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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O cinema tricontinental de Glauber Rocha: política, estética e revolução (1969-1974) / Le cinéma tricontinental de Glauber Rocha: politique, esthétique et révolution (1969-1974)

Cardoso, Mauricio 17 August 2007 (has links)
Esta tese tem por objetivo analisar três filmes do cineasta brasileiro Glauber Rocha realizados no exterior: O leão de sete cabeças (Congo/Itália/França, 1970), Cabeças cortadas (Espanha, 1970) e História do Brasil (Cuba/Itália, 1972-74, co-dirigido por Marcos Medeiros). Parte-se do entendimento que a produção de significados da obra cinematográfica (as escolhas estéticas e a manipulação da linguagem) expressa as determinações e as influências do processo histórico (das relações sociais e econômicas, da produção da cultura e da experiência pessoal do cineasta). A atuação internacional de Glauber Rocha, entre 1969 e 1974, foi delineada pela realização destes filmes, a publicação de artigos e entrevistas em periódicos europeus e latino-americanos e, finalmente, a participação em festivais, encontros e congressos de cinema. Estas formas de ação consolidaram as idéias e os anseios do cineasta, bem como explicitaram as fronteiras e os impasses as suas expectativas. Acreditamos que os filmes analisados constituem o núcleo dinamizador de um projeto formulado por Glauber Rocha de integração política e estética das cinematografias dos países pobres dos três continentes (América Latina, África e Ásia). O cineasta denominou este projeto de Cinema Tricontinental, inspirado no internacionalismo revolucionário de Che Guevara. Nossa tese pretende demonstrar que o Cinema Tricontinental fez convergir um programa político de unidade do Terceiro Mundo, uma criação estética pautada na incorporação da religiosidade popular e uma perspectiva de revolução social - simultaneamente, utópica e redentora. / Cette thèse a pour but d\'analyser trois films que le cinéaste brésilien Glauber Rocha a réalisés à l\'étranger: O leão de sete cabeças (Congo/Italie/France, 1970), Cabeças cortadas (Espagne, 1970) et História do Brasil (Cuba/Italie, 1972-74, co-réalisation de Marcos Medeiros). Nous partons de l\'idée selon laquelle la production des significations de l\'oeuvre cinématographique (les choix esthétiques et la manipulation du langage) exprime les déterminations et les influences du processus historique (des rapports sociaux et économiques, de la production de la culture et de l\'expérience personnelle du cinéaste). La présence internationale de Glauber Rocha, entre 1969 et 1974, a été circonscrite par la réalisation de ces films, la publication d\'articles et d\'interviews dans des périodiques européens et latino-américains et, finalement, la participation aux festivals, aux rencontres et aux congrès de cinéma. Ces formes d\'action ont consolidé les idées et les aspirations du cinéaste, de même qu\'elles ont fini par expliciter les frontières et les impasses de ses expectatives. Nous sommes en mesure de croire que les films analysés constituent le noyau dynamique d\'un projet formulé par Glauber Rocha: celui qui est tourné vers l\'intégration politique et esthétique des cinématographies situées dans des pays pauvres (en Amérique Latine, en Afrique, en Asie). Le cinéaste a nommé ce projet de Cinéma Tricontinental, inspiré de l\' internacionalisme de Che Guevara. Notre thèse prétend démontrer que le Cinéma Tricontinental établit la convergence d\'um programme politique de l\'unité du Tiers Monde, d\'une création esthétique marquée par l\'incorporation de la réligiosité populaire et d\'une perspective de révolution sociale - simultanément utopique et rédemptrice.

The Implementation of a Social-Emotional Learning Curriculum for Targeted Students: Evaluating Strong Start as a Tier II Intervention

Schwartz, Michael 21 November 2016 (has links)
Social-emotional learning (SEL) is an accepted way of promoting an individual’s resilience, which is the ability to overcome challenging life circumstances to lead a fulfilling life. SEL is traditionally taught in schools as a universal, classroom-wide intervention. However, there is currently a gap in using SEL curricula as secondary, Tier II interventions. Strong Start, a SEL program, was evaluated as a Tier II intervention with 35 2nd grade students using a randomized-control trial design. Data were collected from students on their content knowledge of social-emotional constructs as well as from teachers on ratings of student problem behaviors and prosocial behaviors. Findings suggest improvements in student knowledge, teacher ratings of problem behaviors, and teacher ratings of prosocial behaviors for all students over time, with no significant group by time interaction. Limitations and future directions are discussed.

Effects of a Tier 3 Self-Management Intervention with Parent Involvement on Academic Engagement and Disruptive Behavior

Lower, Ashley Nicole 01 September 2016 (has links)
This manuscript includes two studies. The research design for study 1 was a single-subject reversal design, while study 2 was a case study with 5 experimental conditions. These studies investigated the effects of a Tier 3 peer-matching self-management intervention on two elementary school students who had previously been less responsive to Tier 1 and Tier 2 interventions. The Tier 3 self-management intervention, which was implemented in the classroom, included daily electronic communication between teachers and the two students' parents. Results indicated that this intervention effectively reduced disruptive behaviors and increased total engagement when implemented with integrity; without integrity, results were variable.

Addressing Internalizing Problems in Middle School Youth With Check In/Check Out

Borawska-Popielarz, Malgorzata 01 January 2016 (has links)
More than 20,000 primary- and secondary-level schools, which represent 20% of all schools in the United States, are implementing school-wide positive behavior supports (SWPBS) to enhance socially desirable behavior and promote a decline of problematic behavior among students. The overall efficacy of the 3-tier SWPBS framework is well documented. However, a paucity of empirical research addresses the use of check in/check out (CICO), a Tier 2 intervention, for youth who present as quiet and withdrawn, and who are at risk of academic and social disengagement. Accordingly, this quasi-experimental, nonequivalent groups study assessed the overall effectiveness of CICO and considered the differential effects of conducting a functional behavior assessment (FBA) at the secondary level of SWPBS. Twelve students from 1 middle school formed the convenience sample. Analysis of covariance repeated across time, with the preintervention scores being the covariate, was used to assess between group differences in the students' internalizing behaviors on the Behavior Assessment System for Children-Second Edition (BASC-2) Self-Report, teachers' BASC-2 ratings of adaptive skills, and office discipline referrals. Paired sample t tests were conducted to assess within-group effects. Findings indicate that CICO was an effective intervention for students presenting with a pattern of internalizing behaviors. For participants in the experimental group, a significant effect was found on the functional communication scale. Social change implications include educators having a better understanding of how Tier 2 interventions can be enhanced to meet diverse needs and that inclusion of youth's self-reports is needed when determining effects of supports.

School-Based Social Work and Socioemotional Learning Interventions in Alternative Education Programs

Oosterhoff, Heather 01 January 2019 (has links)
Active school social workers are tasked with teaching social-emotional learning to students, including high need youth placed in alternative education settings. Multitiered systems of support provide a framework utilized by school systems to identify and address all student needs. However, a gap in research exists for evidenced-based social-emotional learning practices for students falling within Tier 3 of the multitiered systems of support framework, particularly those separated from the mainstream population and educated in alternative programs. This study explored how school social workers address the social-emotional learning needs of students in alternative education settings within the state of Illinois. The qualitative case-study design used a purposive sample of school social workers. Data sources included individual semistructured and focus group interviews of school social workers, and program curricula materials. Data analysis followed the constructivist perspective that multiple explanations of reality exist and, therefore, knowledge is constructed and emerges through the social practices and interpretations of people. Results indicated that school social workers in Illinois struggle to find existing evidence-based interventions to meet the social-emotional learning needs of high-school students in alternative education due to limited resources. Social work services maintain a student-driven focus and are strengthened by school-wide systemic structures for social-emotional learning that include cohesive efforts among staff and time for individual student processing of behaviors. This research has potential for social change through expanding knowledge available for school social work practitioners to meet the social-emotional learning needs of students in alternative education.

Reconstruction et identification des électrons dans l'expérience Atlas. Participation à la mise en place d'un Tier 2 de la grille de calcul

Derue, Frédéric 11 March 2008 (has links) (PDF)
L'origine de la masse des particules élémentaires est liée au mécanisme de brisure de la symétrie électrofaible. Son étude sera l'un des enjeux majeurs de l'expérience Atlas auprès du Large Hadron Collider, au Cern à partir de 2008. Dans la plupart des cas, les recherches seront limitées par notre connaissance des performances du détecteur, telles que la précision avec laquelle l'énergie des particules est reconstruite ou l'efficacité avec laquelle elles sont identifiées. Ce mémoire d'habilitation présente un travail portant sur la reconstruction des électrons dans Atlas avec des données simulées et des données prises durant le test en faisceau combiné qui s'est déroulé en 2004. L'analyse des données d'Atlas nécessite l'utilisation de ressources de calcul et de stockage importantes qui a impliqué le développement d'une grille de calcul mondiale dont un des noeuds est développé au laboratoire. Le manuscrit présente aussi l'effort effectué au LPNHE Paris pour la mise en place d'un Tier 2 en r\égion Ile de France.

Chorus: Model Kowledge Base for Perfomance Modeling in Datacenters

Chen, Jin 05 January 2012 (has links)
Due to the imperative need to reduce the management costs, operators multiplex several concurrent applications in large datacenters. However, uncontrolled resource sharing between co-hosted applications often results in performance degradation problems, thus creating violations of service level agreements (SLAs) for service providers. Therefore, in order to meet per-application SLAs, per-application performance modeling for dynamic resource allocation in shared resource environments has recently become promising. We introduce Chorus, an interactive performance modeling framework for building application performance models incrementally and on the fly. It can be used to support complex, multi-tier resource allocation, and/or what-if performance inquiry in modern datacenters, such as Clouds. Chorus consists of (i) a declarative high-level language for providing semantic model guidelines, such as model templates, model functions, or sampling guidelines, from a sysadmin or a performance analyst, as model approximations to be learned or refined experimentally, (ii) a runtime engine for iteratively collecting experimental performance samples, validating and refining performance models. Chorus efficiently builds accurate models online, reuses and adjusts archival models over time, and combines them into an ensemble of models. We perform an experimental evaluation on a multi-tier server platform, using several industry- standard benchmarks. Our results show that Chorus is a flexible modeling framework and knowledge base for validating, extending and reusing existing models while adapting to new situations.

Chorus: Model Kowledge Base for Perfomance Modeling in Datacenters

Chen, Jin 05 January 2012 (has links)
Due to the imperative need to reduce the management costs, operators multiplex several concurrent applications in large datacenters. However, uncontrolled resource sharing between co-hosted applications often results in performance degradation problems, thus creating violations of service level agreements (SLAs) for service providers. Therefore, in order to meet per-application SLAs, per-application performance modeling for dynamic resource allocation in shared resource environments has recently become promising. We introduce Chorus, an interactive performance modeling framework for building application performance models incrementally and on the fly. It can be used to support complex, multi-tier resource allocation, and/or what-if performance inquiry in modern datacenters, such as Clouds. Chorus consists of (i) a declarative high-level language for providing semantic model guidelines, such as model templates, model functions, or sampling guidelines, from a sysadmin or a performance analyst, as model approximations to be learned or refined experimentally, (ii) a runtime engine for iteratively collecting experimental performance samples, validating and refining performance models. Chorus efficiently builds accurate models online, reuses and adjusts archival models over time, and combines them into an ensemble of models. We perform an experimental evaluation on a multi-tier server platform, using several industry- standard benchmarks. Our results show that Chorus is a flexible modeling framework and knowledge base for validating, extending and reusing existing models while adapting to new situations.

The Effect Direct Shipment of Alcohol Has on the Three-Tier Distribution System

Jolly, Sam 01 January 2011 (has links)
After the failed experiment of Prohibition in the early 20th century, the 21st Amendment was passed to repeal the 18th Amendment as well as grant the power of alcohol regulation to the states. Within this power is the three-tier distribution system, where alcohol suppliers are required to sell their products to a wholesaling company, who later sell to a retailer. This system makes alcohol easy to regulate as well as encourages competition within the alcohol market. Today however, companies are finding ways through new legislation and court cases to bypass this three-tier system by shipping their products directly. This gives these companies a competitive advantage against others that have to sell their products through the three-tier system, and as a result the three-tier system is slowly starting to fade away.

A web store based on reusable .NET components

Baig, Aftab, Ahmad, Iftikhar January 2011 (has links)
The thesis project describes  the analysis, process and major factors in development of a simple component oriented Web Shop in ASP.NET. It addresses to the concepts used in  the application as  well  as  derivation  of  technical  design  and  development  from  the  concepts  acquired  by studying existing approaches. The report  describes  a  brief  summary of  existing  approaches  and related  technologies.  It also lays  the foundation  of  goal  oriented  approach  by  providing  an  overview  of  component  based  software engineering. The  basic  concepts for modularization  were  barrowed from  entities  identification,  object models and component models pplication’s architecture is set to be a layered app roach combining the software layered  architecture  approach  with  multi  tier  architecture  of  web  applications. Class models explaining the inner structure of each component have been provided and an overview of user interface pages is given to explain the application outer flow. The application sets out to prove the significance of component oriented approach as well as  the  support  provided for it by ASP.Net. The resulting package proves  to  have  scalable  components  that could be scaled for  or  reused in another  application or  in  a later version of the same application. / First and Final Version of our Thesis Report / SoftIn - Introducing methods and tools for software development in small and medium-sized enterprises

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