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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The nature, extent and impact of multiple land uses on the agricultural landscape in Stellenbosch as manifestation of a post-productivist mode of agricultural change

Cloete, Gert Johannes Abraham 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to investigate the nature, extent and impact of multiple land uses on the agricultural landscape in Stellenbosch as manifestation of a post-productivist mode of agricultural change. The research objectives included the provision of a thorough literature review of post-productivism; mapping the spatial distribution of farm-based activities on wine farms within the Stellenbosch area; the compilation of a land-use map of the area that will investigate the extent of multiple land-use diversification; an analysis of the locational relationship between farm-based activities and a range of land-use changes in GIS; mapping the municipal properties and land use on each; the provision of a typology of post-productivist, non-agricultural land consumption practices; and conducting a representatively sampled survey among farm owners/managers who have not followed the trend of multiple land-use practices. Data were collected from questionnaires completed by the owners of wine farms within the Stellenbosch area; by differentiating each land cover type by the changes that took place over the period 1993 to 2010; and from long-term lease agreements of Stellenbosch municipal properties and the land use of each property. An overall increase in the presentation of alternative features/facilities can be observed in the Stellenbosch area. According to the information obtained from the questionnaires, conferences and weddings seems to be the most popular alternatives to primary farming. The research findings indicate that tourism-related functions/facilities on farms lead to a much needed alternative source of income for farmers. The changes in land cover observed over time can be linked to the process of post-productivism, which is aimed primarily at minimising the harmful effects of intensive farming techniques on the environment. In cases where land cover has decreased drastically, especially plantations, these areas have been transformed into natural vegetation. The Stellenbosch Municipality is strict on compliance with policies, as failure to do so can have harmful effects on the environment. These policies include the Land Use Planning Ordinance 15 of 1985 (Western Cape, 1985); the Municipal Asset Transfer Regulations of 2008 (Western Cape, 2008); the Western Cape Provincial Spatial Development Framework of 2009 (Western Cape, 2009); the Provincial Urban Edge Guidelines of 2005; and the policy on the management of Stellenbosch Municipality’s immovable property of 2012. The municipality also is strict on the fact that the property may only be used for the purpose for which it was zoned. Failure to comply with these rules can lead to the termination of the contract between the municipality and the farmer, without any compensation from the municipality. Recommendations for future research include some development opportunities and marketing strategies for farm-based tourism; suggestions regarding the municipal responsibilities towards the commonages; as well as suggestions regarding the management of changes in rural land use change. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om ondersoek in te stel na die aard, omvang en impak van veelvoudige grondgebruike op die landbou-landskap van Stellenbosch as ’n manifestasie van die postproduktivistiese modus van landbouverandering. Die navorsingsdoelwitte het die volgende ingesluit: die voorsiening van 'n deeglike literatuuroorsig oor postproduktivisme; kartering van die ruimtelike verspreiding van plaas-gebaseerde aktiwiteite op wynplase in die Stellenbosch-omgewing; samestelling van 'n grondgebruikskaart van die gebied wat die omvang van die diversifisering van veelvuldige grondgebruike ondersoek; analise van die liggingsverhouding tussen plaas-gebaseerde aktiwiteite en 'n verskeidenheid van grondgebruikveranderinge in GIS; kartering van die munisipale eiendomme en grondgebruik op elke eiendom; verskaffing van 'n tipologie van die postproduktivistiese, nie-landbou verbruikspraktyke; en die uitvoering van 'n verteenwoordigende opname onder plaaseienaars/bestuurders wat nie die tendens van meervoudige grondgebruike volg nie. Data is ingesamel deur middel van vraelyste wat deur eienaars van wynplase in die Stellenbosch-omgewing voltooi is; deur onderskeid te tref tussen verskillende soorte grondbedekking deur te fokus op die veranderinge wat van 1993 tot 2010 plaasgevind het; asook ’n ondersoek van langtermyn huurkontrakte van munisipale eiendomme op Stellenbosch en die grondgebruik van elke eiendom. In die Stellenbosch-omgewing was daar 'n algehele toename in die aanbieding van alternatiewe funksies/fasiliteite. Volgens die vraelyste blyk konferensies en troues die gewildste alternatief tot primêre boerdery te wees. Die navorsingsbevindinge dui daarop dat toerisme en verwante funksies/fasiliteite op plase 'n noodsaaklike alternatiewe bron van inkomste vir die boere verskaf. Die veranderinge in die grondbedekking wat oor tyd waargeneem is, kan gekoppel word aan die proses van postproduktivisme, aangesien die proses daarop fokus om die skadelike uitwerking van intensiewe boerderytegnieke op die omgewing te verminder. In gevalle waar grondbedekking drasties afgeneem het, veral van plantasies, is hierdie gebiede gewoonlik in natuurlike plantegroei omskep. Die Munisipaliteit van Stellenbosch is streng oor die nakoming van beleide, aangesien versuim ʼn skadelike uitwerking op die omgewing kan hê. Hierdie beleide sluit in die Grondgebruikbeplanning Ordonnansie 15 van 1985; Munisipale Bate Oordrag Regulasies van 2008; die Wes-Kaapse Provinsiale Ruimtelike Ontwikkelings Raamwerk van 2009; die Provinsiale ‘Stedelike Randgebied’ Riglyne van 2005; asook die beleid op die bestuur van die Stellenbosch Munisipaliteit se vaste eiendom van 2012. Die munisipaliteit is ook streng oor die feit dat eiendomme slegs gebruik mag word vir die doel waarvoor dit gesoneer is. Versuim om hieraan te voldoen kan lei tot die beëindiging van die kontrak tussen die Munisipaliteit en die boer, sonder enige vergoeding vanaf die munisipaliteit. Voorstelle vir toekomstige navorsing sluit in 'n paar ontwikkelingsgeleenthede en bemarkingstrategieë vir plaas-gebaseerde toerisme, voorstelle ten opsigte van die munisipale verantwoordelikhede teenoor meentgronde, asook voorstelle gerig op die bestuur van verandering in landelike grondgebruik.

Land cover change and its effect on landscape function in the Koue Bokkeveld

Vos, Elizmay 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Natural vegetation and wetlands in regions of the Western Cape are being replaced by agricultural development. Previous studies on one such region - the Koue Bokkeveld, a high mountainous region at the source of three major drainage basins, demarcated for study purposes to cover nearly 2500 km2, have failed to provide a comprehensive overview of such change and its landscape outcomes. This research aimed to detect, capture, record and classify the spatial nature, extent and change dynamics of various landscape elements and functions due to change in the land cover of this region. It assembled a comprehensive spatial database by digitising existing maps, aerial photograph mosaics and satellite imagery. Land cover maps were created for three historical and land cover change analyses were performed for the interim periods. Morphological landscape images were derived from a DEM and used to explain and interpret the location of land cover types and trends in change patterns. The effects on three landscape functions were determined, namely modelled run-off production, biodiversity deduced from landscape pattern structure and SANBI ratings, and carbon storage potential based on published figures. The research found that the regional landscape has undergone substantive land cover change , since the reference state. Increased intensity and productivity of agriculture and its related infrastructure increased its coverage to nearly 45 000 ha or 20 % of the total area. Perennial agriculture (nearly 10 000 ha of orchards and plantations) and annual (intensive vegetable growing and diminishing cereal crops) agriculture, accompanied by improved enabling infrastructure, such as irrigation technology (large storage dams, pipelines, micro delivery modes), transportation, roads, product cooling and packing plants, have extensively replaced natural vegetation. Located in valley bottoms and along toe-slope locations, where they compete for space directly with expanding and constantly intensifying agricultural activities, wetlands, shale fynbos and renosterveld face complete replacement. Land use and land cover changes have profoundly affected landscape functioning. Modelled rainfall run-off has increased (2% overall) in most subregions, opening possibilities for sedimentation and erosion. A high degree of fragmentation of the vulnerable and affected vegetation types threatens biodiversity. Increased carbon storage in perennial agriculture offers a benefit of change, as opposed to the negative outcomes on biodiversity of change in the Koue Bokkeveld. The research recommends improved institutional provision of the data required for system and regional modelling of processes like run-off in developing communities and for meeting the requirements of more sophisticated and accurate landscape models. Improved availability and appropriateness of GIT software solutions to conduct regional research and the use of more economical open software for GIS applications are to be encouraged. Ongoing and improved management and control are advocated for the expanding and intensified agriculture in a sensitive fynbos setting and for the maintenance of healthy landscape functioning. Concerning the discipline of geography, the exploitation of landscape functioning as a transdisciplinary focus inherent to a new regional geography is encouraged to arrest disciplinary drift. Specifically, future research should intensify the examination of the linkages between land use, land cover, change and ecological landscape functioning. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Natuurlike plantegroei en vleilande in substreke van die Wes-Kaap word voortdurend vervang deur landbou-ontwikkeling. Vorige studies oor een so 'n streek - die Koue Bokkeveld, 'n hoogliggende bergagtige streek op die oorsprong van drie groot dreineerbekkens, wat afgebaken vir studie-doeleindes byna 2500 km2 dek  bied geen omvattende oorsig van sodanige verandering en die landskapsuitkomste daarvan nie. Hierdie navorsing was daarop gemik om die ruimtelike aard, omvang en veranderingsdinamika van verskillende landskapselemente en -funksies as gevolg van die verandering van grondbedekking van hierdie streek na te spoor, op te teken en te klassifiseer. 'n Omvattende ruimtelike databasis is saamgestel uit versyferde bestaande kaarte, lugfoto-mosaïeke en satellietbeelde. Grondbedekkingskaarte vir drie historiese tydsnitte is geskep en verandering oor die tussentydse periode is ontleed. Morfologiese landskapselemente is uit 'n DEM onttrek en gebruik om die patroon van grondbedekking en tendense in veranderingspatrone te verklaar en te verduidelik. Die nagevolge op drie landskapsfunksies, naamlik reënval-afloop produksie, biodiversiteit soos afgelei van die landskap se patroonstruktuur en SANBI graderings, en koolstof-opgaringspotensiaal gebaseer op gepubliseerde syfers, is bepaal. Die navorsing het bevind dat die streekslandskap sedert die vroegste verwysingstaat wesenlike grondbedekkingsverandering ondergaan het. Verhoogde intensiteit en produktiwiteit van die landbou en sy verwante infrastruktuur het die dekking daarvan vergroot tot byna 45 000 ha of 20% van die totale oppervlakte. Permanente (nagenoeg 10 000 ha boorde en plantasies) en jaarlikse (intensiewe groente en dalende graangewas verbouing) landbou, saam met verbeterde infrastruktuur, soos besproeiingstegnologie (groot opgaardamme, pypleidings, mikroleweringstoerusting), vervoer, paaie, produkverkoeling en -verpakkingsgeriewe, het natuurlike plantegroei grootskaals vervang. Geleë in valleivloere en aanliggende heuwelhange, waar hulle direk om ruimte meeding met die uitbreidende en voortdurend intensiferende landbou-aktiwiteite, is vleilande, skalie-fynbos en renosterveld onderhewig aan volledige vervanging. Grondgebruik- en bedekkingsverandering raak landskapsfunksionering wesenlik. Gemodelleerde reënvalafloop het toegeneem (2% in totaal) in die meeste substreke en vergroot so die moontlikhede vir sedimentasie en erosie. ‘n Hoë vlak van landskapsfragmentasie in die kwesbare en geaffekteerde plantegroeitipes bedreig biodiversiteit. Verhoogde koolstofopgaring in meerjarige landbougewasse impliseer wel 'n positiewe opbrengs van grondbedekkingsverandering, in teenstelling tot die negatiewe biodiversiteitsuitkomste van verandering in die Koue Bokkeveld. Die navorsing beveel aan dat institusionele voorsiening van data wat benodig word vir stelsel- en prosesmodellering (bv. reënvalafloop) in ontwikkelende gemeenskappe, en die vereistes van meer gesofistikeerde en akkurate landskapsmodelle, verbeter word. Die beskikbaarheid en geskiktheid van GIT sagteware-oplossings vir streeksnavorsing, en die gebruik van meer ekonomiese oop-programmatuur vir GIS-toepassings, word aangemoedig. Vir praktiese doeleindes word deurlopend-verbeterde bestuur en beheer oor die uitbreiding en intensifering van van landbou in 'n sensitiewe fynbosomgewing en die instandhouding van gesonde landskapsfunksionering bepleit. Met betrekking tot die dissipline van geografie, moedig die navorsing die ontginning van die landskap se funksionering as 'n transdissiplinêre fokus inherent aan 'n nuwe tipe streeksgeografie aan, om dissiplinêre uiteenloping te stuit. Toekomstige navorsing kan spesifiek die ondersoek van die skakels tussen grondgebruik, grondbedekking, verandering en ekologiese landskapsfunksionering verskerp.

Socio-economic assessment of the consequences of flooding in Northern Namibia

Shifidi, Victoria Tuwilika 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study was conducted in the Cuvelai Basin in Northern Namibia to assess vulnerability and socio-economic impacts of flooding on local residents, and to suggest ways to counteract the consequences of flooding in rural areas of the Basin. This followed severe flooding in 2009, 2011 and 2012. These combined flooding episodes had a substantial impact on local residents and the Namibian economy, with estimated losses of approximately US$136.4 million (NAD1364 million) in direct damage and US$78.2 million (NAD780 million) in indirect losses. The consequences of flooding amounted to ~1% of the country’s 2009 Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Rural residents in the Cuvelai Basin live predominantly on small farm holdings (‘ekove’) allocated by local village leadership, and depend heavily on subsistence farming for their livelihoods. Since higher-lying ground with soil best suited for crop production becomes scarcer, residents are allocated land in low-lying areas which are smaller and more susceptible to floods. The destruction of crops, farm and grazing land, trees and livestock, by floods and similar disasters is of a huge concern. The study sought to assess the impacts of flooding, geographical or physical circumstances that place residents at risk, and socio-economic conditions that lead to vulnerability. The study also attempted to assess whether traditional leaders (headmen) and village residents can use flood risk maps to create plans to reduce flood vulnerability. Over the past flood years, initiatives by the government to cope with floods have been response (relief), short-term and heavily donor dependent. To cope with floods and agro-climatic changes in their basin, rural residents have evolved their practices, some of which are traditional, to help lessen the impacts of floods on their livelihoods. Unfortunately such knowledge is not fully acknowledged by policy, decision makers and disaster risk managers. As a result of this knowledge gap, the study’s objective of compiling these practices, serves as a means to document localized traditional flood response, mitigation and adaptive measures. Moreover, the study will suggest contemporary adaptive measures as recommended by the local rural residents. Residents in 314 households were interviewed during August to November 2012. The households were selected following recommendations by village headmen, and consisted of 273 flooded homes, 42 village leaders, and 35 homes that were not flooded from 45 randomly selected villages. The qualitative data was captured, pre-coded, processed and analysed in Microsoft Excel, SPSS and STATISTICA to derive descriptive and inferential statistics. Following consultations with village headmen and residents, recommendations were made on practical adaptive strategies to flooding. The study found that there is a need to foster community level participation, buy-in and involvement in disaster risk management strategies in order to reduce the gap between technical early warning mechanisms and indigenous knowledge. Results revealed that households with coinciding socio-economic and geographic vulnerability are heavily impacted by flood disasters. However, these two vulnerabilities are not directly proportional to each other. Other vulnerable groups in society were outlined and structural and non-structural mitigation and preparedness measures at household level were recommended by the residents. It is the study’s intention that this will assist in strengthening local residents adaptive capabilities during events of flooding, thereby mitigating their impacts. The project’s intention of documenting this technical and indigenous knowledge, will serve as a knowledge base that can be compiled and integrated into an effective village friendly flood early warning system. It is further hoped that this initiative will garner support at the policy level and contribute to the prioritization of flood response to pending disasters being placed at the centre of development planning and execution. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie is uitgevoer in die Cuvelai-opvangsgebied om die kwesbaarheid en sosio-ekonomiese impak van vloede op die plaaslike inwoners te bepaal ten einde maniere te vind om die gevolge van oorstromings in die landelike gebiede van die Cuvelai teen te werk. Ernstige oorstromings in 2009, 2011 en 2012 het 'n aansienlike impak op die Namibiese ekonomie gehad met geraamde verliese van ongeveer US$136.4 million (NAD1364 million) in direkte skade en US$78.2million (NAD780 million) in indirekte verliese vir die land. Ongeveer een persent (1%) van die land se 2009 bruto binnelandse produk (BBP) is benut om die gevolge van hierdie oorstromings aan te spreek. Landelike inwoners in die Cuvelai-opvangsgebied woon op kleinhoewes, plaaslik bekend as ekove, wat toegeken word deur plaaslike gemeenskapsleierskap. Hulle is hoofsaaklik afhanklik van bestaansboerdery. Aangesien hoër-liggende gebiede met goeie landboupotensiaal toenemend skaarser word, word nuwe kleinhoewes toegeken in laer-liggende gebiede, waar die negatiewe gevolge van oorstromings op inwoners erger kan wees. Skade aan gewasse, landbougrond en weiding, boorde en vee deur oorstromings en soortgelyke rampe is dus kommerwekkend. Die doelstelling van die studie was dus om die impak van oorstromings te bepaal, die geografiese of fisiese omstandighede wat plaaslike inwoners in gevaar stel te evalueer, en sosio–ekonomiese toestande wat lei tot kwesbaarheid te bepaal. Verdere doelwitte was om vas te stel of gemeenskapleiers en plaaslike inwoners vloedrisikokaarte kan gebruik om vloedkwesbaarheid te bepaal, in oorleg met plaaslike owerhede en inwoners alternatiewe praktiese aangepaste strategieë vir oorstromings vas te stel en aanbevelings aan die nasionale rampsbestuursbeleid en praktyk waar toepaslik te maak. Tydens die afgelope oorstromings was regeringsinisiatiewe om oorstromings te hanteer korttermyn vloedverligting, grootliks afhanlik van skenker. Om vloede en landbou-klimaatsveranderinge the hanteer, het landelike inwoners nuwe praktyke ontwikkel, sommige van tradisionele aard, om die impak van oorstomings op hulle lewensbestaan the verminder. Ongelukkig word sodanige kennis nie ten volle erken deur beleid, besluitnemers en ramprisikobestuurders nie. As gevolg van hierdie kennisgaping, dien die studiedoelwit om hierdie praktyke saam te stel die doel om gelokaliseerde tradisionele maatreëls aangaande vloedreaksie, versagting en aapasbaarheid te dokumenteer. Verder sal die studie onlangse maatreëls voorstel soos aanbeveel deur die plaaslike landelike inwoners. Ten einde kwalitatiewe data van die gemeenskappe wat in die Cuvelai woon te bekom is daar vir vier maande (Augustus tot November 2012) opnames gedoen by 314 huishoudings, gekies op aanbeveling van die plaaslike owerhede wat insluit 273 vloedslagoffers, 42 gemeenskapsleiers, en 35 huishoudings wat nie deur vloede beïnvloed is nie, vanuit 45 verskillende gemeenskappe. Die kwalitatiewe data is opgeneem, vooraf-gekodeer, verwerk en ontleed in Microsoft Excel, SPSS en STATISTICA om beskrywende en inferensiële statistieke te bekom. Die studie het bevind dat daar 'n behoefte is om die vlak van gemeenskapsdeelname te bevorder, inkoop en betrokkenheid by die ramp risikobestuurstrategieë te verkry ten einde die tegniese gaping tussen vroeë waarskuwingsmeganismes en inheemse kennis te verminder. Die studie het ook getoon dat huishoudings met ‘n gekombineerde sosio-ekonomiese en geografiese kwesbaarheid groter newe-effekte ondervind van vloedrampe. Die twee kwesbaarhede is egter nie direk eweredig aanmekaar nie. Ander kwesbare groepe in die samelewing is uitgewys, en strukturele en nie-strukturele versagting en paraatheidsmaatreëls op huishoudelike vlak is deur die inwoners aanbeveel. Die studie se doelwit is om die aanpasbaarheid van die plaaslike inwoners tydens oorstromings te bevorder, en sodoende die impak te verminder. Dokumentasie van hierdie tegniese en inheemse kennis sal dien as 'n kennisbasis wat saamgestel en geïntegreer kan word in 'n effektiewe gemeenskapsvriendelike vroeë vloedwaarskuwingstelsel. Indien hierdie inisiatief ondersteuning vind op beleidsvlak, kan dit bydra tot die prioritisering van vloed- en rampreaksie in ontwikkelingbeplanning en uitvoering.

Climate change in the Western Cape : a disaster risk assessment of the impact on human health

Louw, E. J. M. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil (Geography and Environmental Studies))—University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / Background The Disaster Management Act (Act 57 of 2002) instructs a paradigm shift from preparedness, response and recovery towards risk reduction. In order to plan for and mitigate risks, all spheres of government must firstly assess their hazards, vulnerabilities, capacity to cope and therefore risks. Studies in this regard, in South Africa, have however only focussed on current risks. Climate Change has now been accepted by leading international studies as a reality. Climate change can impact upon many aspects of life on earth. Studies to quantify the impact of climate change on water resources, biodiversity, agriculture and sustainable development are steadily increasing, but human health seem to have been neglected. Only general predictions, mostly regarding vector-borne disease and injury related to natural disasters are found in literature. Studies in South Africa have only focussed on malaria distribution. Most studies, internationally and the few in South Africa, were based on determining empirical relationships between weather parameters and disease incidence, therefore assessing only the hazard, and not the disaster risk. Methodology This study examines the impact of climate change on human health in the Western Cape, within the context of disaster management. A qualitative approach is followed and includes: · A literature overview examining predicted changes in climate on a global and regional scale, · A discussion on the known relationships and possible impacts climate change might have on human health, · A disaster risk assessment based on the status quo for a case study area, the Cape Winelands District Municipality, · An investigation into the future risks in terms of health, taking into account vulnerabilities and secondary impacts of climate change, resulting in the prioritisation of future risks. · Suggestions towards mitigation within the South African context. Results The secondary impacts of climate change were found to have the larger qualitative impact. The impact of climate change on agriculture, supporting 38% of the population can potentially destroy the livelihoods of the workforce, resulting in poverty-related disease. Other impacts identified were injuries and disease relating to temperature, floods, fire and water quality. Conclusion Risk is a function of hazard, vulnerability and capacity to cope. The impact of an external factor on a ‘spatial system’ should be a function of the impacts on all these factors. Disasters are not increasing because of the increase in the frequency of hazards, but because of the increasing vulnerability to hazards. This study illustrated that the major impacts of the external factor could actually be on the vulnerabilities and the indirect impacts, and not on the hazard itself. Climate change poses a threat to many aspects of the causative links that should be addressed by disaster management, and its impacts should be researched further to determine links and vulnerabilities. This research also illustrates that slow onset disasters hold the potential to destroy just as much as extreme events such as Katrina, Rita or a tsunami. It also reiterates that secondary impacts may not be as obvious, but are certainly not of secondary importance.

A river health assessment of selected South-Western Cape Rivers : index of habitat integrity, water quality and the influence of surrounding land use

Dawson, Emily Kathleen 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The River Health Programme (RHP) is an assessment tool for monitoring the ecological state of rivers to ensure that they remain fit for use by present and future generations. This study, forming part of a RHP assessment conducted on the south-western Cape Hout Bay, Lourens and Palmiet Rivers, has the aim to (1) zone the rivers for representative site selection, (2) assess their habitat integrity (HI), (3) determine the influence of land use on riverine HI and (4) assess the river water quality at the time of the RHP assessments. (1) The desktop geomorphological zonation method used in RHP assessments has not been sufficiently previously tested on short rivers draining the Western Cape Mountains. The Lowland River Zone of the rivers studied, as well as the Hout Bay River’s Upper Foothill Zone, were found to have steeper gradients than expected, probably due to these rivers being shorter and consequently steeper than any on which the method was previously tested. The notion of one gradient river classification system being applicable throughout South Africa, with its diverse geology and climate, is unlikely. Rather a classification system modified for various physiographic features regions or by a factor based on river length is more realistic. (2) Although there is a general longitudinal decrease in HI downstream along the Hout Bay and Lourens Rivers, coinciding with increased anthropogenic activities, HI improves in the Palmiet River’s lower reaches through the Kogelberg Nature Reserve. Surrounding land use thus seems to be a major determinant of HI. Although the Index of Habitat Integrity (IHI) used appears to achieve its aim, it was found to be subjective. Categorisation of the IHI scoring is suggested. (3) The amount of natural versus disturbed land use occurring upstream of a site at a regional and local scale, is a good predictor of riverine HI. Regional alien forestry and local urbanisation have significantly strong negative effects on instream (r2 = -0.80, r2 = 0.80, p<0.05) and riparian (r2 = -0.81, r2 = -0.83, p<0.05) HI. Different land use types therefore appear to affect riverine HI at differing scales and thus managers must not only think on a local but also a catchment scale. (4) In the Hout Bay River, a filtering system (e.g. wetland) appears to improve the water quality between the middle and lower reaches. Along the Lourens River, high total dissolved salts, conductivity and inorganic nitrogen concentrations in the middle reaches are cause for concern. Along the Palmiet River there appeared to be insufficient oxygen to support most aquatic life forms at Grabouw. Impoundments in the middle reaches act as sinks for nutrients and salts, but the Huis and Krom tributaries downstream then appear to degrade the water quality of the Palmiet River’s lower reaches within the Kogelberg Nature Reserve. Together with the results of simultaneous biotic assessments, these results should be used to develop management actions to improve the ecological health of these rivers. The results have been used in a State-of-Rivers Report for the south-western Cape. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Riviergesondheidsprogram (RGP) is 'n asseseringsinstrument wat die ekologiese stand van riviere monitor om te verseker dat hulle steeds bruikbaar bly vir huidige en toekomstige geslagte. Hierdie studie maak deel uit van 'n RGP-assessering van die Lourens-, Houtbaai- en Palmietrivier in die Suidwes-Kaap en het ten doel om (1) die riviere te soneer vir verteenwoordigende terreinseleksie, (2) die habitat-integriteit (HI) te assesseer, (3) die invloed van grondgebruik op rivier-HI te bepaal en (4) die kwaliteit van rivierwater tydens die RGP-assesserings te bepaal. (1) Die geomorfologiese-soneringsmetode wat in RGP-assesserings gebruik word, is nog nie voorheen genoegsaam vir die kort riviere wat die Wes-Kaapse berge dreineer, getoets nie. Daar is bevind dat die studiegebied riviere in die laagland-sones skerper gradiënte het as verwag, gehad het. Dit kan moontlik toegeskryf word aan die riviere wat korter en dus steiler is as enige van dié wat voorheen met die metode getoets is. Die moontlikheid dat een gradiëntklassifikasiestelsel vir riviere regdeur Suid-Afrika met sy diverse geologie en klimaat toegepas kan word, is onwaarskynlik. 'n Klassifikasiestelsel aangepas vir verskillende fisiografiese streke of met 'n faktor gebaseer op rivierlengte, is meer realisties. (2) Alhoewel HI stroomaf langs die Lourens- en Houtbaairivier in die algemeen longitudinaal saam met die toename in antropogeniese aktiwiteite afneem, verbeter die Palmietrivier se HI waar dit laer af deur die Kogelbergnatuurreservaat vloei. Die gebruike van aanliggende grond blyk dus 'n belangrike bepaler van HI te wees. Die Indeks van Habitatintegriteit (IHI) bereik klaarblyklik die vereiste doel, maar is te subjektief. Kategorisering van die IHI-waardes word voorgestel. (3) 'n Goeie voorspeller van rivier-HI is die hoeveelheid natuurlike teenoor versteurde grondgebruik stroomop van 'n terrein op 'n streeks- en lokale skaal. Die sterk negatiewe effek van uitheemse plantegroei in die omgewing en lokale verstedeliking op stroom- (r² = -0.80, r² = 0.80, p<0.05 ) en oewer-HI (r² = -0.81, r² = -0.83, p<0.05) is beduidend. Verskille in tipe grondgebruik beïnvloed rivier-HI op verskillende vlakke; bestuurders moet dus plaaslik en aan die opvanggebied dink. (4) In die Houtbaairivier lyk dit asof 'n filtreringstelsel (bv. vleigrond) die waterkwaliteit tussen die middel- en lae gedeeltes verbeter. In die loop van die Lourensrivier is hoë totale opgeloste soute, geleidingsvermoë en anorganiese stikstofkonsentrasies in die middelgedeelte 'n rede tot kommer. In die Palmietrivier by Grabouw was die suurstof te min om die meeste akwatiese lewensvorme te onderhou. Opgedamde water in die middel gedeeltes dien as 'n sink vir voedingstowwe en soute, maar dit lyk asof die Huis- en Kromrivier die waterkwaliteit van die Palmietrivier stroomaf in die Kogelbergnatuurreservaat degradeer. Saam met die resultate van gelyktydige biotiese assesserings, kan hierdie resultate gebruik word vir die ontwikkeling van bestuursaksies om die ekologiese toestand van hierdie riviere te verbeter. Die resultate is gebruik in 'n toestand-van-riviere-verslag vir die Suidwes-Kaap.

The role of tourism in natural resource management in the Okavango Delta, Botswana.

Harrison, Phillipa Anne. January 2006 (has links)
In recent years the use of tourism as a development strategy by Third World governments has increased, resulting in the intersection of international tourism and local resource utilisation patterns. The aim of this thesis is to critically assess the impact of tourism in the utilisation and management of natural resources in the Okavango Delta in Botswana. More specifically, the study appraises the current state of tourism and natural resource utilisation and management in the Okavango Delta; assesses the past and present forms of resource utilisation practised by the local inhabitants scattered throughout the Delta area; focuses on the implementation of government policy regarding resource use; highlights past and present relationships between tourism and resource utilisation; and examines the impact of tourism on the areas resources, environment and local inhabitants. Research has shown that the Okavango Delta, which is Botswana's primary tourism area, is faced with a number of social, economic and environmental challenges. These include extreme levels of poverty, especially in the rural areas; lack of infrastructure; competition over land and resources; growing regional inequality; social degradation; increased imports leading to foreign exchange leakages; changes in subsistence strategies and increased 'rural-urban' .migration; and the loss of control of the region by the local population to the global tourism system. The Okavango Delta is in the process of undergoing a change from traditional, rural, subsistence economies and livelihoods to capitalist, commercial-driven economic structures. In the Okavango Delta, as in many places around the world, people are in the process of being integrated into national level political, social and economic institutions, both within and outside of their control. The creation of employment for the local population, the sustainable use of the Delta and its resources, the development of the local agricultural industry, the continued growth of the tourism industry, and striking a balance between the conservation/preservation of the Okavango and meeting the water requirement needs of Angola, Namibia, and Botswana's growing populations are amongst the key concerns present in the area. 11 Tourism in the Okavango Delta is directly dependent upon the utilisation of the region's natural resources of wildlife, water and natural vegetation areas for the industry. As such, tourism has increasingly impacted upon the way, and degree to which, these resources are managed and utilised, hence being identified as a key factor effecting the resource sector. If the Government of Botswana is to develop a tourism industry which fosters environmental and natural resource preservation, rather than maintaining a heavy dependence on limited and fragile resources, a better understanding of the relationship between the two sectors is necessary. Enhancing the positive linkages between tourism and natural resource utilisation in the Okavango Delta region represents an important means to stimulate increased natural resource and environmental protection, and improve the distribution of tourism benefits to rural communities. amongst the key concerns present in the area. Tourism in the Okavango Delta is directly dependent upon the utilisation of the region's natural resources of wildlife, water and natural vegetation areas for the industry. As such, tourism has increasingly impacted upon the way, and degree to which, these resources are managed and utilised, hence being identified as a key factor effecting the resource sector. If the Government of Botswana is to develop a tourism industry which fosters environmental and natural resource preservation, rather than maintaining a heavy dependence on limited and fragile resources, a better understanding of the relationship between the two sectors is necessary. Enhancing the positive linkages between tourism and natural resource utilisation in the Okavango Delta region represents an important means to stimulate increased natural resource and environmental protection, and improve the distribution of tourism benefits to rural communities. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2006

Impact of land use on water quality and aquatic ecosystem health of stream networks in the upper uMngeni catchment feeding Midmar Dam, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.

Van Deventer, Ross. January 2012 (has links)
Freshwater in adequate supply and quality is vital to life on Earth; however, land-based activities such as development, agriculture, mining and industry, and their associated contaminants, pose a major threat to the quality of freshwater water resources and health of aquatic ecosystems. The upper uMngeni catchment draining into Midmar Dam is a strategically significant water resource, supplying clean drinking water to the eThekwini, uMgungundlovu and Msunduzi municipalities. The quality of this resource is under threat from current land-based activities such as Mpophomeni settlement and agriculture and emerging threats in the form of the Khayalisha social housing project. Monitoring sites were established in varying land use types in three sub-catchments of the upper uMngeni, to assess water quality and ecosystem health impacts of current land uses on Midmar Dam. A suite of physical, chemical and biological water parameters were sampled in conjunction with SASS5 bio-monitoring to assess the associated impacts. Water quality and ecological condition were highest in forested land use and upstream of Mpophomeni where natural land cover and sparse settlement occurred. Marked declines in water quality and ecological condition were observed at areas under commercial agriculture, indicated predominantly by rises in nutrient concentrations and declines in the SASS5 indices. The most notable declines in water quality and ecological condition were observed at sites downstream of Mpophomeni settlement as a result of severe sewage contamination, indicated by high E. coli counts. Nutrient concentrations downstream of Mpophomeni settlement ranged from mesotrophic to hypertrophic, with nitrogen to phosphorus ratios indicative of nitrogen limitation. Ecological condition remained in the ‘seriously/critically modified’ category over the study period. Nutrient loads produced by Mpophomeni are the highest of all the land uses, followed by that of commercial agriculture; both should be viewed as a concern, more so when viewed in terms of their compound effect on Midmar Dam water quality. Current water quality draining the commissioned Khayalisha social housing development area is good and although not natural, is of no contamination concern to Midmar Dam. Results indicate that with current land use activities, urban development and agriculture pose a potential threat to the quality of Midmar Dam resource and that further development in the form of the Khayalisha social housing project may replicate impacts already prevailing in Mpophomeni, whereby a principle water resource may be threatened by eutrophication. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2012.

Estimating woody vegetation cover in an African Savanna using remote sensing and geostatistics.

Adjorlolo, Clement. January 2008 (has links)
A major challenge in savanna rangeland studies is estimating woody vegetation cover and densities over large areas where field based census alone is impractical. It is therefore crucial that the management and conservation oriented research in savannas identify data sources that provides quick, timely and economical means to obtain information on vegetation cover. Satellite remote sensing can provide such information. Remote sensing investigations, however, require establishing statistical relationships between field and remotely sensed data. Usually regression is the empirical method applied to field and remotely sensed data for the spatial estimation of woody vegetation variables. Geostatistical techniques, which take spatial autocorrelation of variables into consideration, have rarely been used for this purpose. We investigated the possibility of improving woody biomass predictions in tropical savannas using cokriging. Cokriging was used to evaluate the cross-correlated information between SPOT (Satellites Pour l’Observation de la Terre or Earth-observing Satellites)-derived vegetation variables and field sampled woody vegetation percentage canopy cover and density. The main focus was to estimate woody density and map the distribution of woody cover in an African savanna environment. In order to select the best SPOT-derived vegetation variable that best correlate with field sampled woody variables, several spectral vegetation and texture indices were evaluated. Next, variogram models were developed: one for woody canopy cover and density, one for the best SPOT-derived vegetation variable, and a crossvariogram between woody variables and best SPOT-derived data. These variograms were then used in cokriging to estimate woody density and map its spatial distribution. Results obtained indicate that through cokriging, the estimation accuracy can be improved compared to ordinary kriging and stepwise linear regression. Cokriging therefore provided a method to combine field and remotely sensed data to accurately estimate woody cover variables. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2008.

Public participation in wetland rehabilitation with refrence [sic] to long-term management and sustainability : a case study of Hlatikulu and Ntsikeni.

Nxele, Innocent Zibonele. January 2007 (has links)
Within wetland rehabilitation projects there has been limited research that focuses on the level and nature of participation by local people, such as individuals from communal areas and landowners from private farms. The overall aim of this study was to analyze the level and nature of participation with specific reference to the holistic long term management and sustainability of wetland rehabilitation projects in Hlatikulu and Ntsikeni, KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa. Qualitative and quantitative research methods were employed in this study to examine the level of stakeholder participation in the projects. The Hlatikulu and Ntsikeni projects were undertaken on private land and government land (nature reserve) respectively. The World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT) Framework was applied to analyze the level and nature of participation by different stakeholders that were involved in the selected projects. The study revealed that not all stakeholder groups participated in each and every phase of the projects. In Hlatikulu there was a moderate level of participation from the management of private land, but a limited degree of local participation from the Nsonge community. This, to some extent is attributed to the lack organization in the Nsonge community. There are no structures or authorities through which the process of local participation can be engaged. In Ntsikeni, although the process of continuous local involvement was limited to local Chiefs and some community representatives, the process appeared to be participatory in nature. The selected representatives report back in community meetings and other relevant forums, such as the Ntsikeni Nature Reserve Management Forum, which has been operating successfully for several years. Local people participated in the rehabilitation projects mainly as paid workers, and also in providing advice in the planning processes. For both sites, the results demonstrated that there is a need to enhance and harness active local participation in order to ensure the long term management and sustainability of the Hlatikulu and Ntsikeni wetlands. Within this study, the WOCAT framework was applied to provide insights to two sites, with different land tenure and land use contexts. The results of this study suggest that the WOCAT framework has a high potential to be applied across a diversity wetland rehabilitation sites within South Africa. / Thesis (M.Soc.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2007.

Habitat vulnerability for the Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) in the Okavango Delta, Botswana

Shacks, Vincent 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Geography and Environmental Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / The Okavango river along the panhandle of the Delta, in Botswana, is home to many wildlife species as well as to many large village communities. Local communities rely on the riverine system and its resources for subsistence and commerce. Activities associated with the utilization of these resources are governed by the fluctuating water levels of the river, which inhibit access during high water levels and allow access during low water levels. The high intensity of activities, such as reed harvesting, fishing and increased tourism, during low water periods coincides with the breeding season of many wildlife species in the system, including the Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus). Over 90% of crocodile breeding areas in the Delta are found only in the panhandle region. The association between the intensity of human activities in the floodplains and crocodile nesting activity means that much of the habitat required for nesting is vulnerable to human disturbance and this could have severe negative impacts on the future of the Okavango crocodile population. The study evaluated habitat vulnerability by mapping and spatially comparing habitat suitability, based on optimum environmental requirements for crocodile nesting, and human disturbance factors. A detailed crocodile nesting survey was carried out to locate and test all nesting sites according to criteria selected by species experts. The results from the survey were used to locate suitable nesting habitat in the study area by analysis in a Geographic Information System (GIS). Disturbance factors were visually identified and their locations in the study area spatially mapped. Their spatial influences on crocodile nesting were used as factors in a Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) that evaluated the combined effect of the disturbances on the area defined as suitable crocodile habitat. The results indicate the extent of habitat vulnerable to human disturbances. The results from the study show that 59% of once suitable crocodile habitat is currently disturbed by human activities. Most of the remaining 41% of undisturbed habitat is located along the Moremi/Phillipa side channel, which represents a core area for protection measures to be instated. The study recommends the declaration of a crocodile nesting sanctuary in this side channel to ensure the breeding success of this keystone species.

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