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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mechanisms for and Effects of Airway Epithelial Damage in Asthma

Relova, Anne-Jacqueline January 2002 (has links)
The airway epithelium plays a crucial role in protecting the underlying connective tissue (CT) from noxious agents. Damage and shedding of the epithelium are observed in the airways of asthma, cystic fibrosis and rhinitis patients. The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanisms by which epithelial damage occurs, and the consequences of such damage for the inflammatory process in the airways. In this study, cultured normal human bronchial epithelial cells, excised rat tracheae, and cultured murine mast cells were used as model systems. Metabolic alterations, morphological changes and cell-cell contact stabilities were investigated. The T-helper (Th)-1 cytokines, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), interferon-gamma (IFN-γ), and interleukin (IL)-1β were found to be pro-inflammatory, leading to major morphological changes, inhibitions in desmosome formation, and accelerated cell death. The Th2 cytokines, IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13 were found to cause no changes in cell death, nitric oxide levels and desmosome formation but instead an increase in proliferation, therefore were anti-inflammatory in this respect. Increasing the osmolarity of the airway surface liquid (ASL) altered the integrity of the tight junction (TJ) and allowed a 4-kDa compound to penetrate the epithelial layer and access the CT. This effect was reversible if the ASL was returned to 295 mOsm. Intentionally breaking the TJ with EGTA and subsequent osmolar changes in ASL demonstrated the importance of TJ and the fragility of the CT under hyperosmolar stress, leading to a disrupted CT with larger capillaries and altered elemental ion content and epithelial denudation. Hydrocortisone was shown to downregulate IL-4-induced IL-6 upregulation in murine mast cells. Furthermore, incubating mast cells with hydrocortisone lead to a new subpopulation that was morphologically unique, that displayed new cell surface markers (CD44 and CD61) and that lacked CD54. These changes modify the interactions of mast cells with surrounding cells in the CT and epithelium. In conclusion, the balance between pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines and ASL osmolarity may influence the role of the airway epithelium as a barrier. The pharmacological use of hyperosmolarity to disrupt TJ reversibly may help facilitate the delivery of drugs through the airway epithelium.

New Approaches to Studies of Paracellular Drug Transport in Intestinal Epithelial Cell Monolayers

Tavelin, Staffan January 2003 (has links)
Studies of intestinal drug permeability have traditionally been performed in the colon-derived Caco-2 cell model. However, the permeability of these cell monolayers resembles that of the colon rather than that of the small intestine, which is the major site of drug absorption following oral administration. One aim of this thesis was therefore to develop a new cell culture model that mimics the permeability of the small intestine. 2/4/A1 cells are conditionally immortalized with a temperature sensitive mutant of SV40T. These cells proliferate and form multilayers at 33°C. At cultivation temperatures of 37 – 39°C, they stop proliferating and form monolayers. 2/4/A1 cells cultivated on permeable supports expressed functional tight junctions. The barrier properties of the tight junctions such as transepithelial electrical resistance and permeability to hydrophilic markers resembled those of the human small intestine in vivo. These cells lacked functional expression of drug transport proteins and can therefore be used as a model to study passive drug permeability unbiased by active transport. The permeability to diverse sets of drugs in 2/4/A1 was comparable to that of the human jejunum for both incompletely and completely absorbed drugs, and the prediction of human intestinal permeability was better in 2/4/A1 than in Caco-2 for incompletely absorbed drugs. The small intestinal-like paracellular permeability of 2/4/A1 thus enables better predictions of drug permeability in the small intestine than does Caco-2. The studies of the paracellular route and its importance for intestinal drug permeability was also in focus in the second part of this thesis, in which a new principle for tight junction modulation was developed, based on the primary structure of the extracellular tight junction protein occludin. Peptides corresponding to the N-terminus of the first extracellular loop increased the permeability of the tight junctions, but lacked apical effect. This problem was solved by conjugation of one peptide to a lipoamino acid, resulting in two diastereomers with different effects. The L-isomer had a sustained apical effect, while that of the D-isomer was transient. In conclusion, conjugated occludin peptides constitute a new class of tight junction modulators that can enhance the tight junction permeability.

Coeliac Disease in Childhood : On the Intestinal Mucosa and the Use of Oats

Hollén, Elisabet January 2006 (has links)
Celiaki, eller glutenintolerans, är en av våra vanligaste kroniska sjukdomar i barnaåren. Sjukdomen orsakar en kraftig inflammation i tunntarmens slemhinna efter intag av glutenhaltig föda hos personer med ärftlig benägenhet att utveckla celiaki. En frisk tarm är kraftigt veckad för att öka ytan för upptag av näringsämnen. Ytan består dessutom av åtskilliga fingerliknande utskott, s.k. villi, och mellan villi finns kryptorna där celldelning och celldifferentiering sker. Villi och kryptor kantas av epitelceller, enterocyter, vilkas uppgift är att ta upp näring från tarminnehållet samt att utgöra en selektiv barriär mellan den yttre och inre miljön i tarmen. Den typiska tarmskadan vid celiaki karakteriseras av avsaknad av villi och kraftigt förlängda kryptor, och både näringsupptaget och barriärfunktionen är dessutom störda. Den enda behandling som finns att tillgå vid celiaki är en livslång glutenfri diet. De skadliga proteinerna i vetegluten kallas gliadin, och det finns liknande proteiner i råg, korn, och havre. I havre kallas proteinet avenin. Möjligheten att använda havre vid celiaki har diskuterats flitigt, men numera anses det riskfritt för majoriteten av både barn och vuxna att använda havre i den glutenfria dieten. Målet med den här avhandlingen var att undersöka hur barn med celiaki reagerar på havre i kosten. Detta studerades med avseende på antikroppar mot avenin samt med en metod som mäter halten av kväveoxid- (NO-) produkter i urinen. Ett andra mål var att studera tunntarmens struktur vid olika stadier av celiaki. I den första studien undersökte vi om celiakibarn har antikroppar i serum mot avenin. Vi fann att så var fallet och att nivåerna var signifikant högre än hos friska kontrollbarn. När barnen sattes på glutenfri kost sjönk antikroppsnivåerna, för att öka igen när gluten återinfördes i kosten. Blodproverna till den här studien togs innan debatten om havre kom igång, vilket gör att vi tror att de olika dieterna även speglar ett sant intag av havre. Studien visade också att det inte var någon korsreaktion mellan antikroppar mot avenin och gliadin. Vi använde sedan vår metod för att mäta antikroppar mot avenin i en randomiserad studie där havre gavs till barn med nydiagnostiserad celiaki. Barnen fick antingen en vanlig glutenfri diet eller en med tillsats av specialhavre. Antikroppsnivåerna sjönk markant redan efter tre månader i båda grupperna, och vid studietidens slut, efter ca ett år, hade alla utom ett par patienter återfått normala nivåer. Samma barn studerades även med avseende på NO-produkter i urinen. NO är en kortlivad molekyl som fungerar som budbärare i och mellan celler, och produktionen av den ökar markant vid en inflammation. Tidigare studier har visat att barn med obehandlad celiaki har extremt höga halter av NO-produkter i urinen. I vår studie sjönk även dessa värden signifikant efter tre månader, och det var ingen skillnad mellan grupperna. Efter ett år hade dock fyra barn i havregruppen och ett barn i den grupp som fick vanlig glutenfri kost, fortfarande extremt höga nivåer av NO-produkter. Dessa båda studier styrker den kliniska uppfattningen att de flesta barn med celiaki kan tåla havre, men de visar också att man bör följa upp de celiakibarn som kompletterar sin glutenfria kost med havre eftersom vissa barn verkar ha kvarstående tecken på inflammation i tarmen. I tarmbiopsier från barn med olika stadier av celiaki studerades förekomst och lokalisering av occludin och claudiner, proteiner som är viktiga för att upprätthålla barriärfunktionen i tarmen. Vi fann ett ökat uttryck av occludin vid obehandlad celiaki, vilket vi tror speglar den ökade celldelning och de förändrade barriäregenskaper som man ser vid aktiv celiaki. Resultaten tyder även på att uttrycket av claudin 1-5 inte tycks påverkas av kosten hos barn med celiaki. / Coeliac disease (CD) is one of our most common chronic diseases in childhood. The disease causes an intense inflammation in the small intestinal mucosa after ingestion of gluten-containing cereals in genetically predisposed individuals. The mucosal lesion in CD is characterised by villous atrophy and crypt hyperplasia, and both the absorptive and the barrier functions of the enterocytes are disturbed. The treatment of CD is a life-long adherence to a gluten-free diet (GFD). The toxic fraction of wheat gluten is gliadin, and there are similar proteins in rye, barley and oats. In oats this protein is called avenin, and it is proposed to be less toxic than the others. The use of oats in CD has been debated, but it is now considered safe for the majority of both children and adults with CD. The aims of this thesis were to investigate the humoral and inflammatory reactions to oats in children with CD, and also to study the intestinal mucosa at different stages of the disease. In a retrospective study we found that children with CD had antibodies to oats avenin, and that the levels were significantly higher than in controls. The levels attenuated during GFD, and we also showed that there was no crossreactivity between antibodies to oats and gliadin. We then used our method for measuring antibodies to avenin in a randomised, double-blind trial of oats given to children with newly diagnosed CD. The children were given either a traditional GFD or a GFD supplemented with oats. There was a rapid decrease in antibody levels in both groups already after three months on diet, and at the end of the study period all but a few had normalised their levels. The same children were also studied using urinary nitric oxide (NO) products as markers for intestinal inflammation. Likewise, these values decreased significantly after three months. At the end of the study four children in the GFD-oats group and one in the standard GFD group still had extremely high concentrations of urinary NO metabolites. Taken together, these studies strengthen the clinical impression that oats can be tolerated by the majority of children with CD, but they also warrant a caution, since there seem to be children that do not tolerate oats in their diet. The structure and distribution of occludin and claudins 1-5, tight junction proteins known to play a crucial role in maintaining the barrier function, was studied in biopsy specimens from children at different stages of CD. There was an increased expression of occludin in untreated CD, which reflects the characteristics of crypt cell hyperplasia and altered barrier properties seen in active CD. The findings also indicate that gluten intake does not significantly influence the expression and distribution of claudins 1-5 in coeliac children.

Cell Contacts and Airway Epithelial Damage in Asthma

Shahana, Shahida January 2005 (has links)
Airway epithelial damage is commonly found in asthma patients. Epithelial damage was investigated with special reference to contacts between epithelial cells. Eosinophils, common in allergic asthma, secrete cationic proteins, particularly major basic protein (MBP). The effect of poly-L-arginine, an analogue of MBP, on airway epithelial cells was investigated. Poly-L-arginine induced membrane damage, resulting in increased permeability, loss of cell-cell contracts (tight junctions and desmosomes) and generalized cell damage. Adhesion molecules on airway epithelial cells may be important in recruiting leukocytes. Interferon (IFN)-γ increased intracellular adhesion molecule-1 expression in airway epithelial cell lines. A combination of interleukin-4 and IFN-γ opened the tight junctions. Epithelial damage in asthma was studied at the ultrastructural level in bronchial biopsies from patients with atopic or non-atopic asthma, and healthy controls. Epithelial damage was extensive in both asthma groups. In basal and columnar cells, relative desmosome length was reduced by 30-40%. In columnar cells, half-desmosomes were noticed. Changes tended to be more extensive in atopic asthma, but there was no significant difference between the two groups. Reduced desmosomal contact may be important in the epithelial shedding observed in asthma. The contact area between columnar cells and basal lamina is relatively small in the human airway. Attachment of columnar cells to the basal lamina occurs indirectly, via desmosomal attachment to basal cells. Direct attachment of columnar cells to the basal lamina is weakened in asthmatics. Nasal polyposis is a chronic inflammatory disease often associated with asthma. An ultrastructural study showed that epithelial damage of columnar cells is more pronounced in allergic patients. The length of columnar cell desmosomes was significantly reduced in asthmatics vs. non-asthmatics, and in allergics vs. non-allergics. Cell contacts in airway epithelium in asthmatics are weakened, which may be an intrinsic feature or due to the presence of eosinophils producing toxic proteins.

The SARS coronavirus envelope protein E targets the PALS1 tight junction factor and alters formation of tight junctions of epithelialcells

Chan, Wing-lim., 陳穎廉. January 2011 (has links)
Tight junctions, as zones of close contact between epithelial and endothelial cells, form a physical barrier as one of the first host defense strategies that prevent the intrusion of pathogens across epithelia and endothelia. Recently, an interaction between the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) envelope protein (E) and PALS1, a member of the CRB tight junction complex, was identified in the Virus-Host Interaction group at HKU-Pasteur Research Centre (Teoh et al, 2010). In this report, I present in vitro data which helps to better understand how this protein-protein interaction could interfere with the formation and maintenance of tight junctions at the apical domain of epithelial cells. In previous research, the interaction between E and PALS1 was identified through a yeast two-hybrid screen and confirmed in vitro. A PDZ-binding motif (PBM) was identified at the C-terminal end of E, which interacts with the PDZ domain of PALS1. The objective of my research was to further enhance the knowledge of this interaction by studying the effect of E expression on PALS1 localization and tight junction structure in epithelial cells. I have shown that expression of E is associated with a partial relocalization of PALS1 to the Golgi compartment. Also, I discovered that when wild-type E, E(wt), was expressed in the MDCKII cell model, the time required for tight junction formation was extended to 6-8 hours, while normal cells only required two hours. Interestingly, expression of the E protein with a deletion of the PBM, E(ΔPBM) did not affect the timing of tight junction formation. This finding indicates that the PBM plays a critical role in the process of alteration of tight junctions mediated by E, most likely through its interaction with PALS1. Furthermore, the localization pattern of E was altered when its PBM was deleted. In the MDCKII model, E(wt) located, as expected, at membranes of the Golgi compartment, whereas E(ΔPBM) had a diffused distribution in the cytosol. This observation suggests that the PBM acts as a localization signal for the E protein to the Golgi region, which is the assembly site of the virus. Finally, to examine the role of the PBM in the context of the whole virus, I participated in the production of SARS-CoV recombinant viruses, with mutations in the PBM of E. Though this work is still in progress, the use of these viruses should help to delineate the role of E PBM in SARS-CoV induced pathogenesis in vitro and ultimately in vivo. / published_or_final_version / Pathology / Master / Master of Philosophy

Studies on CAR and CLMP, two proteins of epithelial tight junctions /

Raschperger, Elisabeth, January 2006 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karolinska institutet, 2006. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Uso de aditivos e variação do aporte de alimentos na dieta de vacas em lactação sobre a composição e estabilidade do leite / Use of additives and variation of feeding levels in lactating Jersey cows on milk composition and its stability

Stumpf, Marcelo Tempel January 2012 (has links)
Durante o período de 2010 e 2011 dois experimentos foram conduzidos na Embrapa Clima Temperado, em Capão do Leão/RS. O primeiro envolveu a adição de citrato de sódio e bicarbonato de sódio na dieta de vacas Jersey, com o intuito de verificar influência destes aditivos no controle da incidência de LINA, como alegado por parte da(s) indústria(s) comercializadora (s) dos produtos. Dezessete vacas foram divididas em três tratamentos, em dois períodos experimentais com diferentes dietas. Grupo controle: 5 vacas sem receber aditivos na dieta; grupo Citrato: 6 vacas recebendo 100 g diárias de citrato de sódio; grupo Bicarbonato: 6 vacas com 40 g diárias de bicarbonato de sódio na dieta. Foram medidos os teores plasmáticos de glicose e ureia e o pH urinário, para monitoramento da fisiologia dos animais, assim como se determinou a composição físico-química do leite e a contagem de células somáticas. Não foi detectado efeito da adição de bicarbonato de sódio e citrato de sódio em nenhum dos parâmetros avaliados, demonstrando a ineficácia do uso destes aditivos no controle da incidência de LINA. Um segundo experimento, com duração de cinco semanas, também envolvendo vacas da raça Jersey, foi elaborado com o objetivo de determinar alterações na permeabilidade das tigh tjunctions das células epiteliais da glândula mamária provocadas por restrição alimentar severa. Doze vacas foram divididas em dois tratamentos contendo seis vacas cada: grupo Controle: animais recebendo dieta atendendo suas exigências nutricionais durante todo o experimento; grupo Restrição: animais recebendo dieta restrita em 50% somente durante a terceira semana. Determinou-se a permeabilidade das tight junctions através da mensuração dos níveis plasmáticos de lactose e dos teores lácteos de lactose e sódio. Foi determinada também a composição físico-química do leite e a contagem de células somáticas das amostras, assim como os teores de cortisol plasmático, para identificação da condição de estresse às quais os animais em restrição alimentar estavam submetidos. A restrição alimentar promoveu estresse aos animais do grupo Restrição, resultando em maior permeabilidade das tight junctions das células da glândula mamária, com efeitos sobre a redução da estabilidade do leite no teste do álcool. / In the period between 2010 and 2011 two experiments were conducted at Embrapa Clima Temperado, in Capão do Leão/RS. The first study involved the inclusion of sodium citrate and sodium bicarbonate in Jersey cow diet to determine the influence of this inclusion on the incidence of unstable non-acid milk (LINA). Seventeen animals were divided into three groups, in two experimental periods with different diets: Control group: 5 animals without the inclusion of additives in the diet; Citrate group: 6 animals receiving each 100 g of sodium citrate per day in the diet; Bicarbonate group: 6 animals receiving 40 g of sodium bicarbonate per day. Plasma concentration of glucose, urea as well as urine pH was measured to assess the animals’ physiologic status. Milk’s physical-chemical composition and somatic cell count were also determined. The inclusion of sodium citrate and sodium bicarbonate had no influence on any of the parameters evaluated, demonstrating the inefficiency of this technique in controlling the incidence of LINA. A second experiment, with five weeks duration also using Jersey cows, was carried out to define alterations in the permeability of mammary gland cells tight junctions due severe feeding restriction. Twelve animals were divided into two treatments with 6 cows each: Control group: animals receiving full diet during the entire study; Restriction group: animals receiving a 50% restricted diet only during the third week. Tight junction permeability was determined through plasma and milk levels of lactose and milk levels of sodium. Milk physical-chemical composition and somatic cell count were also determined. Cortisol concentration was measured to assess the animals stress condition. Feeding restriction induced stress in animals in the Restriction group, which promoted higher permeability of mammary gland cell tight junctions, with influences on the reduction of milk stability to the ethanol test.

Avaliação da expressão gênica de tight junctions intestinais em modelos experimentais de esteatose hepática alcoólica e não alcoólica em zebrafish (Danio rerio)

Beskow, Carolina Bortolin January 2017 (has links)
Introdução: A doença hepática alcóolica (DHA) e a doença hepática gordurosa não alcóolica (DHGNA) estão entre as principais causas de morte por doenças hepáticas no mundo. Apesar das etiologias distintas, sendo a DHA causada pelo consumo excessivo de álcool e a DHGNA por dieta inadequada e sedentarismo, apresentam curso de doença semelhante, que pode evoluir de esteatose, para esteato-hepatite, fibrose, cirrose e carcinoma hepatocelular. Tanto a DHA quanto a DHGNA estão relacionadas à disbiose, aumento de permeabilidade intestinal, inflamação e dano hepático. Entretanto, ainda não está claro se a doença hepática precede as alterações no epitélio intestinal ou se é o aumento da permeabilidade que promove o dano hepático. Objetivo: Avaliar a expressão gênica de Tight Junctions em modelo de DHA e DHGNA em zebrafish (Danio rerio). Métodos: No modelo de DHA, os peixes foram divididos em dois grupos: Etanol (n=30), expostos a 0,5% de etanol por 28 dias e controle (n=30). No modelo de DHGNA, os peixes foram divididos também em dois grupos: Frutose (n=24), expostos à frutose 6% durante 2 horas por 14 dias e controle (n=24). Ao término dos experimentos os animais foram eutanasiados e coletados fígados, para avaliação histológica por coloração hematoxilina-eosina (HE) e de esteatose por Oil Red, e intestinos para avaliação da expressão gênica dos marcadores de permeabilidade intestinal cldnC, cldn15a, cldn15b e f11r por Real Time qPcr. Resultados: Tanto os animais expostos ao álcool quanto à frutose apresentaram esteatose hepática por coloração HE e Oil Red quando comparados aos seus respectivos controles, sem sinais de infiltrados inflamatórios e de fibrose hepática à microscopia óptica. Não houve diferença significativa na expressão gênica das tight junctions intestinais, tanto para a DHA quanto DHGNA (p  0,05). Conclusão: Os resultados sugerem que em estágios iniciais de DHA e DHGNA não ocorre alteração da permeabilidade intestinal, e que possivelmente o dano hepático precede o dano intestinal. / Introduction: Alcoholic liver disease (ALD) and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) are among the leading causes of death from liver disease worldwide. Despite the different etiologies, ALD is caused by excessive alcohol consumption and NAFLD is due to inadequate diet and sedentary lifestyle, they have a similar disease course, which can progress from steatosis to steatohepatitis, fibrosis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Both ALD and NAFLD are related to dysbiosis, increased gut permeability, inflammation, and liver damage. However, it is not yet clear whether liver disease precedes changes in the intestinal epithelium or whether it is the increased permeability that promotes liver damage. Objective: To evaluate the gene expression of tight junctions in ALD and NAFLD models in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Methods: In the ALD model, fish were divided into two groups: Ethanol (n=30), exposed to 0.5% ethanol for 28 days and control (n=30). In the NAFLD model, fish were also divided into two groups: Fructose (n=24), exposed to 6% fructose for 2 hours for 14 days and control (n=24). At the end of the experiments the animals were euthanized and livers were collected for histological evaluation by hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining and steatosis by oil red staining and intestines for evaluation of the gene expression of gut permeability markers cldnC, cldn15a, cldn15b and f11r by Real Time qPcr. Results: Both animals exposed to alcohol and fructose presented hepatic steatosis by HE and Oil Red staining when compared to their respective controls, without signs of inflammatory infiltrates under optical microscopy. There was no significant difference in the gene expression of the tight junctions for both ALD and NAFLD (p0.05) Conclusion: The results suggest that in the early stages of ALD and NAFLD there are no changes in intestinal tight junctions, and that possibly liver damage precedes intestinal damage.

Influência da superexpressão da claudina-3 na radiorresposta de células de câncer de cólon / The effect of overexpression of claudin-3 on colon cancer cell response to radiation

Natalia Fortunato de Miranda 28 April 2015 (has links)
Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / O câncer colorretal (CCR) é o terceiro tipo de câncer mais incidente no mundo para o sexo masculino, o segundo para o sexo feminino e a radioterapia é um dos tratamentos de primeira linha no combate a este tipo de câncer. Durante a progressão do CCR as células sofrem alterações morfogenéticas, sendo a desorganização do complexo juncional apical (CJA) um dos eventos iniciais desse processo. As junções oclusivas (JTs) são um dos principais componentes da CJA e desempenham papel importante no controle do fluxo paracelular, na determinação da polaridade celular e na transdução de sinais relacionados com a progressão tumoral. As claudinas são proteínas transmembrana, constituintes das JTs e cumprem um importante papel no controle desses eventos. Alterações na expressão das claudinas são observadas em tumores de diferentes órgãos e têm sido relacionadas com a progressão tumoral. No entanto os mecanismos que regulam essas alterações e sua consequência na progressão do CCR são poucos conhecidos. Desta forma, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a influência da superexpressão da claudina-3 na radiorresposta de células CCR. Nossos resultados mostraram que a superexpressão de claudina-3 minimiza alterações morfológicas causadas pela radiação, causa diminuição da resistência elétrica transepitelial e não tem efeito na permeabilidade a macromoléculas após a irradiação. Além disso, observamos que a superexpressão de claudina-3 aumenta o potencial proliferativo das células e que esta característica torna as células mais sensíveis a radiação. Porém quando avaliamos eventos celulares relacionados a progressão tumoral observamos que apesar da radiação diminuir a capacidade migratória das progênies, as células que superexpressam claudina-3 apresentam migração mais elevada. Além disso, verificamos que a superexpressão de claudina-3 diminui a invasão e a capacidade de formação de colônias frente ao tratamento com a radiação. Em seguida fomos avaliar o efeito da inibição das vias de proliferação (MEK/ERK) e sobrevivência (PI3K-Akt) na resposta das células que superexpressam claudina-3 frente a radiação. Observamos que a inibição de MEK é capaz de sensibilizar as células que superexpressam claudina-3 à radiação no ensaio de proliferação celular, no entanto a inibição de MEK e PI3K antes da exposição à radiação é capaz aumentar a migração e a capacidade de formação de colônias de células que superexpressam claudina-3 contribuindo para o aumento do potencial maligno. Em conjunto nossos resultados mostram que a superexpressão de claudina-3 contribui para um fenótipo mais maligno, no entanto frente ao tratamento com a radiação é capaz de sensibilizar as células. / Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third more incident cancer for males, the second for females worldwide and radiotherapy is one of the first-line treatments to fighting this type of cancer. During the progression of CRC cells undergo morphogenetic alterations and the apical junctional complex disorganization (AJC) is one of the initial events of this process. The tight junctions (TJs) is a major component of AJC and play an important role in paracellular flux control, determination of cell polarity and in signal transduction related to tumor progression. Claudins are transmembrane proteins, members of TJs and play an important role on these events. Changes on claudins expression are found in tumors of different organs and have been associated with tumor progression. However the mechanisms that regulate these changes and their consequences in the CRC progression are not completely understood. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the influence of claudin-3 overexpression on cellular response after radiation treatment of CRC cells. Our results show that claudin-3 overexpression minimizes morphological changes caused by the radiation, decrease transepithelial electrical resistance, and has no effect on macromolecules permeability after irradiation. Moreover, we observed that claudin-3 overexpression increases the proliferation rate of cells and that this feature makes the cells more sensitive to radiation. However, when evaluating the cellular events associated tumor progression we observed that despite decrease on migratory capacity caused by radiation, cells that overexpress claudin-3 have higher migration. In addition, we found that claudin-3 overexpression decreases the invasion and the capacity to form colonies after treatment with radiation. Then we evaluate the effect of inhibition of proliferation (MEK / ERK) and survival (PI3K-Akt) pathways in cells that overexpress claudin-3 in the response to radiation. We observed that inhibition of MEK could sensitize cells overexpressing claudin-3 radiation on cell proliferation assay, but the inhibition of MEK and PI3K before radiation exposure can increase the migration and colony forming ability cells overexpressing claudin-3 contributes to the increase of malignant potential. Altogether, our results show that claudin-3 overexpression contributes to a more malignant phenotype, however, claudin-3 overexpression is able to sensitize the cells to radiation.

Uso de aditivos e variação do aporte de alimentos na dieta de vacas em lactação sobre a composição e estabilidade do leite / Use of additives and variation of feeding levels in lactating Jersey cows on milk composition and its stability

Stumpf, Marcelo Tempel January 2012 (has links)
Durante o período de 2010 e 2011 dois experimentos foram conduzidos na Embrapa Clima Temperado, em Capão do Leão/RS. O primeiro envolveu a adição de citrato de sódio e bicarbonato de sódio na dieta de vacas Jersey, com o intuito de verificar influência destes aditivos no controle da incidência de LINA, como alegado por parte da(s) indústria(s) comercializadora (s) dos produtos. Dezessete vacas foram divididas em três tratamentos, em dois períodos experimentais com diferentes dietas. Grupo controle: 5 vacas sem receber aditivos na dieta; grupo Citrato: 6 vacas recebendo 100 g diárias de citrato de sódio; grupo Bicarbonato: 6 vacas com 40 g diárias de bicarbonato de sódio na dieta. Foram medidos os teores plasmáticos de glicose e ureia e o pH urinário, para monitoramento da fisiologia dos animais, assim como se determinou a composição físico-química do leite e a contagem de células somáticas. Não foi detectado efeito da adição de bicarbonato de sódio e citrato de sódio em nenhum dos parâmetros avaliados, demonstrando a ineficácia do uso destes aditivos no controle da incidência de LINA. Um segundo experimento, com duração de cinco semanas, também envolvendo vacas da raça Jersey, foi elaborado com o objetivo de determinar alterações na permeabilidade das tigh tjunctions das células epiteliais da glândula mamária provocadas por restrição alimentar severa. Doze vacas foram divididas em dois tratamentos contendo seis vacas cada: grupo Controle: animais recebendo dieta atendendo suas exigências nutricionais durante todo o experimento; grupo Restrição: animais recebendo dieta restrita em 50% somente durante a terceira semana. Determinou-se a permeabilidade das tight junctions através da mensuração dos níveis plasmáticos de lactose e dos teores lácteos de lactose e sódio. Foi determinada também a composição físico-química do leite e a contagem de células somáticas das amostras, assim como os teores de cortisol plasmático, para identificação da condição de estresse às quais os animais em restrição alimentar estavam submetidos. A restrição alimentar promoveu estresse aos animais do grupo Restrição, resultando em maior permeabilidade das tight junctions das células da glândula mamária, com efeitos sobre a redução da estabilidade do leite no teste do álcool. / In the period between 2010 and 2011 two experiments were conducted at Embrapa Clima Temperado, in Capão do Leão/RS. The first study involved the inclusion of sodium citrate and sodium bicarbonate in Jersey cow diet to determine the influence of this inclusion on the incidence of unstable non-acid milk (LINA). Seventeen animals were divided into three groups, in two experimental periods with different diets: Control group: 5 animals without the inclusion of additives in the diet; Citrate group: 6 animals receiving each 100 g of sodium citrate per day in the diet; Bicarbonate group: 6 animals receiving 40 g of sodium bicarbonate per day. Plasma concentration of glucose, urea as well as urine pH was measured to assess the animals’ physiologic status. Milk’s physical-chemical composition and somatic cell count were also determined. The inclusion of sodium citrate and sodium bicarbonate had no influence on any of the parameters evaluated, demonstrating the inefficiency of this technique in controlling the incidence of LINA. A second experiment, with five weeks duration also using Jersey cows, was carried out to define alterations in the permeability of mammary gland cells tight junctions due severe feeding restriction. Twelve animals were divided into two treatments with 6 cows each: Control group: animals receiving full diet during the entire study; Restriction group: animals receiving a 50% restricted diet only during the third week. Tight junction permeability was determined through plasma and milk levels of lactose and milk levels of sodium. Milk physical-chemical composition and somatic cell count were also determined. Cortisol concentration was measured to assess the animals stress condition. Feeding restriction induced stress in animals in the Restriction group, which promoted higher permeability of mammary gland cell tight junctions, with influences on the reduction of milk stability to the ethanol test.

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