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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The petrology and geochemistry of the Merensky reef in the Rustenburg area.

Brown, Raylan Talbot. January 1994 (has links)
Four Merensky reef underground exposures of different reef thickness, representative of the lithological variations exposed in mining, have been drilled and mapped. The relationship of the Merensky reef to the underlying rocks is paraconformable, and a broad-based definition of the highly variable Merensky reef, on the basis of detailed mine-wide mapping, is presented. Fifty two whole-rock samples from one drill intersection were analysed for major and trace elements by X-Ray Fluorescence spectrometry, and for platinum-group elements (PGE) by Neutron Activation analysis. The remaining three drill intersections were analysed for trace elements, and for PGE in one instance. Orthopyroxene and plagioclase mineral separates from one intersection were analysed for major elements by XRF, and the mineral compositions determined. The results of the whole-rock and silicate mineral chemistry are presented and discussed. Whole-rock geochemistry is controlled by modal composition, as are most trace elements. Incompatible elements such as Nb, Zr, Ba, Y and Rb occur in elevated abundances in the feldspathic pyroxenites and show systematic low-correlation relationships with Cu, Ni, Sand the PGE. These patterns are ascribed to the pore space competition between incompatible element enriched silicate melt and sulphide melt. The PGE are systematically associated with the base metal sulphide elements, with some localised decoupling, with Pd and Au showing the greatest chalcophile nature. The other PGE are highly correlated. Deviations in the geochemistry relative to the mode are analysed and discussed. Orthopyroxene and plagioclase mineral compositions consistently define three-way lithological associations, demonstrating limited geochemical relationship between the lithologies. These lithologies represent the footwall and hangingwall norites/anorthosites and the Merensky reef/Merensky pyroxenite sequence. The Merensky reef pegmatoid and the overlying Merensky pyroxenite have more evolved Mg# and Ca# than the norite or anorthosite. Ni in orthopyroxene correlates with whole-rock Ni, providing evidence of re-equilibration. A systematic relationship exists between plagioclase and orthopyroxene mineral compositions, with Ti in both phases defining primary and re-equilibrated trends. Apart from the elevated PGE abundances in the Merensky reef, the Merensky reef and overlying Merensky pyroxenite are geochemically indistinguishable. Certain evolved element distribution patterns coincide with the zone of elevated PGE, Cu and Ni abundances. Abundant geochemical evidence is consistent with late-stage in situ hydromagmatic alteration and modification to the Merensky reef, and in part, the Merensky pyroxenite. In contrast, the texturally similar footwall and hangingwall norites show very little evidence of hydromagmatic effects, where magmatic and submagmatic processes are well preserved. The whole-rock and mineral geochemistry defines and characterises the Merensky succession and provides certain constraints for petrogenetic modelling. A multi-stage process is envisaged for the petrogenesis and evolution of the Merensky succession, involving, 1) a magmatic stage, 2) a submagmatic stage, and 3) a hydromagmatic stage. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 1994.

The stratigraphy of the Natal Group.

Marshall, C. G. A. January 1994 (has links)
Research for this project involved the first systematic field and laboratory investigation over the entire known portion of the Natal Group depositional basin, from just north of Hlabisa in the north, to Hibberdene in the south, and, on a reconnaissance basis, as far south as the Mtamvuna River near Port Edward. The development of a stratigraphy for the Natal Group is traced through the work of previous researchers, who worked in specific areas. The SACS compilation was inadequate, and this unsatisfactory situation was addressed in presenting the first workable stratigraphic subdivision of the Natal Group for the whole of the basin. There are two proposed formations, each representing a cycle of sedimentation - a lower Durban Formation and an upper Mariannhill Formation. These are subdivided into the Ulundi, Eshowe, Kranskloof, Situndu and Dassenhoek Members, and the Tulini, Newspaper and Westville Members, respectively. They are generally greyish red in colour, and consist of conglomerates, sandstones, siltstones and shales. The generally accepted correlation between the Natal Group in KwaZulu-Natal and what was hitherto considered as its time-equivalent in Pondoland has been disproved. Consequently, the supposed interdigitation/transition between these two assemblages, along with the hypothesis that the Kranskloof and Dassenhoek quartz-arenite Members were littoral deposits formed during a marine transgression/regression cycle, is no longer accepted. A provenance to the northeast is proposed, based on palaeocurrent data. Pan-African mountain-building in what is now Mozambique provided molasse sediments which were laid down in an elongate (NE - SW) foreland graben basin. The age of this was determined as 490 Ma, from 4°Ar;J9Ar step-heating on micas extracted from argillaceous samples. Contemporaneous volcanism, as reflected in the presence of volcanic glass (sericitised) shards, is reported. The Natal Group is a molasse deposit, derived some 490 Ma ago from a Pan African orogenic event in southern Mozambique, and deposited in a foreland graben, the Natal Trough, during continued subsidence. Activity of this trough is seen to have continued from Pan African to Permian times. This assemblage rests on the basement, and is overlain by the Dwyka Group. Only part of the basin survives on the African continent, the unknown portion being removed during the fragmentation of Gondwana. The southern limit of the Natal Group is at the Dweshula High, near Port Shepstone, which, together with basin tilting, is seen to have been instrumental in causing the deposition of this assemblage. It is suggested that fluvial activity and debris flow processes led to the deposition of the conglomerates of the Ulundi, Tulini and Westville Members, whereas braided rivers of the Platte and Bijou Creek types deposited the arenaceous and argillaceous sediments which now constitute the other members. The climate was probably semi arid, with ephemeral streams. Shape parameters of the conglomerate clasts point to a fluvial environment. The dividing-line between monomict (quartz) Facies A to the south, and polymict Facies B to the north, of the Tulini Member, was found to coincide with the edge of the craton in this area. The common occurrence of pressure solution phenomena is described. The tensile strength of fractured quartzite clasts in the Ulundi Member is used to estimate a minimum thickness for the Natal Group of 1300 to 2600 m - considerably greater than the present thickness. This estimate supports the hypothesis that much of the Natal Group was removed by erosion during the 200 million year period between the cessation of Natal Group deposition and the onset of Dwyka glaciation, and indeed, by the glaciation itself. The Westville. Member is thus seen as the basal unit of a third cycle of sedimentation, all of which, except the remnants of the Westville Member, have been eroded away. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 1994.

The petrology and geochemistry of the karoo sequence basaltic rocks in the Natal Drakensberg at Sani Pass.

Ramluckan, Vijay Rajlal. January 1992 (has links)
The Sani Pass in the Natal Drakensberg is situated in the north-eastern sector of the Lesotho Highlands which forms a major Karoo-age basaltic massif in the Karoo Igneous Province. The volcanic section exposed in the pass is approximately 800m thick, and comprises a succession of regularly stratified, massive and amygdaloidallavas which were extruded mainly by fissure-type eruptions. Dolerite dykes, which now occupy thefissures,form a network ofpredominantly NE-SW and NW-SE trending topographic features. During post-eruption cooling hydrothermal solutions percolated through the volcanic succession and produced an amygdale zonation which was controlled predominantly by ambientpressure and temperature conditions. An original maximum thickness of 1 820m of the volcanic succession has therefore been estimated and an average fossil geothermal gradient of 111° C/km is conceived to have persisted during amygdale formation. New electron microprobe data are presented for the silicate phases in the Sani Pass basalts and dolerites. These data do not effectively separate the Sani Pass volcanic succession into different geochemical units. Microprobe analysesfor olivine, albeit limited, are in the forsterite range and indicate that a proportion of olivine in the high-MgO basalts is due to cumulus enrichment. The pyroxenes are predominantly augite and minor pigeonite, with some ofthe augites displaying a tholeiitic trend similar to that recognised at Skaergaard. Plagioclase is mainly in the labradorite to bytownite range, the phenocrysts being slightly enriched in anorthite compared to the groundmass. The use ofwhole-rock geochemistry for 67 basalts and 8 dolerites has permitted the recognition of five geochemically distinct magma types, namely, the Giant's Cup, Agate Vale, Sakeng, Mkhomazana and the Phinong. The Phinong basalts comprise the upper two-thirds ofthe volcanic succession and although are generally homogeneous, there is a slight tendency for the more evolved rocks to be found higher up in the stratigraphic sequence. The remaining magma types precede the Phinong succession and are generally enriched in silica and have higher Zr/Nb and lower PfZr ratios than the Phinong basalts. Within the pre-Phinong succession the Giant's Cup basalts are generally depleted in the compatible elements, while the overlying Agate Vale basalts are enriched in incompatible elements. Except for a marginally lower Na20 and Sr content, the chemistry ofthe Sakeng basalts is variable, generally overlapping with the other magma types. The Mkhomazana basalts are slightly enriched in MgO, Ni, Cr and Sc compared to all other pre-Phinong basalts. The dolerites in the area adjacent to the Sani Pass are geochemically similar to the Phinong basalts. The Phinong magma type is considered to be equivalent to the Lesotho magma type, based on their geochemical and stratigraphical similarities. In terms ofdiscriminant diagrams the Giant's Cup, Sakeng and Mkhomazana basalts generally show some compositional overlap with the Phinong, or plot in incoherentfields, but the Agate Vale basalts are distinctly different and might indicate a new magma type within the Karoo Central area. Broad compositional overlap between the Phinong basalts and those preserved at Kirwan and Heimefrontfjella, Antarctica, indicates juxtaposition of Antarctica along the southern African east coast in a reconstructed Gondwanaland. Petrogenesis of the Sani Pass basalts has been examined in terms of alteration, open and closed system fractional crystallization, partial melting procesess and a heterogeneous source. Although limited alteration and conduit contamination have occurred, the most feasible mechanism responsible for the geochemical variation lies in the existance ofinhomogeneities in the upper mantle at the time ofgeneration of the Sani Pass magmas. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Durban-Westville, 1992.

The Mgeni Estuary pre- and post Inanda Dam Estuarine dynamics.

Tinmouth, Neil. January 2009 (has links)
The funnel-shaped Mgeni Estuary, at the mouth of the fourth largest river along the KwaZulu- Natal coast, discharges into the Indian Ocean in the northern suburbs of Durban. This system is under considerable anthropogenic stress associated with modern development and industrialisation, both adjacent to the estuary and in the catchment area. The construction of Inanda Dam in 1989, immediately upstream of the estuary, is considered to have had an irreversible impact on the system and the estuary and is addressed in this study. A thorough analysis of available maps, aerial photographs and oblique images from 1860 to 2006, provided a record of the changes in the estuary morphology. The Pre-Inanda Dam period is characterised by the repeated re-establishment of a large central bar after major floods as evident prior to the 1987 flood. The post 1989 Inanda-Dam period, however, is characterised by the deposition of a series of side-attached bars and the development of extensive mudflats. Sediment distribution results show a definite decrease in grain size compared to the predominant gravel fraction in 1986 towards an estuary dominated by medium to fine sand-sized sediment. A reduction in sediment grain size is also complemented by an increase in carbonate concentration throughout the estuary. This indicates an increase in marine incursion with decreased fluvial flow suggesting a shift from a river dominated estuary to a marine dominated system since the completion of Inanda Dam. Linked to the finer grained sediment is a higher increased organic and heavy metal concentration. An analysis of the enrichment factor for 9 metals shows that the Mgeni Estuary is significantly contaminated, especially at the head of the estuary. This situation is exacerbated by decreased fluvial flow rates, an increase in the frequency of mouth closures and the reduction in flooding events effectively preventing the removal of contaminants out of the estuary. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville, 2009.

Alkaline intrusives from the Tugela terrane, Natal metamorphic province.

Scogings, Andrew John. 08 September 2014 (has links)
Three gneissose alkaline granitoid intrusives at Ngoye, Bulls Run and Wangu are described. They are located within the Nkomo Nappe of the Tugela Terrane, near the northern margin of the Natal Metamorphic Province. The Ngoye Complex comprises alkaline granites, with minor syenite and monzodiorite phases. According to modal am geochemical criteria the Ngoye granites range from peraluminous (muscovite-bearing), through metaluminous (biotite- and/or hornblende-bearing), to peralkaline (riebeckite-, aegirine- and magnetite-bearing). The granites are A-types according to their modal and geochemical characteristics. Rb-Sr isotopic data for the hornblende granites indicate an age of 1063 ± 17 Ma and the initial ratio (R๐ = 0.7025) provides evidence for derivation from a mantle source. Plotting of the Ngoye geochemistry on tectonic-discrimination diagrams suggests intrusion into rifted continental crust. It is concluded that the gneissose Ngoye granites constitute a deformed central complex, similar to anorogenic complexes in Nigeria and the Sudan. The Bulls Run Complex is situated 30 km west of the Ngoye Complex. A concentric outcrop pattern has been mapped, according to which an envelope of silica-saturated biotite-muscovite syenite surrounds a core of nepheline-bearing syenites. Minor intrusive phases include biotite-rich dykes, sovite carbonatite sheets, silica-oversaturated microsyenite dykes and feldspathic ijolite. The outer envelope of muscovite-rich syenite is interpreted as fenitised pelitic country rock. An alkali-lamprophyre origin is suggested for the biotite-rich dykes. Geochemically the syenites are predominantly miaskitic, apart from the microsyenite dykes which are mildly peralkaline. Rb-Sr isotopic data for the nepheline syenites indicate an age of 1138 ± 45 Ma (Ro = 0.70322). Carbonate separates from the carbonatites provide a similar low initial ratio (Ra = 0.70319) which supports a comagmatic mantle origin. A comparison is drawn between the Bulls Run Complex and miaskitic nepheline syenite gneisses in the mid-Proterozoic Grenville Province of canada. From this, it is suggested that the Bulls Run Complex is pretectonic and was intruded into the rifted passive margin of a continent. The Wangu Granite Gneiss is situated 3 km southwest of the Bulls Run Complex. The granites are fine grained and contain aegirine-augite and/or magnetite, and classify as alkali-feldspar granite. Peralkaline chemistry is characteristic of the Wangu granites, with trace-elenent contents indicating a distinct A-type signature. Biotite-rich mafic dykes intrude the southern part of the Wangu outcrop and, on the basis of major- and trace-element signatures, are suggested to be metamorphosed volatile-rich alkaline lamprophyres similar to those at Bulls Run. Geochemical similarities between the Wangu granites and certain comendites from the Kenya Rift are noted. It is suggested that the Wangu granites were emplaced as high-level dykes, within rifted continental crust. It is proposed that the Ngoye, Bulls Run and Wangu intrusives be united as the Nkwaleni Suite. Comparison of the Tugela Terrane with the Grenville Province reveals many similarities, particularly their mid- to late-Proterozoic age and the occurrence of pre-tectonic anorogenic continental magmatism. It is concluded that, unlike the current model which would have the Tugela Terrane as obducted ophiolite, these new data indicate that the Tugela Terrane is a metamorphosed continental rift system. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Durban-Westville, 1991.

Geochemistry and structure of the archaean granitoid-supracrustal terrane, southeastern Transvaal and northern Natal.

Smith, Roric Gerard. 03 October 2014 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 1987.

The marine geology of the Northern KwaZulu-Natal continental shelf, South Africa.

Green, Andrew Noel. January 2009 (has links)
This study proposes that the submarine canyons of the northern Kwazulu-Natal continental margin formed contemporaneously with hinterland uplift, rapid sediment supply and shelf margin progradation during the forced regression of upper Miocene times. These forced regressive systems tract deposits volumetrically dominate the shelf sediments, and comprise part of an incompletely preserved sequence, amongst which six other partially preserved sequences occur. The oldest unit of the shelf corresponds to forced regression systems tract deposits of Late Cretaceous age (seismic unit A), into which a prominent erosive surface, recognized as a sequence boundary, has incised. Fossil submarine canyons are formed within this surface, and underlie at least one large shelf-indenting canyon in the upper continental slope. Smaller shelf indenting canyons exhibit similar morphological arrangements. Late Pliocene deposits are separated from Late Cretaceous lowstand deposits (seismic unit B) by thin veneers of Late Palaeocene (seismic unit C) and mid to early Miocene (seismic unit D) transgressive systems tract deposits. These are often removed by erosive hiatuses of early Oligocene and early to mid Pliocene age. These typically form a combined hiatus surface, except in isolated pockets ofthe upper slope where late Miocene forced regressive systems tract units are preserved (anomalous progradational seismic unit). These sediments correspond to the regional outbuilding of the bordering Tukhela and Limpopo cones during relative sea level fall. Either dominant late Pliocene sediments (seismic unit E), or transgressive systems tract sediments which formed prior to the mid Pliocene hiatus, overlie these sediments. Widespread growth faulting, slump structures and prograding clinoforms towards canyon axes indicate that these sediments initiated upper slope failure which served to create proto-canyon rills from which these canyons could evolve. The association of buried fossil canyons with modern day canyons suggests that the rilling and canyon inception process were influenced by palaeotopographic inheritance, where partially infilled fossil canyons captured downslope eroding flow from an unstable upper slope. Where no underlying canyons occur, modern canyons evolved from a downslope to upslope eroding system as they widened and steepened relative to the surrounding slope. Statistical quantification of canyon forms shows a dominance of upslope erosion. Landslide geomorphology and morphometric analysis indicate that this occurred after downslope erosion, where the canyon axis was catastrophically cleared and incised, leading to headward retreat and lateral excavation of the canyon form. Trigger mechanisms for canyon growth and inception point to an overburdening ofthe upper slope causing failure, though processes such as freshwater sapping may emulate this pattern of erosion. It appears that in one instance, Leven Canyon, freshwater exchange with the neighbouring coastal waterbodies has caused canyon growth. The canyons evolved rapidly to their present day forms, and have been subject to increasingly sediment starved conditions, thus limiting their evolution to true shelf breaching canyon systems. Sedimentological and geomorphological studies show that the shelf has had minor fluvial influences, with only limited shelf-drainage interaction having occurred. This is shown by isolated incised valleys of both Late Cretaceous and Late PleistocenelHolocene age. These show classic transgressive valley fills of wave dominated estuaries, indicating that the wave climate was similar to that of today. The narrowness of the shelf and the inheritance of antecedent topography may have been a factor in increasing the preservation potential of these fills. Canyons thus appear to have been "headless" since their inception, apart from Leven Canyon, which had a connection to the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) St Lucia estuary, and Wright Canyon, which had an ephemeral, shallow LGM channel linking it to the Lake Sibaya estuarine complex. Coastline morphology has been dominated by zeta bays since at least 84 000 BP, thus littoral drift has been limited in the study area since these times. The formation of beachrock and aeolianite sinks during regression from the last interstadial has further reduced sediment supply to the shelf. The prevalence of sea-level notching in canyon heads, associated with sea levels of the LGM indicates that canyon growth via slumping has been limited since that time. Where these are obscured by slumping in the canyon heads (Diepgat Canyon), these slumps have been caused by recent seismic activity. The quiescence of these canyons has resulted in the preservation of the steep upper continental slope as canyon erosion has been insufficient to plane the upper slope to a uniform linear gradient such as that of the heavily incised New Jersey continental margin. Progressive sediment starvation of the area during the Flandrian transgression has resulted in a small shore attached wedge of unconsolidated sediment (seismic unit H) being preserved. This is underlain by a mid-Holocene ravinement surface. This crops out on the outer shelf as a semi-indurated, bioclastic pavement. Thinly mantling this surface are Holocene sediments which have been reworked by the Agulhas Current into bedforms corresponding to the flow regime and sediment availability to the area. Bedforms are in a state of dis-equilibrium with the contemporary hydrodynamic conditions, and are presently being re-ordered. It appears that sediment is not being entrained into the canyons to the extent that active thalweg downcutting is occurring. Off-slope sediment loss occurs only in localized areas, supported by the dominance of finer grained Early Pleistocene sediments of the outer slope. A sand ridge from the mid shelf between Wright and White Sands Canyons appears to have been a palaeo-sediment source to White Sands Canyon, but is currently being reworked southwards towards Wright Canyon. The prevalence of bedform fields south of regularly spaced canyon heads is considered a function of hydrodynamic forcing of the Agulhas Current by canyon topography. These bedforms are orientated in a northerly direction into the canyon heads, a result ofnortherly return eddying at the heads of these canyons. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville, 2009.

Characterisation of geotechnical, geochemical and metallurgical properties for mine-to-mill optimisation at Sandsloot open pit platinum mine, South Africa

Walker, Shonagh. January 2008 (has links)
Sandsloot open pit mine extracts platinum, copper and nickel from the Platreef orebody in the Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex. At present, it is the world's largest open pit platinum mine, but it is one of the smaller of six pits to be mined in this area by Potgietersrust Platinums Limited (PPRust). As mining progresses and the mine operations expand, sound knowledge of the subsurface ground, the orebody properties and their performance in the processing plant is imperative. An accurately characterised orebody, in terms of its geotechnical, geochemical and metallurgical properties, will facilitate the development of appropriate and cost effective mining practices and processing plant design. It will improve the prediction and performance of materials in each of the steps involved in converting the orebody rock mass into a concentrate /marketable product, which ultimately leads to mine-to-mill optimisation. This dissertation has focused on the geotechnical and metallurgical strength properties of the Platreef orebody at Sandsloot; the geochemical properties of the various lithologies and defined for each orebody rock type the associations and correlations within and between these properties. The petrography of the orebody material was studied to identify and classify the rock types. A rigorous testing programme was conducted and an extensive database of petrographic, geotechnical, geochemical and metallurgical information was assembled. The corresponding results within and across the different studies were grouped together and statistical analysis and interrogation of the data sets were performed. The research identified diverse rock types with contrasting physical properties in the Sandsloot open pit orebody. For each of the rock types the distinguishing characteristics and the variations in properties were identified. Significant differences and relationships between rock types for each property were assessed for predictability in mining. Statistical associations and correlations between the properties of each study were defined and models for predicting strength and rock type were developed. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville, 2008.

The mineralogy, petrology and PGE geochemistry of the UG2 cyclic unit at Lebowa Platinum mine (ATOK), North-Eastern Bushveld complex.

Fitzhenry, Clifford. January 2008 (has links)
This project is an investigation of the UG2 cyclic unit of the Upper Critical Zone at Lebowa (Atok) / Thesis (M. Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville, 2008.

The lithostratigraphy and petrogenesis of the Nsuze group northwest of Nkandla, Natal.

Groenewald, Peter Bruce. January 1984 (has links)
The volcanic and sedimentary Nsuze Group constitutes the lower part of the / Thesis (M.Sc.-Geology)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 1984.

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