Spelling suggestions: "subject:"thesisideology."" "subject:"chemorheology.""
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The geology and geochemistry of the Bridgetown Formation of the Malmesbury Group, Western Cape ProvinceSlabber, Nina 06 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc) -- Stellenbosch University , 1995. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A number of small greenstone bodies of the Bridgetown Formation are exposed as
elongated lenses and dykes within metasediments of the Malmesbury Group in the
Western Cape Province, South Africa. The Malmesbury Group is part of the
Neoproterozoic to Cambrian (Namibian) Saldania Subprovince which is the southern
continuation of a Pan-African mobile belt system.
A detailed geological and geochemical study was conducted on the largest outcrop
of the Bridgetown Formation, situated 20km east of the town Moorreesburg.
The Bridgetown Formation consists of a meta-volcano-sedimentary sequence that
experienced polyphase deformation and metamorphism up to the lower greenschist
facies. Tectonically, the Bridgetown Formation is included in the Boland tectonic
domain, east of the Piketberg-Wel lington fault zone that is suggested to run Skm
west of Heuningberg and subparallel to the Berg River. This agrees with Rabie's
(1974) original subdivision of the tectonic domains.
The Bridgetown Formation consists of: i) A basal unit of poorly differentiated
alkaline metabasalt with a within-plate tectonomagmatic fingerprint. ii) An
intermediate unit of poorly differentiated tholeiitic metabasalt, intruded by a younger
tholeiitic metabasite with a low degree of differentiation. Both members of the
intermediate unit have ocean-floor basalt (P-type MORB) and island arc basalt
fingerprints. iii) An upper unit of poorly differentiated as well as more evolved
alkaline metabasalts, interlayered with metatuff with an alkaline basaltic composition,
metasedimentary rocks with a marine origin, and graphitic schists and muscovitequartz
schists, both with a continental crust provenance. iv) An overlying
metasedimentary sequence including dolomite, massive and oolitic chert, jasper and
The Bridgetown Formation probably also comprises a lower metamorphosed
ultramafic unit, indicated by the association of Ni- and Cr-rich talc bodies, Ni-and errich
banded chert, chlorite schist and small dolomite-talc-chlorite bodies at Spitskop,
situated directly northwest of the main greenstone body.
The sequence of eruptive stages and the geochemistry of the metavolcanics
resemble Hawaiian volcanism , indicated by an initial deep water stage of alkaline
magmatism, followed by main tholeiitic edifice and post-caldera alkaline magmatism.
Post-caldera alkaline magmatism occurred contemporaneously with deposition . of
sediments and chemical precipitates (carbonates and cherts).
The Bridgetown metavolcanics have no magmatic association with either the
Bloubergstrand volcanics or mafic and intermediate plutonic rocks in the
Malmesbury Group. However, some physical and geochemical similarities exist
between the Bridgetown Formation and the age related Grootderm Formation of the
Marmora Terrane (Gariep Supergroup) which is considered to represent ophiolitic
material. The Bridgetown Formation probably represents segments of oceanic crust,
including seamounts of oceanic islands, which were tectonically emplaced in an
accretionary prism zone during subduction of oceanic crust underneath the Kalahari
Craton, 600 to 700 Ma ago. This resulted in the present spatial configuration of
various small greenstone bodies in the Malmesbury Group.
To date no exploitable mineral deposits have been found 1n the Bridgetown
Formation. However, Au and As anomalies in stream sediment and soil samples,
taken in the Spitskop area, require further attention. lt is suggested that the gold
and arsenic is hosted in brittle deformed clear to milky quartz veins which developed
at zones of competency contrasts in all the li tholog ies in the Spitskop area. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Aantal klein groenskisliggame van die Bridgetown Formasie is blootgestel as
verlengde lense en gange binne metasedimente van die Malmesbury Groep in die
Wes-Kaap Provinsie, Suid-Afrika. Die Malmesbury Groep is deel van die
Neoproterozo·iese tot Kambriese (Namibiese) Saldania Subprovinsie wat die
suidelike voortsetting is van 'n Pan-Afrikaanse mobiele gordel sisteem.
'n Gedetaileerde geologiese en geochemiese studie is gedoen op die grootste
dagsoom van die Bridgetown Formasie, gelee 20km oos van die dorp Moorreesburg.
Die Bridgetown Formasie bestaan uit 'n metavulkanies-sedimentere opeenvolging
wat pol ifase vervorming en metamorfisme tot en met die laer groenskis fasies
ondergaan het. Die Bridgetown Formasie word hier in die Boland tektoniese domein
ingedeel deur die Piketberg-Wellington verskuiwingsone 5km wes van Heuningberg,
subparallel a an die Bergrivier, te plaas. Dit stem ooreen met Rabie ( 197 4) se
oorspronkl ike verdeling van die tektoniese domeine.
Die Bridgetown Formasie bestaan uit: i) 'n Basale eenheid wat hoofsaaklik bestaan
uit min gedifferens ieerde alkali-metabasalte met binneplaat tektonomagmatiese
eienskappe. ii) 'n lntermediere eenheid wat bestaan uit min gedifferensieerde
tholeiitiese metabasalt en 'n jonger intrusiewe tholeiitiese metabasiet wat 'n lae
graad van differensias ie ondergaan het. Beide intermediere eenhede het
oseaanvloer-basalt (P-t ipe MORB) en eilandboog basaltiese eienskappe. iii) 'n
Boonste eenheid wat bestaan uit min gedifferensieerde asook meer
gedifferensieerde alkal i-metabasalte, tussengelaagd met metatuf met 'n alka libasaltiese
samestelling; metasedimentere gesteentes met 'n mariene oorsprong, en
grafitiese ski ste en kwarts-muskoviet skiste, beide met 'n kontinentale kors
oorsprong . iv) 'n Oorliggende metasedimentere opeenvolging wat dolomiet,
massiewe en ooli tiese chert, jaspis en jaspiliet insluit.
Die Bridgetown Formasie slu it moontlik ook 'n onderliggende gemetamorfiseerde
ultramafiese eenheid in; aangedui deur die assosiasie van Ni- en Cr-ryke
ta lkl iggame, Ni- en Cr-ryke gebande chert, chlorietskis en klein dolomiet-talk-chloriet
liggame by Spitskop, gelee direk noordwes van die hoof groensteenliggaam.
Die opeenvolg ing van magmatisme en die geochemie van die metavulkaniese
gesteentes stem ooreen met Hawaiiese vulkanisme, naamlik 'n diepwater stadium, gekarakteriseer deur alkaliese magmatisme, gevolg deur 'n hoof tholeiitiese
opbouing en post-kaldera alkaliese magmatisme. Die post-kaldera alkaliese
magmatisme het gelyktydig plaasgevind met afsetting van sedimente en chemiese
presipitate (karbonate en cherte ).
Die Bridgetown metavulkaniese gesteentes het geen magmatiese assosiasie met
6f die Bloubergstrand vulkaniese gesteentes 6f mafiese en intermediere plutoniese
gesteentes in die Malmesbury Groep nie. Fisiese en geochemiese ooreenkomste
bestaan egter tussen die Bridgetown Formasie en die Grootderm Formasie van die
Marmora Terrein (Gariep Supergroep) wat beskou word as ofiolitiese materiaal. Die
Bridgetown Formasie verteenwoordig moontlik segmente van oseaankors,
insluitende oseaan-eilande, wat tektonies in 'n melange sone ingeplaas is tydens
subduksie van oseaankors onder die Kalahari Kraton in (600 tot 700 Mj gelede). Dit
verklaar die huidige ruimte like verspreiding van verske ie klein groensteenliggame in
die Malmesbury Groep.
Tot en met hede is geen ontginbare mineraalafsettings in die Bridgetown Formasie
ontdek nie. Au en As anomalie in stroomsediment- en grondmonsters, geneem in
die Spitskop area, behoort egter verdere aandag te geniet. Daar is voorgestel dat
die goud en arseen voorkom in brosvervormde helder tot melkerige kwartsare wat
ontwikkel het in swak sones in al die litologie in die Spitskop area.
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The lithostratigraphy of Cenozoic deposits along the south-east Cape coast as related to sea-level changesLe Roux, F. G. 08 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 1989. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Senosoiese sedimente langs die suidooskus van die
Kaapprovinsie is periodiek deur verskeie outeurs vir meer as
'n eeu bestudeer. In hierdie aanbieding word die
Iiteratuur saamgevat en vele dubbelsinnige stratigrafiese
onderverdelings en definisies opgeklaar.
Die Senosoiese afsettings kan volgens oorsprong
geklassifiseer word as marien, eolies en fluviaal. Die
mariene afsettings, synde strand-, nabystrand-, estuarien of
lagunale afsettings geassosieerd met transgressiewe/
regressiewe kusIyne, word nou op grond van kenmerkende
litologiese, paleontologiese sowel as ouderdomsverskille
onderverdeel in die Paleogeen Bathurst, Neogeen Alexandria
en Kwaternere Salnova Foraasies. Die Laat-Plioseen tot
Vroeg-Pleistoseen Nanaga Formasie, Middel- tot Laat-
Pleistoseen Nahoon Formasie en die Holoseen Schel• Hoek
Formasie vorm die kus-eoliese afsettings. AI die mariene
en marienverwante (eoliese} formasies, gekenmerk deur
kalkige klastiese afsettings, is saamgegroepeer in 'n
nuutgedefinieerde Algoa Groep. Fluviale afsettings word
onderverdeel in die Martindale, Kinkelbos, Bluewater Bay,
Kudus Kloof en Sunland Formasies.
Die onderskeie afsettings word gekorreleer met verskillende
seevlakstande deur geologiese tye.
Die vroegste Senosoiese
transgressiewe/regressiewe siklus het in die Vroeg-Paleoseen
begin en die hoogste aangetekende elevasie vir die era
bereik. Die Bathurst Formasie is waarskynlik gedurende
hierdie regressie afgeset. 'n Tweed~ kleiner transgressie/
regressiesiklus het plaasgevind gedurende die Laat-Eoseen
tot Vroeg-Oligoseen. Sover tans bekend, kan geen afsetting
in die dagsoomgebied van die Algoa Groep definitief met
hierdie siklus in verband gebring word nie. Die volgende
siklus, wat 'n transgressiewe maksimum van c. 250 m bereik
het, het begin in die Middel-Mioseen en verstryk in die
Vroee Plioseen. Mariene planasie van die kusplatform het
gedurende die transgressie plaasgevind terwyl die Alexandria
Formasie wat tans bo 120 m geleë is, gedurende die regressie
afgeset is. Die Vroeg-Plioseen transgressie het waarskynlik
'n maksimum huidige hoogte van c. 120 m bereik,
waartydens o.a. die 120 m branderstoep en "Humansdorpterras"
gekerf is. Die Alexandria Formasie tans geleë tussen 60 en
120 m, is afgeset gedurende die Laat-Plioseen regressie.
Hierdie regressie het verskeie relatief lang stilstande, wat
waarskynlik die 106-m, 90- tot 100-m en 84-m branderstoepe
verklaar, ondervind. Selfs die 60-m en 52-m kuslyne kon
tydens hierdie regressie gevorm het. Voorlopige
paleontologiese getuienis dui egter daarop dat die 60-m
kuslyn 'n transgressiewe maksimum van 'n daaropvolgende
siklus verteenwoordig, gevolg deur 'n regressie met minstens
een beduidende stilstand by 52 m. Die Alexandria Formasie
geleë tussen c. 60 en 30 m, is waarskynlik gedurende hierdie
regressie gedeponeer, waartydens ook die Bluewater Bay,
Kinkelbos en Kudus Kloof Formasies afgeset is.
Gedurende die Kwaternêre transgressie/regressiesiklusse,
waarvan minstens vier aangedui word, is die Salnova Formasie
(afwesig bo 30 m) afgeset. Die Nahoon Formasie, wat ook op
groot skaal op die kontinentale bank ontwikkel is, is
gedeponeer gedurende die laaste twee Pleistoseen glasiale
toe seevlakke tot benede -100 m gedaal het. Die Schelm
Hoek Formasie wat tans nog afgeset word, het ontstaan uit
die transgressiewe maksimum van die Flandriese transgressie
aan die begin van die Holoseen. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Cenozoic sediments along the south-east coast of the Cape
Province have been studied intermittently for more than a
century by various authors. In this presentation the
literature is reviewed and many ambiguous stratigraphic
subdivisions and definitions are clarified.
The Cenozoic deposits can be classified, according to
origin, as marine, aeolian and fluvial. The marine
deposits, being
lagoonal deposits
either beach, nearshore, estuarine or
associated with transgressive/regressive
shorelines, are now subdivided on the grounds of distinct
lithological, palaeontological as well as age differences
into the Palaeogene Bathurst, Neogene Alexandria and
Quaternary Salnova Formations. The Late Pliocene to Early
Pleistocene Nanaga Formation, the Hiddle to Late Pleistocene
Nahoon Formation and the Holocene Schelm Hoek Formation
constitute the coastal
and marine-related
aeolian deposits. All the marine
(aeolian) formations, which are
characterised by calcareous clastics, have been grouped
together in a newly defined Algoa Group. Fluvial
deposits are subdivided into the Martindale, Kinkelbos,
Bluewater Bay, Kudus Kloof and Sunland Formations.
The various deposits are correlated with different stands of
sea-level through geological time. The earliest Cenozoic
transgression/regression cycle started in the Early
Palaeocene and reached the highest recorded altitude for the
era. The Bathurst Formation was probably deposited during
this regression. A second lesser transgression/regression
cycle occurred in the Late Eocene to Early Oligocene. As
far as is presently known, no deposit in the outcrop area of
the Algoa Group can be definitely related to this cycle.
The next cycle, which reached a transgressive maximum of c.
250 m, started in the Middle Miocene and terminated in the
Early Pliocene. Marine planation of the coastal platform
took place during the transgression, whilst the Alexandria
Formation presently situated above 120 m, was deposited
during the regression. The Early Pliocene transgression is
considered to have reached a maximum present-day elevation
of c. 120 m, during which the 120 m marine bench and
"Humansdorp Terrace", amongst others, were carved. The
Alexandria Formation presently situated between 60 and
120 m, was deposited during the Late Pliocene regression,
which experienced several relatively long stillstands which
probably account for the 106 m, 90 t.o 100 m and 8.4 m
benches. Even the 60 m- and 52 m-shorelines could have
been formed during this regression. Preliminary
palaeontological evidence, however, suggests that the 60 m shoreline
represents a transgressive maximum of a subsequent
cycle followed by a regression with at least one significant
stillstand at 52 m. The Alexandria Formation situated
between c. 60 and 30 m, was probably deposited during this
regression, which also saw the deposition of the Bluewater
Bay, Kinkelbos and Kudus Kloof Formations.
During the Quaternary transgression/regression cycles, of
which at least four are indicated, the Salnova Formation
(absent above 30 m) was deposited. The Nahoon Formation,
which is also extensively developed on the continental
shelf, was deposited during the last two Pleistocene
glacials, when sea-levels receded to less than -100 m. The
Schelm Hoek Formation, which is still being deposited,
originated from the transgressive maximum of the Flandrian
transgression at the start of the Holocene.
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Sedimentology, coral reef zonation, and late Pleistocene coastline models of the Sodwana Bay continental shelf, Northern ZululandRamsay, Peter John. January 1991 (has links)
This geostrophic current-controlled Zululand/Natal shelf displays a unique assemblage of interesting
physical, sedimentological and biological phenomena. The shelf in this area is extremely narrow
compared to the global average of 75km, and is characterised by submarine canyons, coral reefs, and
steep gradients on the continental slope. A shelf break occurs 2.1km to 4.1km offshore and the shelf
can be divided into a northern region and a southern region based on the presence or absence of a
defined shelf break. The southern shelf has a poorly-defined shelf break whilst the northern shelf has
a well-defined break at -65m. The poor definition of the shelf break on the southern shelf can possibly
be attributed to the presence of giant, climbing sand dunes offshore of Jesser Point at depths of -37m
to -60m. The northern shelf has a series of coast-parallel oriented patch coral reefs which have
colonised carbonate-cemented, coastal-facies sequences.
The northern shelf can be divided into three distinct zones: inner-, mid-, and outer-shelf zones. The
inner-shelf is defined as the area landward of the general coral reef trend, with depths varying from
0m to -I5m and having an average gradient of 1.1. The mid-shelf is defined by the general coral reef
trend, varying from -9m over the shallow central axis of the reefs to -35m along the deep reef-front
environments. The outer-shelf is seaward of the coral reefs and occurs at a depth range of -35m to -
65m. Gradients vary from 1° in the south to 2.5° in the northern part of the study area, and are steep
compared to world average shelf gradient of 0.116°.
Four submarine canyons occur in the study area and are classified as mature- or youthful-phase
canyons depending on the degree to which they breach the shelf. The origin of these canyons is not
related to the position of modern river mouths but can probably be linked to palaeo-outlets of the
Pongola and Mkuze River systems. It is suggested that the canyons are mass-wasting features which
were exploited by palaeo-drainage during regressions. The youthful-phase canyons appear to be mass-wasting features associated with an unstable, rapidly-deposited, progradational late Pliocene sequence
and a steep upper continental slope. The mature-phase canyons were probably initiated by mass-wasting
but have advanced shoreward, breaching the shelf, due to their link with the palaeo-outlets
of the Pongola and Mkuze Rivers during late Pleistocene regressions.
Evidence of modem canyon growth has been noted on numerous SCUBA diving surveys carried out
on the canyon heads. These take the form of minor wall slumps and small-scale debris flows. The
canyons are also supplied with large quantities of sand in the form of large-scale shelf subaqueous
dunes generated and transported by the Agulhas Current. As these bedforms meet the canyons the
sediment cascades down the canyon thalweg and causes erosion and downcutting of the canyon walls
and floor thereby increasing the canyon dimensions.
Late Pleistocene beachrock and aeolianite outcrops with or without an Indo-Pacific coral reef veneer
are the dominant consolidated lithology on the shelf. These submerged, coast-parallel, carbonate cemented,
coastal facies extend semi-continuously from -5m to -95m, and delineate late Pleistocene
palaeocoastline events. The rock fabric of these high primary porosity lithologies shows grains floating
in a carbonate cement with occasional point-contacts. Grains are mostly quartz (80-90%), minor K-feldspar
and plagioclase (5-10%), and various lithic fragments. The rocks contain conspicuous organic
grains including foraminifera, bivalve, echinoid, bryozoan, red algal, and occasional sponge spicule
fragments; these commonly display replacement fabrics or iron-stained rims. The dominant
sedimentary structures found in these sandstone outcrops include high-angle planar cross-bedding and
primary depositional dip bedding. Palaeocurrent directions sngest a palaeoenvironment dominated
by a combination of longitudinal and transverse dunes with wind directions similar to those observed
forming the modem dune systems. Erosional features evident on the submerged beachrocks and
aeolianites include gullies trending in two different directions and sea-level planation surfaces with or
without the presence of potholes.
The unconsolidated sediment on the shelf is either shelf sand, composed mainly of terrigenous quartz
grains; or bioclastic sediment which is partially derived from biogenic sources.
The quartzose sand from the inner-shelf is generally fine-grained, moderately- to well-sorted, and
coarsely- to near symmetrically-skewed. Carbonate content is low, and varies between 4-13%.
Quartzose sand from the outer-shelf is fine-grained, moderately- to well-sorted, and coarsely- to very
coarsely-skewed. The inner-shelf quartzose sand is better sorted than the outer-shelf sand due to
increased reworking of this sediment by the high-energy swell regime. Sediment from the shallower
areas of the outer-shelf (< -50m) is better sorted than sediment from depths of greater than -50m.
Generally wave-reworking of quartzose shelf sand from the Sodwana Bay shelf results in greater
sediment maturity than that observed from geostrophic current effects or a combination of geostrophic
and wave-reworking. This sediment was derived by reworking of aeolian and beach sediments,
deposited on the shelf during the period leading up to the Last Glacial Maximum (15 000 - 18 000
years B.P.) when sea-level was -130m, during the Holocene (Flandrian) transgression.
Bioclastic sediment on the Sodwana Bay shelf is defined as having a CaC03 content of greater than
20% and is a mixture of biogeoically-derived debris and quartzose sand. The distribution of bioclastic
sediment in the study area is widespread, with reef-derived and outer-shelf-derived populations being
evident. This sediment consists of skeletal detritus originating from the mechanical and biological
destruction of carbonate-secreting organisms such as molluscs, foraminifera, alcyonaria, scleractinia,
cirripedia, echinodermata, bryozoa, porifera. The reef-derived bioclastic population is confined to
depths less than -40m in close proximity to reef areas, whereas the shelf-derived bioclastic population
occurs at depths greater than -40m and is derived from carbonate-producing organisms on deep water
reefs and soft-substrate environments on the shelf.
Large-scale subaqueous dunes form in the unconsolidated sediment on the outer-shelf due to the
Agulhas flow acting as a sediment conveyor. These dunes are a common feature on the Sodwana Bay
shelf occurring as two distinct fields at depths of -35m to -70m, the major sediment transport direction
being towards the south. The two dune fields, the inner- and outer subaqueous dune fields, are
physically divided by Late Pleistocene beachrock and aeolianites ledges. A bedform hierarchy has been
recognised. The larger, outer dune field appears to have originated as a system of climbing bedforms
with three generations of bedforms being superimposed to form a giant bedform, while the inner dune
field has a less complex construction. The largest bedforms are those of the outer dune field off Jesser
Point, being up to 12 m high, 4 km long and 1.2 km wide. A major slip face, with a slope of 8° is
Bedload parting zones exist where the bedform migration direction changes from south to north.
Three bedload parting zones occur in the study area at depths of -60m, -47m and -45m; two in the
inner dune field and one in the outer dune field. These zones are invariably located at the southern
limits of large clockwise eddy systems. Such eddies appear to be the result of topographically induced
vorticity changes in the geostrophic flow and/or the response to atmospheric forcing caused by coastal
low-pressure system moving up the coastline.
It has been demonstrated that the inner subaqueous dune sediment conveyor is not active all the time
but only during periods . of increased current strength when the Agulhas Current meanders inshore.
The smaller bedforms in the outer dune field undergo continuous transport due to the current velocity
on the shelf edge outer dune field being higher than the velocity experienced on the inner dune field.
The very large 2·D dune which forms the outer dune field is probably not active at present: this is
inferred due to the shallow angle of the mega-crest lee slope (8°).
The very large Sodwana Bay subaqueous dune fields may be compared with the very large,
reconstructed, subaqueous dunes which occur in Lower Permian sediments of the Vryheid Formation,
northern Natal. These Permian dunes are represented, in section, as a fine- to medium-grained distal
facies sandstone with giant crossbeds. These large-scale bedforms are unidirectional, but rare
directionally-reversed, climbing bedforms do occur, this directional reversal may be related to bedload
parting zones. On the evidence presented in this thesis, it is proposed that these Permian subaqueous
dunes may be ancient analogues of the modem subaqueous dune field on the Sodwana Bay shelf.
Positive-relief hummocks and negative-relief swale structures are fairly common in the fine-grained,
quartzose shelf sand at depths of -30m to -60m. These appear to be transitional bedforms related to
the reworking by storms of medium 2-D subaqueous dunes. These hummocky structures may be the
modem equivalent of hummocky cross-stratification noted in the geological record, and if so, they are
probably the first to have ever been observed underwater.
The occurrences of ladderback ripples on the Sodwana Bay shelf at depths of -4m to -17m, suggest that
subtidal ladderback ripples may be more common than previously thought. Ladderback ripples are
common features of tidal flats and beaches where they form by late-stage emergence run-off during
the ebb tide. They are generally considered diagnostic of clastic intertidal environments. The mode
of formation on the Sodwana Bay shelf is different from the classic late-stage emergence run-off model
of intertidal occurrences, being a subtidal setting. Subaqueous observations indicate that ladderback
ripples are not environment-specific, and that additional evidence of emergence is therefore necessary
to support an intertidal setting in the rock record: ladderback ripples alone are insufficient to prove
an intertidal environment.
The coral patch reefs of the northern Natal coast are unique, being the most southerly reefs in Africa,
and totally unspoilt. The Zululand reefs are formed by a thin veneer of Indo-Pacific type corals which
have colonised submerged, late Pleistocene beachrocks and aeolianites. Two-Mile Reef at Sodwana Bay
has been used to develop a physiograpbic and biological zoning model for Zululand coral reefs, which
has been applied to other reefs in the region. Eight distinct zones can be recognised and differentiated
on the basis of physiographic and biological characteristics. The reef fauna is dominated by an
abundance of alcyonarian (soft) corals, which constitute 60-70% of the total coral fauna. The Two-Mile
Reef zoning model has been successfully applied to larger reefs such as Red Sands Reef, and smaller
patch reefs (Four-Mile and Seven-Mile Reefs) in the same general area.
In this thesis extensive use has been made of Hutton's uniformitarian principles. Hutton's doctrine
is particularly relevant to the study of depositional processes and relict shorelines. Coastal processes
and weather patterns during the late Pleistocene were broadly similar to modem conditions enabling
direct comparisons to be made. A computer-aided facies analysis model has been developed based on
textural statistics and compositional features of carbonate-cemented coastal sandstones. Many
attempts have been made to distinguish different ancient sedimentary depositional environments, most
workers in this field having little success. The new method of facies reconstruction is based on:
(1) underwater observations of sedimentary structures and general reef morphology;
(2) a petrographic study of the reef-base enabling flve facies: aeolianite, backbeach,
forebeach, swash, and welded bar facies to be recognised, which control the
geomorphology of Two-Mile Reef;
(3) cluster and discriminant analysis comparing graphic settling statistics of acid-leached
reef-base samples with those of modem unconsolidated dune/beach environments.
The results of this analysis demonstrated that the beachrocks and aeolianites on the shelf formed
during a regression and that late Pleistocene coastal facies are similar to modem northern Zululand
coastal environments, which have been differentiated into aeolian, backbeach, forebeach, swash, &
welded bar.
A late Pleistocene and Holocene history of the shelf shows that during the late Pleistocene, post
Eemian regressions resulted in deposition and cementation of coast-parallel beachrocks and
aeolianites, which define a series of four distinct palaeocoastline episodes with possible ages between
117 000 and 22 000 years B.P. The beachrock/aeolianites formed on the shelf during stillstands and
slow regressions, and the gaps between these strandline episodes represent periods of accelerated sealevel
regression or a minor transgressive phase which hindered deposition and cementation. The
formation of these lithologies generated a considerable sediment sink in the nearshore zone. This
reduced sediment supply and grain transport in the littoral zone during the Holocene, and probably
enhanced landward movement of the shoreline during the Flandrian transgression.
Prior to the Last Glacial Maximum, the beachrock/aeolianite sedimentary sequence was emergent and
blanketed by shifting aeolian sands. The Pongola River, which flowed into Lake Sibaya, reworked the
unconsolidated sediments on the shelf, and exploited the route of least resistance: along White Sands
and Wright Canyon axes. The erosion resulting from fluvial denudation in Wright Canyon has caused
this canyon to erode some of the beachrock/aeolianite outcrops which form palaeocoastline episode 2
and entrench the canyon to a deeper level; this eroded the shelf to a distance of 2km offshore.
During the Flandrian transgression the unconsolidated sediment cover was eroded, exposing and
submerging the beachrock/aeolianite sequence. Flandrian stillstands caused erosional features such
as wave-planed terraces, potholes, and gullies to be incised into beachrock and aeolianite outcrops;
these are seen at present depths of -47m, -32m, .26m, -22m, -17m to -15m, and -12m. High energy
sediment transfers, in an onshore direction, resulted in the deposition of sand bars across the outlet
of Lake Slbaya's estuary and the development of a 130m + coastal dune barrier on a pre-existlng,
remnant Plelstocene dune stub. Sea-level stabilised at its present level 7 000-6 000 years B.P. and coral
reef growth on the beachrock/aeolianite outcrops probably started at 5 000 years B.P. A minimum age
for the formation of the northern Zululand coral reefs has been established at 3780 ± 60 years B.P.
A mid Holocene transgression relating to the Climatic Optimum deposited a + 2m raised beach rock
sequence. This transgression eroded the coastal dune barrier and caused a landward shoreline
translation of approximately 40m. A minor transgression such as this can be used as a model for
coastal erosion which will result from the predicted 1.5m rise in sea-level over the next century. This
rise in sea-level could result in a 30m landward coastline translation of the present coastline, ignoring
the influence that storms and cyclones will have on the coastline configuration. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1991.
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The bathymetry, sedimentology and seismic stratigraphy of Lake Sibaya- Northern KwaZulu-Natal.Miller, Warwick Richard. January 1998 (has links)
The morphology of Lake Sibaya is a product of an ancient fluvial system that drained a coastal
landscape dominated by aeolian processes. The sedimentary processes within the lake are driven
by wind generated currents. The dominant sedimentary process is one of lake segmentation,
whereby prograding bedforms isolate the lake into smaller water bodies. The prograding
bedforms include cuspate forelands and sand spits. The size and mobility of these bedforms is a
function of sediment availability and current regime.
The bathymetry of Lake Sibaya is discussed, with emphasis on geomorphic features derived from
the ancient aeolian landscape as well as features related to modern sedimentary processes. The
presence of underwater knickpoints and terraces indicate that lake level fluctuations have been
common in Lake Sibaya. It is during lake highstands that large volumes of sand are eroded from
aeolian dunes which surround the lake and made available for shoreline progradation. Ancient
dune topography is preserved to depths of 20 m below water-level within the lake.
Surface sediment distribution maps were compiled from 515 grab samples and thirteen core
samples. Fine grained, well sorted, coarse skewed quartz sand comprises the majority of the
surface area of the lake floor. Gyttja is the other dominant sediment type and accumulates in
palaeovalleys and depressions on the lake floor. Sediment distribution in Lake Sibaya is discussed
in terms of modern lacustrine processes as well as inherited sedimentary characteristics.
The stratigraphy of the sediments underlying Lake Sibaya was investigated using a Uni-Boom
seismic profiling system. Seismic profiles were compiled by identifying acoustically reflective
surfaces that show regional development. Thirteen seismic overlays were prepared, and are
illustrated as west - east and north - south seismic profiles. Five sequences ranging in age from
late Cretaceous to Holocene were identified from the seismic profiles, and are described in terms
of sequence stratigraphic principles. The seismic sequences were interpreted within a
lithostratigraphic framework and are presented as a series of idealised geological sections.
Thirteen sediment cores were collected from the Lake Sibaya area in order to ascertain the
accuracy of the stratigraphic interpretation of the seismic records, to investigate reflective
horizons identified from seismic records and to collect dateable material. Interpretation of the
sediment cores reveals that a proto Lake Sibaya existed on drowned dune topography, during the
period ± 43500 BP to ± 25500 BP prior to the Last Glacial Maximum. During the early to mid
Holocene the Lake Sibaya site was occupied by a saline lagoon which underwent isolation from
the sea ± 5030 BP. Since the mid-Holocene the lake has evolved to totally freshwater conditions
and has undergone little sedimentation.
The geological evolution of the Lake Sibaya area is discussed in terms of the geometry of the
identified seismic sequences, the sedimentary characteristics of these sequences and the
radiocarbon dates provided from the sediment cores. Palaeo-environmental conditions during the
accumulation of the sedimentary sequences is discussed where fossil remains permit. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1998.
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The assessment of groundwater quality in rural communities : two case studies from KwaZulu-Natal.Sherman, Heidi Michelle. January 1998 (has links)
The health and life expectancy of populations in developing countries is
largely determined by the availability of good quality drinking water.
Boreholes and springs generally provide water of better microbiological and
physical quality than surface water sources, however, they may cause health
and aesthetic problems due to chemical constituents dissolved out of the host
As part of a pilot study to assess the health-related quality of community
water supplies, samples were taken from two Quaternary catchment areas in
KwaZulu-Natal. The Umkomazi catchment area is located inland from
Amanzimtoti, while the Umfolozi catchment area is located north-east of
Ulundi. The geology in these areas is significantly different. The Umkomazi
area is predominantly underlain by basement rocks of the Natal Structural
and Metamorphic Province, while the Umfolozi area is underlain by
sedimentary rocks of the Karoo Supergroup.
Geographical information systems (GIS) were used to examine the influence
of lithology, rainfall and landuse activities on groundwater quality. Major ion
analysis of groundwater samples from the Umkomazi area revealed a linear
relationship between borehole and spring concentrations. Dwyka Tillite was
found to produce water with the highest concentrations of major ions, while
Karoo dolerite produced water with the lowest concentrations of major ions.
Samples from basement rocks and Natal Group contained intermediate
concentrations of major ions. In the Umfolozi area Karoo dolerite samples
showed the lowest concentrations of major ions, while the Vryheid Formation
and Dwyka Tillite produced the highest borehole and spring concentrations,
respectively. High salinity levels in sedimentary rocks may be due to marine
influence during deposition. Piper diagrams show relative enrichment of
major cations and anions and Stiff diagrams showed characteristic patterns.
Fluoride is associated with siliceous basement rocks and related to calcium
concentrations through the solubility of calcium fluoride. The trace metals,
manganese, iron and zinc were found to cause significant aesthetic problems
and possibly health problems in sensitive individuals. These constituents are
derived from weathering of bedrock and possibly from the corrosion of metal
There is an inverse relationship between mean annual rainfall (MAR) and
electrical conductivity (EC), except near the coast where windblown salinity
increases with rainfall. Nitrate, ammonium and E. Coli contamination are
linked to landuse activities such as occurrence of human and animal excreta
near the water source and the proximity of pit latrines. It is recommended
that rural communities be educated about the nature and importance of
groundwater quality. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1998.
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Petrology and mineral chemistry of sulphide ores and associated metalliferous rocks of the Gamsberg Zn-Pb deposit, South Africa : implications for ore genesis and mineral explorationStalder, Marcel 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Gamsberg Zn-Pb deposit is a metamorphosed and multiply deformed sediment-hosted base metal
deposit in the central Namaqua Province of South Africa. The deposit is hosted by the Bushmanland
Group, a late Palaeoproterozoic (2000-1600 Ma) supracrustal succession of quartzite, metapelitic schist
and interbedded metavolcanic rocks. Mineralisation occurs within the central part of the Gams Formation,
a heterogeneous sequence of metamorphosed metalliferous sediments and fine-grained organic-rich
shales. The ore horizon is subdivided into a lower unit of metapelite-hosted ore, an intermediate layer
of phosphorite-hosted ore, and an upper unit of banded garnet-apatite ore. The ore body is enveloped by
unmineralised silicate-, carbonate- and oxide-facies metalliferous rocks, which originally represented
mixtures of Fe-Mn-rich hydrothermal precipitates, authigenic carbonate, and variable concentrations of
detrital material. Based on mineralogical and geochemical characteristics, the metalliferous host rocks are
subdivided into iron formations, coticules, Fe-Mn silicates, impure marbles and barite/Ba-rich quartzite.
Minerals of the Gams Formation mostly represent solid solution between the Fe and Mn end-members
of garnet, pyroxene, pyroxenoid, amphibole, olivine, spinel and ilmenite. Calcium-rich rock types are a
typical feature and characterized by the occurrence of manganoan calcite, clinopyroxene, andradite-rich
garnet and titanite. A successive increase in the (Mn+Ca):Fe value of rocks and minerals is evident with
increasing distance from the ore horizon. Amphibole is restricted to Fe-rich ore-bearing assemblages,
whereas orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, Fe-rich pyroxenoid and olivine are present in intermediate
assemblages, and Mn-rich rhodonite and pyroxmangite in the most manganiferous assemblages. These
variations are mimicked by an increase in the Mn:Fe value of coexisting garnet and ilmenite group
minerals with increasing distance from ore. LA-ICP-MS analyses have been used to constrain the REE
patterns of garnet and apatite. In the ore-body, these minerals display a positive Eu anomaly, which is
interpreted to reflect a distinct hydrothermal signature. In contrast, garnet and apatite in unmineralised
metalliferous rocks display nil or a negative Eu anomaly.
Primary features of the Gams Formation, such as REE patterns, the banded nature of garnet-apatite ore,
the presence of diagenetic apatite nodules, and the distribution of the redox-sensitive elements Ba and
Mn have been used to constrain palaeo-environmental conditions. The results indicate that metapelitehosted
ore has been deposited in a stratified ocean that was characterised by anoxic bottom waters and
precipitation of Fe and Zn sulphides into organic matter-rich shales. These rocks were superceded by
phosphorite-hosted ore, garnet-apatite ore and metalliferous host rocks that developed in a suboxic to
oxic environment. The large size of the deposit, the internal lamination of the ores and the predominance
of sphalerite and barite are consistent with a vent-distal setting and precipitation of the ore-forming
constituents from dense and reduced hydrothermal fluids, which originated due to reactivation of dormant
growth faults. Collectively, the geological evidence indicates that Gamsberg is bridging the gap betweenthe SEDEX and BHT classifications. The relationships demonstrate that differences between these two
classes of sediment-hosted Zn-Pb deposits are predominantly related to environmental conditions within
localised third order basins and not to fundamental differences in ore-forming processes. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Gamsberg Zn-Pb afsetting is ‘n meerfasig vervormde en gemetamorfiseerde sedimentgesetelde onedel
metaal afsetting in die sentrale Namakwa Provinsie van Suid Afrika. Die afsetting word geherberg deur
die Boesmanland Groep, ‘n laat Paleoproterosoïse (2000 – 1600 Ma) bokors-opeenvolging van kwartsiet,
metapelitiese skis en tussengelaagde metavulkaniese gesteente. Mineralisasie word gevind in the sentrale
deel van die Gams Formasie. Die Gams Formasie is ‘n heterogene opeenvolging van gemetamorfiseerde
metaalhoudende sediment en fynkorrelrige organiese skalie. Die erts horison word onderverdeel in ‘n
onderste laag van metapeliet-gesetelde erts, n sentrale laag van fosforiet-gesetelde erts, en ‘n boonste
laag van gebande granaat-apatiet erts. Die erts-liggaam word omhuls deur ongemineraliseerde silikaat-,
karbonaat- en oksied-fasies metal-ryke rotse. Hierdie gesteentes word geinterpreteer as oorspronklike
mengsels van Fe-Mn-ryke hidrotermale partikels, outigeniese karbonaat, en verskeie hoeveelhede
detritale materiaal. Gebaseer op mineralogiese en geochemiese kenmerke word hierdie rotse onderverdeel
in ysterformasies, „coticules“, Fe-Mn silikate, onsuiwer marmer en barite/Ba-ryke kwartsiet.
Minerale van die Gams Formasie form meestal soliede oplossingsreekse tussen die Fe en Mn endlede
van granaat, pirokseen, piroksenoid, amfibool, olivien, spinel en ilmeniet. Kalsium-ryke rots tipes is ‘n
tipiese kenmerk van die Gams Formasie en word gekenmerk deur mangaan-ryke kalsiet, klinopirokseen,
andradiet-ryke granaat en sfeen. Daar word ‘n stapsgewyse vergroting van die (Mn+Ca):Fe verhouding
in gesteentes en minerale gevind met toeneemende afstand van die erts horison. Amfibool is beperk
tot Fe-ryke ertsdraende gesteentes, ortopirokseen, klinopirokseen, Fe-ryke piroksenoid en olivien tot
intermediêre gesteentes, en Mn-ryke rodoniet en piroksmangiet tot Mn-ryke gesteentes. Hierdie variasies
gaan gepaard met vergroting van die Mn:Fe verhouding in granaat en ilmeniet-groep minerale met
toeneemende afstand van die erts. LA-ICP-MS analises was gebruik om die skaars-aarde element patrone
van granaat en apatiet te bepaal. In die erts-liggaam wys hierdie minerale ‘n positiewe Eu anomalie, wat
geinterpreteerd word as ‘n hidrotermale kenmerk. In ongemineraliseerde gasheer gesteentes wys granaat
en apatiet geen of ‘n negatiewe Eu anomalie.
Primêre kenmerke van die Gams Formasie, soos skaars-aarde patrone, the gebande voorkoms van
granaat-apatiet erts, die teenwoordigheid van diagenetiese apatiet knolle, en die verspreiding van die
redox-sensitiewe elemente Ba en Mn, was gebruik om afleidings oor die paleo-omgewing te maak.
Die resultate het gewys dat metapeliet-gesetelde erts afgeset was onder anoksiese bodem water deur
presipitasie van Fe en Zn sulfiedes in organiese skalie. Hierdie erts gaan oor in fosforiet-gesetelde erts,
granaat-apatiet erts en metaal-ryke gasheer gesteente wat in ‘n suboksiese tot oksiese omgewing ontstaan
het. Die grootte van die afsetting, die interne gelaagdheid van die erts, asook die teenwoordigheid van
sfaleriet en bariet dui op ‘n distale omgewing relatief tot die hidrotermale bron en presipitasie van die ertsuit digte en gereduseerde hidrotermale vloeistowwe, wat ontstaan het deur die heraktiveering van rustende
groeiverskuiwings. Gesaamentlik bewys die geologiese kenmerke van Gamsberg dat gemetamorfiseerde
SEDEX en Broken Hill-tipe mineralisasie binne die perke van ‘n enkele afsetting kan voorkom. Die
geologiese verhoudings dui aan dat verskille tussen hierdie twee tipes van sedimentgesetelde afsettings
meestal veroorsaak word deur omgewings-toestande binne in gelokaliseerde derde orde komme en nie
deur fundamentele verskille in ertsvormende prosesse nie.
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Sedimentology and stratigraphy of deep-water reservoirs in the 9A to 14A Sequences of the central Bredasdorp Basin, offshore South AfricaMegner-Allogo, Alain-Cedrique 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Barremian to Albian siliciclastic deep-water deposits of the central
Bredasdorp Basin were investigated primarily in terms of their stratigraphic
evolution, depositional characteristics and facies distribution. Cores from the
deep-water deposits reveal that the facies successions are composed of
massive, ripple cross- to parallel-laminated sandstones, conglomerate,
massive claystone, alternating laminated to interbedded sandstone/siltstone
and claystone, laminated and clay-rich siltstone. These facies are grouped
into channel-fill, sheet-lobe, overbank and basin plain deposits, by inference.
The application of sequence stratigraphy, based on gamma ray and resistivity
log patterns, reveals that all 3rd-order depositional sequences comprise 4thorder
cycles. The latter are subdivided into three components (lowstand,
transgressive and highstand systems tracts), based on vertical facies changes
and internal stratigraphic key surfaces.
Taking the 13Amfs as the stratigraphic datum for each well, correlation was
possible on a regional basis. Lowstand deposits, comprising thick
amalgamated massive sandstones, were interpreted to represent channelfills.
Their vertical and horizontal stacking forms channel-fill complexes above
Type 1 unconformities. Adjacent thin-bedded intervals, comprising parallel- to
ripple cross-laminated sandstones, were interpreted as levee/overbank
deposits, whereas clay-rich intervals were interpreted to represent basin plain
deposits of hemipelagic origin. Facies associations and their distribution have revealed that channel-fills are
associated with overflow deposits and sheet sand units. These deposits, as
well as downdip sheet sands associated with small channel-fills within the 9A,
11A/12A, 13A Sequences and the 14A Sequence were interpreted to have
been deposited in a middle fan to upper fan setting. A similar association
occurs in the 10A Sequence, except that thick conglomerate units are present
at the base of proximal channel-fills. This led to interpret the 10A Sequence
as being deposited in a base-of-slope to upper fan setting.
The thickness of each sequence, as revealed by isochore maps, shows
sinuous axial flow path which corresponds to channel-fill conduit. The
continuous decrease of this sinuosity upward in the succession was
interpreted as being related to basin floor control along the main sand
fairways. Successive flows result in erosion-fill-spill processes, which locally
favour connectivity of reservoirs over large areas.
Recognition of higher-order sequences and key stratigraphic surfaces helps to
understand internal stratigraphic relationships and reveals a complex and
dynamic depositional history for 3rd-order sequences. However, sparse well
control and uneven distribution of boreholes, as well as lack of seismic and
other data, limited the models derived for this study. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Barremiaanse tot Albiaanse silisiklastiese diepwater afsettings van die
sentrale Bredasdorp Kom is hoofsaaklik in terme van stratigrafiese evolusie,
afsettingskarakteristieke en fasies distribusie ondersoek. Kerne van die
diepwater afsettings toon dat die fasies opeenvolgings uit massiewe,
riffelkruis- tot parallel-gelamineerde sandstene, konglomerate, massiewe
kleistene, afwisselende gelamineerde tot intergelaagde sandstene/slikstene
en kleistene, sowel as gelamineerde en klei-ryke slikstene bestaan. Hierdie
fasies word onderverdeel in kanaalopvulsel, plaatlob, oewerwal en komvlakte
Die toepassing van opeenvolgingsstratigrafie gebaseer op gammastraal en
resistiwiteit log patrone toon dat alle 3de-orde afsettingsopeenvolgings uit 4deorde
siklusse bestaan. Laasgenoemde word onderverdeel in drie komponente
(lae-stand, transgressie en hoë-stand sisteemgedeeltes), gebaseer op
vertikale fasies veranderinge en interne stratigrafiese sleutel vlakke.
Korrelasie op ‘n regionale basis is moontlik gemaak deur die 13Amfs as die
stratigrafiese verwysing vir elke boorgat te neem. Lae-stand afsettings, wat uit
dik saamgevoegde massiewe sandstene bestaan, word geïnterpreteer as
kanaalopvulsels. Die vertikale en horisontale stapeling van die sandstene
vorm kanaalopvulsel komplekse bo Tipe 1 diskordansies. Naasliggende dungelaagde
intervalle, wat uit parallel- tot kruisgelaagde sandstene bestaan,
word geïnterpreteer as oewerwal afsettings, terwyl klei-ryke intervalle geïnterpreteer word as verteenwoordigend van komvlakte afsettings van
hemipelagiese oorsprong.
Fasies assosiasies en hul verspreiding toon dat kanaalvul geassosieër word
met oorvloei afsettings en plaatsand eenhede. Hierdie afsettings, sowel as
distale plaatsande geassosieër met klein kanaalopvulsels binne die 9A,
11A/12A, 13A en die 14A Opeenvolgings, word geïnterpreteer as afgeset in ‘n
middelwaaier tot bo-waaier omgewing. ‘n Soortgelyke assosiasie bestaan in
die 10A Opeenvolging, behalwe dat dik konglomeraat eenhede teenwoordig is
by die basis van proksimale kanaalopvullings. Dit het gelei tot die interpretasie
van die 10A Opeenvolging as afgeset in ‘n basis-van-helling tot bo-waaier
Die dikte van elke opeenvolging, soos verkry vanaf isochoor kaarte, toon ‘n
kronkelende aksiale vloeipad wat ooreenkom met ‘n kanaalopvulling
toevoerkanaal. Die aaneenlopende afname van hierdie kronkeling na bo in die
opeenvolging word geïnterpreteer as verwant aan komvloer-beheer langs die
hoof sand roetes. Opeenvolgende vloeie veroorsaak erosie-opvul-oorspoel
prosesse, wat lokaal die konnektiwiteit van reservoirs oor groot areas
Herkenning van hoër-orde opeenvolgings en sleutel stratigrafiese vlakke dra
by tot ‘n goeie begrip van die interne stratigrafiese verhoudings en ontbloot ‘n
komplekse en dinamiese afsettingsgeskiedenis vir 3de-orde opeenvolgings.
Beperkte boorgatbeheer en ‘n tekort aan seismiese en ander data het egter ‘n
beperkende rol gespeel in die daarstel van modelle vir hierdie studie.
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Characterising and mapping of wind transported sediment associated with opencast gypsum miningVan Jaarsveld, Francis 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Earth Sciences))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / This study aims to provide a practical tool for the prediction and management of dust
generated by the activities of an opencast mining operation. The study was conducted
on opencast gypsum mines in the semi-arid environment of the Bushmanland, 90 km
north of Loeriesfontein in the Northern Cape Province from April 2000 to October
2007. The vertical and horizontal components of wind transported sediment were
sampled and a dust settling model was designed to predict the settling pattern of dust
generated by opencast mining operations. The model was applied to soil samples
collected from an area surrounding a mine. The influence sphere of the mining
operation was predicted by the application of the model and then mapped. Once the
influence sphere is mapped, the dust influence can be managed with the aid of an
onsite weather station. By further applying the predictions based on climatic data, the
influence sphere can be modelled. The model is not only applicable to the planning
phase of an opencast mine to plan the position of dust sensitive areas like the living
quarters, office buildings and workshops etc., but also to indicate the historical impact
that a mining operation had once a quarry on an active mine is worked out and
rehabilitated or a mine is closed. The model application can also aid with the
explanation and visual or graphic representation of the predicted impact of planned
mining operations on communities or neighbouring activities to them and thus avoid
later penalties.
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Conventional hydrogeological, hydrochemical and environmental isotope study of the Sandspruit River Catchment, Berg River Basin, South Africa.Naicker, Sivashni. 18 October 2013 (has links)
The Sandspruit River catchment, found within the heart of the Swartland region is infamous
for wheat and wine production. Variable groundwater quality and low productivity is
encountered within the folded and fractured Malmesbury Group aquifer, whilst the most
productive and better quality groundwater is found within the Table Mountain Group
sandstone. The Sandspruit catchment (a tributary of the Berg River) represents a drainage
system, whereby saline groundwater with TDS up to 10870 mg/l, and EC up to 2140 mS/m
has been documented. The catchment belongs to the winter rainfall region with precipitation
seldom exceeding 400mm/yr, as such, groundwater recharge occurs predominantly from
May to August. Recharge estimation using the catchment water-balance method, chloride
mass balance method, and qualified guesses produced recharge rates between 8-70 mm/yr.
To understand the origin, occurrence and dynamics of the saline groundwater, a coupled
analysis of major ion hydrochemistry and environmental isotopes (δ¹⁸O, δ²H and ³H) data
supported by conventional hydrogeological information has been undertaken. Research data
were collected in three seasonal field sampling campaigns within the study catchment.
These spatial and multi-temporal hydrochemical and environmental isotope data provided
insight into the origin, mechanisms and spatial evolution of the groundwater salinity. These
data also illustrate that the saline groundwater within the catchment can be attributed to the
combined effects of evaporation, salt dissolution, and groundwater mixing. The geology
together with the local and regional faults control the chemistry of the groundwater, whereby
relatively fresh groundwater can be observed in certain direct recharge areas. The salinity of
the groundwater tends to vary seasonally and evolves in the direction of groundwater flow.
The stable isotope signatures further indicate two possible mechanisms of recharge; namely,
(1) a slow diffuse type modern recharge through a relatively low permeability material as
explained by heavy isotope signal and (2) a relatively quick recharge prior to evaporation
from a distant high altitude source as explained by the relatively depleted isotopic signal and
sub-modern to old tritium values. A conceptual hydrogeological model based on the
hydrogeological, hydrochemical, and environmental isotope data was developed for the
Sandspruit catchment. This model, together with statistical and groundwater quality analysis
has lead to the development of a proposed local optimized monitoring scheme for the
catchment. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville, 2012.
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