Spelling suggestions: "subject:"physiogeography."" "subject:"choreography.""
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The impact of tourism on agriculture in the Okavango Delta, Botswana.January 2003 (has links)
In recent years the use of tourism as a development strategy by third world governments has increased, resulting in the intersection of international tourism and local agricultural strategies. The aim of this thesis is to critically assess the impact of tourism development on local agriculture in the Okavango Delta in Botswana. More specifically, the study appraises the current state of tourism and agriculture in the Okavango Delta, assesses the social, economic and environmental effects of tourism development on the Okavango Delta and its communities, examines local agricultural production and consumption patterns, assesses the patterns of supply and demand of food in the region, and evaluates the impact of tourism on local subsistence agriculture, while making use of both qualitative and quantitative data sources. The Okavango Delta region is faced with several socio-economic problems. These include high unemployment levels, unequal regional development, income inequalities and extreme levels of poverty. 'Rural-urban' migration by local subsistence farmers in search of formal employment opportunities has risen steadily since the early 1990s, resulting in unprecedented social changes to the inhabitants of the Delta, and the abandonment of traditional farming practices. This, together with the limited interaction between the local population and tourism industry, is increasingly leading to tension between local and foreign parties in the region. The large proportion of foreign owned tourist facilities and foreign investment results in major economic leakages, and the exclusion of Motswana from any form of meaningful participation in the tourism industry. The presence of foreign tourists in the Delta enforces the need for imports, increasingly damaging local agricultural production as both production and consumption becomes imported. If tourism is to be of any benefit to the local population in the Okavango Delta, there has to be local involvement and ownership. The fostering of linkages between tourism and other sectors, particularly agriculture, is imperative in attempting to bring about socio-economic growth in this region. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2003.
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Foredune formation at Tugela River mouth.Olivier, Mervin John. January 1998 (has links)
This study examines foredune evolution along a 2100 m section of coast adjacent to the Tugela
River. The foredunes vary in both height and shape along the study area and form the southern
most extension of the Tugela foredune-ridge plain. Sand accumulation and erosion was
measured at regular intervals over a 30 month period by tacheometric surveys.
The foredunes and beaches are comprised of over 99 % sand. The sediment was predominantly
composed of quartz and feldspar with subordinate lithic fragments. The quartz grains display
conchoidal fractures and mechanical v-shaped pits and curved grooves. The beach and dune
sand is well sorted and slightly negatively skewed with a mean grain size of 1.62 ф.
The vegetation structure and floristic composition of the foredunes are explored. A range of
factors influencing foredune morphology and evolution, including canopy density, height and
distribution, wind velocity and a variety of ecological and environmental processes are examined.
Ridge and swale morphology as well as alongshore variation in the dunefield could not be related
to biological processes.
The development of a foredune-ridge topography depends on a large sediment supply from the
Tugela River over the long-term. Periods of high discharge introduce a fresh source of sediment
to the littoral zone. Reworking of fluvial sediment landwards results in wide beaches. Onshore
winds transport the sand from the beaches to the foredunes. Scaevola thunbergii encourages
rapid vertical accretion and hummock dunes are formed. Lateral extensive invasion by seedlings
may result in the hummock dunes joining to form coast parallel foredunes. Under periods of
reduced sediment discharge erosion of the shoreline results in steep narrow beaches. Despite a
negative beach budget foredunes continue to accrete vertically. Marine erosion results in either
the complete destruction of embryo foredunes or their landward shift. Natural breaks in the
dune crestline were attributed to changes in the delivery of sediment to the beaches. The
processes operating in the study area conform to Psuty's (1988,1989) sediment budget model of
foredune development. Sediment availability to the coastline produces characteristic
morphologies. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1998.
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Participatory monitoring and evaluation of marine water quality, a case study of Sappi Saiccor, Umkomaas.McPherson, Mamosa Eileen. January 2002 (has links)
Previously, issues concerning the use and conservation of the natural resources were
restricted to certain groups of individuals, normally those considered to be scientific
experts. However with the emergence of sustainable development and the adoption of
its principles therein, there has been increased community concern over
environmental quality issues resulting in pressure for transparency in environmental
decision-making processes. The result has been a dramatic expansion in the number of
organisations at the local, national and global scales committed to environmental
improvement. This in turn has let to dramatic changes in the role of the public in
decisions relating to natural resource management. Participatory development is now
acknowledged as critical in achieving sound environmental management.
The initiation of community-based environmental decision-making has led to the
formation of new and interesting partnerships. Environmentalists, communities,
policy makers and business people have begun to work together in an attempt to find
consensus concernIng environmental problems and related socio-economic
inequalities. This has resulted in the development of new ways of integrating local
and scientific knowledge systems.
This thesis illustrates community-based environmental decision-making in the
management of the use of the south coast of Durban. It outlines a partnership, through
the formation of the Permit Advisory Panel (PAP), comprising industry (Sappi
Saiccor), government, through its Department of Water Affairs and Forestry,
environmental organisations, and the local people in the monitoring of the impacts of
effluent produced by the industry and disposed of into the sea. The aim of this thesis
is to develop an alternative methodology that will be acceptable to all stakeholders,
for the collection and analysis of data in the monitoring of the Sappi Saiccor effluent.
This was achieved through the following objectives: to develop a methodology for the
collection and analysis of data, to assess the performance of the new pipeline in terms
of reduced aesthetic impacts of the effluent, to assess the role of local knowledge in
the monitoring process, and finally to assess the role of this study in the functioning of
the PAP. This thesis attempts to integrate qualitative and quantitative methodologies. The
subjective local data collected by the divers is analysed using statistical methods to
assess the impacts of the effluent on marine water quality and the effect the new
pipeline has had in reducing these impacts. Qualitative surveys such as questionnaires
and interviews were administered to assess the role of local knowledge in the
monitoring process and also to assess the role this study has had in the functioning of
the PAP.
The statistical analysis did not reveal any major improvement in underwater visibility
since the pipeline was extended. There is a 6% and 4% improvement in the number of
effluent days and visibility respectively. This however is due to some limitations
inherent in the data collection process, and as a result the improvement brought about
by the pipeline extension has been toned down. An effluent and visibility index is
therefore recommended as an alternative method of data collection and analysis to
reduce the level of inaccuracy. The role of local knowledge is perceived by many of
the PAP members as vital in the monitoring process. This study was therefore thought
of as an important step in validating this local knowledge such that it can be a reliable
data source to be used in the monitoring process. It also played an important role in
resolving the conflict between the PAP members. It is therefore recommended that the
divers data should be continually used in the monitoring process, though the divers
have to be more actively involved. The PAP is therefore tasked with liasing with the
community members, especially the divers such that they can assume a more active
and responsible role within the PAP. They should be involved in the development of
the methods of data collection and analysis. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2002.
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Mapping potential soil erosion using rusle, remote sensing, and GIS : the case study of Weenen Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal.Tesfamichael, Solomon Gebremariam. January 2004 (has links)
Accelerated soil erosion is drawing a growing attention with the recognition that the rate of soil loss is too great to be met by soil formation rate. Weenen Game Reserve (WGR) is an area with an unfortunate history of prolonged soil erosion due to excessive overgrazing that led to severe land degradation with prominent visible scars. This problem triggered the general objective of estimating and mapping potential soil erosion in WGR. Assessing soil loss in the area objectively has important implications for the overall management plans as it is reserved for ecological recovery. The most important variables that affect soil erosion are considered as inputs in soil loss estimation models. In this study the RUSLE model, which uses rainfall, soil, topography, and cover management data, was employed. From the rainfall data, an erosivity factor was generated by using a regression equation developed by relating EI30 index and total monthly rainfall. The soil erodibility factor was calculated using the soil erodibility nomograph equation after generating the relevant data from laboratory analysis of soil samples gathered from the study area. Using exponential ordinary kriging, the point values of this factor were interpolated to fill in the non-sampled areas. The topographic effect, which is expressed as the combined impact of slope length and slope steepness, was extracted from the DEM of the study area using the flow accumulation method. For mapping of the land cover factor, in situ measurements of cover from selected sites were undertaken and assigned values from the USLE table before being related with MSAVI of Landsat 7 ETM+ image. These values were then multiplied to get the final annual soil loss map. The resulting potential soil loss values vary between 0 and 346 ton ha-1 year-l with an average of 5 ton ha-1 year-l. About 58% of the study area experiences less than 1 ton ha-1 year-1 indicating the influence of the highest values on the average value. High soil erosion rates are concentrated in the central part extending as far as the south and the north tips along the eastern escarpments and these areas are the ones with the steepest slopes. The results indicate a high variation of soil loss within the study area. Nevertheless, the majority of the area falling below the average might foresee that the soil erosion problem of the area can be minimized significantly depending largely on soil management. The most important areas for intervention are the medium and low erosion susceptible parts of WGR, which are mainly found in the flatter or gently sloping landscapes. The steepest areas are mostly covered with rocks and/or vegetation and hence less effort must be spent in managing them. Overall, the reported increasing density of the vegetation community in the area that reduces the exposure of soil from the impact of direct raindrops and surface-flowing water must be pursued further. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2004.
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Work and life of women in the informal sector : a case study of the Warwick Avenue Triangle.Naidoo, Kibashini. January 1993 (has links)
This thesis presents a case study of women working in the informal sector in the Warwick Avenue Triangle of Durban. It documents and analyses the ways in which twenty women experience and contribute to recent changes in the urban informal sector. The women in this study are seen as knowledgeable agents who actively participate in their changing social and spatial worlds. In order to do this structuration theory, as a general philosophy of society, has been drawn on and linked to substantiative bodies of theory on the informal sector and feminist theory in geography. Field methods, appropriate to the investigation of meanings the informal sector were employed. The data collected was qualitatively interpreted in the light of the theory. The thesis concludes with a summary of the main findings and suggestions are made for policy and areas of future research on women in the informal sector. / Thesis (M.Soc.Sci.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1993.
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Synoptic influences on air pollution events in the Durban South Basin, 2006 to 2010.Tularam, Hasheel. January 2013 (has links)
This study aimed to assess the relationships (if any) between air pollutant measurements in the Durban South Basin (DSB) and (i) local meteorology, (ii) community reports of pollution incidents in Durban, and (iii) air quality and meteorology in Cape Town on the days preceding the Durban South Basin events. With the use of daily synoptic charts and various meteorological variables at an hourly resolution, it was established that air pollution events were better associated with local meteorological events than a community complaint database. Visual analyses of graphed meteorological conditions during the course of air pollution events revealed three clear meteorological scenarios associated with these:
1. A pre-frontal scenario;
2. A scenario showing inversion conditions but no approaching front, and generally low wind speeds; and
3. A post-frontal scenario, likely to be associated with stack downwash under higher wind speeds with the passing of a front.
ANOVA revealed significant differences between peak PM10 and average PM10 across scenarios, with Scenario 3 showing highest average and peak PM10. At the Wentworth monitoring station, 24.4% of pollution incidents fell under Scenario 1, 64.2% under Scenario 2, and 5.7% under Scenario 3 between 2006 and 2010. A further 5,7% of the air pollution incidents did not fall under these three scenarios. The latter were not associated with fronts, and did not show inversion conditions, and are likely to be associated with intermittent industrial pollution events.
Further statistical analysis assessed the relationships (if any) between various meteorological variables, traffic levels and air pollution concentrations at the Wentworth station between 2006 and 2010. Findings show that delta temperature (change in temperature with height) is the strongest explanatory variable with respect to PM10, wind speed the second strongest, and traffic levels the third strongest. On average, PM10 concentrations increased with increasing delta temperature, decreasing wind speed, and increasing traffic levels. The pressure minimum at Durban associated with an approaching front showed a negative relationship with PM10 during
pre-frontal events, but this variable was not significant at the 95% confidence level. This tentatively suggests that even when controlling for frontal influences on delta temperature, lower pressure minima (i.e. stronger frontal systems) are associated with higher pollution levels. Pollution maxima at various Cape Town stations and pressure minima in Cape Town prior to the incident in the DSB showed no relationships with incident PM10 levels at Wentworth. As such, pollution concentrations and meteorology in Cape Town as a front approaches do not appear to be effective predictors of pollution conditions in the DSB when the front approaches there. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2013.
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The application of the Planning Indicators Model as a tool for measuring the success of the Metropolitan Spatial Development Framework in the Cape Metropolitan AreaLetsie, Moipone (Moipone Amelia Mantsebo) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Recently there has been growing interest in evaluating the performance and outcomes of
spatial planning policies worldwide. In response to this a research was carried out to
evaluate and monitor the effectiveness of spatial planning policies in the Cape
Metropolitan Area (CMA). The Planning Indicators Model (PIM), which consists of a set
of twenty-six indicators, was applied to monitor and measure the extent to which the
Metropolitan Spatial Development Framework (MSDF) has affected land use and
physical development in the CMA.
To achieve the aim of the study, the research was divided into three phases. The first
phase involved a literature review, the second phase involved interviews with planning
officials and lastly, the collection of different thematic datasets required to run the
Planning Indicators Model. The data sets were used to monitor and display spatiotemporal
variations in conformance and performance indices in the form of maps. These
maps were used to identify areas where strengths can be protected and where weaknesses
need to be corrected.
From a set of 26 indicators used for this study only two indicators monitored
conformances (Growth of informal housing townships) over the period 1993 – 1998; the
others simply indicated the present conditions. This means that the rest of the indicators
did not show trends. However, the data are presented in this report as a useful baseline for
future conformance and performance monitoring exercises. The study also revealed that
for the past twelve years the MSDF has been the subject of extensive debate within the
local authorities. Also several indicators seem to overlap and need to be clearly defined,
thus it is recommended that some of these indicators should be combined to avoid
duplication and confusion. Generally, the PIM can assist in making the impact of spatial
planning greater in the CMA. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Onlangs is daar wêreldwyd groeiende belangstelling in die prestasies en uitkomstes van
ruimtelike beplannings- beleide. In reaksie daarop is hierdie navorsing gedoen om die
doeltreffendheid van die ruimtelike beplannings- beleide van die Kaapse Metropolitaanse
Gebied (KMG) te evalueer en te monitor. Die Beplannings Aanwysers Model (BAM)
wat bestaan uit ‘n stel van ses-en- twintig aanwysers, is aangewend om te meet tot
hoeverre die Metropolitaanse Ruimtelike Ontwikkelings Raamwerk grondgebruik en
fisiese ontwikkeling in die Kaapse Metropolitaanse Gebied beïnvloed het.
Om die doelwit van hierdie studie te verwesenlik, is die navorsing gedoen in drie fases.
Die eerste fase bestaan uit ‘n oorsig van die literatuur en die tweede fase uit onderhoude
met amptenare verantwoordelik vir beplanning. Die laaste fase beslaan die versameling
van die verskillende tematiese stelle data wat benodig word vir die Beplannings
Aanwysers Model. Die stelle data is gebruik om die ruimtelike- en tydsvariasies in die
konformering- en prestasie indekse te monitor en ten toon te stel in die vorm van kaarte.
Hierdie kaarte is gebruik om die gebiede te identifiseer waar sterkpunte behoue moet bly
en waar swakpunte reggestel moet word.
Uit die stel van 26 aanwysers wat gebruik is vir hierdie studie, het net twee aanwysers
konformering (Die groei van dorpsgebiede met informele behuising) gedurende die
periode 1993 – 1998 gemonitor; die ander het eenvoudig die huidige toestand aangetoon.
Dit beteken dat die ander aanwysers nie tendense aangetoon het nie. Die data word egter
in hierdie verslag weergee as ‘n nuttige basis vir die toekomstige monitor van
konformering en prestasie. Die studie toon ook aan dat daar gedurende die afgelope
twaalf jaar baie deur plaaslike owerhede gedebatteer is oor die Metropolitaanse
Ruimtelike Ontwikkelings Raamwerk. Ook oorvleuel sommige van die aanwysers en
moet hulle meer duidelik omskryf word. Dus word daar aanbeveel dat sommige van die
aanwysers gekombineer moet word om duplikasie en verwarring te voorkom. Oor die
algemeen kan die Beplanning Aanwysers Model help om die impak van ruimtelike
beplanning op die Kaapse Metropolitaanse Gebied te bevorder.
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The SLEUTH urban growth model as forecasting and decision-making toolWatkiss, Brendon Miles 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Geography and Environmental Studies))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / Accelerating urban growth places increasing pressure not only on the efficiency of infrastructure
and service provision, but also on the natural environment. City managers are delegated the task of
identifying problem areas that arise from this phenomenon and planning the strategies with which to
alleviate them. It is with this in mind that the research investigates the implementation of an urban
growth model, SLEUTH, as a support tool in the planning and decision making process. These
investigations are carried out on historical urban data for the region falling under the control of the
Cape Metropolitan Authority. The primary aim of the research was to simulate future urban
expansion of Cape Town based on past growth patterns by making use of cellular automata
methodology in the SLEUTH modeling platform.
The following objectives were explored, namely to: a) determine the impact of urbanization on the
study area, b) identify strategies for managing urban growth from literature, c) apply cellular
automata as a modeling tool and decision-making aid, d) formulate an urban growth policy based on
strategies from literature, and e) justify SLEUTH as the desired modeling framework from
literature. An extensive data base for the study area was acquired from the product of a joint
initiative between the private and public sector, called “Urban Monitoring”. The data base included:
a) five historical urban extent images (1977, 1988, 1993, 1996 and 1998); b) an official urban buffer
zone or ‘urban edge’, c) a Metropolitan Open Space System (MOSS) database, d) two road
networks, and d) a Digital Elevation Model (DEM). Each dataset was converted to raster format in
ArcEdit and finally .gif images were created of each data layer for compliance with SLEUTH
requirements. SLEUTH processed this historic data to calibrate the growth variables for best fit of
observed historic growth. An urban growth forecast was run based on the calibration parameters.
Findings suggest SLEUTH can be applied successfully and produce realistic projection of urban
expansion. A comparison between modelled and real urban area revealed 76% model accuracy. The
research then attempts to mimic urban growth policy in the modeling environment, with mixed
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Street trading in Cape Town CBD : a study of the relationship between local government and street tradersVan Heerden, Schalk Willem 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The constitution of the Republic of South Africa (1996) states that local governments are responsible for the creation of a socioeconomic environment that enables citizens to make a living for themselves. It is on the grounds of this responsibility that the study is based on the relationship between street traders and the City of Cape Town within the Cape Town CBD. This relationship is investigated with the aim of assessing what the nature of the relationship is between street traders and the City of Cape Town. A survey was conducted wherein 71 street traders were interviewed and to complement the survey interviews were conducted with individuals from local government and the private sector who deal with street traders on a daily basis. The survey results indicated that there is a positive relationship between traders and the City of Cape Town, but that local government does not live up to expectation when it comes to the facilitation of informal business development. At the hand off these findings; policy interventions are put forth that would lead to the creation of a facilitative relationship between the City of Cape Town and street traders. Proposed policy interventions are focussed on the improvement of channels of communication between street traders and local government. The proposed policy framework places emphasis on the active participation of local government in the formalisation process of informal traders. The study concludes by proposing policy intervention that would promote a facilitative relationship between street traders and local government and contribute to a sustainable street trading economy in Cape Town. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die grondwet van die Republiek van Suid Afrika (1996) daag elke plaaslike owerheid uit met die taak om ’n sosio-ekonomiese omgewing te skep wat dit vir landsburgers moontlik maak om ’n bestaan te kan maak. Dit is op grond van hierdie verantwoordelikheid dat die studie gebaseer is op die verhouding tussen straathandelaars, binne die sentrale sake kern, en Kaapstad se plaaslike owerheid. Die verhouding tussen straathandelaars en die Stad Kaapstad is ondersoek met die doel om die aard van die verhouding te omskryf. ’n Vraelys is uitgedeel aan 71 straathandelaars en om die opname te komplementeer is onderhoude gevoer met individue van beide die openbare en privaat sektor wat saam met straathandelaars werk op ’n daaglikse basis. Die resultate van die vraelys het gewys op die positiewe verhouding tussen handelaars en die Stad Kaapstad, alhoewel dit aan die lig gekom het dat plaaslike owerhede nie voldoen aan verwagtinge ten opsigte van die fasilitering van informele besigheidsontwikkeling nie. Beleidsmaatreëls wat ’n fasiliterende verhouding sou bewerkstellig; sowel as ’n beleidsraamwerk word voorgestel aan die hand van die bevindinge van die opname. Die voorstelle is grootliks gegrond op die verbetering van kommunikasie tussen die plaaslike owerhede en straathandelaars sowel as die aktiewe deelname van die plaaslike owerheid in die formaliseringsproses van informele handelaars. Deur die implementering van die voorgestelde beleidsmaatreëls is die studie van mening dat ’n fasiliterende verhouding tussen straathandelaars en plaaslike owerhede gevestig kan word met die doel om ’n bydra te maak tot ’n volhoubare straathandel-ekonomie in Kaapstad.
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Evaluating agricultural potential of a Cape Metropolitan Catchment : a fuzzy logic approachFourie, Johannes Christoffel 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Geography and Environmental Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / Sustainable use of the earth’s resources is seen by many authorities as critical to ensure the planet’s
survival. In this regard agriculture is seen as a major role player and fundamental link in the chain
of sustainability. South Africa, a country with relatively little favourable agricultural land, should
therefore preserve high potential areas for agricultural purposes. The Western Cape, with 75% of all
medium-potential arable land in South Africa, is a valuable asset. One region targeted for
development and where uncertainty prevails regarding its agricultural potential, is the G21B
catchment in the Atlantis Growth Corridor (AGC). The AGC is envisaged as long-term growth axis
for the Cape Metropole, but conflicting opinions exist on its agricultural possibilities and suitability
to absorb urban growth.
Consequently, the aim of this project was to evaluate the suitability of this catchment for a number
of agricultural landuses. Fuzzy logic, a modification of the land evaluation approach originally
developed by the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO), was used to
address this problem. Input data consisted of a soil map and digital elevation model (DEM) of the
area. Parameters identified from these sources and applicable to the study were soil texture of the
first, second and third horizons, as well as coarse fragments in the top soil, wetness, weathered rock,
average pH, effective root depth, and slope. These parameters were compared to the requirements
of six landuses, i.e. wheat, wine grapes, potatoes, tomatoes, onions, and citrus, and a fuzzy
representation for every landuse was constructed. Expert opinion aided in a weighting process
whereby the relative weights of parameters were computed and incorporated into the evaluation.
Results showed extensive areas with a relatively high agricultural potential for potatoes and wine
grapes. In addition, areas with potential were also identified for wheat, citrus, and tomatoes, albeit
on more limited scale. Large areas, however, were deemed unsuitable for the aforementioned
agricultural crops and would therefore be suitable to absorb metropolitan growth or to be
maintained as conservation areas.
The fuzzy logic approach provided insightful results. Problematic parameters were easily identified
and no information was lost in the evaluation process. It also allowed for an objective quantitative
comparison between crops. This provided freedom in deciding which landuse should be practiced,
especially if the focus is on a sustainable rather than the most productive crop.
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