Spelling suggestions: "subject:"physiogeography."" "subject:"choreography.""
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The Identification of natural terroir units in the Robertson Wine District using GIS and remote sensingRemas, Hadley 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc) -- Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: One of the main objectives of the South African Wine of Origin Scheme (SAWOS) is to guarantee the quality of wine products emerging from South Africa’s viticultural production areas by preventing the abuse of names of products originating from outstanding viticultural areas. The study of terroirs contributes to knowledge that assists in delimiting potential viticultural areas in South Africa. Terroirs are areas with homogeneous groups of natural factors that, with the aid of effective management, have the potential to produce a unique product over a recognizable period. Natural terroir units (NTU) reflect the integration of relatively homogenous environmental factors, which include topography, climate, soil and geology.
This study investigates the use of geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing methods in the identification of NTU in the Robertson wine district. Existing topographical, soil, geological and climatic GIS data layers were collected at various scales. In addition to this spatial data, orthorectified and radiometrically corrected SPOT 5 and ASTER satellite imagery were used to classify the land use/cover using an object-based image analysis (OBIA) approach. Eight land use/cover classes were distinguished by a sequential ruleset and an overall accuracy of 81.2% was achieved.
The land use/cover layer was combined with the slope aspect and soil landscape to provide a three-component NTU description. One hundred and seventy NTU were identified, of which fifty five units exist for agriculture. These NTU can be used for site selection of agricultural produce and effective planning and management of land use. Climate was not included in the delimitation of NTU because the coarse resolution of climatic data could not be used to distinguish between different NTU. Therefore, all NTU identified in this research has similar climatic conditions.
The major drawback of GIS-assisted terroir studies is the difficulty of representing a number of NTU on one GIS map. Therefore, it is recommended to associate the NTU map with a table of the classes instead. Furthermore, the accuracy, scale and resolution of available GIS data in South Africa influence the delimitation of NTU. Although remote sensing was found to provide efficient methods for land cover mapping, the use of multiseasonal satellite images would classify vineyards more efficiently because such an approach accounts for the different growth cycles of grapevines. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Een van die hoof doelwitte van die Suid-Afrikaanse Wyn van Oorsprongskema (SAWOS) is om die kwaliteit van wynbouprodukte afkomstig van Suid-Afrikaanse wingerdbougebiede te verseker. Die studie van terroirs is geïdentifiseer as ‘n metode om moontlike wingerdbougebiede in Suid-Afrika af te baken. Terroirs is gebiede met relatief homogene natuurlike faktore wat oor ‘n erkenbare tydperk en met behulp van effektiewe bestuur die vermoë het om ‘n unieke produk te lewer. Dié natuurlike faktore word, “natuurlike terroir eenhede” (NTE) genoem en sluit topografie, klimaat, grond en geologie in.
Hierdie navorsing ondersoek die gebruik van geografiese inligtingstelsels (GIS) en afstandswaarnemingstegnieke om NTE in die Robertson-wyndistrik te identifiseer. Bestaande ruimtelike topografiese-, grond-, geologiese- en klimaatdata is op ‘n verskeidenheid skale versamel. Bykomend tot hierdie ruimtelike data, is ortogekorrigeerde en radiometries-gekalibreerde SPOT 5 en ASTER satellietbeelde gebruik om landgebruik/ -bedekking te klassifiseer. Objekgerigte beeldanalise (OGBA) is toegepas tydens hierdie klassifikasie en agt landgebruik/ -bedekkingsklasse is onderskei deur gebruik te maak van ‘n stapsgewyse reëlstel. OGBA het ‘n algehele akkuraatheid van 81.2% gelewer.
Die landgebruik/ -bedekkingsdata is gekombineer met hellingaspek en die grondlandskap om ‘n drieledige NTE-beskrywing te lewer. Een honderd en sewentig NTE is geïdentifiseer waarvan daar vyf-en-vyftig eenhede vir landbou bestaan. Hierdie NTE kan aangewend word vir die selektering van geskikte terreine vir landbou-gewasse en effektiewe grondgebruikbeplanning en -bestuur. As gevolg van die bestaande klimaatdata se growwe resolusie, was dit ongeskik om te onderskei tussen verskillende NTE. Dus heers daar soortgelyke klimaatstoestande vir elke NTE wat in hierdie navorsing geïdentifiseer is.
Die grootste stremmende faktor wat GIS-verwante terroir navorsing beïnvloed, is die uitdaging om ‘n groot getal NTE op een kaart voor te stel. Daarom is dit beter om die NTE kaart met ‘n tabel te assosieer. Verder beïnvloed die akkuraatheid, skaal en resolusie van beskikbare digitale geografiese data in Suid-Afrika die afbakening van NTE. Alhoewel bevind is dat afstandwaarneming ‘n effektiewe metode is om landbedekking te karteer, sal die gebruik van meerseisoenale satellietbeelde wingerde meer doelmatig karteer omdat dit verskeie siklusse in die groei van wingerde in ag neem.
terroir, natuurlike terroir eenhede (NTE), geografiese inligtingstelsels, afstandwaarneming, wingerdkunde
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Mountain wave turbulence in the lee of the Hex River MountainsVan Der Mescht, Deon 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Despite recorded mountain wave related aircraft accidents in South Africa, very
little literature exists on South African mountain waves. This study discusses the
results of a mountain wave study in the Hex River Mountains in the Western Cape
province of South Africa. The aim of this study was to measure mountain wave
turbulence on the lee side of the mountains by conducting weather balloon
soundings on the upwind and lee sides of the mountains. These soundings were
performed over four days in the winter and spring, with each field day representing
different synoptic scale weather conditions. Lee wave rotors were detected from
several of the lee wave soundings. Significant values of horizontal vorticity
around a north-south axis (y-component horizontal vorticity) were detected. The
instrumentation was highly sensitive and able to measure even weak up and
downdraft velocities associated with the rotors. Strong downdrafts were measured
some mountain waves, but no strong downdrafts were detected near rotors which
occurred below the mountain waves. The two dimensional positions of balloons
were only available after a considerable amount of reanalysis. If this data can be
made available onsite shortly after soundings, it can be used to decide where to
move launch sites to, in order to obtain optimal results. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ten spyte van gedokumenteerde berggolf-verwante vliegongelukke, bestaan baie
min literatuur oor Suid Afrikaanse berggolwe. Hierdie tesis bespreek die resultate
van ‘n berggolfstudie in die Hexrivier Berge in the Weskaap Provinsie van Suid-
Afrika. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die berggolfturbulensie aan die lykant
van die berge te meet deur middel van weerballonopstygings aan beide die winden
lykante van die berge. Hierdie opstygings is oor ‘n tydperk van vier winter en
lente dae uitgevoer, met elkeen van die dae wat verskillende sinoptiese
weersomstandighede verteenwoordig het. Rotors is waargeneem in die data van
verskeie ballonopstygings wat aan die lykant uitgevoer is. Beduidende waardes
van horisontale vortisiteit rondom ‘n noord-suid as (y-komponent horisontale
vortisiteit) is gemeet. Die instrumentasie was hoogs sensitief en kon selfs swak
op- en afstrominge meet. Sterk afstrominge is waargeneem in berggolwe, maar nie
in die omgewing van rotors wat onmder die berggolwe voorgekom het nie. Die
twee-dimensionele posisies van ballonne was slegs na aansienlike heranaliese van
die data beskikbaar. Indien hierdie data kort na opstygings beskikbaar is tydens
veldwerk, kan dit help met besluite oor alternatiewe posisies waarvandaan
ballonopstygings gedoen kan word ten einde optimale resultate te bekom.
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The impact of Stellenbosch Square on retail buying patterns in ParadyskloofVan der Merwe, J. M. P. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Geography and Environmental Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / The retail sector provides geographers with a major area of analysis where they can apply their specialist knowledge to solve and explain real-world problems. Over the years there have been significant changes in the locations where South Africans shop. Retail shops are moving from city centres (CBDs) to more accessible and attractive locations on the city’s edge. This phenomenon is also evident in the retail structure of Stellenbosch. Stellenbosch Square is a multi-million-rand shopping centre that has been erected on the edge of Stellenbosch. The retail buying patterns of the Paradyskloof neighbourhood (in Stellenbosch) was analysed and placed in context with Stellenbosch Square. Paradyskloof is situated between Stellenbosch Square and Die Boord shopping centre, which is situated more closely to the CBD.
The null hypothesis states that: “The buying patterns of the residents of Paradyskloof did not change significantly after the building of Stellenbosch Square, a shopping centre situated between Stellenbosch and the Somerset West shopping centre.”
The overarching aim is to describe and explain the extent of the current retail buying patterns of the Paradyskloof population and compare them to the predicted results of the Flowmap 7.2 origin-constrained gravity model with regards to Stellenbosch Square shopping centre.
The Paradyskloof retail buying patterns was determined by a random distributed questionnare survey. The modelled results are compared to the actual buying patterns and the findings are placed in context. Various types of data (primary and secondary) were collected. The origin-constrained gravity model was calibrated with the mean trip lengths (MTL).
The modelled results predicted that all of the Paradyskloof residents shop at Stellenbosch Square. To determine the actual buying patterns, 250 questionnaires were spatially distributed with the aid of a random sampling of erven within the Paradyskloof neighbourhood. The survey indicated that only 44% of the respondents shop at Stellenbosch Square. Some of the reasons for why some of the residents still shop closer to the CBD are: high mobility, high number of scholars, multi-functional trips, banking and postal services etc. The rationale behind Stellenbosch Square and the role it plays within the Stellenbosch retail market has also been provided.
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The location dynamics of knowledge-based service establishments : a Stellenbosch case studyAdendorff, Maria Anita 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Geography and Environmental Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / Issues relating to globalization and the rise of the New Economy have received much attention from academics. Renewed emphasis has been placed on the importance of locality and cities are seen as gateways to ensuring a competitive role in the global economy. In South Africa, local economic development (LED) approaches are increasingly reflecting market-driven entrepreneurialism as cities compete to attract investment. This has, however, caused the decline of economies of already lagging regions, widening regional disparities. Statistical evidence confirms the opinion that the service sector has become a leading contributor to national and regional economic growth, both internationally and in South Africa. Synonymous with the knowledge-based economy is the dependence of this sector on innovation and highly skilled human capital as drivers of competitiveness and development. As a result, the role of universities as producers of knowledge and educated labour has received much attention. The perceived geographic “footloose” nature of knowledge-based industries has also led some to believe in their potential to reduce the disparities between cities and small towns or peripheral locations. Evidence show, however, that knowledge-based service industries still tend to cluster in major metropolitan areas. Though the importance of the knowledge-based service sector has been acknowledged by academics and government, a lack of empirical research still exist on the decision-making processes determining the choice of location of South African companies. Research has indicated the medium-sized town of Stellenbosch in South Africa to have a high level of growth potential. The town is also the location of a well-established IT and knowledge-based service sector. For the purpose of this study, a database was compiled of a research population of 329 knowledge-based service industries operational in Stellenbosch, after which surveys were distributed amongst the entire population. Data generated from 104 completed questionnaires provided a deepened understanding of the nature of these industries of which the majority is single-branch businesses situated in Stellenbosch due to the fact that it was the owners or key role players’ home town during the time of establishment. Other notable trends such as the growth in the number of international head offices in the knowledge-based service sector, the availability of highly skilled labour, and proximity to important clients, further highlights the reasoning behind the decision of knowledge-based companies to locate in Stellenbosch specifically. Finally, the existing linkages between Stellenbosch University and these industries - specifically the IT and engineering sector - receives attention.
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Mapping potential soil salinization using rule based object-oriented image analysisStals, Jacobus Petrus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Geography and Environmental Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / Soil salinization is a world wide environmental problem affecting plant growth and
agricultural yields. Remote sensing has been used as a tool to detect and/or manage soil
salinity. Object-oriented image analysis is a relatively new image analysis technique
which allows analysis at different hierarchical scales, the use of relationships between
objects and contextual information in the classification process, and the ability to create a
rule based classification procedure. The Lower Orange River in South Africa is a region
of successful irrigation farming along the river floodplain but also with the potential risk
of soil salinization. This research attempted to detect and map areas of potential high soil
salinity using digital aerial photography and digital elevation models.
Image orthorectification was conducted on the digital aerial photographs. The radiometric
variances between photographs made radiometric calibration of the photographs
necessary. Radiometric calibration on the photographs was conducted using Landsat 7
satellite images as radiometric correction values, and image segmentation as the
correction units for the photographs.
After radiometric calibration, object-oriented analysis could be conducted on one analysis
region and the developed rule bases applied to the other regions without the need for
adjusting parameters. A rule based hierarchical classification was developed to detect
vegetation stress from the photographs as well as salinity potential terrain features from
the digital elevation models. These rule bases were applied to all analysis blocks.
The detected potential high salinity indicators were analyzed spatially with field collected
soil data in order to assess the capability of the classifications to detect actual salinization,
as well as to assess which indicators were the best indicators of salinity potential.
Vegetation stress was not a good indicator of salinity as many other indicators could also
cause vegetation stress. Terrain indicators such as depressions in the landscape at a micro
scale were the best indicators of potential soil salinization.
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Spatial decision support system for hydrogeological studies in Table Mountain Group Aquifers, Western Cape Province, South AfricaMlisa, Andiswa 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Geography and Environmental Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / The Western Cape province of South Africa is a water scarce area with a Mediterranean
climate. The majority of rainfall occurs in the cold winter months and the area experiences hot
and dry summers. Studies done to investigate various water supply and water demand
management options for the City of Cape Town, concluded that the Table Mountain Group
(TMG) aquifer has the potential of yielding high volumes (estimated at 70Mm3/a) of good
quality water, but that further research about this source as a potential augmentation supply to
the City of Cape Town was necessary before extraction could commence.
The aim of the study is to develop a spatial decision support system (SDSS) to be used by a
hydrogeology project team, which includes hydrogeologists, environmentalists, ecologists,
engineers and other stakeholders. The Table Mountain Group Aquifer (TMGA) SDSS is
meant to be a decision support tool, but should also raise awareness about the use of spatial
data and information and its capabilities for earth science and other multidisciplinary
By means of team discussions and interviews data, spatial analysis and data manipulation
requirements were determined. Based on these requirements, four spatial analysis tools were
developed. The spatial tool named “Borehole Analysis” analyses stratigraphic information
obtained from existing boreholes and hydrogeological point data. The tool determines what
groundwater use and monitoring has been undertaken in the area of interest. The
“Topographic Analysis” tool identifies any topographical (e.g. rivers) and cadastral (e.g. farm
boundaries) data within a certain distance from a possible borehole site. The “Sensitive Area
Analysis” tool addresses queries with respect to sensitive areas, such as wetlands, statutory
protected areas and private nature reserves. The “Image Classification” tool gives the team
members an opportunity to use band ratios during image interpretation.
The TMGA SDSS was developed using TNTmips v70, Extensible Markup Language (XML)
and Spatial Manipulation Language (SML) and can be run on TNTAtlas v70, which is a free
The TMGA SDSS enables the team members to have equal and ready access to data acquired
by other members. This was found to support intra- and interdisciplinary conversation and
facilitate understanding of how the data is being (or could be) used. It also contributes to levels of confidence in decision-making and supports a holistic approach to project design and
Keywords: decision-making, geographic information system (GIS), spatial decision support
systems (SDSS), spatial manipulation language (SML)
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Location based services : developing mobile GIS applicationsMocke, Charl Anthony 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Geography and Environmental Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / The substantial growth of the Internet during the past few years has sparked the adaptation of several fields of current technologies to its demanding and cutting-edge standards. Mobile wireless cellular engineering and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are two such technologies. Integrating these two technologies has resulted in the possibility of providing a type of useful functionality in the form of a technological service to the public in terms of their geographical location, named Location Based Services (LBS). An LBS can be defined as any service or application that extends spatial information processing or GIS capabilities to end users via the Internet and/or wireless networks. Thanks to wireless cellular engineering, GIS, computer programming and a little intellectual ingenuity, LBS now has the ability to provide a solution to the persisting problem of the intractable incapability of prevalent technology to extend utile spatial information to a user in terms of his/her geographical location.
The purpose of this study is to investigate how geographical information, derived from GIS processing, can be supplied and presented in a useful manner to users' mobile electronic devices, using today’s available technology. A sample LBS application will demonstrate how this is achieved in the South African context. It includes features such as position location, street finding, shortest street route calculation, and map display, all on a mobile cellular device. Relevant issues such as impending wireless cellular technology, development cycles, implementation, costs, revenues and shortcomings are also discussed.
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Biodiversity and the South African wine sector: a successful blend?Bridgman, Corrie 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Geography and Environmental Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / The acceleration of biodiversity loss is understood to threaten the ecosystems upon which
life on earth depends. Existing conservation approaches have proved insufficient to stem
global biodiversity losses. Mounting evidence indicates that responsible biodiversity
conservation requires an integration of ecology with economics. Accordingly,
contemporary conservation interventions incorporate a concept that ecosystems and
biodiversity can be used and also conserved. In South Africa, such interventions can be
appropriately applied in the Cape Floristic Region (CFR), an area containing severely
endangered biodiversity where land use and conservation goals rarely mesh. More than
80% of land in the CFR is privately owned, with large tracts transformed for viticulture.
Conservation challenges thus include the reconciliation of wine production needs with
biodiversity protection necessities.
This thesis comprises a case study of the Biodiversity and Wine Initiative, an
organisation that simultaneously promotes biodiversity conservation in the South African
wine sector, by a process of mainstreaming within an viticultural context. The overall
study aim was to improve understanding of the BWI as a mainstreaming initiative.
Specifically, the area of inquiry is an investigation into how effectively the BWI has
protected biodiversity in the CFR between 2005 and 2008. Individual aims were to
investigate reductions in threat to biodiversity in the CFR; to assess farmer adoption
levels of BWI strategy; and to formulate a sustainability appraisal of the Biodiversity and
Wine Initiative. A strategic triangulation of methods was employed. Stakeholder
interviews were conducted to probe adoption levels and opinions of BWI strategy. Case
studies of two BWI champion estates provided data on best practice. Towards a critical
appraisal of sustainability, an assessment was made of the BWI as a functioning
mainstreaming model, which included case studies of two model farms.
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Die vestiging van gemeenskapsgedrewe geīntegreerde opgvanggebiedbestuur : die Veldwachtersrivier opvanggebiedKunneke, Maria Magdalena 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa is a semi-arid country with an average annual rainfall of 197mm, in comparison with
the international average of 860mm per year, of which the available freshwater sources are currently
being utilised virtually completely. The water restrictions in the Western Cape during the summer
of 2000/2001 and of 2001/2002 are sufficient evidence of this. This threatening water shortage
holds far-reaching consequences for the socio-economic development of the country if an active
effort is not made to manage the water resources in a sustainable manner. Starting in the 1990s, the
concept of integrated catchment management crCM) began to enjoy widespread attention as a
mechanism to manage water resources. However, it was primarily forced, state-initiated projects
with little direct community involvement that enjoyed a limited amount of success.
This study undertook community-driven, integrated catchment management in a relatively small
catchment in the Veldwachters River valley in the Stellenbosch area in the Western Cape in order to
investigate the effectiveness thereof as a mechanism for sustainable water resource management.
The study firstly places the concept of rCM in perspective, after which the study area is demarcated
spatially within the South African and the regional context. Community-based action research as
research approach provides the techniques to reconcile and integrate the duality of the rCM process,
namely the human and physical elements in a catchment, and to successfully involve the community
in the process. The first phase of the study entails the gathering of existing and new information and
the definition of the environmental status of the catchment area in a situation analysis, which was
presented to the community as an information document to initiate public participation. During the
second phase, a community partnership was established by means of introductory interviews,
correspondence, focus group meetings and public forums. The third and executive phase was
characterised by the mobilisation of the community partnership in the execution of strategic
planning procedures, such as the formulation of a catchment vision, prioritisation of relevant
catchment management issues, the statement of the management objectives and the formulation and
implementation of action plans for the management of various issues in the catchment.
The conclusion drawn after a thorough evaluation of the course of the study is that the
implementation of community-driven integrated catchment management can be successful ina smaller catchment. A few crucial requirements need to be taken into consideration in future
applications elsewhere, namely:
• That the study area must have a small enough area so that all stakeholders can be involved
relatively easily and for a catchment identity and "ownership" of the process to be able to
• That the process must initially be facilitated externally until a community partnership has been
established and a management committee has been elected, after which the facilitation and
management of the process must be handed to the community so that it can finally become
completely community driven;
• That socio-econornic issues initially will receive more attention than the natural environment,
but that these issues need to be utilised to establish the ICM process, after which the natural
environment naturally will receive greater priority; and
• That the researcher must remain patient, particularly during the second and third phases of the
process, as public participation and particularly the establishment of a community-driven
process can be slow and exhausting.
This case study emphasises that each application of ICM will be unique because the degree of
community involvement and the priorities of catchment communities will differ. Communitydriven
integrated catchment management is not, under any circumstances, an instant solution for
water management and water conservation issues, but it is the only sustainable option.
KEY WORDS: catchment management, public/community participation, situation analysis, water
resource management, action research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika is 'n semi-ariede land met 'n gemiddelde reenvalsyfer van 497mm per jaar teenoor die
wereldgemiddelde van 860mm per jaar, waarvan beskikbare varswaterbronne tans byna ten volle
benut word. Die waterbeperkings in die Wes-Kaap gedurende die somers van 2000/2001 en
200112002 is afdoende bewys hiervan. Hierdie dreigende watemood hou verreikende gevolge vir
die sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkeling van die land in, indien daar nie 'n daadwerklike poging
aangewend gaan word om die waterhulpbronne volhoubaar te bestuur nie. Sedert die negentigerjare
het die konsep van geintegreerde opvanggebiedbestuur (GOGB) as waterhulpbronbestuursmeganisme
wye belangstelling begin geniet. Dit was hoofsaaklik afgedwonge,
staatsgeinisieerde projekte met min direkte gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid wat beperkte sukses gehad
Hierdie studie het 'n gemeenskapsgedrewe geintegreerde opvanggebiedbestuur op 'n relatief klein
opvanggebied in die Veldwachtersrivier vallei in die Stellenbosch omgewing in die Wes-Kaap
ondemeem, ten einde die effektiwiteit daarvan as 'n volhoubare waterhulpbron-bestuursmeganisme
te ondersoek. Die studie plaas eerstens die konsep van GOGB in perspektief, waama die
studiegebied ruimtelik binne die Suid-Afrikaanse en streekskonteks afgebaken word.
Gemeenskapsgebaseerde aksienavorsing as navorsingsbenadering verskaf die tegnieke om die
tweeledigheid van die GOGB proses, naamlik menslike en fisiese elemente in 'n opvanggebied, te
verso en en te integreer en om die gemeenskap suksesvol by die proses te betrek. Die eerste fase van
die studie behels die insameling van bestaande en nuwe inligting en die ornskrywing van die
omgewingstatus van die opvanggebied in 'n situasie-analise, wat as inligtingsdokurnent aan die
gemeenskap voorgele word om publieke deelname te inisieer. Gedurende die tweede fase is 'n
gemeenskapsvennootskap gevestig met behulp van inleidende onderhoude, korrespondensie,
fokusgroepbyeenkomste en pub Iieke forums. Die derde en uitvoerende lase is gekenmerk deur die
mobilisering van die gemeenskapsvennootskap m die uitvoering van strategiese
beplanningsprosedures soos die formulering van 'n opvanggebiedvisie, prioritisering van tersaaklike
opvanggebiedkwessies, bestuursdoelwitstelling en die formulering en implementering van
aksieplanne vir die bestuur van verskeie kwessies in die opvanggebied. Die gevolgtrekking na die noukeurige evaluering van die verloop van hierdie studie, is dat die
implementering van gemeenskapsgedrewe gemtegreerde opvanggebiedbestuur in 'n kleiner
opvanggebied wel suksesvol kan wees. 'n Paar beslissende vereistes moet met toekomstige
toepassings elders in ag geneem word, naamIik:
• Dat die studiegebied oppervlakgewys klein genoeg moet wees sodat alle rolspelers relatief
maklik betrek kan word en 'n opvanggebied-identiteit en "eienaarskap" van die proses kan
• Die proses moet aanvanklik ekstem fasiliteer word, totdat 'n gemeenskapsvennootskap gevestig
is en 'n bestuurskomitee verkies is, waama die fasilitering en bestuur van die proses aan die
gemeenskap oorgegee moet word om uiteindelik ten volle gemeenskapsgedrewe te word;
• Dat sosio-ekonomiese kwessies aanvanklik aandag b6 die natuurlike omgewing sal geniet, maar
dat hierdie kwessies benut moet word om die GOGB proses te vestig, waama die natuurlike
omgewing vanselfsprekend hoer prioriteit sal geniet; en
• Dat die navorser veral gedurende die tweede en derde fases van die proses geduld moet behou,
omdat publieke deelname en veral die vestiging van 'n gemeenskapsgedrewe proses, tydsaam
en vermoeiend kan wees.
Hierdie gevallestudie beklemtoon dat elke toepassing van GOGB uniek sal wees omdat die mate van
gemeenskapsdeelname en -prioriteite tussen opvanggebiedgemeenskappe sal verskil.
Gemeenskapsgedrewe gemtegreerde opvanggebiedbestuur is onder geen ornstandighede 'n
kitsoplossing vir waterbestuur en -bewaring nie, maar dit is die enigste volhoubare opsie.
SLEUTEL WOORDE: opvanggebiedbestuur, publieke/gemeenskapsdeelname, situasie-analise,
waterhulpbronbestuur, aksienavorsing
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A household solid waste recycling programme in Stellenbosch : householders' attitudes and willingness to participateMakau, Mafalla E. (Mafalla Elizabeth) 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Municipal waste presents problems of pollution, health hazards and resource conservation.
Household waste forms part of municipal solid waste that is a challenge to control due to its
heterogeneity and diversity. The ever-filling landfills for the disposal of solid waste due to rapid
population increase and urbanization call for urgent waste management strategies to reduce, reuse
and recycle solid waste. In this study householders' attitudes, participation in recycling and
willingness to participate in household solid waste recycling are investigated to design and
implement a household solid waste recycling programme in Stellenbosch. Questionnaire survey
data about the awareness of, attitudes towards, and participation in household waste recycling were
analyzed using descriptive statistical methods in the STATISTICA V6 program. Results were
displayed in frequency tables, bar charts, maps and pie charts. The same statistical program was
used to fmd the relationship between the householders' willingness to participate in the household
solid waste recycling programme, namely the Blue Bag Household Waste Recovery Programme
(BBHWRP), and their socio-demographic and socio-economic characteristics. The respondents'
willingness to sort household waste is compared to their willingness to participate in the BBHWRP
in Stellenbosch. The willingness of householders in different residential areas is also compared.
The relationships were analyzed by performing cross-tabulations and the chi-square test.
The householder's attitudes towards household solid waste recycling were found to be positive,
showing pro-recycling and pro-environmental behaviour among the respondents. Participation in
recycling was found to be relatively moderate where separation of waste, self-delivery of recyclables
to recycling buy-back centres and depots were commonly practised. Composting was least reported to
be practised by householders in Stellenbosch. Respondents showed strong willingness to participate in
the BBHWRP, however, most of the explanatory factors used, including place of residence, did not
relate to respondents' willingness to participate in the BBHWRP. Despite this situation, smaller
families and respondents' willingness to sort household waste at home by householders were found to
relate directly to willingness to take part in the BBHWRP. There were, however, poor response rates
in the study. Although reminders were used to improve response rates, only a 30 per cent response
rate could be reached. It is recommended that a household solid waste sorting and recycling scheme in
Stellenbosch should be considered in order to minimize and recycle household waste to extend the
lifespan of the town's landfill site. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Munisipale afval skep probleme vir besoedeling, gesondheidsrisiko's en hulpbronbewaring.
Huishoudelike afval vorm deel van die vaste afval wat moeilik is om te beheer weens die
heterogeniteit en diversiteit daarvan. Die stortingsterreine vir vaste afval word al hoe voller weens
die immer groeiende bevolking en weens verstedeliking, en dringende afvalbestuurstrategie om die
soliede afval te verminder, weer te gebruik en te herwin, word benodig. In hierdie studie word
gekyk na die houdings van die huisgesinne, hulle deelname aan herwinning en hulle gewilligheid
om deel te neem aan vaste afvalherwinning sodat 'n huishoudelike vaste afvalherwinningsprogram
ontwerp kan word en in Stellenbosch implementeer kan word.
Vraelysopnamedata oor die bewustheid van, houdings teenoor en deelname aan huishoudelike
afvalherwinning is ontleed met beskrywende statistiese metodes in die STATISTICA V6-program.
Die resultate word vertoon in frekwensietabelle, balkdiagramme en sektordiagramme. Dieselfde
statistiese program is gebruik om die verwantskap tussen die huisgesinne se gewilligheid om deel
te neem aan die huishoudelike vaste afvalherwinningsprogram, naamlik die Blue Bag Household
Waste Recovery Programme (BBHWRP), en hulle sosio-demografiese en sosio-ekonomiese
kenmerke te vind. Die respondente se gewilligheid om huishoudelike afval te sorteer is vergelyk
met gewilligheid om deel te neem aan die BBHWRP in Stellenbosch. Die gewilligheid van gesinne
in verskillende woongebiede is ook vergelyk. Die verhoudings is ontleed aan die hand van
kruistabulasies en met behulp van die chi-kwadraat toets.
Daar is gevind dat die huisgesinne se houdings teenoor die herwinning van vaste huishoudelike afval
positief is, wat 'n aanduiding gee dat die respondente pro-herwinning en pro-omgewing is. Daar is
gevind dat die deelname aan herwinning relatief gemiddeld is waar sortering van afval en die selfaflewering
van afval by herwinningsterugkoopsentra algemeen beoefen word. Baie min huisgesinne
in Stellenbosch is betrokke by die maak van kompos. Respondente toon gewilligheid om deel te neem
aan die BBHWRP, maar daar is gevind dat die verklarende faktore, insluitende woonplek, nie verwant
is aan hulle gewilligheid om deel te neem aan die BBHWRP nie. Ten spyte van hierdie situasie is
daar gevind dat kleiner gesinne en die respondente se gewilligheid om huishoudelike afval tuis te
sorteer, direk verwant is aan gewilligheid om deel te neem aan die BBHWRP. Daar was egter swak
responskoerse in die studie. Alhoewel herinneringbriewe gebruik is om responskoerse te verbeter, is
'n responskoers van net 30 persent behaal. Daar word aanbeveel dat 'n vaste huishoudelike
afvalsorteringskema in Stellenbosch oorweeg moet word om huishoudelike afval te verminder en te
herwin en om die lewensduur van die stortingsterrein te verleng.
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