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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Essence and potentiality Aristotelian strategies of addressing problems of change and persistence /

Bowin, John Francis, Mourelatos, Alexander P. D., January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Texas at Austin, 2005. / Supervisor: Alexander P. D. Mourelatos. Vita. Includes bibliographical references.

Untersuchungen zur Anwendbarkeit des anatomischen M-Mode im Vergleich zu konventionellen Verfahren der Echokardiographie beim Pferd

Stroth, Claudia. January 2006 (has links)
Freie Universiẗat, Diss., 2006--Berlin. / Dateiformat: zip, Dateien im PDF-Format.

Análisis multifactorial de los combates de Judo masculino en Campeonatos del Mundo y Juegos Olímpicos en el período 2014-16

Zarco Pleguezuelos, Pablo 24 July 2017 (has links)
El conocimiento de los factores de rendimiento que influyen en el resultado es un elemento necesario en cualquier deporte. Un medio excelente para recopilar información relevante se basa en la observación de criterios determinantes para cada deporte por medio del análisis notacional. El Judo es un deporte de combate con categoría olímpica con amplia repercusión a nivel mundial, el análisis notacional supone una herramienta muy útil para el análisis de los factores de rendimiento deportivo en la competición de Judo. El hecho de que la competición se divida en siete categorías de peso hace necesario que toda toma de datos para proceder a posteriores análisis se lleve a cabo por género y por categorías. Los constantes y recientes cambios en diversos aspectos referentes a la normativa de competición tienen efectos sobre aspectos básicos del combate de Judo, tales como la estructura temporal y la dinámica y el valor sobre el resultado final de las puntuaciones en forma de acción técnica o bien en forma de sanción. En el presente estudio se procedió al análisis temporal, técnico-táctico y reglamentario de los combates masculinos de todas las categorías de peso de los campeonatos de más alto nivel llevados a cabo tras la modificación de reglas de competición en el año 2013, esto es en el binomio 2014-16 que fueron los Campeonatos del Mundo de 2014 y 2015, y los Juegos Olímpicos de 2016, desde las fases de cuartos de final hasta la lucha por las medallas. Respecto a la estructura temporal del combate de Judo, los resultados indican que una relación lineal entre la categoría de peso y la duración total del tiempo de trabajo, del tiempo de descanso, del número de secuencias de trabajo y de la duración parcial por secuencia de descanso. De este modo, la categoría de peso inferior, la de -60kg, tiene los mayores valores de número de secuencias por combate (11,6), que provocan unos combates de mayor duración total de trabajo (247s), aunque sean de una menor duración de promedio (21,4s). Según esa relación lineal observada, la categoría de peso superior tiene el menor número de secuencias de trabajo por combate (7), de modo que provocan una menor duración total del tiempo de trabajo por combate (235s), aunque sean de una duración superior (33,5s). Respecto a aspectos técnicos la ratio o relación de puntación técnica conseguida por combate, alcanza un valor de media de 1,1; siendo este dato superior y, por tanto sinónimo de combates más dinámicos cuando se comparan con los datos publicados de los anteriores Juegos Olímpicos, para todas las categorías de peso excepto para la de -90kg. Por orden de mayor a menor, los grupos de técnicas más eficaces han sido los de piernas (38,3%), los de sacrificio (26,9%), los de brazos (25,6%) y en último lugar los de cadera (9,3%), resultados acordes con los encontrados en la bibliografía publicada, excepto en la que se basa en combates regidos por normativa anterior a las modificaciones, que prohibieron agarrar por debajo del cinturón tanto en acciones de ataque como de defensa. Respecto a las sanciones, se destaca que la causa final de victoria es ventaja en sanciones en el 20,7% de los combates, o que se ha señalado al menos una sanción en el 83,3% de los combates analizados. Estos datos ponen en valor el apartado sanciones, con mucho peso en los combates, a pesar de las modificaciones que buscan más puntuaciones técnicas y, por consiguiente, dinamismo y espectacularidad de cara al espectador. Por otro lado, el 1,8% de los combates analizados acabaron antes de tiempo como consecuencia de la señalización de una sanción de Shido 4 o Hansoku-Make acumulativo. Este resultado refrenda el criterio arbitral de que los combates se deben decantar por acciones técnicas y no sanciones. A nivel estratégico, se demuestra fundamental el planteamiento de comenzar por delante en el marcador, observación apoyada por los resultados. En el 72,7% de los combates que se empiezan ganando por puntuación vía sanción al rival y en el 87,5% de los combates que se empiezan ganando por puntuación técnica acaban siendo ganados por el competidor que comenzó por delante en el marcador.

Differenzierung von frischen und alten linksventrikulären Thromben mittels Gewebedoppler- Echokardiographie / Differentiation Between Fresh and Old Left Ventricular Thrombi by Deformation Imaging

Gaudron, Philipp January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Nach einem fulminanten Myokardinfarkt können sich, basierend auf Veränderungen der Blutströmungseigenschaften im Bereich von dys- /akinetischen Bereichen und Aneurysmen des linken Ventrikels, Thromben bilden. Da ein frischer Thrombus mit einem hohen Risiko für eine systemische Embolie einhergeht (13%) und eine umgehende Vollantikoagulation des betroffenen Patienten erfordert, wäre es von klinischer Bedeutung eine Untersuchungsmethode zur Verfügung zu haben, mit der man frische von alten Thromben eindeutig unterscheiden kannIm Rahmen dieser Studie wurden innerhalb von 2 Jahren 52 Patienten mit linksventrikulären Thromben nach Myokardinfarkt untersucht. Es wurden eine echokardio-graphische Standarduntersuchung und zusätzlich Gewebedoppleraufnahmen angefertigt. Alle Studienteilnehmer wurden auf 2 verschiedene Studienteile aufgeteilt. In Studienteil 1 (n= 20) wurden die detektierten Thromben anhand der bekannten Altersanamnese des Thrombus als frisch (<3 Monate) oder alt (>3 Monate) klassifiziert. In Studienteil 2 (n=32) wurden die echokardiographischen Datensätze der Patienten ohne Kenntnis der individuellen Krankheitsgeschichte, von einer untersucherunabhängigen Person analysiert und ausgewertet. Die Thromben wurden anhand der in Studienteil 1 gewonnen Erkenntnisse als frisch (n=17) oder alt (n=15) klassifiziert. Alle Patienten erhielten unabhängig vom Alter des Thrombus eine Therapie mittels Phenprocoumon zur systemischen Vollantikoagulation.Die Patienten des 2. Studienteils wurden nach 6 Monaten zu einem Follow-Up eingeladen. Im Rahmen eigener Vorarbeiten im 1. Studienteil konnte gezeigt werden, dass der signifikanteste Unterscheidungsparameter zwischen Thromben verschiedenen Alters in der Messung der Strain- Rate (SR 1/s)zu finden war. Hierzu wurde der maximale SR- Peak in der isovolumetrischen Relaxationsperiode gemessen. Es ließ sich bei einem Cut-off Wert von 1s-1 eine eindeutige Klassifikation nach Frisch und Alt durchführen. Im Rahmen der Follow-Up Untersuchungen nach 6 Monaten sahen wir alle 32 Patienten erneut. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Thromben die anhand der geschilderten Kriterien als frisch (SR- Peak ≥ 1s-1) klassifiziert worden waren, sich in 16 von 17 Fällen unter antikoagulativer Therapie aufgelöst hatten. In 1 von 17 Fällen fand eine Größenreduktion um mehr als 50% statt und das Residuum entsprach den Kriterien für einen alten Thrombus. Die als alt (SR- Peak < 1s-1) klassifizierten Thromben konnten, ebenfalls unter Therapie mit Phenprocoumon, in 14 von 15 Fällen unverändert in Ihrer Position, Größe, Morphologie und Verformungseigenschaft gefunden werden. Es konnte in dieser Studie gezeigt werden, dass nach Durchführung der beschriebenen Messmethoden und somit unter Kenntnis des Alters eines Thrombus, eine Wahrscheinlichkeit zur Auflösung von Thromben angegeben werden kann. Für einen frischen Thrombus unter Therapie mit Phenprocoumon liegt diese Wahrscheinlichkeit bei 95 %. Patienten mit alten Thromben profitieren bezogen auf die Auflösung von Thromben nicht von einer Therapie mit Phenprocoumon. / Background. Non-invasive echocardiographic differentiation between old and fresh left ventricular intracavitary thrombi after myocardial infarction would be of clinical importance for estimating the risk of systemic embolisation and thus, the need of anticoagulation. Methods. Between 2007 and 2009, 52 patients (41-87 years old) with echocardiographic documented LV thrombus after myocardial infarction were included in this two parted study: In the first part, 10 patients, each with a definite diagnosis of fresh or old thrombus, were included. In the second part, 32 consecutive patients with an incident thrombus after myocardial infarction detected by echocardiography (unknown thrombus age) were included and followed for 6 months with administration of Phenprocoumon throughout follow up. Data on medical history, standard echocardiography, strain-rate-imaging and magnetic resonance tomography were analyzed in all patients. Results. In part 1study, analysis of thrombus deformation revealed that the most rapid change in strain occurred in the isovolumetric relaxation period during rapid decreased cavity pressure. Fresh (thrombus age-range: 5-27 days) and old thrombus (thrombus age-range: 4-26 months) could be clearly differentiated by peak strain-rate during isovolumetric relaxation period without overlap (cut off value 1 s-1). In part 2 study, 17 thrombi were classified as “echocardiographically fresh” (=strain-rate>1 s-1) and 15 as “echocardiographically old”. After six month follow-up, 16 of the 17 thrombi disapperead in the fresh thrombi group (94%) and the remaining one thrombus size was diminished by more than 50% (presenting strain-rate pattern of an old thrombus). In contrast, 14 out of the 15 thrombi could be documented during follow up in the old thrombus group. In addition, the thrombus stiffness was calculated by an approximation of Hooke’s law in 16patients with mitral insufficiency: E=dP/dtMIN/SR (dP/dtMIN derived from mitral insufficiency), stiffness was significantly positively correlated with thrombus age (r=0.79; p<0.001). Conclusion. Fresh and old intracavitary thrombi can be reliably differentiated by deformation-imaging. Moreover, in fresh thrombi Phenprocoumon results in thrombus resolution in most patients.

Analýza zatížení fotbalových hráčů u různých forem malých her / Loading analysis of soccer players during different form of small-side games

Hasenöhrl, Petr January 2017 (has links)
Title: Loading analysis of soccer players during different form of small-side games Objectives: The main goal of thesis was analyze physiological changes of the body in various forms of small football games by selected players of the pupil category U14. To analyze was used a total of four skill games, always with the same number of players, but with a different size of the board. Next goal of research was to find which size of the pitch is the most effective for the players of this category in terms of response to physiological functions. Methods: The test group was consisted of 16 Football players aged 13-14 years old. Testing took place in two training units, in each of training units players having completed two forms of playable games with four repeating. In work is used indirect (mediated) observation because the data was recorded by using the devices. The data from the devices was subsequently processed into the result form. During the testing was used this device GPSports and sporttester "Polar RS800". Results: The results of the work inform about the physiological responses of the organism in individual forms of preparatory games and also compare one another. Based on results was found, that different size of playing table will cause both internal and external changes in the response of...

Inter-Observer Reliability Assessments in Continuous Observation Time Motion Studies

Lopetegui Lazo, Marcelo A. 28 August 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Aptidão física, ações técnicas e respostas fisiológicas durante a luta de judô / Physical fitness, technical actions and physiological responses during judo match

Julio, Ursula Ferreira 24 September 2015 (has links)
Considerando que a duração do combate de judô pode variar entre poucos segundos até um período superior a 5 min, a caracterização da demanda fisiológica do combate na sua duração regulamentar e fracionada, assim como a relação dessas respostas com o nível de aptidão aeróbia e anaeróbia dos atletas é relevante para o aperfeiçoamento dos métodos de treinamento. Assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a aptidão física, ações técnicas e respostas fisiológicas durante a luta de judô com diferentes durações. Para tanto, 12 atletas de judô foram submetidos a 10 sessões de avaliação. Nas duas primeiras sessões foram realizados quatro testes físicos para caracterização da aptidão aeróbia e anaeróbia dos membros superiores e inferiores. Nas demais sessões, os atletas foram submetidos a 15 combates simulados de judô (3 condições x 5 durações - 1, 2, 3, 4 e 5 min) com o mesmo oponente, em ordem aleatória e vendados quanto à duração do combate. Em uma das condições, os atletas simularam um combate real. Na segunda condição, os atletas lutaram usando um analisador de gases para mensurar o consumo de oxigênio, para a estimativa da contribuição dos sistemas de transferência de energia. Nessa condição foram impostas algumas adaptações de movimento. Para verificar se o uso do analisador de gases modificou as respostas obtidas, na terceira condição, os atletas lutaram com as mesmas adaptações, porém não usaram o equipamento. Em cada sessão foram conduzidos dois combates, intercalados por 60 min de recuperação. Foram quantificadas as respostas fisiológicas, perceptivas, de desempenho, de estrutura temporal e ações técnicas em todos combates. A comparação das variáveis dependentes foi realizada com uma análise de modelos mistos para medidas repetidas, seguida do post hoc de Bonferroni. As associações entre a aptidão aeróbia e anaeróbia com as variáveis do combate foram verificadas por meio da correlação de Pearson. Para todas as comparações pareadas significantes foi calculado o tamanho do efeito (d de Cohen). Em todas as análises foi adotado 5% como nível de significância. Os principais resultados demonstraram aumento da contribuição aeróbia com concomitante redução da contribuição dos sistemas anaeróbios com o transcorrer do combate, sendo a contribuição aeróbia superior à contribuição dos sistemas anaeróbios a partir do primeiro min de combate. O sistema anaeróbio lático contribuiu com a menor proporção do custo energético do combate de judô. As taxas de incremento das respostas fisiológicas e perceptivas por min de combate foram reduzidas com o transcorrer do combate, sendo as principais modificações observadas no início do combate, sugerindo que os atletas podem apresentar estratégia para modular seus esforços. Com o transcorrer do combate observou-se manutenção do tempo médio de esforço e ações aplicadas, porém houve aumento do tempo médio dos períodos de pausa. Após a realização do combate observou-se declínio da resistência muscular dinâmica dos membros superiores, manutenção da força isométrica máxima de preensão manual e melhora da potência muscular dos membros inferiores. As variáveis de aptidão aeróbia e anaeróbia relacionaram-se com menor queda do desempenho, maior taxa de golpes de perna e maior tempo médio de combate. Assim, observou-se predominância do sistema aeróbio para suprir a energia necessária para a realização do combate de judô. Além disso, maiores níveis de aptidão aeróbia e anaeróbia estão associados positivamente com o desempenho durante a luta / Considering that judo combat can last from a few seconds to up to more than 5 minutes, characterization of the physiological demands of combat in different time frames, and the relationship of these responses to an athlete\'s level of aerobic and anaerobic fitness is relevant to improving training methods. Thus, the objective of the present study was to describe the physiological demands of judo combat. Twelve judo athletes performed 10 experimental sessions. In the first and second sessions, four physical tests to characterize the aerobic and anaerobic fitness of the upper and lower limbs were performed. In the other sessions, the athletes performed 15 judo combat (involving 3 conditions x 5 durations of time: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 minutes) randomly determined, against the same opponent, on different days and blinded for time duration. In one condition, the athletes simulated actual combat. In the second condition, the athletes fought while using a gas analyzer to measure oxygen consumption in order to estimate the contribution of the energy systems. In this condition some motion adjustments were imposed. To verify if the use of the gas analyzer modified the responses obtained, in the third condition the athletes fought with the same adjustments, but did not use the equipment. These combat periods were divided into 8 sessions with two different conditions, separated by an interval of 60 minutes. The physiological, perceptual, performance, time-motion, and technical action responses were quantified in all matches. The comparison of the dependent variables was performed with an analysis of mixed models for repeated measures, followed by a post hoc Bonferroni. The associations between aerobic and anaerobic fitness to combat variables were verified using Pearson\'s correlation. For all significant pairwise comparisons the effect size (d Cohen) was calculated. A 5% level of significance was adopted for all analyses. The main results showed an increase in aerobic contribution with a concomitant reduction of the anaerobic contribution in the course of combat, given that the aerobic contribution was greater than the anaerobic contribution from the first minute of combat. The lactic anaerobic system contributed to the smaller proportion of energy cost in judo combat. The increment in rate of the physiological and perceptual responses per minute of combat decreased throughout the course of the combat, with the highest changes occurring at the beginning of combat, which suggest that judo athletes seem to modulate their effort. In the course of combat, maintenance of the average time of effort and actions occurred, but there was an increase in the average time of pause. After the combat, a decline in the dynamic strength endurance of the upper limbs was observed, while maximal isometric handgrip strength was maintained, and improvement of muscle power in the lower limbs was noted. The aerobic and anaerobic fitness variables were associated with lower fall performance, higher rate of leg attacks and a higher average time of standing combat. Thus, a predominance of the aerobic system in supplying the energy needed for the realization of judo combat was observed. In addition, higher levels of aerobic and anaerobic fitness are positively associated with performance during the combat

Positional and Match Action Profiles of Elite Women’s Field Hockey Players in Relationship to the 2015 FIH Rule Changes

Abbott, Heather A 01 August 2016 (has links)
The objective of this dissertation was to examine the action profiles of elite field hockey players in relationship to the 2015 FIH rule change. The following are major findings of the dissertation: The following are major findings of the dissertation: Study 1 – Relative action profiles before the rule change revealed that defenders work at a lower meter per minute (m/min) when compared with all other positions, and that forwards, midfielders, and screens perform similar m/min during a game. Examination of pre rule change difference from the 1st to the 2nd half play showed that elite level field hockey players are able maintain high-intensity actions in zone 6 throughout the game by increasing actions in zones 1 and 2, and decreasing actions in zones 4 and 5. Study 2 – Action profiles after the rule formatting change revealed the team was unable to match the percent of distance covered in zones 4 and 5 during the 1st quarter all in subsequent quarters. The low intensity actions in zone 1 and 2 gradually increased, while m/min gradually declined. However the percent of distance covered in zone 6 showed no statistically significant change. When positional differences were examined forwards covered the greatest percent of distance in zones 5 and 6, followed by midfielders, screens, and defenders. This pattern varies for zone 4, within which the midfielders possesses the greatest percent distance covered. 3 Study 3 – Relative action profile comparisons for the team, pre to post the 2015 rule change did not indicate a significant change in zones 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. However zone 1 experience a statistically significant decrease. Positional analysis showed statistically significant changes for midfielders only. The changes were a decrease in zone 1, and increase in zone 5 and 6 during the first half of the game, and decrease in zone 1 and m/min during the second half of the game. A major focus of the US Women’s National Team is to develop the athletes’ physical capacity to maintain and repeat high intensity actions. The combination of physical preparation and tactical strategies allow the team to express high m/min and numerous high intensity actions throughout a match.

Physiological and metabolic responses of repeated-sprint bouts : specific to field-based team sports

Spencer, Matthew January 2006 (has links)
This thesis comprises one review paper and five experimental studies, all of which are presented in the form of journal article submissions. These six research papers attempt to further our understanding of the physiological and metabolic requirements of repeated-sprint activity, specific to field-based team sports. Although coaches and sport scientists have suggested that repeated-sprint ability is an important fitness component of team sports, this area of investigation has only become more common in the past 10 years.

Aptidão física, ações técnicas e respostas fisiológicas durante a luta de judô / Physical fitness, technical actions and physiological responses during judo match

Ursula Ferreira Julio 24 September 2015 (has links)
Considerando que a duração do combate de judô pode variar entre poucos segundos até um período superior a 5 min, a caracterização da demanda fisiológica do combate na sua duração regulamentar e fracionada, assim como a relação dessas respostas com o nível de aptidão aeróbia e anaeróbia dos atletas é relevante para o aperfeiçoamento dos métodos de treinamento. Assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a aptidão física, ações técnicas e respostas fisiológicas durante a luta de judô com diferentes durações. Para tanto, 12 atletas de judô foram submetidos a 10 sessões de avaliação. Nas duas primeiras sessões foram realizados quatro testes físicos para caracterização da aptidão aeróbia e anaeróbia dos membros superiores e inferiores. Nas demais sessões, os atletas foram submetidos a 15 combates simulados de judô (3 condições x 5 durações - 1, 2, 3, 4 e 5 min) com o mesmo oponente, em ordem aleatória e vendados quanto à duração do combate. Em uma das condições, os atletas simularam um combate real. Na segunda condição, os atletas lutaram usando um analisador de gases para mensurar o consumo de oxigênio, para a estimativa da contribuição dos sistemas de transferência de energia. Nessa condição foram impostas algumas adaptações de movimento. Para verificar se o uso do analisador de gases modificou as respostas obtidas, na terceira condição, os atletas lutaram com as mesmas adaptações, porém não usaram o equipamento. Em cada sessão foram conduzidos dois combates, intercalados por 60 min de recuperação. Foram quantificadas as respostas fisiológicas, perceptivas, de desempenho, de estrutura temporal e ações técnicas em todos combates. A comparação das variáveis dependentes foi realizada com uma análise de modelos mistos para medidas repetidas, seguida do post hoc de Bonferroni. As associações entre a aptidão aeróbia e anaeróbia com as variáveis do combate foram verificadas por meio da correlação de Pearson. Para todas as comparações pareadas significantes foi calculado o tamanho do efeito (d de Cohen). Em todas as análises foi adotado 5% como nível de significância. Os principais resultados demonstraram aumento da contribuição aeróbia com concomitante redução da contribuição dos sistemas anaeróbios com o transcorrer do combate, sendo a contribuição aeróbia superior à contribuição dos sistemas anaeróbios a partir do primeiro min de combate. O sistema anaeróbio lático contribuiu com a menor proporção do custo energético do combate de judô. As taxas de incremento das respostas fisiológicas e perceptivas por min de combate foram reduzidas com o transcorrer do combate, sendo as principais modificações observadas no início do combate, sugerindo que os atletas podem apresentar estratégia para modular seus esforços. Com o transcorrer do combate observou-se manutenção do tempo médio de esforço e ações aplicadas, porém houve aumento do tempo médio dos períodos de pausa. Após a realização do combate observou-se declínio da resistência muscular dinâmica dos membros superiores, manutenção da força isométrica máxima de preensão manual e melhora da potência muscular dos membros inferiores. As variáveis de aptidão aeróbia e anaeróbia relacionaram-se com menor queda do desempenho, maior taxa de golpes de perna e maior tempo médio de combate. Assim, observou-se predominância do sistema aeróbio para suprir a energia necessária para a realização do combate de judô. Além disso, maiores níveis de aptidão aeróbia e anaeróbia estão associados positivamente com o desempenho durante a luta / Considering that judo combat can last from a few seconds to up to more than 5 minutes, characterization of the physiological demands of combat in different time frames, and the relationship of these responses to an athlete\'s level of aerobic and anaerobic fitness is relevant to improving training methods. Thus, the objective of the present study was to describe the physiological demands of judo combat. Twelve judo athletes performed 10 experimental sessions. In the first and second sessions, four physical tests to characterize the aerobic and anaerobic fitness of the upper and lower limbs were performed. In the other sessions, the athletes performed 15 judo combat (involving 3 conditions x 5 durations of time: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 minutes) randomly determined, against the same opponent, on different days and blinded for time duration. In one condition, the athletes simulated actual combat. In the second condition, the athletes fought while using a gas analyzer to measure oxygen consumption in order to estimate the contribution of the energy systems. In this condition some motion adjustments were imposed. To verify if the use of the gas analyzer modified the responses obtained, in the third condition the athletes fought with the same adjustments, but did not use the equipment. These combat periods were divided into 8 sessions with two different conditions, separated by an interval of 60 minutes. The physiological, perceptual, performance, time-motion, and technical action responses were quantified in all matches. The comparison of the dependent variables was performed with an analysis of mixed models for repeated measures, followed by a post hoc Bonferroni. The associations between aerobic and anaerobic fitness to combat variables were verified using Pearson\'s correlation. For all significant pairwise comparisons the effect size (d Cohen) was calculated. A 5% level of significance was adopted for all analyses. The main results showed an increase in aerobic contribution with a concomitant reduction of the anaerobic contribution in the course of combat, given that the aerobic contribution was greater than the anaerobic contribution from the first minute of combat. The lactic anaerobic system contributed to the smaller proportion of energy cost in judo combat. The increment in rate of the physiological and perceptual responses per minute of combat decreased throughout the course of the combat, with the highest changes occurring at the beginning of combat, which suggest that judo athletes seem to modulate their effort. In the course of combat, maintenance of the average time of effort and actions occurred, but there was an increase in the average time of pause. After the combat, a decline in the dynamic strength endurance of the upper limbs was observed, while maximal isometric handgrip strength was maintained, and improvement of muscle power in the lower limbs was noted. The aerobic and anaerobic fitness variables were associated with lower fall performance, higher rate of leg attacks and a higher average time of standing combat. Thus, a predominance of the aerobic system in supplying the energy needed for the realization of judo combat was observed. In addition, higher levels of aerobic and anaerobic fitness are positively associated with performance during the combat

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