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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of corporate social responsibility in sustainable development in Ghana : a critical perspective on Anglogold Ashanti Ghana

Nyamadi, Victoria Mensah 02 1900 (has links)
The aim of this research was to identify and assess the extent to which AngloGold Ashanti (AGA) Mining Company has been able to apply its corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies in its operations, in a participatory manner, in contributing to sustainable development in its area of operation. The mixed method approach was used. Cluster sampling under the random sampling and purposive sampling methods were used to select both the respondentsand communities affected by mining. Six communities were surveyed from the Obuasi Municipality in the Ashanti region of Ghana. Participatory interviews, questionnaires, focus group discussions and participant observation techniques were used to gather data. The study identified that the CSR initiatives of AGA are evaluated on five main principles, namely commitment to core values, compliance with legal provisions, managerial discretion in taking actions, economic contributions and participatory mechanisms. The study found that, to some extent, the local people have been engaged in the implementation of AGA’s CSR activities. 25.2% were involved in project planning and design, and more than 80% were informed before the start of projects. Also, the results reveal that AGA’s mining activities have had both positive and negative impacts on the economic well-being of residents within the selected communities. The impact of AGA’s mining activities on the environment, especially on water quality, soil quality, sanitation and noise levels, was found to be negative, resulting in major health problems for residents in mining communities. As a contribution to knowledge, the study shows how community members (respondents) perceive AGA’s CSR activities as fulfilling just one aspect of CSR (philanthropic dimension) and not necessarily rectifying the effect of their mining activities on the environment (ethical dimension). The study therefore recommends that comprehensive CSR measures principled through the lens of nonphilanthropic considerations be developed to reverse the general negative outcomes of mining on communities economically, socially and environmentally, especially regarding the growing unemployment and displacement of communities. / Inhloso yalolu cwaningo kwakuwukuhlonza nokuhlola ukuthi iNkampani yeMayini iAngloGold Ashanti (AGA) ikwaze kanjani ukusebenzisa izinqubomgomo zayo zegunya lokubambisana kwezenhlalo (GLK) ekusebenzeni kwayo, ngendlela yokubamba iqhaza, ekunikelweni entuthukweni esimeme emkhakheni esebenza kuyo. Kusetshenziswe indlela ehlanganisiwe. Iqoqo lamasampula ngaphansi kwesampula engahleliwe nezindlela zokwenza amasampula ahlosiwe asetshenziselwe ukukhetha bobabili abaphendulayo kanye nemiphakathi ethintekayo ezimayini. Kuhlolwe imiphakathi eyisithupha ivela kuMasipala wase-Obuasi esifundeni i-Ashanti eGhana. Izingxoxo zokubamba iqhaza, iqoqo lemibuzo, izingxoxo zamaqembu okugxilwe kuwo kanye namasu wokubuka ababambiqhaza asetshenziselwe ukuqoqa idatha. Ucwaningo lukhombe ukuthi izinhlelo ze(GLK) le-AGA zihlolwa ngemigomo engqala emihlanu, okungukuthi ukuzibophezela kumanani ayisisekelo, ukuhambisana nezinhlinzeko zomthetho, ukuqonda ekuthatheni izinyathelo ezithile, iminikelo yezomnotho nezindlela zokubamba iqhaza. Ucwaningo luthole ukuthi, ukuya ezingeni elithile, abantu bendawo babambe iqhaza ekwenzeni imisebenzi ye-AGA's ne GLK. Ama-25.2% abambe iqhaza ekuhleleni nasekuklanyweni kwamaphrojekthi, kwathi abangaphezu kuma80% aziswa ngaphambi kokuqala kwamaphrojekthi. Futhi, imiphumela iveza ukuthi imisebenzi yezimayini ye-AGA ibe nemithelela emihle nemibi enhlalweni yezomnotho yabahlali emiphakathini ekhethiwe. Umthelela wemisebenzi yezimayini ye-AGA emvelweni, ikakhulukazi kwizinga lamanzi, ikhwalithi yenhlabathi, ukuthuthwa kwendle namazinga omsindo, kutholakale kukubi, okuholele ezinkingeni ezinkulu zezempilo kubahlali emiphakathini yezimayini. Njengokunikela olwazini, ucwaningo lukhombisa ukuthi amalungu omphakathi (abaphendulayo) bayibona kanjani imisebenzi ye-AGA's CSR njengokufeza isici esisodwa seGLK (ubukhulu bokusiza) hhayi ukuthi kulungiswe umthelela wemisebenzi yabo yezimayini emvelweni (ubukhulu bokuziphatha).Ngakho-ke ucwaningo luncoma ukuthi izinyathelo eziphelele ze-GLK eziqondiswa ngokusebenzisa ukuqondwa kwezinto ezingenkulu ezingezona zokusiza zithuthukiswe ukuguqula imiphumela emibi ejwayelekile yezimayini emiphakathini ngokwezomnotho, kwezenhlalo nangokwezemvelo, ikakhulukazi maqondana nokwanda kwemiphakathi engasebenzi kanye nokufundiswa kwayo. / Maikemišetšo a dinyakišišo tše ke go tseba le go sekaseka bogolo bjo ka bjona Khamphani ya Moepo ya AngloGold Ashanti (AGA) e kgonnego go phethagatša melawana ya ona ya maikarabelo a khamphani setšhabeng (CSR) ka mešomong ya yona, ka mokgwa wa go kgatha tema ga badudi, ka nepo ya go tsenya letsogo go tlhabollo ya go ya go ile ka lefelong leo e šomelago go lona. Mokgwa wo o hlakantšego mekgwa o šomišitšwe ka mo dinyakišišong tše. Go dira sampole sehlopha ka fase ga mekgwa ya go dira sampole ka sewelo le go dira sampole ka maikemišetšo go šomišitšwe go kgetha bobedi baarabi le ditšhaba tšeo di amilwego ke meepo. Go ile gwa dirwa dinyakišišo go metse ye tshela ka Masepaleng wa Obuasi ka seleteng sa Ashanti sa Ghana. Dipoledišano tšeo baarabi ba kgathago tema ka go tšona, lenaneo la dipotšišo tša dinyakišišo, dipoledišano tša dihlopha tšeo di nepišitšwego le mekgwa ya go lekola bakgathatema e šomišitšwe go kgoboketša tshedimošo. Dinyakišišo di utollotše gore maitekelo a CSR a AGA a sekasekwa go melawana ye mehlano ye megolo, e lego boikgafo go maitshwaro a bohlokwa, go obamela ditlhagišo tša melao, sephetho sa ba taolo sa go tšea dikgato, seabe sa ekonomi le mekgwa ya go kgatha tema. Dinyakišišo di utollotše gore, go fihla mo go itšego, go rerišanwe le batho ba tikologo ka go phethagatšeng ga ditiro tša CSR tša AGA. 25.2% ya bona e kgathile tema ka peakanyong le tlhamo ya protšeke, gomme palo ya go feta 80% e tsebišitšwe pele ga ge diprotšeke di ka thoma. Gape, dipoelo di utolla gore mešomo ya meepo ya AGA e bile le bobedi diabe tše botse le tše mpe go seemo sa ekonomi sa badudi ka metseng ye e kgethilwego. Seabe sa mešomo ya meepo ya AGA go tikologo, kudukudu go boleng bja meetse, go boleng bja mobu, go kelelatšhila le go maemo a lešata, go hweditšwe gore e bile ao a sego a loka, gomme se ile sa feletša ka mathata a magolo a tša maphelo go badudi ba ka metseng yeo meepo e lego gona. Bjalo ka seabe go tsebo, dinyakišišo di bontšha ka fao maloko a setšhaba (baarabi) ba bonago mešomo ya CSR ya AGA e lego yeo e phethagatšago fela selo se tee sa CSR (e lego ditiro tša go abela setšhaba) e sego go phošolla seabe sa mešomo ya bona ya meepo go tikologo (e lego ditiro tša maitshwaro). Dinyakišišo ka fao di šišinya gore magato ka kakaretšo a CSR ao a beilwego go se gwa lebelelwa go abela setšhaba a phethagatšwe ka nepo ya go phošolla dipoelo tša kakaretšo tšeo di sego tša loka tša mešomo ya meepo go ditšhaba mabapi le tša ekonomi, tša leago le tikologo, kudukudu mabapi le go tlhokego ya mešomo ye e golago le go tloša ditšhaba mafelong a tšona. / Development Studies / D. Phil. (Developmental Studies)

The role of philosophy and the philosophical in information science

McGuirk, Karin 11 1900 (has links)
The importance of philosophy and the philosophical is not on the lips of many library and information science practitioners and scholars, even though pervasive in information science theory and practice. This investigation focusses on the relationship between information science, philosophy and the philosophical thinking attitude revealed through theoretical and practical concerns. This includes theory generation arising from the philosophical in exploring the role of philosophy and the philosophical. It takes into account perceived problems in recognising, accepting and rejecting the role of philosophical approaches and the impact in determining the nature and the theoretical and practical aspects of information science. The problem posed by not recognising philosophical approaches, is that the benefits of philosophical thought cannot be drawn on to understand how knowledge, information and its communication manifest through language and language expression. Three pathways are used in order to reveal philosophy and the philosophical in information science, the connection between information retrieval and language, and philosophical thinking attitudes at theoretical and practical levels. The value of the study lies in contributing towards knowledge and awareness of the effect of philosophical theories on problems seen as central research areas in information science and its domains. The methodological approach gives preference to the comparative and pluralistic epistemology of a journey. The study examines Peter Ingwersen’s cognitive perspective and information retrieval interaction, David Blair’s treatment of information retrieval with natural language as primary concern, and Fanie de Beer’s contribution on the inventive act of reading and knowledge organisation, as representative figures. It is argued that information science cannot avoid philosophy in its different manifestations. By understanding how philosophy manifests in information science, such as the role of philosophy revealed through language and information retrieval, an opportunity is offered to reconsider the discipline’s interdisciplinary nature in the existing scholarly and societal environment, and the contribution of its historical development to the assumptions and philosophies underlying the discipline. A further empirical study on how philosophy and the philosophical are embedded in information science research is recommended. It could investigate the influence of philosophy on decisions made by South African universities to redesign information science research and study programmes. / Biblioteek- en inligtingkundige praktisyns praat nie dikwels oor die belangrikheid van filosofie en die filosofiese nie, hoewel dit algemeen in die teorie en praktyk van inligtingkunde voorkom. Hierdie ondersoek fokus op die verband tussen inligtingkunde, filosofie en die filosofiese denkhouding wat deur teoretiese en praktiese aspekte blootgelê word. Dit sluit die skepping in van teorieë wat uit die filosofiese voortspruit met die ondersoek na die rol van filosofie en die filosofiese. Dit neem kennis van vermeende probleme met herkenning, aanvaarding en verwerping van die rol van filosofiese benaderings en die impak op bepaling van die aard en die teoretiese en praktiese aspekte van inligtingkunde. Die probleem wat veroorsaak word deur nie die filosofiese benaderings te erken nie, is dat die voordele van filosofiese denke nie gebruik kan word om te verstaan hoe kennis, inligting en die kommunikasie daarvan in taal- en taaluitdrukking manifesteer nie. Drie weë word gevolg om die filosofie en die filosofiese in inligtingkunde, die verband tussen inligtingontsluiting en taal, en filosofiese denkhouding op teoretiese en praktiese vlak aan te toon. Die waarde van die studie lê daarin dat dit bydra tot kennis en bewustheid van die uitwerking van filosofiese teorieë op probleme wat as sentrale navorsingsgebiede in inligtingkunde en sy domeine beskou word. Die metodologiese benadering gee voorkeur aan die vergelykende en pluralistiese epistemologie van 'n reis. Die studie ondersoek Peter Ingwersen se kognitiewe perspektief en interaksie met inligtingontsluiting, David Blair se hantering van inligtingontsluiting met natuurlike taal as primêre belang, en Fanie de Beer se bydrae oor die vindingryke handeling van lees- en kennisorganisasie, as verteenwoordigende figure. Daar word aangevoer dat inligtingkunde nie filosofie in sy verskillende manifestasies kan vermy nie. Deur te verstaan hoe filosofie in inligtingkunde manifesteer, soos die rol van filosofie wat deur taal- en inligtingontsluiting openbaar word, word die geleentheid gebied om die dissipline se interdissiplinêre aard in die bestaande wetenskaplike en samelewingsomgewing en die bydrae van die historiese ontwikkeling daarvan tot die aannames en filosofieë onderliggend aan die dissipline te heroorweeg. 'n Verdere empiriese studie oor hoe filosofie en die filosofiese in inligtingkundige navorsing vervat is, word aanbeveel. Dit kan die invloed van filosofie op besluite wat Suid-Afrikaanse universiteite neem om navorsings- en studieprogramme vir inligtingkunde te herontwerp, ondersoek. / Bohlokwa bja filosofi le bja tiriso ya filosofi bo bolelwa kudu ke basomi ba bantsi ba dithutamahlale tsa bokgobapuku le tshedimoso le dirutegi, le ge e le gore di tletse kudu ka go teori le tiriso ya dithutamahlale tsa tshedimoso. Dinyakisiso tse di nepisitse go kamano magareng ga dithutamahlale tsa tshedimoso, filosofi le maikutlo a go nagana ka filosofi ao a utollotswego ka dipelaelo mabapi le teori le tiriso. Se se akaretsa moloko wo o dirisago teori e lego seo se bakilwego ke tiriso ya filosofi go utolla mosomo wa filosofi le wa tiriso ya filosofi. Di hlokometse kudu mathata ao a bonwago ka go lekodisisa, go amogela le go gana mosomo wa mekgwa ya filosofi le seabe sa go tseba mokgwa le dilo tsa teori le tsa tiriso ya dithutamahlale tsa tshedimoso. Bothata bjo bo laeditswego bja go se lemoge mekgwa ya filosofi, ke gore mehola ya kgopolo ya filosofi e ka se diriswe gore re kwesise ka fao tsebo, tshedimoso le poledisano ka ga yona di ka phethagatswago ka polelo le tlhagiso ya polelo. Ditsela tse tharo di a diriswa ka nepo ya go utolla filosofi le tiriso ya filosofi ka go dithutamahlale tsa tshedimoso, kamano magareng ga go hwetsa tshedimoso le polelo, le mekgwa ya go nagana ka filosofi maemong a teori le a tiriso. Boleng bja dinyakisiso tse ke go ba le seabe go tsebo le go temoso ka ga seabe sa diteori tsa filosofi go mathata ao a bonwego bjalo ka dinyakisiso tse bohlokwa ka go dithutamahlale tsa tshedimoso le go makala a tsona. Tsela ye ya go dirisa mekgwa e rata kudu mokgwa wa papetso le wa go tseba dilo ka tsela ye e fapafapanego mo leetong. Dinyakisiso tse di lekodisisa mokgwa wa kwesiso le kamano ya go hwetsa tshedimoso tsa Peter Ingwersen, kwesiso ya David Blair ya go hwetsa tshedimoso le polelo ya tlhago bjalo ka selo seo se tlisago tlhobaelo ya mathomo, le seabe sa Fanie de Beer ka ga tiro ya boitlhamelo ya go bala le go beakanya tsebo, bjalo ka dilo tseo di tlisago kemelo. Go bolelwa gore dithutamahlale tsa tshedimoso di ka se kgone go efoga filosofi ka tirisong ya tsona ye e fapafapanego. Ka go kwesisa ka fao filosofi e diriswago ka gona ka go dithutamahlale tsa tshedimoso, go swana le ge mosomo wa filosofi o utollotswe ka polelo le ka go utolla tshedimoso, sebaka se a fiwa go lebeledisisa leswa seemo sa thuto ye sa kamano le dithuto tse dingwe ka seemong sa bjale sa dirutegi le ka setshabeng, le seabe sa tlhabollo ya yona mo nakong ye e fetilego go ditshisinyo le go difilosofi tseo di thekgago thuto ye. Dinyakisiso tse dingwe tseo di theilwego go boitemogelo ka ga ka fao filosofi le tiriso ya filosofi di tsentswego ka go dithutamahlale tsa tshedimoso di a sisinywa. Di ka nyakisisa khuetso ya filosofi go diphetho tseo di dirilwego ke diyunibesithi tsa Afrika Borwa go hlama leswa dinyakisiso tsa dithutamahlale tsa tshedimoso le go mananeo a dithuto. / Information Science / Ph. D. (Information Science)

Impact of capital structure on profitability : the case of the Land and Agricultural Development Bank of South Africa / Umthelela Wesimozimali Sebhizinisi ekungeneni kwenzuzo : Ucwaningo Oluqondene neBhange Lokuthuthukiswa Komhlaba Nezolimo laseNingizimu Afrika / Khuetšo ya Matlotlo a Kgwebo go bokgoni bja go hwetša Dipoelo Tšhupo ya Panka ya Tlhabollo ya Naga le tša Temo ya Afrika Borwa

Zulu, Nonkululeko P. 05 1900 (has links)
Abstract in English, Zulu and Sepedi / The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of capital structure on the profitability of the Land and Agricultural Development Bank of South Africa (Land Bank). Both theoretical and empirical literature were reviewed in order to guide the empirical investigation of this study. In particular, the theories of financial intermediation, credit creation and fractional reserve formed the basis of this study. The capital structure theories that were examined included the pecking order theory, trade-off theory and Modigliani-Miller leverage irrelevance theory. In the literature, it was observed that profitable companies prefer using internal funds over debt or equity. To test the stated hypothesis that there is no relationship between capital structure and bank profitability, a quantitative research design with a case study approach was used, with the Land Bank as the unit of analysis. Using time series data for the period 1982 to 2015, multiple regression using the ordinary least squares method was applied to test the specified models. Preliminary data analysis was performed using trend analysis, descriptive statistics and Pearson bivariate correlation analysis. The study demonstrated that the relationship between capital structure and bank profitability was positive and statistically significant at a 95% confidence level when using only equity. However, inclusion of debt in the capital structure showed that capital structure, proxied by the debt-to-equity ratio, resulted in a negative relationship between capital structure and bank profitability, albeit statistically insignificant. It was concluded that the Land Bank requires an injection of equity to improve its performance. Alternative low-cost sources of funding to debt should be considered. The results of the study have policy implications for the Land Bank, regulators and potential investors. / Injongo yalolu cwaningo kwabe kuwukucubungula nokuthola umthelela wesimozimali sebhizinisi ekungeneni kwenzuzo eBhange Lokuthuthukiswa Komhlaba Nezolimo laseNingizimu Afrika (iBhange Lomhlaba). Kokubili, imibhalo yethiyori kanye nemibhalo esuselwe emaqinisweni abonakalayo naphathekayo, yabuyekezwa ukuze ihole futhi ilawule uphenyo olugxile emaqinisweni abonakalayo naphathekayo oluqondene nalolu cwaningo. Amathiyori ayisisekelo salolu cwaningo, ikakhulukazi, kwaba yi-financial intermediation, credit creation kanye ne-fractional reserve. Lawo mathiyori esimozimali sebhizinisi acutshungulwa abandakanya i-pecking order theory, trade-off theory kanye ne-Modigliani-Miller leverage irrelevance theory. Emibhalweni eyacutshungulwa, kwabonakala ukuthi izinkampani ezinenzuzo zincamela ukusebenzisa izimali zangaphakathi kunokusebenzisa isikweletu noma izabelokulingana (equity). Ngenhloso yokuhlola ihayiphothesisi ethuliwe yokuthi abukho ubudlelwano phakathi kwesimozimali sebhizinisi kanye nokungena kwenzuzo ebhange, kwasetshenziswa idizayini yocwaningo olukhwantithethivu ehambisana nendlela yokusebenzisa ucwaningo lwesigameko egxile ekuhlaziyweni kweBhange Lomhlaba. Ngokusebenzisa i-time series data yesikhathi esisukela kowe-1982 kuyofinyelela kowezi-2015, kwalandelwa i-multiple regression ngokusebenzisa i-ordinary least squares method ukuhlola amamodeli achaziwe. Uhlaziyo lwedatha olwandulelayo lwenziwa ngokusebenzisa uhlaziyo lwezimonkambiso (trend analysis), izibalomanani ezichazayo (descriptive statistics) kanye ne-Pearson bivariate correlation analysis. Ucwaningo lwabonisa ukuthi bukhona ubudlelwano obuphawulekayo phakathi kwesimozimali sebhizinisi kanye nokungena kwenzuzo ebhange futhi idatha yabonisa ukuthembakala okusezingeni elingama-95% uma kusetshenziswa izabelokulingana kuphela. Kodwa-ke ukufakwa kwesikweletu kwisimozimali sebhizinisi kwabonisa ukuthi isimozimali sebhizinisi, ngokusekelwa yizinga-silinganiso phakathi kwesikweletu nezabelokulinganisa, kwaholela ekutheni bungabi khona ubudlelwano obuphawulekayo phakathi kwesimozimali sebhizinisi kanye nokungena kwenzuzo ebhange, nakuba idatha mayelana nalokhu yabonisa ukungathembakali okuthile. Kwafinyelelwa esiphethweni sokuthi iBhange Lomhlaba lidinga ukuthi kufakwe izabelokulingana ngenhloso yokwenza ngcono ukusebenza kwalo. Kumele kwenziwe imizamo yokuthola eminye imithombo yezimali ehlukile futhi engambi eqolo. Imiphumela yocwaningo inemithelela ethile ephathelene nezinqubomgomo eqondene neBhange Lomhlaba, abalawuli kanye nalabo okungenzeka babe nesifiso sokutshala izimali. / Morero wa thutelo ye e be e le go laetša khuetšo ya matlotlo a kgwebo go bokgoni bja go hwetša dipoelo bja Panka ya Tlhabollo ya Naga le tša Temo ya Afrika Borwa (Land Bank). Dingwalo tša ditlhalošo tša diteori le tšeo dithutelo tša peleng di di hweditšeng di sekasekilwe go fa tlhahlo go dipoelo tša dinyakišišo tšeo di dirilwego peleng tša thutelo ye. Gabotsebotse, diteori tša mokgwa wa dipanka wa go tšea tšhelete ye e bolokilwego tša e adimiša, mokgwa wa dipanka wa go hlola dikadimo ka bontši le tsheketšo ya palophatlo ya tšhelete di bopile motheo wa thutelo ye. Diteori tša matlotlo a kgwebo tšeo di lekotšwego di akareditše teori ya mokgwa wa go kgetha methopo ya kadimo ya ditšhelete, teori ya go lekanyetša ditheko le ditefelokholego le teori ya Modigliani-Miller ya go re mokgwa wa go diriša tšhelete ye e adimilwego go bona dipoelo ga o ame boleng bja khamphani. Ka go dingwalo, go lemogilwe gore dikhamphani tše di ka hwetšago dipoelo di kgetha go diriša matlole a ka gare go ena le dikoloto goba bokaalo bjo bo šalago ka morago ga go ntšha dikoloto Go leka kakanyo ye e filwego ya gore ga go na tswalano gare ga matlotlo a kgwebo le bokgoni bja panka bja go hwetša dipoelo, tlhako ya nyakišišo ya go hwetša dikarabo go batho ka bontši ka mokgwatebelelo wa nyakišišo ye e dirilwego ka ga tiragalo e dirišitšwe, ka Land Bank bjalo ka yuniti ya tshekatsheko. Ka go diriša datha go ya ka tatelano ye e itšeng ya nako ya paka ya 1982 go iša go 2015, tlhahlobo ya tswalano gare ga mabaka a mabedi goba go feta ka go diriša mokgwa wa go fokotša palo ya disekwere e dirišitšwe go leka mehlala ye e šupilwego. Tshekatsheko ya datha ya mathomo e phethagaditšwe ka go diriša tshekatsheko ya taolelopele ya seo se tla diregago ka ditšhelete, mokgwa wa go sekaseka dipalopalo le tshekatsheko ya Pearson ya dipalo tše pedi go bona tswalano ya tšona. Thutelo e laeditše gore tswalano gare ga matlotlo a kgwebo le bokgoni bja panka go hwetša dipoelo go bile le ditlamorago tše botse le dipoelo tše di ka bago nnete ka kemo ya kgonthišo ya 95% ge go dirišwa fela bokaalo bjo bo šalago ka morago ga go ntšha dikoloto. Le ge go le bjalo, kakaretšo ya sekoloto ka go matlotlo a kgwebo go bontšhitše gore matlotlo a kgwebo, ao a laeditšwego ka tekanyo ya palomoka ya dikoloto go bokaalo bjo bo šalago ka morago ga go ntšha dikoloto, e hlotše tswalano ye e sa letelwago gare ga matlotlo a kgwebo le bokgoni bja panka go hwetša dipoelo, le ge e ka ba dipoelo tše di ka bago nnete. Go phethilwe ka go re Land Bank e nyaka koketšo ya bokaalo bjo bo šalago ka morago ga go ntšha dikoloto go kaonafatša tiro ye e swanetšwego go dirwa. Methopo ye mengwe ya tswala ya fase go dikoloto e swanetšwe go lebelelwa. Dipoelo tša thutelo di na le ditlamorago tša Molaotshepetšo wa Land Bank, balaodi le babeeletši ba ka moso. / Finance, Risk Management and Banking / M. Com. (Finance)

Managing multi-grade teaching for optimal learning in Gauteng West primary schools

Tredoux, Marlise 01 1900 (has links)
The researcher investigated the management of multi-grade teaching for optimal learning in Gauteng West primary schools. Ten participants, including school principals, heads of departments and educators participated in individual and focus group interviews and in observation of multi-grade classroom contexts. Findings revealed that educators involved in multi-grade teaching feel overwhelmed by challenging work conditions pertaining to large learner numbers and a lack of adequate didactical resources. This is exacerbated by a lack of professional development by means of tailor-made training for multi-grade teaching and the presumption that educators teaching such classes must merely change the monograde teaching format of the curriculum themselves for applicable implementation in a multi-grade teaching context. This leaves educators socially, emotionally and professionally isolated. Recommendations include the involvement of seasoned educators with expert knowledge and experience of multi-grade teaching to present training sessions constituting advice and support to inexperienced educators involved in said teaching. / Die navorser het die bestuur van meergraadonderrig by laerskole in Wes-Gauteng vir optimale leer ondersoek. Afgesien van individuele en fokusgroeponderhoude met skoolhoofde, departementshoofde en opvoeders, is waarneming in meergraadklaskamers gedoen. Volgens die bevindings bemoeilik groot klasse en ʼn gebrek aan didaktiese hulpmiddels meergraadopvoeders se taak. Meergraadopvoeders voel hulle geensins opgewasse teen hierdie werksomstandighede nie. ʼn Gebrek aan opleiding in meergraadonderrig en die veronderstelling dat opvoeders die eengraadformaat van die kurrikulum in ʼn meergraadformaat kan omskakel, vererger sake. Opvoeders is van mening dat hulle maatskaplik, emosioneel en professioneel in die steek gelaat word. Daar word aanbeveel dat gesoute opvoeders met kennis van en ervaring in meergraadonderrig onervare opvoeders oplei en adviseer. / Monyakisisi o dirile dinyakisiso ka ga go ruta dikereiti tse fapanego go fihlelela bokgoni le tsebo tikologong ya go thekga dinyakwa tsa baithuti dikolong tsa phoraemari go la Gauteng Bodikela. Batseakarolo ba lesome, go akaretswa dihlogo tsa dikolo, dihlogo tsa dikgoro le barutisi ba tseere karolo ditherisanong ka botee le dihlopha tseo di nepisitswego gape le temogo dikemong tsa diphaposi tsa dikereiti tse di fapanego. Dikhwetso di utollotse gore barutisi bao ba rutago dikereiti tse fapanego ba imelwa ke maemo a modiro wo o nyakago gore ba ntshe bokgoni bja bona ka moka ka lebaka la dipalo tse ntsi tsa baithuti le tlhokego ya dithusi tsa thuto tse di lekanego. Se se thatafiswa ke tlhokego ya tlhabollo ya profesene ye ka go fa tlhahlo yeo e lebanego ya go ruta dikreiti tse fapanego le kgopolo ya go re barutisi bao ba rutago ba swanela go no fetola popego ya lenaneothuto la kereiti e tee ka bobona go re ba le dirise kemong ya go ruta dikereiti tse fapanego. Se se dira gore barutisi ba ikhwetse ba se na kgokagano le setshaba leagong, ba hloka bao ba ka llelago go bona le go se be le bao ba nago le kgahlego go profesene ya bona. Ditshisinyo di akaretsa go ba gona ga barutisi bao e lego kgale ba ruta ba nago le maitemogelo le botsebi go ruta dikereiti tse fapanego go hlagisa dipaka tsa tlhahlo tseo di fago maele le thuso go barutisi bao ba se nago maitemogelo. / Educational Management and Leadership / M. Ed. (Education Management)

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