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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude du mécanisme par lequel la thérapie à l'IL7 induit l'expansion homéostatique des lymphocytes T CD4+

Hennion-Tscheltzoff, Olga 08 1900 (has links)
Dans les cas de lymphopénie, les lymphocytes T résiduels prolifèrent exagérément dans un phénomène appelé «expansion homéostatique périphérique» (HPE), qui est efficace pour la régénération des T CD8+, mais inefficace pour les T CD4+. L’interleukine-7 (IL7) est une cytokine homéostatique utilisée afin d’augmenter les comptes lymphocytaires T des patients lymphopéniques. Toutefois, la raison de l’expansion préférentielle des lymphocytes T CD8+ par l’IL7 demeure toujours inconnue. Nous montrons que cette expansion est due au fait que l’IL7 induit une prolifération efficace des T CD8+ périphériques (CD8+PERI) ainsi que des émigrants thymiques CD8+ (CD8+RTEs). Par contre, l’effet prolifératif de l’IL7 est restreint presqu’uniquement aux CD4+RTEs même si les CD4+PERI survivent mieux que les CD4+RTEs. De plus faibles doses d’IL7 sont nécessaires aux CD4+RTEs afin de phosphoryler STAT5 ou de proliférer comparativement aux CD4+PERI et nous démontrons que les contacts TCR/CMHII sont nécessaires à la prolifération induite par l’IL7 des CD4+RTEs en périphérie. De fait, augmenter au Flt3 ligand le nombre de cellules dendritiques périphériques d’une souris donneuse, avant de transférer ses TPERI dans des souris receveuses traitées à l’IL7 induit une prolifération significative des CD4+PERI. Nos résultats indiquent donc que l’abondance des contacts TCR/CMHII reçus dans le thymus semble contrôler la sensibilité à l’IL7 des CD4+RTEs. Finalement, l’observation que les CD8+PERI et CD8+RTEs prolifèrent pareillement pendant la thérapie à l’IL7, alors que la prolifération des T CD4+ est largement restreinte aux RTEs expliquerait pourquoi, dans les cas de lymphopénie, la régénération des T CD4+ est aussi dépendante de la thymopoïèse. / In lymphopenic settings, residual T lymphocytes typically undergo exaggerated proliferation via homeostatic peripheral expansion (HPE). While HPE efficiently regenerates CD8+ T cells, it is unable to normalize CD4+ T-cell counts. Interleukin-7 (IL7) is a homeostatic cytokine, currently used in trials in order to increase T-cell counts in lymphopenic humans. Nowadays, it is still not known why IL7 therapy is more effective toward the expansion of CD8+ T cells rather than CD4+ T cells. Here we show that CD8+ T cells preferential expansion is due to IL7-induced efficient proliferation of peripheral CD8+ T cells (CD8+PERI) and CD8+ recent thymic emigrants (CD8+RTEs). In contrast, the proliferative action of IL7 is largely restricted to CD4+RTEs although CD4+PERI survive better than CD4+RTEs. Interestingly, CD4+RTEs require lower concentrations of IL7 in order to phosphorylate STAT5 or proliferate when compared to CD4+PERI, and we demonstrate the requirement for TCR/MHCII contacts to support the IL7-induced HPE of CD4+RTEs in the periphery. Furthermore, augmenting the number of MHCII expressing cells in the periphery of donor mice by treating them with Flt3 ligand (Flt3L) prior transferring their TPERI cells in IL7 therapy-treated recipients, significantly enhances the IL7-induced proliferation of CD4+PERI. Our results indicate so far that the abundance of TCR triggering occurring inside the thymus drives IL7 responsiveness of CD4+RTEs. Moreover, the observation that CD8+PERI and CD8+RTE proliferate similarly during IL7 therapy, while proliferation of CD4+ T cells is largely restricted to RTEs, may explain why CD4+ T cells regeneration in lymphopenic settings is highly dependent on thymopoiesis.

Role of EFNBs and EphB4 in T cell development and function

Jin, Wei 08 1900 (has links)
Eph kinases are the largest family of cell surface receptor tyrosine kinases. The ligands of Ephs, ephrins (EFNs), are also cell surface molecules. Ephs interact with EFNs and the receptors and ligands transmit signals in both directions, i.e., from Ephs to EFNs and from EFNs to Ephs. Ephs and EFNs are widely involved in various developmental, physiological pathophysiological processes. Our group and others have reported the roles of Ephs/EFNs in the immune system. To further investigate the function of EphBs/EFNBs in T cell development and responses, we generated EFNB1, EFNB2, EphB4 conditional gene knockout (KO) mice and EFNB1/2 double KO mice. In the projects using EFNB1 and EFNB2 knockout mice, we specifically deleted EFNB1 or EFNB2 in T cells. The mice had normal size and cellularity of the thymus and spleen as well as normal T cell subpopulations in these organs. The bone marrow progenitors from KO mice and WT mice repopulated the host lymphoid organs to similar extents. The activation and proliferation of KO T cells was comparable to that of control mice. Naïve KO CD4 cells differentiated into Th1, Th2, Th17 and Treg cells similar to naïve control CD4 cells. In EFNB2 KO mice, we observed a significant relative increase of CD4CD8 double negative thymocytes in the thymus. Flowcytometry analysis revealed that there was a moderate increase in the DN3 subpopulation in the thymus. This suggests that EFNB2 is involved in thymocyte development. Our results indicate that the functions of EFNB1 and EFNB2 in the T cell compartment could be compensated by each other or by other members of the EFN family, and that such redundancy safeguards the pivotal roles of EFNB1 and EFNB2 in T cell development and function. In the project using EFNB1/B2 double knockout (dKO) model, we revealed a novel regulatory function of EFNb1 and EFNb2 in stabilizing IL-7Rα expression on the T cell surface. IL-7 plays important roles in thymocyte development, T cell homeostasis and survival. IL-7Rα undergoes internalization upon IL-7 binding. In the dKO mice, we observed reduced IL-7Rα expression in thymocytes and T cells. Moreover, the IL-7Rα internalization was accelerated in dKO CD4 cells upon IL-7 stimulation. In T cell lymphoma cell line, EL4, over-expression of either EFNB1 or EFNB2 retarded the internalization of IL-7Rα. We further demonstrated compromised IL-7 signaling and homeostatic proliferation of dKO T cells. Mechanism study using fluorescence resonance energy transfer and immunoprecipitation demonstrated that physical interaction of EFNB1 and EFNB2 with IL-7Rα was likely responsible for the retarded IL-7Rα internalization. In the last project, using medullary thymic epithelial cell (mTEC)-specific EphB4 knockout mice, we investigated T cell development and function after EphB4 deletion in mTEC. EphB4 KO mice demonstrated normal thymic weight and cellularity. T cell development and function were not influenced by the EphB4 deletion. Lastly, the KO mice developed normal delayed type hypersensitivity. Overall, our results suggest that comprehensive cross interaction between Eph and EFN family members could compensate function of a given deleted member in the T cell development, and only simultaneous deletion of multiple EFNBs will reveal their true function in the immune system. In fact, such redundancy signifies vital roles of Ephs and EFNs in the immune system. / Kinases Eph est la plus grande famille de tyrosines kinases récepteurs Éphrines (EFN) est un ligand de Ephs. Eph et EFN sont toutes les molécules de surface cellulaire. L’interaction entre Ephs et EFNs permet de transmettre des signaux dans les deux directions (c.-à-d. partir de Ephs à EFNs, et de EFNs à Ephs.) Eph et EFNs sont largement impliqués dans divers processus développementaux, physiologiques et physiopathologiques. Notre groupe et d'autres groupes ont rapporté les rôles de Ephs / EFNs dans le système immunitaire. Pour approfondir la fonction de EphBs / EFNBs dans le développement des lymphocytes T et des réponses immunitaires, nous avons généré des souris EFNB1, EFNB2, et EphB4 knock-out conditionnel (KO) et des souris EFNB1 / 2 doubles KO. Dans les projets qui utilisent EFNB1 et EFNB2 comme souris knock-out, nous avons spécifiquement supprimé EFNB1 ou EFNB2 dans les cellules T. Les souris présentaient une taille normale, la cellularité du thymus et de la rate, ainsi que des sous-populations de cellules T étaient normales dans ces organes. Les progéniteurs de la moelle osseuse de souris KO et les souris WT ont repeuplé les organes lymphoïdes de l’hôte à des degrés similaires. L'activation et la prolifération des cellules KO T étaient comparables à celles des souris témoins. Les cellules CD4 naïves KO différenciées en Th1, Th2, Th17 et Treg étaient similaires aux cellules CD4 naïves de souris contrôle. Chez les souris KO EFNB2, nous avons observé une augmentation relative importante des thymocytes CD4CD8 : les double négatifs dans le thymus. L'analyse par cytométrie en flux a révélé qu'il y avait une augmentation modérée de la sous-population DN3 dans le thymus. Les résultats suggèrent qu’EFNB2 est impliqué dans le développement des thymocytes. Nos résultats indiquent que les fonctions de EFNB1 et EFNB2 dans le compartiment des cellules T pourraient être compensées entre eux ou par d'autres EFNB. La redondance des fonctions suggèrent le contrôle critique d’EFNB1 et EFNB2 dans le développement des cellules T. Dans le projet, en utilisant EFNB1/B2 (modèle double KO) (dKO), nous avons observé une fonction de régulation de EFNB1 et EFNB2. dans la stabilisation de l’expression l'IL-7R α , à la surface des cellules T, IL-7 joue un rôle important dans le développement des thymocytes, l'homéostasie des lymphocytes T , et leur survie. IL-7R α subit une internalisation i contraignante de IL-7. Chez les souris DKO, nous avons observé une perte d’expression de l’ IL-7Rα dans les thymocytes et les cellules T. En outre, l’ internalisation IL-7Rα a été accélérée dans les cellules CD4 dKO, suite à la stimulation IL-7. Dans la lignée cellulaire de lymphome T, EL4, la surexpression de EFNB1 ou EFNB2 retarde l'internalisation de l'IL-7Rα. Nous avons aussi démontré les signalisations compromises de l’ IL-7 et de la prolifération homéostatique des cellules T dKO. Les études du méchanisme qui utilisent la fluorescence de transfert d'énergie par résonance et immunoprécipitation ont montré que l'interaction physique de EFNB1 et EFNB2 avec IL-7R était probablement responsable du retard de l’ internalisation IL-7Rα. Dans le dernier projet, nous avons étudié le développement des cellules T et la fonction des cellules épithéliales médullaires du thymus (mTEC), chez les souris knock-out EphB4. Les souris KO EphB4 ont démontré un poids et une cellularité qui sont normaux. La fonction et le développement de cellules T ne sont pas influencés par la suppression de l’ EphB4. Enfin, les souris KO ont développé une hypersensibilité de type retardée normale. Dans l'ensemble, nos résultats suggèrent que l'interaction globale de croisement entre Eph et les membres de la famille EFN pourrir compenser la fonction d'un membre supprimé. Seule la suppression simultanée de plusieurs EFNBs va révéler leur vraie fonction dans le système immunitaire. En fait, une telle redondance montre les rôles vitaux d’Ephs et EFNS dans le système immunitaire.

O gene Aire pode controlar mRNAs bem como os lncRNAs em células tímicas epiteliais medulares como evidenciado pela edição do genoma por CRISPR-Cas9 / Aire gene can control mRNAs as well as lncRNAs in medullary thymic epitelial cells as evidentiated by genome editing by CRISPR-Cas9

Duarte, Max Jordan de Souza 26 November 2018 (has links)
O timo é um órgão linfoide primário essencial para a manutenção da tolerância central através da seleção e eliminação de células T autoreativas. Precursores de células T, oriundas da medula óssea, chegam ao timo e migram do córtex para região da medula. As células epiteliais medulares tímicas (mTECs) expressam em sua superfície antígenos de tecidos periféricos (em inglês tissue-restricted antigens ou TRAs) que representam autoantígenos de todos os tecidos do corpo. Atuando como um fator de transcrição não clássico em células mTEC, o gene Autoimmune Regulator (Aire) desempenha um papel na expressão dos TRAs, cuja proteína codificada libera a RNA polimerase II (RNA Pol II) ancorada na cromatina e regula a expressão de mRNAs na glândula timo. A função biológica deste gene está ligada à indução de tolerância imunológica central impedindo o aparecimento de doenças autoimunes. Isso é resultado da seleção negativa de timócitos (precursores de células T) autoreativos que interagem fisicamente com as mTECs. Os timócitos autoreativos que reconhecem os TRAs como elementos estranhos são eliminados por apoptose. O co-cultivo de mTECs com timócitos representa um sistema-modelo in vitro adequado para se aproximar da interação celular que ocorre dentro do timo. Os resultados anteriores do nosso laboratório demonstraram que além do controle de mRNA de TRAs, o gene Aire também participa da modulação de miRNAs em mTECs uma vez que estas espécies de RNA são transcritas pela RNA Pol II. Continuando com essa linha de estudos, neste trabalho nós demonstramos pela primeira vez que Aire também modula a expressão de long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) em mTECs. Para isto fizemos uso da estratégia da perda de função analisando a expressão dessa espécie de RNA, assim como de mRNAs, em células mTEC Aire +/+ e mTEC Aire nocautes (KO Aire -/-) obtidas pela edição gênica por Crispr-Cas9. O transcriptoma dessas células que passaram ou não por adesão com timócitos, foi então analisado por hibridizações com microarrays. Isso evidenciou que Aire e adesão celular influenciam a expressão tanto de mRNAs como de lncRNAs. A reconstrução de redes de interação lncRNAs-mRNAs possibilitou evidenciar uma nova via de regulação pós-transcricional em células mTEC. / The thymus is a primary lymphoid organ essential for the maintenance of central tolerance through the selection and elimination of autoreactive T cells. Precursors of T cells, originating from the bone marrow, reach the thymus and migrate from the thymic cortex to the medullary region. Thymic medullary epithelial cells (mTECs) express on their surface tissue-restricted antigens (TRAs) that represent autoantigens of all tissues in the body. Acting as a non-classical transcription factor in mTEC cells, the Autoimmune regulator (Aire) gene plays a role in the expression of TRAs, whose encoded protein releases the RNA polymerase II (RNA Pol II) anchored in the chromatin and regulates the expression of mRNAs in the thymus gland. The biological function of this gene is associated to the induction of central immune tolerance preventing the onset of autoimmune diseases. This is a result of negative selection of autoreactive thymocytes (T cell precursors) that interact physically with mTECs. Self-reactive thymocytes that recognize TRAs as foreign elements are eliminated by apoptosis. The co-culture of mTECs with thymocytes represents an appropriate in vitro model system to approximate the cellular interaction that occurs within the thymus. Previous results from our laboratory demonstrated that in addition to the control of TRA mRNAs, Aire also participates in the modulation of miRNAs in mTECs since these RNA species are transcribed by RNA Pol II. Continuing with this line of studies, in this study we demonstrate for the first time that Aire also modulates the expression of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in mTECs. For this, we used the loss-of-function strategy to analyze the expression of this RNA species, as well as mRNAs in mTEC Aire + / + or Aire knockout mTEC cells (KO Aire - / -) obtained by the gene editing by Crispr-Cas9. The transcriptome of these cells, whether or not adhered to thymocytes, was then analyzed by microarray hybridizations. This demonstrated that Aire and cell adhesion influence the expression of both mRNAs and lncRNAs. The reconstruction of lncRNAs-mRNAs interaction networks made possible to evidence a new post-transcriptional regulation pathway in mTEC cells.

A função do gene Autoimmune Regulator (Aire) no controle da adesão de células tímicas epiteliais medulares com timócitos / The fuction of Autoimmune Regulator (Aire) gene in the control of adhesion between medullary thymic epithelial cells with thymocytes

Pezzi, Nicole 26 February 2016 (has links)
O crosstalk entre timócitos e células epiteliais tímicas é crucial para o desenvolvimento das células T e estabelecimento da tolerância central. Células tímicas epiteliais medulares (mTECs) contribuem para a autotolerância por meio da expressão ectópica de antígenos restritos aos tecidos (TRAs). A expressão de TRAs em mTECs é altamente dependente do gene Autoimmune Regulator (Aire). Por meio do reconhecimento de TRAs com alta afinidade, células T autoreativas são selecionadas negativamente do pool de timócitos em desenvolvimento. Apesar do papel de Aire na indução da tolerância central ser bem conhecido, os mecanismos celulares e moleculares precisos do processo permanecem obscuros. Nesse estudo, hipotetizamos que perturbações na expressão do gene Aire influenciam a adesão entre mTECs e timócitos, o que poderia resultar em um desequilíbrio na imunotolerância a antígenos próprios. Um ensaio funcional realizado com timócitos frescos, extraídos de um timo normal de camundongo e cocultivados com células epiteliais tímicas medulares da linhagem mTEC 3.10, demonstrou que a inibição do gene Aire por meio de RNA de interferência reduziu significativamente a capacidade das mTECs de promover a adesão dos timócitos. Análises por microarray revelaram que o silenciamento do gene Aire nas células mTEC 3.10 causou a modulação de mais de 1000 genes, alguns que codificam TRAs, outros que codificam proteínas envolvidas na adesão celular, como VCAM-1, e também outros que codificam moléculas coestimuladoras como CD80. Esses resultados contribuem para uma melhor compreensão do papel de Aire no controle da adesão mTEC-timócitos, a qual constitui um processo essencial para a seleção negativa de timócitos autoreativos / The crosstalk between thymocytes and thymic epithelial cells is critical for T cell development and the establishment of central tolerance. Medullary thymic epithelial cells (mTECs) contribute to self-tolerance through the ectopic expression of tissuerestricted antigens (TRAs) in the thymus. TRAs expression in mTECs is largely dependent on Autoimmune Regulator (Aire) gene. Through the recognition of TRAs with high affinity, developing autoreactive T cells are negatively select from the pool of developing thymocytes. Although the role of Aire in the induction of central tolerance is well known, the precise cellular and molecular mechanisms remain unclear. In this study, we hypothesize that disturbance in Aire gene expression influences adhesion between mTECs and thymocytes, which could result in an imbalance in immune-tolerance to self-antigens. A functional assay performed with fresh thymocytes dissociated from a normal mouse thymus and co-cultured with a medullary thymic epithelial cell line named mTEC 3.10, demonstrated that Aire RNAi knockdown significantly decreased the ability of mTECs to promote thymocyte adhesion. Microarray analysis revealed that Aire knockdown of the murine mTEC 3.10 cell line led to the modulation of more than 1000 genes, some of them coding for TRAs, others for proteins involved in cell adhesion like VCAM-1 and also for costimulatory molecules like CD80. These results contribute to a better understanding of the role of Aire in the control of mTEC-thymocyte adhesion, which is an essential process for negative selection of autoreactive thymocytes

The immune response to yellow fever vaccination in aged individuals

Schulz, Axel 19 July 2016 (has links)
Mit zunehmendem Alter verringert sich die Fähigkeit des menschlichen Organismus Infektionen erfolgreich zu bekämpfen und, z.B. nach Impfung, einen protektiven Schutz aufzubauen. Es wird vermutet, dass die Alterung des Immunsystems eine Rolle dabei spielt. Wichtige Ergebnisse liefern dazu vor allem tierexperimentelle Studien, welche jedoch die Komplexität menschlicher Immunität nur bedingt abbilden. Nur ansatzweise erforscht ist der Einfluss immunologischer Alterungsprozesse auf die primäre Immunantwort im Menschen. Um ein besseres Verständnis über primäre Immunantworten im Alter zu erlangen, haben wir junge (n=11, Med=26 Jahre) und ältere (n=12, Med=60 Jahre) Erwachsene mit einem viralen Erreger experimentell infiziert und die akute Immunreaktion und Entwicklung langlebiger Protektion eingehend untersucht. Dafür verwendeten wir den attenuierten Lebendimpfstoff gegen Gelbfieber, der ein hervorragendes Modelsystem darstellt um anti-virale Primärantworten im Menschen zu erforschen. Wir konnten zeigen, dass ältere Impflinge weniger Gelbfiebervirus-(GFV)-neutralisierende Antikörper produzierten, schwächere GFV-spezifische CD8+ T-Zellantworten erzeugten und quantitativ als auch qualitativ veränderte GFV-spezifische CD4+ T-Zellantworten generierten. Zudem wiesen ältere Impflinge häufiger eine vergleichsweise späte Virämie auf. Unsere systembiologische Untersuchungen zeigten, dass die niedrige Zahl von frisch aus dem Thymus ausgewanderten naiven CD4+ T Zellen, sogenannten CD4+ Recent thymic emigrants, sowie der Mangel an dendritischen Zellen vor bzw. am Beginn der Infektion ausschlaggebend für die schlechtere Immunreaktion und niedrigere Langzeit-Immunität bei Älteren war. Daraus schließen wir, dass in älteren Menschen die Verfügbarkeit eines breiten Repertoires naiver CD4+ T-Zellen und eine effektive Induktion des angeborenen Immunsystems in der frühen Phase einer primären Infektion kritisch für die akute Abwehr viraler Erreger und die Ausbildung protektiver Immunität ist. / The immunological competence to fight infections and to generate protective immunity, for example upon vaccination, progressively declines with advancing age. Although the aged immune system has been extensively studied at steady state and in aged animal models, there is only rudimentary understanding on how aging affects the immune response to a primary infection in humans. Involving complex individual systemic immune properties, such investigations have been very challenging particularly with the given restrictions of experimental infections in humans. In our study, we explored age-related changes in human immunity during experimental, primary immunization with live-attenuated yellow fever (YF) vaccine. In 11 young (median age: 26 years) and 12 elderly (median age: 60 years) vaccinees, we assessed individual viral burden and compared humoral and cellular immunity by advanced flow cytometric analysis over the entire course of the acute infection and up to 3 years after it. We discovered that aged subjects developed fewer neutralizing antibodies, mounted diminished YF-specific CD8+ T-cell responses and showed quantitatively and qualitatively altered YF-specific CD4+ T-cell immunity. A comparatively late peak in YF viremia suggested impaired infection control and viral clearance in the elderly. Among numerous immune signatures, low in vivo numbers of naive CD4+ recent thymic emigrants (CD4+ RTE) prior immunization and peripheral dendritic cells (DCs) in the early phase of the innate response phase were indicative for reduced acute responsiveness and altered long-term persistence of human cellular immunity to YF vaccination in the elderly. Thus, we reveal by this study that essential elements of immune responses such as CD4+ RTEs and DCs affect productive immunity in the elderly, explaining conclusively diminished responsiveness to vaccination with neo-antigens and infection with de novo pathogens in aged people.

Imunidade inata na asma fatal / Innate immunity in fatal asthma

Ferreira, Diogenes Seraphim 13 August 2010 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A inflamação das vias aéreas na asma envolve respostas imunes inatas. Os receptores do tipo Toll (Toll-like receptors, TLRs) e a citocina linfopoetina do estroma tímico (thymic stromal lymphopoietin, TSLP) estão envolvidos na inflamação brônquica da asma, mas a expressão destas proteínas em vias aéreas grandes e pequenas de asmáticos ainda não foi investigada. Os objetivos deste estudo foram analisar a expressão protéica de TLR2, TLR3, TLR4 e TSLP em vias aéreas grandes e pequenas de asmáticos, comparar sua expressão entre asmáticos tabagistas e não tabagistas e investigar se a expressão dos TLRs está associada à infecção por Chlamydophila pneumoniae e Mycoplasma pneumoniae. MÉTODOS: Foram analisadas por método imuno-histoquímico e análise de imagens as expressões de TLR2, TLR3, TLR4 e TSLP em vias aéreas grandes e pequenas de 24 indivíduos falecidos por asma (13 não tabagistas e 11 tabagistas) e 9 controles não asmáticos. A análise das proteínas foi realizada em quatro regiões das vias aéreas: camadas epitelial, interna, muscular e externa. A presença de C. pneumoniae e M. pneumoniae no tecido pulmonar foi investigada por meio de reação em cadeia da polimerase em tempo real. RESULTADOS: Os indivíduos asmáticos apresentaram maior expressão de TLR2 nas camadas epitelial e externa de vias aéreas grandes e pequenas, e maior TLR2 na camada muscular de vias aéreas pequenas. Asmáticos tabagistas tiveram menor expressão de TLR2 nas camadas interna e externa de vias aéreas pequenas do que asmáticos não tabagistas. Indivíduos asmáticos tiveram maior expressão de TSLP na camada epitelial e externa de vias aéreas grandes, aumento de TLR3 na camada externa de vias aéreas grandes e aumento de TLR4 na camada externa de vias aéreas pequenas. O DNA de C. pneumoniae e M. pneumoniae não foi detectado em nenhum indivíduo asmático ou controle. CONCLUSÕES: Os receptores da imunidade inata TLR2, 3 e 4 e a citocina TSLP estão aumentados nas vias aéreas de pacientes falecidos por asma, e a expressão dos TLRs não está associada à presença de Chlamydophila pneumoniae e Mycoplasma pneumoniae nos pulmões. O tabagismo em asmáticos parece reduzir a expressão de TLR2 em vias aéreas pequenas. Estes resultados sugerem que os TLRs 2, 3 e 4 e a TSLP podem contribuir com a inflamação brônquica presente em exacerbações graves de asma e que as bactérias C. pneumoniae e M. pneumoniae não estão envolvidas em óbitos por asma / INTRODUCTION: Airway inflammation in asthma involves innate immune responses. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and the cytokine thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) are involved in bronchial inflammation in asthma, but the expression of these proteins in large and small airways of asthmatics has not been investigated. The aims of this study were to analyze the protein expression of TLR2, TLR3, TLR4 and TSLP in large and small airways of asthmatics, to compare their expression in smoking and nonsmoking asthmatics and to investigate if TLR expression in associated with infection by Chlamydophila pneumoniae and Mycoplasma pneumoniae. METHODS: Using immunohistochemistry and image analysis, we investigated the expression of TLR2, TLR3, TLR4 and TSLP in large and small airways of 24 fatal asthma patients (13 nonsmokers and 11 smokers) and 9 nonasthmatic controls. The protein expression was analyzed in four regions of the airways: epithelial, internal, airway smooth muscle and outer layers. C. pneumoniae and M. pneumoniae presence in lung tissue was analyzed by real-time polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: Fatal asthma patients had increased expression of TLR2 in the epithelial and outer layers of large and small airways, and also higher TLR2 in the muscle layer of small airways. Smoking asthmatics had lower TLR2 in the inner and outer layers of small airways than nonsmoking asthmatics. TSLP was increased in the epithelial and outer layers of large airways. Asthmatics also had greater TLR3 in the outer layer of large airways and greater TLR4 in the outer layer of small airways. C. pneumoniae and M. pneumoniae DNA was not detected in asthmatics or controls. CONCLUSIONS: Innate immunity receptors TLR2, 3 and 4 and innate cytokine TSLP are increased in the airways of fatal asthma patients, and TLRs expression is not associated with the presence of Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Chlamydophila pneumoniae in the lungs. Smoking may reduce TLR2 expression in the small airways of asthmatics. These results suggest that TLR2, 3, 4 and TSLP may contribute to the bronchial inflammation seen in severe exacerbations of asthma and that M. pneumoniae and C. pneumoniae are not involved in fatal asthma exacerbations

Imunidade inata na asma fatal / Innate immunity in fatal asthma

Diogenes Seraphim Ferreira 13 August 2010 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A inflamação das vias aéreas na asma envolve respostas imunes inatas. Os receptores do tipo Toll (Toll-like receptors, TLRs) e a citocina linfopoetina do estroma tímico (thymic stromal lymphopoietin, TSLP) estão envolvidos na inflamação brônquica da asma, mas a expressão destas proteínas em vias aéreas grandes e pequenas de asmáticos ainda não foi investigada. Os objetivos deste estudo foram analisar a expressão protéica de TLR2, TLR3, TLR4 e TSLP em vias aéreas grandes e pequenas de asmáticos, comparar sua expressão entre asmáticos tabagistas e não tabagistas e investigar se a expressão dos TLRs está associada à infecção por Chlamydophila pneumoniae e Mycoplasma pneumoniae. MÉTODOS: Foram analisadas por método imuno-histoquímico e análise de imagens as expressões de TLR2, TLR3, TLR4 e TSLP em vias aéreas grandes e pequenas de 24 indivíduos falecidos por asma (13 não tabagistas e 11 tabagistas) e 9 controles não asmáticos. A análise das proteínas foi realizada em quatro regiões das vias aéreas: camadas epitelial, interna, muscular e externa. A presença de C. pneumoniae e M. pneumoniae no tecido pulmonar foi investigada por meio de reação em cadeia da polimerase em tempo real. RESULTADOS: Os indivíduos asmáticos apresentaram maior expressão de TLR2 nas camadas epitelial e externa de vias aéreas grandes e pequenas, e maior TLR2 na camada muscular de vias aéreas pequenas. Asmáticos tabagistas tiveram menor expressão de TLR2 nas camadas interna e externa de vias aéreas pequenas do que asmáticos não tabagistas. Indivíduos asmáticos tiveram maior expressão de TSLP na camada epitelial e externa de vias aéreas grandes, aumento de TLR3 na camada externa de vias aéreas grandes e aumento de TLR4 na camada externa de vias aéreas pequenas. O DNA de C. pneumoniae e M. pneumoniae não foi detectado em nenhum indivíduo asmático ou controle. CONCLUSÕES: Os receptores da imunidade inata TLR2, 3 e 4 e a citocina TSLP estão aumentados nas vias aéreas de pacientes falecidos por asma, e a expressão dos TLRs não está associada à presença de Chlamydophila pneumoniae e Mycoplasma pneumoniae nos pulmões. O tabagismo em asmáticos parece reduzir a expressão de TLR2 em vias aéreas pequenas. Estes resultados sugerem que os TLRs 2, 3 e 4 e a TSLP podem contribuir com a inflamação brônquica presente em exacerbações graves de asma e que as bactérias C. pneumoniae e M. pneumoniae não estão envolvidas em óbitos por asma / INTRODUCTION: Airway inflammation in asthma involves innate immune responses. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and the cytokine thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) are involved in bronchial inflammation in asthma, but the expression of these proteins in large and small airways of asthmatics has not been investigated. The aims of this study were to analyze the protein expression of TLR2, TLR3, TLR4 and TSLP in large and small airways of asthmatics, to compare their expression in smoking and nonsmoking asthmatics and to investigate if TLR expression in associated with infection by Chlamydophila pneumoniae and Mycoplasma pneumoniae. METHODS: Using immunohistochemistry and image analysis, we investigated the expression of TLR2, TLR3, TLR4 and TSLP in large and small airways of 24 fatal asthma patients (13 nonsmokers and 11 smokers) and 9 nonasthmatic controls. The protein expression was analyzed in four regions of the airways: epithelial, internal, airway smooth muscle and outer layers. C. pneumoniae and M. pneumoniae presence in lung tissue was analyzed by real-time polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: Fatal asthma patients had increased expression of TLR2 in the epithelial and outer layers of large and small airways, and also higher TLR2 in the muscle layer of small airways. Smoking asthmatics had lower TLR2 in the inner and outer layers of small airways than nonsmoking asthmatics. TSLP was increased in the epithelial and outer layers of large airways. Asthmatics also had greater TLR3 in the outer layer of large airways and greater TLR4 in the outer layer of small airways. C. pneumoniae and M. pneumoniae DNA was not detected in asthmatics or controls. CONCLUSIONS: Innate immunity receptors TLR2, 3 and 4 and innate cytokine TSLP are increased in the airways of fatal asthma patients, and TLRs expression is not associated with the presence of Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Chlamydophila pneumoniae in the lungs. Smoking may reduce TLR2 expression in the small airways of asthmatics. These results suggest that TLR2, 3, 4 and TSLP may contribute to the bronchial inflammation seen in severe exacerbations of asthma and that M. pneumoniae and C. pneumoniae are not involved in fatal asthma exacerbations

Clinical and ex-vivo studies on the thymotropic properties of the somatotrope growth hormone (GH) / insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) axis

Kermani, Hamid 16 February 2011 (has links)
The objective of this thesis was to investigate the effects of the somatotrope GH/IGF-1 axis upon the thymus. This work included two parts: 1. Translational research study: Thymus function in adult GH deficiency (AGHD) with and without GH treatment Background: Despite age-related adipose involution, T cell generation in the thymus (thymopoiesis) is maintained beyond puberty in adults. In rodents, growth hormone (GH), insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), and GH secretagogues reverse agerelated changes in thymus cytoarchitecture and increase thymopoiesis. GH administration also enhances thymic mass and function in HIV-infected patients. Until now, thymic function has not been investigated in adult GH deficiency (AGHD). The objective of this clinical study was to evaluate thymic function in AGHD, as well as the repercussion upon thymopoiesis of GH treatment for restoration of GH/IGF-1 physiological levels. Methodology/Principal Findings: Twenty-two patients with documented AGHD were enrolled in this study. The following parameters were measured: plasma IGF-1 concentrations, signal-joint T-cell receptor excision circle (sjTREC) frequency, and sj/b TREC ratio. Analyses were performed at three time points: firstly on GH treatment at maintenance dose, secondly one month after GH withdrawal, and thirdly one month after GH resumption. After 1-month interruption of GH treatment, both plasma IGF-1 concentrations and sjTREC frequency were decreased (p,0.001). Decreases in IGF-1 and sjTREC levels were correlated (r = 0.61, p,0.01). There was also a decrease in intrathymic T cell proliferation as indicated by the reduced sj/b TREC ratio (p,0.01). One month after reintroduction of GH treatment, IGF-1 concentration and sjTREC frequency regained a level equivalent to the one before GH withdrawal. The sj/b TREC ratio also increased with GH resumption, but did not return to the level measured before GH withdrawal. Conclusions: In patients with AGHD under GH treatment, GH withdrawal decreases thymic T cell output, as well as intrathymic T cell proliferation. These parameters of thymus function are completely or partially restored one month after GH resumption. These data indicate that the functional integrity of the somatotrope GH/IGF-1 axis is important for the maintenance of a normal thymus function in human adults. 2. Fundamental study: intrathymic expression of members of the GH/IGF-1 axis and effects of GH on T-cell differentiation in murine fetalthymic organ cultures (FTOC). We here address the question of expression and role of GH/IGF axis in the thymus. Methods: Using RT-qPCR, the expression profile of various components of the somatotrope GH/IGF axis was measured in different thymic cell types and during thymus embryogenesis in Balb/c mice. Effect of GH on T-cell differentiation was explored through thymic organotypic culture. Results: Transcription of Gh, Igf1, Igf2 and their related receptors predominantly occurred in thymic epithelial cells (TEC), while a low level of Gh and Igf1r transcription was also evidenced in thymic T cells (thymocytes). Gh, Ghr, Ins2, Igf1, Igf2, and Igfr1, displayed distinct expression profiles depending on the developmental stage. The protein concentration of IGF-1 and IGF-2 were in accordance with the profile of their gene expression. In fetal thymus organ cultures (FTOC) derived from Balb/c mice, treatment with exogenous GH resulted in a significant increase of double negative CD4-CD8- T cells and CD4+ T cells, with a concomitant decrease in double positive CD4+CD8+ T cells. These changes were inhibited by concomitant treatment with GH and GHR antagonist pegvisomant. However, GH treatment also induced a significant decrease in FTOC Gh, Ghr and Igf1 expression. Conclusion: These data show that the thymotropic properties of the somatotrope GH/IGF-1 axis involve an interaction between exogenous GH and GHR expressed by TEC. Since thymic IGF-1 is not increased by GH treatment, the effects of GH upon T-cell differentiation could implicate a different local growth factor or cytokine.

Étude du mécanisme par lequel la thérapie à l'IL7 induit l'expansion homéostatique des lymphocytes T CD4+

Hennion-Tscheltzoff, Olga 08 1900 (has links)
Dans les cas de lymphopénie, les lymphocytes T résiduels prolifèrent exagérément dans un phénomène appelé «expansion homéostatique périphérique» (HPE), qui est efficace pour la régénération des T CD8+, mais inefficace pour les T CD4+. L’interleukine-7 (IL7) est une cytokine homéostatique utilisée afin d’augmenter les comptes lymphocytaires T des patients lymphopéniques. Toutefois, la raison de l’expansion préférentielle des lymphocytes T CD8+ par l’IL7 demeure toujours inconnue. Nous montrons que cette expansion est due au fait que l’IL7 induit une prolifération efficace des T CD8+ périphériques (CD8+PERI) ainsi que des émigrants thymiques CD8+ (CD8+RTEs). Par contre, l’effet prolifératif de l’IL7 est restreint presqu’uniquement aux CD4+RTEs même si les CD4+PERI survivent mieux que les CD4+RTEs. De plus faibles doses d’IL7 sont nécessaires aux CD4+RTEs afin de phosphoryler STAT5 ou de proliférer comparativement aux CD4+PERI et nous démontrons que les contacts TCR/CMHII sont nécessaires à la prolifération induite par l’IL7 des CD4+RTEs en périphérie. De fait, augmenter au Flt3 ligand le nombre de cellules dendritiques périphériques d’une souris donneuse, avant de transférer ses TPERI dans des souris receveuses traitées à l’IL7 induit une prolifération significative des CD4+PERI. Nos résultats indiquent donc que l’abondance des contacts TCR/CMHII reçus dans le thymus semble contrôler la sensibilité à l’IL7 des CD4+RTEs. Finalement, l’observation que les CD8+PERI et CD8+RTEs prolifèrent pareillement pendant la thérapie à l’IL7, alors que la prolifération des T CD4+ est largement restreinte aux RTEs expliquerait pourquoi, dans les cas de lymphopénie, la régénération des T CD4+ est aussi dépendante de la thymopoïèse. / In lymphopenic settings, residual T lymphocytes typically undergo exaggerated proliferation via homeostatic peripheral expansion (HPE). While HPE efficiently regenerates CD8+ T cells, it is unable to normalize CD4+ T-cell counts. Interleukin-7 (IL7) is a homeostatic cytokine, currently used in trials in order to increase T-cell counts in lymphopenic humans. Nowadays, it is still not known why IL7 therapy is more effective toward the expansion of CD8+ T cells rather than CD4+ T cells. Here we show that CD8+ T cells preferential expansion is due to IL7-induced efficient proliferation of peripheral CD8+ T cells (CD8+PERI) and CD8+ recent thymic emigrants (CD8+RTEs). In contrast, the proliferative action of IL7 is largely restricted to CD4+RTEs although CD4+PERI survive better than CD4+RTEs. Interestingly, CD4+RTEs require lower concentrations of IL7 in order to phosphorylate STAT5 or proliferate when compared to CD4+PERI, and we demonstrate the requirement for TCR/MHCII contacts to support the IL7-induced HPE of CD4+RTEs in the periphery. Furthermore, augmenting the number of MHCII expressing cells in the periphery of donor mice by treating them with Flt3 ligand (Flt3L) prior transferring their TPERI cells in IL7 therapy-treated recipients, significantly enhances the IL7-induced proliferation of CD4+PERI. Our results indicate so far that the abundance of TCR triggering occurring inside the thymus drives IL7 responsiveness of CD4+RTEs. Moreover, the observation that CD8+PERI and CD8+RTE proliferate similarly during IL7 therapy, while proliferation of CD4+ T cells is largely restricted to RTEs, may explain why CD4+ T cells regeneration in lymphopenic settings is highly dependent on thymopoiesis.

Role of EFNBs and EphB4 in T cell development and function

Jin, Wei 08 1900 (has links)
Eph kinases are the largest family of cell surface receptor tyrosine kinases. The ligands of Ephs, ephrins (EFNs), are also cell surface molecules. Ephs interact with EFNs and the receptors and ligands transmit signals in both directions, i.e., from Ephs to EFNs and from EFNs to Ephs. Ephs and EFNs are widely involved in various developmental, physiological pathophysiological processes. Our group and others have reported the roles of Ephs/EFNs in the immune system. To further investigate the function of EphBs/EFNBs in T cell development and responses, we generated EFNB1, EFNB2, EphB4 conditional gene knockout (KO) mice and EFNB1/2 double KO mice. In the projects using EFNB1 and EFNB2 knockout mice, we specifically deleted EFNB1 or EFNB2 in T cells. The mice had normal size and cellularity of the thymus and spleen as well as normal T cell subpopulations in these organs. The bone marrow progenitors from KO mice and WT mice repopulated the host lymphoid organs to similar extents. The activation and proliferation of KO T cells was comparable to that of control mice. Naïve KO CD4 cells differentiated into Th1, Th2, Th17 and Treg cells similar to naïve control CD4 cells. In EFNB2 KO mice, we observed a significant relative increase of CD4CD8 double negative thymocytes in the thymus. Flowcytometry analysis revealed that there was a moderate increase in the DN3 subpopulation in the thymus. This suggests that EFNB2 is involved in thymocyte development. Our results indicate that the functions of EFNB1 and EFNB2 in the T cell compartment could be compensated by each other or by other members of the EFN family, and that such redundancy safeguards the pivotal roles of EFNB1 and EFNB2 in T cell development and function. In the project using EFNB1/B2 double knockout (dKO) model, we revealed a novel regulatory function of EFNb1 and EFNb2 in stabilizing IL-7Rα expression on the T cell surface. IL-7 plays important roles in thymocyte development, T cell homeostasis and survival. IL-7Rα undergoes internalization upon IL-7 binding. In the dKO mice, we observed reduced IL-7Rα expression in thymocytes and T cells. Moreover, the IL-7Rα internalization was accelerated in dKO CD4 cells upon IL-7 stimulation. In T cell lymphoma cell line, EL4, over-expression of either EFNB1 or EFNB2 retarded the internalization of IL-7Rα. We further demonstrated compromised IL-7 signaling and homeostatic proliferation of dKO T cells. Mechanism study using fluorescence resonance energy transfer and immunoprecipitation demonstrated that physical interaction of EFNB1 and EFNB2 with IL-7Rα was likely responsible for the retarded IL-7Rα internalization. In the last project, using medullary thymic epithelial cell (mTEC)-specific EphB4 knockout mice, we investigated T cell development and function after EphB4 deletion in mTEC. EphB4 KO mice demonstrated normal thymic weight and cellularity. T cell development and function were not influenced by the EphB4 deletion. Lastly, the KO mice developed normal delayed type hypersensitivity. Overall, our results suggest that comprehensive cross interaction between Eph and EFN family members could compensate function of a given deleted member in the T cell development, and only simultaneous deletion of multiple EFNBs will reveal their true function in the immune system. In fact, such redundancy signifies vital roles of Ephs and EFNs in the immune system. / Kinases Eph est la plus grande famille de tyrosines kinases récepteurs Éphrines (EFN) est un ligand de Ephs. Eph et EFN sont toutes les molécules de surface cellulaire. L’interaction entre Ephs et EFNs permet de transmettre des signaux dans les deux directions (c.-à-d. partir de Ephs à EFNs, et de EFNs à Ephs.) Eph et EFNs sont largement impliqués dans divers processus développementaux, physiologiques et physiopathologiques. Notre groupe et d'autres groupes ont rapporté les rôles de Ephs / EFNs dans le système immunitaire. Pour approfondir la fonction de EphBs / EFNBs dans le développement des lymphocytes T et des réponses immunitaires, nous avons généré des souris EFNB1, EFNB2, et EphB4 knock-out conditionnel (KO) et des souris EFNB1 / 2 doubles KO. Dans les projets qui utilisent EFNB1 et EFNB2 comme souris knock-out, nous avons spécifiquement supprimé EFNB1 ou EFNB2 dans les cellules T. Les souris présentaient une taille normale, la cellularité du thymus et de la rate, ainsi que des sous-populations de cellules T étaient normales dans ces organes. Les progéniteurs de la moelle osseuse de souris KO et les souris WT ont repeuplé les organes lymphoïdes de l’hôte à des degrés similaires. L'activation et la prolifération des cellules KO T étaient comparables à celles des souris témoins. Les cellules CD4 naïves KO différenciées en Th1, Th2, Th17 et Treg étaient similaires aux cellules CD4 naïves de souris contrôle. Chez les souris KO EFNB2, nous avons observé une augmentation relative importante des thymocytes CD4CD8 : les double négatifs dans le thymus. L'analyse par cytométrie en flux a révélé qu'il y avait une augmentation modérée de la sous-population DN3 dans le thymus. Les résultats suggèrent qu’EFNB2 est impliqué dans le développement des thymocytes. Nos résultats indiquent que les fonctions de EFNB1 et EFNB2 dans le compartiment des cellules T pourraient être compensées entre eux ou par d'autres EFNB. La redondance des fonctions suggèrent le contrôle critique d’EFNB1 et EFNB2 dans le développement des cellules T. Dans le projet, en utilisant EFNB1/B2 (modèle double KO) (dKO), nous avons observé une fonction de régulation de EFNB1 et EFNB2. dans la stabilisation de l’expression l'IL-7R α , à la surface des cellules T, IL-7 joue un rôle important dans le développement des thymocytes, l'homéostasie des lymphocytes T , et leur survie. IL-7R α subit une internalisation i contraignante de IL-7. Chez les souris DKO, nous avons observé une perte d’expression de l’ IL-7Rα dans les thymocytes et les cellules T. En outre, l’ internalisation IL-7Rα a été accélérée dans les cellules CD4 dKO, suite à la stimulation IL-7. Dans la lignée cellulaire de lymphome T, EL4, la surexpression de EFNB1 ou EFNB2 retarde l'internalisation de l'IL-7Rα. Nous avons aussi démontré les signalisations compromises de l’ IL-7 et de la prolifération homéostatique des cellules T dKO. Les études du méchanisme qui utilisent la fluorescence de transfert d'énergie par résonance et immunoprécipitation ont montré que l'interaction physique de EFNB1 et EFNB2 avec IL-7R était probablement responsable du retard de l’ internalisation IL-7Rα. Dans le dernier projet, nous avons étudié le développement des cellules T et la fonction des cellules épithéliales médullaires du thymus (mTEC), chez les souris knock-out EphB4. Les souris KO EphB4 ont démontré un poids et une cellularité qui sont normaux. La fonction et le développement de cellules T ne sont pas influencés par la suppression de l’ EphB4. Enfin, les souris KO ont développé une hypersensibilité de type retardée normale. Dans l'ensemble, nos résultats suggèrent que l'interaction globale de croisement entre Eph et les membres de la famille EFN pourrir compenser la fonction d'un membre supprimé. Seule la suppression simultanée de plusieurs EFNBs va révéler leur vraie fonction dans le système immunitaire. En fait, une telle redondance montre les rôles vitaux d’Ephs et EFNS dans le système immunitaire.

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