks Department. Data were collected from the Flowmap and geographic information systems (GIS) programmes, the 2007 Community Survey, Census 2001 and questionnaires that were distributed through schools. Two Flowmap and GIS proximity analyses were conducted. Questionnaire data were processed at the automatic scanner of the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) at Stellenbosch University. Open-ended data were manually analysed in the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), Excel and Word. The research findings indicate that class differences have an effect on the respondents‟ demographic profiles, park provision, park usage and contentment with parks. The high- and middle-income group respondents can reach more parks, mostly within 0-5 minutes. Park provision and park proximity are more problematic for the low-income group respondents. The low-income group children frequent parks the most and visit them the longest. Children and adults in all income groups mostly walk to parks. Parks are used for active and passive recreation during different life stages. The low-income group respondents are more satisfied with service delivery, while no income groups regard parks and recreation as a crucial service to improve. Parks are also not an important outdoor recreation option for any income group. The respondents‟ fears and dissatisfaction related to parks were expressed through concerns regarding safety and maintenance and a lack of park facilities and vegetation, which influences their satisfaction with parks. Future research recommendations include a park analysis of more diverse demographic profiles, distributing questionnaires to various places with authority, integrating research on community/neighbourhood park usage and the open-space system, and researching the challenges, solutions and means to encourage interclass park usage in desegregated areas. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om te bepaal hoe klasverskille plaaslike inwoners se persepsies, voorkeure en gebruik van en behoefte aan gemeenskaps-/woonbuurtparke in die Stad Kaapstad beïnvloed. Die navorsingsdoelwitte het die volgende ingesluit: kartering van die sosiale geografie en parkvoorsiening; ‟n bepaling van profielinligting, algemene parkgebruikinligting, buitemuurse ontspanningsopsies, diensleweringspersepsies en vlakke van parkbevrediging; en om voorstelle aan die Departement Stadparke te maak. Data is van die Flowmap en geografiese inligtingstelsels (GIS) programme, die 2007 gemeenskapsopname, Sensus 2001 en vraelyste wat deur skole versprei is, versamel. Twee Flowmap- en GIS-nabyheidsanalises is gedoen. Vraelysdata is met die outomatiese skandeerder van die Sentrum vir Onderrig en Leer (SOL) by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch geprosesseer. Data van oopvrae is met die hand in die Statistiese Pakket vir die Sosiale Wetenskappe (SPSS), Excel en Word geanaliseer. Die navorsingsbevindings toon dat klasverskille ‟n effek op die respondente se demografiese profiele, parkvoorsiening, parkgebruik en tevredenheid met parke het. Die hoë- en middel-inkomstegroep-respondente kan meer parke bereik, meestal in 0-5 minute. Parkvoorsiening en nabyheid aan ‟n park is vir die lae-inkomstegroep-respondente meer problematies. Die lae-inkomstegroep-kinders besoek parke die meeste en vir die langste tydperk. Die meeste kinders en volwassenes in alle inkomste-groepe stap na parke toe. Gedurende verskillende lewensfases word parke vir aktiewe en passiewe ontspanning gebruik. Die lae-inkomstegroep-respondente is meer tevrede met dienslewering, terwyl geen inkomste-groepe parke en ontspanning as ‟n kritieke diens beskou wat verbeter moet word nie. Parke is ook nie ‟n belangrike buitemuurse ontspanningsopsie in enige inkomste-groep nie. Die respondente se vrese en ontevredenheid ten opsigte van parke is uitgedruk deur kommer oor veiligheid en instandhouding en ‟n gebrek aan parkfasiliteite en plantegroei, wat hul tevredenheid met parke beïnvloed. Toekomstige navorsingsvoorstelle sluit in om ‟n parkanalise op meer diverse demografiese profiele uit te voer, om vraelyste na verskeie plekke met outoriteit te versprei, om navorsing oor gemeenskaps-/woonbuurtparke en die oopruimtesisteem te integreer, en om navorsing oor die uitdagings, oplossings en metodes om inter-klas-parkgebruik in gedesegregeerde areas aan te moedig, uit te voer. Trefwoorde

GIS and EUREPGAP : applying GIS to increase effective farm management in accordance GAP requirements

Schreiber, Werner 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: With the inception of precision farming techniques during the last decade, agricultural efficiency has improved, leading to greater productivity and enhanced economic benefits associated with agriculture. The awareness of health risks associated with food borne diseases has also increased. Systems such as Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (RACCP) in the USA and Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) in Europe are trying to ensure that no food showing signs of microbial contamination associated with production techniques are allowed onto the export market. Growers participating in exporting are thus being forced to conform to the requirements set by international customers. The aim of this study was to compile a computerized record keeping system that would aid farmers with the implementation of GAP on farms, by making use of GIS capabilities. A database, consisting of GAP-specific data was developed. ArcView GIS was used to implement the database, while customized analyses procedures through the use of Avenue assisted in GAP-specific farming related decisions. An agricultural area focusing on the export market was needed for this study, and the nut producing Levubu district was identified as ideal. By making use of ArcView GIS, distinct relationships between different data sets were portrayed in tabular, graphical, geographical and report format. GAP requirements state that growers must base decisions on timely, relevant information. With information available in the above-mentioned formats, decisions regarding actions taken can be justified. By analysing the complex interaction between datasets, the influences that agronomical inputs have on production were portrayed, moving beyond the standard requirements of GAP. Agricultural activities produce enormous quantities of data, and GIS proved to be an indispensable tool because of the ability to analyse and manipulate data with a spatial component. The implementation of good agricultural practices lends itself to the use of GIS. With the correct information available at the right time, better decisions can promote optimal croppmg, whilst rmmrrnzmg the negative effects on the consumer and environment. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gedurende die afgelope dekade het die gebruik van presisie boerderytegnieke tot verbeterde gewasverbouing gelei, wat verhoogde produktiwiteit en ekonomiese welvarendheid tot gevolg gehad het. 'n Wêreldwye bewustheid ten opsigte van die oordrag van siektekieme geasosieer met varsprodukte het ontstaan. Met die implementering van Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) en Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), poog die VSA en Europa om voedsel wat tekens van besmetting toon van die invoermark te weerhou. Buitelandse produsente en uitvoerders word dus hierdeur gedwing om by internasionale voedselstandaarde aan te pas. Hierdie navorsing het ten doel gehad om 'n gerekenariseerde rekordhouding stelsel daar te stel wat produsente sal bystaan tydens die implementering van GAP, deur gebruik te maak van GIS. 'n Databasis gerig op die implementering van GAP is ontwerp. ArcView GIS is gebruik word om die databasis te implementeer, waarna spesifieke navrae die data ontleed het om sodoende die besluitnemingsproses te vergemaklik. 'n Landbou-area wat aktief in die uitvoermark deelneem was benodig vir dié studie, en die Levubu distrik was ideaal. Verwantskappe tussen datastelle is bepaal en uitgebeeld in tabel-, grafiek- en verslag vorm. Die suksesvolle implementering van GAP vereis dat alle besluite op relevante inligting gebaseer word, en met inligting beskikbaar in die bogenoemde formaat kan alle besluite geregverdig word. Deur die komplekse interaksie tussen insette en produksie te analiseer, was dit moontlik om verwantskappe uit te beeld wat verder strek as wat GAP vereistes stipuleer. Deur die gebruikerskoppelvlak in ArcView te verpersoonlik is die gebruiker nie belaai met onnodige berekeninge nie. Aktiwiteite soos landbou produseer groot datastelle, en die vermoë van GIS om die ruimtelike verwantskappe te analiseer en uit te beeld, het getoon dat GIS 'n instrumentele rol in die besluitnemingsproses speel. Deur middel van beter besluitneming kan optimale gewasverbouing verseker word, terwyl die negatiewe impak op die verbruiker en omgewing tot 'n minimum beperk word.

Residential segregation in post-apartheid Vredenburg : the role of racial preference

Janse van Rensburg, Hendrik Stephanus 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa has a long history of divided towns and cities. The grave inefficiencies and inequalities that developed between the racial communities during these periods must now be redressed in post-apartheid South Africa by integrating and unifying the physical and social structures of the country's urban settlements. In spite of the positive general trends in race relations and attitudes towards residential integration, South African towns and cities generally remain hyper-segregated. This could be an indication that White attitudes pertain only to the principles of integration, but that they do not actually want to live in integrated neighbourhoods themselves. The aim of this study is to assess the influence of racial preference in the dismantling or continuation of segregation in the South African town of Vredenburg during the postapartheid era. This is done by determining the influence that the population group composition of a neighbourhood has on the desirability of living in that neighbourhood when accounting for varying levels of crime and neighbourhood deterioration. A factorial survey questionnaire was used to gather the data, which were then analysed by way of multiple regression analyses. The results of the analyses indicate that the sampled residents of Vredenburg are generally not influenced by the population group composition of the neighbourhood. However, the more unsafe the neighbourhood, the more litter that is strewn about, the lower the housing quality and the more unfriendly the neighbours, the less respondents liked the neighbourhood. The results also indicate that members of the upper socio-economic class are more critical of their neighbourhoods and tend to evaluate them according to stricter criteria than the lower socio-economic classes do. The findings suggest that the racial composition of a neighbourhood per se does not significantly affect the attitudes of Vredenburg's residents towards a neighbourhood. Rather, high levels of crime and residential environmental deterioration are the factors that strongly affect both White and non-White people's views of a neighbourhood. Higher levels of crime and environmental deterioration are commonly associated with the lower socio-economic class. In the case of Vredenburg, vast socio-economic differences exist between the White and non- White residents of the town. These differences are not likely to change considerably in the short term. The continuation of these class differences will most likely be the cause of continued segregation in Vredenburg. Keywords: Apartheid city, Centralisation, Concentration, Evenness, Exposure, Factorial survey, Hyper-segregation, Integration, Multiple regression analysis, Neighbourhood characteristics, Racial preference, Segregation, Segregation indices. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika het 'n lang geskiedenis van verdeeelde stedelike gebiede. Die erge ongelykhede en oneffektiewe strukture wat tussen die verskillende rassegroepe binne die stedelike gebiede ontstaan het, moet reggestel word in die post-apartheid era. Dit moet gedoen word deur die verdeelde fisiese en sosiale strukture van Suid-Afrika se stedelike gebiede te integreer. Ondanks die algemene positiewe neiging in rasseverhoudings en houdings teenoor residensiële integrasie, bly Suid-Afrikaanse stedelike gebiede steeds hiper-gesegregeerd. Dit kan 'n teken daarvan wees dat Blankes se ingesteldheid slegs positief is teenoor die beginsel van integrasie maar dat hulle nie self in geïntegreerde woonbuurte wil bly nie. Die doel van die studie is om die invloed van rassevoorkeur te bepaal in die aftakeling of voortsetting van segregasie in Vredenburg, Suid-Afrika, gedurende die post-apartheidsera. Dit word gedoen deur die invloed van bevolkingsgroepsamestelling op die begeerte om in daardie buurt te woon te bepaal, in ag genome die invloed van verskillende vlakke van misdaad en omgewingsverval binne daardie woonbuurt. 'n Faktoriale opnamevraelys is gebruik om data in te samel. Die data is daarna ontleed deur middel van veelvuldige regressie-analises. Die resultate van die analises toon dat die inwoners van Vredenburg, wie aan die steekproef deelgeneem het, in die algemeen nie beïnvloed is deur die bevolkingsgroepsamestelling van 'n woonbuurt nie. Daarteenoor het die deelnemers minder gehou van woonbuurte wat meer onveilig is, waarin meer rommel gestrooi is, waarvan die behuisingskwaliteit laer en die bure meer onvriendelik is. Die resultate toon ook dat lede van die hoë sosio-ekonomiese klas meer krities is oor woonbuurte en geneig is om dié areas volgens strenger kriteria te evalueer as die laer sosio-ekonomiese groepe. Die bevindings dui aan dat die rassesamestelling van 'n woonbuurt per se me die ingesteldheid van die dorp se inwoners beduidend beïnvloed nie. Dit is eerder hoë vlakke van misdaad en residensiële omgewingsverval wat beide Bruin en Blanke inwoners se opvattinge oor 'n buurt beduidend beïnvloed. Hoër vlakke van misdaad en omgewingsverval word gewoonlik met die laer SOSIOekonomiese klas geassosieer. In Vredenburg se geval bestaan daar groot sosio-ekonomiese verskille tussen die Blanke en nie-Blanke inwoners van die dorp. Dit is onwaarskynlik dat hierdie verskille in die korttermyn beduidend sal verander. Voortgesette klasverskille sal waarskynlik die oorsaak wees van volgehoue segregasie in Vredenburg. Trefwoorde: Apartheidstad, Blootstelling, Egaligheid, Faktoriale opname, Hiper-segregasie, Integrasie, Konsentrasie, Meervoudige regressie-analise, Rassevoorkeur, Segregasie, Segregasie- indekse, Sentralisasie, Woonbuurtkaraktereienskappe.

Studentifikasie in Stellenbosch

Benn, Julius Daniel 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA (Geography and Environmental Studies)--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLSI ABSTRACT: Students are very diverse and mobile population group who are present across the globe. Higher education institutions do not provide sufficient accommodation for students and therefore they need to depend on the private sector for alternative accommodation. The influx of students into neighbourhoods has been coined as studentification and this has various positive and negative impacts on neighbourhood structure. Stellenbosch is classified as a university town with a student population of 15 000 and the University of Stellenbosch only provides accommodation for half of its students. The students that can not be accommodated by the university have to turn to the private sector for accommodation. Die Weides and Simonswyk are neighbourhoods adjacent to campus and have fallen pray to studentification because of a high influx of students which led to an increase in population and physical density. The studentification in Die Weides and Simonswyk has various social, cultural, economical and physical consequences which creates challenges for the spatial planning of these neighbourhoods. A qualitative and quantitative approach has been used for this study. The literature study focusses on the following aspects: studentification and its dimensions; neighbourhood quality; two types of student housing; and the role that public policy has to fulfill in student housing regulation. Furthermore, the student accommodation policy of Stellenbosch Municipality and the densification policy is discussed to get an understanding of the current situation in Die Weides and Simonswyk and what future developments may occur. Property sales in Die Weides and Simonswyk over the past 16 years were analyzed to determine the level of property change that has occurred. Surveys amongst students and permanent residents within Die Weides and Simonswyk have been conducted to determine the degree of studentification that has occurred within the neigbourhoods. The accommodation policy for students which has been approved by the Stellenbosch Council, is a commendable initiative to try and regulate studentification. The policy only focusses on future student accommodation and the regulation thereof, however the policy is unclear on how current existing student accommodation should be dealt with. The valuation of property transactions in the two neighbourhoods shows that it is the utility and demand which is the main factors for property values and changes that occur. It has been found that student housing affects the neighbourhood in a negative manner and that it also decreases the neighbourhood quality. Negative social, physical and cultural consequences are experienced within these neighbourhoods, resulting in issues such as noise, traffic, high density and the loss of neigbourhood characteristics. Within Die Weides and Simonswyk there is a lack of social cohesion between the permanent residents and the students and neither of the two parties are attempting to get to know each other. Studentification offers several challenges for the development and implementation of public policy and spatial planning at regional and international level. Urgent attention needs to be given to more sustainable integration of student accommodation in Stellenbosch. Communication and willingness to co-operate between all relevant parties, will determine whether studentification can be regulated in a successful manner in Stellenbosch. The growth of the student population is inevitable and the presence of student accommodation in the town's neighborhoods will continue to increase. Public policy and the role that it should play in regulating studentification should be reviewed in Stellenbosch. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Studente is ‘n diverse en mobiele bevolkingsgroep wat regoor die wêreld voorkom. Hoër onderwys instansies voorsien selde voldoende akkommodasie aan studentebevolkings en dit forseer studente om alternatiewe akkommodasie te bekom in die privaat sektor. Die invloei van studente in buurte en binnestedelike woongebiede word gekenmerk met die term studentifikasie wat verskeie positiewe en negatiewe gevolge in hou vir die struktuur van woonbuurte. Stellenbosch word beskou as ‘n universiteitsdorp met ‘n studentebevolking van ongeveer 15 000 en die Universiteit van Stellenbosch bied akkommodasie aan die helfte van sy studente. Oorblywende studente moet dus die privaatsektor betree vir alternatiewe akkommodasie om ook in Stellenbosch te kan resideer. Die Weides en Simonswyk is woonbuurte neweliggend aan die kampus en is ’n teiken vir studentifikasie deur ‘n toevloei van studente en die gevolglike bevolkingsdruk wat na verdigting (mense en geboue) lei. Die studentifikasie van Die Weides en Simonswyk het verskeie sosiale, kulturele, fisiese en ekonomiese impakte en dit skep uitdagings vir die ruimtelike beplanning van die woonbuurte. Die studie volg beide kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe navorsingsbenaderings. Die literatuuroorsig fokus op studentifikasie en die dimensies daarvan, woonbuurtkwaliteit, twee tipes studentebehusing en die rol wat openbare beleid kan speel in studentebehuising regulasie. Stellenbosch munisipaliteit se studente akkommodasiebeleid en verdigtingsraamwerk word bespreek om agtergrond te kry oor die huidige situasie in Die Weides en Simonswyk en watter toekomstige ontwikkelings mag voorkom. Eiendomsverkope in Die Weides en Simonswyk oor die afgelope 16 jaar is ontleed om die vlak van eiendomsverandering te bepaal en meningsopnames onder studente en permanente inwoners in Die Weides en Simonswyk is gedoen om te bepaal wat die werklike omvang van studentifikasie is in die buurt. Die akkommodasiebeleid vir studente wat deur die Stellenbosch Stadsraad goed gekeur is, is ‘n prysenswaardige inisiatief om studentifikasie te probeer reguleer. Die beleid fokus egter net op toekomstige studentebehuising, die regulasie daarvan en die beleid is nie duidelik oor hoe reeds gevestigde studentebehuising aangespreek gaan word nie. Die waardebepaling van eiendomstransaksies in die twee buurte toon dat die nut en vraag die hoof rolle speel in die eiendomswaardes en verandering wat voorkom. Daar is bevind dat die teenwoordigheid van studentebehuising in woonbuurte grootliks negatiewe impakte het en dat dit woonbuurtkwaliteit verlaag. Negatiewe sosiale, fisiese en kulturele gevolge word in buurte ondervind, met kwessies soos geraas, verkeersdruk, oorskryde drakapasiteit en verlore woonbuurtkarakter is die manifestasies daarvan. Daar is nie ‘n sterk sosiale band tussen studente en permanente inwoners in Die Weides en Simonswyk nie en beide partye wend nie veel pogings aan om mekaar beter te leer ken nie. Studentifikasie bied verskeie uitdagings vir die ontwikkeling en toepassing van openbare beleid en ruimtelike beplanning op internasionaal en plaaslike vlak. Aandag moet dringend aan die meer volhoubare integrasie van studentebehuising in Stellenbosch gegee word. Kommunikasie en bereidwilligheid vir samewerking tussen alle rolspelers sal bepaal of studentifikasie in Stellenbosch op ‘n suksesvolle manier gereguleer kan word. Die groei van die studentebevolking is onvermydelik en die voorkoms van studentebehuising in die dorp se leefruimtes en woonbuurte sal in Stellenbosch toeneem. Openbare beleid en die rol wat dit moet speel in die regulering van studentifikasie sal onverwyld hersien moet word in Stellenbosch.

Die dorpe en distrikte Worcester, Robertson, Swellendam, Riversdale en Ceres

Naude, L. P. (Louis Philippe) January 1944 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 1944. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: No Abstract Available / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Geen Opsomming Beskikbaar

Extreme rainfall distributions : analysing change in the Western Cape

De Waal, Jan Hofmeyr 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / Severe floods in the Western Cape have caused significant damage to hydraulic structures, roads and other infrastructure over the past decade. The current design criteria for these structures and flood return level calculations are based on the concept of stationarity, which assumes that natural systems vary within an envelope of variability that does not change with time. In the context of regional climate change and projected changes in rainfall intensity, the basis for these calculations may become unrealistic with the passage of time. Hydraulic structures and other infrastructure may become more vulnerable to damaging floods because of changing hydroclimatic conditions. This project assesses the changes in extreme rainfall values over time across the Western Cape, South Africa. Using a Generalised Pareto Distribution, this study examines the changes in return levels across the Western Cape region for the periods 1900-1954 and 1955-2010. Of the 137 rainfall stations used in this research, 85 (62%) showed an increase in 50-year return level, 30 (22%) a decrease in 50-year return level and 22 (16%) stations displayed little change in rainfall intensity over time. While there were no clear spatial patterns to the results, they clearly indicate an increase in frequency of intense rainfalls in the latter half of the 20th and early 21st century. The changes in return level are also accompanied by a change in the frequency of high intensity 2-3 day long storms. 115 (84%) of the 137 rainfall stations showed an increase in the frequency of long duration, high intensity storms over the data record. This change generates a shifting risk profile of extreme rainfalls, which, in turn, creates challenges for the design of hydraulic structures and any infrastructure exposed to the resulting damaging floods. It can therefore be argued that it is inappropriate to design structures or manage water resources assuming stationarity of climate and that these principles should be assessed in order to reduce the risk of flood damage owing to increasing storm intensity. KEY WORDS Flood Risk, Stationarity, Disaster Risk, Hazard, Extreme Rainfall, Generalized Pareto Distribution, Climate

Assessment of SPOT 5 and ERS-2 OBIA for mapping wetlands

Pauw, Theo 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research considered the automated remote sensing-based classification of wetland extent within the Nuwejaars and Heuningnes River systems on the Agulhas Plain. The classification process was based on meaningful image objects created through image segmentation rather than on single pixels. An expert system classifier was compared to a nearest-neighbour supervised classifier, and one multispectral (SPOT 5) image (dry season) and two C-band, VV-polarisation synthetic aperture radar (SAR: ERS-2) images (dry and wet season) were used separately and in combination. Classifications were performed within two subset areas. Final classes identified were Permanent waterbody, Other wetland and Non-wetland. Statistical accuracy assessment was performed. Validation data was derived from a combination of high-resolution aerial photographs, the SPOT 5 image, high-resolution imagery on Google Earth and observations during a field visit. Wetland extent was defined as the total extent of wetland-specific vegetation, unvegetated seasonal pans and waterbodies. More detailed classes were originally envisaged, but available validation data was not considered adequate for assessing their accuracy with any confidence. The supervised classifier was found to be more accurate overall than the developed expert system. The difference between the two was however not always significant. The two SAR images alone did not contain sufficient information for the accurate classification of Agulhas wetlands’ extent, with recorded overall accuracies not exceeding 65% regardless of the classifier used. The SPOT image alone achieved accuracies higher than 80%; this was considered a good result. In comparison, combining the SAR and SPOT data did not improve the classification accuracy. The potential of the expert system to be applied with little modification to images acquired over other areas or over the same area in other years should be further investigated. However, several reservations are noted in this regard. Future research could potentially improve the results obtained from supervised classification by augmenting it with expert system rules to identify more complicated classes. KEYWORDS ERS-2, SPOT 5, SAR, wetlands, expert system classifier, nearest-neighbour supervised classifier / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsing het die geoutomatiseerde afstandswaarneminggebaseerde klassifikasie van vleilandomvang binne die Nuwejaars- en Heuningnesrivier stelsels op die Agulhasvlakte ondersoek. Die klassifikasieproses was gebaseer op betekenisvolle beeldobjekte geskep deur middel van beeldsegmentasie eerder as op enkele beeldelemente. ‘n Deskundige stelsel klassifiseerder is vergelyk met ‘n naaste-naburige gerigte klassifiseerder. Een multispektrale (SPOT 5) beeld vir die droë seisoen, sowel as twee C-band, VV-polarisasie sintetiese diafragma radar (SAR, ERS2) beelde (vir die droë en nat seisoene) is afsonderlik en in kombinasie gebruik. Klassifikasies is uitgevoer binne twee sub-areas in die beelde. Finale klasse wat geïdentifiseer is was Permanente waterliggaam, Ander vleiland en Nie-vleiland. Statistiese akkuraatheidsassessering is uitgevoer. Verwysingsdata is geskep vanuit ‘n kombinasie van hoë- resolusie lugfoto’s, die SPOT 5 beeld, hoë-resolusie beelde op Google Earth en waarnemings tydens ‘n besoek aan die studiegebied. Vleiland omvang is gedefinieer as die totale omvang van vleiland-spesifieke plantegroei, onbegroeide seisoenale panne en waterliggame. Die gerigte klassifiseerder blyk om oor die algemeen meer akkuraat as die ontwikkelde deskundige stelsel te wees. Die verskil was egter nie altyd beduidend nie. Die twee SAR beelde alleen het nie genoegsame inligting bevat vir die akkurate klassifikasie van Agulhas-vleilande se omvang nie, met behaalde algehele akkuraatheidsvlakke wat nie 65% oorskry het nie, ongeag van die klassifiseerder. Die SPOT-beeld alleenlik het algehele akkuraathede van meer as 80% behaal; wat as ‘n goeie resultaat beskou kan word. In vergelyking hiermee kon die kombinering van SAR- en SPOT-data nie ‘n verbetering teweeg bring nie. Die potensiaal van die deskundige stelsel om met min aanpassing op beelde van ander gebiede of van dieselfde gebied in ander jare toegepas te word, verg verdere ondersoek. Verskeie voorbehoude word egter in hierdie verband gemeld. Toekomstige navorsing kan potensieel die resultate van gerigte klassifikasie verbeter deur dit aan te vul met deskundige stelsel reëls vir die klassifikasie van meer komplekse klasse. TREFWOORDE ERS-2, SPOT 5, SAR, vleilande, deskundige stelsel klassifiseerder, naaste-naburige gerigte klassifiseerder.

Landslide susceptibility mapping : remote sensing and GIS approach

Tyoda, Zipho 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / Landslide susceptibility maps are important for development planning and disaster management. The current synthesis of landslide susceptibility maps largely applies GIS and remote sensing techniques. One of the most critical stages on landslide susceptibility mapping is the selection of landslide causative factors and weighting of the selected causative factors, in accordance to their influence to slope instability. GIS is ideal when deriving static factors i.e. slope and aspect and most importantly in the synthesis of landslide susceptibility maps. The integration of landslide causative thematic maps requires the selection of the weighting method; in order to weight the causative thematic maps in accordance to their influence to slope instability. Landslide susceptibility mapping is based on the assumption that future landslides will occur under similar circumstances as historic landslides. The weight of evidence method is ideal for landslide susceptibility mapping, as it calculates the weights of the causative thematic maps using known landslides points. This method was applied in an area within the Western Cape province of South Africa, the area is known to be highly susceptible to landslide occurrences. A prediction rate of 80.37% was achieved. The map combination approach was also applied and achieved a prediction rate of 50.98%. Satellite remote sensing techniques can be used to derive the thematic information needed to synthesize landslide susceptibility maps and to monitor the variable parameters influencing landslide susceptibility. Satellite remote sensing techniques can contribute to landslide investigation at three distinct phases namely: (1) detection and classification of landslides (2) monitoring landslide movement and identification of conditions leading up to an event (3) analysis and prediction of slope failures. Various sources of remote sensing data can contribute to these phases. Although the detection and classification of landslides through the remote sensing techniques is important to define landslide controlling parameters, the ideal is to use remote sensing data for monitoring of areas susceptible to landslide occurrence in an effort to provide an early warning. In this regard, optical remote sensing data was used successfully to monitor the variable conditions (vegetation health and productivity) that make an area susceptible to landslide occurrence.

Wind energy landscapes, place attachment and tourism in the Route 27/West Coast Region of South Africa

Lombard, Andrea 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The West Coast Region (WCR) of the Western Cape Province in South Africa is earmarked for at least 13 windfarm developments. These proposed developments represent an investment in and a movement towards cleaner and alternative ways of energy generation. All developments that will alter the environment or landscape are usually received with some sort of opposition. The aim of this study was to determine whether or not the presence of wind turbines in the form of wind farms will have any affect on the sense of place of insiders of (residents) and outsiders (visitors) to the West Coast Region, the insiders’ attachment to their natural landscapes and the outsiders’ experiences of the region. In the context of multiple issues arising from a very complex discourse around the possible effects that the proposed windfarms are perceived to have in the WCR, this study approached the research topic from three perspectives of inquiry: (1) windfarms and people’s place attachment; (2) windfarms and landscape aesthetic and function interference; and (3) windfarms and its effect on tourism. The study area includes 15 towns of three subregions of the WCR, namely the Swartland, West Coast Peninsula and Bergrivier subregions. The research objectives are seven fold, namely (1) to establish a solid base and understanding of the concepts and constructs related to wind energy, landscape aesthetics and place attachment; (2) to review appropriate case studies reported in the international literature and apply relevant methodologies in this study; (3) investigate theories, types and models of public decision making to explore the degree to which these could be applied to windfarm support or objection in the WCR; (4) to critique current policies in windfarm establishment and discover whether and how these shape social objection to or support for windfarm development in the WCR; (5) to establish the perceptions and attitudes relating to wind turbines of three groups of actors (tourism industry, tourists and residents) in the WCR by conducting questionnaire surveys in 15 West Coast towns and villages and interpret these views in relation to the impacts of wind turbines on the local landscape; (6) to determine the insiders’ place attachments to the WCR, whether the presence of wind turbines will affect these attachments and whether their attachments influence decisions to support or oppose the proposed windfarm developments; and (7) to assess the extent to which the presence of wind turbines will affect the tourism value of the region. Primary data was further strengthened by semi-structured interviews, informal conversations and observation at public participation and specialized group meetings. Data was analysed using SPSS, Excel and ArcGIS. The findings indicate that respondents are concerned with issues related to the sustainability of the natural environment and that the residents of the WCR possess a strong sense of attachment to the region, but no clear indication was found that their place attachment serve as a reason for their opposition to the proposed windfarm developments. Although the support for windfarm development decreases from a national to a regional level and to the local level of in or close to the towns in which respondents reside, their opposition to windfarm development in the region cannot only be regarded as simple not-in-my-backyard (NIMBY) attitudes. Seventy-five per cent of the respondents regard the physical landscape of the WCR as very special, but would still support the development of windfarms in the region indicating that the respondents do not believe the construction of wind turbines in the WCR landscapes will influence the special character of landscapes negatively. There is no indication presently that the tourism industry would be affected negatively by windfarm development in the region as both residents and visitors do not believe that windfarms deter tourists from visiting certain areas and more than 90% of visitors indicated they would return to the WCR after a number of windfarms have been developed. It is recommended that a post-development impact study be conducted to determine the attitudes toward windfarm development in the WCR following the deployment of wind turbines. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Weskus-streek in die Wes-Kaap provinsie van Suid-Afrika word geoormerk vir ten minste 13 windplaas ontwikkelinge. Hierdie voorgestelde ontwikkelinge verteenwoordig ‘n belegging in en ‘n beweging na skoner en alternatiewe maniere van energieopwekking. Alle ontwikkelinge wat die omgewing of landskap sal verander word gewoonlik ontvang deur ‘n mate van teenkanting. Die doel van hierdie studie was om te bepaal of die teenwoordigheid van windturbines in die vorm van windplase enige invloed op die plekbewustheid van inwoners van en besoekers aan die Weskus-streek, hulle gehegdheid aan die streek se natuurlike landskappe en besoekers se ervarings van die streek sal uitoefen. Binne die konteks van verskeie kwessies met hul oorsprong vanuit ‘n baie komplekse diskoers rondom die moontlike effekte wat vermeen word die voorgestelde windplase op die Weskus-streek sal hê, benader hierdie studie die navorsingsonderwerp vanuit drie navraagsperspektiewe: (1) windplase en mense se plekgehegdheid; (2) windplase en landskap estetiese en funksie steuring; en (3) windplase en die effek daarvan op toerisme. Die studie area sluit 15 dorpe uit drie substreke van die Weskus-streek in, naamlik die Swartland, Weskus Skiereiland en Bergrivier substreke. Die navorsingsdoelwitte is sewevoudig, naamlik (1) om ‘n konseptuele basis en verstaan van konsepte en konstrukte geassosieerd met windenergie-opwekking, landskap estetika en plekgehegdheid te kweek; (2) om toepaslike gevallestudies te hersien en sommige relevante metodologie vir die studie aan te wend; (3) om teorieë, tipes en modelle van publieke besluitneming te ondersoek ten einde te bepaal tot watter graad dit aangewend kan word tot windplaasondersteuning of teenkanting in die Weskus-streek; (4) om kritiek te lewer op huidige beleide van windplaasontwikkeling en te ontdek tot watter mate en hoe dit sosiale teenkanting of ondersteuning van windplaasontwikkeling in die Weskus-streek vorm; (5) om die persepsies en houdings van drie groepe deelnemers (die toerisme industrie, toeriste en inwoners) in die Weskus-streek te bepaal deur vraelysopnames in 15 Weskus dorpe te doen en hierdie sienings in verhouding met die impakte van windturbines op die plaaslike landskap te interpreer; (6) om die inwoners se plekgehegdheid tot die Weskus-streek te bepaal en of die teenwoordigheid van wind turbines hierdie gehegdheid sal affekteer en of hul gehegdheid besluitneming rakende die ondersteuning vir, of teenkanting teen, windplaasontwkkeling beïnvloed; en (7) om te bepaal tot watter mate die teenwoordigheid van windturbines die toerisme waarde van die streek sal affekteer. Primêre data is verder versterk deur semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude, informele gesprekke en waarneming by publieke deelname sessies en gespesialiseerde groepsvergaderings. Data is ontleed deur middel van SPSS, Excel en ArcGIS. Daar is bevind dat respondente besorg is oor kwessies rondom die volhoubaarheid van die natuurlike omgewing en dat die inwoners van die Weskus-streek ‘n sterk gehegtheid aan die streek het, maar geen definitiewe aanduiding is gevind dat hulle gehegdheid aan die streek as ‘n behoorlike rede vir hul teenstand teen die voorgestelde windplase aangevoer kan word nie. Alhoewel ondersteuning vir windplase afneem vanaf nasionaal na streeksvlak en die plaaslike vlak van binne of naby die dorp waar respondente woon, kan teenkanting teen die ontwikkeling van windplase in die streek nie slegs eenvoudig as ‘n nie-in-my-agterplaas houding (NIMAP) beskou word nie. Vyf-en-sewentig persent van die respondente ag die fisiese landskap van die Weskus-streek as baie spesiaal, maar ondersteun steeds windplaasontwikkeling in die streek wat aandui dat die respondente nie van mening is dat die oprigting van windturbines in die Weskus-streek landskappe die spesiale karakter van hierdie landskappe negatief sal beïnvloed nie. Daar is tans geen aanduiding dat die toerismebedryf negatief deur windplaasontwikkeling beïnvloed sal word nie aangesien beide inwoners en besoekers aangedui het dat hul nie van mening is dat windplase toeriste sal verhinder om sekere areas te besoek nie. Negentig persent van besoekers het aangedui dat hul steeds sal terugkeer na die Weskus-streek ná die ontwikkeling van ‘n aantal windplase. Dit word aanbeveel dat ‘n ná-ontwikkeling impakstudie onderneem word om die houdings jeens windplaasontwikkeling in die Weskus-streek ná oprigting van die turbines te ondersoek.

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