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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Řídicí modul BLDC motoru / BLDC Motor Control Module

Morávek, Lukáš January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis describes design and realization of hardware and software for controlling and regulation of the high-speed drive with BLDC motor, which will serve as a spindle for CNC milling machine. The thesis described in detail the schematic design and the design of printed circuit board of the power part, control part and power supply part of the three-phase transistor inverter controlled by DSP processor. It is also described in detail program of DSP processor for controlling and regulation of the BLDC motors, which the function is verified by the final measurements. The result of Diploma thesis is functional high-speed drive with BLDC motor.

Peripheral Circuits Study for High Temperature Inverters Using SiC MOSFETs

Qi, Feng 12 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Conception d’un onduleur triphasé à base de composants SiC en technologie JFET à haute fréquence de commutation / Design of a 3-phase inverter using SiC JFETs for high frequency applications

Fonteneau, Xavier 12 June 2014 (has links)
Depuis le début des années 2000, les composants en carbure de silicium (SiC) sont présents sur le marché principalement sous la forme de diodes Schottky et de transistors FET. Ces nouveaux semi-conducteurs offrent des performances en commutation bien supérieures à celles des composants en silicium (Si) ce qui se traduit par une diminution des pertes et une réduction de la température de fonctionnement à système de refroidissement identique. L’utilisation de composants SiC ouvre donc la possibilité de concevoir des convertisseurs plus compacts ou à une fréquence de commutation élevée pour une même compacité. C’est avec cet objectif d’augmentation de la fréquence de commutation qu’a été menée cette étude axée sur l’utilisation de composants SiC au sein d’un onduleur triphasé. Le convertisseur sur lequel se base l’étude accepte une tension d’entrée de 450V et fournit en régime nominal un courant de sortie efficace par phase de 40 A. Le choix des composants SiC s’est porté sur des transistors JFET Normally-Off et des diodes Schottky SiC car ces composants étaient disponibles à la vente au début de ces travaux et offrent des pertes en commutation et en conduction inférieures aux autres structures en SiC. Les transistors FET possèdent une structure et des propriétés bien différentes des IGBT habituellement utilisés pour des convertisseurs de la gamme considérée notamment par leur capacité à conduire un courant inverse avec ou sans diode externe. De ce fait, il est nécessaire de développer de nouveaux outils d’aide au dimensionnement dédiés à ces composants SiC. Ces outils de calculs sont basés principalement sur les paramètres électriques et thermiques du système et sur les caractéristiques des composants SiC. Les premiers résultats montrent qu’en autorisant la conduction d’un courant inverse au sein des transistors, il est possible de diminuer le nombre de composants. Basées sur ces estimations, une maquette de bras d’onduleur a été développée et testée. Les premiers thermiques montrent que pour une puissance de 12kW, il est possible d’augmenter la fréquence de commutation de 12 kHz à 100 kHz. / Since 2000, Silicon Carbide (SiC) components are available on the market mainly as Schottky diodes and FET transistor. These new devices provide better switching performance than Silicon (Si) components that leads to a reduction of losses and operating temperatures at equivalent cooling system. Using SiC components allows to a better converter integration. It is in this context that ECA-EN has started this thesis dedicated to using SiC devices in a three-phase inverter at high switching frequency. The converter object of this study is supply by a input voltage of 450V and provides a current of 40A per phase. The components used for these study are SiC Normally-Off JFET and Schottky Diodes because these devices were commercialized at the begining of this thesis and offer better switching performance than others SiC components. FET transistors have a different structure compared to traditionnal IGBT especially their capability to conduct a reverse current with or without body diode. So it is necessary to develop new tools dedicated to the design of converters built with SiC components. These tools are based on the electrical properties of the converters and the statics and dynamics characteristics of the transistor and the diode. The results show that when the transistors conduct a reverse current, the number of components/dies can be reduced. According to data, a PCB board of an inverter leg has been built and tested at ECA-EN. The thermal measurement based on the heatsink shows that the switching frequency of an inverter leg can be increased from 12 to 100 kHz for an ouput power of 12kW.

Управљање претварачем којим се остварује подршка дистрибутивној мрежи током поремећаја / Upravljanje pretvaračem kojim se ostvaruje podrška distributivnoj mreži tokom poremećaja / Grid-connected converter control pertinent to distribution network support during disturbances

Todorović Ivan 24 December 2018 (has links)
<p>Предложен контролни алгоритам за инвертор повезан на мрежу<br />омогућава реализацију сваког профила контролисаних електричних<br />величина који је у домену физичких могућности дистрибуираног извора.<br />Другим речима, управљачки програм не обезбеђује остваривање<br />дискретног спектра режима, као што је то до сада био случај са<br />решењима предложеним у научној литератури, већ омогућава сигурну<br />производњу произвољног профила фазних струја и напона. Показано је<br />да предложено решење задовољава најстроже релевантне законске<br />регулативе. У раду је анализиран већи број функционалности и испитан<br />је њихов утицај на процес производње електричне енергије с акцентом на<br />хаваријске режиме. Разматрана је интеракција дистрибуираних изво-ра и<br />дистрибутивне мреже у режимима са поремећајима и приложен је већи<br />број експерименталних резултата прикупљених употребом HIL окружења.</p> / <p>Predložen kontrolni algoritam za invertor povezan na mrežu<br />omogućava realizaciju svakog profila kontrolisanih električnih<br />veličina koji je u domenu fizičkih mogućnosti distribuiranog izvora.<br />Drugim rečima, upravljački program ne obezbeđuje ostvarivanje<br />diskretnog spektra režima, kao što je to do sada bio slučaj sa<br />rešenjima predloženim u naučnoj literaturi, već omogućava sigurnu<br />proizvodnju proizvoljnog profila faznih struja i napona. Pokazano je<br />da predloženo rešenje zadovoljava najstrože relevantne zakonske<br />regulative. U radu je analiziran veći broj funkcionalnosti i ispitan<br />je njihov uticaj na proces proizvodnje električne energije s akcentom na<br />havarijske režime. Razmatrana je interakcija distribuiranih izvo-ra i<br />distributivne mreže u režimima sa poremećajima i priložen je veći<br />broj eksperimentalnih rezultata prikupljenih upotrebom HIL okruženja.</p> / <p>Proposed grid-connected inverter control algorithm enables production of any<br />controlled variables&rsquo; profile that is in the domain of converter&rsquo;s physical<br />capabilities. In other words, the control program does not allow only for a<br />narrow spectrum of different working regimes to be realized, as it was the case<br />previously with the solutions proposed in the literature, but can result in a safe<br />production of arbitrary meaningful phase currents and voltages profiles. It was<br />demonstrated that the proposed solution satisfies the most stringent of the Grid<br />Codes. Furthermore, advanced functionalities not addressed in the Grid Codes<br />were also analysed and the influence of those functionalities&rsquo; application on<br />the process of the energy production during the grid faults was evaluated in<br />the dissertation. Interaction between the distributed generation units and the<br />distribution network was studied and a number of HIL experimental results are<br />provided.</p>

Třífázový střídač pro napájení vysokootáčkového asynchronního motoru / Three-phase converter for high-speed induction motor

Šandera, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
The master’s thesis deals with design and realization of three-phase inverter for experimental high speed asynchronous motor with a mechanical power of 6 kW. The thesis deals with the design of the individual components of the DC link. The thesis describes the selection of suitable capacitors in the DC link. There is also a complete simulation of the inverter in the Matlab Simulink program. Part of the thesis is also the design and realization of printed circuit boards of this inverter.

Laboratorní soustrojí s asynchronním a stejnosměrným motorem / Laboratory machine-set with induction and DC machine

Hudák, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
The work addresses the design and implementation of a universal laboratory workstation designed to teach a course on electrical drives. Workplace will be formed sets consisting of DC motor with permanent magnet on a 400W power supply voltage of 24V and induction motor with 180W power on 3x24V. The engines are connected through a flexible shaft coupling. The asynchronous motor is located on the extended shaft resolver for scanning speed and rotor position. Both engines will be supplied from the transistor inverters. The workplace will be designed for maximum clearness and resistance to damage by improper handling.

Simulace pohonu hybridního automobilu / Simulation of hybrid car drive

Byrtus, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with analysis of electric drive parts from hybrid electric vehicle, namely interior permanent magnet synchronous motor and inverter with control. First part describes a basic theory. Further, motor and inverter computer models are shown, specified simulations are performed on this models. Results are compared with values measured on real machines from accessible literary sources.

Modeling and control of fuel cell based distributed generation systems

Jung, Jin Woo 13 July 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Řízení trojfázového sinusového zdroje / Control of Three-phase Sinusoidal Power Source

Žůrek, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with control of three phase inverter as three phase sinusoidal voltage source for UPS application. Thesis is split to two parts, teoretical and practical. Teoretical part deals with three phase inverter topology analysis according requirement of neutral line wire and possibilities of generating sinusoidal PWM in depend of topology. There are also analysed properties of contorled system and designed 3 regulation methods with simulations. Second part of thesis deals with realisation of sinusoidal power source with inverter borrowed by Elcom company. To inverter control is used digital signal controler TMS320F28335 with implemented control algorithms. There are also presented the measurement results of the prototype of power source. In conclusion, simulation results are compared with measurements and achieved results are summarized.

Uma contribuição ao estudo de algoritmos de rastreamento de máxima potência de sistemas fotovoltaicos utilizando a equação de Monod

Camilo, Jones Clemente January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Alfeu Joãozinho Sguarezi Filho / Coorientador: Prof. Dr. Joel David Melo Trujillo / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica, Santo André, 2018. / Neste trabalho é proposto um algoritmo de rastreamento de máxima potência com a utilização da equação de Monod. O algoritmo aplica-se em sistemas fotovoltaicos conectados à rede elétrica. Os resultados e as comparações mostram que o algoritmo proposto apresenta algumas vantagens em comparação ao algoritmo de perturbação e observação para diversas condições de operação, em especial quando os painéis são submetidos a sombreamento parcial. / In this work we propose an algorithm of maximum power point tracking with using the Monod Equation. The algorithm applies to photovoltaic systems connected to the grid. The results and the comparition show that the algoritmo proposal has some advantages compared to algoritm Perturb and Observe in many situation of operation, in special when the fotovoltaics painels have parcial shading.

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