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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Language shift from Afrikaans to English in "Coloured" families in Port Elizabeth three case studies

Fortuin, Esterline Diane 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (General Linguistics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis investigates whether language shift is occurring within the community of the northern areas of Port Elizabeth. These areas are historically predominantly “coloured” and Afrikaans-speaking, and are mixed in terms of the socioeconomic status of their inhabitants. Lately, there is a tendency for many of the younger generation to speak more English. Using the model of another study (Anthonissen and George 2003) done in the Cape Town area, three generations (grandparent, parent and grandchild) of three families were interviewed regarding their use of English and Afrikaans in various domains. The pattern of language shift in this study differs somewhat, but not totally, from that described in Anthonissen and George (2003) and Farmer (2009). In these two studies, there was a shift from predominantly Afrikaans in the older two generations to English in the youngest generation. In this study, the shift is also almost exclusively to English in the youngest generation, but the shift at times took place from English-Afrikaans bilingualism and not predominantly from Afrikaans. In two cases, the first generation was raised in English but raised their children in Afrikaans, and then the grandchildren were raised in English again. The reasons why the shift took place in the northern areas of Port Elizabeth appears to be similar to the reasons in the Cape Town area, namely perceived better education opportunities and better socio-economic prospects. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis word daar gepoog om vas te stel of taalverskuiwing besig is om plaas te vind in die gemeensakp van die noordelike areas van Port Elizabeth. Hierdie areas is histories hoofsaaklik “gekleurd” en Afrikaanssprekend, en is gemeng in terme van die sosioekonomiese status van hul inwoners. Dit wil egter voorkom asof daar deesdae ‘n tendens onder die jonger geslag is om meer Engels te praat. Die model van ‘n ander studie (Anthonissen en George 2003), wat in die Kaapstad-area gedoen is, is in hierdie studie gebruik: daar is onderhoude gevoer met drie generasies (grootouer, ouer, kleinkind) van drie families oor hul gebruik van Engels en Afrikaans in verskeie domeine. Die patroon van taalverskuiwing in hierdie studie het verskil van dié wat in die Anthonissen en George (2003)- en Farmer (2009)-studies beskryf is, maar nie heeltemal nie. In laasgenoemde twee studies was daar ‘n verskuiwing van hoofsaaklik Afrikaans in die ouer twee generasies na Engels in die jongste generasie. In hierdie studie is die verskuiwing ook na amper uitsluitlik Engels in die jongste generasie, maar by tye het die verskuiwing plaasgevind vanaf Engels-Afrikaans tweetaligheid en nie vanaf hoofsaaklik Afrikaans nie. In twee gevalle is die eerste generasie Engels grootgemaak maar het hul hul kinders Afrikaans grootgemaak, en dan is die kleinkinders weer Engels grootgemaak. Die redes waarom die verskuiwing plaasgevind het, is dieselfde as die redes wat deur die verskuiwing in die Kaapstad-gemeenskappe aangevoer is, naamlik beter opvoedkundige geleenthede en beter sosio-ekonomiese vooruitsigte.

Language choices of English L1 learners in a Western Cape high school

Farmer, Jean L. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (General Linguistics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / This research focuses on the language repertoire, patterns of language use and language preferences of learners from Afrikaans homes, who are registered in the English first language classes in a particular Western Cape High School. Out interest is in how a profile of the linguistic resources of such learners and the context in which their linguistic identity develops may contribute to a perceived process of language shift in the bilingual/multilingual community where they learn and live. SCHOOL A is multi-racial and multi-lingual, with a large component of "coloured" learners living in a nearby predominantly-Afrikaans community. The thesis investigates the linguistic preferences and patterns of language choice and language use of the selected group of learners across various domains, notably at home, with relatives, at school, with peers and in their religious communities. Data from various sources is presented and discussed in detail to illustrate the variety of language skills of English L1 learners between the ages of 15 and 17 in Grades 10 and 11. This will give an impression of how multilingual a given section of the local high school population is. The profile tests whether home language or academic language has a greater influence on the later language choice of learners whose parents use Afrikaans as home language and who have English as LOLT, meaning that these learners possibly possess considerable skills in at least two languages. The data was collected by means of limited access to school records, questionnaires filled out by learners, interviews with a number of learners and a couple of parents of such learners. This gives a very good impression of which languages learners know, which they used most, which they prefer where the choice is between English/Afrikaans bilingualism, English only, Afrikaans only, or codemixed Afrikaans/English). The thesis reports on the linguistic repertoire and preferences, and also on reasons given by learners and parents for their selection of one or more of the various community languages in the different domains. Consideration is given to the possible accommodation of these learners as first language users of English which is largely a second language in the community, by other community members and institutions such as school and church. The critical interest of this thesis is to determine the nature and extent of perceived language shift in this selected community of learners at a particular Western Cape high school, and to consider whether such a shift is indicative of a more extensive process of marginalization of Afrikaans in a community that historically had a strong Afrikaans identity.

The language learning strategy use of isiXhosa-speaking adolescents in the second language acquisition of English

Pretorius, Rentia 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (General Linguistics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Research to date on language learning strategy (LLS) use and its influence on second language (L2) acquisition and proficiency has produced variable results. While many researchers feel that LLSs have an important role to play in L2 learning and teaching, a clear definition and classification of LLSs, as well as clear guidelines for LLS application and training, have yet to be established. LLS use and preference seem to be influenced by various factors such as culture, age, level of L2 proficiency and level of education. Therefore, results of specific studies are not necessarily applicable to different groups of L2 learners. This thesis reports on an investigation into the LLS use of first language (L1) isiXhosa adolescents in the acquisition of English. Using the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL), the study examines the relationship between LLS use as well as LLS preference and L2 proficiency, with an assessment of the gender differences in LLS use. The study found no significant relationship between LLS use or LLS preference and English proficiency. Also, no significant difference was found between the reported preferred LLSs of female and male participants, although male participants reported significantly more high-frequency LLS use, whereas female participants reported significantly more low-frequency LLS use. Conclusions drawn from the results of the study are discussed, followed by suggestions for future research and a brief discussion of the implications of these results for L2 teaching and learning, specifically in a South African context. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Navorsing oor die gebruik van taalleerstrategieë (TLSe) en die invloed daarvan op tweedetaal(T2-)verwerwing het tot dusver uiteenlopende resultate opgelewer. Terwyl baie navorsers van mening is dat TLSe 'n belangrike rol het om te speel in die leer en onderrig van 'n T2, moet 'n duidelike definisie en klassifikasie van TLSe, asook duidelike riglyne vir TLS-aanwending en -opleiding, nog daargestel word. Die gebruik en voorkeur van TLSe word klaarblyklik deur verskeie faktore beïnvloed, insluitend kultuur, ouderdom, vlak van T2-vaardigheid en vlak van opvoeding. Resultate van spesifieke studies is derhalwe nie noodwendig bruikbaar vir verskillende groepe T2-leerders nie. Hierdie tesis lewer verslag oor ‘n ondersoek na die gebruik van TLSe deur T1 isiXhosa adolessente in die verwerwing van Engels. Die studie stel ondersoek in na die verhouding tussen TLS-gebruik asook -voorkeur, gemeet deur die Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL), en T2-vaardigheid, met 'n beoordeling van die geslagsverskille in TLS-gebruik. Die studie het geen beduidende verhouding tussen TLS-gebruik of TLS-voorkeur en Engelse vaardigheid gevind nie. Daar is ook geen beduidende verskil tussen die aangeduide TLS-voorkeur van vroulike en manlike deelnemers nie, hoewel manlike deelnemers beduidend meer hoë-frekwensie TLS-gebruik aangedui het, en vroulike deelnemers beduidend meer lae-frekwensie TLS-gebruik aangedui het. Gevolgtrekkings wat op grond van die studie gemaak is, word bespreek, gevolg deur voorstelle vir verdere navorsing en 'n kort bespreking van die implikasies van die resultate van hierdie studie vir T2-onderrig, veral in 'n Suid- Afrikaanse konteks.

Learners' attitudes to standard vs non-standard South African English accents of their teachers

Galanakis, Linda 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (General Linguistics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study is interested in the relationship between accent and hearers’ perception of the speaker. It investigates the kinds of stereotypes related to phonological features of the speaker’s language. Specifically this thesis focused on the perceptions that high school girls have of their Mathematics teachers who speak English with a non-standard accent. The general aims of the study were to establish whether high school girls perceived non-standard English speaking Mathematics teachers negatively and, if so, whether this perception changed as the girls mature. Twenty-seven Grade 8 learners and 14 Grade 12 learners from a private English-medium school in the Gauteng Province of South Africa participated in this study. The school attracts learners from the affluent socio-economic group, and the majority of the learners are white (76.8%) and first language speakers of English (86%). These participants completed questionnaires using the matched-guise technique (Lambert, Hodgson, Gardner and Fillenbaum 1960) to determine their perceptions of six accents. Five speakers were recorded reading the same Mathematics lesson in English. One reader read the same passage twice, using a so-called Standard South African English accent for one recording and a second language accent of an isiZulu mother tongue speaker for the second recording. The results of this investigation indicate that high school girls are inclined to stereotype teachers according to the teachers’ accents. Some of the characteristics attributed to the non-standard English speaking teachers were positive, but generally learners held a negative perception of such teachers. There was very little change in this perception from Grade 8 to Grade 12. Of particular importance in the National Curriculum Statement for Grades 10 to 12 is that learners emerge from this phase of their schooling being “sensitive to issues of diversity such as poverty, inequality, race, gender, language, age, disability and other factors” (www.sabceducation.co.za/). The school where the research was conducted has addressed diversity in numerous ways in an attempt to prepare the learners for life in multilingual and multicultural South Africa. That the Grade 12 learners in this study, whether first language speakers of English or not, still display accent prejudice suggests that the life skills objectives are not adequately met and that this form of prejudice needs to be addressed in more creative ways. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:: Hierdie studie stel belang in die verhouding tussen aksent en hoorders se waarneming van die spreker. Dit ondersoek die soort stereotipering wat saamhang met die fonologiese eienskappe van die spreker se taal. Hierdie tesis het spesifiek gefokus op die persepsies wat hoërskoolmeisies het van hul Wiskunde-opvoeders wat Engels met ‘n nie-standaard aksent praat. Die algemene doelstellings van die studie was om vas te stel of hoërskoolmeisies hierdie opvoeders negatief beoordeel op grond van hul aksent en, indien wel, of hierdie oordeel minder fel raak met ouerdom. Sewe-en-twintig Graad 8-leerders en 14 Graad 12-leerders aan ‘n privaat- Engels-medium skool in die Gauteng Provinsie van Suid-Afrika het aan die studie deelgeneem. Die skool se leerders kom uit die hoë sosio-ekonomiese groep, en die meerderheid is Wit (76.8%) en eerstetaalsprekers van Engels (86%). Die deelnemers het vraelyste voltooi as deel van sogenaamde “matched guise”- (Lambert, Hodgson, Gardner en Fillenbaum 1960) navorsing om hul persepsies van ses aksente te bepaal. Vyf sprekers is op band opgeneem terwyl hulle dieselfde Wiskunde-les in Engels lees. Een leser het die les twee maal gelees, een maal met ’n sogenaamde Standaard Suid-Afrikaanse Engelse aksent en een maal met ’n tweedetaal aksent tipies van ‘n isiZulu moedertaalspreker. Die resultate van hierdie ondersoek dui daarop dat hoërskoolmeisies geneig is om opvoeders te stereotipeer op grond van die opvoeders se aksent. Party eienskappe wat aan die nie-standaard Engelssprekende opvoeders toegeskryf is, was positief, maar oor die algemeen het leerders ’n negatiewe persepsie van sulke opvoeders gehad. Baie min verandering in hierdie persepsies het van Graad 8 tot Graad 12 plaasgevind. Van besondere belang in die Graad 10 tot 12 Nasionale Kurrikulm is dat leerders aan die einde van hierdie fase ‘n sensitiwiteit sal hê vir kwessies aangaande “diversiteit, soos armoede, ongelykheid, ras, geslag, taal, ouderdom, gestremdheid en ander faktore” (www.sabceducation.co.za/). Die skool waar hierdie navorsing gedoen is, spreek diversiteit op velerlei maniere aan in ’n poging om leerders voor te berei vir lewe in veeltalige en multikulturele Suid-Afrika. Die feit dat Graad 12- leerders in hierdie studie, of hulle eerstetaalsprekers van Engels is al dan nie, steeds aksentvooroordele toon, dui aan dat die doelstellings van lewensvaardigheid onderrig nie voldoende bereik word nie en dat hierdie vorm van vooroordeel op meer kreatiewe maniere aangespreek moet word.

The functions of teachers' code switching in multilingual and multicultural high school classrooms in the Siyanda District of the Northern Cape Province

Uys, Dawid 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (General Linguistics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Code switching is a widely observed phenomenon in multilingual and multicultural communities. This study focuses on code switching by teachers in multilingual and multicultural high school classrooms in a particular district in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa. The aims of this study were to establish whether teachers in the classrooms concerned do code switch and, if so, what the functions thereof are. With these aims in mind, data were collected from four high schools in the Siyanda District, during 13 lessons in total. These lessons were on the subjects Economic Management Sciences, Business Studies and Accounting. The participants in the study were 296 learners in Grades 8 to 12 and eight teachers. Data were collected by means of researcher observations and audio recordings of lessons. These recordings were orthographically transcribed and then analysed in terms of the functions of code switching in educational settings as identified from the existing literature on this topic as well as in terms of the Markedness Model of Myers-Scotton (1993). The answer to the first research question 1, namely whether teachers made use of code switching during classroom interactions was, perhaps unsurprisingly, “yes”. In terms of the second question, namely to which end teachers code switch, it was found that the teachers used code switching mainly for academic purposes (such as explaining and clarifying subject content) but also frequently for social reasons (maintaining social relationships with learners and also for being humorous) as well as for classroom management purposes (such as reprimanding learners). The teachers in this data set never used code switching solely for the purpose of asserting identity. It appears then that the teachers in this study used code switching for the same reasons as those mentioned in other studies on code switching in the educational setting. The study further indicated that code switching by the teachers was mainly an unmarked choice itself, although at times the sequential switch was triggered by a change in addressee. In very few instances was the code switching a marked choice; when it was, the message was the medium (see Myers-Scotton 1993: 138), code switching functioned as a means of increasing the social distance between the teacher and the learners or, in one instance, of demonstrating affection. Teachers code switched regardless of the language policy of their particular school, i.e. code switching occurred even in classrooms in which English is officially the sole medium of instruction. As code switching was largely used in order to support learning, it can be seen as good educational practice. One of the recommendations of this study is therefore that particular modes of code switching should be encouraged in the classrooms, especially where the medium of instruction is the home language of very few of the learners in that school.

Organisational discourses : electronic windows on the work of HIV/AIDS-care organisations

Solomons, Cecily 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (General Linguistics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / Bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis is interested in textual features of websites which cover the same kind of content, but represent different organisations and address different kinds of audiences. Specifically, it investigates how information on HIV/AIDS is multimodally represented on the webpages of two non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and two governmental organisations. First, the websites of the national Department of Health and of a provincial Department of Health (Western Province) are scrutinised. Second, the websites of the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) and Avert, NGOs with a special interest in the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS in southern Africa, are investigated. The aim of the research is to consider aspects of layout, the use of multimodality, and the introduction of selected themes and concerns foregrounded in the selected websites. The focus of the thesis is on the transmission of information, particularly through the electronic media, by investigating multimodal elements (language, images, sound, colours) and the layouts of websites, in order to identify possible interpretations which the intended audiences may afford the various texts. The analysis of the sites relies theoretically on the metafunctions developed by Halliday (1985) in his systemic functional linguistic framework. It also refers to an extension of Halliday’s work developed to allow multimodal discourse analysis that considers aspects of visual design and placement, developed by Kress and van Leeuwen (1996, 1998) and Kress (2003, 2005). These approaches focus on text, multimodal elements, the placements thereof on a page as well as the coherence between design of layouts and communicative modes that intend to send a convincing and meaningful message. The thesis also refers to Critical Discourse Analysis in that it considers matters of language and power in internet based communication. It seems that the governmental sites are set up with an audience in mind who needs to be informed on policy matters, while the NGO sites are set up with a more vulnerable audience in mind. One kind of web-communication is likely to alienate the exact people who should be receiving state support and treatment in the face of HIV/AIDS. Another is aimed more at supporting activism against the perceived lethargy of the state. A third supports various charities that reach out to communities where HIV-infection rates are particularly high. The interpretation of multimodal pages requires knowledge of website design for educational purposes as well as information on usage of the internet to get sufficient information. Further, access of the intended audience to electronic communication needs to be considered as this will determine whether the seriousness of the illness and possible prevention or treatment, is well communicated, especially to those who have been identified as most vulnerable to new infection. The thesis finds that electronic communication cannot be the first step to circulating information related to HIV/AIDS. Non-governmental and governmental institutions are still dependent on other forms of media than websites, thus on the printed media, radio and television, and on campaigns or community based projects to communicate with particular audiences. Electronic communication is complex in that it works with various modes (visual, verbal, audial) and requires some technical sophistication from producers and receivers of texts. Theories of communication and discourse analytic methodologies can assist in our understanding of how the internet succeeds or fails in circulating critical health care information. However, to gain a reliable understanding of how the internet functions in transmitting HIV-information to all interest groups, received knowledge of other areas of scholarly interest in health care communication, such as multilingualism, sociology, anthropology, behavioural sciences, cognitive psychology or brain research elaborations, would eventually have to be considered as well. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis stel belang in tekstuele kenmerke van webwerwe wat dieselfde tipe inhoud weergee, maar verskillende organisasies verteenwoordig en verskillende tipes gehore aanspreek. Dit ondersoek spesifiek hoe inligting oor MIV/Vigs multimodaal op die webbladsye van twee nie-regeringsorganisasies (NRO’s) en twee regeringsorganisasies aangebied word. Die webwerwe van die Nasionale Departement van Gesondheid en die Provinsiale Departement van Gesondheid (Wes-Kaap) word eerstens noukeurig ondersoek. Tweedens word die webwerwe van die Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) en Avert, NRO’s met spesiale belang in die voorkoming en behandeling van MIV/Vigs in suidelike Afrika, ondersoek. Die doel van hierdie navorsing is om oor aspekte van uitleg, die gebruik van multimodaliteit en die invoering van spesifieke temas en sake wat op die geselekteerde webwerwe beklemtoon word, na te dink. Die tesis se fokus in op die oordrag van inligting, veral deur die elektroniese media, deur multimodale elemente (taal, beelde, klank, kleur) en die uitleg van webwerwe te ondersoek, om sodoende verskillende moontlike interpretasies wat die bestemde gehoor aan die verskeie tekste mag heg, te identifiseer. Die analise van die webwerwe steun teoreties op die metafunksies wat deur Halliday (1985) ontwikkel is in sy grammatikale raamwerk, Systemic Functional Grammar. Dit verwys ook na ’n uitbreiding op Halliday se werk, wat deur Kress en Van Leeuwen (1996, 2005, 1998) en Kress (2003) ontwikkel is om multimodale diskoersanalise toe te laat wat aspekte van visuele ontwerp en plasing oorweeg. Hierdie benaderings fokus op teks, multimodale elemente, die plasing daarvan op ‘n bladsy en die koherensie tussen die ontwerp, uitleg en kommunikatiewe modusse. Dit kyk na hoe hierdie elemente saamwerk om ’n oortuigende en betekenisvolle boodskap uit te stuur. Hierdie tesis verwys ook na aspekte van Kritiese Diskoersanalise wat betrekking het op kwessies van taal en mag in internetgebaseerde kommunikasie. Dit kom voor asof die regeringswebwerwe ontwerp is met ’n gehoor in gedagte wat oor beleidskwessies ingelig moet word, terwyl die NRO-webwerwe ontwerp is met ’n meer weerlose gehoor in gedagte. Lg. gehoor word ingelig oor die siekte en behandelingsmoontlikhede eerder as beleid. Een soort web-kommunikasie sal waarskynlik dié mense wat juis regeringsondersteuning teen MIV/Vigs behoort te ontvang, vervreem. ’n Ander soort is meer daarop gerig om aktivisme teen die staat se vermeende traagheid te ondersteun. ’n Derde soort kommunikasie ondersteun verskeie liefdadigheidsorganisasies wat uitreik na gemeenskappe waar MIV-infeksiekoerse besonder hoog is. Die interpretasie van multimodale webwerwe vereis kennis van webwerf-ontwerp vir opvoedkundige doeleindes asook inligting oor die gebruik van die internet om voldoende inligting te bekom. Verder moet die bestemde gehoor se toegang tot elektroniese kommunikasie in ag geneem word, aangesien dít sal bepaal of die erns van die siekte en moontlike voorkoming of behandeling, goed weergegee word, veral aan dié wat s besonder blootgestel is en dus hoë risiko loop vir nuwe infeksie. Die tesis bevind dat elektroniese kommunikasie nie die eerste stap kan wees in die proses om inligting oor MIV/Vigs te sirkuleer nie. Nie-regerings- en regeringsorganisasies is steeds afhanklik van ander media as webwerwe, soos drukmedia, radio, televisie en veldtogte of gemeenskapsgebaseerde projekte, om met bepaalde gehore te kommunikeer. Elektroniese kommunikasie is kompleks omdat dit met verskeie modusse (visueel, verbaal, oudio) werk en tegniese sofistikasie van vervaardigers en ontvangers van tekste vereis. Teorieë van kommunikasie en diskoersanalise-metodologieë kan ons insig in hoe die internet daarin slaag (of nie) om belangrike gesondheidsorginligting te versprei. Om egter ’n betroubare begrip vir die werking van die internet as verspreider van MIV-inligting aan alle belange-groepe te verkry, moet kennis van ander areas van belangstelling in gesondheidsorg-kommunikasie, soos veeltaligheid, sosiologie, antropologie, gedragswetenskappe, kognitiewe psigologie of brein-navorsing, ook uiteindelik oorweeg word.

The influence of gratitude journalling on the motivation and English language proficiency of young adult isiXhosa speakers

Aspeling, Lara Lee 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (General Linguistics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / Bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The scientific study of gratitude is one of the topics currently researched by the emergent positive psychology movement, which seeks to understand more about the very best in human beings. Studies in psychology have found that gratitude and other positive emotions in the workplace seem to be linked to motivation, which in turn results in increased productivity. Much research in second language (L2) acquisition has shown a link between increased motivation and improved levels of L2 proficiency. My thesis aims to link these two types of research, by investigating the effect of gratitude journalling on isiXhosa-speaking students at a South African university of technology, in respect of their motivation to improve their English, their attitude towards English, and their English language proficiency. I also attempt to determine whether the language in which the journalling is done has any impact. I developed several tasks for my participants, in order to ascertain their attitudes towards English, their motivation to improve their English, and their English proficiency. These tasks took the form of surveys and questionnaires, which were completed before and after a journalling intervention. The intervention was in the form of journalling online, using the university's e-Learning Centre's WebCT application. The participants were divided into four groups: factual journalling in English; factual journalling in isiXhosa; gratitude journalling in English; gratitude journalling in isiXhosa. They were asked to write two to three sentences in their online journals on five out of every seven days for the period of one month. In line with the findings of previous research conducted with isiXhosa learners, the results of my investigations showed that these isiXhosa students had a fairly positive attitude towards English to begin with. No significant changes in attitudes towards English, motivation to improve English, or English proficiency, were noted among any of the four groups of journallers pre- versus post-intervention. It makes sense intuitively that gratitude journalling should increase the motivation and thus the proficiency of isiXhosa learners in English. However, in retrospect, I realise that it was somewhat ambitious to expect to see a change in English language proficiency over the period of just one month. If my participants had experienced enhanced levels of motivation as a result of the gratitude journalling (in English and/or in isiXhosa), their proficiency in English might have increased over time. However, the gratitude journalling seems not to have had an impact on the attitude towards English/motivation to improve English of these third-year isiXhosa university students. Whatever the effect might have been of the gratitude journalling in these young adults' lives, it is not reflected directly in the results of my study. Perhaps future research on the impact of gratitude journalling in the lives of university students could be conducted, using larger samples of participants, and extending the intervention over a longer period of time. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die wetenskaplike bestudering van dankbaarheid is een van die onderwerpe wat deesdae nagevors word deur die opkomende positiewe sielkunde beweging, wat daarna streef om meer te wete te kom oor die heel beste eienskappe van die mens. Ondersoeke in sielkunde het gevind dat dankbaarheid en ander positiewe emosies in die werksituasie gekoppel skyn te wees aan motivering, wat weer op sy beurt lei tot verhoogde produktiwiteit. Baie navorsing in tweedetaal(T2-)verwerwing het 'n verband gevind tussen verhoogde motivering en verhoogde vlakke van T2-vaardigheid. Hierdie tesis poog om hierdie twee tipes navorsing te verbind, deur ondersoek in te stel na die invloed van die hou van 'n dankbaarheidsjoernaal op die motivering en houding teenoor Engels en die Engelse vaardigheidsvlakke van isiXhosa-sprekende studente aan 'n Suid-Afrikaanse universiteit van tegnologie. My doel was om vas te stel of die hou van 'n dankbaarheidsjoernaal hierdie leerders sou kon help om hul motiveringsvlakke te verhoog en daarom indirek hulle vaardigheid in Engels, en om vas te stel of die taal waarin die joernaal gehou word enige impak sou hê. Ek het verskeie take ontwerp vir my deelnemers, om sodoende vas te stel wat hulle houding teenoor Engels was, sowel as hulle motivering om hul Engels te verbeter, en hulle Engelse vaardigheidsvlak. Hierdie take het opnames en vraelyste behels wat voltooi is voor en na 'n joernaal-hou intervensie. Die intervensie het behels dat die deelnemers aanlyn 'n joernaal moes hou en ek het gebruik gemaak van die universiteit se e-leer sentrum se WebCT. Die deelnemers is in vier groepe verdeel: feitelike joernaal in Engels; feitelike joernaal in isiXhosa; dankbaarheidsjoernaal in Engels; dankbaarheidsjoernaal in isiXhosa. Hulle is gevra om vir een maand lank twee of drie sinne in hulle aanlynjoernale te skryf op vyf uit elke sewe dae. In aansluiting by die bevindinge van vorige navorsing op isiXhosa-sprekende leerders, het die resultate van my ondersoek daarop gedui dat hierdie isiXhosa studente 'n relatief positiewe houding teenoor Engels gehad het, nog voor die intervensie. Geen beduidende verskille in houdings teenoor Engels, motivering om Engels te verbeter, of Engelse vaardigheid is gevind vir enige van die vier groepe toe pre-intervensie en post-intervensie prestasie met mekaar vergelyk is nie. Dit maak intuïtief sin dat die hou van 'n dankbaarheidsjoernaal deur T2-leerders sou lei tot verhoogde motivering en daarom tot verhoogde vaardigheidsvlakke in Engels. Agterna beskou, besef ek egter dat dit effens ambisieus van my was om te verwag om 'n verandering in Engelse vaardigheidsvlakke te sien binne een maand. Miskien sou my deelnemers se vaardigheidsvlakke in Engels met verloop van tyd verbeter het indien hulle wel verhoogde motivering ervaar het as gevolg van die hou van 'n dankbaarheidsjoernaal (in Engels en/of isiXhosa). Die dankbaarheidsjoernale skyn egter geen impak te gehad het op die houding teenoor Engels / motivering om Engels te verbeter by hierdie derde-jaar isiXhosa universiteitstudente nie. Watter effek die hou van 'n dankbaarheidsjoernaal ookal gehad het in die lewens van hierdie jong volwassenes, dit word nie gereflekteer in die resultate van my studie nie. Miskien sou verdere navorsing gedoen kon word oor die impak van dankbaarheidsjoernale in die lewens van universiteitstudente, met groter steekproewe en 'n langer intervensietydperk.

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