Spelling suggestions: "subject:"gestaltpsychology."" "subject:"daseinpsychology.""
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Human occupation in the context of chronic poverty and psychiatric disabilityDuncan, Madeleine 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil (Psychology))—University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ABSTRACT: This study, within the fields of occupational therapy and occupational science, describes the occupations of isiXhosa-speaking individuals with longstanding histories of mental illness living in chronic poverty. Occupation refers to the daily tasks and purposeful activities which, in occupying people’s time, establish the patterns of their lives and give expression to their roles, identity, interests and abilities. The aim of this study was to describe how poor households and persons with psychiatric disability living in those households coped with their circumstances and how they viewed, orchestrated, drew meaning from and attributed purpose to the everyday things they did, in particular the self-identified, primary income generating occupation of the disabled person. The research questions elicited information about the genesis, characteristics, meanings and functions of occupation, in particular those occupations performed by the disabled member that contributed to the survival of the household.
Using case study methodology, the research involved prolonged engagement with five households living in a peri-urban, informal settlement on the outskirts of Cape Town, South Africa. Qualitative data about occupation was derived through demographic screening, multiple interviews with key informants in each household, participant observation and focus group discussion. In addition, discussions were held with mental health professionals familiar with the context and the Xhosa culture. Four forms of data analysis and interpretation (Kavale, 1996; Stake,1995) were applied to develop substantive case studies: condensation (identification of major organising ideas); categorisation (thematic categorical aggregation); patterning (narrative structuring) and generalisation (naturalistic interpretation). In addition, discussions were held with mental health professionals familiar with the context and the Xhosa culture. Four forms of data analysis and interpretation (Kavale, 1996; Stake, 1995) were applied were applied to develop substantive case studies: condensation (identification of major organising ideas); categorisation (thematic categorical aggregation); patterning (narrative structuring) and generalisation (naturalistic interpretation). Thematic descriptions of the basics of occupation are used to illustrate the various ways participants negotiated the challenges of life at the margins of society through the ordinary things they did everyday. Cross case analysis provided insights into the financial and social costs of mental illness as well as the strategies, embedded in occupation, adopted by participants in dealing with their circumstances.
The central thesis of this dissertation is that psychiatrically disabled people, as economic actors functioning in complex structural, social and occupational matrices, contribute in paradoxical ways to the survival of their households. While their illness behaviour may increase the vulnerability of the household from time to time, they nevertheless facilitate its functioning either as providers of a disability grant; as contributors of additional labour or as productive income generating agents. The individual, the social and the structural are co-constituted in what poor and disabled people are able to do everyday. The less resources that are available in the occupational form, the more effort is needed to perform occupations and the more reliance is placed on the informal relational economy. Relative mastery of constrained circumstances occurred by optimising the goodness of fit between occupational form and occupational performance through adaptive capacity, an under-recognised form of agency in the context of chronic poverty. Looking beyond the obscuring façade of psychiatric disability at the ordinary things people did everyday revealed their capacity to strategise practically and attitudinally in support of the household’s survival. The study heightens awareness of human experiences that have been overlooked in the occupational science and occupational therapy literature, in particular how the basics of occupation operate in resource constrained environments. This contribution to knowledge about human occupation will inform mental health occupational therapy practice and community based psychiatric services concerned with the inclusion of disabled people in promoting social development. / OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie val binne die gebied van arbeidsterapie en ‘occupational science’. Dit beskryf die ‘occupations’ van Xhosa-sprekende individue met ‘n geskiedenis van geestesongesteldheid wat in kroniese armoede in informele nedersettings aan die buitewyke van Kaapstad, Suid-Afrika woon. ‘Occupation’ verwys na die daaglikse take en doelgerigte aktiwiteite wat mense se tyd in beslag neem; die patrone en ritmes van hul lewens bevestig en wat uitdrukking gee aan hul verskeie rolle, identiteit, belangstellings en vermoëns. Die doel van die studie was om inligting te verkry oor die oorsprong, eienskappe, betekenis en funksies van ’occupation’ in die konteks van armoede en veral met betrekking tot die psigiatries gestremde lid se belewenis en bydrae tot die huishouding se oorlewing deur sy of haar self-geidentifiseerde, primêre winsgewende ‘occupation’.
Verlengde verbintenis met vyf huishoudings en sleutel informante as gevalstudies het die verkryging van kwalitatiewe data oor ‘occupation’ deur onderhoude, waarneming en fokusgroepe moontlik gemaak. Onderhoude met geestesgesondheidspesialiste vertroud met die konteks en die Xhosakultuur is ook gevoer. Vier tipes data-analise en interpretasie (Kavale, 1996; Stake, 1995) is toegepas om die ontwikkeling van substantiewe gevallestudies moontlik te maak: kondensasie (identifisering en organisasie van belangrike idees); kategorisering (tematiese sorteering van eenhede van betekenis); motief (narratiewe strukturering) en veralgemening (naturalistiese interpretasie). Kruisgevalanalise is toegepas om inligting oor die finansiële en sosiale kostes van ‘n psigiatriese stoornis in die konteks van armoede te bekom asook die ‘occupational’ strategieë waarvan informante in die hantering van hul omstandighede gebruik gemaak het.
Die slotsom van hierdie verhandeling is dat psigiatries gestremde persone wat in die konteks van kroniese armoede ‘n bestaan probeer voer, op paradoksale maniere ‘n bydrae tot die voortbestaan van hul huishoudings lewer. Terwyl hulle siektegedrag die kwesbaarheid van die huishouding van tyd tot tyd laat toeneem, maak hulle nieteenstaande die oorlewing van die huishouding moontlik deur ‘n kombinasie van die volgende bydraes: die verskaffing van bykomende arbeid; die beskikbaarstelling van ‘n ongeskiktheidstoelaag en die produktiewe uitvoering van winsgewende ‘occupations’ in die sogenaamde ‘tweede’ of informele ekonomie. Die individuele, die sosiale en die strukturele is aan mekaar verbonde en beinvloed sodanig wat arm en gestremde mense daagliks in staat is om te doen. Hoe minder materiele komponente en hulpbronne in die ‘occupational form’ beskikbaar is, hoe groter is die inspanning wat benodig word om ‘occupation’ uit te voer en hoe meer afhanklik word die gestremde persoon op die informele sosiale ekonomie. Die teenoorgestelde is ook waar. Die kapasiteit vir aanpasbaarheid, ‘n miskende vorm van agentskap in die konteks van kroniese armoede, maak die bemeestering van beperkte omstandighede moontlik. Die kapasiteit vir aanpasbaarheid is geleë in die vermoë om strategies, prakties en sielkundig te funksioneer. Die studie vergroot die bewustheid van menslike ervarings wat oor die hoof gesien is in die arbeidsterapie en ‘occupational science’ literatuur, veral hoe die basiese beginsels van ‘occupation’ funksioneer in omgewings wat gekenmerk word deur deprivasie en beperkte materiële besittings. Hierdie bydrae tot kennis oor ‘occupation’ sal arbeidsterapiepraktyk en gemeenskaps-gebaseerde psigiatriese dienste toelig asook die insluiting van psigiatries gestremde persone in maatskaplike ontwikkeling bevorder.
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The identification of resilience in, and the development of a corresponding intervention programme for families with a parent living with major depressive disorderBester, Carin 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil (Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Major Depressive Disorder is a prevalent psychiatric illness that poses critical risk factors to
families. Risk factors associated with depression are widely researched, but limited South
African and international research exists with regard to family resilience factors and intervention
programmes associated with these high-risk families. The aim of the present study was to
address these limitations by (a) identifying and describing the qualities of resilience in families
in which a parent had been living with Major Depressive Disorder, (b) developing a family
intervention programme for parents to strengthen and enhance a quality of resilience and, finally,
following the intervention programme, (c) to evaluate the impact of the intervention programme
on the identified resilience quality. The research was divided into two phases in order to address
the above-mentioned, namely the descriptive phase (Phase 1) and the intervention phase (Phase
2). The results of the descriptive phase revealed various statistically significant correlations
between the independent variables and the dependent variable, namely family adaptation, as
measured by The Family Attachment Changeability Index 8 (FACI8) (McCubbin et al., 1996).
The strongest statistically significant correlation was found between family problem solving and
communication, and family adaptation. This steered the development of the intervention
programme, aiming it at enhancing family problem solving and communication as a family
resilience quality. An experimental design was used to evaluate the impact of the intervention
programme. Analysis 1 revealed a trend (not statistical significant on a 5% level), suggesting that
negative communication decreased over a three-month period after the intervention programme.
Analysis 2 supported this trend on a 5% level. The qualitative post-test data reveal that the
participants perceived the intervention programme in a very positive light, namely as a beneficial
and educational experience. Furthermore, the three-month follow-up assessment showed that the
majority (81%) of the participants indicated that the intervention programme impacted positively
on their family’s communication. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Major Depressiewe Steuring is ‘n bekende psigiatriese siekte wat gesinne met kritiese
risikofaktore uitdaag. Hierdie risikofaktore is wyd nagevors, maar beperkte Suid-Afrikaanse en
internasionale navorsing bestaan met betrekking tot gesinsveerkragtigheidsfaktore en gepaste
intervensieprogramme wat met hierdie hoë risiko gesinne geassosieer word. Die doel van die
huidige studie was om hierdie beperkings aan te spreek, deur (a) veerkragtigheidsfaktore te
identifiseer en te beskryf in gesinne waar ‘n ouer met Major Depressiewe Versteuring leef, (b)
om ‘n gesinsintervensieprogram vir ouers te ontwikkel wat ‘n spesifieke veerkragtigheidsfaktor
kan versterk en ontwikkel, en (c) om die impak van die intervensieprogram op die
geïdentifiseerde veerkragtigheidsfaktor te evalueer. Die navorsing is in twee fases verdeel,
naamlik die beskrywende fase (Fase 1) en die intervensie fase (Fase 2) om bogenoemde aan te
spreek. Die resultate van die beskrywende fase het verskeie statisties beduidend korrelasies
getoon tussen die onafhanklike veranderlikes en afhanklike veranderlike, naamlik familie
aanpasbaarheid, wat deur The Family Attachment Changeability Index 8 (FACI8) gemeet is
(McCubbin et al., 1996). Die sterkste statisties beduidende korrelasie was tussen gesin
probleemoplossing en kommunikasie en gesin aanpasbaarheid. Hierdie verhouding het die
ontwikkeling van die intervensieprogram bepaal wat ten doel gehad het om gesin
probleemoplossing en kommunikasie as ‘n gesinsveerkragtiheidskwaliteit te ontwikkel. ‘n
Eksperimentele ontwerp is gebruik om die impak van die intervensieprogram te evalueer.
Analise 1 het ‘n tendens (nie statisties beduidend op ‘n 5 % vlak) uitgelig wat daarop dui dat
negatiewe kommunikasie verminder het oor ‘n periode van drie maande na die
intervensieprogram. Analise 2 het hierdie tendens ondersteun op ‘n 5% vlak. Die kwalitatiewe
na-toets data het aangedui dat die deelnemers die intervensieprogram in ‘n baie positiewe lig
ervaar het en as voordelig en opvoedkundig beskou het. Die drie-maande opvolgassessering het
ook aangedui dat die meerderheid (81%) van die deelnemers gevind het dat die
intervensieprogram ‘n positiewe impak op hulle gesinskommunikasie gehad het.
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Identity and community psychology : a study of psychologists and trainees in the Western CapeCarolissen, Ronelle 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil (Psychology))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / The literature in psychology repeatedly hints at identity representation as important in
transforming the discipline of psychology in contemporary South Africa. It simultaneously
names curriculum, race and gender as areas of silence within the discipline. These literatures coexist
with the reality that few psychologists work in public health services, where approximately
eighty six percent of South Africa’s population who cannot afford private health care, receive
their services. Community psychology is generally viewed as the area of study that prepares
practitioners to work in public health service. Thus the intersections of identity, community,
psychology and community psychology become important. Yet no contemporary studies that
systematically and empirically examine community psychology and identity, exist in South
Africa. The current study therefore aims to examine identity and community psychology from a
multi-levelled perspective in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. This work draws on
multiple theoretical strands, broadly united under a social constructionist framework, to examine
community psychology in the organisation of the university, in terms of student and practitioner
perceptions (and therefore constructions) of community psychology and in the everyday talk of
psychologists about their professional identities. The four studies of which this project consists
use complementary quantitative and qualitative methodologies. A survey of all psychology
departments, combined with interviews with one community psychology teacher in each
department, examines teaching, learning and research practices in community psychology. The
second study constitutes a survey of all psychology Honours students in the Western Cape
whereas the third study surveys the perceptions about community psychology among senior
psychologists in the Western Cape. The fourth and final study in this series uses three focus
groups where senior psychologists, based in the greater Cape Town area, talk about their
professional identity. The quantitative data were analysed using the descriptive statistics of
frequencies and cross-tabulations. The qualitative data were analysed using thematic analysis and
discourse analysis as analytical tools. While the quantitative data do not consistently suggest a
link between community psychology, race and gender, there are some areas, such as community
work, in which this link is apparent. The nature of such a link is not clear. However, in the
qualitative work, the link between community, psychology and identity is centrally situated in the
constructions and practices of universities, students and practitioners. Community psychology is
constructed as psychology for black people in terms of both who delivers services and who clients are. This represents parameters of inclusion and exclusion not only for community
psychology but for psychology, as a whole. The implications of these findings are discussed,
particularly in relation to organisational transformation in universities.
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A programme to enhance resilience in families in which a child has a hearing lossAhlert, Ingrid Anita 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil (Psychology))—University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to identify and enhance specific resilience qualities that help
protect and support families in overcoming the adversity of having a child with a hearing
impairment. The study was divided into two phases, namely (a) the descriptive phase, which
aimed to identify and explore the resilience qualities that foster better adaptation in these
families and (b) the intervention phase, which aimed to develop, implement and evaluate an
intervention programme that enhances the utilisation of social support, one important
resilience quality identified in the descriptive phase of the study.
The study was essentially exploratory and descriptive in nature and was directed at
developing scientific knowledge and theory in the field of family resilience. Using the
Resiliency Model of Family Stress, Adjustment and Adaptation (McCubbin & McCubbin,
1996) as the theoretical framework, the resilience process was mapped in terms of stressors,
risk and protective factors, and family adaptation.
The 54 participating families in the descriptive phase were identified according to the nature
of the crisis (hearing impairment) and the developmental phase of the family. The
participants were obtained by means of a non-probability, purposive sampling procedure and
were drawn from the black, coloured and white cultural subgroups residing in the Western
Cape, South Africa. Both quantitative and qualitative measures were used for data collection.
The results were analysed predominantly according to correlation and regression analyses
techniques, while the qualitative data was categorised according to themes and frequencies.
Results showed that family time and routine, social support, affirming communication, family
hardiness, problem-solving skills, religion, a search for meaning and accepting the disability
were factors promoting resilience in these families. A randomised pretest-posttest control group design was applied in the intervention phase of
the study. The 31 participants were identified in the initial phase of the study and belonged to
the coloured cultural subgroup. Data was again collected using quantitative and qualitative
measures and was analysed using repeated measures analysis of variance and grounded
theory analysis. The results did not indicate a statistically significant change in the utilisation
of social support following the implementation of the workshop. The qualitative data,
however, highlighted that the participants reported greater support from the immediate and
extended family, increased family time and routine, as well as improved communication and
problem-solving skills following the workshop.
The study generally offers valuable knowledge that can be incorporated in psychological and
social training programmes, preventative community interventions and therapeutic settings.
The positive and pragmatic approach adopted in the study ensures that families are
empowered by bringing them hope, helping them develop new competencies and building
mutual support. The study has opened various new avenues for future research in the field of
family resilience and hearing impairment. / OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om spesifieke veerkragtigheidskwaliteite te identifiseer en
versterk wat gesinne met ’n kind met ‘n gehoorgestremdheid teen teenspoed beskerm en
ondersteun. Die studie is in twee verdeel, naamlik (a) die beskrywende fase, met die doel om
die veerkragtigheidskwaliteite wat beter aanpassing in hierdie gesinne gekweek het, te
identifiseer en ondersoek, en (b) die intervensiefase, met die doel om ’n intervensieprogram
te ontwikkel, implementeer en evalueer wat die gebruik van sosiale ondersteuning, een van
die belangrike veerkragtigheidskwaliteite wat in die beskrywende fase van die studie
geïdentifiseer is, te verhoog.
Die studie was in wese ondersoekend en beskrywend van aard en daarop gerig om
wetenskaplike kennis en teorie in die veld van gesinsveerkragtigheid te ontwikkel. Met die
gebruik van die Veerkragtigheidsmodel van Gesinspanning, Verstelling en Aanpassing
(Resiliency Model of Family Stress, Adjustment and Adaptation) (McCubbin & McCubbin,
1996) as teoretiese raamwerk, is die veerkragtigheidsproses uitgestippel in terme van die
oorsake van die spanning, risiko- en beskermende faktore, en gesinsaanpassing.
Die 54 gesinne wat aan die beskrywende fase deelgeneem het, is op grond van die aard van
die krisis (gehoorgestremdheid) asook die ontwikkelingsfase van die gesin geïdentifiseer. Die
deelnemers is deur middel van ’n doelgerigte nie-waarskynlikheidsteekproefnemingsprosedure
verwerf vanuit swart, kleurling en blanke gesinne wat in die Wes-Kaap, Suid-
Afrika woon. Beide kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe metings is vir data-insameling gebruik.
Die resultate is hoofsaaklik aan die hand van korrelasie- en regressieontledingstegnieke
geanaliseer, terwyl die kwalitatiewe data volgens temas en frekwensies gekategoriseer is. Die
resultate het getoon dat gesinstyd en -roetine, sosiale ondersteuning, bevestigende kommunikasie, gesinsgehardheid, probleemoplossings-vaardighede, geloof, ’n soeke na
betekenis en die aanvaarding van die gestremdheid faktore was wat die veerkragtigheid van
hierdie gesinne bevorder het.
’n Ewekansige voor- en natoets kontrolegroep-ontwerp is tydens die intervensiefase van die
studie toegepas. Die 31 deelnemers is tydens die aanvanklike fase van die studie
geïdentifiseer en behoort tot die kleurling kulturele groep. Data is weereens deur middel van
kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe metings ingesamel en is aan die hand van herhaalde metingsvariansieontleding
en gegronde teorie-analise geanaliseer. Die resultate het geen statisties
beduidende verskil in die gebruik van sosiale ondersteuning ná die implementering van die
werkswinkel getoon nie. Die kwalitatiewe data het egter beklemtoon dat deelnemers ná die
werkswinkel meer ondersteuning van hulle onmiddellike en uitgebreide familie geniet het,
sowel as meer gesinstyd en -roetine, verbeterde kommunikasie en probleemoplossingsvaardighede.
Oor die algemeen bied die studie waardevolle kennis wat by sielkundige en sosiale
opleidingsprogramme, voorkomende gemeenskapsingryping en in terapeutiese raamwerke
ingelyf kan word. Die positiewe en pragmatiese benadering in die studie verseker dat gesinne
bemagtig word deur hulle hoop te bied, nuwe bekwaamhede te help ontwikkel en wedersydse
ondersteuning op te bou. Die studie het talle nuwe weë vir toekomstige navorsing op die
gebied van gesinsveerkragtigheid en gehoorgestremdheid gebaan.
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Representations of significant others and the activation of interpersonal scriptsVan der Westhuizen, Le Roux 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: It is a general assumption in psychology that past social relationships and experiences influence present
social behaviour. With attachment theory and current social-cognitive theory as conceptual basis, the
present study focused on the association between past experiences with significant others and the current
processing of interpersonal information. By means of a 2x3x4 experimental design the study investigated
the influence of chronic accessibility and subliminal priming (of significant other representations) on the
accuracy and speed of processing scripted interpersonal information. One hundred and thirty seven
university students took part in two sessions no more than two weeks apart. In session one they
completed the Attachment Style Questionnaire (ASQ; Feeny, Noller & Hanrahan, 1994), and provided the
names of positive and negative significant others. According to a median split of the Confidence Scale of
the ASQ, they were assigned to a chronic positive or a chronic negative group, assuming that the
information based on predominantly positive or negative experiences with positive or negative significant
others will be chronically more accessible. In session two, in an individual computer task, they were
subliminally primed (33 ms) with a control word or the name of the positive or negative significant other to
increase the accessibility of the appropriate memory structures. They were then asked to read a positive,
negative, mixed or ambiguous script of an interpersonal event and complete a memory test of 36
interpersonal statements (nine positive, nine negative, nine ambiguous and nine filler statements). The
accuracy and response time for every statement was recorded, and the response times of accurate
responses for positive and negative scripts were included in the main analysis. Separate univariate
analyses of the differences between positive and negative priming per polarity of chronic group and script
supported the priming hypothesis. The average response time of the chronic negative group was fastest
when they received a negative prime (p = .039), and the positive group was fastest when they received a
positive prime (p = .000). The results of a two-way analysis of variance for chronic group and script
showed a highly significant interaction effect between chronic group and script (p = .000). When the
primes were congruent to the scripts, the chronic groups were significantly faster in recognising
statements from a congruent script. The results supported the conjunctive model of priming. The
implications of these findings for the understanding of the cognitive structures and processes involved in
processing interpersonal information are discussed, with specific reference to relational schemas and
attachment working models. Possible directions for future research as well as the application of the results
are also described. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Dit is ‘n algemene aanname in die sielkunde dat sosiale verhoudinge en ervarings uit die verlede ‘n
invloed het op huidige sosiale gedrag. Vanuit die bindingsteorie en die huidige sosiaal-kognitiewe teorie
as konseptuele uitgangspunt, fokus die huidige studie op die assosiasie tussen ervaringe met
betekenisvolle persone in die verlede en die huidige prosessering van interpersoonlike inligting. Met
behulp van ‘n 2x3x4 eksperimentele ontwerp is ondersoek ingestel na die invloed van chroniese
toeganklikheid en subliminale opwekking (van geheuevoorstellings van betekenisvolle ander) op die
akkuraatheid en spoed waarmee interpersoonlike tekste verwerk word. Eenhonderd-sewe-en-dertig
universiteitstudente het deelgeneem aan twee sessies wat nie meer as twee weke na mekaar plaasgevind
het nie. Tydens sessie een het die deelnemers die Attachment Style Questionnaire (ASQ; Feeny, Noller &
Hanrahan, 1994) voltooi en die name van positiewe en negatiewe betekenisvolle persone voorsien. Op
grond van die mediaan-verdeling van die Selfvertroue Skaal van die ASQ is die deelnemers toegewys aan
’n chronies positiewe of chronies negatiewe groep, met die veronderstelling dat inligting gebaseer op
oorwegend positiewe of negatiewe ervarings met positiewe of negatiewe betekenisvolle ander deurlopend
meer toegankilk sal wees. Tydens sessie twee, wat ’n individuele rekenaartaak behels het, is ’n
subliminale stimulus (33 ms) van ’n kontrole-woord, of die naam van ’n positiewe of negatiewe
betekenisvolle ander aan hulle aangebied om die toeganklikheid van die toepaslike geheue-strukture
verder te verhoog. Daarna is hulle versoek om ‘n positiewe, negatiewe, gemengde of dubbelsinnige teks
van ’n interpersoonlike gebeurtenis te lees en ’n geheuetoets van 36 stellings te voltooi wat bestaan het
uit nege positiewe, nege negatiewe, nege dubbelsinnige en nege neutrale stellings. Die akkuraatheid en
reaksiespoed van elke stelling is gemeet en die reaksietyd van die akkurate response op stellings uit
positiewe en negatiewe tekste is in die primêre ontleding ingesluit. Die resultate van onafhanklike
eenveranderlike ontledings van die verskille tussen positiewe en negatiewe opwekking per polariteit van
chroniese groep en teks, het die hipotese van opwekking ondersteun. Die gemiddelde responstyd van die
chroniese negatiewe groep was die vinnigste wanneer hulle die negatiewe stimulus ontvang het (p = .039)
en die van die positiewe groep was die vinnigste wanneer hulle die positiewe stimulus ontvang het (p =
.000). Die resultate van ’n tweerigting variansieontleding van chroniese groep en teks het ‘n beduidende
interaksie tussen chroniese groep en teks aangedui (p = .000). Wanneer die opwekkingstimuli kongruent
met die tekste was, was die chroniese groepe betekenisvol vinniger in die herkenning van stellings van
die kongruente teks. Die resultate ondersteun ’n konjunktiewe model van opwekking. Die implikasies van
die bevindinge vir die verstaan van die kognitiewe strukture en prosesse betrokke by die verwerking van
interpersoonlike inligting word bespreek, met spesifieke verwysing na verhoudingskemas en die
gebruiksmodelle in bindingsteorie. Riglyne vir toekomstige navorsing op die gebied word verskaf, en die
implikasies vir die praktiese toepassing van die resultate word bespreek.
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Resilience factors in single parent families affected by HIV/AIDSStrauss, Werner F. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of the current study was to investigate factors that help single-parent families cope
with the news that a family member has been diagnosed with HIV. The theoretical model that
underpinned the study is the Resiliency Model of Family Stress, Adjustment and Adaptation
of McCubbin and McCubbin (1996). A salutogenic perspective offers a view of human
suffering that moves away from pathology to focus on factors that support successful coping,
hence the focus of the current study on resilience. A cross-sectional survey research design
was used, incorporating a combination method inclusive of both a qualitative and quantitative
component. A total of 109 families, represented by an adult and a child, answered a
qualitative question about what they considered to have helped them cope, and completing a
biographical questionnaire and five questionnaires based on the theoretical model. Analyses
included the Grounded Theory Method, a qualitative analysis method of Strauss and Corbin
(1994; 1998), Pearson correlations and ANOVAs (for a categorical independent variable –
employment status) to compute the significance of correlations between a dependent variable
and a number of independent variables, and regression analysis.
The results of the qualitative investigation revealed that families considered internal strength
(or hardiness), social supports, communication, a sense of hope, using denial (both positive
and negative behaviours to get on with life despite the presence of hardship), changing or
reframing thoughts about the stressor, and material support to have been helpful. The
quantitative results supported the qualitative results and showed that family hardiness
(working together, viewing stressors as challenges and having a belief in own coping
abilities), the availability of social support, supportive communication, use of reframing,
accepting help from others and spiritual support all contributed to families functioning well
under adverse conditions. It was also shown that inflaming types of communication, such as
fighting and doing nothing about a crisis situation, negatively influenced the family
functioning. It was interesting to note that family size had a significant, positive correlation with the parents’ views of family functioning, and that the higher the children’s level of
education, the lower they rated their family functioning to be.
Recommendations for further studies include a focus on resilience in various family types, a
focus on families successfully coping with HIV diagnoses in their families, and the
development of intervention programmes, inclusive of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die huidige studie was om ondersoek in te stel na faktore wat enkelouer gesinne
met ‘n MIV-gediagnoseerde gesinslid ondersteun het. Die studie is teoreties gebou op
McCubbin en McCubbin (1996) se Resiliency Model of Family Stress, Adjustment and
Adaptation. Salutogenese bied ‘n siening of waardering van die manier waarop mense
terugslae hanteer wat weg beweeg van die tradisionele fokus op patologie om te fokus op
faktore wat suksesvolle aanpassing ondersteun ten spyte van die teenwoordigheid van
genoemde krisis. Hierdie benadering bepaal dus die fokus op veerkragtigheid of
gesinsveerkragtigheid wat hierdie studie rig. ’n Deursnee- steekproefontwerp is vir die
navorsing gebruik en het ‘n kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe komponent ingesluit. ‘n Totaal van
109 gesinne is bestudeer, elk deur een volwassene en een kind verteenwoordig. Die
deelnemers het ‘n kwalitatiewe vraag beantwoord oor wat hulle as ondersteunend ten opsigte
van hulle eie krisishantering beskou het, en het ook ‘n biografiese vraelys en vyf vraelyste wat
verskillende aspekte van die teoretiese model gemeet het, voltooi. Die deelnemers se response
is ontleed deur middel van Strauss en Corbin (1994; 1998) se Grounded Theory Method vir
die kwalitatiewe komponent; Pearson se korrelasies en ANOVA’s (ten opsigte van ‘n
katogoriese onafhanklike veranderlike – werkstatus) is gebruik om die korrelasies tussen die
afhanklike en ‘n aantal onafhanklike veranderlikes te bereken en regressie-ontledings is
Die kwalitatiewe resultate het aangedui dat die volgende faktore deur die gesinne beskou is as
ondersteunend van hulle vermoë om krisisse te hanteer: innerlike sterkte, sosiale
ondersteuning, kommunikasie, ‘n gevoel van hoop, die gebruik van ontkenning (beide
positiewe en negatiewe gedrag om met die lewe aan te gaan ten spyte van die swaarkry),
verandering van of herbesinning oor die stressor, en materiële ondersteuning. Die
kwantitatiewe bevindinge het die kwalitatiewe resultate ondersteun en getoon dat
gesinsgehardheid (saamwerk, beskouing van stressors as uitdagings en ‘n vertroue in eie vermoëns), die beskikbaarheid van sosiale ondersteuning, ondersteunende kommunikasie, die
gebruik van herbesinning, aanvaarding van hulp van ander en geestelike ondersteuning almal
gehelp het om die gesin onder ongunstige toestande goed te laat funksioneer. Daar is ook
gevind dat opruiende soorte kommunikasie, soos baklei en niks oor ‘n krisissituasie te doen
nie, ‘n negatiewe invloed op gesinsfunksionering gehad het. Dit was interessant om te vind
dat gesinsgrootte positief met die ouers se beskouing van gesinsfunksionering gekorreleer het,
terwyl ‘n hoër vlak van opvoeding onder die kinders gekorreleer het met ‘n laer skatting van
Aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing sluit in ‘n fokus op gesinsveerkragtigheid in verskillende
gesinstipes, ‘n fokus op gesinne wat ‘n MIV-diagnose in die gesin suksesvol hanteer, en die
ontwikkeling van ingrypingsprogramme gebaseer op die beginsels van Kognitiewe
Gedragsterapie en Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.
247 |
"You look very well for a transplant" : autoethnographic narrative and identity in chronic kidney disease, kidney failure and the life post-transplantRichards, Roselee Jayne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Despite the high prevalence of chronic kidney disease, renal narratives are under-reported.
Much of what is written on kidney failure is written by health care professionals for health care
professionals and about patients. While medical experts and health care practitioners have
one type of knowledge, their patients have another type of knowledge acquired through their
experience of their own condition. From within the disability and patients’ rights movements
urgent calls have been made for the authentic voices of disabled people and patients to be
heard without the mediation of professional lenses. In response to this my dissertation
combines personal and academic writing to explore my own experience of end-stage renal
disease, dialysis, transplantation and the life after transplant.
I have used autoethnography as a methodology. Autoethnography is a relatively new,
somewhat postmodern form of inquiry that developed from the reflexive turn in anthropology
and narrative studies in the latter part of the twentieth century. It is very useful in writing about
the experience of illness and reflecting on illness narratives because, in autoethnographic
writing, the observer and observed, the narrator and narrated, insider and outsider are the
same person. This allows scope for exploring the problematics of representation and for
finding alternatives to already existing ways of telling certain stories.
Engaging with autoethnography’s postmodern aspects has allowed me to conceptualize
experiences that, until I undertook this research, I have never been able to articulate, because
the traditional (static) illness narrative forms did not speak to my experience or my
understanding of my condition. The central issue in my dissertation lies in the question: How
do I tell the story of chronic illness once I have had an organ transplant? Flowing from this are
a number of sub-issues: Can my story change? How do I describe myself: The well, the ill, the
impaired, the disabled, the afflicted? Do I describe myself living in no man’s land? In my
narrative, do I oscillate between being well and ill, or do I occupy another territory entirely?
And if I do, what is it?
My study shows that writing the story (or stories) of chronic kidney disease is complex,
nuanced and dynamic and that, far from being an extended liminal experience, kidney disease
is littoral. This distinction is important in coming to narrative terms with an identity that is not
damaged so much as different.
Through this I hope to demonstrate to both outsiders and insiders, who often submit to
narratives that are forced on them, that more satisfying alternatives can be found. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ondanks die hoë voorkomssyfer van chroniese nierkwale word nierverhale nie genoeg
aangemeld nie. Die meerderheid van dit wat oor nierversaking geskryf word, word deur
gesondheidsorgdeskundiges vir gesondheidsorgdeskundiges en oor pasiënte geskryf. Terwyl
mediese deskundiges en gesondheidsorgpraktisyns een soort kennis het, het hulle pasiënte ’n
ander soort kennis op grond van hulle ervaring van hulle eie toestande. Van binne die
gestremdheid en pasiënteregte-bewegings het ’n dringende oproep weerklink vir die
outentieke stemme van mense met gestremdhede en pasiënte om gehoor te word sonder die
tussenkoms van professionele perspektiewe. In reaksie hierop kombineer my verhandeling
persoonlike en akademiese beskrywings om my eie ervaring van eindstadium- nierkwale,
dialise, oorplanting en die lewe na oorplanting te verken. Ek het outo-etnografie as metodologie gebruik. Outo-etnografie is ’n relatief nuwe, ietwat
postmoderne vorm van ondersoek wat in die tweede deel van die twintigste eeu uit die
refleksiewe wending in antropologie en narratiewe studies ontwikkel het. Dit is baie bruikbaar
wanneer oor die belewenis van siekte en besinning oor siekte-narratiewe geskryf word
aangesien die waarnemer en die waargeneemde, die verteller en dit wat vertel word, die
ingewyde en die buitestander in outo-etnografiese skryfwerk dieselfde persoon is. Dit laat
meer ruimte vir verkenning van die problematiek van voorstelling en vir die opspoor van
alternatiewe vir reeds bestaande wyses om sekere stories te vertel.
My bemoeienis met postmoderne aspekte van outo-etnografie het dit vir my moontlik gemaak
om ervaringe wat ek tot en met hierdie navorsing nooit kon artikuleer nie, te konseptualiseer,
aangesien die tradisionele (statiese) vorme van siekte-narratiewe nie tot my ervaring of my
begrip van my toestand gespreek het nie. ‘Hoe vertel ek die storie van chroniese siekte nadat
ek ’n orgaanoorplanting gehad het?’ is ’n sentrale vraagstuk in my verhandeling. Hieruit spruit
’n aantal newevraagstukke voort: Kan my storie verander? Hoe beskryf ek myself: Die
gesonde persoon, die sieke, die verswakte, die gestremde, die aangetaste? Hoe beskryf ek
myself wat in ’n niemandsland woon? Fluktueer ek in my narratief tussen gesond wees en siek
wees of betrek ek ’n geheel ander gebied? En indien wel, wat is dit?
My studie toon dat, om die storie (of stories) van chroniese niersiekte te skryf, kompleks,
genuanseerd en dinamies is en dat niersiekte glad nie ’n uitgebreide liminale ervaring is nie,
maar eerder littoraal is. Dit is belangrik wanneer daar tot ’n narratiewe verstandhouding gekom
moet word met ’n identiteit wat nie soseer beskadig is nie, maar eerder anders.
Hierdeur hoop ek om aan beide buitestanders en ingewydes, wat dikwels voor narratiewe wat
op hulle afgedwing word, moet buig, te wys dat daar meer bevredigende alternatiewe gekry
kan word.
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Women's discourses about secretive alcohol dependence and experiences of accessing treatmentPretorius, Liezille Jean 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: There is a paucity of research documenting women’s undisclosed drinking. This study
explored the discursive accounts of women’s alcohol dependence, treatment history and
barriers in accessing alcohol dependence treatment. The goals of this dissertation were to
explore women’s alcohol dependence history; explore women’s treatment history (or lack
thereof); identify barriers and nature of barriers that limit women’s access to alcohol
dependence treatment; identify the reasons for women not accessing treatment, and to
interpret women’s experiences of treatment per se. A Human Scientific Approach was
adopted to examine and interpret how women’s drinking is socially constructed. A social
constructionist approach was utilised to access and construct meaning from the
discourses emanating from the women’s narratives of their experience with alcohol and
their attempts at rehabilitation. Ten women were interviewed using the life story (narrative)
interview method. The findings illustrate two major discourses namely, secret drinking and
inaccessibility of appropriate treatment facilities for women alcohol dependents. This
means that participants feel forced to conceal their drinking and to drink secretively
because of the stigma associated with women drinking heavily. The stigma they
experience translates into barriers (mostly internal barriers) to seeking institutionalised
treatment. This makes it easier for them to seek alternative treatment such as an
anonymous fellowship, like Alcoholics Anonymous. Other discourses signify the
importance of problem identification and treatment readiness. This means that if the
alcohol dependent woman realises what the real problem is causing her to use alcohol as
an escape or as a coping strategy, she will be more willing to address the underlying
problem. Recommendations are made focusing on micro and macro-level intervention
strategies such as access to treatment, public health campaigns and policies to improve
the quality of life of women recovering from alcohol dependence. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar is min inligting beskikbaar oor die dokumentering van vroue wat in-die-geheim
alkohol gebruik. Hierdie studie het die diskursiewe weergawe van vroue se alkoholgebruik,
behandelingsgeskiedenis en hindernisse tot die behandeling van alkohol-misbruik
verken. Die doelstellings van hierdie verhandeling is om die volgende te verken: Vroue se
afhanklikheidsgeskiedenis; vroue se rehabiliteringsgeskiedenis (of die gebrek daaraan);
die identifisering van hindernisse en die aard van die probleme wat vroue se toegang tot
die behandeling van alkohol-misbruik beperk; die identifisering van redes waarom vroue
rehabilitering weier; en die interpretasie van vroue se belewings van behandeling per se.
‘n Humanisties-wetenskaplike benadering is gebruik om die sosiale konstruksie van vroue
se drinkgewoontes te ondersoek en te interpreteer. Die verstaan van en die skep van
betekenis van die diskoerse van die vroue, en die temas wat na vore gekom het vanuit hul
vertellings/narratiewe van hul alkohol-ervarings en hul pogings tot rehabilitering, is binne
die raamwerk van die sosiaal-konstruksionistiese uitgangspunt aangepak. Onderhoude is
met tien vroue gevoer en die narratiewe metode is gebruik. Die bevindings toon twee hoofdiskoerse
naamlik, drinkery in-die-geheim en die ontoeganklikheid van gepaste
behandelingsfasiliteite vir vroue met afhanklikheidsprobleme. Dit beteken dat vroue
ondervind dat hulle gedwing word om in-die-geheim te drink, as gevolg van die
stigmatisering van vroue en oormatige alkohol-gebruik. Hierdie stigmatisering kan herlei
word tot hindernisse (meestal interne hindernisse) te make met ge-institutionaliseerde
behandeling. Om die rede is dit makliker vir vroue om alternatiewe behandeling soos
anonieme gemeenskappe, byvoorbeeld Alkoholiste Anoniem te oorweeg. Ander diskoerse
beklemtoon die identifisering van probleme en die instemming tot rehabilitering. Dit
beteken dat wanneer die alkoholis die werklike probleem vir alkohol-gebruik verstaan as ‘n
ontsnapping of as ‘n hanteringsstrategie, sy meer gewillig sal wees om die onderliggende
probleem aan te spreek. Aanbevelings is gemaak met die fokus op mikro- en makrointervensiestrategieë,
soos die toegang tot rehabilitering, openbare gesondheidsveldtogte
en beleide ten einde die leef-kwaliteit van vroue in die herstelproses van alkoholafhanklikheid
te verbeter.
249 |
Verliesverwerking na ontvalling : 'n psigo-ontwikkelingsprogram vir adolessenteDe Villiers, Reniette Hofmeyr 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Universiteit van Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Most researchers agree that for a child the death of a parent constitutes a
psychological risk. Some of these children might experience the first onset of
psychiatric disorder (depression, anxiety or substance use disorder) prior to age 20,
with a peak age of occurrence at 18. Within the South African context children are
more and more confronted with parental death due to the upsurge of violence, the
increase in HIV, aids and tuberculoses, as well as many fatal traffic accidents. The
need for psychological support of these children within the school system was brought
to the attention of the researcher by concerned surviving parents. Society tends to
expect an early (often premature) return of survivors to the activities of everyday life.
The adult or child thus often finds him-/herself isolated in grief. In family context on the
other hand, the single parent has to deal with the personal loss of a spouse, the
children's loss of a parent and often also the grandparents' loss of a child.
Furthermore, roles within the family have to be reallocated so as to accommodate the
lost person's functions. The surviving parent is therefore often not adequately
available for the child who, having had his/her personal world and belief system
shattered, does not always understand the consequences of death, primarily due to
cognitive immaturity. They may react with anxiety, irrational beliefs and suppression,
thus blocking a healthier course of grief.
The aim of this study was to design and implement a psycho-educational grief
resolution program and to investigate the effect thereof on the mood states, coping
skills and self-concepts of 17 urban adolescents who had experienced parental death.
Using the General Systems Theory as metatheory and the Intervention Designand-
Development research methodology (Thomas & Rothman, 1994), a model of
adolescent grief resolution was devised which served as basis for the design of the
program. The participants were requested to reappraise personal resolution of grief
tasks and were introduced to cognitive restructuring (for example the relinquishment of
suppression and the disputing of irrational beliefs). With a clearer understanding
and the skills to control emotions and behaviour, they were encouraged to attribute
(now with hindsight) meaning to the experience of having lost a loved one, and to
incorporate the event into a personal narrative. Statistical analyses of test-retest results indicated, amongst others, that adolescents
tend to prematurely avow acceptance of the loss; that the experimental group
demonstrated less fatigue-inertia after attending the program than the control group;
and that a high risk group, comprised of members of both the experimental and control
groups, showed more depression during the re-test situation. The last finding indicates
that a high risk group should rather receive psychotherapy than participate in a psychoeducational
program which is not primarily of a psychotherapeutic nature. On the
other hand taking part in the program caused those adolescents to become aware of
their need for psychotherapy. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die meeste navorsers is dit eens dat die dood van 'n ouer vir die kind sielkundige
risiko's inhou. Sommige van dié kinders mag voor die ouderdom van 20 jaar (met die
grootste aantal teen 18 jaar) psigiatriese probleme soos depressie, angs of middelmisbruik
vertoon. Suid-Afrikaanse kinders word tans toenemend aan ouersterfte
blootgestel weens die toename in geweld, die Hl-virus, vigs, tuberkulose en verkeersongelukke.
Agtergeblewe ouers het die behoefte aan sielkundige ondersteuning van
dié kinders binne skoolverband onder die aandag van die navorser gebring. Dit blyk
dat die gemeenskap 'n vroeë (dikwels voortydige) terugkeer van die treurende na die
gewone daaglikse aktiwiteite verlang. Die treurende beleef hom-/haarself dus dikwels
as alleen in smart. In gesinsverband word daar verder hoë eise aan die enkelouer
gestel, soos om die verlies van 'n huweliksmaat te verwerk, om kinders wat 'n ouer
verloor het, en moontlik ook grootouers wat 'n kind verloor het, te ondersteun. Verder
moet die rolle binne die gesin herverdeel word om ook die oorledene se funksies te
vervul. Die beskikbaarheid van die agtergeblewe ouer is dus ingekort, en die kind wie
se leefwêreld en oortuigings aan flarde is, het weens veral kognitiewe onrypheid, selde
begrip vir die nagevolge van sterwensverlies. Hulle mag reageer met angs, irrasionele
denke en onttrekking wat die rouproses kan inhibeer.
Die doel van die studie was die ontwerp en toepassing van 'n verliesverwerkingsprogram
Cn psigo-ontwikkelingsprogram) en die bepaling van die programeffek op
die gemoedstoestand, streshanteringsvaardighede en selfkonsep van 17 stedelike
adolessente met ouerverlies. Met die Algemene Sisteemteorie as metateorie en
die Intervensie-Ontwerp-en-Ontwikkelingsnavorsingsparadigma (Thomas & Rothman,
1994) kon 'n adolessente verliesverwerkingsmodel saamgestel word wat gedien het as
basis vir die ontwerp van die program. Die deelnemers kon die eie verwerking van
routake herbeoordeel en kognitiewe herstrukturering waar nodig toepas (onder meer
deur die opheffing van onderdrukte gedagtes en die betwisting van irrasionele
aannames). Met beter begrip vir die eie situasie en beheer oor emosie en gedrag kon
ook betekenisgewing (terugskouend oor die verliesgebeure) volg en kon die ervaring
geïnkorporeer word in 'n persoonlike lewensverhaal. Statistiese ontleding van die toets-hertoetsresultate het onder meer daarop gedui dat
adolessente neig om voortydig aanvaarding van die verlies aan te dui; dat die
eksperimentele groep, vergeleke met die kontrolegroep, minder vermoeid-lusteloos
was na programdeelname; en dat hoë risikodeelnemers uit beide die eksperimentele
en kontrolegroepe met die na-toetsing meer depressief voorgekom het. Laasgenoemde
bevinding dui daarop dat die hoë risikogroep eerder op psigoterapie aangewese was.
Diegene uit die hoë risikogroep wat wel aan die program deelgeneem het, het nogtans
bewus geword van die behoefte aan sodanige terapie en dit daadwerklik opgevolg.
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The development and assessment of a family resilience-enhancement programmeHoltzkamp, Joanita 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil (Psychology))--University of Stelenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A probe into resilience research has revealed that psychologists have taken on the
role of “keepers of the crypt”, where our attained knowledge has been “entombed” by
virtue of our reluctance to allow it to bear practical fruition. Consequently, the impetus
of the research is a response to the aforementioned gap and is explicated in four
phases: Phase 1: A detailed literature review consisting of the review and integration
of appropriate preceding resilience research, thereby serving as a possible reference
guide for future studies; Phase 2: Provision of a succinct, comprehensive framework
for programme development within the field of psychology; Phase 3: Family
hardiness was selected as the resilience quality to be attended to via the
development of a universal, multidimensional resilience-enhancement programme;
Phase 4: An assessment of whether the resilience-enhancement programme is
successful in developing the selected resilience quality in families. Following the
salutogenic approach, the main theoretical foundation of the investigation resides in
the Resiliency Model of Stress, Adjustment and Adaptation (McCubbin & Thompson,
1991). The significant contribution of the research is its provision of a framework for
programme development within the field of psychology. Self-report questionnaires
and open-ended questions were completed by mothers as representatives of their
families. Therefore, the research amalgamated both qualitative and quantitative
measures in its quasi-experimental, pretest-posttest natural control-group research
design. A total of fifty families living in the Western Cape, South Africa participated in
the research. The statistical trends observed in the study hinted at the enhancement
potential of family hardiness. It became evident that gender, level of education,
income and occupation, emotional intelligence and the time frame of interventions
affected the enhancement potential of family hardiness. Age may also play a role, but
the conflicting research results render conclusions about the correlation between age
and hardiness questionable. Comparative studies would clarify this aspect. Future
studies attempting to develop these findings further, need to consider the influence of
factors such as gender, level of education, income and occupation, emotional
intelligence and the time frame of interventions. Family hardiness is but one of the
identified resilience qualities. An exploration of the enhancement potential of other
identified resilience qualities will provide a plethora of interventions for service
providers to choose from, enabling them to meet families and communities at their
point of need. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Nadere ondersoek van veerkragtigheidsnavorsing het aangedui dat sielkundiges die
rol van “bewaarders” aangeneem het, waar ons versamelde kennis verberg word as
gevolg van ons onwilligheid om dit prakties toe te pas. Gevolglik is hierdie navorsing
gedoen in respons op bogenoemde gaping in die navorsing, en word dit in vier fases
gelewer: Fase 1: ’n literatuuroorsig wat die voorafgaande veerkragtigheidsnavorsing
integreer en hersien ten einde as verwysingsgids te dien vir toekomstige studies;
Fase 2: Die voorsiening van ‘n omvattende raamwerk vir programontwikkeling binne
die veld van die sielkunde; Fase 3: Gesinsgehardheid is gekies as die
veerkragtigheidsfaktor om deur middel van ’n universele, multidimensionele program
verryk te word; Fase 4: ‘n Bepaling om te ontdek of die
veerkragtigheidsverrykingsprogram suksesvol is om die geselekteerde
veerkragtigheidsfaktor in families te verryk. Die studie is gedoen vanuit die
salutogeniese benadering. McCubbin en Thompson (1991) se “Resiliency Model of
Family Stress, Adjustment and Adaptation” is as teoretiese basis benut. Die
navorsing se betekenisvolle bydrae lê in die voorsiening van ‘n raamwerk vir
programontwikkeling binne die veld van sielkunde. Selfbeskrywingsvraelyste en oop
vrae is deur moeders as verteenwoordigers van hulle gesinne voltooi. Die navorsing
het dus van beide kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe metings gebruik gemaak in die
kwasi-eksperimentele voortoets-natoets, natuurlike kontrolegroep
navorsingsontwerp. ’n Totaal van vyftig families wat in die Wes-Kaap van Suid Afrika
woonagtig is, het aan die navorsing deelgeneem. Die statistiese neigings wat in die
navorsing waargeneem is, sinspeel op die verrykingspotensiaal van
gesinsgehardheid. Dit het aan die lig gekom dat geslag, opvoedkundige vlak,
inkomste en beroep, emosionele intelligensie en die tydsduur van intervensies die
verrykingspotensiaal van gesinsgehardheid beïnvloed. Ouderdom kan ook ‘n invloed
hê, maar die teenstrydige navorsingsresultate in dié verband maak gevolgtrekkings
oor die korrelasie tussen ouderdom en gesinsgehardheid twyfelagtig. Vergelykende
studies sal die bogenoemde kan uitklaar. Toekomstige studies wat poog om die
bevindinge van hierdie navorsing verder te ontwikkel, moet die invloed van faktore
soos geslag, opvoedkundige vlak, inkomste en beroep, emosionele intelligensie en
die tydsduur van intervensies in ag neem. Gesinsgehardheid is maar een
geïdentifiseerde veerkragtigheidsfaktor. Verdere ondersoeke na die
verrykingspotensiaal van ander veerkragtigheidsfaktore sal ‘n oorvloed van
intervensies aan diensleweraars beskikbaar stel, ten einde in die behoeftes van
families en gemeenskappe te voorsien.
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